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When will it die?
it will die to porn games if anything
When Gaben dies.
probably a while after gabe steps down/dies
Saars! Please use the epic saars! Steam will die in two weeks!
When a better alternative arrives or their services degrade to the point of physical media making a comeback.
Why won't you idiots just buy games on epic where devs get more money? I don't get it.
Why don't I buy games and give 100% of the money to the developers and not have to install malware on my PC? OH YEAH I CAN'T!
you can't do that because valve has a monopoly on distribution.
When windows completely shits the bed, the masses of normies would more likely go back to consoles than switch to linux
when Gaben dies, and Microsoft buys it.
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is this you?
did you finally remember which board you are on, saar?
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Five more years.
when windows 7 stops working probably
steam needs the asian market badly and they are all using 7 in their cyber cafe's
Why should I use an inferior shitty service whose owner uses shitty tactics in attempts to steal customers from his competition (and fails) then shits himself and screeches about "muh monopoly" and how he NEEDS to succeed? Epic is the annoying little brother of the market.
Steam will only die if the Internet dies.
No I'm not me
>steam needs the asian market badly and they are all using 7 in their cyber cafe's
>Windows 7 64 bit 0.37%
is this before or after bitchford openly regretted using epic?
they stopped reporting cyber cafes because microsoft cracked the shits, it was up at around 20% before then
he admitted he was wrong, he didn't say he regretted anything
Because even the epig shitters that come in here bitching about gog and steam, don't want to actually spend money there.
Insects are incapable of complex thoughts like regret, so yeah.
it's already dying, the numbers only go up because steam is a haven for bots
>t. assblasted loser
reminder that you own your games even if they're purchased from steam
because epic is trash with china's money bankrolling its continued existence
>let's just put actual cryptoslop on our platform!
great idea dipshits
But you are the insect who is incapable of deciphering human emotions in this situation, anon.
>it's dying, they're just turning in insane profits with high margins... because of bots?
why would i want to spread my library around multiple apps?
>Timmy recently revealed the exclusivity thing cost him hundreds of millions of dollars
>Steam is going as strong as ever
But steam is dying because ???????
Valve is basically the only foreign company to sucessfully penetrate chinkland, Steam isn't going anywhere.
>>Timmy recently revealed the exclusivity thing cost him hundreds of millions of dollars
Why do you lie like this, anon?
This. It's gonna fall fast when he goes.
why do losers on /v/ root for failure nowadays? It's just... pathetic. Schadenfreude is only good when it's deserved.
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Just two more weeks, Timmy. I assure you
NTA, but Tim stated that it was a bad idea (without numbers): https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/many-of-epics-exclusivity-deals-were-not-good-investments-says-tim-sweeney-but-the-free-games-program-has-been-just-magical/
Documents in the Apple lawsuit gave numbers: https://www.pcgamer.com/epic-games-store-exclusives-apple-lawsuit/
>valve has a monopoly on distribution.

I'm fairly certain you have no idea what a monopoly is.
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It will reach a saturation point where growth slows.
Around that same time something new will come along that primarily appeals to the next younger generation.
In turn steam users will become the facebook boomers of today and time will take its course from there.
It is inevitable.
>When will it die?
In about two weeks, obviously.
just Epic shill things~
>he admitted he was wrong, he didn't say he regretted anything

Saying he was wrong is pretty much admitting it.
So long as it remains private and survives Gaben's eventual demise, it will survive anything. All leadership has to do is not go full retard and quietly rake in tons of money. It can't be that hard to stay the course.
Fuck devs they get enough and don't cater to me anyway
GOG exists though
Steam is older than Facebook already, kiddo
when Half Life 3 is released
the second Valve goes public, we're doomed
Only way Steam dies is if devs stop publishing to it or another store comes around that has the same games as steam but consistently for less money.
But it has nogaems.
Why do you want it to die? It's the best storefront of any company out there.
GOG takes a 30% cut, too. So do Google and Apple. Epic takes the least of the bunch, but that's because nobody buys games there anyway. The only way to give 100% of your money to the devs is either via their own personal store (if they set one up) or Steam Key sales, which Valve doesn't take a cut of.
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The oldest company in the world still operating today is over 1,400 years old. Slowing growth or even decline isn't the end. Every company goes through business cycles, and when managed properly they can survive indefinitely. Steam's low cost and high margin business model has proven to be extremely profitable and scaleable. They'll be fine, and losers on /v/ will continue to seethe at my success.
turns out services cost money.
wow I can't believe that's an unaltered photo of Gabe's computer screen
Only two ways steam die:
1. Some oppai loli imouto game gets caught by CNN and millions of boomers get their pitchforks ready on facebook to yell about
2. Microsoft makes a 1 trillion dollar bid for it and turns it into the MICROSOFT STEAM STORE with ads on the front page
Because the infrastructure and communication services Steam provides for both the consumer and the developer are unmatched.
Also because EPIC is owned by Tencent which is a nationalized corporate conglomerate of the People's Republic of China. I vote with my wallet, and I vote NO for China. Simple as.
>Microsoft makes a 1 trillion dollar bid for it
You're assuming that someone who already has enough money to buy whatever he wants for the rest of his life suddenly wants more money for no reason.
kys chang
>owned by Tencent
>going out of your way to shop at an inferior platform and store, just so that multi-billion corpo-kikes can earn EVEN MORE MONEY
You are hitting levels of cuck that shouldn't even be possible
that is literally what companies do
Gaben has competent leadership to take over when he dies who probably have first hand experience in losing fuck tons of money due to the decisions of retarded shareholders and are smart enough not to piss away a near industry wide monopoly for a quick buck
When all trannies go extinct
I don't support exclusivity. Fuck Tim and his store.
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Many such cases.
not hum, but one drop rule unironically
now GGG (makes of Poey) are ACTUALLY owned by tencent
Steam isn't some social hangout like myspace was that can lose its coolness factor on a whim, it's a store. It's why valve is fine letting discord run all the social stuff, they don't want to manage that crap.
There are only two things that can kill steam; they either fuck up really REALLY badly and refuse to back down, or someone else comes along who somehow manages to do it even better for cheaper somehow and valve can't adapt somehow.
Much later than you.
You don't want it to. It's shit but all of it's competitors are MUCH worse.
Steam has been around for 20 years because they provide a service people want to actually use.
>"Piracy is a service problem." -Gay Bens, twin founders of VALVe
When Gabe dies. There's no way it doesn't all fall apart after that. It may take some time but Steam will definitely be much worse off.
Yeah man, let me just use an inferior platform instead of something that is objectively better.
Valve is very tight knit for a company as big as it is and I highly doubt gaben will leave his legacy in the hands of someone who doesn't understand it.
The business model and customer base is already established. You'd have to try really hard to fuck it up even after Gabe steps down.
>he doesn't know
Gaben have been working on uploading his brain in a machine so that he can forever live inside Steam and give himself an orgasm everytime you spend money.
We clearly need extreme fragmentization like with streaming services. Oh wait, even streaming services are absorbing each other because no one wants to pay $300 a month for 10 services just to watch one show each
>You're assuming that someone who already has enough money to buy whatever he wants for the rest of his life suddenly wants more money for no reason.
Greed is addiction. They addicted to the accumulation of wealth.
Realistically probably in a decade or so. Valve has become more and more anti-consumer over the years as well as encouraging shit like lootboxes. People like to suck Gaben off but he's a faggot who has donated to Biden's campaign in the past and his shitlib politics are no doubt why steam was the first game retailer to have pride sales and the like. It's also why steam bans anyone who criticizes the left wing dogma on the discussion forums. As we reach terminal wokeness the company will eventually start to fall apart and piracy will become more dominate. I can't wait for those days to be honest.
I can picture the shitstorm when his son takes over
And yet Gabe could offer to sell Valve/Steam to Microsoft at any moment but hasn't done so in 21 years, so it seems he is more addicted to sticking it to Microsoft instead.
oh I was talking about Bill Gayte, Gaben is clearly not the same kind of person Bill is.
Steam is the most pro-consumer video game retailer on the market.
Why do people fetishize steams death so much

What exactly do you get out of it potentially dying
All it really takes would be some execs promising the next CEO ~20 billions on the spot for him to consider selling it. People tend to overlook the future when presented with immediate gratification, it's unfortunately a human defect.
>What exactly do you get out of it potentially dying
A fat Epic paycheck.
nu-/v/ is full of hollow husks who only gain perverse enjoyment out of seeing successful people or endeavors fail. They are so petty that they only want to see others fail.
basically this, TORtanic radicalized the true retards of the board and we haven't recovered since even if TOR is doing better than Concord ever will
The industry will get worse and become that much easier for everyone else to abuse. Vultures would be drooling over valve's death, it gives them free reign and we'd all end up getting fucked by fragmented garbage spyware launchers and consoles again. Less games would come to PC and they'd all be trying to one up each other in how hard they could screw you.
Its mostly snoys seeting
Theyve always been the biggest annoying retards on this board
Nintendo is in its own untouchable world but theyll still try to take jabs at them like with astro
Xbox shat itself completely so theyre no longer a danger whatsoever
But currently their big daddy sony is porting games to PC and that presents an existential threat to their very oersobality

So they attack PC and Steam
too many people have invested in their accounts.
people will start giving their accounts to theirs sonds etc.
steam shutting down will be the equivalent of a world war.
Nintendo fans are far more aggressive now that they view valve as a threat, especially with the deck and what it represents. And nobody seethes over the prospect of those games on pc harder than they do.
8 years
tendies and snoys are cut from the same retarded cloth, the sooner you learn that the sooner you realize consolewar faggotry is really just corporate tribalism ragebait and none if ever mattered
I don't think it'd end up being bad either way
>Steam is still alive, and nothing changes
>Steam dies and everyone goes back to piracy, encouraging archiving
>an actual competitor shows up (get the fuck out of here Tim) and Steam either die or improve, either way it'll force a positive change.
I mean, obviously. Tons of switch fanboys are former sony fanboys now screaming snoy everywhere after sony backstabbed them and the switch got all their weeb games. Still, they have aligned with their current distinct sides and the reason people consolewar to begin with is because they find it fun so it'll never end. Even if pc ends up consuming everything such people will still find something to align with and rabidly defend.
oh it makes sense now that I read it all again in that context. lmao
because timmy is a piece of shit and i'd rather not buy a game than give him any money
>Steam is the most pro-consumer video game retailer on the market.
>Digital rights management (DRM) is the management of legal access to digital content. Various tools or technological protection measures (TPM), such as access control technologies, can restrict the use of proprietary hardware and copyrighted works. DRM technologies govern the use, modification and distribution of copyrighted works (e.g. software, multimedia content) and of systems that enforce these policies within devices. DRM technologies include licensing agreements and encryption.
>Stockholm syndrome is a proposed condition or theory that tries to explain why hostages sometimes develop a psychological bond with their captors. It is supposed to result from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, kidnapping, and abusive relationships.
>it took 12 years and Australia for steam to allow refunds
>Steam dies and everyone goes back to piracy, encouraging archiving
You mean pirate games that are currently on pc. Problem is games would no longer be coming to pc, they'd flee to consoles and drm.
Steam is the most pro-consumer video game retailer on the market.
Gabe is a longterm thinker. Just look at his autistic quest to make Linux viable because Microsoft once hinted at trying to turn Windows into a walled garden which might cause issues for Steam.
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>Why won't you idiots just buy games on epic
No Linux support.
Take this game for example. Runs natively on my GNU/Linux machine because I have the itch.io version that comes with a Linux copy, whereas the Epic Games Store version doesn't. The only reason it's in my EGS library is that it was $0, which is what that version is worth, because it's not the full product.
>where devs get more money
That doesn't affect my gaming experience, but developers choose what amount they give to itch.io, which can be as low as 0%. So if I gave a fuck about that, I'd still buy games on itch.io instead of EGS.
You're btfo right now, btw, in case you couldn't tell.
>because Microsoft once hinted at trying to turn Windows into a walled garden
Haha silly conspiracy theory, that would never ever EVER happen
Microsoft didn't hint at it, they tried to go through with it and several of their decisions along with abusing their power over the OS space and continued corruption of windows is why gaben is pushing linux.
I'm glad freetards can game on at least half capacity that wintards can now thanks to valve's spearheading
Why use a store that even shills don't buy from?
It'll be a slow decline after Gaben dies
Bitch, why would his son take over it, Gaben isn't even the sole owner of it, even if his son get anything valve related in his Will he will just receive profits from it, he will have no power in the company.
Freetards can now play pretty much anything aside from a handful of eac drm games that explicitly refuse to allow it. What valve did with proton is some real black magic that journos refuse to talk about in favor of reserving that word for any time they want to praise nintendo but can't really figure out or articulate why.
EGS plans to start getting profit only in 2027, as they keep bleeding money non-stop what do you think they will do in 2027?
DRM sloppa doesn't deserve to be on any platform, let the chinks seethe that freetards refuse to buy their trash
t. First Descendant enjoyer
>What valve did with proton is some real black magic
it really is incredible. journos are too busy talking about why the latest game is the new hip buzzword soup and why straight white males refuse to buy Concord to talk about actual gaming news
QRD for a tech retard?
maybe if Gaben gets exposed for being a pedo
It will live as long as youcan physically play games.
>EGS plans to start getting profit only in 2027
Haven't they missed every projection so far? Doesn't help spending on 3rd party games went down last year too.
>Proton is a tool for use with the Steam client which allows games which are exclusive to Windows to run on the Linux operating system. It uses Wine to facilitate this.
The power of alcohol is truly impressive.
It's basically the thing that integrates Wine into Steam.
Wine is the Linux program that runs Windows executables using re-implementations of a bunch of Windows APIs.
Apparently macOS has Wine too, but the macOS version of Steam doesn't have Proton. Gabe was in need of a Windows alternative, and chose one. Apple fanboys can only seethe.
They made wine actually useful and finally made linux viable by allowing it to run practically all programs made for windows. They open sourced it and they keep making it better. In some cases they've even fixed games that had problems on windows or improved performance. Basically valve casually removed any reason to use windows anymore for anyone with a speck of computer literacy after decades of not being viable for the average person. If any other corporation had done this they'd be screaming it from the rooftops.
valve even put steam on macos years before linux and nothing came out of it because macos is fucking dogshit, turns out valve going straight to the source is better than trying to cater to some malformed version of linux
le ebin funny TORtanic flop failure
I refuse to believe anyone is actually that retarded, it's all shitposting for (you)s
Well that would also mean working with Apple which sounds horrible.
Jared Fogel raped multiple kids over a long period of time and Subway is still doing well. Nobody cares.
Jared was a spokesperson retard that they hired for publicity, he wasn't the CEO of Subway
when game streaming becomes mainstream
cloud gaymen will never be a good idea
An eventual demise of Steam with all of it's consequences would be a funny sight to behold. Tragic, but funny.
I will continue to laugh at the inevitable failure of any and all cloud gaming services. Two down, how many more to go?
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>1. Some oppai loli imouto game gets caught by CNN and millions of boomers get their pitchforks ready on facebook to yell about
Scary thought. I could see an coordinated attack with this being the kickoff. Frame Steam as some type of honeypot with a bunch of loli and anime sex games on it
Go to bed, Tim.
>how many more to go?
However many need to go down before the idea dies for good. Could be one, could be one hundred. All of their fates will be the same. Shit dude, Stadia even tried to have exclusives and their own controller. If that isn't working, there's literally nothing else you can do. There's no innovation you can do to the concept of cloud gaming, it is a very narrow and strict service.
if Sex With Hitler or Furry Hitler isn't enough to get anyone riled up then loli hentai isn't gonna do shit, loli is not illegal in the US
>two down
I'm pretty sure there has been like 5-6 attempts by now
I was mostly referring to the high profile ones. Stadia and whatever Amazon has been peddling as of late
probably never
at worst it'll turn into a portal for gambling websites while retaining games on the side
I'm not sure what else has been out there, even gamepass or console subscription fag taxes still require you to download the game
When someone makes a better online PC service. So probably never.
when trump got shot at, i dont remember if it was either CNN or some other american mainstream news outlet that reported that "the shooter HAD a steam account, which HOSTS a game that has trump be assassinated at a rally."
They didnt say that the shooter PLAYED the game or even OWNED it, all they did was connect to the idea that the shooter was in the vicinity of a game that had the same output played out. Thats all it takes to get retarded boomers screaming at the top of their lungs to shut something down. One kiddy diddler needs to just have a steam account and theyll connect it to some loli hentai shit
When someone makes a better product or when Gabe dies/retires and Microsoft buys it.
You just know all those fucking corpo cunts, MS, Sony, Amazon, etc are just fucking WAITING for that day. The minute Valve even HINTS that they are going to sell steam or sell themselves it’s gonna be a fucking auction.
Steam is so fucking old that a very hefty portion of the people that use it weren’t even alive when it was created.
FUCK them devs.
It's funny how Steam is only holding on because Gabe is an extremely rare case CEO that's not an autistic sociopath
Look at the difference between him and Tim Sweeney
Concordtanic was 1000x funnier and also more financially devastating than TORtanic ever was. TORtanic was literally just people shitting massively on the game while still subbing to it by the millions.
>"the shooter HAD a steam account, which HOSTS a game that has trump be assassinated at a rally."
That is some intense stupidity going on right there. They really tried everything they could, huh? Giving him a shirt from a gun youtuber and claiming it was a right-wing bunker channel for example. It really does feel like this loser was just a CIA plant especially considering how Biden and his staff specifically denied giving more security detail to Trump.
Yeah, TOR didn't take $200M and shove it up its own ass then close down in two weeks.
>Around that same time something new will come along that primarily appeals to the next younger generation.
I've read for over 5 years about how EGS was going to do that because of muh gorillion Fortnite zoomers and all the free games giving them huge libraries.
turns out people just see it as "The Fortnite Launcher"
Sadly for Epic Fortnite zoomers are mostly console players who probably don't care about a PC store.
Plus they latch on to whatever streamers are freaking out about which are usually Steam games.
>woke shit in deadlock and working with SBI
>randomly banning and ruining launch of vns since 2023 like chaos head which doesn't have bannable fan service
>the games that get translation update don't chart in new releases

it will only get worse
I have used EGS for purchases, but it's GUI is terrible. Literally the worst out of all the various launchers.
The exodus that will happen when this lad dies will be immense. If Valve itself doesn't get subverted and gutted by publicly traded vultures a company like M$ will step in to claim ownership.
when something overtakes it by offering better service (never)
Where will the people flock then? Their games and friends are on Steam.
It will be like the Imperium of Man. Even when it gets to the point when it SHOULD die, it will carry on purely through the weight of its own immensity.
10/10 bait my dude. You really got all the (you)s you could ask for. You know the reason why Steam is better because you can't possibly be that dumb. I refuse to believe a human being such as yourself has so tiny of a brain, that they look at EGS and think it's better than the care and love Gaben has put into Steam. Good job anon, way to epic ruse this thread.
I'm going to use GoG, also, I have no friends.
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But who is the next guy in the line?

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