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what the fuck is her problem
they put her in a fucking shed
S1 Clem - fuck
S2 Clem - fuck
S3 and beyond Clem - too old
>what the fuck is her problem
Zombie apocalypse I guess
She’s black but unlike Lee she can’t be based because she’s a girl
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young clem is unironically a badass, using peroxide on your own damn wound, self stitching, keeping quiet as well, all this along with killing a dog and a walker all alone

its interesting how mellowed out she is in S4 compared to OP's and pic rel, I guess having to raise a kid while you're still young yourself forces you to grow the fuck up fast
>Doctor can't tell the difference between an animal and human bite
You'd think he'd know throwing someone with an open wound in a dirty shed was bad
Arvo and Mike are still breathing.
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>pregnant bitch being a bitch for no reason
I liked calling her out on the baby
also this guy right here needed a shot to the head, somehow more annoying than ben
>PS3 version of episode 5 had a choice to shoot mike left in
>they patched it out
i'm still mad
to be fair she was covered in blood all over right, though he could've tried cleaning her up right there to check but I guess he didn't wanna risk getting close to a zombie bite if it was one
She likes to watch.
That little nigga AJ was autistic too, or at the very least had ass burgers and/or psychopathy. I didn't really give a fuck about the little nigga since I only played up to season 2, but they should've made him Christa and Omid's kid. It would've felt like we were keeping the flame of the old group alive that way. Also, why did everything go to shit after season 2?
Needed my pedo cock.
>Saves Clem from a homosexual
Immediately more based than Ben
I think Carlos was supposed to be a psychologist, so not really a doctor. He performed the role of one since he was the closest to it out of the groups.
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Thats a man, tranny
*Gabe's shota cock
Severe lack of shota cock
AJ definitely had some autismo shit going on, growing up in an apocalypse is one thing but it was like he had to be taught other people have feelings, he's like 9 years old so thats fucking weird unless he has development pproblems
Couldn't have said it better myself
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the decision that split hundreds
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my actual face when
Or else?
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Maybe like 19 teen girls saved Jane.
Let him finish the job and then put Kenny down. Sorry ol' Yeller. Afterwards, go down to Mexico for some Tacos.
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>She’s black
She is a mystery meat asian mixed with something probably and I do not care what the original creators say,
Kenny did nothing wrong, he's a man of principles. He's not smart, but he's loyal, selfless, and driven. People just got mad that he wasn't their doormat, and made up reasons to hate him.
>but they should've made him Christa and Omid's kid.
absolutely, AJ even carrying the name of that useless fuck Alvin weirds me out, what the hell was he, all we get after all the hours with him is that he's a lazy fat fuck that sits around asking clementine for food and help, and he's taking care of the chick carrying another mans son
meant for >>688116361
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And how do we feel about this Clem?
>"Bro we have to go to the safe place through the freezing cold bro it totally exists bro that's why I never took my pajeet wife there bro I care about the baby bro not the dead bitch though I just really need to trek this baby I'm using as a surrogate son to redeem myself with through freezing temperatures even though we're dropping like flies bro"
Jane's reasoning is retarded but I'm not gonna forget that Kenny's fucking retarded as well. Making the magic safe place real at all just ruins whatever crappy writing idea they were going for with this choice.
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>He's not smart
His reasoning didn't always make sense but he ended up being right about almost every thing every time.
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kenny's already been through enough retarded shit boats, at least let him have 1 instance of being right about a safe place to go
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>Immediately acts like Lee backstabs him for not wanting to kill the fat guy
>Actively has to be convinced to choose rescuing Clem over his boat if you haven't been kissing his ass the whole game
Kennyfags are in pure cope
that faggot wearing walker skin in season 4 talking about walkers remembering their pasts made this more interesting, a couple still walking close to each other despite being lumbering corpses for ages
What I mean is that he's not a big planner. He's a simple guy, with simple, fairly shortsighted plans, and he always wants to go for them immediately. That's his flaw, he needs someone at his side who can think long-term, and actually consider the next steps and their consequences.
But that flaw doesn't wash out his good qualities, which make him a more than valuable guy to have around.
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Except Kenny was right about the place in the end. He was right about everything.
I liked him and Lee working together in the 1st season so much.
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>easily beats you up and steals your boat which is the only escape you have from a zombie infested hellscape
the elderly are....strong
>Making sure everyone is safe
>Nearly everyone dies
>Immediately acts like Lee backstabs him for not wanting to kill the fat guy
Who, Larry? The guy who by all appearances died and could've become a giant zombie in a tiny locked room? Given the situation, finishing him conclusively was the smart move, and not doing so put everyone at risk.
>Actively has to be convinced to choose rescuing Clem over his boat if you haven't been kissing his ass the whole game
Would you risk your life for a dead man walking, after you've been at odds with him for most of the time you've been together?

Kenny haters never consider Kenny's position. They think they're the player character, so the world needs to revolve around them, and everyone needs to be their friend. A character with his own agenda, who doesn't budge after some sweettalk, scares and confuses them.
>drop ben is 2 points
kenny do you care about ben or not make up your fucking mind
Because Luke and Jane decided to fuck instead of doing guard duty.
He cares about Ben dying
To be fair, Larry is a pretty big guy. He would've killed Kenny and Lily, and then proceeded to butt rape Lee.
I'm annoyed that there's no continuation to the story. But at the same time, we all know that they'd just instantly kill everyone who isn't clem so they cam continue without having to actually write multiple routes. Or even worse, they'd have us play as AJ. Please no.
s2 clem was so cute bros
what's wrong with AJ? I liked him, bit of dick but his entire thing is being taught how to be normal, him mag dumping lily was therapeutic
Unironically PTSD
looks like a crack whore working on the side of the road
s3 clem was hot as though it was weird how clear her skin was, how clear everyone's skin was in S3, glad they fixed it in the next season
>Doing guard duty on the opposite side
>Kenny and half the crew are sitting watching a pregnant woman in front of a goddamn forest
>They're actively shocked that zombies show up that they didn't see
They shouldn't have been fucking but how the hell were they supposed to see through the trees that the other assholes didn't
>next season is playing as AJ
>gameplay is akin to baldur's gate's "dark urge" but for autistic tardrages
>randomly have moments where AJ takes over the player and does batshit crazy actions
would be kino
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I am ashamed to say I got teary eyed when clem asked aj if she did good raising him in s4's ending
I would've preferred Clementine to die there. Nice little bookend with Lee's death at the end of season 1, but now we're left with this dangling sequel hook that will never get resolved.
Why'd Ellis do it.
Why did she killed Ellis?
Last season Clem is the cutest Clem.
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>Raises Clem on her own for a year despite suffering a miscarriage and the death of her baby daddy
>Somehow less influential to Clem's character development than a guy she knew for maybe four months and two others she knew for less
>Completely disappears from the narrative after five minutes in season 2
Is there a character who suffers more than Christa
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to be fair you can kinda argue that Lee's time with clem was more formative because
1. clem was younger, so definitely absorbing more from the world around her, by s2 she was mature enough to kinda plateau in character for a bit

2. Lee was the first person she knew at the start of the apocalypse, so in this new world of monsters, crazy humans and all that shit, she could only look to him for protection and guidance, so it makes sense that she wouldn't really gain anythign new from christa because christa isn't really teaching clem anything new, like lee was
okay schizo
Public service announcement that Hydrogen Peroxide doesn't do anything for wounds except make blood foam, and, at best, is detrimental.
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Season 4 Clementine is cute
They said no hands and Clem cheated like 5 times because she just wanted his shit. Also she pulled the gun on him first when all he did was finish himself off when it became clear she was just trying to fuck him over(in a bad way)

Weren't you paying attention to the plot, mongoloid? What, were you distracted by something?
She looked pissed in the couple of minutes of screentime she had in S2.
Maybe they didn't talk much.
I feel that Drills needs to go back to SelfDrilling.
He had obviously talked her down but instead of letting her chilld for like 10 seconds he retardedly went for the gun anyway.
I don't know why he changed it in the first place. I remember the clem video got him in trouble because she very obviously has the body of a 14/15 year old which is why he put in the ID thing at the beginning but is that why? idk.
Baste. Never let a woman be in a position of power. He was just trying to help her, she could've accidentally shot herself. Why was he such a dick though? Like c'mon my nigga, I can only imagine how hard it is to come by some pussy in the zompocalypse.
Is Telltale S1 the greatest example of a good game with non-white main characters?
Well we're running dry on the fucking lore here but he does say she's just another bitch trying to spin him around so presumably he's been fucked over(in a bad way) by other women before her.
its a fairly good one.
Yeah pretty much. It actually made sense they were american normal looking people on top of that.
I assume it was to distance himself from his past loli focused works.
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Yeah, I would say it is. I mean, there’s not much competition now or even back then, as far as I’m aware.
I mean the bitch basically gaslights you into killing Kenny by hiding that fucking baby, The only real choice is seeing if the player can see past her bullshit.
Yet his most recent video is Ellie and she looks about as hebe as his past works.
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ben really needed to die asap, I'm still surprised there are still people out there defending him
Lee needs to blow her back out
Artists are stupid. Bless their hearts for continuing to sacrifice. I just think he was embarassed he tried to put to much effort into his clem film and got bad feedback
I didn't know it was poorly received. It's superbly animated and its a really really nice Clem model. What was problem, too much story? Sex was too awkward/not enough of it?
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her disappearing was 100% telltale's development being fucked, she was supposed to come back around ep 3 in the og s2 script
One case where the story is good and the race of the character have little to no weight on it, you can swap Lee with an Irish migrant and the story would've played out exactly the same, minus some liver issues.
And change the "urban" lock picking a door joke with a car bomb joke.
she needed correction
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>knows he has a serious heart condition
>has already had near death experiences from over stressing his heart
>still screams and throws tantrums 24/7 until another heart attack kills him
the writing felt contrived with larry, his temper and heart could've been interesting if he wasn't written like a dumb fuck
no one with that condition acts like that, anger issues or not
Season 2 was shit but I loved Luke
Her dad was black
>Grown conservative old man doing what he is not supposed to do.

Every fucking time irl
>See zombies in the distance
>O'Shanee starts arguing with Kenny because Kenny wants to use a potato as a silencer
>O'Shanee gets arrested for a DUI
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I respect people that let Jane die, but chose to leave Kenny

I respect people that killed Kenny, but abandoned Jane after seeing through her lies

But the retards that stayed with Jane after finding out the truth deserved the dumpster baby retard ending that they got. Those "people" deserve the rope.
What is it with the walking dead game that makes so many people out themselves as autistic man children who don't interact socially? Larry did exactly what an old man with that condition would do. He's an over protecting southern father how the fuck do you think he's going to act?

Next you're going to tell me Ben's character isn't one of the best written characters because you think the things he does isn't what a scared 17 year old kid would do in those situations.
If he actually struggled with his temper it would've been good. But not even the effort was put in. Have him do some breathing exercises. Build up to him losing his shit.
yeah exactly
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a scared 17 year old would tell the crew about the bandits instantly
>what the fuck is her problem
She's surrounded by retards
She's forced into pairing up with said retards and/or taking care of the retard's baby despite the fact that she never liked those cunts and having a baby in the zombie apocalypse is insanely retarded
Really, she's surrounded by utter retards.
This is how boomers act in real life.
too old
she turned out pretty as hell, shame she lost that colour she had in her eyes during season 2-3
If this game came out today /v/ would call it woke
Really? A 17 year old who was previously traumatized by bandits when they killed and raped his classmates? One that was a socially awkward bordering on autistic band member of his high school? One that was shown, since the moment he entered your screen, to be a non-confrontational scared kid? You think that's the guy that is going to rat out the bandits after they captured him and coerced him into giving them drugs when it was painfully clear he thought he was doing the right thing to finally be the hero and save the group? Again... this game outs the fuck out of socially inept people.
>how clear everyone's skin was in S3
everyone looked like they were coated in oil in S3
s2 being dogshit is even worse when you look into the development of it
the first script was written by the s1 writers and would've been more of a personal journey for clementine and christa, with them eventually reconciling and getting to an early version of wellington with the other survivors they pick up along the way
there's nebulous second script written by the ceo of telltale at the time, not much is known about it asides from it apparently being even worse than what we got, all the stupid ideas that were thrown around were likely for this one
then there's the third 'dark' script which is the one we almost got, in simple terms it was a super edgy version of the s2 we got, ending with clementine either abandoning aj in the snow or trying to get to the city in the distance we see in the e5 title card
but instead we got a very disjointed product that pilfered ideas from the first and second script without committing to either of them, with e4 radically changing directions seemingly right before it was released leading to e5
the only thing that had any semblance of what s2 could've been is e1, which is almost unchanged from the original script and seemed to have remained that way throughout production, bar some scenes slightly changed or cut like fishing with alvin
why the fuck was she the most capable one in the group at 11 or however old she was in S2?
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that made Clem look hot desu
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She’s been through a lot of things in her life.
Sometimes the games just paid absolutely NO attention to the war you were interacting with people.
Like the ...3rd? season (when you're controlling some new cunt instead of Clem), your brother's wife tries to suck your dick all the time, but I played bros before hoes and always shot her down hard. Then your brother acts like you've been flirting with her in front of him and near the end she acts like you two are some sort of star-crossed lovers who just can't be together. The hell? That doesn't add up with how I played the game at all. If you don't want to write the non-simp choices, then don't let players play through the game as a man with principles.
If you came out today, I'd call you brave.
yeah thats telltale, most people know that in most cases they're absolutely shit at handling choices, we like them for the actual characters and story, but when it comes to your choices, they don't really matter
>what the fuck is her problem
That they put her in further games. The ending of S1 where she's alone and sees two people in the distance who stop and notice her, leaving her future uncertain, was a good way to end her story. Instead they drag her out again and again because the other protagonists were just too weak to stand on their own.
Kenny assumes betrayal against him way too easily. Like all the damn time. The man has zero trust.
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What sort of retardation is that?
/v/ was calling out dumb-shit decisions back then too. Replacing Alex Mercer with a generic angry marine, for example. and explaining Mercer's turn to villainy through a comic book... a comic where some cunt trying to steal his wallet is the worst thing he witnesses
Why would they ditch the comic look in S4?
>psycho woman does psycho shit
What am I missing here?
kenny in make more sense when you understand that his primary motivation is the safety of the children
most of his major choices involve them in some way, either directly or indirectly
Also makes more sense when you factor in a massive mental breakdown and ramping PTSD.
I can get the "you'll wind up going into the creepy set piece for the episode either way" version of 'your choices don't matter', but the interpersonal relationships you form with people should have SOME influence on... your interpersonal relationships with those people.
I didn't think I could side with the bad guy in the games, but I did expect that the characters would treat me according to the way I was acting instead of plucking a relationship out of thin air just to have a scene.
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s3 clem is fucking spooky, I thought her eyes were nice but they're also thousand yard manson lamps, would not wanna be a raider or some lone survivor suddenly held at gunpoint by that face
>MC is black, main love interest is white
>Clem trusted Lee only because he looked like her father (he was black)
>have the ability to call Larry a racist despite him showing no signs of it
>constant save issues and support tickets would lead people to see that the Telltale staff was half women
>main writer for S1 was jewish
No doubt.
S3 and S4 are top tier Clems
>psycho woman does psycho shit
That would be fine, but your character also acts like he's been wanting to pork her despite the way he's been treating her all game.
it's a missed opportunity to not have her go apeshit at some point imo
everyone she's ever cared about has either died right in front of her or she saw their shambling corpse as the last memory of them
the s4 ending would've been more interesting if aj got bit instead, imagine the moral dilemma of having another lee situation for her
That right there is your developmental delayment. So they weren't far off with AJ.
I think the 4th panel shows that thousand-eye stare better.
>would not wanna be a raider or some lone survivor suddenly held at gunpoint by that face
I would, so long as she didn't pull the trigger.
>that look
yeah she was on something, looks unhinged
You clearly picked some flirty options because that bitch dies if you don't.
3 and 4 worth playing?
>eyes go from green to light hazel
s3 is somehow worse than s2, i can only recommend it with some friends to riff on it with, otherwise don't bother
s4 is a big step up, but still not as good as s1, or even the early parts of s2
>let my bro kill a woman
>"hard" decision
One boomer is easily worth two millennials
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How do you think Lee and Kenny's ghosts reacted to this?
they didn't, because clementine has seen what eventually happens to relationships in the apocalypse too many times
honestly her being psuedo mother to aj is already a big risk and almost resulted in both of them dying when she got bit
>the first script was written by the s1 writers and would've been more of a personal journey for clementine and christa, with them eventually reconciling and getting to an early version of wellington with the other survivors they pick up along the way
Sounds kino as fuck.
>Get to make choices as to who tags along with the group (limited resources, bandages, food, etc.)
>That has a very real impact on what happens in the climax, whose skills you have to deal with certain situations, and how Christa views Clementine's growth/personality (is she scumbag!Clementine, or someone that Lee would be proud of)
>Get to have various scenes where Christa latches onto Clem as a surrogate daughter, and, who knows, maybe fights with Kenny as to who "She belongs to"

Like most things with S2, it's more fun to think about "What could've been" than to remember "What we actually got."
I think Carlos actually lied about the bite. He knew better, but saw Clem as a threat and didn't want to risk his girl or the group. Everyone else was too scared and went along with it.
How much of a shark jump would it be if he was brought back in some hypothetical sequel if you managed to cut off his arm and not shoot him?
Was he really conservative? Like I remember Lee can call him racist but that was more to get Mark to think he’s just an asshole and not question why he hates him.
I couldn't kill Kenny. I didn't want anyone to die, but my heart wasn't on it. But now, if the choice presented itself, I would have shot Jane. Kenny was always right and the ending where he left Clementine and AJ at Wellingston is how the series ended for me.
Well considering one guy would kill everyone on the planet if it meant kids in his charge could be happy and the other guy loved his pseudo daughter in a way you never have been I would say they would be perfectly fine with it. Kenny is also uncharacteristically open minded and Lee married a white girl so...
Why do people hate Season Two so much? I'm not talking about people on this board necessarily, but online in general. I remember thinking the first two were both great back when I initially played them, yet whenever I see discussions of these games online it seems like people love to shit on S2.
So clem is ethnically 75% black, then? Her Mom looks mixed here
They have to try and sabotage and undermine Kenny with the writing to make him seem crazy, and yet he's still the only sane person in the group.
The game should've let you kill everyone at the end of Episode 5 except Kenny because they were ALL insufferable and had been for most of the season.
I like it purely because of Clem, don't really care about the story.
>>Completely disappears from the narrative after five minutes in season 2
Back when I first played I assumed they were trying to set her up for a comeback in future seasons by not having her die on screen. Turns out I was wrong.
The imbalance between violet only losing 1 eye if you don't save her, and louis losing his fucking TONGUE if you don't save him weirded me out, that combined with louis immediately hugging you once you meet his tongueless self, while violet throws a bitch fit and actually attacks you once you meet her again, made me feel like saving louis was the best option, no romance, just picking louis to save and all you're left with is an angry but ok violet who'll get over it eventually. Louis is annoying but him losing his tongue is brutal, guy becomes a broken mess in the fetal position
she came out pretty light, all things considered
Luke was awesome, shame his dick won over him that one time
Lee might be the greatest Black player character in any game desu. Although in saying that I feel like I'm forgetting one super obvious one and I'm gonna get called a retard for it
Everyone Clem was saddled with in S2 was an utter retard.
Like 'Clem would be better off going solo' levels of absolute non-survivors.
Kenny being the exception.
Her mom was cheating
Barrett and/or CJ?
Out of everything that happens in the game that is legit the most disturbing. Cutting his tongue out is just straight fucked up and his cowering animation was done so well.
I think there are two major camps here:

1. There are people who (rightly) point out that the game is depressive and never rewards the player for doing 'the right thing.' It is, without doubt, the darkest of the series.
2. Others fucking hate that Kenny is made the bad guy. Specifically, I think that people (perhaps seen in this very thread) have a difficult time coming to terms with Kenny's arc.
/v/ros, I haven't played S4.
Does Clem die?
Considering how bad that season started, I'd prefer that she does.
CJ was funny, the L4D characters were ok, Demonman is also funny, the black dude from Deadlock is cool and the girls are hot imo.
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Just once I wish a little girl would look at me like this
S4 is legitimately great. Keep going, anon.
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>Clem is 25% Black instead of 75%
Well I guess she'll look like Brittany Venti by the time she's 30, then
>having the MC be a little girl retroactively makes the rest of the cast retarded
>season was rewritten multiple times, original S2 was much darker and had bigger parts to play with the 400 Days characters
>saving Nick/Sarah had no bearing unlike Doug/Carley, they just get a couple lines and are killed offscreen next episode
>Luke/Clem shippers on the Telltale forums creeped the writers out to the point where they abandoned the Luke vs. Kenny subplot in favor of Jane vs. Kenny at the last second
It was a mess.
It'd better be better than S3. That season still left a bad aftertaste. It was such a huge waste of time and bad writing a always but it was just too much.
Those aren't characters, especially CJ, he's just a hood nigger you play dress up with. There's nothing about him that implies a personage, replace him with literally any other black person and it would be the exact same experience.
CJ is the one I thought of immediately after posting that. Barrett's another good one but I guess I didn't think of him because I don't consider him a player character, in my mind that's Cloud's role in FF7.
CJ definitely shows personality in cutscenes and dialogue.
I can buy that argument for CJ but Barrett is definitely a character
whats this from?
>Luke/Clem shippers
Nigga what? Not outraged at the thought of some niggas online shipping an underaged character with a grown-ass nigga, that shit happens anywhere outside normalfag space, I just don't see how they'd come to make that pairing. I didn't even see him as being a surrogate older brother to her, he just seemed like a chill guy who tries to include her into their group. Clem didn't really take towards anyone, she kinda just did her own thing and either Kenny or the others from the group tried to sway her to go along with what they thought was best. Looking back, that season was pretty much setting up her character for independence.
"Fair Played" by Selfdrillingsms / Drills3D. 3D animated porn of Clemen getting fucked by Ellis from L4D
>Nigga what? Not outraged at the thought of some niggas online shipping an underaged character with a grown-ass nigga
nta but I really can't tell if you're just a white guy who loves saying nigga or one of the 15 black guys who browses /v/
why cant the west just make pretty lesbians
Violet is still young she'll grow into her crimson chin
I liked S2, but holy shit everyone in that season was retarded, even Kenny at times. It just makes no sense for Clem, a kid in her 10s to be the smartest and most competent person in the group.
A single commentor on his patreon page made a fuss about the age of his 3D models of fictional people that don't exist, and I think this scared him. He deleted a lot of his older stuff, like the animation between Claire and Sherry (not the other one, the good one) and changed his name, forbade anyone from asking about it, and so on.
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I'm neither, but I do like to say the nigger-word (in all its variations), I think it's a silly word; I'm the type of nigga to giggle at an auto-tuned soundbite repeating the nigger-word over and over again, increasingly rising in pitch.
>inb4 saar
beins some unholy asian mistery meat

I really liked it. I think part of the problem is people were attached to the characters of Clem and Kenny, and season 2 is really kind of a bleak torture session for them. I thought it was really well made, but definitely leaves a void in you when it's over.
Honestly I think 400 Days might be my favorite thing to come out of Telltale TWD
what even is this expression conveying? when does it happen? I can't recall clem giving such an evil eye while covered in blood, only time she looked really sinister was carvers death, or is it an in between frame and shes about to break out into a frown
The only reason i even remember clem is thanks to that autist that ship her with elza
>sabotaging your story to spite the coomers
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>AJ recites the entire tears in rain monologue
All it takes is a well-written story.
Meh, had Clem kiss the black kid instead. Shame he died at the end in my run.
I loved this psychotic nigga like you wouldn't believe
>that bit where he's repeatedly telling lily he's going to kill her
>entire james campfire section
clem's a miracle worker with how she kept aj on the path
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Gear's Cole train is up there

this part got me good, I thought he was dying in my first time playing
Kenny vs. Jane is a battle of hope vs. cynicism. You could call Kenny retarded for holding out hope but Jane's barely contained (until they arent) suicidal tendencies are even more retarded.
It's no coincidence that both Kenny and Jane lost their families and became hardened for it but with totally different outcomes, especially in the different ways they treat Clem.
the kicker with kenny is that this is right after he lost sarita, so you would thing he's in an ever worse spot since he's lost his family a second time, while with jane's sister it's implied it was pretty early on when she gave her up
yeah what the fuck where is she
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She learned from the best
>Go to safe place
>Go to safe place
>Actually eugenics practitioners
>Go to safe place
>Actually murderhobos led by a rapist
>Go to safe place
>Overrun a week later
>Go to safe place
>Overrun immediately
>Go to safe place
>Actually a cult that gets overrun two days later
There's hope and there's forgetting that this shit has happened three times by the time they hear about Kenny's place
Post Clem
It's not like anyone cared about the autistic girl dying anyway. The stupid fucking junkie deserved worse for killing him and blaming a literal child for it.
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I wish Clementine would rape me at knife point. Constantly holding it up threateningly as she rides
I hated kenny, so I shot him and left jane
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Can't remember if the original version of Fair Played had the blurb at the beggining where Clem shows her license and says she's definitely an 18 year old bundle of pixels or if SDSMS added it later.
Sgt Johnson was one I thought of. Probably other side characters I am forgetting. Bayek from AC4?
The thing is it was one person, Lexi Porter, on the Telltale Forums who started "Cluke" because she wanted to fuck his VA, Scott Porter. She spammed multiple threads despite being banned frequently and harassed every single writer on twitter about the pairing.
There's no other reason that explains why Luke was replaced with Jane at the last moment despite the entire season setting up Luke vs. Kenny.
>3DPD YandereRidingGirl.WebM
Clem would never do that… right?
>Walking Dead S1 doesn't make sense if you didn't steal from the car, The Stranger just bitches about nothing in the end
>Walking Dead S3 doesn't make sense if you don't want to fuck Kate
>Batman S1 relies on the hope that you want to fuck Selina, Harvey's downfall makes zero sense otherwise
Telltale has a track record where they desperately want you to go with the narrative they've penned out for their games.
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S3 clem might
Would she also kiss mewhile doing it?
This is what is gamers want.
Only to stop you from calling out for the other members in your group. After she's done, she'll knock you out. While in a daze, she'll whisper "no one will ever believe you", as she disappears into the bushes. Your party finds you babbling like a retard with your pants down.
Is she part of the group or just an outsider?
dunno, never played the games. theres a 20 minute 3d sfm on the boorus of her getting fucked unconcious in a car. the animation is much better than most of the stuff ive seen in triple a games, so its kinda weird that it doesnt get posted more
Season 1 was great
Season 2 was terribly written, choices matter even less but it was entertaining so not bad
season 3 is nothing
season 4 i barely remember but wasn't bad
I liked Kenny, but at this point he was too unstable.

Couldn't trust Jane either though, so fuck her.
Outsider, that's what makes it funny; that's why she said "no one will ever believe you".
I did not care for Clem getting that ugly fucking brand even if you turned down joining Javi's brother's clique
her eyebrow scar from getting riflewhipped for trying to save kenny from his walkie smackie is hot tho
And what would happen if we were to ever run into her?
pretty much
the choices were shit in season 2 but it was still entertaining enough

I completely fell off at 3 or 4
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Frankly even if you don't like Ben he completes Kenny's arc in a more meaningful way if he 'survives' for the alley than if he died in Crawford because the way he goes after getting Christa's fucking shoe or whatever from a hole in a roof is fucking terrible
>Also, why did everything go to shit after season 2?
cause the studio replaced clem with a mexican dude and his family you dont give a fuck about and are the central focus. new writers wanted to make it their story. If theyd left clem out, made her like a side character in episode 2 of the new series that you meet in that city as just an npc living a safe life, or just hints shes alive people wouldnt complain anywhere near as much and it could've been successful but they just had to have clem in the new game to drive engagement but make it about their new protagonist and their family/problems, when noone was there for that.
>what the fuck is her problem
her series got handed to a mexican family in the middle of it, and she got sidelined until the next game.
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>put a bug on ducks pillow
imagine finally meeting the only other kid around and it turns out she's an asshole, poor duck
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S1 clem's eyes being shielded by S2 clem looking on in disgust for multiple reasons.
I looked away. Kenny's only problem is that he had a stick up his ass and wouldn't unwind it. Outside of that, he's ultimately an alright guy and was right about a whole lot of shit unlike the people in the retard group Clem was in.

Also the stupid bitch that killed herself was a hypocrite after getting pregnant AND made the situation worse by provoking Kenny and saying she killed the baby, "lmao get over it, wigger."
I watched Jane die
I only kept the gun up to shoot her in case Kenny couldn't finish the job himself
Based and redpilled.
im surprised season 2 didn't get more shit
>let character die
>they die
>let character live
>they do nothing in the story until its time for them to actually die 5 minutes later
not to mention the final fight would've been 10x more interesting if it was luke vs kenny and not jane
Reminder that Clem on the comic had literally everything but decided to fuck off because reasons
are you gonna tell us the actual reason or make me look it up
That was tangerine, not clementine
he's incredibly annoying. flipflops between a childless guys idea of a retarded kid and a mid-30's philosophy student (also retarded but in a different way).

even the autistic girl in season 2 was better, even the shitty brother in season 3 is better. i don't know what went wrong with the writers but he's actually the least likable character they've ever done in a walking dead game and he's a large focal point. i find it so sad that they tried to mirror s1 clem and lee with them as well. disgraceful, they're nowhere close.
>redpilled is fucking kids
checks out
probably because there's no way a single teen mom can raise a black kid well in a post-apocalypse
the reason is, they are completely allergic to ever continuing a story. everyone has to immediately die or go missing at the beginning of a new one. otherwise they'd actually have to account for player choice and write branching routes, like other games have done for decades.
Sounds like projection buddy
yeah but there's ways to show how he's fucked up without irritating the player.
Aj reminds me of myself
>mid-30's philosophy student
??? when does he ever act like that? he's simple and straight forward the entire time, just protect yourself/clem and kill monsters
he has a speech every 30 minutes about the morality of what clems teaching him, play the game.
You expect me to believe jew propaganda?
Yeah if there's actual aj defenders on this board I'm out. I'll be back for a kenny thread.
i'd love for you to go and google words before using them.
I don't know OP, might be because she now lives in world where society has collapsed everyone now magically turns into zombies the moment they die. It's almost like people reverted back to be primal savages and shit in order to survive.
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original version of the game also apparently let you kill more people like the russian dude and the ginger chick with their group, but they removed it, for some insane reason.
Never understood how anyone sided with Jane. She tells you shes a loner, will leave on her own eventually, pretends to kill a baby to goad a grieving father into attacking her to prove he's "crazy". I remember when I first played it like almost all my choices for similar to everyone elses except for choosing kenny over her.
>undermine Kenny with the writing to make him seem crazy,
Anon, Kenny was irrational as fuck in Season 1 and he only became more unhinged when his wife and retarded son were killed.
I liked S3 Clem at the beginning the most. Savage as fuck, ready to kill at the drop of a hat and, most importantly, without bloody AJ on her back.
I wish their was a shoot both option. Kenny like Clem but only through his own selfish lens (which seems to shift far too much for my Clementine) and Jane was a psycho. Should have got in the truck with the ginger bitch.
>Kenny's only problem is that he had a stick up his ass and wouldn't unwind it
didn't his family die recently? And he was constantly being antagonized by the retards in the group? You'd have an entire tree trunk twisted up your ass too if you were in that situation.
I'm pretty sure in the after-game stats it was like 60% of people went with Jane
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>I hid an infant and he flipped out on me, look how crazy he is!!!!
I feel like if he was a few years older I'd actually like him, 13 and up, not sure how much those extra 4 years would change clem, she can't really have the whole fellow young teens dynamic at the beginning of s4 but thats about it I think, rest should be fine
I think that's the main problem of Kenny. If you act like every wound is fresh and bleeding you're a liability, swallow that shit like every other person in the group please.
forgot to mention she obviously can't have romance with louis or violet
That's insane.
I hate black females but Clem wasn't written as one, so it made me want to fuck her
The reason he acted retarded in season 1 was because their affinity system was shit, and made him into a bipolar mess.
They really should have been nicer to her, that is all.
She’s not black, she’s a mutt which is even worse
I like Kenny, but yeah, either you agree/help him with everything everytime, and he's a ride or die bro or he treats you like dirt
conversely, if you're not a californian writer. Having your entire family die in front of you recently and not being a mess will have any sane person side-eyeing you. Thats not normal, that's psychopath behavior. I'd ditch your ass in a second.
looks philippino there. So she's probably half-black and half-asianblack.
>They shouldn't have been fucking
that's the thing, how retarded is that woman that she did it raw during a fucking apocalypse in the middle of winter without food and let him finish inside? The fuck did she think was gonna happen?
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I recently played these games and really enjoyed them. I wish there was more.
I really liked Jane as a character until this shit she pulled at the end. Sided with Kenny all the way
I'm still mad
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Turns out it was only 51% - which is still pretty bad but shouldn't be surprising though, the entire premise was a check against the power of suggestion, which most people will fail for obvious reasons (being complete NPCs)
>Everyone says Kenny is unhinged at every turn, and even the choices from Clem to disagree are tepid
>Jane looks and acts like the archetypical 'badass survivalist' that makes her an attractive choice to go with
>Action (shoot) is always incentivised over inaction (look away) in games
>Killing woman is wrong
Like yeah the logic to picking Kenny is obvious if you just think about it for a second but the only way he could be framed as any less in the wrong the entire game is if he had a suspenseful musical sting every time he appeared on screen. If people weren't attached to him from the first game I imagine the pick rate would be 10-1 against him.
You mean "urban"?
>No option to shoot the bitch instead
>Teehee we dont give you choice!
Imo riddick is a good character, but I suppose you could say movie first. Hard to beat Lee though, he's human as fuck and everybody can relate to him
I like cole too but he's mostly just comic relief in a grim world. He was a thrashball player, grubs took his family so he joined the COG to kill grubs, that's about it.
Nah, I've met people like that. They live a decent life, go places every week to hang out and stuff, living fulfilling lives, but seethe literally about everything, on top of health issues, it's their way of living, they can't live without seething about something.
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christa definitely got shafted, another character I wanted to see return was Molly, we never find out how she's doing after s1
I cared about her. I hate that you can "save" her, only for her to die to some bullshit a little later. They could have done more with that character
s4 needs a damn shower oof
Molly was hot wanted to fuck this adrenaline junkie
Why does she look like a different race each time?
skinwalker got caught with its pants down when zombies started, it heard lee and panicked so it took the form of a little girl so it could blend in among humans
jane's scheme wasn't revealed until after they give you this choice. Not sure what kind of faggot would shoot kenny here but still.
I meant the characters in the game since they immediately ignore her screams to look at the baby but even the writers seemed to hate her.

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