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Why is pic related the only goddamn game that actually does heavy weapons combat right? Why are devs such chicken shits that they dont want to let the players hit enemies with a giant slab of steel?
the combat movement etc was stellar everything else though?holy shit itsuno come on dude
monster hunter is good at it too
it's because most devs are held back by video game conventions such as slow=bad
Is 2 really bad?
The combat is great, but as a whole game? Its basically the skeleton of a skeleton alongside some very questionable decisions to put it lightly.
it's really REALLY fun to play, but it's more unfinished than the first game
it unironically makes going back to fighting large monsters in other games really difficult
slashing a dragon's ankles is so much shittier than climbing on and butchering it
It’s fine. Everyone was expecting 2 to build on DDDA but it ended up being more of a re-tread/side-grade. Some good changes, some bad ones. Worth a buy on sale but I regret paying full price.
It's feels less finished than DD:DA. Just missing a lot of things
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Yes, ignore shills.
Fun game that desperately needs more content.
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>posts a kino as fuck webm of a kino and satisfying spell
This could be literally any one of like 30 caves.
I too, enjoy avoiding combat in a game where the combat is the only redeeming feature.
All the "dungeons" are the same and were shit tier.
One step forward, two steps back.
Fun but, not amazing, much like the first.
It's bad for a variety of reasons /v/ can regurgitate.
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>uses specific spell to kill enemies in small spaces quick and fast
>enemies die quick and fast
haha ricochet goes brrrrrr
Imagine being granted the funds to make your passion project game only for it to come out unfinished, gains a following anyways, build up years of good faith in the process to finally get allowed a second attempt at your passion project... only to make an unfinished fucking game again. That's Dragon's Dogma 2 in a nutshell; it's something that should've been more than we were given. And now that Itsuno's gone the series will never see the light of day again.
I tried playing this today and it crashed 3 times in 15 minutes. Also nobody has used my pawn since I last played 2 months ago so something fucky is going on with the rift system
Nobody is using your pawn because nobody is playing this "game".
The something funky is the low player count.
Price cut and remove denuvo.
>Itsuno’s gone
Good riddance, that hack is the reason the games are unfinished in the first place
that's cool as fuck, I love this shit in videogames, loved the ricochet rifle in Jak 3
DS3 does a pretty good job, feels good playing homerun derby with the great bonk and treating armored knights like tin cans
Uhhh I think you posted the wrong .webm, this makes me want to play the game
Its the first game again. Every single problem the first game suffers from, DD2 suffers from a second time. Whether you like DD2 over DD:DA depends on 3 things:
>How much do you care about developers learning lessons and making 11 years of development mean fuck all?
>How much do you care about Mystic Knight and dual weapon classes of DDA/ Is Warfarer an ok compromise?
>How much do you care about lolis?
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It's REALLY bad, leave this thread immediately.
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Imagine doing that and then running through a completely empty tunnel in a game with bland music(if there's any playing at all). It's not fun.

DD2 has way more problems than 1 did.
It looks and sounds worse, the character progression is worse, it's significantly easier, there are less enemy types, the world is more bland to explore, the gear system is less fun and looks worse, the quests are more boring, the dungeons are like 20x less interesting, magic is worse, and the pawns are annoying with absolutely no charm.
It's a bit too slow for me, it looks like the weapon is traveling in slow motion at times.
What the fuck is going on in this webm?
based reverse psychology CHAD
>Warfarer is basically DMC style switching
Ok, that's kinda cool. It doesn't really fit the setting though.
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>DD2 if it was directed by the Dark Arisen/DDO guy
Why does all nipslop "gameplay" consist of spergy out around the screen while enemy ai just watches you.
I had a good bit of fun but my fun can be a little unconventional. If you never played the first game with or without dlc you might enjoy it more because you wouldn't have realistic or not decade worth of expectations between the decade they came out.
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lmao even bro
Was there ever a performance update? Maybe I'll play through it a third time.
>Itsuno is too senile to make cuhrazee games ever again
what a fall from grace
The game is normally a fraction of that speed, which is why what that dude is pulling off is actually pretty impressive.
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>op complains why heavy weapons combat in vidya sucks only except dd
>thread immediately turns into dd2fags shill thread
I love Magick Archer, bros
I wish dd2 didn't flop and cause it's director to an hero.

I played dd1, saw it for the 5/10 with potential that it was and hoped for better. Instead we got worse.
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why do people never play the best weighty feel game of them all?
What's a game you would consider to be a 9 or 10/10?
Because old.
Anyway DD2 could have let you swing around the Dragon Slayer like Guts but for some reason people care about balance in a single player game about character building and player expression so you need 3 seconds to swing a longsword preese undahstando
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>OP posts a dd2 pic
>dd2 discussion ensues
Very organic post, my fellow dd1 fan!
I will forever be assmad that the "standard" for heavy weaponry is just make it slow. A fucking ps2 game understood how to make it feel good and it was never again.
Genuinely if you think those webms look good you might be mentally retarded.

Great game.
based reverse psychology CHAD not letting the mask slip, keep on keeping on, king
wtf I love dd2 now?
tranny word, just say repeat
>playing monke
>enemy team feeds the hell out of me and I rush leech and vamp burst
>they shit themselves about how shiv is op
I mean yeah but also don't feed me 15 kills by 15 minutes
Based posting in the wrong thread GOD
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ah fuck
No, not at all. The combat is extremely satisfying, the game just is not finished. It has a lot of content but they spent too much time on the open world and forgot to add actual dungeons. The open world is still good for what it is and has a lot of good views but it can't compare to finely crafted dungeon areas. An expansion could vastly improve it, the core foundation of the game is solid.
The open world is a bunch of soulless corridors, there are barely any open areas and exploration feels really bad as a result
yeah no
It's a structured open world, not a sandbox style and I like that. They just needed to make it much smaller and instead allocate time/resources to actual dungeons. And yes, the combat was satisfying, especially all the new finishers melee weapons got. Same thing with pinning enemies down. Pinning an enemy with Thief then planting a bomb directly on their face was satisfying. It does need some harder content and a hard mode in the expansion however.
It's missing the open part.
There was one that is supposed to be a minor improvement in towns but when I tried to play after the patch my PC crashed at the title screen. Had played for a good 80 hours beforehand so I don’t really know what to make of it.
It's your own fault if you went in expecting a sandbox style game but if anything it was too open. Or rather that openness and scale of the world took up too much dev time when they should've prioritized the dungeon crawling from BBI that people actually wanted.
Anons who haven't played it yet, just wait for DD2:DA. That's all you really need to know.
The finishers made melee combat feel even more one note than the first game for me. It turned into baiting knock downs and collecting my free absolutely massive damage. Forcing every melee to have downcrack or whatever that fighter skill was called equipped at all times took away from each classes identity. It’s ironic because apparently they gave everyone a single weapon type to make them stand out more but all the melee classes are just knock back and finish, and mage/sorc still share a bunch of spells and are the only two vocations with the same “unique” action.
That's not true at all anon, all the melee vocations felt very distinct and I have no idea how the finishers made them feel one note for you. I played a lot of Thief and Spearhand for example and with Thief, I would generally take down enemies by pinning them and then draw&quarter or powder bomb while pinned. Either that or I'd use masterful kill or a bomb planted directly on the ground but either way, the vocation was not just "knock back and finish". With Spearhand, I'd often use the big laser to just straight up snipe enemies from a range or warp in with the bolt and then melee them. The play-style was definitely distinct from Thief and other melee vocations as well. Finishers are just finishers, you're still doing different things with each vocation to get to that point and you're not always using the finisher as the killing blow in many instances.
I went in expecting DD2 and got DD0.5
Thiefs smoke bombs and implicate were both finishing machines. Any small enemy in the game is just there to be one shot. Warrior had an easy time knocking enemies down for a finisher too, with the generally high stagger charge attacks. Fighter felt like it needed the finishers to do any damage at all. Admittedly, spearhand was the one vocation I didn’t get around to playing because I had mastered all the others at that point and just lost interest.

I feel like the four skill limit really crippled the game. People complained that the original was all about spamming your strongest skill and trimming your customizable move set down so much didn’t help. Most vocations lost at least two slots, hybrids lost as many as eight. It made bringing along any of the more niche skills feel like you were either crippling yourself for no reason or it was the only decent option when its specific situation came up. The game being just as easy to overlevel as the original didn’t help either - no clue why they raised the level cap even higher that the first game when in both you are already more or less a god by level 50 with the right equipment.

Anyway overall it just didn’t grab me like DDDA did. Magic archer was so fun in the original but the loss of daggers made it so extremely boring, mystic knight was fun but got totally scrapped. Nothing really felt like strider and I’m really annoyed that NONE of the interesting bow skills from strider or ranger showed up on archer - some real monkey paw shot that they turned consumable arrows from equipable items to dedicated skills.
you are the biggest faggot in this entire website.
A cheat mod, that's what's going on. Warfarer does not function the way it's depicted in that webm.
Honestly the combat is the weakest part about Dragon's Dogma 2. In an effort to make each vocation unique, they somehow robbed some of the depth that DD1's vocations and combat had. Like rust and gold weapons. Where are they? Who thought it was a good idea to get rid of DD1's arrow types in place of elemental shit nobody will use? Getting rid of blast arrows would be one thing but silence, blind, and torpor? For the sake of what having to spend a skill slot for a special kind of arrow that could've easily been an equip and nothing more?

I enjoy Dragon's Dogma 2 for what it is, but combat is the one thing they somehow managed to fuck up when 1's worked and gave players versatility. DD2 gives none of that because they fully expect you to pawn up at all times by making sure the skills and abilities don't have too much overlap. So it ends up being more restrictive and limiting because you're forced to rely on AI partners more to make up for your shortcomings. They basically did everything they could to ensure you would be at a disavantage going solo, especially early on, and talking as somebody that always has a pawn on hand in the first game, that's pretty disappointing.
Archery is so bad in DD2. Auto aim was a fucking mistake same with loading arrows. Magic was worse too, really everything was worse for the most part.
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No other game has better combat animations or a better progression system in terms of combat imo. Some games have flashier animations for sure but the way this game gave you control over where the sword swung while also being like 99% true to the awesome source material was fantastic. And as you levelled up Guts got faster, stronger, and crazier. Itfelt really nice.

I would kill for a modern open world game with this kind of animation system.
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For DD2 I was expecting greatswords to be improved over the first game but they somehow made them even clunkier.
It's saying something when your game has archery mechanics that make Freedom Unite's bow feel AMAZING by comparison. And who came up with the aiming mechanics? They're awful! It should've been the standard TPS aiming from the first game while the auto fire was the access to kick combos and shit. Seriously if the higher ups at Capcom decide to give this franchise another chance 20 years from now I want the only thing I'd want back from 2 is Trickster. I genuinely like it as someone that is openly against any gameplay that is purely magic based, but something about tricking enemies into being retarded is fun, to me anyway. But it felt so basic and entry level and when I maxed it out I went "... this is all I get...?"
I can't bring myself to replay it. The low points of DD1 is the Oxcart, but you have a good amount of things to do in Cassardis before you have to do annoying shit. In DD2 they front load all the annoying shit. Like no thank you I don't want to do like 2 "stealth" missions immediately after I get to town.

Honestly the whole game is just slightly annoying or disappointing in ways that the first game isn't. I like camping, and I like the map, but I hate the story and I hate the classes.
>tfw I die I end up restarting the game to escape the bullshit hp bar reduction penalty
It’s awesome, but it’s missing things that made the original great (lolis, hard mode, end game content), has them but worse (story, soundtrack, voice acting, pawn chatter), and is missing obvious improvements that everyone asked for (enemy variety, more vocations, more gear). Then some questionable changes to the vocations and gear/cosmetic system.
Clear expectations leading up to it, trailers hinted at many more vocations and much more content, but in the end it was all a sham. Doesn’t run well on pc either. That’s why everyone hates it, but it still is a pretty good game.

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