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Why is he the fan favorite Vault Hunter?
People have wanted to play as Pyscho since 1 and Krieg is nuanced as a pyscho with his inner voice controlling the man we see. He's decently written, and has fantastic voice acting. But that's just as the character, gameplay wise he is wholey unique and tons of fun.
He's the conductor of the poop train!
He and Gaige are very fun to play with especially with their """hard""" skill trees.

The only issue with the both of them is that their stuck in Borderlands along with Handsome Jack.
He's fun.
Literally none of those things are true. Literally none. I don't see how you can make up such lies playing BL2 while the cringiest Reddit dialogue imaginable is playing at all fucking times. You don't even get a chance to think, only cringe.
I thought Zer0 was?
Gaige is the best
>Everyone using guns
>This dude is melee
I don't know, it's complicated.
Kek wtf he's not even most popular in his own game. Gaige, Zer0, maya and gunzerker are EASILY more popular. He maybe beats out Axton by an inch.
he's fun
he's fun to play and totally dogshit
cool design, meele weapon and voice lines
Playing through the series first time with people who clocked in 500h easily, in the middle of 2. From a gameplay perspective, how would you all rank the games?

Also, playing Maya, give me some tips because I'm a minmaxing whore
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He saids "Is psycho time" and then psycho all over the place
Gameplay wise?

So relase order, essentially. That being said BL1 still plays perfectly fine and has the best feeling legendaries in terms of rarity and scaling.
Get the perk that lets you slag things with ur ball as soon as possible if ur going into the harder gamemodes uvhm etc it's practically mandatory at the highest levels since you do no damage without slag
3 > 2 > TPS > 1
TPS would be higher than 2 but it has dogshit maps and no endgame.

>Also, playing Maya, give me some tips because I'm a minmaxing whore
1. Go down red tree
2. Spec into cloudkill
3. Get the rubi or grog nozzle
4. You are literally invincible until UVHM

but for real, Moze is the best and my small waifu used for head pats and potty training

The trailer for him had a lot to do with it. It's one of the few Borderlands-related story things that actually works and is well-made.

Also a class based on the most recognized' enemy type of Borderlands was just a smart design decision.
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Based Moze enjoyer.
I'm surprised how much I like Moze's personality.
She’s awesome, reminds me of Gaige but just NOTGaige
You've never played the game.
She's also insanely busted. Literally an unstoppable force in BL3. I have an iron cub elemental/shield build and I barely struggle at Mayhem 11.
>Top Tier

>High Tier

>Mid Tier

>Low Tier
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Yeah seems like respeccing into Cataclysm is pretty optimal as even in non-NG(+)s, enemies feel like a bit tankier without focusing on some elemental skills, thanks
A lot of her dialogue during quests and battle is just the right kind of dorky to be endearing. That, and her VAs delivery is really good in general.
Also, girl piloting mech, what's not to like about that?
is there a way to play BL3 without cringing to death?
Yeah he's got some fun shit in his skill trees. I seem to recall one build where you use that unique shield that only gives you health and no shield and go into a berserk loop and refill your health every time.
I’m on 8 and I’ve maxed out every slot. She’s insane. Iron bear shooting nuclear tipped warheads while I get out and hop in the gunner seat and become invincible. Spam grenades between cooldowns and repeat
I always found it funny how highly Mordecai is rated in the fanbase when he is competing with Brick as the weakest character in BL1.
>Krieg gets this cool narrative trailer
>Gaige gets jack shit
Gaige was incredibly rushed. Half her skills are copypasted from other vault hunters and a bunch of her skills had to be patched over the course of like 2 years just to function properly.
I'll NEVER forgive Randy.
he is cool I just don't like his skill trees. that why I still to gaige
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assuming no modding:
>vault hunters
>boss fights
>skill trees
>enemy variety
>relics and class mods

There, all the rankings that matter and weigh on each of the Borderlands games.
>obviously only played the game much later in life, if he even played it at all
He had the shiniest meat bicycle.
damn. on one hand I hate 3 so much...
but fuck I really cannot argue with that list
not off the top of my head at least.
maybe I hate 3 so much just because there was plenty in it that made me WANT to like the game.
Objectively and irrefutably
2 > 1 > TPS > abandon all hope ye who play past here
>b-but 3 has the bes-
Begone, shill.
Once you get past the fact the story is diarrhea dog shit you can at least appreciate just how good the gameplay is, and how far superior the scaling is compared to 2. Also it has pretty solid DLCs, and arguably the best DLC in the franchise besides Assault on Dragonkeep
I still think BL1 did gun progression the best. Finding a legendary felt great and you could actually use it for more than 2 level ups. BL2 really fucked it up
for me it was the other way around.
I was having fun with the gameplay and kept getting the rest shoved in my face.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who liked that DLC. When I first started, I was worries it would be the same garbage as before, but I was pleasantly surprised. Even the 4th wall-breaking narrator was funny occasionally without being too overbearing. It brought back the unkempt harold, too.
3 actually fixed this, but created another problem by making them far too easy to get.
It also has nothing to do with the main franchise and so it's forced to stand on its own. Also it barely has jokes. The main villain doesn't make a single quip at all.
Is Moze the only hot one in borderlands 3?
She's busted cause they buffed her massively due complaints from the community
On release she was by far the weakest of the 4 for like the longest time.
They will never get it just right at this point. Quite the shame really
>nothing to do with the franchise
"The Company" is Jakobs.
for me is roland/axton/
its a shame the turrets never got scaled properly to do decent damage at higher levels

the only thing 3 has going for it is literally the gameplay. the story is so cringe I have to remove a ton of points
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>people claim there's next to no jokes
>every other fucking statement is a quip, a reference, and a joke
>people claim it has the best DLC writing
>it's more gearbox shit and isn't any better than the main fucking story
>people claim the guns are amazing
>the guns are mid as hell
>people claim it has the best NPCs
>not a single fucking NPC isn't some obnoxious dickbag who thinks they're joss whedon except for the main villain who is just capitalizing on ripping off burial at sea elizabeth from bioshock
>fail to mention the CONSTANT fucking narration that ALSO quips and fucking jokes at every fucking thing you do

Never again with you faggots, never fucking again
>mfw doing a vladof build
>vladof company man with magsize/fire rate/damage with another 40% mag size and splash damage
>legendary mod that increases splash damage as long as you dont reload
>super soldier shield for even more fire rate
>running around with the feisar in shotgun mode
I loved fastball axton and throwing tediore guns in miliseconds
Moze was great. Miss crashing peoples games causing disconnects by spamming flakker sprint canceling and throwing an infinite supply of cloning maddening hexes.
From a pure gameplay perspective
TTWL > TPS >= 3 > BL2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BL1
However, 2 and 3 definitely have more content and more repeatable content than TTWL and TPS, so I end up coming back to those more often. BL3 would also rank higher if it weren't for the absolute lack of any difficulty at all. Talking about the remotest, tiniest sliver of anything, cuz TPS and TTWL aint hard either, but BL3 you can genuinely just close your eyes and aim wild and still make it through most of the game.
How the fuck do you have a problem with building Maya when her skills are clear enough?
It's not like you have to pick between two nukes, or dual cannons like Axton and still die within a few seconds in OP.
Wonderland also had the most insanely dogshit DLCs, like holy shit, how do you make DLCs so fucking bad level. I also thought the skill trees were REALLY boring, probably because they had to be extra generic to fit the multiclassing thing. Spells instead of grenades is fantastic though and the moment to moment gameplay manages to be pretty fun. I feel like it struck the best loot drop balance in the series too, you get juuust the right amount of legendaries imho.
You come across as a faggot.
He's a straight man who shows interest in a beautiful woman
Not really
Oh okay I guess
>the fireworks grenade
>actually scales with player
>1 of them nukes a huge area

this fucking music right here brought me back into BL2 so many times
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>melee character in an fps
he is a literal Chad made for Chads
>If it takes more than a bullet, then you're not using a Jakob!
Can I shoot him for false ad?
3 is so trash but it’s got so much going for it. So weird compared to the other games.
wish moze had a skill that reduces damage from her own splash damage desu. also a skill that lets you get back up from destroying a barrel or something.
He had a kino trailer
Yeah, the DLC situation is the biggest black spot on Wonderlands, at least as far as gameplay and content goes. It's exactly the same mistake they made with the Shock Drop Slaughter Pit, yet somehow even lazier, and they did it FOUR times for FULL DLC price. I'm almost impressed, because I thought Luxy's Space Adventure was gonna be the biggest pang of "what could've been," but at least TPS got Claptastic Voyage. Wonderlands got nothin'
>I feel like it struck the best loot drop balance
At least for the playthrough. The loot grind situation isn't all that great, but yeah I think you not only get legendaries at a fair rate, but the gimmicks attached to them gives a lot of character to your gear that you can then twist your builds around on the fly.
>I also thought the skill trees were really boring
That, I'd disagree on. Blightcaller is a fantastic elementalist class, and Spellshot going all in on spamming magic, to the point of needing to do so to even get your shield back, was a lot of fun. There's some facets that I'll say aren't as good as they could be, like Stabbomancer is fine but really needed an Action Skill to be a full-commit to your melee to be as fun as playing Krieg, but otherwise I'd say they were mostly all pretty decent. At worst, the only boring ones are the usual suspects, i.e. companion classes (which have been kinda meh since Gaige), but even then I enjoyed ones like Graveborn more than usual.
>I never played the game
Fun fact: Gearbox patched the actual ranting from Raving Retribution, and the community patch put it straight back in.
I got wonderlands because it was on sale for $4 if you already BL3.

ive played for about 10 hours and it seems like its taking FOREVER for the action to pick up.
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>trolling goliaths in BL2
>BL3 version is fucking onions
I run bloodletter/deathless/urad/infernal wish on moze and m11 may as well be easy mode at this point
That’s her weakness is blowing herself up, or at least that’s what kills me most of the time
Moxxis bouncing pair is a bitch sometimes
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What made him such a beloved character?
She loses next to no damage potential by going into ffyl though, you’d have to fuck up and and down yourself on the last enemy for it to matter
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>crawmerax DLC
>lilith and brick talk about the OG crawmy fight
>talks about the ledge
>brick says how they could hit him and it couldnt hit them
I wish they did more dialogue like that

what are some examples they could do in BL4?

i think they could talk about the bee shield and how gearbox went full retard with slag because of it
you type like you're 14
I miss farming and raising the Goliath and the big bugs.
It's hard to understand why this mechanism is not more popular in other games.
>they removed pearl rarity in BL3
>orange rarity is about as common as purples

what did they mean by this? why couldnt they at least add ultra rare pearl variants of legendaries

the alien barrels are fucking cringe
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I liked the gameplay and loot of borderlands but I don’t think I’ll be spending more than $20 on 4 if at all. Just can’t take the unskippable woke cringe bullshit in current year anymore.
I hope whichever faggot at gearbox wrote this item card in 2020 enjoys their clots
So was he Gage's father or not?
>ending cutscene where 2 faggots are getting married
>they kiss
>one of the few cutscenes you cant skip
Haha, why would I ever do that?
I can’t wait to cringe my eyes out on the Faggerlock DLC.
>best in slot artifact in entire game can’t be farmed and requires replaying the entire interracial gay marriage dlc to the end to get another
Fuck you randy
>low tier
Not with that broken super. Lilith is by far the best vault hunter in the first game. She just seems weak by BL2 standards because Salvador and anarchy exist.
>zane that high
>Gearbox patched the ranting from Raving Retribution
for what fucking purpose
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>play BL2 with the BL2 fix mod
>you can assign a key that skips dialogue
>it just works

why the fuck has gearbox not thought to add this yet (officially)
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>its a complete mess of a layout
i hope they go back to BL2 for sanctuary 4 and just add some convenient jump pads
Oh ofc it’s from THAT dlc. Makes sense now.
You're a commplete retard. To say he's incomparable to the rest of the cast is a vast understatement. Salvador is quite possibly the most overpowered piece of shit in FPS history.
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>talk to a NPC
>the quest tracks the next location FIRST and you can just start going and the NPC talks while you are going
>talk to a NPC
>they start talking
>quest wont track next location until they are done
>even if you delete all the .pak files you still have to stand and wait for a bit sometimes

they have fictional phones for a reason. start fucking using them properly again
is it just me or i dont remember a black in borderlands so i didnt understand who kevin hart was in the borderlands movie?
Bro. Roland? Turret guy from BL1?
>throw a turret with axton
>1/10 of the time of the action skill is wasted waiting for it to actually deploy
He was right.
oh right. i didnt pick him but his appearance is so generic npc I cant blame myself for that one
Is it a "hot take" to say the art style for the games peaked in 2? Been playing through it with a few QoL mods and holy hell maybe it's just nostalgia but this game is beautiful.
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It did. I've been replaying BL3 myself and... god, all the fucking people in that game are so generically ugly. Why did does everyone have the same head? Everyone looks the same.
BL2 has such cool designs for their basic enemies, like the Nomads. I just really hope they bring back more unique designs like BL2's into BL4.
I find 1 to be better than 2 because the setting was more immersive and had better writing. Combat is more or less the same in 2, but with flashier skills. People just like 2 more because there's significantly less downtime in between gunfights, which is fine. I can understand people getting bored during 1's downtime. It's why I don't play Bethesda games.
His villain arc didn't start at the beginning of the game. It started like half a year before the game came out because the guy was talking shit to the fanbase non-stop. He drummed up a ton of hype and made killing him at the end of the game all the more satisfying.

2 doesnt have retardedly low bullet velocity and the variety is better.

1 feels like its too much driving from outpost to outpost but the atmosphere I will agree is better in 1
everyone always says this but I've always managed to use a good purple or blue unique for several levels before needing an upgrade in 2
literally with 30 seconds of starting the game hes already talking shit and never stopped
>gets caught on an object
>spawns underground
>can't recall it for 30 seconds
>wait another 30 seconds for it to come back
sometimes its better to just longbow it onto the ceiling instead of trying to toss it into some wack ass level geometry
his voice actor ignored anthony burch's writing
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>be axton
>join a random lobby that just finished the angel quest
>get tele to back of marcus shop
>get there first
>run in and drop turret and block the door
>open the chests and take everything
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>my first playthrough of BL2
>get to rolands red chest
>open it
>a fucking legendary commando class mod was in there
the big thing for me is the level designs, their look and their feel. Two has a perfect blend of shithole shanty town and gorgeous vistas, mountain ranges, contrasting colors, and just general flair.
three is like "zones" ahh you're in the "futurist zone" so everything is neon and dark you're in the "shithole swamp zone" so everything is baby barf green and brown, you're in the "pandora zone" so it's just a desert because we're lazy. Not to mention the complete lack of unique areas/ set pieces.
I feel like it's just over exasperated because of the shitstain that is OP levels. You seriously DO need on level gear to do anything in those God forsaken difficulties because of the absurd exponential scaling.
Borderlands 1 was the best
Borderlands 3 is the second best
Borderlands 2 is okay, but it starts the insufferable dialog shit, even though it was Handsome Jack, who is redeeming, the weapon scaling and the Slag completely ruin the game imo
TPS is "alright"
Tales = 1 > 3 > 2=TPS
I haven't beaten Tiny Tina's but it's been mid, maybe the weakest entry
ah, makes sense. I was thinking more about my first playthroughs, I haven't played much beyond OP level 1
>do quest objective
>long fucking dialog shit
>walk away, assuming the quest will send me to where it actually wants me to go
>"okay, now take this from my hand before you go to ButtFucksVille"
I'm alright fucking 6 minutes away, in the middle of buttfucksville.
>had different shades of orange rarity
Straight facts senpai. TPS and the god awful Head Hunters' DLCs introduced this shit and I cannot comprehend the reason for its continued existence.
>hurr durr dialogue is tied to quest triggers
it worked in 1/2 there's no reason for it not to work in future titles.
No, you do not understand. BL2's looting was literally designed to be as bad as possible to keep people farming. Yes, really. Posts from the devs on the now defunct gearbox forums confirmed this. I share some of the highlights from that shitshow
>removed enemies dropping their gun so you roll for guns less often
>removed the "awesomeness" stat so drop rates are static instead of favoring you at high levels
>gutted the world drop system so you are forced to farm specefic enemies instead of consistently finding good loot organically
>deicated drops used to be 1% to get you to farm as long as possible
>made blue unique mission rewards no longer drop from their associated quest enemy like in BL1
>weapon part system was dumb down and designed so you were less likely to get a good gun too early
>fucked weapon scaling so you have to constantly swap guns unless you get insanely lucky or farmed BiS gear
>white chests are rarity locked
>red chests had their drop rates gutted; ~6% for a purple wtf
>put less chests overall to encourage boss farming
>chests do not have increased drop rates for being hard to find like in BL1
>raid bosses and certain rare spawns select 1 out of around 8 loot pools so you can't get multiples of their drops in one run also some of those pools include greens and blues as there guaranteed high rarity drop
>playing with friends makes drop rates worse
>playing with friends makes drop rates worse
all the other things I can deal with, good shit should be rare (to an extent). But this is just straight fucked up
I still remember when they first removed "awesomeness" and it resulted in the infinity having something along a .00001% drop rate at level 50
and while I DO agree that 2 fucked up horribly by making it so unique drops were pretty much locked to specific enemies/bosses I think 3 taking it in the opposite direction, especially on launch, and letting EVERYTHING drop rare loot CONSTANTLY with NO designated loot pools kinda defeats the "oh fuck yeah" moments you'd get when you finally find a good drop. I haven't "finished" 3 since launch though so I can't really say how it has held up/changed.
>game about guns
>doesnt use the guns
i dont like him
duality of man
>he doesn't know about javelin Krieg
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>when my lvl 50 purple hyiu muckamuck jakobs sniper gets mogged by a lvl 54 white tediore pistol
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The dialog skipper mod for bl3 will usually trigger the next objective when you skip lines. But there are some instances where it doesn't work like if you try skipping dialog from a video playing or something like Rhys talking to you via hologram. The audio will stop playing in these instances so that's still a plus.
Glad she got buffed, on launch she was an absolutely dogshit gimmick character whose ult wasn't even enough to make her fun.
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Majorly jealous of his physique
I mean besides the cartoonishly humongous traps it's just do lifts until your arms explode and then have 4% bodyfat
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>doing BL3 on normal and TVHM for all characters
>8 total playthroughs
im glad im done it all
also have literally perfect genetics, forgot that part.
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how did gearbox not realize how shitty sanctuary 3 was to navigate?

like at somepoint SURELY one of the people making the game playing the game should have stopped for a second and thought man this is kind of annoying
I am currently at 3% bodyfat, I'm afraid that if I actually work out I'll lose more fat and die the silliest death possible by being too healthy
>sub 3% bf
>healthy by any definition
I'm guessing you haven't been to a physician with an actual degree, because he would be begging you to eat more every time you saw him.
>TVHM in BL3
nigger what are you doing that mode literally changes nothing in BL3
yes mr peechpord sir very long gameplay sir
What? Moze was insane at launch. Literally had infinite ammo, infinite health, uncapped fire rate with the flakker, 100% always on multiplicative damage for all splash damage, the ability to one shot every boss, and her only flaw was iron bear was mediocre but she could just use as a healthgate buffer or slap on target softening to get even more damage and even more infinite ammo. Bitch broke the game hard and got several weapons nerfed do too how insane she was.

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