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Behold, a queen of /v/
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All hail Vegeta prince of nothing.
>Already forgotten
It's over....
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amazing girl
Would she support Pinochet?
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then let us remind them again.
Then inevitably reinstall to try and unlock all the dungeons/characters again then get annoyed that the store debt mechanic ends far too early, or escalates infinitely meaning you can only play unfun tryhard strats to keep it going
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Still a better E8 than this wimp.
>Then inevitably reinstall to try and unlock all the dungeons/characters again then get annoyed that the store debt mechanic ends far too early, or escalates infinitely meaning you can only play unfun tryhard strats to keep it going
Or I can not be autistic and just enjoy the relaxed pace of the game after I beat the campaign and do the dungeons then
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Who do we fear possibly winning this year?
Recette will always be my one true Queen. Yayifications upon her name, all debts shall be forgiven, all adventurers shall have all the grass they can eat, her reign shall last a thousand years or your money back guaranteed.
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god she's so fucking cute
This literal who? i only know him from PlayStation allstars
Oh, did he become king last year or something? Well done, Clarke. Goodbye Clarke.
Ehrm, his name is Dave Space, show some respect
>Oh, did he become king last year or something?
never ever
And her game is good dumb fun.
Dave Space is a shit name. Calypso protocol is way better as a name
>Oh, did he become king last year or something?
Why do you got to rub it in his face. He's still traumatized by engineer gaming
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I'm sure battler will win this year
every time I see this game I can't help but think of Carpe Fulgur so monumentally fucking up trying to translate Trails in the Sky SC that one limp wristed somethingawful goon who was their main trannylator almost killed himself over not being able to format an excel document correctly
that's what you get for trusting a goon to do anything complicated or difficult
which is also why lowtax shot himself in the face when he wouldn't be able to subsist on his pills and wine fund from troons reporting each other over misgendering their hamsters
She looks like her cunny is still intact.
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Draws no dimes.
Fuck off to /co/, tranny
...in opposite world.
>/a/ tried to do queen of /a/
>fails miserably
funniest shit i've seen this week
He had a good run last year but Kiryu gatekept him from Elite 8 by four votes.
He won the slandering Kiryu contest
It was some newfag retard host. Had it been run competently it probably could've passed.
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Damn anon, that was brutal even for you.
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post your king/queen of this year
Hooligans can't steal her cuteness
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Rance and Bazz
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Roland the Niggerbuffed
Reshitter an item slop tale sucks.
yeah with a girl like that, I'm just going to go buy some milk
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ZUN's art has actually improved a lot over the years.
Jack Garland is a better king than Grimm
Someone boring and associated with NTR, like Zelda or Toadstool
Recette is mogged so hard by every other queen it's not even funny.
>2 months till queen of /v/ starts
should I start campooning right now bros?
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Are there any Recettear clones?
The game is 15 year old, surely there should be dozens of games copying its formula.
She's the only good one
>shit is better than poop
She cute
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I still believe
Get out of here.
>enjoy the relaxed pace of the game after I beat the campaign and do the dungeons then
For me, it's light and plain
why is he looking at me like I killed his family
He's coming for Recette.
There's Touhou Mystia's Izakaya which is about running a ramen shop.
Yeah, they're games like Recettear
Unfortunately a lot of them are either muh or forgettable. The only one that is kinda worth trying out it is Potionomics.
Also if you're wondering wtf is all this unrelated bullshit in this thread don't bother. It's just a bunch of faggots shitting up /v/ with their reddit garbage
there is but none have been capable of succesfully replicating its formula
This year it is going to be loaded and ready to fire
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To give her his guild card? Or perhaps to buy a nice bow for his son?
>Dead beat dad fucks up and collects a lot of debt
>Fucks off forever and get's her daughter to deal with it
Wow, what an asshole
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Not true, he's trying his best.
Sadly, no, as >>688125804 said, the closest thing atm is potionomics and it still has the same issues that Recettear had, but with no dungeon exploration.
Luna is pure sex of a character tho, absolute perfection of character design and her alone is a good reason enough to check the girl if you like meganekko
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I could swear there was another character from Potionomics that /v/ liked, but I cannot for the life of me remember who.
You're talking about Anubia, anon.
If the MC isn't a loli, I genuinely don't fucking care. Any game calling itself a spiritual successor to Recettear has to have a loli protagonist or it's already failed.
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Which 2hus will qualify this year?
Whoever was the art director was trying waaaaay to hard to be like Disney
And now queen of /a/ will never be allowed again. It's a shame
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What happened?
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I've seen the concept art for some of the characters. They honestly should've went all-in on stylism rather than going for the Disney look. Reminds me of Kena and the Bridge to Terabithia or whatever the fuck it's called in how soulless it looks.
I used to bully people like Luigi back in school.
Wow he must really hate that camera
This guy has one of the lowest LOSING percentages in the history of King of /v/ btw.
retard host shows up without warning
tries to host queen /a/
does everything wrong (up to and including modifying the bracket after the tournament has already gone several rounds in)
mods start annihilating him
he just keeps on trying anyway with zero attempts at contact or similar
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At least they gave her exposed armpits, red hair and yellow eyes. If she was a catgirl, it would've been Bingo.
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I guess, but I stand firmly on this point. No lolitagonist, no buy. There are other devs that deserve your money.
>mods start annihilating him
Threads got that bad, huh? Sasuga, /a/.
Why does the main protagonist have to be a loli?
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Because loli protagonists are the cutest and best way to enjoy a game. It's like playing with a little girl directly but no one can call the cops on you.
Moe supremacy
It was terrible, the retard started spamming all threads with links to his own. The brackets themselves were nonsensical, you had huge powergaps (Asuka vs some side character from the recent FOTM), titanic matchups in round one (Shinobu v Kurisu in round one? really?).
So everyone went fuck this shit and fuck you and didn't vote. Maybe next year someone who lurked 5 years will do it properly.
someone mentioned this yesterday, but there is very limited footage and it seems to be leaning more into town expansion
also nearing its 4th (5th?) year of development I think
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>Maybe next year someone who lurked 5 years will do it properly.
Aren't there /co/faggots who have their own website running and autismfagging the tourneys nowadays?
I exaggerated a bit, but she looks a lot better in motion
The uneven bracketing was cause he literally just structured it by order of nomination. So you ended up with a whole block of literal who's like bracket C, and elsewhere powerhouse shit like Lain, Yotsuba, and Asuka facing each other two rounds in.
Little wife
Why do people hate recette? Also underdogs are good powerhouses are gay as fuck.
>Person wants to host a queen of /a/ tournament
>It's organized horribly
>Doesn't talk to the mods about it
>One of the threads eventually gets deleted by mods
>Starts ban evading to make new threads
>Threads continue to be made by him and swiftly deleted by the mods
>He finally decides it's time to talk to the mods in the IRC chat to get approval for a queen of /a/ thread
>They basically tell the ban evader to fuck off and continue deleting threads he makes
>The guy schizos out and won't stop making threads
>"queen of /a/" is now a shadowbanned term on /a/
>The tournament is now banished to be hosted on an altchan
Literally only newfags who weren't around for the early days of limited anime games on Steam hate her.
Cause they're meta shit tourney wins.
Powerhouses are as well the only difference is you get shat on for not wanting them to win
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>Why do people hate recette?
Unironically because of me which is weird because all I did was draw/commission a shitton of loli porn.
Best part of the whole Queen of /a/ ret/a/rd situation is that every time he fucked something up for some reason he was incredibly smug about it
I saw in a recent thread of another item shop type game that isnt out yet, I wanted to wishlist it but now I cant find it. Anyone here happen to know what the name of it was
How? I was just giving the rundown.
I personally don't think the threads should've been deleted in the first place since they were on-topic, but the OP was retarded for how he handled the situation
Because they literally hate fun, feel like they missed out on the best years of this website, and have no souls.
When is the next tourney?
Few months
Powerhouses are naturally powerful. That's why they're powerhouses.
You should've did a Recette porn campaign instead of the wholesome stuff.
Are you sure openly calling yourself a pedo and bragging about it in drawthreads isn't why people dislike you
Is that why doomguy has been doing shit for the past few years despite being a powerhouse? Or how Eggman lost twice to indie rpgs? Hell the fact the Jetstream Sam suggestion made people worry is ridiculous alone.
Jetsream Sam post wasn't even a suggestion, it was a IMPLICATION.
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Anon please. I'm still haven't gotten over it.
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>You should've did a Recette porn campaign
I did, lol. I promised to commission one new Recette pic for every round she won, even.
That too, but it honestly has zero bearing on Recette's campaign since most people didn't vote for her for the loli porn. At least, whenever I brought it up, no one made a huge deal about it and instead focused primarily on how cute Recette is.
We're talking the same tournaments where Jack Frost can be a finalist entirely off of having the name "Jack", and pooping on a crayon drawing of Mario. That's quite literally all he did to make it to the finals.
Expect nothing and everything.
She's from a time when /v/ was better
The fuck, man. I hope you aren't referencing qbuse material in your drawings
Fucking metafagging tntards blew that total nothing joke into a serious problem. I couldn't even have fun campaigning for Wario that round because nobody cared about any drawings or memes and just wanted to metafag instead, I hate that shit
I look up tags on Gelbooru for references.
That's exactly my point powerhouses and underdogs don't matter
No one gives a fuck about you. Lessen that ego.
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Jack Frost from the persona games was a fucking finalist? What type of tournament was that even about because I am wholeheartedly sure he wouldn't even be a finalists in a persona tournament.
It's still gross, but so long as you don't glorify or promote real abuse I guess it's not as bad
It was a time when the tournaments were ruled over by NSA. They were dark times.
King /v/ 2022
It was an absolute hellscape of a tournament, I don't think anybody but Jack Garland fans were happy about that disaster
People gave me shit last year during Qo/v/ and Ko/v/ despite me being banned for almost the entirety of both events. I wish people would give less of a fuck about me being a perverted pedo and remembered that Recette's campaign was a group effort by a bunch of other anons besides me.
It made that round utterly unbearable for all parties involved Geraltbro btw
Is that a comedic implication reeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Shut it down! We're no longer allowed to enjoy campaigns
We wouldn't care about you being a pedofaggot if you weren't constantly attentionwhoring about it and reminding us in tournament threads and drawthreads
You're an even bigger attention hog than most tripfags, fuck off you annoying cradle robber
Yeah, that did suck, but I'm glad Wario won. I was kind of losing it campaigning for Alex.
I gave up campaigning and just shitposted with the Sam joke as much as I could, both so people would stop taking it seriously and I could meme with total impunity
Dude just how much campaigning did you do for Alex, I don't think I could have done that much even totally no-lifing it
sounds based, fuck /a/
All I do is share my art in the drawfag thread.
It's one post and then I talk about art afterwards. I barely even had an opportunity to campaign last year too. I likely won't this year too.
If I'm honest, I did at most 80%. I also mostly did it to see if I could actually generate hype for a character. I do enjoy YIIK, but that's more from a game dev and artist perspective. I'm mostly planning on working on my video editing and making my art better.
>Eggman lost twice to indie rpgs
You make being the only character to make finals twice sound like it's not a powerhouse thing.
I mean during the tourney. Could've made it a total cute and funny victory.
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>I mean during the tourney.
It was during the tourney. Think only the first couple of rounds' art managed to get done before the end of the tournament. The last ones featuring Mado were finished afterwards.
What kind of weird examples are this? Doomguy gets spited as a silentfag. Eggman made finals twice. Yes they're still powerhouses and they lose the way they do arguably cause of meta combating natural performance.
/v/ is a cunnychad board
Mado should've won.
I gotta ask though: Why YIIK? There's lots of experimental and weird games like Killer7, Katamari Damacy, that have frankly, much better gameplay
>The queen of /v/ is a jewish little girl
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>ruins your streak
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"Meta" this and that
Any of you ever Meta woman?
I enjoy those games as well but I thought it'd be more challenging to use a universally hated game than an enjoyed one
Your wife meta bull with a larger cock than yours.
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>but I thought it'd be more challenging to use a universally hated game than an enjoyed one
Alright, that's pretty based
oh fugg he got you
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he fucking got me
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How could Doomguy end up winning?
>one of THE classic /v/ characters
>the only thing you can really do to pin /v/ against him is "nudoom" but there's plenty of old Doom content to rely on
>has a ton of campaign potential, including modding Doom to put his round enemies into it
>isn't even that hard to draw so anybody could just throw up a piece of OC of him in MS paint
>was already a finalist and generally fares well against "heavy hitters" or eventual winners like Garland
I'm sorry, who's this faggot again?
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Besides, the point of these tournaments is to have fun even if you campaign for a hated character. I'm personally planning on campaigning for more characters next year, but I hope to take inspiration from Roland Anon and Raidenposter since I enjoyed their campaigns quite a lot.
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I adore the DOOM games. But how do you campaign for him? He has no personality or character to speak of, he's a stoic face in the bottom of the screen that looks at things and sometimes smiles or shouts. You have to pretty much just make up stuff for him.
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You're not thinking outside the box enough. You don't have to roleplay anything to campaign something.
Wanna campaign doomguy? Just have him go "UNF" and shoot the fucking matched up character. Shoot it until it dies. Worst case, pull from the old ass comic that became a meme.
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Do what I did. Base his personality on the Doom Comic.
I usually just stick to one character at a time, and if they lose move on to whoever else I like a lot. Running myself thin isn't fun, I just want to pretty much goof around during the /co/ tournaments and queen, maybe cheerlead a little bit for characters I like and save the energy for king. I'm getting sortof tired of these as much fun as they are, but I can feel I've got one more really big run in me.
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Hehe, if he goes up against AM Doomguy can just keep humping him until he finds a secret entrance, since AM's just a big wall/pillar
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Treating AM like the Icon of Sin and finding his secret Harlan Ellison head would be kino
oh fuck you Luigi
Well I hope your last big run is amazing anon.
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I biggest worry is that he's doomed, heh, to be a jobber to meme picks. But I have hope he can finally break that curse and show everyone he's still the same powerhouse he was back in 2019.
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Oopsies, sorry Mr computer that was a rocket launcher to your brain
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Thank you Alexbro. I've got kino cookin.
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I thought about Recettear at work today and, lo and behold, a thread has appeared. I would like you all to know that I am solely responsible for this thread springing into being, and I accept your gratitude.
This is a /v/ tourney thread actually. Sorry. anon.
Yeah, I posted that when I saw the OP before I actually read the thread. Very disappointing, like when I see Battler in the 'log and assume it's an Umineko thread when it's actually a TFR thread.
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You guys really think Daisy would go for some pencilneck geek like Luigi? She's honestly better off as a lesbian.
Hopefully you can get your Recette thread after this one is over. Though there's probably a few people here could talk about it with you anyway.
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Look, I know you guys get a kick out of calling Luigi a "cuck" and a "loser" but at the end of the day Luigi's Mansion on the Gamecube is the tightest shit. I don't want to hear NOTHING against my man who can deliver such a kino game.
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>thread gets linked to /tnt/
>immediately the cuckposting parasite with no life outside doing this starts sperging
Every single time.
The other fairy also does that
Go Kratos go, keep killing the pantheons of the white people
I don't think he's doomed as long as you're willing to use what makes him an appealing protagonist to /v/ to campaign him. I already have a few I want to campaign, but if they falter early on I'll immediately switch to Doomguy.
Maybe I'll load up a few WADs ahead of time so I can record dumb gameplay for rounds, but we'll see, I'm rusty in my WAD handling.
Jesus, what a colossal retard
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Reminder these are your crossover champions. Who will be your teams for next year?
Why did Geralt need a powerhouse to carry him?
Sonic and Bugs Bunny
Should i play chantelise first then reccitier or skip the first one?
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My ELITE hero
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That stunk and was only good for the Maogana art
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>mogs the past few King tourneys
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I don't believe this either, it's just something I've notice since every person he's lost to is a meme in some way
But I do believe he has a better chance this year. There's a new doom game coming out next year and doom 1 and 2 got remastered this year. So he might get a slight boost in the polls
>High noon drifters
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>Just shortly before Mac and Doc won, there was someone making fanart of Mac and Roxanne Wolf, the previous Co-op champion, together
>He now made porn
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>High noon drifters
It's a great WAD innit?
But I'll give Doomguy much more of my support this year, I just hope not too many of my favorites enter the bracket cause of that.
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I wouldn't say "mogged" but it was definitely better than 2022, 2021 and 2023 were insanely over-the-top and I really don't know how it can be surpassed.
By 2024.
They had everything going for them, it was Punch-Out's 40th by the time they won.

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Always happy to have fellow doombros around these parts.
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Who's making them, anyway?
I wonder if it's the Roxanne guy that makes the elite 9 images. Now THAT would be funny
baroness of hell sex
Breaking News: due to being the shittiest Elite 8 Rayman is rightfully being tortured by the based Mr Dark
press K for KWAB
If you mean the poorly drawn gay furry spam no, it wasn't.
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So if Grimm is permenantly retired, Rance is relegated to KWAB status, and there's no more NSA to bully, are we finally safe from the horrible curse of rape? Is it over?
Well then /cov/ wasn't good for anything, then
It wasn't me. Especially when the guy had a full deviantart page at display of this ship
>never got that Silver x Erika porn
I figured, but it is a REALLY funny coincedence
hardly, it has only just begun
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>drew gold bikini art of Darlene
>never got the tribute
Who will be raped first, I wonder?
honestly looks like a boy
how come i didnt notice this before...
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No, it's OVER
OVER, I tell you
nazi winner when?
It had a good line-up. People just made a bunch of drama out of their campaign picks losing R3.
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Please respect NSA. He did nothing wrong.
Do you think Rance will rape his rapists?
No wonder Ruber hasn't qualified for a Mr. tourney since 2021.
Who's being uppity? If I remember correctly, Morgana was the first last year since he was insistent a cat would win.
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right here
/a/ turned into /ag/ years ago. Any thread that isn't a general can be deleted at random.
Yuppero I care now
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>if pawn stars was actually good
You're missing out on burger kino
This reminds me of that time anons found completely unrelated porn of Isaac and Hornet
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We don't need Queen of /a/, we need an /a/ tournament dedicated to humiliating Vegeta every year like the finale for Villains was
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What do you think will happen when some youtube faggot inevitably covers all of this
Well, the viewers would have to
>want to go on /v/
>remember when the tourneys are
>know how 4chan works
>not immediately be turned off 4chan
And at that point they might as well be welcome
that won't happen unless you, yes YOU make it
>Jack and Amaterasu wasn't a team because anons wanted them to prop their own picks
/cov/ was such an embarrassment.
Nobody would change anyway. people who watch videos about 4chan posts never actually use 4chan
Why did they even take the job to translate TitS SC? They struck gold with Recettear, just bring other doujin games until another one sticks. I'm sure Fortune Summoners did alright, although there was that controvery of them adding a towel over the characters, kek.
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Just a reminder Shadow's VA in spanish for the movie is none other than Vegeta himself.
Why would anyone care about the /v/ equivalent of a unofficial Popularity contest?
Because he's a Jobber and that's what makes it funny to me despite being DG
>Eggman is the posterboy for the runner-up curse and also gay for Tails now
>Sonic is an eternal round one jobber
>Shadow is now a Bejitabro
Yup, it's over for the entire series...
In Italy Shadow and Vegeta have shared their voice actor for over 10 years now
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>meanwhile Rouge is the only one with a confirmed win even if it was a proto-trash tournament
They actually just got back on the series, they were one of the translator for the latest Legend of Heroes slop. Not sure how they fell upwards like that.
Yeah, but she can't win Qo/v/ for the life of her....unless....
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>tall woman
>smug imp
>robot woman

It's about time we get a Queen for furfags.
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Great minds think alike
Granted, but she's from a gacha.
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Behold; the new king and queen of vee.
I wish we got Biggee cheese and Mad Rat as a team
>Leyley didn't even get into the brackets
>Andy didn't even get past round 1
More like King and Queen of jobbers
I adore that thumbnail
Next year for sure, just need Chapter 3 to come out
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Planning to nominate Ratchet and Clank for Co-op using this pic
Why is Kleiner so terrible?
Icon of Sin btw
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Surely next time it's Carol's time to shine.
He sucks too because he's never in-character
nah. fuck zoofags.
furry thread
furry board
furry site
furry internet
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Wait and see
>putting non-winner material anywhere NEAR my second place bugwife
Bros, I think I’m going to HURL
Wouldn't it be funny if Leyley won but Andy didn't?
You can't prove me wrong
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>Why is Kleiner so terrible?
>hasn't won a real major tournament
>Fucking metafagging tntards
Should I tell him?
Ms co 2022
Dino's don't have fur.
That has nothing to do with /v/
Anon Midna is not a furry character, what are you on about?
>A furry character
You're really reaching at this point
thats the queen of /biz/
So what is the general consesus about Battler now? 47 retired, his thread presence isn't as prominent as 2022, not even siding with other jobbers isn't helping him.
He already won. He's the one and only ever king of loser's and 9th place (literally, by winning the only ever loser's bracket). That should be the conclusion of his arc.
I can feel it.
Reaches the end, but loses in the final round.
Eggkek, go back to /tnt/ where you threw a fit after someone pointed out your hypocrisy.
>after I beat the campaign and do the dungeons then
What campaign? Half the story is locked behind meeting characters in the dungeons.
I only care if it's Battler but people who really think it'll go down really are kidding themselves hard
is there a date on when is the next tournament?
He's peaked. He went up against 47, and is the official King of the Losers. Honestly he should be immortalized and retired to preserve honor, having him go further would just be an embarassment.
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Nothing will ever surpass campaigning for Bub and Bob anyway and that wasn't even a /v/ tourney
her, the rich girl's fairy, and the housewife are the worst.
Queen is always early November, King early December.
it's the same series as Jason X
He will continue to remain an upset character beating popular picks and making people mad for some reason while still being mentioned multiple times even if he lost a position
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That is not true but, now that your brought it up, I wanted to talk about something I mentioned back:

Coayynon confirmed he's no longer hosting the /aco/ tournaments. Because of fear of the jannies going full nuclear on him and the others. We were in talks about making a plan to only consider Queen Tyr'ahnee as the one and only Ms. /aco/, and have Rouge and Loona (who won through by other means not accurate to the board) be the first Ms. /trash/ winners as Coayy has expressed his interest on hosting one later. This would make Tyr'ahnee the sole /aco/ champion and Rouge the first Ms. /trash/ champion.
>upset character beating popular picks
He lost early to #1 seed by one vote last year.
As it should be.
You're acting like Battlerfags weren't salty as the ocean when they lost to Christopher Robin and begged for the coper's bracket in retalion
I'm down for this but, what made the /aco/ jannies so upset in the first place?
And? And retards wouldn't shut up about the fucker having the shitty VN character live rent free in their heads nonstop and just the sheer mention of him tanked threads
ramen was the mvp recipe for the human village arc felt like.

now it's all about based yuuma making everyone buy akatsukis and oedo boat feasts
so, is grimm accepted as king or do these faggots still cope with the whole "rigged by discord" thing (he would've still won regardless, and eggman is a serial jobber)
Voting for him purely to see how assmad people get
Battler tanked threads cause of crown steal autism.
all I want to know is: does NSA have a boyfriend or is she available?
thismis extremely important
Couldn't have beaten John Ward without the discord votes
>lose to non-/v/ character that was silent for most of the tournament (outside of a few pieces of OC) until that round and then silently lost to Luigi
>get mad
seems reasonable
I'll be campaigning for Porno again in the nominations (in spite of it getting me a cheeky 30 day ban/irc permaban last time) but if I can't get her in, you have my support.

In a perfect world Porno's campaign would involve whoring out every girl she wins against in the spirit of Dohna Dohna
Batttler himself is a meme pick. It was fair.
Eastern being posted there, despite the board having plenty of threads filled to the brim with them. Coayy took all measures required but all were in vain and he constantly got banned for the same reason "Posting Eastern art"
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What adventurer did you guys use for loot farming dungeons? Personally I liked this guy, he's pretty OP as long as you bring in a couple restoration items to keep him going and he absolutely shits on the later dungeons/bosses
Plus he's ranged so I prefer him by default, never cared for playing as the melee characters like Charme, always seemed to get hit in the most BS ways as them
Why the fuck do you people beg and scream for the hosts to let non-vidya characters in, when you go and throw a giant shitfit when the off-topic shit you begged to have in beats a video game character
It's the same shit every year, I hate off topic picks hyped by meming retards
Battler bro btw
nah, there's just too many schizophrenics
stealth and crossover threads led to lots of syncretism between various "schizo-core" fanbases so there was that whole "ally of an ally" factor too
>no John Vs Eggman final where John summons Jesus himself to help him while Eggman pilots a Super Mecha Death Christ
>religion vs science final to end all finals
This anon actually talking about recettear lol.
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no one can afford her
nominating Angela so I can spitevote her out again
just as our venerable lord Ayin intended
We were robbed, it would have paired so well with the Holy Death Egg Robotnik was using
I hate discord
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Where is he?
Religion vs Science would've been a better ending to the tournament honestly, but riggers gonna rig
No it was even before that so let's not act like this was something way before Steal autism
To be honest all those faggots were annoying yet people were still going ape shit for or against Him legitimately can't get that fucker out peoples head
There are also way more vifya butt threads than whatever the fuck you are talking about and I don't see that bitch ever winning.
Usually Charme for running dungeons cause she's quick and hits hard, and Caillou for deleting bosses. I also liked running Tielle just cause I like Tielle

Recette x Caillou for life
This is not the first time a potential great match for John has been screwed, there was also that match of him against Giygas that could have been funny
I don't see the dynamic desu
demifiend vs john would be been much better
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look at the fucking trannies and bots who have no idea what to do with this thread
we need to gatekeep harder
Philemon killed him
>I also liked running Tielle just cause I like Tielle
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So Grim actually won last year? I missed that one.
Recette sucks.
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But anon, you don't understand, I gotta hype my heckin rpgmaker schizo game with baby combat my Black Souls+Umineko server loves so much
We only got three winners in a row, we're the endearing underdogs.
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When does Ms. /co/ start again?
Fangbro btw
>actually *won
there's kind of a difference between "porn-in-the-catalog shitposting to make janny's life" hell and "unironic eroge discussion cause half my waifus died for no reason and there were no guides online"
It was more of a BS+Project Moon server, get your info right.
can we please stop with the cope
this hasn't even been the first time, or the third
>Yeah I like meme picks
Never change honestly
Glad my pick already won the last Kov
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Reminder this started with merchant autism and Recette winning.
if I browse reddit, does that make me a redditor who uses 4chan or a 4channer that uses reddit
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She's good for the economy.
meme picks are only good if I like them
>Project Moon
Lol lmao even
If there's one thing we can agree on, Isaac Clarke is certainly winner material!
All meme picks basically suck and at best are a funny joke for the first round but shouldn't go further.
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Wow, King of /v/ is srs bsns. I thought it was supposed to be more chill and chucklefucky than the Queen side
Still don't regret voting for Recette, Yume Nikke is overrated
>lost to Dante
>lost to Battler
>lost to Grimm
what else
King is more chucklefucky but it has certainly never been more chill.
But you are the one coping!
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200 votes
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It was a fucking trainwreck and anyone could see it coming.
>The host was adding literal who side characters that other newfags suggested
>An annoying captcha made it a chore to vote
>It was split between a bunch different links that made it hard to find the girl you were looking for
>Trolls were trying to sabotage it
>The host was writing like a discord teenager, being passive aggressive with jannies, and spamming his shit everywhere
Like >>688124705 said, it could've worked.
Isaac posts always being in the middle of shitflinging or arguments is funny. Kinda fitting for his character
Better game than Recettear.
Ya really gonna blame Spamton's sins on Recette? For shame.

I was talkin about king's reputation as opposed to queen.

I would again if I could, love Recette.
the rigging was so blatant during that round, it's insane
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Five days left
13th of September, 7pm EST
Im normal anon and im scared to post in this thread firstly because of the loli and secondly because of that we are not anonymous here.
I see Battler I vote
Simple as for all the meme reasons
Higubro btw
nigga what
Worked Smark
Don't forget the retarded host calling Batter a "Pol pick" because Deltarune had "LGBT elements"
Can you be more specific on what did you not understand?
Do you really think feds monitor a 4chan thread if the OP has a little girl drawing in it?
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Good. I want to glowies to watch
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Why are Battler and 47 the only characters affected by TFR autism? I don't think HUNK has ever qualified.
Does TFR even acknowledge Ko/v/ in any way?
You think Scantyposter is still internally seething over being matched up against fucking Yotsuba round 1?
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Worth it.
That was my first thought
Who's gonna be fucked over by going against AM round 1 this year? I can't believe we're still doing the retarded random brackets
Well, somebody had to take the bullet.
He's just there in the background suffering. He's just like me frfr
I don't even know what tfr is. Am I retarded(more than usual) or is that some offsite shit I intentionally ignore?
>Does TFR even acknowledge Ko/v/ in any way?
An anon streams WWE matches between characters and makes autistic lore about it. One of the long running rivalries is between Battler and Agent 47 which is why people keep trying to make it happen in King /v/ tournaments.
I think their last updates were from like 10 years ago. You think they would release something after 10+ years of being dead? I looked at their site and most of their news are about selling their old shit on comiket. It looks like they didn't even attend this year.
I do wonder if they got paid from the massive success of Recettear, or they signed some flat fee (pennies) for licensing the game to Jew Fulgur.
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Potionhagmics just took Lightning's design and made her less attractive.

Anubia is the ONLY good thing to come out of that game. She should have been the MC.

Should a child really be running a item shop in a town full of men and adventurers searching for a wife to impregnate by any means necessary?
no but i believe that ip has some rep system and if they see ip commenting on multiple of cunny threads + have active tor connections. They might think something.
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Ooh. Thanks for the qrd anon. I miss when it was called WWF, WWE will never sound right to me.

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