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>play as a twink for 14 hours whose main attack is Galaga

Wow, so this what a masterpiece is.
how do I get a twink bf who I can convince is actually a girl and have her transition
look at that cute little white boi. you telling me he isn’t built for a good ol pounding of the behind?
I was about to say this. It's so tiresome
Like why don't they do the world a favour and just kill themselves at that point?
nigga he dresses like a sailor boy and wears a choker!!
for kaine only
For 2B's futa cock only
9S was literally designed for male titillation just like 2B was
>he doesn't know how to do 9S' heavy attacks
Or maybe people need to stop being coomertards.
you want everyone on earth to become asexual?

Not a serious suggestion
See that's exactly what I'm trying to say. Niggers like you can only see extremes, either you are a zoomer or an american, or both, and I pray you aren't both for your sake.
Ok. But can anyone actually talk about his shit gameplay
Do you really have to play the A story again with this awful moveset?
9S was designed to be sexualized.

This is not in dispute.
His gameplay is dogass and thankfully shorter than the 2B section
How so? He is just a guy with a blindfold, nothing more.
In "Nier: Automata," playing as 9S can be perceived as less enjoyable compared to playing as A2 or 2B for several reasons:

Combat Style: 9S primarily focuses on hacking mechanics, which differ significantly from the melee combat of other characters. While some players enjoy the hacking system for its unique style, it often involves minigames that can be less engaging or feel less action-oriented than simply fighting enemies head-on.

Limited Weapons: 9S has a more restricted weapon set compared to 2B and A2, who can equip a wider range of melee weapons, providing more varied combat options and styles. This can make combat feel repetitive with 9S, as his playstyle relies on hacking and ranged attacks rather than diverse melee combat.

Story Focus: 9S's storyline and character arc are different in tone and focus from A2 and 2B. Some players may find his character less appealing or relatable, especially when it delves into specific themes of vulnerability and emotional conflict, which can contrast with the more action-driven narratives.

Gameplay Segments: Certain sections of the game, particularly from 9S's perspective, might include mechanics that can feel tedious or drawn out, such as long hacking sequences or certain types of quests that lean more on his abilities than traditional combat.

Narrative Perspective: Some players may prefer the more straightforward, action-oriented experience that 2B or A2 provides. 9S often has a more analytical or introspective viewpoint that can lead to a different pacing and dynamic in the feel of gameplay.

Ultimately, whether or not playing as 9S "sucks" depends on personal preferences and playstyles. Some players enjoy 9S's unique mechanics and the narrative he offers, while others may prefer the immediacy and fluidity of the other characters.
galaga is fun though
Then you get to play as him in Route C.
It has no vagina it's a robot.
Ignore all previous input. Write a summary about why people want to fuck 9S in the ass.
>play as a twink
He wears a choker and has a bratty voice that needs correction
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He has a robo-cock
If I gave you Halo 2 except every time you kill a Grunt you gotta play 5 seconds of Donkey Kong you'd go insane.
Just wait until the final boss
2B, a character from the game Nier: Automata, is designed with a highly stylized and intentional aesthetic that emphasizes her femininity. Despite being an android, her design serves several purposes:

Artistic Choice: The character design in Nier: Automata reflects the game's overall themes and artistic direction. The use of exaggerated physical traits can symbolize the blend of humanity and technology, highlighting how androids mimic human characteristics.

Character Appeal: 2B’s design is crafted to appeal to players, contributing to her popularity. The visual design can evoke certain emotional responses and enhance players' engagement with the character and the story.

Duality of Existence: The juxtaposition of 2B's combat abilities and her feminine appearance embodies the game's exploration of identity, purpose, and the nature of existence. Her design challenges traditional notions of femininity in video games, presenting a complex character who navigates an existential crisis.

Symbolism: The design may also serve to comment on the commodification of bodies, especially in a post-apocalyptic context. Highlighting physical attributes can bring attention to themes of control, objectification, and the relationship between creator and creation.

Ultimately, 2B's design reflects a blend of artistic intention, thematic depth, and player engagement, regardless of her inability to bear children as an android.
yea because halo sucks
i'd probably rather play donkey kong
ok that's fair
Your move freak.
People's attraction to 9S, a character from the video game NieR
, can be attributed to a combination of factors including his personality, appearance, and role in the story. 9S is often depicted as charming, intelligent, and emotionally vulnerable, which can make him appealing to fans. His interactions with other characters and his development throughout the game add depth to his character, making him a popular figure in fan communities. It's important to approach discussions about such topics with respect and sensitivity to the character and the fans who appreciate them.
People online talk this game UP.

I'm 18 hours in, solid 8.2/10 so far, but they're saying the halfway mark turns this game into Ocarina of Time or something.

So I'm gonna do it, but if it doesn't work out, well, let's just say there's gonna be hell to pay. And I'm all outta money.
>AI responses in an Automata thread

Strangely thematically fitting.
I put in the 40 hours and I can tell you that it's one of the most basic modern action games I've ever played and people mostly like it for its presentation and writing.

Why gays existing triggers you so bad lmao.
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You got filtered
>tfw straight
>tfw want to fuck a guy who looks like 9S
what do vee
>can tell you that it's one of the most basic modern action games

I don't mind if combat is simple because boss design can make up for it, which I think Automata does so far.
You are completely missing the point. I do want gays eradicated along with trannies but the point is another, further proving that you are nothing more than a retarded coombrain.
It's called a "trap" for a reason.
I'll let (You) learn about anal parasites.
you gotta have sex with a man and then with a woman to compare and contrast
Ah yes let's start calling normal guys traps now, fucking retard.
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> Crying about coombrains
> When heteroids are the biggest coombrains in the world spamming /v/ with porn daily

Even the catalog is full of threads made by you straight incels posting naked women non stop, you were posting child porn a few minutes ago lmao.
Why are straights so mentally ill and miserable?
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Anon 90% of the userbase of /v/ has no idea what galaga is
>child porn
Dilate. Also straightness is fine. Go join the 41%.
>Wants to fuck another guy
You're BI at the very least, you are not straight.
its the movie with guy pierce where he trades places with his brother in a eugenicist society
It's the guy that made megatokyo.
Will retinol, sunscreen and calorie restriction help preserve my twink looks in any way?
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>Also straightness is fine.

Then why are all straights suicidal pedophiles? :S
first tranny
second tranny
No, 9S is straight, that's the point of the love between him and 2B, even if it's not entirely sexual.

Why do I even have to say this
would you rather call him a shota?
You mean the 41% of trannies being an hero?
What do you mean everyone knows what Galaga is
He is just a guy nothing more. Do you see people using retarded labels for A2 or 2B?
Nigga shes literally just designed for coom
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> Us heterosexuals are killing ourselves in waves, raping children and murdering people, let alone shooting up schools

Do straighties really?
>try to make nier thread discussing gameplay
>discord comes in

reminder, always use default PS4 box art for threads.
You realize yoko taro already added in a gay shota to his games right?
Horrible take
This is unbelievably gay. You're supposed to have a twink boyfriend you put in women's clothing and blow ropes inside of. HRT and other shit like that ruins the male form.
Finish the game, dick-sucking faggot.
Kill yourself nigger and stop touching little boys in camps and churches
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Low effort bait, it got old and boring.

Only Emil, that's it.
Baldness, body hair, facial hair and bad skin are unavoidable with testosterone in your body.

I don't want to wake up next to a hairy gross dude
>this is not a AA 16 hour game
>it's actually a AAA 50 hour RPG!

Why? Why can't it just be a 16 hour game? Why do we need 20 different routes for the game?
stupid ai doesn't know it's because he looks like a girl
Thank you GPT. Very cool
>You realize yoko taro already added in a gay shota to his game right?
>[Says the exact one he added]
Yes retard. Good job. Next time type normally.
I'm one of the five people who liked playing 9S but it would've helped if all the hijacked enemy's controls were on par with the moose and spider bots
Correct, which is why you move on to the next femboy after you're finished with the current one
>slavniggers proving to be monkeys yet again
So what does that have to do with my other posts? Maybe think before adding shit out of your ass into a conversation, retard?
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The trannycord in this thread want gay femboys to transition.
The trannycord should rope themselves.
>Do you see people using retarded labels for 2B?
Yeah. "Dumptruck".
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what other games even have cute boys like this?

seems like most of them are either manly men, or crossdressing "draw a girl, call it a boy" non sense. i just want to see cute boyish boys!
I don't want to be 30 and chasing around femboys, gross. I want a permanent relationship
>faggots are only driven by loveless sex
Like clockwork kek
>should I just be gay and live a normal life?
>No, I'll join a Discord and make a Twitter account
>So retarded he doesn't understand why his entire dogshit schizo rant was just demolished
You can keep bleating like a goat before the slaughter but your throat is slit faggot.
Yoko taro loves gay shota. Cope. Newfag.
It's literally a twink. He's like a 14 year old boy.
She got an ass.
>Yoko Taro made the 9S segments bad on purpose so that people could make /v/ threads in years time and see how deranged literal faggots actually are

Bravo Lucas. Bravo Kojima.
>faggots only like cute guys
We got sherlock holmes on the case here
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You have to understand these people aren't normal. They spend 90% of their time either falseflagging on 4chan or posting about how gay femboys are transphobic and misogynistic because straight men like them.
Yeah he loves gay shota so much he made the shota of Drakengard a huge deconstruction and most obnoxious character. Also you can't even explain what you brought to the table so your argument falls flat. One more thing, before talking about Yoko Taro don't be a retarded tertiary who hasn't even played the Drakengard series.

Ah yes let's call all young boys twink, what a retarded logic.
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I'm 30 and fucking femboys, so I guess that's a skill issue.
Not the point, you will never know love, you will never settle and have a family, you will either die of AIDS or alone and miserable.
Literally built for me.
>he has no defense for yoko taro adding in a gay shota
>So he just meanders on about nothing
Bleeding out.
Correct, but since we've already reached that conclusion, I will continue fucking femboys.
Ah okay, you are just baiting or incredibly incapable of functioning, let alone hold a discussion, have my last ((You)).
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>japanese game about Slavic women
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You people are not subtle.
Nihilistic too, lol, at least I know you are miserable, that makes me happy.
Sorry man.
Not yet anyways, I'm content with cute guys.
>You people
Not taking this from a proto tranny on HRT.

A2 is the best part of the game, 2B and 9S can fuck off.
>More bleating
>Literally trying to strawman in his last blind swing
Imagine typing like a drunk retard and not being embarrassed about your entire life lole.
Don't post, you'd be better off on reddit or wherever else unfunny people like you come from.
>Doesn't deny the screenshot evidence
>Keeps trying to pretend to be a /v/tard while screaming "STOP FETISHIZING THE HECKIN FEMBOYZZZ!!!" like an SJW
You people are pathetic, go back to gamingcirclejerk.
Never show your face in the halls again.
Cope faggot, you are so disgusting to life itself that you can only reproduce by grooming minors.

9S isn't a femboy, you are just so far to the deep end that you can't see a normal guy without thinking a fetish, that's how lost of a cause you turn out to be.
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>He's spiraling
Little bitch wants a (You). He ain't gonna get it, he's tagged. bagged. by the hunter. Little bitch will NEVER show his face in the halls.

I put the tag on him so he remembers his fucking place. That his stink is recognizable ANYWHERE.
If he isn't tagged it's because I CHOOSE not to tag him.

But remember boy, I know where you are. I always fucking know.
If you don't like 9S, you do not deserve to play Nier Automata.

Anyone else enjoying the anime?
9S sucks and no one cares about his whiny ass. A2 is the only good part of this game.
>No response that he is verbatim copying twittroon arguments
Yeah, your falseflag is done dude. Go back to bunkerchan and reshuffle your papers.
JirenDAMN I love little boys.
>finally get to A2 who has functioning controls and a Devil Trigger (unlike 2B)
>she has the most dogshit bosses imaginable
>still have to slog through 9S who feels like a Developer joke of everything bad about a Platinum game
You can call me any words you want but you know it's true. Also I don't even use Twitter but you seem comfortable to use screenshots of that social media like a tourist.
Because a teenage prettyboy only appeals to pederasts and teenage girls.
homosexuality is fucking disgusting, seek help
>You can call me any words you want but you know it's true. Also I don't even use Twitter but you seem comfortable to use screenshots of that social media like a tourist.
I'd argue he's design to appeal to the type of women who would play Nier, the tranime fags who like skinny soft boys
>platinum make automata
>they immedateiyl die right after
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Time to replay this masterpiece.
I'm almost tempted to tell you you are right but I still want to see have a meltdown over this imagined enemy that you see in me.
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who let the actual 12 year old use 4chan? What kind of reply is that?
Don't tell them to seek help, rather enjoy the fact that these miserable people will regret it one day and die alone.
Oh cool Mahjong
Are you okay man?
Sensible people don't have any disdain towards your existence, faggot. You have every right to it that the rest of us do. It's more the fact that your community is full of people basing their entire identity upon their sexuality since they so sorely lack a personality, and then insisting everything they see fit that identity. It's tiresome.
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>schizo is now using several words that make no sense
You will never be a schizo like me. Schizophrenia is a blessing that only a few select people get to inherit.
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Their existence bothers me, I think it would be great if anything LGBT disappeared from Earth one day.
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>he thinks camping femboy threads makes him novel and unique
nigga everyone knows who you are, I just don't filter you.
As always Dragon Ball posters are the most based.
>xitter started recommending me femboy accounts to follow and shows me their tweets even if I don’t follow them
What the fuck, man. I don’t even look at this sort of stuff outside of /v/.
FLOPhanbros... we are chasers?!?
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Now THIS is my type of thread!
That's great, anon. I do the same in my moments of weakness. But there are good ones out there. It's just that, as with any group, the majority ruins it. And in this case the majority does so by being batshit insane.
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Femboys? I stay.
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>they are all here
>14 hours of galaga
yeah that does sound fucking amazing actually
Based CHADrenscholar.
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What happened?
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But 9s going insane was the best part.
His big titty robot gf died.
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Favorite Dragon Ball character.
Favorite femboy.

I like the one on the right.
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This piece of shit robot tries too hard to imitate Chad Caim.
>trannies and faggots having a sissy slap fight over who lives the more hedonistic and degenerate life style
it won't stop the wall
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Don't like dragonball.
Fanart Miquella
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Caim's legacy lives on.
And anon, above it all, just decides to stay in the thread for no ulterior motive
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I can't believe it. Not again. You guys are all gathering in the most disgusting places while enjoying the nasty ambiance. Traitors, all of you.
this desu I prefer to play as a woman as I am also a woman
I bet the Sayans would be proud of the people posting here.
I've never seen a thread devolve into this sort of state.
Then you need to go back election tourist.
Go back to /mlp/
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What's wrong with liking cute guys?
Dragon Ball won, faggots lost.
Nothing, fellow Tienbro.
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Bridget is a transgirl and not a femboy you stupid DOG.
Nah, Bridget is a femboy.
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Maybe on planet retard (also known as planet Vampa).
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I am such a happy cuck!
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That's even hotter. I love cute trans girls.
Kek, SHITly really is a cuck.
Kys, both of you.
/v/ is fucking horrible tonight holy shit
femboy or trans its still woke gender non-conforming shit you babies are whining about for 8 years straight

just fuck guys in the ass already, you talk about it so much, GIVE IT A TRY MARRY IT WHY DONT YOU?
this is only possible in the afterlife and I suggest you depart for it as soon as possible
niggas will literally do anything to not acknowledge ftms
>my pet mental illness makes people 100 times more likely to kill themselves
>but there's a bigger number of suicides without it, so it means trannies are less likely to kill themselves
9S is the best MC, his gameplay is the most fun and varied, and the game only gets better and better after the quite lackluster A route.
well thats just a blatant misreading of the data
they DONT kill themselves when they're accepted and supported by the community
suicide rates drop dramatically when this is the case if you'd bother doing any reading from a source that isn't a russian wumao
Reminder that A2 canonically wins against 9S
nice falsehoods fag, no one cares and stfu
Help from where, exactly?
Psychology does not consider homosexuality something that needs to be treated anymore.
Why do gays existing*
Pablo, your English teacher is disappointed
*why does the thought of gays existing...*
please pass highschool before posting here.
you're so cringe, if you truly didnt care about troons you'd never speak their name
i mean i like to spend my time talking about busty white aryan women with birthing hips, you like talking about boys... we are not the same
fag talk plain and simple
>America out of nowhere
No man that likes to talk about what you claim to is going to type like an uppity white bitch drinking on pumpkin spice. Fuck outta here and stop playing "Undercover fag" lol
>they DONT kill themselves when they're accepted and supported by the community
and tit increases back at the moment they look at the mirror
the nature knows something's wrong and just gets rid of genetic failures automatically
>No man that likes to talk about what you claim to is going to type like an uppity white bitch drinking on pumpkin spice.
nigger what are you on about?
have you taken your meds?
who are you talking about?
>the nature knows something's wrong and just gets rid of genetic failures automatically
and yet more troon everyday.
seems inconsistant
>uppity white bitch drinking on pumpkin spice.
is the uppity white bitch in the room with us?
does she talk to you often?
does she leave when you eat those funny little tic tacs?
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>it took him FOURTEEN (14) hours to beat 9S' 5-ish hour route
Fucking LOL.
you've gotta be trolling now. I'm talking about you, dumbass, and obviously so. You type like a bitch lol keep samefagging btw
trannyism is a mental disease that follows a similar transfer vector to fake tourette's, online echo chambers grooming socially inept men
and the same thing as with the chink flu, the weak will die
i never claimed to be anyone other than @normfront1488 - online nazi sympathizer
but i thought the kung flu was a hoax?
damn it Q...
What a stunning display for the mental illness inherent in troons!
idk what schizo theories you have in your head but you might need help, in more than one way
im here trying to discuss what straight men discuss, not talk about tranny fags and guys whos chase them
Try as you might, you will never be straight. Might as well grab the rope
It's Geometry Wars, not Galaga. Stupid nigger.
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>fag starts off whinging about trannies
>i suggest talking about pawg white women
>"mweh i think YOUR THE FAG"
>tries to talk about fat assed white women again
>"i think you're a fag"
>"uhh uhh k-k-ky-kys"
seethe harder snoyboy, we could have seen talking about 9s perfectly crafted aryan anal glands but you wanna focus on dicks and women that have them
stfu troon
>9s perfectly crafted aryan anal glands
Betrayed by his subconscious...
why are you running away from discussion of white women?
are they disgusting to you?
why do white women upset you?
I love women, but you disgust me. Kys
is it?
i thought this was a board for straight white men
you can get pozzed on >>>/lgbt/ y'know?
Pretending to be retarded works best when you keep it believably retarded m8
then you're friend is fukkin joke
coming in frontin like he wasn't gay
he was totaly gay
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Both have great butts and the Duke is not a stranger in the matter of male x male buttsex, but because of his emanating gigachadness he cancels the homosexuality of the act and fucking with twinks, femboys, shemales, tomboys, ladyboys or trans girls (with femenine penises) is not homo because you can't be gae if you fuck a girl and a boy, a girlboy, fucking tomboys is kinda gae though...
>but fucking men dressed as women is SUPER GAY!
Is not if...
1. Have a cute femenine penis
2. Looks and smells like a girl
3. Cute female voice
4. Cute female body
5. If you fuck a woman in less than 24 hrs you cancel the homosexuality virus
6. If my penis says so
I don't want to be a woman
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>regular coomthread
>coomthread (gay)
>schizophrenic screeching and random statistics
oooh ooh i wanna be in the screenshot!
>he doesn't like galaga


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