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So I was playing Oblivion again today when I came across pic related for the first time. Weird, I never knew there were minotaurs in this game, how did I miss them for so long? Has anyone else had this happen to them?
I don't know you and I don't care to know you
why do you keep spamming this? bipolar episode? sperg rage?
you never reached high level. They spon on higher level characters
>reposting old shit
It's the infamous level scaling system. You will only see certain enemies spawn in at certain level ranges.

E.g. at level 1 you will see a weak skeleton.
Level 5 you will see skeleton warrior.
Level 10 you will see skeleton guardian.

Once you level up you will never see the weaker versions again. Enemies like bandits stay the same but get better armor. Pretty bad at high levels to see bandits wearing daedra or orcish armor.
Can anyone explain why, when I first played this game and barely levelled to 4, I was able to come across high level Daedra in Kvatch (this was on 360) and yet every other time I've played this game it's just imps and churls? Can the level scaling system bug out like that?
This has to be the 3rd or 4th time I've seen this exact thread. What even is this? At least with other schizos they have a clear agenda (shilling a dead game, lambasting a dead game) but what is the point of this? Does this schizo just like the oblivion minotaur?
why does minotaur have the biggest fucking cock ive ever seen? i hate him so much
I am always getting my ass beaten every time i play this game. Enemies like to gank me.
liminal af
Nickiez thread? Please come back :/
Are you nigs trying to make me feeling like I'm going insane. I keep seeing the same topics over and over, same images giving me deja vu constantly. Fuck you.
Kvatch is predetermined enemies, there's always going to be a daedroth there to jump your ass
shitposting aside, for some weird reason I had the same question as OP when I saw a list of enemies from Oblivion a few years ago. I had last played the game in the 2000s and I was surprised to see the game had minotaur enemies lol
Ice cream? I love ice cream!
Is everyone just pretending not to remember the sperg that would always post about oblivion? Testing everything in the game? Pushing the very code of the game to it's maximum limits? None of you all niggers remember the man? Summer isn't still going is it?
Level progression in Oblivion is the worst of all ES games. Your best playthrough is when you grind levels soon as leaving the Imperial sewers, or more realistically use console commands.
OP secretly wants to have sex with that minotaur.
I hears minotaur horns make crazy aphrodisiacs. Probably because bethesda gave them all big furry balls
Bro chill out. Do you need me to order you a dominos pizza?
>do a level 1 mage playthrough
>end up stealing everything because its retardedly easy when everyone has such low speed
>accidentally fill up on martial skill books robbing all the bookstore/libraries and on the verge of leveling up
Good thing ive done all the quests involving sleeping already
I remember
The board is a tranny playground for them to groom zoomer tourists these days, are you surprised?
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>I am resident to encounter the minotaur. Its horny protuberants cause me great conflagrations
Not all the enemies in Oblivion scale to your level. A lot of major quest stuff have semi-fixed enemies.
its just how you start oblivion threads on /v/
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>i dont know what all these winemakers want to do with me, but you need to stalk then murder them all
>you like GOLD, dontcha?
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hey look look that minotaur has a BBC
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Nickies, right? I always enjoyed his threads for the sheer autistic dedication.
and the mod and tranny janny team is filled with chinks who ban you for racism lol. I didn't know the asshole of the internet could get turned inside out and rot to such a degree that it would be worse than 2000s /b/ when gore and CP (even real CP guro) were being posted 24/7.
eloquentpilled and orcbased
kekked my kekkerino off
Every time I see one of these I turn 180 degrees and run away.
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>180 degrees
For me it was both minotaurs and ogres. Seeing bandits in Daedric armor also freaked me out a little.
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I love dogs. Doesn't everyone?
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chat, is this real?
>180 degrees
Anon, that would end up with you facing BACKWARDS
When I played originally I forgot about the sleeping to level mechanic. Except it only impacted certain things, your secondary traits still got stronger. So I just became super overpowered as the game when on because I had like 100 one-handed (or whatever) but the game considered me as level 6 and scaled the world accordingly.

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>look at the muscles on you

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