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What did she see?
Why did mihoyo did a 180 with the waifupandering now?
Firefly was a massive overwhelming success is why
because males don't make them good money and they realized this after sumeru.
"White boys could be here", she thought.
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the cult of personality
what now?
the two anons who were arguing on /v/ about whether iansan was pyro or geo based on the leaked image
kill yourself already
isn't she electro? i thought i saw an electro vision on her in archon quest
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Should I roll for a Raiden constellation or save up for Biker Girl archon.....
don't care
until proven otherwise she'll be a 3* that has an actively detrimental kit
Real question
If a lifeguard sees someone drowning anywhere are they required by law to go save them?
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A Paimon.
I want to FUCK Qiqi!
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yeah she's electro, but faggots were arguing about her being pyro or geo based on the trailer when it first released
my 4.8 microdick,
I want to sniff Paimon diaper
is lumine jealous because she's hugging paimon and will bust out her futa cock to punish paimon later? or is the hawaiin girl the one with the futa marking her new target?
they can be held liable, but it's more of a litigation matter than an actual law
they generally have a "duty to rescue" and failure to provide adequate and proper effort can make them be accountable for actions amounting to at least negligence
My little pecker.
Blue Archive was destroying them in all fronts
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I rolled Raiden C2 awhile ago. Biggest regret ever...
There is something fishy about Iansan.
she was very close to Mavuika in the archon quest, she was aware of the whole plan and she is supposedly unbeaten.
Also she doesn't have a weapon, a pet, a minion or artifact like the other Natlan characters, only her fist. and she doesn't have the Nightsoul aura when she used his attack
She reeks
My micropenis. (I am standing just a foot away)
except monetary.
and production values.
and voice acting.
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She's cute.
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>Blue Archive was destroying them in all fronts
Lumine masturbating to her brother Aether.
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No you're not.
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Blue archive literally destroyed itself
The FGO killer they said
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Her boyfriend Kinich
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All fronts being pedophilia based.
go away skitzos
white colonizer semen to harvest, she always has to be vigilant
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>Why did mihoyo did a 180 with the waifupandering now?
All their game is full of shipping pandering now not waifufaggotry
Yep... she's BWCcoded
>GFL2 literally got bombed with 1* just because one of the dolls might have talked to some other faceless characters in the past
>they still think it's a good idea to do this
It's not like your game is doing better faggot.
You put a married woman into the game and make people spend money on her.
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Probably only fucked once
Kinich is her childhood friend and her future husband
Unlike Baggots and Gooks other gachas aren't afraid of males
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Tomoe has been in the game for years though
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Probably some sort of natlan dragon or spirit. People were also saying she's the electro sovereign.
>done with the dailies and resin usage
Now I can finally play my 2nd game Genshin.
Does this character ever show her eyes
Searching for the nearest BWC
She does show her eyes. She does this "True Sight" thing when she maxes her buffs.
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Why are people afraid of letting it stay hidden? At most you do like a little glimpse of a single eye underneath, not the whole damn face. Mystery is dead.
Is this /gig/ kek
A bad game
I don't but I love her piercing eyes.
How is the game compared to Genshin?
It is too late to start it now?
I want to fuck mualani
they just gave a free 5* today.
too bad its a dude
>she doesn't have a weapon, a pet, a minion or artifact like the other Natlan characters, only her fist.
We haven't seen her fight yet, and you almost never see anybody's weapon until they do. Besides, she's from the Collective of Plenty, the tribe of bodybuilders.
>is the game good
>they gave a free 5* today
This is enough to tell me the game is dogshit
It's very similar that once you grab your controller or m/kb, you'll feel right at home immediately. What sets it apart is the less vibrant visuals, less potato head designs, and focusing more on combat. The game also leans towards intimate fanservice like their faces close together, holding hands, flirting, etc. The combat is the highlight of WuWa and the enemies are more aggressive than what you have experienced in Genshin.

If you start now, you'll get a free 5-star, but it's a dude, but at the same time, you'll start saving on wishes for upcoming characters. The game is F2P friendly because the game gives you a lot of wishes, including a ticket to pull a standard 5-star of your choosing.
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nta but you missed this sex goddess. the PS5 version is releasing in three weeks so there will be reruns. She is most likely coming back in 1.4 update
As a game, it is Genshin but with better graphics, traversal and combat but it lacks content since it is just 3 months old vs a 4 year old game
Also, it is heavy on the harem pandering compared to Genshin which can be a pro or con depending on your taste
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I'm still mad she isn't the archon. She is so obviously channeling pyro in that old trailer.
I'm hoping that she's the electro sovereign
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She saw her Future as a proud Black Queen (lightskinned) carrying on the Torch of Tupac (hero who defeated Spain and took back Peru) while breakdancing and spraying Masterpiece (Da Vinci level) graffiti works all across the globe.
I forgot to mention at the end of my post but I am transgender (mtf) btw
>Biggest regret ever...
how come?
did you start from c0?
i got an early Raiden c1 while trying to get Chevy cons so i'm going for c2
they say Mavuika is in 5.3 so you'll get +120 rolls before she drops.
Mualani literally runs a watersports shop. What do you think she does to Fontainian men when she takes them somewhere out of the way? It should be obvious.
Shut up faggot nobody likes your gay fetish
That would be based and redpilled but no, I am a Proud Black King.
love and deepspace probably stole their entire fujo/yume fanbase
I'd like to run some watersports on her, if you are understanding the deeper underlying implications of my perverse sexual innuendo.
>Watersports shop
would she piss on me if I paid her?
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>depth of field
>lens flares
>random transparent colors along the edges
CGI absolutely ruined anime
I wonder what happens when people not from Fontaine drink water from the Primordial Sea and then pee on a Fontainian
you're in a genshin thread
The irony of using a Kyoani show to complain about effects that Kyoani pushed through.
Looking for white dudes
Blond with golden eyes to be more specific
>that zipper
of course they choose the Himeko expy to be the first unapologetically coomer oriented design in the game
>PS5 version in 3 weeks
Ah, that explains why there's a Jiyan rerun in 1.3. When it does come out in PS5, then players will have a lot to do. Sad they'll miss the event though, especially the date scene with Zhezhi.
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Would've preferred if they gave Zezhi or shorekeeper for free. Zhongli Yao and Calcharo fill the same niche but Calcharo is infinitely cooler so I'm just gonna keep using him
>first unapologetically coomer oriented design in the game
that's Yoimiya.
there's also Raiden.
and Kokomi.
Euler has an ass zipper as wellm
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If you're a Fontainian colonizer then Mualani is happy to help you find out
If you're used to gacha games its better. Better dailies, more QoL, skippable cutscenes, better combat, better/generous gacha. The initial flash of genshin may be more appealing from a world perspective but the models are severely outdated at this point. Some people may disagree with what I said about WW but no one who starts genshin now gets past sumeru. There's a reason they let you skip to natlan, precisely because even the devs themselves think their story is just fillerslop. WW at least doesn't pretend that you need to spend dozens of hours watching babby's first anime game writing just to play the game.

WW also has more of a focus on (You) pandering while hoyo leans towards cuckoldry, homo-pandering, and shipping.
they get high as fuck speed reader
probably contender for next pyro archon
LORD Neuvillette...
I appreciate this post
>that's Yoimiya.
In what way? boob bandages are traditional jap attire
>there's also Raiden.
Shes mildly lewd I wouldnt say anything about her design goes into the egregious territory
>and Kokomi
that character is just pandering to idolfags
>Euler has an ass zipper as well
That's just an ornament theres no visible zipper running down her ass crack like you see with Mavuika
>alternate blue and yellow nail polish
need a handjob, pronto!
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I'm now imagining a degenerate Fontaine noble hiring Natlan girls to drink ever-increasing quantities of Primordial Sea water so that they can piss increasingly concentrated and potent piss-synth into his mouth to feed his insane cravings. Always dancing on the knife edge before the narcotic piss dissolves him
you are one disingenuous piece of shit
>She is so obviously channeling pyro in that old trailer.
I mean technically every Natlanian can channel pyro since phlogiston runs through their veins. Probably whu there's no pyro tribe as it would be redundant.
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My first 5-star buyer's remorse
Why? If you dont have Neuvillete she can easily become the best damage dealer for your team
...so whatever happened with the boycott?
just watch her do her little dance whenever you start regretting.
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It succeeded, Genshin is finished.
why? she's pretty fun
I honestly dropped it, after getting zhehzi and her weapon it really just seemed like a genshit downgrade, and I just wasn't willing to stick around to build my characters and echopick for them (its unacceptable that you can't do anything with your mountain of 5* echoes but make them more useless ones), the lack of content is even more noticeable when you already have 100% in genshit and it still has more to do in a single update than whatever skinnerbox wuwa tries to pass off as an event, typos and hilarious jank aside, at least they had something with the dream realm, though I still think it felt tacky after doing difficulty VI
it's over
i thought i did a quest yesterday for the dailies but i just remembered that i started a quest but didn't finish it, said i'll continue later then just forgot about it...
>crops out name because it isn't an official discord

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you got Siggy there
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The vaporize thing is very powerful, if the rocket didn't hit a chair instead of the target anyways. Her playstyle isn't my thing if I'm being frank here because I prefer characters that require less set up/rotation like Yoimiya, Raiden, Fischl, Navia. As for a rotation based setup, a Mualani team is clunky (never once I tried a proper vaporize team) compared to a Nilou bloom team (Nilou, Nahida, Kokomi, Collei). And Nilou is cuter.
still better than ufotable
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So this is the Fontaine Painter equivalent. Yaps a lot and all he asks is a fucking flower.
>boob bandages are traditional jap attire
Anon, not sure how to tell you this, but no. East Asians never had a nudity taboo nor bras.
A woman who showed skin above the waist splayed her (flat as long as she was childless) tits out in the open.
Just some quick context so you don't think I'm making shit up...
there isn't even single confirmed ship in genshin. it's just based on skitzo headcanons
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This actually reminds me of the pearl divers who did so completely naked, and when documented by westerners were given trousers to not look scandalous, though I think there was a nudity taboo only among high class women
>I prefer characters that require less set up/rotation like Yoimiya, Raiden, Fischl, Navia.
That's fair. I also wish they'd make less rotation heavy units gameplay just feels monotonous when its just bringing in 3 guys for 10% of the fieldtime and then keeping the dps on for the other 90%
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I've got some nice black and white pictures related to this
Dream realm VI was final boss was great that had you constantly witch timing the barrage while the boss is getting hurt by its own attacks was kino. Still, I'm sticking with WuWa because it has potential and I'm forgiving the lack of content because the game is new, and it's still finding its footing.
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Would it be gay to play this game for the story?
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I need footjob
not at all
No, that's arguably the right way to do it, the story encounters aside from a couple are so easy the starting cast + freebies can carry you entirely, only the abyss really needs a bit of metafagging but no main or sidequest is gated behind that. The most important thing is to treat the story segments almost like a VN with how text heavy they are, specially the sidequests, and some of them range from better than the main story, to complete and utter skipcore
Still love that they got the gstring/thong tanlines in because they're her tribal tattoos
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Less gay than playing it daily. Just know it's absolutely shit in some places and you'll be stuck there for hours with no skip button
its very funny that instead of a skip button they added warnings because of how long some segments take lmao
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Could Mihoyo not cuckold their players for FIVE MINUTES?
that's a better addition than a skip button tho
I always find it bizarre that the people who supposedly hate NTR and cuckold the most are the ones who save pictures of to repost nonstop for years.
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Pre Fontaine, not at all
Post fontaine, the story is compromised and shit now
>Umm what pollution and energy crisis?
>Sure Neuvelette, you can totally have this power we specifically stole from your species, with 0 consequences to you, Furina, or Focalors to boot (Focalors is just suicidal)
>Remember how Gnoses were the end-all, be-all "Archon" power? Guess what, we forgot to mention THRONES
>Egeria's whole posse quit because Focalors wasn't commited to her ideals, despite being her literal second in command and followed every tenant she had
>Natlan? Nation of war? You're crazy anon, it's all fun and games!
>People never left natlan because they were perpetually infighting and warring with their archon? Nah man they just love hotsprings
The story is serviceable
>Mondstandt - shit
>Liyue - Okay
>Inazuma - really shit
>Sumeru - okay
>Fontaine - pretty retarded
mental illness
A story summary + skip button + dialogue log should have been done year 1 and would have been better. Especially if they're just going to let you skip Liyue - > Natlan anyways.

Or at least, have the filler parts of a region be optional and still keep the x.0 to x.2 ish patches as mandatory, ideally with a bit of cutting of the chaff. It's ridiculous that they let you skip that much of the main quest and proves how so much of it is so pointless to the overarching narrative, especially for a game that's marketed as the "story game".
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no it's kino if you're intelligent
Inazuma is the best one though.
could be worse, electro benefits from all those stats
It starts out strong but they somehow made the empire vs resistance stuff boring
>There's only ever been 2 dendro archons, except for that time the fungi remembered the 3rd (first) one because they were in the abyss and immune from the Irminsul editing
That alone would make this entire story kino/10, but i'm gonna assume fat xiao just fucked up
2nding this. The last time the Traveler felt impactful, last time an Archon felt cool instead of being 2nd fiddle to a "Sovereign" that they came up with just to sell more "powerful" characters. Last time Vision holders were significant in any way.
the skip is so new players can see the new content that shows up in ads, the story doesn't make sense if you actually skip the middle. arknights does the same thing where they let you skip from chapter 4 to like 9 so you can farm materials, nobody bitched about the story being "irrelevant" then.
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i don't know what you're talking about, i just like the thematic parallels of all the world quests and the archon quest in sumeru, they feel connected without needing an explicit connection like in the narz quests
it's JUST genshin that this is a problem in, you can do it in that game, nikke, hell even ZZZ which is the same devs
they PURPOSEFULLY want you to suffer through these miserable cutscenes with the same fugly npcs for a kajillion hours watching their library of a grand total of ten animations over and over again
You could never watch any of them and just watch the cutscenes on youtube and have had the same experience.
damn man if you're suffering why play the game lmao, are you retarded
Genshin goes to show that going woke = massive success. Shoutout to all my oomfies who spread the game here
>a game having content is a problem
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because I found a certain spot in my monitor that you can center the mouse on and use a script to click over and over again until they're finished, effectively skipping the cutscenes, and do other things while that's running on another monitor. Then I farm and build characters and their artifacts, saving up to get sexy girls in future patches. That part of the game is very fun. This is a character collector gacha after all.
The game has way more to it than gambling and the garbage "content" like the genuinely fun overworld exploration.
I'll give the game this one thing though: The aranara quests were charming. I can't bring myself to hate those little fuckers, they're too cute.
Skipping Liyue -> Natlan is like skipping major parts of a single arc. No one is going to be impressed seeing Natlan's story and go back to see more. That's peak delusion. The story should have been good from the start enough so that you'd want to go through it all, not be ferried off to a new area and experience a completely segregated experience. It's like skipping FGO's Orleans to Solomon. Hoyo's been told a million times that their story needs an actual editor to trim it down and now they're just paying for their mistake. A mistake they're trying to fix with bandaids and scotch tape.
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>Blue Archive
>He doesn't know
The story is generic and no one dies except for certain character that you can tell they will bring back somehow
Play it for the exploration
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paying for what mistake? people who care about story will play normally, people who never would care will just skip. everyone's satisfied.
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They let you skip things because Genshin is TOO BIG OF A GAME, retard.
They are advertising and showing off natlan, they know new players are gonna be rolling for natlan characters so why do they need them to clear hundreds of hours of content before letting them go to natlan to get the mats and fight bosses to level up their natlan characters?

The only compromise is to let them skip to Natlan so they can experience the game now.
kek I didn't know lightning could hit NPCs
>you can tell they will bring back somehow
keep coping
signorafag...let it go
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>no dialogue from Loom
>swimsuit is not a new costume to use
>edited version
>retards actually believe this
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we will have the last laugh
the game slowly dying
Good on Clorinde if you're using Aggravate.
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damn, good find. Now that I look at it they cut out the woman and added an AI yellow table cloth in her place. These ship troons are dedicated I'll give them that.
Yeah, chinks are unironically spamming these threads and other places with cuckoldry they invented inside their heads. All because of their hatred for mihomo.
I think it's hilarious.
If you think it's the Chinese doing it you're delusional.
but everything I don't like is from China
This bitch worth wasting my primos on?
nah, for once it's actually people even more mentally than them. they're too busy hanging around bilibili.
It literally is. Chinks are having their little gachashit wars now and will do everything they can to shit on the games they hate.
First they invented cuckoldry with nahida and now are trying to force this.
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Yeah. The Chinese would be out for blood and cancel anything they don't like instead of these shitty photoshops.
>he thinks they don't jump the firewall
A vast majority of anti-miHoYo shit from the Chinese side has been proven to be automated botting by tencent.
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Nahida is really sexy.
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me and all the other signora savers
there are millions of us
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why is raiden a regret full roll? did she get powercrept?
lowkey based ngl i KNEEL
this qt wife of mine
The cuckspam is just shartyfags. It's the same blacked BBC shit they spam everywhere.
>4 hours thread
>not even 200 posts
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Yes and no. She is now arguably the best Electro character to use in Hyperbloom teams but in her role as an on-field damage dealer she's inferior to Clorinde in almost every regard and on top of that Clorinde is significantly easier to build as a DPS.
kuki is better
did you forget discord trannies exist?
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I'm telling you the slant eyes on the same level, and you will see it over time.
I'm looking forward to playing Genshin Inpact in 10 years when its over and done with and the community has hacked together an offline version that includes a logical RPG progression where you unlock characters as you advance through the story and complete side quests.
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No she's not. She has slower Electro application and forces you to stay within relatively close proximity and against certain enemies this means spending a lot of time moving around just trying to stay on the correct side. Literally her only advantage is the fact that she can heal which, while valuable, isn't exactly nearly good enough for her to be definitively the best. Every Hyperbloom comp which focuses on damage uses Raiden over Kuki because she is objectively superior in that regard.
Do you really?
I unironically wouldn't want to do even half the content. It's like Kingdoms of Amalur, I just don't see myself doing all that content and having fun.
im not saying i don't believe you but these fuckers are elsewhere man. are some here? sure. but of these skitzos posts are discord trannies
>he doesn't know
anon...the game is worthless without the gacha. You can already get private servers, nobody plays them.
Pregulani is so sexy
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An insidious girl on her way to nab a blond traveler husband.
and I'll continue to play it with the rest of the world and enjoy the events, the shitposting and theory/speculation
Chinese don't care about dudes.
>She has slower Electro application
not by a meaningful amount and her AOE is much better at hitting blooms. raiden's works really badly on flying or tall enemies
kuki heals too, she's better.
>not by a meaningful amount
It's very meaningful if you're using strong Hydro application like Xingqiu or c2 Yelan.
>her AOE is much better at hitting blooms. raiden's works really badly on flying or tall enemies
They have certain advantages over one another. There are enemies Kuki struggles against too.
>kuki heals too, she's better.
Yes she heals but she yields lower overall DPS by a noticeable margin assuming you have good Hydro application(which every Hyperbloom team wants because Hydro application determines your damage floor.) She's only better if you actually need the healing.
>It's very meaningful if you're using strong Hydro application like Xingqiu or c2 Yelan.
No it's not, at all. Your point isn't even relevant.
>There are enemies Kuki struggles against too.
Not reading the rest, the cope coming from you is too retarded.
you're both wrong fischl is better
Fischl kinda sucks at hyperbloom actually.
In the same dilemma want cat gyaru, maybe even C2/weapon, but also want Mauvika
>No it's not
Objectively incorrect and every source of online theorycrafting or team building will agree with me. Concession accepted.
It's always cropped twitter posts kek.
You don't even understand how hyperbloom works.
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how do I activate these things?
doesn't the jinni by your head work on those
Hyperbloom has a hit limit per half second. Raiden's skill hits 60% faster than Kuki's and still doesn't come close to encroaching on that limit. This means Raiden has a much higher damage ceiling which is going to be determined by the team's ability to trigger Bloom. Concession remains accepted.
That's what I thought but I don't see anything happening.
Shiptrannies…they’re onto us- ACK!
You probably have to power her up first
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Do you miss them?
A lone white shota.
cute :)
Beans. Lots of beans.
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I appreciate your post, anon.
I also forgot I was on /v/ for a second lol.
It looks like the cucktranny scared off even the anti-gacha schizos that usually flock to /v/ threads.
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WTF>>> How dare she steal my onahole
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Foreground reminder
Never been to /gig/ before? 99% of cuckspam and shipping garbage in these threads comes from the same mentally ill individual that plagues that general and lately also /zzz/.
I am aware of the lengths discord trannies and shills are willing to go through to shit up this board, but in this case I think it is just the usual suspect
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These little niggas > main story
terrible waste of money voicing that shit
shit taste
>"The one who fails to return alive is the traitor... or so you just told me."
The stingiest gacha known to man. Feel like I don't get shit for doing all sorts of things.
I feel bad for gachabrained tards like you
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If I were Mihoyo I would make a movie about these two psychos. Her and Liloupar are absolute savages.
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the unedited version goes even harder. For all the cuck deniers - watch the video that other girl just comes out of nowhere.
i was on team geo
glad i lost
>red hair = himeko
i remember retards even calling diluc male himeko when they first saw him
reskinned genshin without element reactions where no one knows what the story is about
Probably still my favourite side quest series, I hope Natlan will have something in a similar vein
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depends if you like reading
Sumeru was peak Genshin.
The darker desert quests, the dumb neverending aranara plot, exploring the underground ruins... It was all tarnished by the retarded memory reset tree and Don Sombrero taking the spotlight, but even so neither Fontaine nor Natlan reached that level
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why did you edit her out?
finish quests to level liloupar up
Mualani owes me sex
watch the video, you imbecile. She isn't edited out.
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I play Wuthering Waves where every single girl is for (You) without the cuck shit Mihojmo foists on you. Plus the MC looks way better.
>assblasted in minutes
damn it's getting rough out here for for the /gig/ schizo
he should go back to posting scarahida
at least when it was all fanart and headcanon he couldn't get obliterated by a single fact check™
some of the world quests are way better than the main story.
just watch porn
i bet you hate beautiful girls in media too.
I like cute girls but coomer-pandering has no place in video games
Because censoring fanservice was always retarded? Hell, most lewd fanarts come from females, women love their cute hot female character

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