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When was the last time you felt genuine excitement for a new game?
today lol
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I unironically am eagerly waiting for stalker 2. Last time was for fallout 4 which ended up being disappointing
OnlineCTR a couple of months ago. Before that, I can't even remember.
Unicorn overlord, this year. Also monster Hunter world (not new but couldn't get around to play it before) and Age of Wonders 4.
Dragon's Dogma 2, and recently FF16 on PC mainly because I've been waiting for it since before it was released on PS5.

I'm cautiously optimistic. The recent gameplay showings and what people have said about the Gamescom etc demos seems promising but they fucked up multiple times before with the constant delays and the stupid NFT shit
Elemental War of Magic in 2009, I thought it was going to be a masterpiece that changed strategy games forever. kek it was shit and has been completely forgotten.

Never was hyped for a game again after that.
ff7 rebirth.
Felt like a kid.
Starfield. It delivered for me, but I get that it's not for everybody. Before that though it was Sonic Mania and that was great for me to (and still is).
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Days gone, that game was the shit back in 2019-2020
>birthday present
2 months ago
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MH World
idk, probably oblivion. As an adult I realize i make my own fun
Pretty pumped about skyblivion
Helldivers was nice
I got bored of MHW after reaching Iceborne after 101 hours.
Master Rank monsters had too much HP and took too long to kill.
I took longer time to kill a Pukei Puikei compared to Kushala and Xenojiiva.

The Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale reminded me of Made in Abyss
The Clutch Claw reminded me of Attack on Titan.
Weapons needing to be sharpened reminded me of Dark Souls 2 (non-SOFTS) where durability was tied to the frame rate.
Hunger reminded me of Dungeon Meishi but it didn't feel as important.
Monsters respawning after you kill or capture them reminded me of the dungeon system in Dungeon no Naka no Hito.
The Xenjivva reminded of Jakiro from Dota 2.
I swapped from the Hammer to the Bow after getting filtered by the Anjanath, then to the Dual Blades because /mhg/ said that I didn't beat the game, then to the Long Sword and now I'm using the Lance.
Starcraft Ghost
Im very excited for path of exile 2 :)
and for mh wilds
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GT7 trailer
Eiyuden Chronicles
OP is 19 years old and has already given up on life lol
halo 4 in 2012
Astro Bot
Today, mobile games are honestly the way to go. Pop on occasionally to play a bit of a game when there’s nothing better to do. Spend most your days being productive not on a PC. Yeah they’re cash grabs, but you save money in the long run.
hotline miami 2 but my dad died on the day of release
Today. I've been playing Pizza Tower and it's a ton of fun. Great animations, solid gameplay, Peppino has awesome expressions and the music fuckin slaps. I haven't played a game with so much soul in it since Cuphead.
I'm genuinely excited to play some more of the RE4 remake tonight when my wife and oldest son go to sleep. We're watching a Jurassic World movie on the living room TV together right now.
I was having fun with Rise until they patched Enigma into it. I hope they ditch it soon. I want to be able to buy wilds
Space marine 2 and edf 6 are the most recent
Elden Ring, which was great.
Then I got excited for the DLC and hated it.
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I was pretty hyped for Unicorn Overlord, since Vanillaware is my favorite active developer and I loved Ogre Battle. The game lived up to my expectations, too.
I'm excited for Vanillaware's new game because they said they are finally working on a new 2d action game and that's what made me fall in love with them. Their games after Dragon's Crown weren't up my ally.
Today, for a Japanese doujin game coming out in a month or two.

It's about a busty researcher confronting the mystery of who robbed her lab, which may be connected to a mystery item she discovered in her childhood. The title might be translated as "H or Wisdom Invention Quest".
GTA 5's first trailers. Now I hardly care about 6 (it's trailer didn't help at all..)
Years ago was the last time I felt genuine excitement for anything.

I guess I was looking forward to The Big Catch because it looked like a smooth collectathon but the demo was so badly designed it was hugely disappointing.
If you learn to love train wrecks as much as safely arriving at the station you will never want for excitement.
MGSV was peak excitement of my life
Then it happened
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This year for Unicorn Overlord.

2017, Nier Automata
I remember it well because it was such a weird emotion
Batman Arkham Knight
Rome 2. That game made me terminally cynical about new releases.
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Every darn time while stickcamping
It never gets old
It felt like raping newborn baby and I'm even an hagfag

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