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Why was diablo 3 so poorly received here? I found the pacing and gear acquisition rate significantly better than diablo 2 and the gameplay is fun and fast-paced
The Art Style isn't Diablo and the gameplay didn't look good.
I don't like the art style and I hated how everything scaled with you. I didn't play on launch, I played after everything had been patched up with the expansion. There's no strategy to acquiring gear, no dedicated place to farm, no strategies with enemies, nothing you have to avoid, and the entire experience is doing rifts so you can afford to do greater rifts. I still played like 40 hours but I strongly prefer Diablo 2.
What year did you play through diablo 3?
The game was really bad early on.
Half the internet hated it. There are countless youtube videos all saying the same things people said here. Go watch them if you want answers.

diablo 2 is just farming the pit for 1000+ hours in hopes of getting a rare drop to make a runeword so your class is actually fun.
man the witch doctor was so much fun to play
It actually is far better than Diablo 2. 40 year old contrarians that haven't played Diablo 2 in 20 years will claim otherwise, though.
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Stay a while and listen
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>I found the pacing and gear acquisition rate significantly better than diablo 2
d3 is a consolized controller-oriented pile of dogshit with almost all of the complexity stripped away, in terms of character progression and itemization. it is this way because they think you are a dumbass who can't handle anything more complicated. and you probably are, if you make a thread like this, so it's a good fit
You...didn't answer the question
What year did you play D3 in?
my 99 sorc is on the season 2 ladder in D2R
guarantee you have never had a level 99, and you have no clue what you're talking about
do not respond
It's fun I enjoyed playing it on switch
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art style was way worse than 2, lots of washed out colours everywhere
wow assets everywhere
itemization sucked, your skill damage depended on your weapon damage (really stupid for casters)
items were dumbed down (just stack your stat and that's it)
big numbers are retarded (dude I just dealt a trillion of damage)
story is extremely awful
legendary items were so common they were worthless
music is forgettable
I've played from diablo 1 to 4
no, RoS didn't save d3
also this >>688127948
It's a boring beat-em-up with fictitious +DPS gear. Granted, D1&2 are also bad games with stupid design principles worshipped by idiots.
RMAH soured the game in the eyes of many even if it's no longer a thing in the current version of the game
this image is probably one of the most dishonest things i have ever seen. literally nobody was playing a frozen orb build barbarian or anything special in diablo 2. the entire game was playing a hammerdin, summon necro, blizzard sorc in order to find items and runewords to gear up a non good class to make it sort of viable. There was absolutely no thought going into diablo 2 other than max your synergies for maximum damage and rng hunting for items. Diablo 3 at least made the process not take 1000+ hours unless you really just wanted perfect rolls on all your gear.
D3 early on was fun, there wasn't a lot of content but the pacing was nice, you weren't skating around doing 28 trillion damage a hit to 400 mobs. Character and gear designs looked good but the settings were hit or miss, some looked incredible while many looked like a clown designed them. The artstyle itself is fine, it's how their artists used it that failed them.

>One of the first areas is a boring looking dungeon that is bright purple and orange
fucking disgusting
these games live and die by their loot and d3 loot was boring.
why the fuck do faggots like you go online and spew this kind of ignorant garbage
like surely you are aware this shit has a massively complicated metagame
and yet you say completely retarded things attempting to distill said metagame down to the most basic, surface level shit possible because it's all that you actually know
your post is so wrong i don't even know where to fucking start
so i won't. fuck you idiot
>hasn't played diablo2
It was an odd experience at launch, down 16 hours a day for the first like week, always online (the main issue for 99% of people), RMAH (stupid, but extremely limited to a degree where it wasn't really worth anything, though I'll forever enjoy that I made $300 blizzard funbux which I used to fund my wow addiction at the time), missing fucking necro and then later returned as DLC, extremely streamlined skill builds and trees, a lot of definable "best in slot" with few or no alternatives items which made grinding very monotonous since there was never even a change of scenery, imagine mf meph runs on repeat forever (which is what they do nowadays but you know what I mean)

The artstyle was a WILD departure from what people were expecting. I don't think it grew on people, I think they just got used to it. 4 and immortal both toned it down, and the d2 remake was what I feel is the premiere modern design.

There were a lot of problems, and though over time they fixed many, it was never quite what it could have been, and what people hoped for, for such a significant length in time between releases.

Also the fact console was pretty much perfect diablo 3 experience, and PC just never got all those qol updates. A definitely turning of the tide, showing where their priorities were.
Zoomers too young to remember that Diablo 3 had a Real Money Auction House on launch.
Too easy
For me it was just so easy I blanked out. I killed all the big bosses in less than a second with a Disintegrate Wizard and I never died once

I'm not going through this game 85 times to get to a point where a monster could kill me, I'll just play Grim Dawn
Imagine being this proud of playing a shitty, 24 year old skinner box. At least Diablo 3 has the decency to drop you viable shit for your build.
the reason you dont reply is because you know im right. The depth of D2 endgame is playing a good class that is OP to farm items that you can give to less good classes such as a grief to a melee character to make them viable. The hardest endgame in D2 is UBRS which is just making a melee smite paladin that cant miss and spaming smite on a melee character. D2 has as much depth as classic WoW
so did d2
it was called ebay
RMAH was the least of d3's problems
in fact i would say that RMAH is an awesome way to rob money from retarded fags who couldnt produce that gear themselves
i certainly was just doing act 3 inferno chest runs and dumping good shit on the AH
one of the most based things i've ever seen in gaming
d3's problems extend far beyond real money item acquisition, which wasnt even a departure considering RMT was absolutely rampant in d2 for the entire decade preceding d3's release
I liked the art style because I really like Trent Kaniuga's art.
i am proud of it because it set the standard that nothing came close to matching until like 12 fucking years later when poe came out. fags who played nothing but shit garbage games their entire lives wouldn't understand what it's like to have such an immaculate pedigree
It's way more fun to play than D2. D2 has terrible controls and movement mechanics. It got heat because of the RMAH, at the spark of the worst monetization shit. That was like 10 years ago, before that shit was so fucking normalized. The RMAH and grindy endgame is what made people sour on it at launch.

It's by far my favorite Diablo game. I played PoE about as much. I think Diablo is an overrated franchise, because D2, the "best" one, isn't even fun to play.

My friend who plays D2, plays it like a clicker game where he's just doing the same shit over and over to RNG some loot drop. What a shit game that is probably the most overrated in history. The ultimate nostalgia goggles game.
Fuck That Loser

t. Diablo III Rainbows and outdated N64 graphics Dev
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You talk a bunch of shit but I bet you weren't even good at Diablo 2. You were probably some softcore n00b running a bot.

I've played this game long enough to know what a piece of shit it is. You're just a miserable addict. There is literally no point to this skinner box if you aren't at least playing hardcore and then it's still a soulless grind that isn't the least bit fun. I still play it every now and then but I can only stand doing it while I'm drunk or some shit. I have to literally turn my brain off.
you aren't correct. every single class has relevant, viable specs and if you actually played the game you'd know this. you choose the spec for the class that accomplishes the goal(s) you want to achieve. there's no actual stated endgame to hold your hand and tell you what to do, which is why fags like you with tiny, smooth brains can't handle it. you're incapable of setting your own goals let alone reaching them
now if you want to talk about the actual depth of the endgame, that's a completely different story and something that could've easily been expanded upon, see poe, medianxl and private server stuff like pd2 for examples on how it could have been done
like how the maps in path of exile are basically just a vastly expanded-upon cow level system
but you'd never get that far, you break down when you're given even the most basic choices to upgrade your character because you dont have a big fucking number on the tooltips and char sheet that instantly tells you whether it's better or worse
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Went from a Grimdark theme to adventure for everyone, probably to appeal to China.

Weird ass colors and cartoony wow style.

Dogshit story that ruined 2 previous games stories.

Entire Lore parts Reset and Retconed, Only for Diablo 4 to literally come in and recton Diablo 3s lore out of existence along with every new character.

Launched with dogshit difficulty called Inferno where one mob had more HP then bosses in previous ones.

0 Playtesting before D3 launch leading to a widely imbalanced class selection and melee being dogshit as the entire meta revolved around touhou doujin projectiles and never going near monsters.

Entire Real Money Trading bullshit fiasco.

Retarded itemization that forces you to grind only after you got to endgame.

Total removal of builds.

Total removal of actual game changing items.

I don't have to write a fucking list like here >>688127948 D3 is simply inexperienced developers handling a big ARPG for the first time, but since Blizzard is a revolving door Dogshit AAA Company they never stayed and D4 was again made by new people that never touched ARPGs in their life.

Meanwhile we saw what happens when actual players turn into ARPG developers make an ARPG game it's called Path of Exile.

And then came another one they're called Last Epoch and Grim Dawn.

The former D2 Devs tried to make some casual trash for investors and Torchlight was a fucking failure.
i don't like the idea of losing my char to a power outage, bug, crash, lag, or any other form of unforeseeable bullshit like that. you don't value your time, you're the masochist, that's fine by me. if i want to play a permadeath game i will go play a proper roguelike
>t. Diablo III Rainbows and outdated N64 graphics Dev
The early screenshots showed a not so Grim Dark Diablo III with rainbows and colorful grass and it was constantly criticized for having subpar graphics.

WoW was leaking all over the company
List of things I can remember off the top of my head that people didn't like about D3 when it launched:

Always online, first in the series
Real money auction house that deliberately stunted drop rates to force people to use it
New art style conflicting with previous games and general aesthetic of the setting
severely stripped down build crafting, had to be "unlocked" with elective mode in the options
Downright unplayable on launch due to not enough server space and connection issues

When Reaper of Souls came out it solved some problems, then the devs went and made the whimsyshire level to shit on fans and players who didn't like the more cartoony "WoW" aesthetic being obnoxiously bright and saccharine.
>you aren't correct. every single class has relevant, viable specs

necromancer is summons, sorc is blizzard, paladin is hammerdin, that is your variety. if you play a barbarian you get cucked because you either went screamo build and magic immune cucks you or you went melee and melee immune cucks you along with the way attack rating works. Fire druid build? lol no hell difficulty has almost every enemy as fire immune? frost immune as a sorc you just teleport away from it or remake the game and hope you get a better roll. there is no depth
It's also why they made that rainbow filled unicorn bonus level, it was made out of spite. Blizz devs at that point were super fragile and thought everyone would eat their slop without question and didn't like that people were starting to not like what was being offered.
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>The early screenshots showed a not so Grim Dark Diablo III with rainbows and colorful grass and it was constantly criticized for having subpar graphics.
yeah I know, but what did you mean by dev

is this bait or are you retarded?
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i used to spam the fuck out of this image on here back in those days lmao
you have no idea what you are talking about
stop posting dude
The dev publicly bitched about a D1/2 dev commenting on the design choices and said "Fuck that guy"
The Director of Diablo called the Diablo 1 / 2 game dev a fucking loser in the Blizz forums and facebook.

There was some friction between Jay Wilson and his team and Blizz North, BlizzNorth (the original diablo devs) were killed while working on Diablo III, there are some very early Screenshots of Diablo III made by BlizzNorth floating around, just google it dood
>you have no idea what you are talking about
>stop posting dude

im waiting for the refutal. all people have said is "lol no d2 is deep bro!" and when anyone points out that the depth is waiting for the correct runes to drop for your build all people do is claim you had to be there to see it. The game has a small number of viable specs for general play and other than those you need better gear to really enjoy anything about the game. You could clear hell with subpar builds but it just made the game a grind that was more boring. the gameplay in D2 is slower paced and involves spamming your 1 or 2 synergized good abilities.
wasnt just
>a D1/2 dev
it was brevik himself, and it was because an interview where he didn't lap their balls, but he didn't even necessarily say anything terrible about d3 either
so in the most reasonable response possible, pretty much the entire d3 team was attacking him for it, and gay wilson i mean jay wilson said "fuck that guy"
so basically fuck d3 and every faggot who worked on it
>spoonfeed me
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yeah I know the story about condor/blizzard north, blizzard north diablo3 and hte unicorn pics
I just didn't understand why this anon posted "t. dev"
I guess that's him quoting d3 developer
>online only even for single player
>bad server ping ruins your trillion-hour hardcore run
>enemies can kill you from off screen
>shits all over d1 and 2's lore
>art style was more like wow than diablo
>deckard cain gets nuked
>the forc- I mean, diablo is now female
>tyrael becomes a man (wtf were they smoking)
>diablo is a mary sue who eats all the other lords because story dictates so
>the rmah was a complete wreck for the game even if you made money out of it (I did kek)
And so on... it was a just a dumpster fire and proof that Blizzard was over already. You're allowed to like D3 in the same vain people are allowed to like reality shows and soap opera. You're allow to have shit taste. Stop letting that define you as a person.
>I guess that's him quoting d3 developer
yeah that's how i read it too
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Yeah i was quoting Jay Wilson
>You could clear hell with subpar builds but it just made the game a grind that was more boring.
Yeah, I definitely agree with this. I used to approach that as a challenge but now that I've beaten hardcore untwinked with tons of off meta builds, even that has lost its appeal. Diablo 3 actually still feels fun to play for me. I can't say the same about Diablo 2. What a terrible, anti-fun mechanic blanket immunities are.
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thanks anon it's late and I'm retarded
I'm not a tourist tho
ok now time to graduate and play hcssf path of exile
because it fucking sucked
This. The artstyle is so damn generic and bland. Diablo 3 looks like most modern fantasy or futuristic game. With art design shoved in with no tact or grace whatsoever. Why are zoomers so sovlless? Diablo 1 and 2 had a neat unique artstyle and mood
No Paladin.
D3 on launch
>half baked shitty arpg with almost no build decisions
>couldn't login the first few days
>endgame progression was complete fucking ass to get you to use real money auction house scam
>auction house that people looked back fondly on but was actually just a way for blizzjew to siphon money on you per trade
>itemization is the worst out of any ARPG I've ever played
D3 around 2.0 update
>game is slightly better
>itemization is kind of bad but at least reworked sets are kind of cool and actually do something, albeit bland
>except now the game is infinite rift paragon retardation
D3 now
>flanderization of 2.0 update
>the entire game is just get a set and then keep rerolling all of your pieces until they're all ancient ancient

I don't even know how to feel about it. I think its better than D4, at least. Still completely fucking dogshit, always was and always will be.
If you want to play something good in the genre just play PoE or Grim Yawn.
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At release, after the chest-farming meta got patched, people quickly figured out that the best strat to get gear (other than using your credit card) was to farm up gold and buy gear from the gold AH. You'd almost always be able to get it from the gold AH before finding it on the ground, because that's how markets work (prices self-adjust with demand). So, people simply spent all their time in-game farming the corridors in Act 3 -- and doing absolutely nothing else -- because the corridors in Act 3 had the best mob density and best gold per time spent ratio. Nothing else in the game, including bosses, was worth doing.

Furthermore, something that's often overlooked is that Blizzard changed the stats in D3 literally a month before release, so instead of class-agnostic stats such as Attack, classes used class-specific Dex, Int, and Strength. The problem is, there was only one Strength-based character at release (Barb), and there were 2 Dex & 2 Int-based characters, so there was literally only half the relative demand for Strength gear. This made the economy very weird in the first few days, and to fix it Blizzard made the Barbarian the strongest class by far, which increased demand for Strength gear.

Basically, the entire game felt designed around its economy and the auction houses (particularly the gold AH), and people hated it.
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D3 was so bad it handed fucking PoE the entire genre on a silver plate.

And PoE sucks dick
Just wait till PoE2
>PoE sucks dick
the opposite of correct
is PoE!
>If you want to play something good in the genre just play PoE or Grim Yawn.
I can't see how anyone can say that with a straight face. It's almost impossible to enjoy either of those games after playing D3 because everything gameplay related is just outright better. If you want someone to enjoy those games, they either have to play them before D3 or not touch D3 at all.

>D3 was so bad it handed fucking PoE the entire genre on a silver plate.
People ended up liking D3 so much that Diablo 4 sold ten million off of riding its coat tails. To this very day, while better, Diablo 4 has yet to actually become a good game on its own. You can have some fun in the game, like Druid is pretty cool, but they made so many dumb design decisions that I don't know if they can actually fully redeem it.
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dead on arrival
can't wait to watch it crash and burn and probably end up taking the first game with it because the devs are salty little onions men who will probably be vengeful when it turns out that they should have just continued patching the first game
captcha: HMMMM
Still better than Immortal.
Titan Quest has never been good. It has ALWAYS been a game you play just to kill some time and every single clone born from it has suffered because of it.
>I found the pacing and gear acquisition rate significantly better than diablo 2

youre a dopamine golem nongamer dope slave thats why you like it. "gear acquisition rate"
The only thing worse than Immortal is Torchlight Infinite.
>, nothing you have to avoid

man you should have played launch diablo 3 lol
At least there were hot chicks.
was shit
had no business being always online
real money auction house was a meme
why the fuck would you play it over D2
The endgame “loop” is the best out of any game besides maybe fucking WoW or something
You can’t beat Diablo 3s end game
Why do you believe spending 100 hours to find ber is superior to spending 10 hours to find a full set? Do you just place no value on your own time?
>and the gameplay didn't look good.
except the gameplay was the only thing that did look good. and ended up being the only thing that was good about D3. Fucking mongoloid retard
>always online
>gear is completely uninteresting, just +main stat
>linear skill acquisition means there's zero reason to ever play the same class twice
>story is overly railroaded
They completely failed to understand what makes Diablo 2 so good to cater to a small minority of "muh end game" mentally ill retards. Diablo 2 is a game that was designed to be an endlessly replayable adventure with varied random loot, large random maps and different character builds to try. Diablo 3 is a game that was designed for "people" who hate the actual game and just want to bot for items to sell on the real money auction house.
>small minority
D3 sold something like 10x more than Diablo 2 did and so did D4 riding off of D3's success. No one wants blanket immunities and 1/1,000,000 drop rates back in their ARPGs.
because i never spent 100 hours to find ber like a stupid faggot, i played the game for fun

i ran thousands and thousands of baal and diablo 8p runs for FUN. for the thrill of it. I enjoyed it. and then I stopped. why do you have to max out video games? why do you have to let the experience enslave you?
It looked like WoW instead of Diablo, but it did end up having the best gameplay/fun in the series
>i ran thousands and thousands of baal and diablo 8p runs for FUN
>never found a ber

I don't believe you. You're another retard that claims they played thousands of hours when you only played for a few hundred 20 years ago.
d3 sold more copies mostly because of pc penetration into china and southeast asia in the intervening period. the audience got like 20x larger

people always forget this with video games. video gaming was tiny in the late 90s compared to d3 release
you dont find ber from boss runs

almost all high runes in existence were always duped, nobody ever found them
Yes you do. You find them from everywhere. Unlike you, I actually do have thousands of hours in this game and have found dozens of bers, jahs, ohms, vex, lo, etc etc. I actually have played this game over and over for 20 years. The only rune that I've only found twice was zod. You're another pretend D2 vet. I've been addicted to the soulless and terrible grind long enough to know how fucking bad it is. Diablo 3 and 4 are objectively funner to play and don't waste your fucking time.
You didn't play the game on release, I see.

congrat u fucking lations, loser, lmfao i stopped in like 2006

like what do you want a medal for being a fucking loser? what is your point? lmao

people like you are low iq, you havent accomplished anything in your life

>pretend d2 vet

lmfao bro you never played d2c even did you...runeword faggot...real diablo 2 vets think rares should be the best items..you wouldnt have any idea about gbows tho would you. loser


im trying to be nicer to people but some guy online trying to pull "I PLAYED DIABLO 2 FOR 20 YEARS!!!!!!!" i literally just got my dick sucked homie. congrats
>I found the pacing and gear acquisition rate significantly better than diablo 2
Really? I didn't.
They literally programmed the game so that I couldn't get gear for characters I wasn't already played and geared for.
>this image is probably one of the most dishonest things i have ever seen.
That image is one of the most objectively true things I have ever seen.
I played hundred of hours of D2. I played D3 from launch and didn't pay for the expansion. I played D2R for dozens if not hundreds of hours.
You are wrong, ignorant, trolling, or retarded.
>necromancer is summons, sorc is blizzard, paladin is hammerdin, that is your variety.
You're both correct. Meme builds do exist in Diablo 2 but no one builds them unless they're purposely trying to challenge themselves with an off-meta build. 90% of people wear the same cookie cutter shit in Diablo 2 by the time that they've completed their character. You might have small variations here and there, though (+2 skill/20 fcr/res/socket circ instead of shako, +2, 20 fcr crafted amulet instead of maras, etc). You mostly only see variations like that in pvp builds trying to fully maximize their character.
Why do you believe being bad at a video game makes you a winner at life instead of a loser? Why does that even enter the equation at all? All video games are inherently a waste of time whether you're perfecting your character in one or playing several at the same time badly. I'm assuming that you're about a 35 - 40 year old man by this point so I'm interested in listening to your answer. You make many assumptions about me because I've mastered Diablo 2 at least compared to most other people that aren't professional speedrunners.
Viable helms in late game / end game
Shako, Nightwing, Andy's Visage, CoA, Vamp Gaze, IK, Guillaume's, Tal Rasha, Trangs, Kira's, Griffon's, Delirium, Dream, others I forgot
Many of those are usable across multiple classes.
And that's not listing all the stuff that's really good to find and even keep for early and mid game.

You are severely understating the variety of builds and itemization that is viable in diablo 2. And severely overestimating how many people cookie cut outside of the initial week or two of a new ladder reset.
No, people were playing those builds, I play those fucking builds. This is definitely some kid that got all of his D2 knowledge from some fucking streamer.
Man, I'm getting mad again just thinking about the stupid skill system in Diablo 3 where you can't even choose a build until you hit level cap due to the retarded level gating. What the fuck were they thinking? If you only want a game about fucking "end game" grinding, why even bother having the fucking game at all.
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>Shako, Nightwing, Andy's Visage, CoA, Vamp Gaze, IK, Guillaume's, Tal Rasha, Trangs, Kira's, Griffon's, Delirium, Dream, others I forgot

Most people won't use those over a shako unless they pvp (hardly anyone does nowadays). Pic related. Even in hardcore, the only real use I have for this is for a poison necro because I haven't found a rare +2 necro/20 fcr/all res/2 open socket circ yet. My barb has arreats. Every barb uses arreats. I was thinking I could use it for my barb but I lose so much by swapping it out then I don't even use this high rolled CoA because Arreats is just best in slot.
>Gave blizzard money in the past 5 years
>Thinks his opinion on anything matters
>Most people won't use those over a shako unless they pvp
Incorrect. Plenty of people learned that kill speed > maximum MF% after the majority of the playerbase graduated middle school.
> I don't even use this because Arreats is just best in slot.
Well yeah, that's Arreats on barb. IK will be better if you're built for IK, but that's sub-par compared to a build that prefers Arreats.

Now you're making me think about ironman pvp events and shit. Do they even have those in D3? I can't imagine the game supports low/mid-level pvp anywhere near as well as D2 does.
D2R is amazing. i am VERY happy i supported VV by paying for it
Because it was very bad at launch and very few people went back when it got good.
I can't speak for how D2R is after they started making changes, but D2R on launch was absolutely worth the money. Besides a tiny amount of fixed and new bugs the game was incredibly faithful to the original game. It is hands down the best game blizzard released int he past 15 years outside of maybe HotS.
I just used hero editor to make a farm character to gear my "legit" characters. People will be mad but this anon is mostly right, people go on and on a about build diversity, but not including the billions of permutations that are just garbage builds, does D2 really have more build options than D3? I haven't seen anything to suggest otherwise.
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>Incorrect. Plenty of people learned that kill speed > maximum MF% after the majority of the playerbase graduated middle school.

A shako gives you both. I bet you have never even solo self found shit like pic related. This is a very high rolled griffons. In hardcore. I've already lost multiple that I've self found. Lots of people ITT talk big about their alleged D2 knowledge but don't actually play.
Any retard that thinks hammerdin is the only paladin build has no right to speak on anything.
Ey fuck you buddy I love a good slice of buttered toast now and then
fair argument
especially when you also have some eggs and bacon
Honestly it just kills me how bad all the gear looks and that you never get pants. Biggest problem with titans quest in my opinion. I still can pinpoint why grim dawn puts me to sleep actually everytime I try to play it, honestly have more fun with that van helsing arpg with the ghost waifu
Reminder nobody complains about PoE being online but they cry about it in D3 because d2 entirely hinged on cheating in items
A shako is really good, yes. The helms I listed are still viable and used. Popularity is just that, popularity. Everyone might have one and use one, but that doesn't mean they don't use other helms.
>I bet you have never even solo self found shit like pic related.
A majority of my playtime was probably on .06~.10. But even on D2R I've had a few solo finds that are on that level. No screenshots, sadly, as I was also playing HC primarily in D2R. I'd say about half of my hardcore deaths were my fault. I love getting disconnected from game servers after using a waypoint, getting back to the menu and feeling relief that my character is still alive with their gear, but then they're dead when I click play ;_;
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>d2 entirely hinged on cheating in items
what other paladin builds are there? you can go smite for killing bosses, different variations of zealadin, and then some aura based builds with very specific items. hammerdin beats all of them in clearspeed and does not require as many niche items.
The only cheated items that mattered in D2 were the ones they managed to get into closed battle net.
Well, the ones in open battle net were fun too. I remember making pieces of armor with so many affixes that mouseover would display nothing, and saving your character with them armor equipped or in your inventory would corrupt your character's save file.
>Can't choose a build until max level
What on earth are you talking about?
Wasn't my point. Are there actually vastly more viable paladin builds in d2 compared to crusader in D3?
Do you know what kanais cube is? Do you know you don't even have to use gear sets and can just run non set legendaries?
Nothing beats a smiter for ubers. It's literally the cheapest stepping stone for baby's first anni or torch.
Also, hammerdin is fucking shit without an enigma, which requires a Jah and Ber. You aren't building a hammerdin right away unless you've got friends funneling you or you're paying for shit on jsp.
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I found this for my bone nec and it was really close to being great. +2 PnB/20fcr/and all res. I slapped a socket in it with um for more all res. I wish it rolled 2 sockets and with some strength or some shit. It's softcore sadly.

I still maintain that shako is better than most things in 90% of cases. Even on my cold sorc, I still use shako on her instead of nightwings because she's just used for farming keys and bosses.
What's that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over you being wrong and you being unable to farm for gear on classes you aren't already playing.
hammerdin is still strong without enigma. i cleared normal to hell on a hammerdin without ever needing to grind
this is true, you dont -need- enigma but it sure makes it feel a lot better to play if you have it
otherwise you're stuck doing the old vigor+charge+tp staff shit

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