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post her naked
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>one of these two was everyone's waifu growing up in the 90's
you know I've realised how impressionable I was when younger, Misty was objectively pretty and looked hot but because Ash treated her so casually when they first met, I never thought she was anything, then I'd switch over to naruto after and oogle at sakura because the MC is, even though misty is the one flaunting her legs and waist, interesting bit I've realised
Ash is a kid.
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I much preferred Adventure 02 Kari
>t. born in 1990
and ash is 10, 10 year olds can have crushes on pretty girls, I think we can all speak from experience
Meh, for me it was Ranamon, evil Roll.EXE, and a few others.
what a healthy girl
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Were these really acceptable designs for children's TV shows?
You either are a woman or have no testosterone.
For me it was the cat.
I don't think that's it Ash acted asexual towards May and Dawn too but my brain recognised them as sexy immediately. Misty was just... I dunno unappealing I guess?
They censored them with fuzzy graphics here
For me it was Sora
you have to go back
For me it was Mimi.
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>one of these two
I was 5 when this one girl got me really sweaty and the kids would mock me for it.
>I think we can all speak from experience
See >>688128284
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more like one of these four
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They did nothing for me when I was a kid during the late 90s. This Fox on the other hand...
Am I dumb, why is she leaving the door open?
Things got ruined when they did grow up. There's even NTR. The series dived down in popularity after that and how Pokemon become better because it have more options and none dated anyone in it.
What adolescent DUMBASS picked kairi over Sora?

Misty is the queen tho
How else do you describe his libido? In OG he lusted after that Lass girl but once the series got popular they castrated him and his character
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Anon that's a baby. Even worse, it's not even a human baby.
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New Chapter of liberator our this Thursday, make sure you read it!
To let the cat Digimon in
The cat was spying on her and she noticed
She didn't "own" it yet at the time and was with the bad guys
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Nah this was my 90's waifu.
Based. She was kind of annoying too with the whole tomboy thing. May changed me.
This, but unironically
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Hell yeah
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Sakura chan!
reminder that she fucks her brother, canonically.
I was born in 98. Which girls represent my era?
I had a crush at 9, my friends pretty much forced me to speak up to her and things worked out until she moved. I'm still suspicious that when she gave me her home's phone number and I decided to pick the phone and her dad answered first before passing to her was why she had to move. I can't move on from my past so here I am wasting my life drinking every night
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There was an interview where the producer did say about incest stuff. It's for first movie I think.
My nigga
I was more of a team rocket and ashs mum fan
It's weird, I was a horny ass little kid into every anime girl I could find (obviously pre-internet era) but I never saw Misty like that. As gay as it may sound, maybe Pokemon was something so close to me that I saw her as a sister or something.
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>little sister had this manga
>me: "i wonder if they're gonna do lewd things together"
Very disappointed but good read
And I canonically fuck mio
Imagine sticking your finger in there and feeling how warm it'd be and how tightly she'd squeeze around it.
The movie is when the incest is retconned
Fairimon is the best thing to come out of Frontier. My gawd
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Not so fast, Yugi my boy
Wasn't this 2000's?
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Gwen probably
Becaue she wan't made for lewd. They just chose the most tomboyish gym leader to hang around like some Pink Power Ranger. It only became some weird Dr Who assistant shit when they started advertising the game with the token female trainer designs.
I was a horny little retard and while Misty was hot, way back then as a kid I liked Tao the elf witch from Shining Force. This was partially because I somehow stumbled into the fact that searching some random tile in a wall after an underwhelming battle would give you a secret item (iirc the "Sugoi Mizugi") and giving it to her changed her map sprite so she was wearing a pink bikini.
Are you guys being serious? I used to fantasize about Misty when I was like 6, much before I knew what sex was.
Misty is not sexy, simple as.
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t. gay kid
I was 100% a Mistyfag as a kid
Homosexual detected
The vast amount of porn disagrees
This, she was also an annoying bitch most of the time.
>Misty is not sexy
>little girl
>wearing shorts
>aggressive tomboy
>tanktop with her navel exposed
>bare legs
>side ponytail
Literally pure sex.
Nice of Hikari of inviting us over for the cunny thread eh luigi
Thats just wrong. Jessie on the other hand? Never saw her as such, that stupid hair does not compliment her.
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Oh yeah?
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fucking lmao
Nobody moves because of that anon, stop overrating girls in general and quit drinking.
Thanks for proving it
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>Misty is not sexy
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this card is what did it for me
I dunno, were you acting REALLY weird/stalkerish or something? Moving isn't something you do because a kid called your kid.
When I was 13 a girl confessed to me that she acted like Helga Pataki, not even an hour later moved on, forgetting about the whole thing by the next day and she moved away
When I was 18 a girl wanted me to be her e-boyfriend, I broke that relationship by the end of the week
On my 30's I realized that I hate being with others irl, I even ghost people online when I don't want to be around them, that's why I can't wait for AGI and ASI to become a thing so I can spend the rest of my life ignoring people harder
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lolicons look at this and say "they knew what they were doing with this one"
Am I the only normal person here that just liked the sailor moon girls
Theoretically she is sexy, but I think her VA sounding like an old hag negated all that for me.
Japan is based. It's a shame the western seethe too much and they have to comply sometimes.
pedo thread aside, a main character of the digimon anime IS NOT vidya
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hikari 100% started me an imouto complex
s2 hikari 100% started my natural sex drive
tomboys and little girls remain in my strikeout zone today
>AGI and ASI
the what
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Misty lead me to Noa so she wins by default
For me, it was Sailor Venus.
Is this what no bro cock does to a girl?
Literally who
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You've never seen Patlabor?
>best ship gets denied because the director is a bitter hack
vidya for this feel?
Nope, never
It always frustrates me that Pokemon anime never draw Misty or Jessie's belly button. Midriffs are incomplete without them
Artificial General Intelligence AI at the same level of general knowledge, understanding and mental capacity of a regular human
Artificial Super Intelligence AI is at the same genius-tier level as Leonardo Da Vinci and Albert Epstein
I started jerking off at 10 (and also going through a Sears catalog phase because no Internet until I was 14). Are you a woman?
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No vidya but this is a good example
I dont think that will ever happen but hey if it does it will be neat for a while
I got bored with current AI chatbots in a day, Im a true schizo that doesnt care for people either real or simulated
It was the boomer execs at TPC who denied it not the directors
The tv show's OP song is so fucking good.
Man, I'm so fucking glad that I was lucky enough to watch Patlabor when I was a kid.
What a show.
When did Ash lose his personality?
Are you me? I had a crush on her for the longest time.
>My mom’s out.
>I’ll leave the door open.
Chat what did she mean with this
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It's more of a detective series with mecha, both the anime and movies are pretty good
>>one of these two was everyone's waifu growing up in the 90's
(the anime era in my country only began at the ass end of the 90s, so I really mean the early 00s)
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After sinnoh i believe
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Mommy's not around, that means we can play Fortnite and drink Cola!
Did Splash Mountain give you an erection?
Unova is when his personality got completely rebooted from scratch. They even tried making Team Rocket semi-threatening again for all of two episodes. Then they rebooted Ash's personality again a second time for Alola.
I didn't know a single kid back in the day who had a crush on Misty. Young boys don't generally find boyish girls attractive. You unironically need some mature sensibilities to appreciate a girl like Misty.
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hey anon
Misty is one of those characters where you don't think you like her as a kid, then you grow up and shockingly have a thing for red-headed tomboys and don't know why.
Isn't this some sort of insanely gay tranny meme or something? It reminds me of the strongest creature in Asobi Asobase, at any rate.
For me it was Mimi, Sora and Kari. I was having romantic TV series with all the drama and bullshit play out in my head. It was tiring so I stopped after 6 months or so.
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Not really, I just didn't got any reaction, even getting into brawls was more fun
Not even national TV broadcasting those episodes of Evangelion where Asuka and Rei semi-naked did anything to me, and I got lucky, parents were so strict that most kids I knew both boys and girls ended up becoming Fido's wife if they didn't have a sibling or cousin to indulge in incestual relationships
The ending was better. I watched this when I was 4 or 5 and to this day if I start singing it near my mom, she'll join in.

I did not care for Misty. She insists upon herself.
Oh no, she has an anti-_ whistle
>Young boys don't generally find boyish girls attractive.
You speak like a woman. Holy shit you are *actually* a woman. Boys don't give a shit about the personality of a girl unless the personality is absolutely vile. They just care about the looks.
I know for a fact as 10 year old I would have liked Misty if she had longer hair and an appreciable bust. It's not that I was already cooming at 10 y/o, but even before proper teen sexuality you are more drawn to feminine looking bodies rather than washboard looking bodies.
what the fuck

Jupiter for me.
Sailor Moon girls did a lot for me, tho I made the mistake of be too open about it and I got scolded. All changed when I discovered the internet.
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AshxMisty was like my spiritual awakening long before I knew what the fuck shipping was or even what relationships were
>loses the curvy waist when her torso gets exposed
lol, kids show I guess
>accuses others of being women while throwing an emasculated hissy fit
I noticed this too, but it was in the Lugia movie
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you're telling me you wouldnt?
These are the people posting in 4chan nowadays. Sad.
*pregnancy buzzer
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She felt like a dream in that one episode, whoever directed it nailed the esoteric vibe of going back to reality.
Oh anon, that's nothing, I heard a professor commenting on how girls were trying to speed run pregnancy "lowest age%" when I was starting high-school, South America do be like that, things like that are shown in other hispanic shows, like in 'murica "Caso Cerrado" where the judge allowed a relationship between a 13/14 years old girl an a 60/70 years old guy
>'murica "Caso Cerrado" where the judge allowed a relationship between a 13/14 years old girl an a 60/70 years old guy
This can't be real.
well it was about incest
Figures you were brown. The correlation between savagery third world shittery and sexual degeneracy is pretty strong.
On the money.
i liked sora, mimi, and that one chick from digimon season 4
She did behave in a rather mature way and if i remember correctly she was a bit envious of agumon being with Tai.
Funny enough, despite having both native and negro genes, the skin-tone of both of sides of my family remain fairly white as long as my family doesn't spend like 14 hours under the sun and I have a soft curly/wavy hair instead of the straight hair that is common amongst the natives
Reality is sometimes stranger that fiction, there has even been cases of custody of 12 year old pregnant girls
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Look like AIshit
If you want a real artist who draws her TER/otokoter is your guy
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Misty's bright orange fuzzy pubes
Fair enough. It did look like it.
I wasn't into brown ponytail chicks in my teens, but they have really grown on me in recent years.
When I make AI sloppa, I mostly use brown ponytails (next to long blonde hair).
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My favorite brunette lolis... yes, I was born in the 90s. yes, I nutted gorillon times to them.
Youre going to spend thousands on the card captor gacha, aren't you?
Of the two, the one that you say looks like AI is the better piece. The only Tell, if it is one at all, is that one of the 3 images only has 1 hairclip while the others have 2.

Your image makes it look like she's wearing bodypaint for a top. Which is hot, but I don't think that's the intent.
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Giga Based.
Every episode focused on her is kino.
She was cute and the fav for sure. The other girl become a ntr bait sadly
adventure was always overrated
digimon peaked with tamers
Obviously Tamers was GOAT, but Adventure was still pretty good. Not 02 of course, that sucked.
How does the og Digimon hold up anons? I've been thinking about rewatching the whole thing.
Hell yeah I will
I like 02
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Also random yuri bait with her and Sora for some reason...
No I do.
You'll get annoyed when you find out the series give priorities to the critters more than the humans.
i say this and look like this
Very good.
Watched for the first time this year and loved it.
The digievolution stock footage is a little annoying tho
>Boys don't give a shit about the personality of a girl unless the personality is absolutely vile. They just care about the looks.
You speak like a woman. Holy shit you are *actually* a woman.
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It's really good, just avoid the American dub version like a plague.
Probably the peak of kids show with it's only contender being the sequel series digimon tamers.
Be sure to watch the pilot OVA and the epilogue movie as well.
>drawn by a human
Stop it, get some help
Meh, not really.
You don't see whole episodes focused on a digimon, it's always about the kids.
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>The only Tell, if it is one at all
"artstyle" I've seen on a hundred other slop pics on Pixiv
Inconsistent and nonsensical details (the hairclip, fucked up irises, hair is drawn differently in all three images, blatant warping in the hair in the top left image, necklace is completely inconsistent in the right and bottom-left image and not present in the top-left at all, bottom-left image is completely fucked because the AI got confused and tried to turn the necklace into a collar)
extremely low quality image, obviously downscaled but probably low resolution in the first place, plenty of "artists" don't bother generating above 1024p

Get some standards and apply yourself
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Get your eyes and brain checked.
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>never made a hikari doujin
When is finally gonna fucking do it.
It's the signal that she wants it. Like a choker.
Is that REALLY a thing in japan....for girls like HER??
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ew what the fuck she's underage what kind of disgusting pedo would want porn of her kill yourself
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Have sex with your sister
Based analyst anon
What's the best order to watch these in? Just follow release dates?
leftist meme
>just avoid the American dub version like a plague
not him, but that was my childhood...
i could never watch the original few seasons of digimon without the dub, and i say this as a guy who always chooses the sub
the meme has a point honestly
Start with the tv series, the Early Days ovas are really good, but have a different continuity
Why does this terrible meme always get a million replies
Yeah other than it being a strawman and lying about the intent of the poster, the small novel does have a point
pedophile thread
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Seems like it's been a few years since he's drawn her outside of Valentine's Day
I offer my sympathies but the Pokégirl doujins he's drawn and the new onahole girl series is pure penis terrorism, so I can't disagree with his priorities. Hopefully someday.
Incest is gross and immoral
I really want to watch the original sub of Digimon, in japanese. If only it wasn't impossible to find. It would make my playthrough of the Digimon games all the sweeter.
>Mobile police
>New Files
>Movie 1-3
drawings don't have human rights. Also crucifying people for being weird is anti-4chan
Same goes for Megan Fox. If Transformers hadn't been sexualizing her with lewd camera angles and close-ups I doubt she'd anyone would have thought she was exceptional. Her bitch face always bothered me.
Yeah he's pretty disgusting. God this board is really full of them. I almost feel like not browsing here anymore, dontcha agree ... :/
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4chan is healing
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That's the best part
Yeah pretty much.
Finish the series with movie 2, movie 3 is just a weird spinoff.
I hate seeing these images smoothed out. Why would you ever do this?
Normals should have never been allowed access to image upscalers. Everytime I see an "hd" post and it's just low-resolution art sloppily upscaled by some retard I want to claw my eyes out.
What do you mean impossible?
It's on every anime website you can find
ter is truly the best hebe artist that exists
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