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This game looks pretty fantastic if you ask me
Just like i imagined games would look like in the future when i was playing ps1 as a kid
this is how new generation of players will learn about this game, deal with it.
A new generation of players wont based their taste after playing slop. They will try the classics and love them just like the real fans do.

The sloppers and the trannies will move to the next new thing. This is the way.
I already pre-ordered it
>This game looks pretty fantastic if you ask me
nobody did
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Eileen shaving
the gameplay is fine, but the developers will miss the point of a lot of the scenes and artistic choices. SH2 remake will be highest selling videogame in a long time.
I've honestly come around to it, maybe Bloober tweaked the graphics or character designs, but it's been looking really good. Sad I don't own a PS5.
Just play it on pc wtf
sorry OG sissies, REMAKE chads win again (see RE2 & 4)
People under the age of 25 don't play singleplayer games unless they are arcadey/survival stuff with zero story. Zoomers aren't touching this, but they may watch a streamer play it.
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>the gameplay is fine
Shamefuru dispray faggotu
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Hellblade 2 also looled good but turned out to be a huge slog.
the original gameplay needed the update. Combat was awkward and unpolished. exploration was just discovering a bunch of locked doors. Remake makes the combat more engaging and offers a lot more places to explore. Old game was a boring walking simulator that loses its atmosphere the second playthough. SH2 never picked up until the prison level when James starts jumping through a bunch of holes.
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>Silent Hill
>Bitching about the doors

You are a huge fucking faggot, you know that right?
Honestly the original isn't even that good. It needs this remake.
Absolutely based my guy.
My older sister is pregnant. I would rather suck the milk out of her big fat tits on live stream than support Blooper Team.
Is that symbolism? I need a youtube essay to explain this one for me.
Its a pretty generic looking Over the shoulder game. If anything, this will go completely unnoticed months after launch because SH2 was something that hit back in the day when narrative in games were pretty lackluster in 2001.
It looks pretty cool but desu I would much rather see SH1 get the same treatment because everything in 2 bores the shit out of me. The characters, the story, the enemies, the areas are all a gigantic step down from the first game.
the cow is making him stupid
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not playing it until they pirate it
and that's just another issue with shitty remakes
as long as she doesn't shave her purity down there
>Old game was a boring walking simulator that loses its atmosphere the second playthough.

Literally not an argument
It looks like a clusterfuck of shit mashed together without a thought or care given to how it fits together. They used the original background audio which doesn't match any of the scenery due to just how much you can see everything and how much control you have over the camera. The setting no longer has any sinister undertones, it's just a quiet wet morning after a rainfall, the complete opposite of sinister.

Why are there fucking floating leaves with vaportrails everywhere? These people need to understand that less is more, it's supposed to feel dead and lifeless, stuff moving around is the opposite of dead.
They made it look like the fucking movie, that's what they did. This is nothing like the original which was clearly an asian made game; they tried to make it look american, but asians have no idea how shitty america actually looks so everything they made ended up looking asian in design. The feel of that is completely gone from this game. It just looks like any other fucking modern RE game.
this is literally just Silent Hill: Homecoming but wearing SH2's characters and premise like a costume
it is when a youtuber with over 10k subscribers says it.
hire this man
>I am so... LE SAD
SH2 had gameplay issues but that's mainly due to not enough variety in what the enemies do. And it's true that 2 didn't have as much to explore as 1. I thought the first half of SH2 was fairly boring.

Calling it a walking simulator is dumb though. And the dodging looks out of place, at least to me.

I also appreciated the atmosphere of 2 more during a replay because I wasn't as distracted by some of the poor gameplay since I could get through it faster with less frustration.

I dunno. 2 wasn't perfect but I can't imagine the remake beating what 2 actually did well. 2 switches from like a 5/10 to 10/10 at times but the remake just seems like it'll be a 7.5/10.
Post the dumpster webm
New thing bad, old thing good. I don't want zoomers to experience the things I like and that for my identity.
>I don't want zoomers to experience the things I like

They won't experience the things I like, they'll experience some shitty knockoff like driving around while wearing headphones.
Zoomers won’t experience much. Its the remake of a narrative game that was made by japs who had watch too much shit like Jacob’s Ladder and Session 9. On top of that, its got the generic over the shoulder combat which I’m sure its cool for zoomers who don’t play games at all.
It's ok they have to download the iso and the emulator (CHALLENGE IMPOSSIBLE)
Technically impressive artistically bankrupt, as is the standard today.
do people not dodge in real life? You don't need to be a war veteran to move out of the way of someone clearly about to vomit. I used to shower with my sister all throughout highschool. she knew I needed time to myself after the shower and she's never been in a fight. LOL
What the fuck are you talking about?
Exactly thats how losers think, they built their entire identity and personality around their "taste" in videogames which is liking old games like silent hill 2, who cares if the gameplay is dogshit? its le ART

That person that lives near you? he has a talent for playing the piano, the other one? he is good at playing Tennis, that last one? he has high charisma and everyone likes to sit and talk with him.
You? well you have "le good taste" in vidyagames, ha checkmate!
what's your identity outside of raging at gamers and living in a fantasy world
Nobody asked you. It looks fucking awful, and plays like a TLOU x RE4R
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It looks alright. I'm not convinced a remake was necessary but I'll still play it. Whether I actually go back to it like the original is another story.
>looks alright
what the fuck is wrong with Bloopooper's artists? These arms and heads are HUMONGOUS.
I didn't know CLAMP was doing the 3D modelling
would maria ever stand like this, character wise?
i dont think she would ever stand like some submissive plain-jane who is nervous to be talking to someone
No. Like proven many times, bloopoops understands jack shit about both SH2 and cinematography. Her head is also huge.
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Is that 2bro? On my 4chan?
It’s so funny how she’s sitting at a perfect 90 degree angle
She's also barely animated at all. Just some jaw flapping, with less facial muscle movement than in the 2001 game.
>literal promotional render not even from the ingame cutscene
>vs extremely low quality mid-movement screenshot
i hate this shitty fucking reddit image and fuck you for spamming it
there's a million things the remake fucks up you don't have to resort to literal bullshit
your shitty demake will never look good anyway
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here's a non dishonest comparison. notice how the remake looks like complete garbage regardless, because it is. not hard to do it right, is it?
I already pre-ordered it.
Thank god this game will have Jap voices. The Eng VAs doesn't even compare to the OG.
she looks paralyzed from the neck down it's weird
kek they look like goofy ass cartoons

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