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Day 1 of Final Run is done, and in that amount of time we’ve collected 850,000,000+ golden eggs!
But the salmonids haven’t let up just yet, and neither should you! If you want a Grand Festival, keep fighting and collecting those eggs!
>20 million eggs in like half an hour
holy poopsock
Ooooh, first paycut of the shift
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how do I get 150+?
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>kill triumvirate
>36 bronze scales
play the game
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Lure to the basket.
Lure to the basket.
only exceptions is for stingers and flyfish and big shots. Then get back to the basket and lure to the basket.
And stop dying.
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>And stop dying.
You should unironically kill yourself is 150+ is hard for you. Even garbage tier timmies manage to hit it often
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>900 million in a little over 24 hours
dead game though
Deader than Concord frfr
reach EVP 500 and play well if youre that bad at sr
there are enough eggs to get 50 per round easily
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>And stop dying
>Big Shot walks right past red cannon to use his own
What's his problem with the red cannon?
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they are civilised and know they are not allowed to use these
He doesn't like the fireworks
It’s not his cannon, he wants to use his own
Its all so tiresome, fuck this grind mode
GG's crew going to take a small break
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Its always best to play the first night of BR. You can get easy gold.
GG HLM team
High Tide Triumv is a pain.
Is it worth gitting gud at salmon? I hover around low EVP back and forth and I feel like I could get better but also can't tell if randos are holding me back more than I realize
It's worth it bare minimum to get checkpoints (so hitting at least 400 EVP for each individual level). That way you start off at 200 EVP and always restart at your checkpoint even if you derank.
And everyone was doubting salmon run players.
The Salmonid Guide actually says they create fireworks they shoot out of their cannons on Salmonid holidays.
Did Mr. Grizz forget to give my teammates an ink tank? If you’re not killing bosses and you’re not killing lessers and you’re not reclaiming all the turf we lost, and you’re DEFINITELY not using ink to throw eggs since you’re camping the cannons, then WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR INK GOING AND HOW ARE YOU GETTING CORNERED AND DYING???
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>Clearing my capsules
>Miss the good room by 2 seconds
Make a (bad) room
I do wonder how soon we're going to get Splat4 on Switch 2. They must know this series is immensely popular.
many such cases
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Quick cannon guide from the previous thread:
The trick to getting good scores is using the cannons, and more specifically knowing WHAT cannons to use at each wave.
Depending on the water level, each cannon can be perfectly accurate or just send the eggs near the basket, like a normal Big Shot cannon.
In regular tide, the cannons surrounded by blue are accurate, the others aren't.
In low tide, the cannon in yellow is the only accurate one.
In high tide, the cannon in red is the only accurate one.
To maximize your score potential, you want to kill as many bosses as possible either next to the basket, or next to the accurate cannon(s) that works for that wave.
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It's been rumored to already be in development.
They know this series is the main thing pushing online subscriptions. Splatoon 3 likely started development immediately after New Horizons, only a 2-3 year development window at best. I'd say 2026 is not out of the question for the next one, maybe even late 2025 but that might not be enough time. Some codenames were already leaked that suggested a new Splatoon is already in full development. They didn't wait long after Wii U's life came to an end to release Splat 2 near launch window.

It's either they're going to rush out a new Splatoon, or they are going to rush out a new Animal Crossing and then rush out a new Splatoon.
I imagine within two years of the console launch. They've got to justify NSO relatively early in its life.
No one joins my room, for we are bad.
You vill join my room
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So, no matter what, Splatoon 4 is gonna be rushed and half-baked
>Expecting a grizz charger do that.
I'll paint the stick for you, get climbing.
bro just snipe each fish
Calm down g!!!
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>Bro just make yourself a sitting duck
I've done this
you gotta do what you gotta do
I didn't pay $60 to swim up sticks

only weapon that needt to go up the pillar to kill stick is dualies
others either kill it from ground or should not fucking touch it at all
Let's get that one billion so I can stop fishing in this game and go fishing somewhere else.
The splatana and roller can also kill them up top

>others either kill it from ground or should not fucking touch it at all
Well, I peaked with that performance.
how good is camping a tower for vantage at high levels practically? Is it good for going up and down if not full on camping?
I love fighting fishsticks with blasters, taking out 3 at a time
not worth staying up there unless it's totally swamped
So who one the tourney?
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I just realized the Big Run posters were updated to feature the full triumvirate instead of just choho
I'm going to bed.
ooo hope those show up in the shop in splat4
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Heh, nothing personnel kid
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Anyone at 999 down for a few suicides? Not going all the way, just cashing in some of that EVP score, just a few hundred or so. Work back up to 999 during the remaining time then suicide before Big Run’s end
yeah, I'm down after I get this next king
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>longer lived, smarter, rarer salmonids
>stays out of normal battle- previously only found under cover of fog, when flushed out of hiding in a gusher, or when joining glowfly rushes
>now taking to the frontlines for the seventh and last assault
Why did the salmonids pick an empty venue to invade
It's in the Crater.
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So the counter does go beyond 1,000,000,000
They want to crash Grand Fest with no survivors.
Oh wow
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They just wanna watch the show, you guys are just racist against salmonids
Just don’t go if the salmons win doesn’t seem too hard
They aim to break our spirits first
>you guys got 900k eggs
>now get more for more scales
>its unreasonable, but you fuckers are unreasonable cunts.
>I believe in you
Aws. Our Boss trusts us and knows us so well. Cute.
>Remember the 700k eggs
>you'll regret the 900k grand egg theft
>never forget the 2million salomcost
It's NOT his cannon. It was NOT made for him.
Simple as.
I told you it would.
>Someone thinks you're Un-Fresh!
Yes anon.
They are on the shift putting in serious hard work. Big Shots are a highly profreshional and dedicated peoples.
They would NEVER disgrace the dignity of a canon to goof off or make use of fire works while on the job.
You dishonor them with such statements. Apologize.
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>Day two
>The kiddies and Tummies flood SR
>Constant fails from Part a timer to EVP
>Keep bouncing between Profreshssional+3 and evp
>Also keep getting that shitty Slosher
I'm never gonna get 150
A billion eggs ladsreally puts into perspective the scale of the Salmonid problem when we've fucked them up this severely and they just keep coming like nothing has happened
Oh true that makes sense, my mistake.
why were you on part-timer?
It does also make there whole glorification in dying deliciously thing make more sense. If they didn't do this there'd be a population bottleneck.
Was watching my friend play while my Switch charged. It's bad
>ever demoting from EVP in the first place
The fault lies within.
>The kiddies and Tummies flood SR
that would include you as well
GG salmon crew
yes nigger. do it. you got six shots for 8 fish. kill em.
But hard not demoting when I'm getting stuck with brainlets that for some ungodly reason, AREN'T PUTTING THE EGGS IN THE FUCKING BASKET
Can we do it? Can we hit *THAT* number?
>calling grizzco slosher bad
(You) are the timmy
>already past double the original quota
Holy carp.
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That's not the actual score, just some hacker thing. We're approaching 1 billion now. By the end of it we could be near 2B
we've already passed the millions numberlet
It is dogshit
(You) are dogshit
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>keep getting that shitty Slosher
You deserve your rank
Gonna make suicide room at rotation for those interested.
May be down to suicide a little. Not gonna go down to 0
I got 151 yesterday but it was with a room in the pool though.
I am probably the timmiest in the pool

The highest I got outside the pool has been 113
I guess it depends on the hazard level, the upper limit of eggs you can make maybe? I'm not sure. Outside the pool I get put to ~100% but with the room in the pool we were at ~200%
ggs HLM gang
ggs salmon
between big run and the tourney i've played for like 10 hours today
need a bit of a rest
I'll join
>Not gonna go down to 0
As much as I hate the grizz slosh it's really good this big run
The real funny part about him bashing the slosher is that this map is the best it’s ever been. You have a clear shot at every possible threat from all sides, no flyfish is out of reach, and it’s possible to escape from a crowd or bosses into anywhere else. And it basically destroys everything in high tide.o
Knowing who you are.
Because I carried your arse to that 151.
113 is pretty respectable.
Just keep trying lad, you can do it. If you feel you are getting stuck/hard locked somehow ask, we'll give advice.
going to make a one king room at rotation
ggs nice triumvirate kills
I kneel
you got fucking jumped lmao
suicide up
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I love this pic so much
But my autism compels me to actually dissect it fully.
Marina would be so uber ungodly busted in Sequin land. As tentacles could whip and smck like Shantae'sd hair but the actual mass and density making them far more deadly, plus ability to better restrain or pin enemies, or be tools of movement. Then her tech could replicate Shantae's spells equally or better. Along with out preform the worst weapon created by Risky Boots or Ammo Baron giving her complete military mightover the land. She'd also win over Octo Baron by sympathizing with a guy who had to do unlawful/evil things to protect his family/kids. And earn the zombies kingdom/Rotty Tops+Brothers as allies by giving them her severed tentacles.
She would be quite unstoppable in that universe, it's crazy.
suicide needs just 1. be quick.
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This reads like an autist with a hyperspecific fetish
on /v/?
perish the thought
pic would be 100% better if she was pooping
>Me but the past 2 days has been nothing but the new Blink tracks
I like bp too, but I'm listening to nj rn while playing
I have several hyper specific fetishes. Just none related to that.
I just think its neat to game theory how well one character would do in place of another.
I mean Hell a perfectly viable Splatoon spin off could be Marina crafting a going into games machine for Pearl to better enjoy her vidya. But marina obviously tests it on herself first. Shit goes wrong, shes locked in the digi verse again
Give the player 6-8 games to beat to get free
Shoretae (Shantae)
The Legend of Shellda
Kraken Venture (Dragon Quest)
Code Name F.O.A.M. (CN STEAM)
Super Marie Sisters
ZapFish (Metroid)
Also still needing 1 on suicides.
you '''people'''' aint right.
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Alright. I'll bite.
Why is the mothership just sitting there?
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>Play wired 99% of the time
>My wifi is good, it'll be fine if I play a bit while cooking
>Insta disconnect after wave starts, 10 minute ban
And this is why I play online games docked
That's just where it idles before it goes to the basket
That’s some advanced autism. I just want to fuck Marina in those genie pants while she has a huge ponytail.
The switch wifi is not good
that's really good
shame i haven't gotten a single HT mothership all BR
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It's normally fine but I think it just had one moment where the switch maybe tried to switch back to wired mode and the wifi cut out. Once it "knows" it's on wifi it's alright but I generally always just use a wired connection, don't trust the wifi half the time.
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>I just think its neat to game theory how well one character would do in place of another
Post-hoc rationalization doesn’t make it any less cringe
>”No, I just find these things about it to be super interesting to think about and cool and so hot too holy shit”
Very strange choice on Nintendo's part.

It is advanced autism, but I like both series.
Both also very much agreed.
B-but that's a boy?
>shore warriors with four canons on the map
>Noooo you can't have le fun that's a heckin cringe bruh!
Niggers like you should be rounded up, dragged through the streets, shot in your knees and elbows. whipped raw, then shot again for good measure.
You miserable worthless joyless twat.
wtf you're british?
damn fangfox, calm down
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WE HIT 999,999,999! I REPEAT, WE HIT 999,999,999!
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>No billion
Rip off!
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I guess the devs wanted the final egg count to be a surprise cause why design the board to cap at 999m otherwise
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Holy shit we saved Splatoon 3! We're gonna get third kits and continued support now!
I'm glad we are in the tender caring embrace of such a kind, honest, and generous employer like Mr. Grizz who'd never dare to cheat on his corporate. Nor has been replaced by an egomanic furball.
Truly we are blessed in these trying economic times.

I might be.
Gonna cry? Shit yourself?

>We're doin it Swimmit
bad triumvate weapons, nothin we could do. :|
>Gonna cry? Shit yourself?
no, I just find it mildly amusing
GGs crew I'll be back next rotation
>3 rollers
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>>I'm glad we are in the tender caring embrace of such a kind, honest, and generous employer like Mr. Grizz
>He doesn’t know
The odds are high we're only a few months away from seeing Splatoon 4 for the first time
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Hell they might drop a trailer at the Game Awards
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I hope we find out the real number
also this reminds of all the way back at splatoon 1's launch where they'd release ranked once a certain amount of players (maybe it was 5000?) hit level 5 or 10 and it was broken much faster than they expected lol
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Well I guess that means my work here is done, see you guys next week
GGs. That was my first Triumverate and I was shitting myself the entire time, no clue what boss I should have focused on first
They absolutely did not expect Splatoon to be half as successful as it was. They extended support for Splatoon 1 like twice past the original plan.
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When in doubt, always lure the maws to the hororboro's bubble. It can be a bit hard to keep track of in the madness but you should always focus on killing its bubble first. If you have a long range weapon focus on that. Then after you kill the draggon, lure the maws to the fat one and unload into both
you have to make joe bite fug and fatty they take a lot of damage from it
general plan is to lure joe so he pops up into fug's mouth, so he explodes the bomb and deals huge damage to all of them
then you focus your eggs into joe since he has the most hp by far
in a good run, you shouldn't even need to attack fug at all directly
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>98 eggs in one round
Holy crackers
>could've used the rabbits from the beta as new enemies
>nope, fuzzy octolings

This will never not bother me.
Rabbitlings will be playable in Splatoon FOUR!
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High tide sucks for kings, but we got GOLD
>Splatoon FOUR
also known as splatoon for wii u and 3ds
>I hope we find out the real number
>Final Run ends
>Board is ?????????????????
>2hrs later
>congratz on the work work my happy li'l workers did
>board resets to 0
>you need to wait 10minutes as it ticks back up at lightspeed
>yuh no ranked at launch we want everyone to learn together so play nice
>2 days later
>least they won't hi...
>5 days later
Was a good time
>at 410
plenty to go. pile on the deaths.

did we? yay us
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How good does one need to be to participate in the pool? I can sort of manage evp 200. Sort of.
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Why is the Grizzco Slosher so fucking garbage?
Am I missing something?
Nice, new high score.
there's a lot of ok players in the pool so don't worry, just join rooms
i'd advise against joining the rooms of people at EVP 999 if you aren't used to that difficulty though
Thanks, seems like there aren't any other higher level timmies online right now. Might go back to freelance
I’ll cut my suicides here, gg and thnx for the gold
suicides got a space.
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>Still can get past 125
And I was on track too, but on the last wave we got fucking fog and I had the fucking Slosher, and we fuking wiped. We had like 40 eggs on wave 1 and like 50 on wave 2
hold on i'm cumming
I'll play with ya if you want
are you using the correct cannons
look at >>688131673
Just joined a 160 room
nah, the only bad grizzco weapon is the bow, but only because I hate not being able to 1 cycle Steelheads!!
you can though
you are dumb
Let me kill the big shot
>can't one cycle Steelheads with the Grizz Bow
Oh no it's retarded
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Instead of aiming at it with the center reticle, use these two to fire at the Steelhead for a guaranteed pop.
make me
r-really?? i shall try that
The bow one shots literally everything.
Stop using it at range numb nuts.
Get in shits face and quilver dumb.
do NOT ever use bombs on maws with the biw. Just max charge step back jump, unload. same for big shots and drizzlers.
It does infact one shot steelheads, the angle can just be odd.
>Managed to beat the Triumvirate with a DC at the start
GG HLM room
the amount of niggers with the umbrella not just holding down that button just to paint or kill trash is astounding
actually not killin trash at all still while even using the charger is like woosh waht the fuck.
Goddamn, we were doing so well
I only mentioned 1 boss. learn to read dipshit before you talk down on someone.
i want nintendo to put the icons on if you use gyro or not
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>Big Runs are a genuine threat to the City
>GrizzCo doesn't give air support
So what, if the Freelancers fail does the army get mobilised?
Yeah, the enemy, repeatedly.
uhh guys we weren't meant to kill ourself that time
shake it off, suicide squad! we got this
Grizzco is a private business, no way in hell are they letting the state take over. The less work they get, the less cash they make
Wait, so there are faggots using it like a normal Brella? What next, Grizz Dualies not charging into groups with their dodge?
its rough man.
even the blasters dont want to kill trash
i get such a huge dopamine rush clearing crowds with these weapons.
I'm pretty sure we are the army.
Plus grizz charters us a helicopter.
You need more?
>Freelancer teams fail
>Salmonids breach city perimeter
Grizz can suck a lemon. If that happens it's officially a state/city problem. GrizzCo can fall in line or sit down.
The last 3 digits is just nintendo inflating their numbers
GrizzCo is a civilian company.
we can't make him bite the bomb to save our lives
Finding it hard to track fug and also maneuver around when fatty and joe are taking so much space
sorry for inking, force of habbit :p
also gotta keep in mind you have to position it to where the bomb is going not where it is currently
Goldie is the weakest boss
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Based scrappers
bro is
>using bombs to kill maws while having the stringer
>killing maws and goldie away from any cannon
If you have Grizzco Slosher PLEASE know you can kill fucking flyfish instantly by hitting the fish; no need to wait for the baskets
Can also kill Steelheads in two shots to the body, same for Drizzler; it penetrates armorrr
making big run room at rotation
this is funny but if that goldie dropped 10 eggs im skinning you alive if your in my lobby
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>tfw just got 139 eggs
fuck, I was so close
Is this not common knowledge? I actually enjoy slosher for this reason alone although stamper is slightly superior, except for flyfish
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Bloody hell, I wanted to get here way earlier for big running. And I may not even get a good opportunity for suicides before it ends, either. Least I can play a bit tonight.

Was gonna make a room, but fuck it. I'll join one instead.
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I'm done with Big Run in the meantime. Got the stuff I want
So it's time to slobber on my cute squid's armpits clean
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Anyone else just not lose since this thing started?

Is there a special jingle/song/tune you get if you lose a shift this time?
I've gotten a few unlucky wipes
What's up with Goldies anyway? Sometimes they drop like 8 eggs, and other times just one.
Do they have some sort of condition or thats just RNG?
RNG. Either 1, 5, or 10 eggs
Don't be late like always
reaaal close that time
Oh ok thanks
i need a few suicide chads. apologies

stamper kills flyfish ez pz thoughbietevermore.
it's almost rotation so we won't be able to get in another so imma just leave
I'll get the rest of my EVP on the final rotation
Should I do more Big Run
Or fap to femboys

The hard choices.
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It's been fun.. but I think I'm gonna call it here. Because I am one more loss away from having a fucking aneurysm.
you can join my room, bro
Haven't hit 999 yet, but I'm also on a pure 3.0 streak. Hopefully it stays that way.

How dare.
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Yeah but Ive been with random EVPs that I see getting overwhelmed by Steelheads because theyre waiting for the bombs with the Slosher, when they could have killed them as soon as they appeared fuckkk
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>Six consecutive losses
How bad was your fucking team bro?
I'm playing to win, not to overfish.
they did 'breach' they showed up in the middle of eeltail alley
>smallfry popping up through residents' toilets
>stray flyfish missiles crashing through windows and exploding
>lines of evacuating cars getting flattened by a griller
>stingers vaporising entire apartment floors at a time
>Megalodontia taking bites out of buildings
and this would have continued unchecked if not for grizzco, the closest thing to an organized fighting force that still exists in the modern splatoon world
>made it
ok cool let's see If I can beat my 256 score
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>Room filled as soon as it showed up
Fine, didn’t wanna fish anyway
Femboys it is then.
>The counter is capped because Mr. Grizz didn't program more digits
>Still gonna count past the cap
It's ok man, these weapons aren't common so the random player is bound to have holes in their weapon proficiency. Even at HLM i see people going for bosses with weapons they have no business going for. Stamper/Charger/Roller vs Fish Stick for example
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How do anon's feel about having a greedy fatcat manipulate and motivate them through perverse, capitalist incentives to participate in what is essentially the mass genocide of an entire species?
I feel your pain.
The switch as a dedicated screencap button, use it.
Counterargument: SR is, and I know it may be hard for you to conceive, fun
Get a room you two
and maybe let me in
What kind of fucking monkey uploads a grainy ass picture like this taken with their obamaphone?
someone whose high score is 113 lmao
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suicides back up. i got 200evp to burn off.

I feel pretty great actually.
Best in years. Why?
>Don't waste more than two shots in a single position.
>Much like Bloblibber, you can gun and run.
>Pierces through armor, can one-shot Flyfish with a direct and can go through Steelheads and Steel Eels.
>If spaced properly, aim for a Stinger's head to one-shot it.
>Two shots can take out a large line of trash
>Two shots on the right side can kill Fish Sticks
I'm pretty sure Inkadia has a standing army. The Splatlands probably don't though.
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Hmm, I coulda done better there. What high scores do you guys have?
yo fang do you have a wii u
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Got 243 this mornin’, aiming for 250
we all out of suiciders then?

yuh i do but not hooked up though. plus no idea how to install pretendo.
256 with freelancer
Thought about it but too tired to do anymore today
Man how the FUCK do you break 75+ eggs per wave?
Yeah I guess. Hopefully theyll make some adjustments. I had a run where got like 2 chargers and stampers and a fuckton of fishsticks and if it werent for me painting the fishsticks quickly and another stamper immediately going up to clear it super quick, we would have been DED
Always find those fast adapters real amazing
What's Li'l Jlud up to?
It's pretty easy, ordered a wii u recently and got it modded. Just need to put some files on your sd card and go to a website using the wii u browser
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>Final Wave at Left Basket
>It's Glowflies
>One Roller, a Blaster, a Dualies and Splatanas
>Entire team rushes the middle instead of holding the choke point near the basket
>They all fucking die in seconds
To all the fags who play like that, do pick related but tuck your thumb in.
Evil things
Same thing he's always up to, trying to take over the world
good luring, covering cannons, and luck
plotting murder
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How the fuck does the game expect to us to win with all brellas?
HRT, and LOTS of it
Become flak cannon gods
At 238
Okay, that felt better.

Very nice, very nice. I only hit 240, want to get 250 minimum.
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got a good score already I think
Excuse my retarded question. But how do I join the pool?
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157 with a friend and freelancers
>mfw my teammates simultaneously lose all their braincells on the last wave, every single time
Well...that's not very polite of him. Nor considerate.
He should cease that.
It's easy
>In the lobby menu
>Join pool
If someone called nonoctoro joins your game: play a round and then block via recent players in the switch friends menu
>3 rollers and a splatana
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So after spending some time at the arena, do you think it will be a good Tricolor stage?
>Promoting blacklists
go back
It's super fucking good.
I really hope it becomes a full on PvP map after Final Fest. I love it.
Thanks. I'll join when I get home
Do you think the idols will actually be present and dancing on stage during the fights??
I hope
I did think it kinda reminded me of saltspray rig
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Call me an asshole, but I feel like we could be doing a lot better. I didn't feel particularly vulnerable there.
I've been like this all night
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After you're in the pool, check the notifications tab to join open rooms. You can create a pool room by making a room "for friends", then holding Y to send an invite. Anyone from the pool will be able to join, have fun. Best time to find rooms is right after the stage change, so check notification tab and refresh with X.
Only for nono. They are the one repeatedly saying to go to /vg/ and bringing up clique at random.
They suck at the game too, massive detriment.
Grizzco gear not showing up for me in the locker. Gonna redownload to see if it fixes the problem.
You might have to pick it up from the main lobby first, not the grizzco one
So many people do not understand the Grizzco Slosher and Splatana, and it shows
Too often do I see people floundering when using these weapons in Salmon Run, and seeing how much hate they get on Twitter it does not seem to be isolated.
I’m BEGGING y’all to learn these weapons, Grizzco Slosher can one shot Flyfish through their armor and easily kill other bosses while clearing lines of lessers, and the Grizzco Splatana can one shot all bosses through their armor.
Of course it sucks when your team is all Sloshers or Splatanas or they just suck at clearing the way for you, but if your team is killing the lessers I am begging y’all to use these weapons to their full potential.
Yes they do, after you cap a sprinkler. From what I saw in past threads.
>This only really works now due to all teams able to attack
What the FUCK would they have done before? When the half time winner was perma def? They'd never see their idol that way.
I believe if you get Ultra Signal, your idols show up and perform or something to cheer you on? That or they sing for you, something like that.
you really decided to redownload to game instead of reading the instructions or just thinking to check the lobby terminal where all items received from outside of the game are sent
Maybe it's fatigue?
It worked. Thanks anon!
Enjoy your new suit bud
It wasn't much of an issue. I have fiber. Took less than five minutes.
>I have fiber. Took less than five minutes.
Go to the lobby terminal you fucking tard
>almost lost
Okay, we really need to start using specials smarter.
damn that last wave fucked us
>3 low tides
Fuck off.
Your playing with blacklisted players.
God damn it I hate splatana, stupid piece of shit
It really is the worst grizz weapon at HLM.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but if I have the slosher on high tide then shouldn't we just be funneling all the bosses straight to the basket? It's literally a straight line, I could just destroy everything with zero effort.
fish sticks and steel heads should be first priority
That's not grizz blaster
Blaster actually has range compared to the splatana
hell yuh squiggers.
that was pretty decent.
alright i'mma be off unless some fags want a quick suicide
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Oh hey, I'm one win away from 999. Hadn't even noticed.
3/4 up
yes and NEVER got to the center of the map on high tide unless you have to
Sorry, went to pee
>right after I agreed to go another round
>filled up like a minute before we ended

fucking taunting me i swear
Guess no suicides then. Alright.
Well this was profitable I think.
>235 score
>582 bronze
>415 silver
>118 gold
Fun as always you unreasonable insane cunts. Find a hobby after this.
spot opened up
>congratz on getting 1 billion eggs
>keep going for MORE bonus scales
>is there an upper limit? probably. let's find out together
The Splatlands Bowl has fallen.
Six Billions Must Fry.
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Thanks for the runs bros
Who's that nigga in the pool with a password locked room?
>all these rooms with evp900+
>I'm only evp 30
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sorry man
You can still join
You just gonna let him rise up like that?
>old meme new paint
Shit, something came up, I GTG
GG for that one shift though
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2/4 big run room
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>killed fug almost instantly
>still couldn't get joe in time
What the hell happened there? We had everything for us. Well, I gotta step out for a little bit. I'll be back after the rotation if anyone needs a room filler.
>285 eggs
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How the fuck do you use the splatana? I always feel worthless when I have it in my hands. I know you can oneshot things with it, but I never feel like I have a chance to do that against anything that's not a scrapper.
Now you're just cheating
opposite of the regular.
you swipe. endlessly.
you do NOT need range. you create a 2m wide circle of ink under your ass per swipe. SWIPE. MOVE. SWIPE. KEEP MOVING FORWARD! You are death on legs. Two hits kill cohoks and you get those out before they can attack. 3 put down scrapper and eels. you get like 20ish swipes a tank.
ONLY charge on flyfish, steelhead, big shot, drizzler.
nothing should be touching your arse because if you move and swipe you can run through drizzler rain or fish stick spit without any trouble.
>Use ledges
>don't hold forwards, the dash will kill you
>the hit pierces, go slap a fly fish or steelhead
>carving through trash with normal taps is still important as some weapon don't have the ink or speed to
It's not letting me join any of the rooms...
Gotta pee I'll make a room at rotation
who's the wi-fi asshole
They fill fast and the list doest live update. You can always make your own, remember to send invites.
Huh, this is some solid advice. Thanks fellas.
Who wants to suffer with me?
People struggle with it and sloshing machine when they are both incredibly powerful once you know the targets
>gotten a haul of 149
Bros... I'm not getting 150...
I only play on wi-fi, what's the problem?
i told you shitters still wouldn't be able to get gold lmao
The Switch is a piece of shit and cant handle 30 year old communications standards.
Doesn't help that they refuse to run their own servers and instead opt for peer to peer connections.
Not my fault I am matched with teammates who contribute sub 20 eggs each.
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You can do it. I trust in you anon.

The other guy is wrong about the dash. It's very useful to rush down drizzlers and steel heads, especially SH to force a big nuke. Just watch for eels or lids.
Your slice WILL NOT go through lid barrier, but its easy to strafe about to kill a lingering cohok then step in and out to mount to kill. May need to jump to kill flyfish though pending angle and shit. Just aim at the cock pit like slosher.
Yeah this is going to be my last king I'm starting to get a headache
i can give a shot at carrying you if you want, it's pretty late for me rn so we can try 1 or 2 games now or you can join one of my rooms tomorrow, a couple hours before BR ends or something
Playing with randoms can be tough.
one minute break to check my settings
GG bros.
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Alright, back. If anyone rooms need an extra player, I'm up for it.
3/4 up

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