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Are there any /v/ recommended, actually good, RPG Maker games?
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can you make a game in mz where if you win you can fuck the enemy, but if you lose they can rape you, cause if so I have an idea for one
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I tried Didnapper 2. Too weak on JRPG aspects, too pandering on the fetish aspects, and not what I really wanted with the fetish aspects either.
I think Lisa was RPG Maker, its good
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The current flavor of the month is Enchant Farm.
Tales of the Drunken Paladin
nothing is impossible, just do it.
RPGmaker user here. MV. Yes you totally can. When you create a battle event, you can use that same event to determine what happens on win or lose.
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A Blurred Line.
Monster Girl Quest Paradox.
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fear and hunger 1 and 2
The Krauts did it best
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I haven't played that in forever. Great game. Wish it would have been finished.
The yee osaur was talking about this game. I'm just a filthy mobile lurker and couldn't press the right buttons.
nice ok gonna start making a game then, it will have the shittiest dialogue but the art will be good
Acetonic Mushrooms
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The first post is the best post
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Any good futa RPGM games?
I genuinely would like to play a game from this engine that isn't coomer shit or adventure game slop. Something with fun rpg combat and a good story
every LISA game
Are there any rpgmaker games that aren't porn games?
Goblin Layer
yes, actually.
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I think there's one or two . Maybe three
LonaRPG is one of the best with widescreen support.
Yes. In fact, the majority of good RPGMaker games are non-porn. Black Souls 2 and Monster Girl Quest: Paradox are just about the only two exceptions.
Check out:
>Yume Nikki
>Witch's House
>Your Turn To Die
>Enchant Farm
>Hat World
>Ruina: Fairy Tale of the Forgotten Ruins
>Fear & Hunger 1 and 2
mage kanade's futanari dungeon was pretty fun but short
Don't forget Magical Girl Celesphonia, it has like 50K sales on DLsite and an estimated 100K on steam.
Isn't that just a dime a dozen porn game? What makes it special? I seriously doubt any other porn game can match MGQ's autistic job system https://mgq.miraheze.org/wiki/Jobs/Advanced_Jobs
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Yeah, they're pretty fun.
I had fun making one based on a D&D game I hosted a few years back. It’s 90% stock assets or ones made through the in software spritemaker, but it was a fun time. Wish I finished it but work on it was way slower than the pace the D&D game went at, so I fell very far behind and stopped
It's has extremely complex corruption mechanics and basically a Persona5 day/night system that few games even get close.
non-porn games WISH they had half the gameplay of porn games
Of the ones I played, in terms of gameplay complexity:
MGQ:P > Hat World > Enchant Farm > Black Souls 2 > the rest of RPGMaker games
In terms of fun: Enchant Farm > Black Souls 2 > Hat World > MGQ:P. Though admittedly I'm only at the beginning of Hat World, maybe the later bosses will provide more fun.
Does anybody have that webm that shows off all those RPGmaker games?

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