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Why is everything so purple?
Pozzed color, unironically
But I love that color.
The portrait are cool but I hate that the model have a completely different artstyle. If they had the same artstyle as the portraits it'd look cool.
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The portraits and tarot card art do look nice enough, some more than others. Although neither artstyle really fits into Dragon Age. At least looking from the perspective of someone who enjoyed Origins the most.
In a lesser-known, classified ONI document, it is revealed that during the Spartan-II augmentation process, John-117, later known as Master Chief, made a personal request to undergo gender transition as part of his identity development. His request was honored, but the decision was concealed to maintain the image of Spartans as faceless, emotionless weapons of war. With humanity's survival at stake, John’s transition was woven into his enhanced biology, representing his deeper transformation from a vulnerable child into the galaxy’s most feared warrior. The secrecy surrounding Master Chief's transition reinforced his role as a symbol of resilience, transcending human limitations, and fighting not only for humanity’s survival but for the right to define oneself beyond physical and societal constraints.
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What happened to all the armor? I'm not saying they need to go back to the DAO monstrosities, but it'd be nice to get some plate in here.
>What happened to all the armor?
From what I've read apparently the art director, Matt Rhodes made that shift on purpose. To not only make it "look cool" but to also simplify it for cosplyers. That's such a bizarre justification for such a drastic shift in stylization. But it is what it is.
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i don't know but i hope it flops
I hope every game flops. The world would be a better place if the industry died.
Purple = gay color. It's also color of royality and deception.
>royality and deception.
I knew the royalty aspect but when has it been associated with deception?
it will flop, even more than andromeda and it will be the last game made by Bioware
Because it's not made for you and me, and you know it.
The art director seems to like bright neon colors despite the game being a medieval fantasy setting.
Also pimps
>Purple = gay color
Cowards automatically ceding shit to the faggot menace is how we're in this mess in the first place.

Kill yourself.
art direction. remember mass effect 2 organge or bluish gray mass effect 3? every color should complement other color, location characters, spells etc, menus
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>The portrait are cool
Try mixing blue (male) and red (female).
I wonder what changed. In Dragon Age Origins and 2. The color scheme was consistent between them. Displaying bright reds and crimsons that connect with the blood and violence. Then when Inquisition came around it all changed to green. Representing the fade and the veil being torn open.
Every color is gay
holy fuck the characters are disgusting
Why does everyone in this game (except for the cute redhead dwarf) look like they smell like dirty socks
>look like they smell like dirty socks
That's an oddly specific description. Also why wouldn't Harding smell like that. She is a Dwarf.
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>Also why wouldn't Harding smell like that
Because I clean her feet and toes every 1 hour with my tongue
Slaanesh is real
The degenerates wear the colour of their god
And the arbiters of good look like Smurfs?
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purple is popular among gay homos
You know that first hand?
Are there any white males in this?
Yes. >>688140932
But those are hispanic?
please kys, culture war faggot. violet is a fantastic color.
Are they?
post ur violet purse
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DA 4, for those who thought inquisition characters were ugly
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No worse than Inquisition.
>let's just post a picture without saying anything
>it doesn't look good nor does it show anything new
Bioware shills aren't paid enough it seems.
Genuinely surprised its not pastel pink and blue and white
Gay penis
big gay tranny
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Leliana and Morrigan were pretty hot in Inquisition. None of the female options that were open to the inquisitor were very enticing though. Guess he lacked the chad energy of the the Warden.
>Gay Warden
Really BioWare?
why do you care (about the game)

hahahaha DON' TALK TO ME BEFORE I HAD MY COFFEEE hahahahaha!!!!!1111

Holy shit i hate corpo liberalism.
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Harding, my beloved.
With a few exceptions.
Portraits are shit. I would remind you of the actual class cards from DA:I.
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>dat necromancer
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>I would remind you of the actual class cards from DA:I.
I wish that our health bar portrait was one of these depending on what we chose. Instead of having a glowing green hand.
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Marketing bullshit.
Only time will tell.
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cute old man
You're gay
That's why I wear salmon colored shirts and suck my best friend's cock in the Steak 'n Shake bathroom. They can't take that from us
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He's a refined gentleman.
Jesus these portraits ZESTY
Kek I remember I had some sort of modded titty variation of the armor on the right when I played ages ago
Then my dad walked up behind me during a cutscene and said "damn, look at those tits!"
The coomer runs in the family I guess
Everything's so ugly anymore. Whomever is in charge of that project is going to be eating a lot of shit real damn soon.
are you also interested in exploring sewers? cause all you're going to find is...
Then you should be mad that's it been taken over by people that want to kill you
I used to likj purple, then one day in my teens I wore a purple shirt to school and everyone immediately thought I was gay. I've been a yellow person ever since
Half of that shit is literally Deviantart tier
>No you can't have Blood Magic that would be EVIL and we can't let the player be EVIL anymore
>oh btw here's your companion, a sociopath that treats killing people like it's a average 9-5 job
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>I've been a yellow person ever since
Funny you mention that considering they're complementary colors.
As I said earlier. Nice enough, some more than others.
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Can no one enjoy purple?
Too many medicore games using it as the main color theme has soured it.
This really is a game intended for tumblr women, all 3 of them men look like they're flamboyant fags who gargle cum.
Will this finally be the game that sends Bioware to the grave? How has this studio managed to hang on after so many critical failures is beyond me.
What is it with niggas and purple??
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>quirky lolsorandum character every modern bioware game has to have
>zesty gay (black)
>zesty gay (old)
>zesty gay (default)
>resident freakshow
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If they're going to do garish fantasy fashion, they should do it right.

They look okay without the retarded coats.
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I guess some just like that color. Samuel L. Jackson specifically asked if his character could have a purple lightsaber in Star Wars.
>If they're going to do garish fantasy fashion, they should do it right.
It's so strange. I know it's ultimately up to the director and character designers. But it feels we've jumped in fashion sense in terms of centuries. I guess they could say they're in Tevinter and it's more advanced, but still.

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