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Both are woke pieces of shit. Deadlock would be as bad of a flop as concord if it wasn’t made by valve.
This game is just slightly less ugly than Trooncord
>Valve finally makes something thats not Dota or some hardware gimmick thing for the first time in over a decade
>surprise its actually Dota
Why are they like this
>make game thats slightly less shit and ugly than fagcord
>/v/ laps it up like good little doggies
this board is so unbelievably gay its not even funny.
Why did they think an archer grandma was a good hero?
World's most obvious samefag
Is that a grandma? I thought gay allen is a man
are you trying to make me give a fuck about this dogshit?
because I won't.
Waiting for Mechabreak, peace
Eh, I like it. I've noticed the discourse around it really changed when Concord failed, kind of seems like a scapegoat for a certain sect of people that come here from discord to try and shift narratives and culture their way. Very artificial feeling.
He's a dude
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Try again faggot
jk i love it and its fun as fuck to play
How in the everloving fuck is "Old woman wants to capture her youth by making a deal with a demon" woke?
they all lose to Abrams satanic snake
I hate how denying souls is basically guaranteed for automatic weapons, because of server latency.
The only thing that wouldn't be considered woke is a game with 100 percent white straight male protagonists because this board is unironically petrified of the woke boogeyman.
Half this board probably jumps at their shadow cause it's black
You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
no u

Unless your ping difference is very high, what matters most in the CS battle is fire rats. Abrams will NEVER out CS something like infernus, haze or wraith, since they can simply spray their gun towards the soul. They tried to correct this by making the souls go to 3 different random sides, but if players are equally matched then you get the exact same outcome, whoever has higher fire rate wins.
Most of the hate for this game now is coming from gamingcirclejerk troons who want to shift narratives here after recent disasters in actual woke gaming. One of the ways they've done this in the past is they try to fit in, detect the polarity of words and phrases and memes they see used here a lot, and whatever they want you to like is good words, and whatever they want you to hate is bad words. The meaning of the words or the applicability doesn't really matter. They use [local word here] posted hundreds of times by a coordinated discord to try and shift you for or against something, but in the case of "woke" also to poison the well. They don't like when you discuss obviously woke games being woke, so they'll spam the board about everything under the sun being 'woke' as a way to signal jam that conversation and associate the normal use of the word with their intentional overuse and misuse of it.
what on earth are you talking about Abrams has the best last hitting gun in the game
>Complains about gay shit
>Doesn't like hags

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>B-b-but it's an alpha test!
>It's not done yet!
>Some of the characters aren't even textured yet!
If this is the game (no custom modes, no private servers, no nothing), just a 3D dota-like, sans cosmetics, because of course valve is gonna tie this into the steammarket, I can't help but feel cheated. Just despicable that with infinite wealth and dev time THIS is what valve shits out. Another MTX cash cow. A real waste.
>having a thing for women long past their prime
That’s more gay than beinb an actual homosexual
>feel cheated
It's free game.
>"i-it's actually not woke okay!!!??"
why does /v/ keep coping
just admit that it's a deislop and the only reason you guys are defending this is because you guys are pcbros.
>val.ved.rones filtered to pcb.ros
since when?
Bro your shotgun? You dont need to aim for denies when you dont need to aim
Time is more valuable than money.
Somebody post the cat nigger, opera bitch, or strong indipendant cowgirl.
Not yours, you're wasting your time losing arguments about video games on a dead porn website.
Valve drones.
sweet baby inc thread?
I like gabe he's just kind of retarded >>688144730
valve is fucked. they should have released half life 3
i just want tf3. gaben was always a microsoft jew and never going to give us shit though. ive played an hour or two and the game is ok but I want tf3. not this shit.
more like raid from unironic redditniggers thread.
I've been waiting for hl3. I learned to not keep my hopes up
or pissey pants feminists
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neet/wagie cope
free for now.
We only have hints of how they plan to monetize this, and that doesn't include the discarded value of their work and time.
What were they thinking?
>Time is more valuable than money.
Then why the fuck are you here?
>dota but 3rd person and even more woke
some characters are just better at denying souls definitely
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I HATE my beloved wife Ivy
this games actually so fucking garbage man how the fuck is weapon still the only relevant item page
how the flying fuck is shiv still broken S++++ tier after 1 month
I wouldn't mind if he looked like this
me too

There are literally private servers right now. Even early wip custom modes that has every unreleased hero unlocked.
Looks native now.
Shotgun flicks clearly outpace spray and pray when it comes to denies. Go lane against an Abrams or Pocket that doesn't suck and tell me how it goes for you. Hell shiv right click is pretty much an auto deny
Why's there no FPS mode?
So the spammer is a consolefag then? That makes sense
Enjoy your worthless Concord Disc you shiteater
Would be interesting, but I think you'd be at some serious disadvantage, specially when some group shitfest is going on.
fuck me i cant stop playing this, it's like 10 hours every day since I got in last week
fun as hell
They should just buff Yamato.
>up the spirit scaling, or range, on 1.
>add melee damage to her sword strike
>change her ult to be useful for more than disengages and short rests
>allow her 2 to be cast on friendlies
There I fixed her.
Gay Faglon is the ugliest mf in the game
She already makes shiv slice and dice damage look like a joke with her 1
>playing dynamo
>kinda losing around the 25 minute mark
>they are sieging us hard
>bebop who is something like 10-3-15 hooks me into their entire team
>ult hits 4 of them
>end up destroying them after
i love dynamo so much
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it's nice to win after 3 people put me into intense suffering in first 9 minutes, I'm mo btw
only thing I hate is Bebop
laning against him makes me want to uninstall
>can pull seven around with the heal tether item
god damn this item does not stop being good huh? its literally the best item in the entire game
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>have fun, excellent game
>extremely winnable if we can coordinate and get a second good teamwipe
>hypersuicidal haze attempts to blind rat the entire game and accomplishes nothing other than making us fight 5v6
>tell him straight up to stop fighting and go try to farm while he's waiting on respawn
>he dies within 30 seconds of respawning, then respawns and once again dies within 30 seconds of respawning
Just absolute nigger behavior I swear
It would have been more winnable if he DC'd because at least we could have gotten the soul bonus
dynamo feels very weak
his gun's dps being that far under the rest of the cast is a joke
I don't really understand how to play with her. Obviously you want to get in because you have to be close to use your 1 and torment pulse / escalating exposure benefit her greatly once she gets going, except
>it only grants bullet resist, meaning you're raped by spirit damage
>it doesn't do enough damage to justify not attacking for 2 seconds
>it lets the enemy reposition, or even leave if they're fast enough
>if they know that timing, you're often forced into a 50/50 where you have to guess whether they're going to dash right before it's fully charged (not an issue against bad players, but still)
Her entire kit prioritizes getting in, but once she gets in she's not significantly better than other characters, especially because building her spirit means that your gun is fucking trash.

I don't really know how to fix her. I just know that it would be cool if activating her 1 maintained 100% of your slide momentum for its duration.
just make her troll warlord with melee and range stance bullshit, she already has the ult anyway
Dynamo is an ultbot / support who can singlehandedly win games, he probably shouldn't have an amazing gun. He and Seven have probably the highest potential impact on any game, except Seven is also allowed to do disgusting damage.
he's meant to be a true support
early your damage isn't terrible but it's not gonna win you the lane or anything, instead you have a heal aura you can use to stay in lane for a long time and just farm/deny
your stun wave also reduces fire rate in addition to the popup
and the best thing about him, his 2, can pull allies with him AND it gives them half the fire rate bonus, which is insane lategame, you can do midboss very fast
I'd like the game more if they toned down the moba shit. I really can't be fucked to memorize builds and abilities and shit. I guess that's why I'll always fall back to TF2.
I managed to get the game running on my laptop on the lowest settings, but I can only get about 17-20 FPS. Is there anything that can be done to improve this? Outside of buying a new laptop or parts with money I don't have?
I'm sure they'll add a simplified mode for arenas and other modes with no items (or set items), but the skills are 100% here to stay
>She already makes shiv slice and dice damage look like a joke with her 1
Shiv slice and dice does twice her max charge 1 lmao, are you fucking insane?
dropped as a kid?
there's no fucking way we still have shiv tards saying hes weak
you literally buy the same shit every game aside from few counter items
That just makes it pointless. It's still shit to memorize too, because it's not like you can just pick one character. You have to hope you maybe get one of a few you actually know.
>Dynamo is an ultbot / support who can singlehandedly win games
Lash, Seven, Kelvin, and Infernus all have ults that can easily win the game if used properly and they're attached to heroes that can actually do things
>instead you have a heal aura you can use to stay in lane for a long time
It heals for very little with a huge CD and besides, he is extremely weak in lane because his gun is bad
His 2 is way too slow for how little distance it travels
The only abilities in the game as impactful as Black Hole are Storm Cloud and wall
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>Turret Refresher Turret
>Heal drone
>3 more turrets and a refresher turret over the next 10 seconds
>Give them all heroic aura while I double jump in a circle and can't be killed by the entire other team
>Turrets slowly rot them all to death
>If you even get close to killing me I just wall off 4/6 of your team and heal to full in 2 seconds
why do subhumans believe they have a chance with ugly girls? they still wouldn't fuck you, not in real, not in fantasy. Type a niggas that think NTR isn't cuckoldry, like you would ever know what being a bull is like
this is probably pretty great if you have a 30k+ lead
weapon mcginnis is great
spirit mcginnis is a meme
I've been the top souls for the last 12 games, one of them I was over double every other player
I haven't played him but I agree if your gun sucks the hero sucks
Infernus' ult is capable of winning the game but has a massive downside in that he's pretty fragile, so any form of CC while he's Naruto running at you and you completely shut him down.
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I just think she's nice and cute is all
She's also fun to play
Infernus is at his best as a rot tank, if they're going to focus me as I run in that's totally fine because it'll all be leeched up by the time the stun is over
>play abrams
>get a solo sale
>cannot die, melee everything, deny everything
>have double the souls
>be a major issue
Shrimple as.
>literally none of the top public guides are good
is this some sort of joke?
>there's no fucking way we still have shiv tards saying hes weak
Shiv being near the bottom of win rates is hilarious considering how strong he is
I honestly don't get it
just keep going down until you see one updated recently, the problem with builds is they are sorted by views, so they will just keep getting higher and higher due to people not removing them from their favorites even as they go further out of date
>3 weeks ago
>daily threads praising the Game
>1 week ago
>game is announced, streamfags and youtubers are aloud to make content
>daily threads of hate for the Game

Many such things
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haze is legitimately ruining the game for me
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I am the best deadlock player alive
if anyone one character is ruining the game for you you unironically need to get better
then never post here again for the rest of your "valuable" life, smartass
Just buy the active ability "curse"
Throw it on her when she starts her ult
Are you bad or something?
pocket is kinda cool, I wonder what the lore behind his briefcase is? did he steal it from someone? let me just check his background.


What? Huh? Literally nothing mentioned about the fucking briefcase anyway. Is he a nonbinaretard or is it implying that "they" are a collection of spirits or ghosts
>literal grandma with no flattering clothing and shitty color palette
>sexy older woman with slip dress and giant dead animal fur with thicc ass
>also has a spooky ghost arm to jerk you off with

couldn't be further from the same if you fucking tried faggot, the WORST Deadlock designs are better then the best of that shit game
Just another case of /v/ latching onto a tranny game like Hogwarts Legacy.
She is based on a classic design hell their are plenty of characters with a similar look if she is woke we have been woke for over 50 years.
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>Beat Haze with that 1 trick they don't want you to know
I don't get the hype here. Isn't deadlock just a copypaste smite?
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yeah it's definitely some deep state false flag conspiracy and not the fact that the people of the movement you aligned yourself with are actual LCD mouthbreathers lacking in anything resembling critical thinking.
you've subscribed to tribalist red-scare retardation and you're shocked at the logical continuation of that dialog, to the point that you must delude yourself into thinking these individuals espousing the established rhetoric of your group are actually bad actors. you are lost.
the sites are fucking dogshit they're not even updating anymore because valve blocked them off
stop using them
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>people calling it a dotafag game
dotard here
it looks like fucking shit

also it diverts dev attention from dota so why would i even appreciate it
still wouldnt fuck you
imagine being parasocial to a video game character
You don’t know about browsing builds inside the actual game so you.
dota is fucking dead dude move on
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Hard nerf all weapon characters
Nerf the top 15 weapon items
Gut shiv
Nerf Kelvin
Buff yamato
Release holliday
<gabe newell voice> uhhh, nooo?
deadlock is unironically a leaguechad game, move the fuck over
So what's the fucking point then if the game tells you what you "should" do? Give that shit to the characters already
>still wouldnt fuck you
Still didn't say she would
She cute, she fun, I like her, simple as
gz anon
i didnt realize we had leagueCHAMPS among us
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>there are people in here still getting filtered by shiv monkey man
And people would ask for buffs to him because of "low win rates"
Imagine how cancer a buffed Shiv would be
He already takes out people easily even when 3 people gang up on him
And its not like Geist who has clear counter play, Shiv can tank damage AND has two dash abilities
enjoy the third set of nerfs
I like the idea of Lady Geist, but I can't ever get the life switch to work. I'm looking right at them, pounding the button, and I just die anyways.
gaas fucks can commit suicide
Do you just have to treat him like Bristle back that you won't be able to kill him in a teamfight?
Hate thread? You couldn't make a thread about something you enjoyed instead? Why keep negativity in your life?
Ive had a Dynamo player survive 3 people trying to kill him, kill two of them and make a getaway
He was literally untouchable
Leeching bullets are fucking retarded on him
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It's actually fucking insane how Shiv is just Yamato but way better at everything.
Really good fucking gun.
Really fucking tanky.
Better power slash that moves him and goes off instantly.
Really fucking mobile.
Built in self heal.

Absolutely fucking insane, and he's been like this for 1 month like why the fuck would you ever pick the cone head?
yeah because it's FUCKING SHIT
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get some taste ranjeet
Shiv has far less gay mega aids poke in lane, and can actually be killed instead of having free uber+kritz+conch speed boost, unlike y*mato.
I only pick cone head to be a contrarian weeb, fed two games but i aint stopping untill i get that cool ultimate moment
Sorry for feeding all the games, her head keeps getting shot from behind cover when i instinctually crouch thinking im safe
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>makes the game playable
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I could've killed everyone if it weren't for my shit team!
fartcore post
Is it just a rule for MOBA that half the characters have some type of slow ability?
I finally see the light with Mo & Krill since I finally got them.
It was hard as balls vs Yamato in lane but once the fights happened, I just tapped into my years of being a DOTA initiator and go balls to the walls.
And like DOTA, it is a 50/50 chance if the team actually follows your initiation.
>also it diverts dev attention from dota so why would i even appreciate it
If you unironically think dota is good in 2024 the year of our lord then you're truly not a dotachad.
Laning stage matters so little in this game
Aslong as you arent feeding and can keep your tower alive for long enough you are doing fine
Yamato has an ult that she can use to escape ganks? Well how exquisite, thats so useful. Too bad you cant defend the tower for shit if you are not on the lane
>did well in lane
>check score
>10/0 enemy lash with feeding paradox in 7 minutes
kek it was actually an indian
>dota is worse than it used to be
>dota is still better than all online games on the market
both things can (and are) be correct
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>Debuff reducer
>Instead of ethereal shift
Unless you're playing against both nigfernus and pocket, you're throwing spending 4250k souls on a waste of a green slot instead of 3k on the best item in the game.
laning against pocket is so fucking oppressive
I like this picture, mind if I save it friend?
"kek" no it wasn't i just felt like saying it when i realized your're american
you will never be white like me
I fucking hate v4lv3dr0n3s so much it is unbelivable...
I kinda like the game, but its honestly just 50% overwatch 50% dota and does neither part of those games that well
Its ok qhen valve does it! *inhales gabens cum*
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Go for it, it's all yours good buddy
I really hope that they never change Lash's backstory, it's perfect.
>Most of the hate for this game now is coming from gamingcirclejerk troons who want to shift narratives here after recent disasters in actual woke gaming
Those exact people are shilling for and promoting deadlock, they want woke SBI games like this to be succesful
>he cares about a backstory in a moba
Where do these retards come from? Reddit?
Overwatch is fucking trash, and i played it when it was at its peak (weeks before and after release)
People keep complaining about the fucking movement in Deadlock like it doesnt beat out the competition by a mile lol
And the game is still in basically alpha, they JUST added walljumping in
im not a fan of m-k but those guys seriously need a headshot hitbox buff, cuz its GINORMOUS. Feels bad getting to lane at the very beginning and just shaving off 50% of the other laners hp with a burst from ivys gun
If you're getting poked out by a fucking yamato in lane you're just trash, she's probably the weakest laner in the game
Wow your reverse psych really worked, negative word used by community you're trying to manipulate really DOES apply to product you want to direct ire towards, who knew, new opinion downloaded, reddit account registered
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Those niggers are trying to get (you) to hate it because valve threw out all the DEI shitter designs like fat mutt bitch dynamo and young nigfernus with DEI afro with the transition from neon prime to deadlock.
The main channel had 130k watching a non bracket stage game yesterday.
hey uhhh this is awkward but I saved your picture :D
Debuff reducer costs 1250 souls and it cuts all debuffs/stuns everything by 30%.
This includes stuff like mo krill ultimate, wraith ultimate or basically any stun (not dynamo ult sadly due to how it works)
Ethereal shift costs 3000 and only saves you from 1 ability.
Why waste 3000 on ethereal shift when debuff reducer basically works 7/24? Also can be upgraded to debuff remover to cuckthe hell out of seven/warden fags if necessary.

Also before anyone says it yeah you probably shouldn't run debuff reducer/remover with unstoppable cuz it's kind of overkill.
>Ethereal shift costs 3000 and only saves you from 1 ability.
It saves you from shit ton of burst, cuts any stun that doesnt happen immediately off completely
Is absolutely central in the lategame as a damage mitigation because of the scaling
She's fun, but her 4 has like a .3 second cast, and with how close you have to be to use it, it's very easy for it to not pop
Deadlock is closer to Dota than league is to Dota.
.t immortal, masters and top 0.01% deadlock players
I think current Dota is much better than at any point in its existence, but adding even more depth via mechanics and objectives would be a mistake. I believe its time for the game to grow exclusively horizontally from now on (new heroes and items instead of new flex options).
>People keep complaining about the fucking movement in Deadlock like it doesnt beat out the competition by a mile lol
Fucking LOL
Deadlock movement is mediocre as all hell. Nothing interesting about it
Why not buy armor instead?
What will you do when bebop, wraith, warden buys curse?
Just hit him, he can only win trades if he has barrage stacks
If you activate Unstoppable and then Ethereal Shift, you become invincible but can still shoot.
I really really really like this image.
I hope they introduce VAC2 soon
Addendum: I've played Dota 1.

People who dislike the changes often don't understand that they keep the 20 year old game fresh. This is unprecedented in the gaming industry.
Way to go ignoring the whole point of the post
No other moba has movement as good as Deadlock, like it or not its still way fucking better than Overwatch lmao
not him but you can ethereal shift curse's projectile if you see him coming. That guy is retarded though e shift and remover are both great items but they have different use cases, apples to oranges etc.
Not to mention you will still die after ethereal shift wears off. You are sitting duck. You really shouldn't buy shift unless your gameplay is to stall (pocket, shiv etc.)
Paradox has such a high skill ceiling
Because shes just a shit character
You have to be better at the game than the opponent to beat him, and even then sometimes you cant
Mo&Grill is harder, but is actually GOOD when you git gud
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Debuff reducer by itself is pretty much useless since you'll still get burst down by a krillionaire or wr*ith ult. You only build it if you want remover, and even then that's still a waste.

Ethereal is the single best overall item because it is both effective against many heroes and can be slotted onto most heroes without sacrificing a valuable green slot. Only some of the most zesty ass buck heroes like nigfernus and pocketussy demand a debuff remover, and even that's a stretch unless both of them are dominating and in need of buck breaking.
I would kill myself before I play a game where you zipline into combat. The gameplay is so fucking bad. Every video of gameplay is just someone spawning in, jumping on a zipline and then ziplining straight into combat to activate all their abilities, just fucking people up straight from spawn and getting a triple kill or dying. And they respawn and zipline back into combat.
I don't want to play a game where the enemy just zips into combat from air. I don't want to zip through air and be open for people camping ziplines and hitting me with a stun or something.
This is fucking retarded. The game has millions of issues and ziplines alone completely ruin it.
That nigger is literally saying that reducer "makes the game playable". That's a far cry from being just "usable".
psst, anon
metal skin+return fire
ziplines are w/e. everyones dashes are a lot more dumb imo. still fun game
valve shill
This isn't a genuine shooter game, it's a dotalike with shooter elements and ziplines are a core mechanic of map control.
take it back!
If there were no dashes, sliding dash+jump+sliding i wouldnt be playing this game at all
Hero shooters where you just walk around and have a single "movement skill" locked down to cooldown are fucking boring
IE Overwatch
"Constructive" criticism in your first post, ended up shitting yourself up on the reply
Kill yourself niggerfaggot
i dont mean no dashes or movement. but sometimes its really irritating initiating a gank and just loldash away. or hitting a good viscous E into your team loldash away
>gacha fag
makes sense
Is this game closer to Overwatch or Dota? I already know it's fucking nothing like TF2.
dota with guns
>time is more valuable than...
>posts on 4chan
You are fucking retarded.
KikeFrog took over the company in 2012
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I don't know about you butting cutting duration of a stun from 3 to 2.1 seconds sounds like a good deal to me.
Funnily nigfernus himself benefits a lot from debuff reducer while buying debuff reducer/remover against him doesn't do shit. And pocket ult got nerfed enough that having spirit armor will make you not take much damage from it anyway.
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>Kelvin comes into lane
>Tries to do lmao ice beam the entire lane
>I just sleep him as haze and farmed souls
>Realize how much my team was stomping them
>End result
Well that was fucked for them, I felt sorry.
>If there were no dashes, sliding dash+jump+sliding i wouldnt be playing this game at all

I agree that this is one of the biggest drawing points for non-Dota/LoL players. You really feel the freedom on the map with all of those movement options, items and verticality and it also makes combat feel really intense and fluid. The devs knew what they were doing when they fused Dota's mechanics with such a dynamic battle system. I'm really surprised at how many shooter players took interest in Deadlock despite its true nature.

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