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Full uncut gameplay:


U rike?
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Looks kino.
>arena fighter slop
Rise of The Ninja was the pinnacle of anime games
Looks like shit. Bleachfags are brown trannies.
Looks great. When is it coming out?
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the worst anime games, just like the anime itself
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looks cool
too bad it's an arena fighter, should've been hack & slash
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Anime games are saved?
not yet
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Look at how tall she is.
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The tallest!
zoom zoom
Yoruichi's chocolate Indian body.
zoomers, boomer - everyone hates naruslop, the objectively worst thing to happen to anime
>invisible floor
>invisible wall
>special effects covering everything
looks like crap
>Initial D sounding music in the later half of the vid
>invisible floor
stopped reading, based retard
Wait, anime games are good again?
This looks insanely slow and like ass.

Please stop making arena fighters, the genre just isn't good.
Cautiously optimistic. Now that I've seen a full match it looks like it has a nice flow to it. Doesn't seem super janky like the poorer arena fighter. Looks flashy but not too overloaded with effects. Seems like a decent amount of things to keep up with regarding the system mechanics.
Don't know if it was explained in an earlier video, but you can only damage/kill your opponent with supers? Feels like that could make matches drag on, but from the video it looks like they're easy to combo into.
>This looks insanely slow
Are you blind or retarded?

Please stop posting in this thread, your take isn't good.
So did they finally retcon the ending? Ichigo needs to marry Rukia.
I'm sold but give me Matsumoto so I can be even more sold.
can't believe ichigo refused that piece of ass
>Feels like that could make matches drag on
The cast of the anime, who've never played a video game in their life, played several full matches and they all lasted 5 minutes or so - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VN4Hdx5yJw

If anything, the risk is that the matches can be too short because you have so many insta-gauge lowering attacks to spam.
>and they all lasted 5 minutes or so
That's pretty long for a fighting game, even an arena fighter.
I'm not complaining per se. I'd rather matches be on the longer side rather than be over before you really get into it. Looks like it's just first to 1 anyway.
Visuals and music are good, but gameplay wise it looks like your typical boring 2D fighter: background is static and not interactive, no distance between the fighters etc. (like 19XX street fighter)

Only things that can save it (in my eyes) are either interesting gamemodes (like in tenkaichi 3, not to be confused with budokai tenkaichi 3) and/or bankais/ressurections not revealed in the show (like a second stage ressurection for each arrancar)
>That's pretty long for a fighting game
Considering these are complete amateurs and even girls, who've never touched a gamepad? Not really, no.
A real video gamer can likely finish a match within the standard 60 seconds time. Plus there is no "round 2/3", so the match length still averages to the same ~3 minutes. And as for PvP, I really doubt people are against playing longer than 60 seconds per match.
>2D fighter
This is a 3D arena fighter
>background is static and not interactive
Backgrounds are interactive. Watch these matches. >>688165889
That's actually a thing from the show
No Shinji no buy
Is it even worth trying to get into Brave Souls at this point?
Shinji is in the game
>our last sight of Urahara is him passing out in a pool of his own blood
>light novel casually mentions "Oh yeah he lived"
How hard was the gun barrel pressed into Kubo's head while they were yelling at him to hurry and wrap things up?
it never was
I played it a few years ago and I was surprised at it having actual MMOlike raid bosses with mechanics and shit. Played with some fellas on /vmg/ and it was fun.

Base "game" is just an autobattle afk thing though.
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you know on a recent rewatch and reread I've noticed a weird level of traps in bleach, that's excluding the "pretty boys" like that eyelash guy
>invisible floor
In Bleach, characters can stand in mid air. They used this aspect to add vertical to the game, you can fight on floor as well as mid air.
>invisible wall
99% of fighting games have invisible walls.
>special effects covering everything
So does Devil May Cry. And?
>looks like crap
It objectively doesn't.
Imagine shilling this hard for arena fighter slop
I wish this game went further in the story. I'm not gonna comment on the quality of the later arcs, or how it would bloat the roster, or anything else.

I just wanted to see Rukia (my wife) user her Bankai in a game.
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>said a bunch of dumb crap
>got corrected with objective facts
Concession accepted.
doesn't matter because your attacks lock onto your opponent so you always slide towards them whether
if you mean arena fighters then sure i guess (not like anyone considers them to be good anyway) but in fighting games 'walls' are where the stage ends. in bleach there's no way to tell where the walls are
>devil may cry
nigger what? that's not true at al
>enters thread for thing he doesnt like
>spergs out
why are you even here?
go be a retard in one of the concord threads or something
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>open video
>arena fighter
>close video
>I just wanted to see Rukia (my wife)
t. ichigo
>got corrected with objective facts
More like you coping like a bitch
You mean t. Renji since he married her.
How hard is it to make a standard 3D hack and slash game instead of a copy-pasted arena fighter. They are always garbage.
>doesn't matter because your attacks lock onto your opponent
It does matter because it ads variety and also looks cool as fuck. They could have not done it (no other Bleach game has it) but they chose to went the extra mile.
>in fighting games 'walls' are where the stage ends
In 2D games? Sure. In 3D fighting games a stage is almost always circular and has invisible walls, unless there's a gimmick of throwing characters out of the ring.
>that's not true at al
Have you played any?
One concession was sufficient.
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I am neither Ichigo or Renji. I am me and Rukia is my wife.
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>Why can't you let me have this?
>My poor excuse for a comeback went nowhere at least let me have this arena fighter

What is it about Bleachfags that make them so pathetic?
>It's shit but...it's Bleach so fuck you

Ah...the Sparkling Zero defense
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She's trying her best!
Yes, make something playable instead of dogshit. Stupid redditor.
This looks really slow and clunky
blind or retarded?
Neither because he's not a bleachfag
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lmao scamco shills going all in on this crap
should've spent the money on making a good game instead of copy pasting arenaslop and paying the marketing team
You need to go back
This looks really good, are we in anime games renaissance?
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Bleach won. Kubo won.
>$0.50 have been deposited into your account- Bandai Namco Games
Not canon
Cope and Seethe.
mandela effect
this universe is wrong
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>In 3D fighting games a stage is almost always circular
uhh... no? theyre usually rectangles
>invisible walls
not all invisible walls are equal
a knee high fence is enough to tell where the stage ends.
what is your picture supposed to prove?
its a transparent effect that barely affects visibility
in bleach characters randomly turn red and sword trails (or yoruichis kicks or any big moves in general) are opaque and cover character models
Standing on the air like that looks like such dogshit.
I might still pick it up anyway, especially if someone of the characters I really like it are in it like Shunsui or Shuhei
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looks better than DBZ slop
Yeah this looks really slow even compared to DBZ simulator
Looks fast as fuck
Yes ;_;
Looks neither fast or slow
Who are you going to main, /v/?

For me yoruichi or urahara look cool so far. Gin too

If mommy Harribel gets revealed though I'll only play as her
>$0.75 have been deposited into your account- Bandai Namco Games
Looks reasonably fast and not insufficiently slow.
Arena fighters are OBJECTIVELY bad, retard.
the only things arena fighters are good for is mindless mashing for monkeys like you who soiface when they see their "hecking epic anime move" when they push a singular button
Looks like a pace slight above a power walk but not quite jogging
I'm 100% on board with traps AS LONG AS THEY HIDE THEIR DICKS. No bulge, no balls, no dick. None of that. Just have a pretty face, and I'll have no trouble jerking to ya.
I appreciate trying to keep combat to 2D with sidestepping but the presentation with the 3D environments makes it look jank
Looks like the speed that slept in the middle bed that is not too tight and not too soft.
I'm getting Jump Force flashbacks with this...feels too button mashy honestly with no interesting defense mechanics just an awkward side step and the all the text and announcer will get grating after a while.
>No bulge, no balls, no dick. None of that. Just have a pretty face
so...a flat woman...? you like flat women?
Byakuya... Your wife is fucking dead bro, Rukia is your sister-in-law...
>feels [my headcanon]
I just took a huge dump that faster and smoother than this game
>>$0.90 have been deposited into your account- Bandai Namco Games
Looks like the fastest anime game ever made. Was it programmed in shunpo?
He was just a little boy who got diddled by his uncle. As an adult he is unmistakably male looking.
>$0.95 have been deposited into your account- Bandai Namco Games
>naruto after land of waves arc
>bleach after soul society arc
Who are you quoting?
>invisible floor

Bad bait
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>Bleach at all
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>naruto at all
You're still on the clock faggot
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why did he do it?
I'm maining every girl with big tits.
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>in 2024
Hello? Boomer department? Yeah, they're at it again.
Answer the question saar.


Time is money anon
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>not watching Bleach
>in 2024
Hello? Tourism department?
Looks like Pokken without the garbage which is nice, but the announcer sounds absolutely terrible.
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The Naruto Storms games looked better.
>mindless mashing
>when they clearly require proper timing and usage of skills, counters, movement etc. and usually have cancel mechanics and combo variety beside the default autocombo
based 114514 chad
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You prefer google?
>when they clearly require proper timing and usage of skills, counters, movement etc. and usually have cancel mechanics and combo variety beside the default autocombo

None of that is in the video
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Keep crying bleachcuck
>$0.95 have been deposited into your account - Bandai Namco Games
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This game really triggered this autismo. Based Bleach.
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>narutard copium
kek, always funny
Lemme guess, it's either a battle arena or a musou game.
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>unique and sovlful art reminiscent of edo japanese drawings
>grounded story that reflects on modern society
>none of the usual shounen tropes bullshit
>one of the coolest villains in shounen jump history
>well written characters
>heartbreaking melodrama kino
>"but wave arc le bad because it's naruto"
why are f/a/gs like this?
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I have played hundreds of hours of Xenoverse 2 and dozens of UNS4 (considered the highest skilled Arena fighter out there)
it doesn't even take 1/10th of the skill that something as casualized as fucking Guilty Gear Strive.
you're a shitter, kill yourself.
Looks way better than those shitty naruto games at least.
>Gets callee out for lying and shilling
>B-b-b-based Bleach! YOU LOSE

Concession accepted.
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>none of the usual shounen tropes bullshit
>grounded story
>well written characters
Come on son.
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The big issue with the gameplay is that normal attacks do virtually no damage so you're funnelled into using cinematic supers just to do anything to the opponent.
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>drawn by kubo
>psycho necrophiliac
>depraved/evil even by the Sternritter’s standards
>CV: 東山奈央
don’t care about the any of the memes or shitposting, Giselle was made for me
Why not just hide the thread and go about your day instead of spamming like a crackhead
>>none of the usual shounen tropes bullshit
no power inflation and superpower autism. nor battles taking 20 chapters to finish. characters are actually ninjas instead of DBZ supermen
>>grounded story
yes. ending made me almost in tears
>>well written characters
naruto and zabuza actually grows as a character
>Giselle was made for me
Here's your trap bro
she's cute
>another naruto lite battle game
Man bandai is creatively bankrupt my god
Looks shallow, style over substance.
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Where are my wives?
Sounds like Bleach
After years of Naruto slop Bandai finally learned how to make a proper fighting game?
About damn time.
lil homie never played Kill la Kill IF
Neither did anyone else
kill yourself phoneposter
>died instantly
>currently sitting at 1 singular player on steam
nobody else did either.
Ichigo is based cause the guy actually marries the big tittied redhead who wanted his dick from day one instead of the boring flattie who only started liking him cause he was the chosen one
Stay seething rukiafags Orihime won
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>passion project anime
>passion project AAA video game
man, Bleach keeps winning
exactly my thougths
>have to sit through mandatory cinematic each time you take away 1 stock of health
>that jiggle when initiating Yoruichi's soul destruction
It's alright I guess. Shame about the stage or the lack of. Environment matters in most of Bleach games but this one is just 2 characters floating on some 3D render.
Love yourself phonechad
Diaper fag from /a/ is seething here too
Looks like absolute shit

.Hack//Versus looks better
>replies to himself
Finally an anime game that doesn't look like mobile shit.
>Finally an anime game that doesn't look like mobi-
*blocks you're path
I said DOESN'T look like mobile shit
On one hand Im looking forward to a potentially good Bleach game, on the other hand it looks like it gets tedious fast. Also fuck games where characters are midair for the entire match. If there is one thing the Ninja Storm games did right its the fluid ground movement.
I actually ordered the movie just to get this because it came with it as a bonus. It's actually really broken. Out of the 8 playable characters, 2 of them have infinites. Well, Sakuya's isn't a true infinite as it will drop after a while, but not before shaving off like 90% of your health. Tokio has a true infinite though where he can use his time stop super, build enough gauge before it ends, and then activate it again right as it ends so you're trapped with no way to escape.
Still kind of a fun game. Wish they would have made a full standalone sequel with a bigger roster.
Bleach lives in his head rent free lol
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now show your rank in UNS4 then if shit is so fucking easy and you apparently played so much of it

nobody cares about how much you grinded a game that is notoriously more casual than other dbz arena fighters. Come back after Sparking Zero is released and show your rank there
Lol came to a thread just to get angry
Underage post
>mattering at all
lmfao why the fuck are they making a game about this shitty FOTM anime from over a decade ago
>i walk into a thread so i can rage
Seems about right
>calling one of the big3 fotm
flavor of a whole fucking decade maybe
u wanna run a ft10 on PS4 UNS4 rn?
haven't played in so many months but I can guarantee I can shit stomp you.
more like the slop3
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>CV: 東山奈央
I dont think you have any idea what that word means underage-kun
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pretty neat, the soundtrack is really good and unique. Eurobeat in 2024? fucking based
Could the UI be any worse?
Come on bitch prove it pussy.
>$1.00 have been deposited into your account- Bandai Namco Games
Who are you quoting?
I dont care if they fly in the show, the way its implemented here looks dumb as hell
The only saving grace is *teleports behind you*
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Is this seething schizo seriously gonna sit in this thread all day long and spam this HILARIOUS line to anyone who likes the game?
Jesus fucking christ, talk about rent free.
>the way its implemented here looks dumb
Not really.
That one guy must really love Kill La Kill.
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Bleach is the best in Big 3.
>$1.10 have been deposited into your account- Bandai Namco Games
Remember samurai 8? Yeah, neither did Kishi lmao. Meanwhile Kubo is thriving right now.
It looks like they're just sliding around in midair like some kind of fucked up glitch
I'm interested. Camera's kinda wonky, but I'll keep my eye on this game.
>Meanwhile Kubo is thriving right now.
>Nobody cares about Hell arc or Burn the Witch not even Kubo
sex tree
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Bleach is mid, naruto is mid, DBZ is mid and OP is mid. They're all trash they need to stop making anime arena fighters
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You wouldn't fuck a tree.
They cooking but WHAT THE FUCK is that announcer lol
i never said naruto was good, just that wave arc was good. naruto after wave arc is just mindless slop
Nigga are you wearing fingerless gloves?
Why have there been so many blacks here with shit opinions in recent years? They usually have pretty good taste.
>They usually have pretty good taste.
Yes in the gym.

If any of the big 4 are your favorite manga, you a normalfag with shit taste. All 4 of them are entry level manga. The only people who praise them are the ones who don't read anything that's not popular.
You are not a true black person.
Nigga you read manga on your phone don't ever speak to me like you know about quality.
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Is it the narutards who keep seething in this thread?
Good, know your place, always behind Bleach.
No CaC, no buy.
>Remember something that isn't naruto?
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I live under a rock did kubo managed to "fix" the series in the anime version?
i remember reading good things about the two seasons of the last saga
Day one pirate
Gameplay looks like it plays like Dissidia, which I'm fine with.
The backgrounds look like unreal engine store bought assets its a shame
Gundam extreme versus is very anti mashing
Anime is very pretty and has good animation for the most part. Don't think he changed the story though.
based retard
its a high budget adaption of the final arc, but it skips minor details and they censored the lewd scenes hard.
meanwhile they upped the gore.
thats not what the backgrounds in the show look like at all

>but tis literally from this episode
yeah they took unreal engine default rocks and made it look like a scene from the anime with no changes to textures so it looks bad
Dynasty Warriors would fit
>censored the lewd scenes hard.
Not really they still had that scene with giselle and bambi, they just got rid of the gag momments for what ever reason
>complains about arena fighters
>asks for one of the worst genres of video games instead
Arena fighter hate is just a meme at this point
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>Don't think he changed the story though
so they still wont explain some things nor show the missing shikais/bankais,thats a shame
There has been additional scenes like we saw shinjis bankai and squad zero did more but the overall story is the same
>Added a completely new naked butt scene for ichigo's hallow
>Removed naked rukias butt scene

Day 1 buy
the gameplay is hot trash unfortunately.
you have 2 lifebars, and can only deal damage to the main bar by landing a super.

not really sure what they were thinking. this is going to be the most repetitive arena fighter ever.
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Looks boring an lazy.
I know they walk on air on canon, but that looks like a lazy excuse to not have them walk on terrain too like in Dragon Ball Z: Earth's Special Forces.
>use special
>bright effects everywhere
I don't like the gay party soundtrack either.
>you have 2 lifebars, and can only deal damage to the main bar by landing a super.
Fucking retard. If you don't know how the game works don't make stupid posts like this.
>Backgrounds are interactive.
I wouldn't call getting blown to bits as interactive. There is nothing any player can actually do with the environment, just a reactive background.
is this just a fighting game or will there be items and equipment and a full singleplayer?
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my wife
You all know that they do fight on the ground in game too, right?
I'm just a random passerby who's never watched bleach, i just came in to say that she looks like the personification of a droplet
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They walk on terrain all the fucking time you idiot.
It's amazing how even after dozen videos this game still somehow manages to filter so many idiots who can't comprehend neither the basic gameplay nor the basic functionality.
They know. They just want to shitpost.
>devs came up with a simple but unique battle system
>it's too complex for mouthbreathing normalfags
This is why gaming is dead.
agree it looks like slop
i just want an atmospheric vidya where i go around killing hollows
>press the autocombo button and land a super
>supers are the only attacks that deal damage to your main lifebar
>unique and too complex
its like the devs saw dissidia+naruto and wanted that, but hate air movement. this might be the worst arena fighter ever if it releases like this.
The biggest miss/failure of the game is that they craft this big environment for the background that's fully rendered and realized, but you fight in a virtual arena with a boundary--instead of opening up the entire map to the player for combat. In the manga and anime, the entire BACKGROUND is available as part of the arena--so in this game, it should have been available too. A real shame it isn't.
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Why is /v/ obsessed with traps? There's such a dedicated amount of posters who have their sweaty hands ready to post an image of one at all hours of the day.
>I live under a rock did kubo managed to "fix" the series in the anime version?
They rushed the story cutting some details, removed "problematic" scenes, and use CGI now. Aside from that the art and background got massive movie tier upgrades, so did the effects, animation is mixed but leans to mostly ok.
>A real shame it isn't.
Not really, gigantic maps aren't really good for fighting games imo
I hope the anime fixes the ending and he doesn't end up with that dumb bitch Orihime
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One of the best girls; Liltotto better be in the season pass Bamco
>I hope the anime fixes the ending
Yeah, the final fight was rushed.
> he doesn't end up with that dumb bitch Orihime
Oh, so you're a deranged shipper. Nevermind.
Yeah it's sad we didn't get to see pesche' bulge
>Its just another dime a dozen fighting game
Also. Buy an ad niggerbot
I mean the overall ending with Yhwach escaping to the future after breaking Ichigo's sword only to get squashed almost as an accident by Ichigo's kid was extremely retarded but I doubt Kubo has the balls to change THAT so I want at least the change I think has even the faintest glimmer of happening
What would be the point in changing that?
same with cunny, hags, brown girls, evil girls, tomboys, blood-related sisters…
That's my point. Bleach isn't a generic fighting game, and making it is a mistake.
Why is that a mistake? Bleach is a battle shonen, most of the fights are 1v1 I feel like a fighting game is the most logical thing to make
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>hack & slash
>worst genres of video games
It would make me happy, also it was retarded?
Why and why
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How come Afro Samurai of all fucking things gets a better video game than 99% of fucking anime these days. Is it because Arena Fighters are just that much cheaper to make, or is it because whatever genre this is (I dunno what to call it other than maybe action-adventure. God I would kill for the ability to fix game tagging) died out completely
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When you really think about it isn't an arena fighter just a 2 player hack and slash?
What's so good about it? Looks like a generic action game
This might actually be the most visually boring anime arena fighter I've ever seen and that Shunkou is absolutely pitiful but at least they didn't censor Yoruichi's sideboobs.
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looks better than Spic Ball Z, also
>that behind you scene
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The hype is real!
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Make your bets: are we getting uncensored Harribel resurreccion?
There's still a lot they didn't show but I guess there isn't even a release date so that's okay
Yeah assuming she's in the game, I'm pretty sure game is going for manga accuracy
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I'm liking what I'm seeing, the game visually looks really good and it seems like there's enough here to be fun and not too boring. I will say though having to end every fight with the same special seems like it could get dull fast but we'll see
no TYBW no buy
How does Kubo always draw such god tier females jesus christ
Those don't exist anymore but are also just better than Arena Fighters is the point I was making
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>but are also just better than Arena Fighters
Are they really though?
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Yes are you retarded
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Okay but why
Quickest way to have sex with Rukia? Money and time are not important.

This feels 15 years too damn late!
I don't give a shit about Bleach anymore and the DS games were top tier 4 player awesomeness.
Have sex, nerd.
Reminder that its your DUTY to shill the bleach new game

Shill it on here
Shill it on tiktok
Shill it on X

if the game flops we'll never get a bleach game again, or maybe decades later at least.
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>3D arena slop
Gross. Come back when there's an actual bleach fighting game coming out.
Game looks nice, but won't really be able to comment on the gameplay until we get non casual hands on it. That's the most annoying thing but fighting games pre-release. You can't tell anything because the previewers are always just mashing and never use any defensive mechanics.
It's a servicable action game with great presentation. The soundtrack is actually amazing and Afro Samurai was always better as a concept than an actual story so a rough retelling that skips over a lot of the dumb shit is actually better in this case.
Also it's not a shitty arena brawler where you just mash auto combo until you have enough meter for the 30 second cutscene super (all of them just do damage, there's no strategic or creative use for them).
>Also it's not a shitty arena brawler where you just mash auto combo
That's what it looks like to me
much larger moveset, open ended combos, actual level design and it's a singleplayer game
I hope white ichigo is playable
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>and it's a singleplayer game
Why is that inherently a good thing?
you dont have to put up with other humans to enjoy it
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>Newfags think this is the first Bleach arena fighter
tiny breasts
Yup. No faggy community to deal with. Less predatory monetization.
god that's so fucking hot
Sounds like a you problem
I don't think anyone said that
>Ctrl+F 'rangiku' 1 result
Literally the only reason to play a Bleach game.
I prefer Unohana.
>trying too hard to be a retard who thinks "people refuting me = i am le winrar"
>zoomer gif
This entire post is just complete garbage. If it's intentional, I applaud you.
>Arena fighters are OBJECTIVELY bad, retard.
I think you've genuinely forgotten what gaming is about because you've gotten high on your own farts of hamfisted faux-elitism over a form of entertainment
The anime isn't going to make your (nor my old) ship happen.
But god do I hope it's going to fix the final fight, the stupid-ass bankai break and Ichigo being FLATTENED by Askin on arrival.
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Shame she never made it into Jump Force
Matches go on for way too long. Why do the characters have multiple life bars?
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>Wish they would have made a full standalone sequel with a bigger roster.
If only...
Bleach won.
Well it's definitely flashy and stylish, but the animations fot transformations and supers really need to be cut back. The slow pace and emphasis on animations makes it seem more like it's styled to be a spectacle fighter, which would be really fucking disappointing. It seems like you can either combo into super to take more health bars away, but I don't know what qualifies for 3 or 4 bars. And for some reason they had a pause when you take one health bar, I guess to do your super? That seems kinda forced. I don't know if there's any reason not to do it, but these first impressions aren't too good. Hopefully higher level gameplay can ease my worries but I'd want this game to succeed, goddamnit.
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A toast!
Do Rangiku's fat tits jiggle?
Looks mid but fans will eat it up
she should have been like 2.5-3m tall by the end of manga while her bankai makes her bigger
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i'm on the part where rukia got kidnapped. when does this manga get good?
Oh cool you are right before Rukia gets brutally raped in front of everyone by Gin Ichimaru
It looks good so far, i'm cautious as well and I hope the game doesn't attract the wrong type of attention, certain "types" would love to ruin the game
Yoruichi's outfit being uncensored is a good sign
That's a boy.
Why didn't ichigo shoot ant getsugas? We know he can do it because one of the previous trailers
The Naruto ones are top tier and there doesn't exist better anime tie in games.
If you mean clash of ninja maybe
i do not particularly care for rangiku
>top tier
Easy to be a big fish in the goddamn kiddie pool anon.
Well I never said it was much of an accomplishment but it is the best anime tie in series.
>this is canon
Bleach bro, our response ?
i want to impregnate kiyone
>Sparking Zero looks decent
>This new Bleach game looks decent
>The only thing wrong with the upcoming HxH game is that the character models look like they're from a mobile game
Are anime games getting better? Is it safe to hope for a new One Piece game now?
>Starts playing the character theme
Design wise it looks great!
glad to see the kof maximum impact announcer is still getting work
Isn't she in Jump Force?
>Too many major characters to put in, in just the timeskip alone; some will definitely be cut for DLC and they will all be characters that should have been in the base game
>Too much story for them to adapt at once
>Only CC2 and Arcsys are capable of replicating the visual style and the expressive, bouncy animation nu One Piece has and CC2 has its hands full and Arcsys isn't working with Scamco anymore
>will probably be an arena fighter because that's the only thing they know how to do
It's really vexing to me that Shueisha is giving One Piece all these things like a live action series, a WIT remake, movies, a spin-off one-shot (Monsters), etc, but a good game is out of the question to them even though it would print money. Video games put DB through its drought and continued to do so when the Super anime ended and the manga went on break.

People are so starved for One Piece games that a chunk of the fanbase is flocking over to the ones on Roblox - which will probably have more effort put into them than any future official OP game.
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Looks pretty good to play with friends, it will have local mp? The music is neat too
Look cool.
Yoruichi's do and Orihime's did in the trailer.
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I want Nel and Harribel and their uncensored underboob
the problems with bleach are from the beginning
kubo is always introducing tons of characters as often as he can and then forgetting the old ones
even by the soul society arc the original humans are pretty much forgotten

hell you spend more time with Ganju than you do with the rest of the cast and he's never important afterwards
whoa, it expectedly looks like complete shit. who knew.
>poster count didn't go up
hold up, hold up, they COOKED with this one
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Most modern arena fighters are shallow trash that just worry about everything looking cool and JUST LIKE MY ANIMAYS (And some don't even succeed at that like the catastropic Jump Force)

Common issues with arena fighters are everyone having the same (slow) run speed, and poor balance with ranged fighters usually being OP.

They also tend to lack content, and the overall game balance is a joke.

Not saying an arena fighter needs to be on the EVO main stage, but depth deeper than a puddle is a fair ask.
>They also tend to lack content, and the overall game balance is a joke.
That's true for most fighting games
Is it more repetitive button mashing slop
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Bleach got the silver during the Big 3 era.

Naruto got the bronze just in case you were wrong about gold.
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she owed him sex
I'm gonna have to say naruto gets the gold, at this point one piece has been bad longer than it's been good
That's actually the sad part lol. Quality is declining for Z with the dialogue being messed with. While Bleach is like just straight Action gameplay.
Balancing a fighting game is equivalent to selling you a phone that has expandable storage and a removable battery. Why would you buy the new one if the old one wasn’t designed to break quickly?
nah, it looks like shit. You ain't goin to make me believe this is actually dope. Dumb marketers.
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Ultra based nelchads
I feel like this game would have been super cool 15 years ago. Nowadays, when the story is over and I'm an adult? Not really...
okay super serious adult man
Very nice. It's just me or the energy color doesn't seem right?
It's completely black. If you put a little vibrance or something over it, it would look more like energy.
the heck is sublimation?
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I like it but I need other people to like it to justify a purchase because I don't want the online to be dead
I love how the Arena Fighter Autist comes to these threads every time and starts bitching about how and why people tend to have low to no expectations for them.
>Oda is more rich than GODRIYAMA
Dragonball sissies... our response?
im actually slightly surprised by that
NTA but I’m sure his point is that he wants the game to be more loyal to what Bleach is in terms of background/arena involvement. Ichigo Grimmjow, Ichigo Ulquiorra, 3 Captains vs Gerard, Kenpachi Gremmy, and other fights which I may be missing - all have some involvement with the environment like getting slammed and dragged across a wall or rebounding off of it. Apparently even Sparking Zero is gonna have you crash into buildings and even fight while you’re in the crashed building. It all adds to the “epic Shonen battle” feel which it seems like they may have missed. I hope to be wrong though, maybe they’ll add or do more later but the gameplay release doesn’t have me feeling so optimistic. Combat looks very rigid and just not Bleach-like. This game may be a test though, hopefully they improve on things with a sequel if this one is decently successful.
sparking zero is still an arena fighter though
And yet it still looks more engaging.
does it?
i think there will be extra scenes on S3 of tybw, pretty sure that was mentioned somewhere at the end of S2.
in fact im not sure if Senjumaro's bankai was even shown on the manga, the Royal guard overall felt very lackluster there, anime was kino.
How come theres no fighting game for One Piece? Its the tenth best selling fiction series of all time so it warrants one
how much tits will this game have?
Oops I meant Oda is the tenth best selling fiction author of all time
I'm guessing there will be at least four Ichigos.
>Substitute Soul Reaper with his first Zanpakuto
>Soul Society Ichigo with his second Zanpakuto and transforms into Bankai
>Arrancar Ichigo who starts in Bankai, can put on the mask, and his evolution is Hollowfied like against Ulquiorra
>Post Dangai Training Ichigo with Final Getsuga Tensho/Mugetsu
There's one on the 3DS by Arc System Works (Japan only). Could even crossover with that DB game on the 3DS to have One Piece characters fight DBZ characters
anon he literally looked like a white haired rukia when younger, dude was a definite trap but he outgrew it
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I think you just like little boys dude
Um, okay? What are you trying to say?
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seriously ichigo's got tons we have no idea about just by himself
>half hollow mask from the byakuya fight
>full hollow mask
>(presumedly) an actual move where he says GETSUGA TENSHOU
then there's that sublimation shit near the end of the fight, along with the bar STILL charging up after it appears
there's a shit ton we're not seeing yet
You're a bit stupid aren't you?
If this game does well, I wanna see a nioh style bleach game
Please tell me Naoko Takeuchi isn't living off of her husband's money.
>When is it coming out?
At some point of 2025.
>I don't think anyone said that
Actually, there was a number of Anons within the past 10 threads or so that did imply RoS was going to be the first, yeah.

Versus Crusade is definitely the first.
I gave it a try after not having played it in over a decade though, and god damn... it was really hard.
I don't know if my Dolphin config is busted or if my reflexes are starting to age, but the game was way too fast and the controls felt too clunky to have any fun.
Why is this a surprise? One Piece is the number one selling manga of all time.
from back when i played it ages ago i seem to recall it's got a bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of it it starts getting easier
The character that ruined /dbs/
Unless they're from cc2 they're objectively bad.
/dbs/ was shit long before Gigi's anime debut. Like around the time of kiss my wife posting and Jiren scholars.
>he hasn't played played Gundam Vs Series
Storm after the first 2 sucks and even then I'd say ultimate ninja and clash of ninja were better
there has never been a good arena fighter ever ever ever ever

yes, this includes even the best ninja storm game, its not a good fighter. those dbz games suck, the my hero one sucked, they ALL suck. arena fighters fucking SUCK
Also ass
Is he Japanese? If yes, those are the best kinds of announcers especially when they barely speak English and get handed a script.
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You absolute nigger.
Storm 2 sucks the most.
>Substitution spam do to it using very little chakra
>Can't grab ANY awakened character, certain combos don't work on them, and you can't ultimate jutsu them
>Sage Naruto at his most broken
>Sasuke's chakra shuriken spam
>Deidara at his most broken when you couldn't chakra dash his projectiles
kusoge jank, only held up by nostalgia. its not a good game
It's looking pretty good, but I wish there more interactions between the characters.
It's pretty weird to see that Ichigo and Yoruichi don't actually exchange a few words but have rather generic lines like "Let's do this!" "Come at me!" and such.
Hell, not even Rukia and Byakuya have a more personal interaction, not even at the beginning of a fight, and it feels so weird to me.
I find it funny that Gin's actual zanpakuto ability is effectively just gun (sword).
Hope to see him again in hell arc. Maybe get some face time with Aizen and Rangiku.
>gun (sword)
Named spear.
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I want to put a baby in this fuckable tranny so bad
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No, the real ability is dematerialize and reforming inside someone or something (plus the sword has a really dangerous venom that literally destroys your body, fitting for a snake like Gin), Gin was a troll so he lied about his Bankai to get Aizen off guard
>Everyone in Bleach always explains there powers
>Gin fucking lied about his
Kek. Also, Bleach is only series on tvtropes to have it's own fucking page of this trope.
i'm still amused gin was able to trick aizen by just saying 'yeah my bankai's just my shikai but it gets like, REALLY long' and he just fucking believed it, despite knowing gin was likely to betray him at some point
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Reminder that everyone on Earth wants trannies dead, even their own "allies."
His hair looks like a roach. Is that on purpose?
considering how powerful aizen is it doesn't really matter, if he didnt have the hogyoku he would have been more cautious and wouldn't have fallen for that
To be fair, shikai and bankai usually have something in common. Gin gets poison out of fucking nowhere.
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Her* and yes because she can't die (by normal means)
Shitty bait, but just in case, you will never be a woman.
yeah gin is definitely the outlier here
ichigo just gets black getsugas
byakuya has more petals
hitsugaya has more ice ect.
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It's a boy you faggot, and that's disgusting. Have homos really fallen so low that they'll sexualize some trashy bait modeled after an insect? You retards aren't actually bug fuckers, are you?
Anime fans do NOT want a legit fighting game for their IP. No matter how hard they pretend they do.
counterpoint: bee, dog, ray charles
She went from instant death (stealth) to instant death (nuclear hellfire). It's abstract, but it still works. The other two are too boring to even remember.
honestly if it'd just been explained to work like fiberglass it would've made more sense, he just instantly pops a few shards of sword in you and they shred the inside of your body, but instead it's some kind of super deadly poison it randomly gained for reasons
only other reasoning i could think of is that his shikai also had something to do with poisons/dust and he just never told anyone and never used it so he could pull that exact shit at that exact moment, which in one way i could buy gin doing that but at the same time that'd make his shikai fucking ridiculous too, plus it doesn't really resolve the problem of that property appearing from fucking nowhere from a storytelling perspective
Based Bejitabro.
Giselle wants to be called a she so I go by it.
Trannies are useless bioleninist puppets who should just die.
I don't understand.
2 hit kill to what should be a 1 hit kill though neither of those things ever happens
komamuras shikai is basically the same thing as his bankai without summoning the full body
Tosen is kinda weird but it seems like his shikai has to do with senses so it fits I think
There's a reason he is the villain, retard.
Quincies aren't villains, retard.
he's literally a predating crossdresser and kubo has called him a guy
go back
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to late for me I am old.
kubo also said the sternritters refer to Giselle based on their personal views
They aren't. They're antagonists trying to take their world back to how it was before.
And how does that go, retard? :)
What do you mean?
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what way would you recommend consuming bleach for a person who has basically no experience with it?
my only memories of bleach like watching 1 or 2 episodes back in the day and i pretty much just remember the OP
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>GO BACK TO 2013
God I wish I could
>what way would you recommend consuming bleach for a person who has basically no experience with it?
Inject it directly into your veins.

But seriously, as with all manga, read it and watch certain hyped fights.
Read the mango and stop after the big bad guy is defeated. Everything after the following timeskip is a trainwreck, but like all trainwrecks you can't look away and will inevitably ruin a perfectly good place to end it on.
Manga with anime OST in the background all the way up to the TYBW anime.
Alternatively watch the anime up until the end of Soul Society, read the manga and then watch the TYBW anime.
The reason why I put the manga above the old anime is because Kubo uses a lot of show don't tell the anime misses or ignores.
holy mid wit
Fullbenis and Thousand Snore Blood War were low points in a story that peaked at its second arc
This is uncited btw
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My giantess wife
Yup. Don't know what's so hard to understand for some people.
Gigi is a guy, but wants to be called a girl therefore (s)he's a tranny.
full bringer at least before the soul society shows up is better than most of the arrancar arc
Still doesn't excuse the fact that the end of Arrancar had mostly everything leading up to it wrapped up and finished, but editor-sama wanted Kubo to shit out another 200-odd chapters to the detriment of his work. If there's gonna be a slog, at least let there be an end to it.
you know you still wouldn't like that because bleach would have had a my hero ending if it ended at the arrancar arc
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How did she get to be so big on a diet consisting entirely of porridge?
isn’t bankai supposed to be the comeback mechanic? I feel like you should lose a couple of bars of health before you can use it unless there’s a way to do 9 bars of damage
>I feel like you should lose a couple of bars of health before you can use
that would be lame though
If I gave a shit about MHA I'd understand what you meant by that. All I'm saying is that Ichigo sacrificing his shinigaminess to fuck up Aizen is a climatic peak, and it felt forced to introduce a totally new kind of power that was never brought up until that point (and barely came up at all during TYBW).
From a design standpoint it's the equivalent of finishing a song/essay/whatever, then suddenly tacking on a bunch of stuff to the end that belongs in name only. It's still technically part of Bleach because it's called Bleach, but it doesn't flow well from what came before.
him having to sacrifice his powers to defeat aizen when he was grinding his face into the curb was also pretty hamfisted thoughever albeit
>muh hogyoko saves me and makes me evolve past u!!!
maybe he should have evolved into a less hamfisted manga
>power that was never brought up until that point
orihime and chad have been here since the start
2024... She is forgotten...
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based mexican ghost lovers
but anyway ichigo shouldn't have had to use a form that sacrifices his powers to take out someone (and then still urahara's kido had to do work) who he could wipe the floor with
It hasn't ever been bad.
Wano outlived its welcome beyond belief. No one gave a single shit about those literal who japs.
everything post time skip is pretty meh
>t. (((Saturn)))
Ichigo and Yuroichi shouldn't fight, they should fuck!
i don't care if it's trash or not, the models look good so people can make porn, so it's good. simple as
lets be honest, she was forgotten in 2001
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I dunno, the destiny writing pisses me off personally.
Then steer clear of shounen in general.
why are we even discussing an arena fighter?
You know there's many shonen that don't rely on it, right? It's not a shonen thing. It's japanese writing. Naruto did it, Dragon Ball did it, and they were worse for it. I literally do not know why people haven't mentioned this yet, because "destiny writing" literally goes against most shonen stories' idealogies.
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>Orihime canon wants Ichigo to spread his Demigod seed
>arena fighter
What the fuck is Japanese problem?
ichigo is infertile
that's why it's canon that chad is their bull
there hasn't been a bleach game in many years and bleach fans are desperate for any crumb
also threads for this are stealth /a/ threads for /v/ to talk about bleach and post rangiku and orihime tits
Arena fighters are fun. Just don't be a retard and try to force a competitive scene out of them
Mexicansirs... our time has come.
Can't wait for Post Dangai Training Ichigo.
Rukia my princess

Often imitated but never duplicated
why the fuck is half of this anime just filter? how did it even became famous after that garbage bount arc?
Rukia my wife eternal, Kubo peaked when he created her and he's been chasing that perfection ever since, that's why he creates so many god-tier women, he's going to be chasing that high his entire life
Bleach was always, mind the pun, red headed step child. Many knew about it, but it wasn't talked about THAT much. Then people came to like it out of nostalgia, and then in the 2020s some dude made a video shitting on it which pissed off the autists and casuals. Then I believe the manga ended not too soon after, and the current anime came not too long after. So it basically got revitalized.
>history revisionism
why is this bleach shit getting shilled so hard who the fuck still cares about bleach
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Orihime's BOOB WINDOW outfit was lewd as fuck like super levels of lewd. It was like designed for boob jobs while sucking people off.
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People who want to see the models get leaked and used in amusing animations, maybe
yeah I guess your right this could have been another concord thread
Explain where he's wrong?
Why do you people wanna pretend so hard bleach wasn't popular?
fair enough, I was a big bleach fag back in the day I just feel like this fake hype is unwarranted
What makes it fake? Why can't I be excited an anime I love is getting a game?
Hmm, that doesn't sound like an explanation?
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Look at this fat goat



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