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what are some cool old mmos to dick around in? pre-2005 stuff only
silkroad online if that's even alive still
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daoc, but only private classic servers when they are new
dunno what the newest one is
WOW Classic
Well shit, guess I can't recommend Guild Wars then.
Haven and Hearth.
I wish I could enjoy EQ but the interface and combat is just too bad. Especially bad is how the animations in combat are almost non-existent so it’s hard to know when a spell is cast or when someone attacks.
I remember falling in a canal in one of the cities and it was all so dark I couldn't figure out how to get out. So I died.
I don't get how games this old still intend to charge a monthly sub to play. Who the fuck puts that kind of money and time into a game only a few dozen people still play?
Isn't all MMO interface and combat shit?
It's frankly bizarre how Ammos STILL cling to cooldowns and such for attacks.
Should be pre 2004 shouldn’t it? Wow classic casualized the genre. It’s always funny when classic fanboys rag on retail wow for being causal and ruining mmos when it was classic wow that did that. Solo questing, basically zero consequences for death, hundreds of mind numbing quests to mask the fact that you are grinding
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The few dozen who play who clearly enjoy it for one reason or another.
Star Wars Galaxies and Final Fantasy XI. Need to go with private severs. You'll figure it out if you care enough.
>be me
>early 2000s
>log into EQ after school
>waiting for boat at butcherblock
>pulls up only after a minute or so of waiting
>fuck yeah
>enjoy the 15 minute boat ride to freeport
>start the run to highpass hold to level
>die in Kitchicor Forest because it's night time and zombies are everywhere
>respawn outside of Kelethin since I forgot to get a bind in Freeport
>run to butcherblock docks
>miss boat
>wait about 15 minutes for boat
>boat arrives
>another 15 minutes of waiting to arrive in freeport
>run all the way back to kitchicor
>find corpse
>make it to highpass hold
>wait for slot to open in orc group
>get spot 20 minutes later
>cleric leaves
>tank has to go too
>group disbands
>log off for the day
>Another great day in EQ
I fucking miss it bros.
Qeynos or Halas.
>no nightvision
>be me
>be warrior
>spend multiple evenings after school soloing in south karana
>it's extremely hard
>it's extremely slow
>one bad pull and I lose hours and hours of progress while making me respawn naked on the other side of world with at least a 50% chance of losing even more progress while trying to get my corpse
EQ made me cry multiple times when I was 12 and people who complain about dark souls don't know how punishing some games used to be
Anyone ever play more than 1-2 MMOs at a time?
SWG Emu.

Wear composite armor and sit in a camp while being cool and talking about the good old days of SWG, even if you didn't play it back then.
>13 years old
>going to EB games with $20 hoping to find a cheap PC game to buy
>see newly-released Everquest, never heard of it, can't afford it
>save my money instead, read Everquest review in PC Gamer
>buy Everquest
>Try to run it on my 486/66 with a shitty S3 Virge GPU
>After 10 minutes, all textures turn white unless I restart game
>Play like this for a week, because I love the game so much
>Can only play an hour a day, because parents
>Get a Barbarian Warrior to level 10, very proud of it
>Try to go though Blackburrow to get to Qeynos, without any help
>Can't see anything because of no textures, everything is solid white
>Fall into Blackburrow pit, die
>Spend multiple hours over multiple days trying to get my body
>Body decays due to slow timing, lose all my gear
>Get very upset, I box up the game and take it back for a refund
>EB Games tells me they can't refund games that used activation keys
>Play Everquest, Kunark, and Velious for another few years, until WoW finally releases

Good times in a bygone era.
UO, RS, Tibia, Metin2
Running like a headless chicken after falling through the tree, heart racing like crazy, pulling every mob just to die in a ditch even deeper is peak blabkurrow experience.
Grab some tissues.
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Is it all over for us, boomer bros?
Are there any private servers for the old Conan MMO?

I loved that game. It was so cool being able to dismember players in PVP and shit. Also there were tits.
based, it was all about the journey
pretty much, we'll have to wait for AI to be completely integrated into devs workflow so that a small team can finally make a decent boomer mmo for cheap
I have fond memories of the game in general and nostalgia for ToA (I was young when it came out and it stuck with me), but I now have a fear of shit underwater and I don't think I could handle it again.
I remember every single day in 1999 there were people forming "traveling party" groups outside Qeynos or Freeport, to make the run from one capital to the other.

I remember people getting lost/abandoned in High Pass Hold, or people falling off the ledge in Karana.

I remember parties hitting Kithicor at the wrong time, at night, and being torn apart by undead.

I remember similar parties for taking boats between continents, sometimes having a bunch of zombie sailors wipe entire boatloads of people. Or, people getting off at Will-o-Wisp island in Erud's Crossing, then not getting back on the boat in time before it left the dock.

It's insane how much soul EQ had in 1999.
sorry zoom zoom, this is a pre 2005 thread. Also the official servers for Age of Conan are still live, you can go play it right now. It's a zombie game with no development, but the servers are still up.
Genuinely surprised it wasn't released before 2005

Also good to know about the servers, maybe I will
City of Heroes, exists as various different private servers now, each with different sets of custom content.
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for spells the animation only plays after the cast completes, otherwise you have watch for particle emissions from the hands or mouth
attacks trigger an animation as well, but only after attack has occurred
it truly is old school dice rolling crpg behind the scenes, the visuals are all reactive to the underlying numbers combat
If a sub is like, $10 a month, you don't have to play it that long to get $10 worth. As soon as you don't want to play, you stop paying.
It's really not a very complicated system.
sunk cost
some people have just been playing them for 25 years so why change?
emulator servers like project 1999 for EQ most likely have a larger player count than the actual live games
daoc is a flawed game and the emus only good for about 3 months when everything is fresh, afaik there are no official daoc servers anymore
I'm surprised someone mentioned daoc, and early at that, so I'll say Anarchy online. Daoc has aged so poorly, you need so many buttons just for common movement and facing, commands such as /follow, /stick, /face just to function in pvp combat. What's worse, any pvp you experience will be against someone who has probably played the game longer than you've been alive with everything committed to muscle memory.
I never played eq1, I had no idea it was this gory, does the game have a lot of other things like this?
Daoc still has official servers and even a free trial with most of the more interesting classes stuck behind a subscription, dunno how much it limits you pvp wise but no one plays it for pve anymore anyway and even back then I felt like a black sheep in that I prefered the pve over the pvp whereas mostly everyone else lived in battlegrounds/rvr zones.
>pre-2005 stuff only
All old MMOs are either dead or they suck.
>year 2012+12
>there are still people grinding orcs in the commonlands
The thought always makes me laugh.
This akin to pre-birth.
When you awake, you'll see.
Star Wars Galaxies Pre Cu, my beloved.
I wish Wizardry Online was still a thing, FUCK
what are the different merits of these? I like solo adventure and having to use items and specific equipment to overcome mundane challenges (traversing dark areas, acquiring food, climbing up/down crevices etc )
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>someone saved photos you took decades ago

everquest was for the queers back in the day. real men played asheron's call or anarchy online.
>anarchy online
I won a competition in a magazine and got the game, the book (pretty good), the OST (really good) and the editors threw in a Blind Guardian CD since they were all into them at the time, which sparked a love for them in me.
Very good memories of that time.
Never played the game though since we STILL only had a Macintosh Performa and 56k lmao
city of heroes homecoming. best mmo on the market
>the book (pretty good),
THAT book was great scifi. wish the game had done better and we got more of the books. the world's lorebuilding was great.

be glad you didnt play it at launch, it was fucked. game didnt really take off until it's first expansion: Shadowlands.
>most servers are dead except the one ran by an actual cult
Damn shame. City of Heroes deserves better.
>an actual cult
Wait what
Zoomers were not born yet this place is full of them now
>I never played eq1, I had no idea it was this gory, does the game have a lot of other things like this?
It's very dark, dungeons are full of torture gear, blood stains, bones etc. Undead are very graphics (for the time) and you can literally cook cannibal recipes. My favorite being roasted elf with beer and dwarf sandwich. Also, brownie cakes are literally made from brownies, which are very tiny people.

I hate that every mmo turned into a faggy cartoon.
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maybe it was? I was so young last I read it so I didn't want to praise it too much, but I remember enjoying it a great deal
>picrel, my signed copy
I was an ARK for 4 years, my name was GM name was Tanetchka. Ask any questions you have about admins during the first 6 years it was around, I can answer. I got fired.

I have played EQ since it's launch, lately only on P99.
>>picrel, my signed copy
nice bro. my copy isnt signed. i remember being pissed about the glitter getting everywhere tho. a signed copy may be worth something bro.

>maybe it was? I was so young last I read it so I didn't want to praise it too much, but I remember enjoying it a great deal
it was good. was written by Ragnar Tørnquist, who used to be great but has had a complete mental breakdown
>I was an ARK for 4 years, my name was GM name was Tanetchka
nice bro. i remember the ARK led tours around rubi-ka and shadowlands. those were fun events. ever do that on RK1?
Yes. I did those.

Here's just some fun behind the scenes stuff :

-All new people were forced to do nothing but teleport to new players and greet them to the game, there was no priority over who was on the trial or who was a fully paid customer, everyone generally got greeted before they got out of the training area
-After graduating learning how to use the teleportation spells, the second rung of responsibility was responding to tickets which took priority over greeting. 99% of this was teleporting to a camp and telling two people to stop arguing and recommending alternative but similar zones or just telling them to knock it off before they got pulled into a sit-down. You escalate tickets but have little power in-game.
-Next rung is administrative, new abilities include being able to spawn items which required players to log out in order for them to receive.
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If you want to play the best version of EQ ever made, the Shards of Dalaya autists reverse engineered everything and are releasing a fresh server in a few weeks. Should be a good retirement home for boomers desu
-The mechanic used by GMs to issue items was an exploit in the code that was a broken Bureaucrat briefcase allowing us to check for date of quest completion and dispense items.
-The final, second from the top position as an ARK was as a full GM. I made it to GM after 3 years. My newest power was being able to turn players into NPC items, mobs into NPC items, spawn mobs, doing sit-downs and submitting bans.
-Sit-downs were when players were being rowdy and were irritating other players, ARK had an island zone that was just a small cafe area with a race / class / trait changing machine that was a version of the intro scene when you pick them all originally. The sit-down rooms were a series of black cubes on a lake, there were about 16 of them, we would teleport players into them and that's where they served their short term, non-banned offenses. Up to 3 days, you could log in and bitch at ARKs, but every time you logged in, you were in the cube. Some guy got out of one on one occasion and we caught him running around admin island with max level everything, unable to get off the admin island without teleport commands.

In the end I got my GM account banned for spawning one of the 7 day spawns about 200 times in 4 hours, I was younger, I wouldn't have done that now.
I got in trouble about a week into GM after turning everyone in ICC into those giant low-poly tugboats you'd see off in the distance. Like 200 tugboats, no one could see anything, just clashing flesh-colored geometry until they gated out. They encouraged us to go into busy areas and interact on our off time, turn people into reets and just cause little interesting events that didn't kill any players.

Great fun.
>In the end I got my GM account banned for spawning one of the 7 day spawns about 200 times in 4 hours, I was younger, I wouldn't have done that now.
based. god damn i remember hunting the rare spawns. wish i had a friend like u to cheat for me.

reminds me of stories of GMs/admins for asheron's call. i remember an incidient where a GM for that game teleported one of his friends to a new island/area named marae lassel weeks before it's patch actually went live. guy made a video and uploaded it to ign's vnboards. that guy got fired too.
Don't bother, just a schizo poster.
The whole squad got ICU upgrades, end game at the time, Notum Wars was an arms race and my boys had to win. Shit was BRUTAL. They wanted it to be PVP but it was just Americans vs. Euros and Euros had the game 3 months in advance to begin with.

Memba making 6 sets of graduating implants to get a skill to almost max with a good wrangle?

I miss AO..
>Memba making 6 sets of graduating implants to get a skill to almost max with a good wrangle?
yes. i mained an MP and loved twinking to summon higher level pets. was super excited to summon my first demon. the implant/gear twinking meta of AO was one of it's best features IMO
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does anyone here still play mabinogi? it's insane to me that game is not only still around, still semi-popular, but it's getting a huge graphics and engine overhaul soon
I was a 200 crat main. I had an NT I used to swarm those boulder guys for insane cash, people would log in, join my group, pay me a flat fee per hour, some people would pay me for 6 hours and they wouldn't come back for days, I'd just kick them from my group and keep grinding.
i remember soloing hecklers on my MP when i got my first demon and farming those hecklers too, they dropped those gold nuggets worth $$$.
The way the game is now, you can have as many accounts as you want for free, sometimes I think about making a trio and seeing how far I can get them. It's just such a foreign place now. There's no real OT / Clan, it's just one main hub with neutral shortcuts, 99% of the items are useless because the meta hasn't shifted in 10 years, it's a mess, but I miss it.
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Old MMOs were mostly about the novelty of playing together in an open world. If you didn't play them and don't have nostalgia for it, there's literally 0 reason to play them when you could play private server WoW or just roleplay in second life or VR chat if that's your thing.

Everquest leveling (or at least when I quit in 2002) was fucking torture. Grind, grind, grind. None of it was "hard" you just had to put in 5-8 hours per level and then another 5-8 hours for every "AA point" (kind of like how talents work in WoW but worse).

When EQ went free to play on the twentieth anniversary or whenever. I logged in, ran through all of Antonica with my jboots, had some big hits of nostalgia, logged out and did not look back. It was hard enough to play when I was a kid with no responsibilities, it would be utterly impossible now.
Wait, it's F2P?
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Yeah, but free accounts don't have 100% access. I think they can't hire mercenaries or whatever the NPC system is. I don't think they can trade items or use the auction system either.
Its more or less the lack of option at the time. A chat room with a game on the side. I'm in one of those people that think mmo with sub fee should burn in the fire of hell for preventing me from joining and play any of them during their golden ages. Its utterly depressing I miss out on FF11, SWG, City of Heroes, Everquest, Runescape member only server just because I couldn't afford it, and my parents refuse to buy me those games. Even now when I have my own house and a good job, I still resent that style of payment for denying me an adventure I could of have. Going to a private server means jack shit. Fuck subscription fee and fuck anyone that defends it.
Tangentially related to your post but
>VR chat
I find it so strange nobody has tried to make a VR mmo yet. You already have the social systems in place, VR being way more immersive and easy to socialize in then a text based MMO, but nobody has put in the effort to try and created a world people can play in despite it seeming closer to the platonic ideal fanasy MMO immersive game.
>I find it so strange nobody has tried to make a VR mmo yet
There has been a few, like Zenith
>it was good. was written by Ragnar Tørnquist, who used to be great but has had a complete mental breakdown
lmao, the director behind Dustborn? Holy shit what a fall from grace
My cs teacher in college ran a EQ2 private server. They seem to really like it.
>In the end I got my GM account banned for spawning one of the 7 day spawns about 200 times in 4 hours
based, nobody remembers the tame GMs
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I tried Mabinogi for the first time last year, there's still a dedicated fanbase there. It does some interesting things but the combat felt really laggy and the grind for skills and gear is just not for me
I love AO but funcom mishandles it so much now froob accounts and newely activated accounts get locked constantly and most new players can't be ass'd to find the weird ass reactivation solution on reddit or steam forums.
Game just feels so dead and everyone boxes, wish I could go back or had a P99 equivalent server for AO, I know there's a group working on a pserver but it's a ways off from being complete.
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Vanguard: Saga of Heroes was really good, but you can only play it on an emulated server that unfortunately is still missing some features. Had flaws, but one of the best worlds in any MMO.
so wait can they have custom textures and animations etc?
because EQ needs that so badly
even just copy pasting npc heads over for players to use would go a long way
looks pretty cool. seems like it was taken down from steam?
how is the grind?
lol nice lie lilbro
There are no emulated EQ2 servers at least ones that actually have a functioning game
There is a UO single player game that some autists made that really fleshed out the world. I want to try that. I forget the name right now tho
>play old mmo
>TUTORIAL MAN: OK so you right click, shift right click, and same with left
>ME: uhuu
>TUTORIAL MAN: Ok now you tab and you hit Q to attack
>ME: ok..

>*kill 1 enemy*
>TUTORIAL: Alright good luck I aint explaining shit
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Someone is porting it to World of Warcraft. It'll probably be a lot more fun in that engine vs the original EverQuest one.
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The only MMO from that time that I still play is RuneScape I'm playing it right now. The rest were kid MMOs that are mostly dead now, because I was a kid at the time. One that did stick out to me was Pirates of the Caribbean Online because it had PvP naval combat. I saw that there was a private server for it and checked it out recently. There's no PvP going on anymore, just people grouping up on the biggest player ships in the game and running trains on the strongest NPC ships in the game for hours on end
I thought it was EQ2. I know it was EQ.
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I haven't had time to play Project Quarm. Did make a Necro Erudite though.
So is this one of those never ever projects that hasn't been updated in years and only a texture port happened? Because I too have depots of the EQ1 textures (both the low and high res from pre/post-SoL)
I only assume the people who got lost were people who never played a videogame before or those type of people who get lost in their own neighborhood.
>MMOs were mostly about the novelty of playing together
Yeah, that applies to all MMOs. The entire genre is pretty much pointless these days. Everybody missed out unless they got to experience the golden age.
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Doesn't look like it. First check-in was sometime in April, and looks like it has an update damn near every day.
>Vanguard: Saga of Heroes was really good
No it wasn't. Had potential, but was an absolute fucking trashfire thanks to Brad who was too busy being a druggy snorting meth.
>t. Had the Collectors Edition and played the Open-Beta (aka the pre-alpha shitshow) up until May 07 when Sigil folded.
Lmao imagine the tens of people who will play this
>I find it so strange nobody has tried to make a VR mmo yet
MMO's usually have a string of additional hotkey binds tied to it more than most games thus would be hell to implement with VR controls.
I mean if they change the UI around and change the models, than yeah, no paper it would be much better. People forget just how utterly jank as fuck Everquest 1 was (see: /rewind or base stats being practically pointless past a certain point).
>Lmao imagine the tens of people who will play this
ikr? But hey I'll be one of them though if someone hosts a server though.

I don't know if he has a youtube or anything, but he posts stuff in a wow modding discord. Here's a video of music working. Kind of looks like it just needs monsters and stuff.
nice try but im a feminine little faggot and i played AO religiously
Meridian 59
The first 3D MMO.
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Leave the input system to me.
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I'll check out his progress, more out of curiosity of what he's doing exactly. But just bringing over assets doesn't make a game. You can remake Freeport in the Source Engine if you truly wanted to. My guess is he converted it over to Maya and then brought it into the WoW engine.
NWN players welcome in this thread? Had so much fun playing on the servers in highschool.
I remember when I was a kid playing EQ one of the people in my guild was always telling us stories about this game. I still think about FETTP every once in a while even though I've never played it.
> My guess is he converted it over to Maya and then brought it into the WoW engine.
No, he wrote a converter. You can see the code on the github, and he talks about it in the WoW dev community. It'll straight up convert the eq content if you have an install directory. Apparently there is trickery to get animated textures / waters / ladders and other shit like that to work. I don't know what's really involved but it sounded complicated as hell.
This is the game that got me into programming. I made a module with branching dialog trees 20+ years ago.
basically run by control freaks who are determined at all costs to be the ONLY private CoX server around. run by people who ran a secret private server and kept it secret for years just so they could lord over their secret club. they make insane claims like they have ncsoft's "blessing" to run their server but ncsoft has made no such statement. it's just a depressingly bad scene, the worst of any MMO private server i have ever encountered.
It's an mmo? Tought it was like Baldurs Gate and shit
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anyone try picrel? it looks kinda comfy
Not quite an MMO but had a lot of persistent world servers that had similar elements. I think it still has a few running.
how does that compare to P99 or retail?
WoW or warcraft had some really dark shit. The black dragonflight or the way the orcs got dragon minions was essentially turning the red dragon mother into a rape victim birthing unit for them

Scholamnce was a fucked up necro torture dungeon for their necromancy experiemnts. Now it's all watered down and censored.
garrosh calling sylvanus bitch was kino
They WHAT? More info please, I love SoD.
redpill me on SoD
ToA was by far the best pve focused expansion and it released for pvp game of that era, bur my fondest memories come from stealth dicking around for days in darkness falls while its opened for another faction
A lot of those older MMOs were probably edgier than you'd think, the opening cinematic for FF11 got pretty crazy after the exposition dump at the start. Considering it came out in 2002, it was one hell of a way to set the mood for the game.
HorizonXI is the only old school MMO private server actually worth investing your time into. Final Fantasy XI has good soul and good gameplay. Horizon is the best version of it with the most active players.
Truckload of custom content, lots of modern-ish improvements to how classes work in tandem better. Everything renamed to fit the custom lore, shit ton of class-specific quests for good equips. Go play it, still pretty fun and easy to install. Just dead as hell.

Eat shit and die, shitstain.
>In 2024
>Pre-2005 ones at that
So like, two whole mmo's, OSRS and classic wow. the rest have no playerbase left or are dead
Dude that's fucking awesome holy fuck. Thank you so much.
Are there any okay ones in the 2010s?
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What a small world... I'm the guy doing this.

Pretty much this. World of Warcraft doesn't have support for those things. Ladders took a unique collision solution (pic related). Water is especially tricky since EQ has things like vertical water and that water sphere in Cazic Thule. Animated textures is faked by rendering the geometry for all frames and cycling through them. Getting music zones and whatnot is also a pain, and I still have a month of work there.

If you don't mind 2d, I think Graal Online Classic is still around.
are you just doing this to learn or do you intend on completely remaking all of EQ to be playable in WoW one day?
I'm going to make it all playable. At least Classic, but probably through Velious. I'll make some changes to make it more WoW-like though, like making some zones proper instances, proper WoW style quests, and item/mob balancing. Probably going to redo mob spells to save time too.
that's pretty cool man, good luck, i look forward to trying it out. the game EQ is good but the client is such a hunk of shit.

Smash a High-Elf, Human, and Erudite meat into one gory pile. Ogre delicacy.
did you get paid for this shit, with real money?
It's free to play now. Some of the classes are locked behind a sub though.
I liked the game a lot but it's almost unplayable now, the engine is severely dated and everyone left playing has been grinding ranks for 20 years and knows every possible trick and exploit.
It's fun to tour the world though, except they accidentally bricked half of it and you can't get to any of the underground parts anymore.
What did they do? I played a month ago and went to a few dungeons/zones but after getting my nostalgia hit I quit.
All the catacombs zones are disabled, people speculate they overwrote the data without making a backup but who knows.
so what's up with Pantheon

ultima adventures
more like final shittasy
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>balding faggot zoomer thinks a mmorpg having 10 million players benefits him at all
>balding faggot zoomer thinks he can meet every single player on his measly 2k player server even if he played 24/7 for 10 years straight
>balding faggot zoomer names the two worse mmorpgs in existance
shitty runescape was the poorfags mmo
shitty vanilla WoW is hold hand babbys first mmo
you're a faggot with brainrot who mostly likely watches e-beggars all day
Dead since it failed its kickstarter in 2014. If Brad was smart enough, he should've just bought back Vanguard IP and retooled it with a new studio. Much of that mans reputation was destroyed with that game so nobody really trusted him back in 2014 on top of the already aging fanbase he was targeting towards. Doesn't matter anywho, guy is dead (unknown causes lol) for the last 5 years and Pantheon is pretty much just a development hell limbo that only a few geriatrics care about.
Monsters & Memories will save us for real this time
Bro, I just want to see what playing Pantheon is like.
Both of these, but unironically
been looking forward to them both after Crowfall fell through

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