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I hate forced soul so fucking much. Earthbound is genuine soul. Psychonauts is genuine soul. Banjo-Kazooie is genuine soul. I could go on and on. This? This is the most design-by-committee forced soul I've ever seen.
Kill yourself, GOTY 2024 and you can't do anything about it. Womp womp tendie.
Don't care. Not gonna pay attention to what is essentially an expanded upon tech demo anyways. Next.
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Just decided to play Astro's Playground after letting it sit for two years in my PS5. It was cute, I guess, but the real thing I liked was how it activated my nostalgia buttons. Does the new game have the whole Playstation "artifacts" collectibles and references?
You tried this meme with Wonder and you failed, you are trying it again and you will fail again.
I’m not paying $70 for a PlayStation commercial.
>highest EVER user score on Metacritic
>highest EVER user score on Backloggd
>highest EVER user score on PS Store
>100% recommended on OpenCritic
>"Flawless" according to Digital Foundry
I don't think you realize just how unprecedented and extraordinary this game is. Even among the greats, it stands head and shoulders above its peers.
It looks so fucking easy. Are people just that bad at platformers?
Redditors defend it, thats enough reason to dump it.
>Are people just that bad at platformers?
buy an ad : the game
because nobody has EVER paid off reviewers before, its a completely unprecedented phenomenon.
>pic unrelated
It has challenge levels and speedruns. It's definitely an approachable game, but it's not braindead easy or anything
It's amazing how hard this is making tendies shit themselves
“Forced soul” is probably the stupidest phrase since bloodborne was “sick dark”. Remember that shit?
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No wonder S0nyponies always cry about Nintendo, they're bitter over not having the experience needed to make it through a simple platforming challenge.
All of the challenges are braindead easy. You just haven't played any games, shill.
It's characters instead of artifacts, but yes
redditors breathe, anon, better stop doing that
Yes, snoy, we know the check cleared.
Play Super Mario Eclipse
Zelda's gonna get a sub 85 metascore.
this looks really familiar
>old games that I played as a kid are "genuine soul"
>current games that I played as a jaded adult are "forced soul"
Have you considered the possibility that you're just old and bitter, OP?
The challenge levels are pretty short, the only mildly difficult ones are the rolling ball levels like the one in world 3. The checkpoints are pretty generous, since you die in one hit unless it’s a boss.
They dumped the soul-incarnate Toro Inoue, for this Americanized spulless trash.
it being sony removes all soul from it, regardless
Show your 100% save file for the game you totally own
i know this is bait but there’s some people that genuinely believe this
as if the fucking bing bing wahoo robot game is going to get GOTY when rebirth and metaphor are there
/v/ hating this game is proof that this board is NintendoGAF. Literally no reason to dislike Astro Bot. You should want MORE Astro Bots if you dislike the state of the average Sony game.
it's weird, tendies are getting mad at this game for existing and snoys are lauding the fact that they finally have a nintendo game on their system
AstroBot GotY is 100% on lock.
>Ubisoft, Japan
>Persona skinsuit
Yeah, no.
With what? What is that
No. Forced soul is a thing and you know it.
>I let reddit decide which things I like
soul is soul
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>S-Stop having fun!
>D-Don't enjoy things!

OP your love of cocks is showing.
People posted the 'final grand great super duper challenge' and got laughed at how much of a nothing it was. Cry about it
He's a Tendie. They're ironically the only ones making threads about this game
astrobot is the final dying gasp of playstation studios japan too
meanwhile the western divisions pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into FUCKING CONCORD
I fully believe this game is good, but just like TLOU1, it exposes just how disconnected the Snoy fanbase is from the rest of the gaming sphere. They talk about their few good games as if they're the only games in the world, because as far as they're concerned, they really are.
They really should just fuck already
don't you have a steam deck thread to be shitting up
I'm glad the Astrobot got a positive reception as concorded crashed and burned at the same time
It won't change anything but it's a funny beacon of sanity
>You have standards? YOU'RE NINTENDIEGAF
Try harder shill.
Literally pacman world space levels on ps1
Can a seething Tendie here tell me the difference between this and Smash using old IP's that have been dead for years as trophies/pickups?
Literally the same nostalgia bait as this
>Screenshot of a YT video
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Astro's game is just:
>"Sexless PS5-tan explores a generic world and collects references to games and intellectual properties that didn't come to PS5"
But because there's a true sense of fun and play in the game as opposed to boring DEI lectures and ugly semitic caricatures of humanity, people are praising it. It doesn't deserve the praise. Sony should have let Team Asobi develop a wholly unique and new platforming mascot character. Instead we have a boring safe genderless console-tan in a safe and boring 3D platformer. I actually liked the recent Avoiding the Puddle video on it: https://youtu.be/LbdwZmf3VII?si=nz8AKxSJ2x4hTy62

Y'all are hyped for surfing on a turtle and getting costumes from games that Sony refuses to give sequels or support to?
Because smash is explicitly a crossover game, this comes off as an original game but also we stuffed in a bunch of references to random shit. There's some more baggage but that's the long and short of it.
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>S-Stop having fun!
>D-Don't enjoy things!
t. snoys for the past 10 years every time a nintendo game has come out.
Aren't tendies also the ones seething about that? Or have the convinced Steamies that it's a Snoy thing somehow?
And what about Astro Bot doesn't make your "standards"?
And Astro bot has always been a Sony homage series. So I guess there's no difference then?
>I know it's easy because I watched a youtube video
Lmao shut the fuck up shitposting faggot
The only thing that looks awful is the main character, the rest looks nice
Yes. I know from hard platforming. That grand challenge was like... a 6/10.
Sony haters that are shitting themselves and calling this game a graveyard are so pathetic.
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marketing thread
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As retarded as Basedny is, I've got to hand it to them, PS5 finally has one game after 4 years. Too bad it's little too late and they won't learn anything from its success and will develop 6 gorillion Concords after this.
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>the slop I consumed as a child was soul
The final level is only slightly harder than Mario Odyssey’s darkest side of the moon. That was a pretty easy level, too. I think I only died on the Donkey Kong section and then I beat it.
You haven't even played the game retard. Stop forming your opinion from a youtube video
Imagine being mentally stuck in 2018.
Anon, the big grand challenge is babyshit
What is with retarded autismos and the word soul.
>astroturf shill thread
>filled with nothing but snoys screeching about Nintendo
Tales as old as time.
this is the worst one yet
"has always been" there's literally one other entry and the one other entry was a tech demo made to show off haptic feedback and gyro
and it also still crutches on showcasing and referencing IPs that don't belong to sony or playstation, because they don't actually have a lineup of their own these days
Good execution of ideas that layer and develop along with the player to challenge them. Zogbot has a bunch of forgettable tech demo segments and never pushes you out of a comfortzone.
The game has 1 hit death, but everything is so soullessly coreographed that you will NEVER be in danger unless you're complete shit at games, and even then you just respawn and go along your baby walk to the finish of whatever gimmick they decided to go with for the next minute.
Astro Bot isn't meant to be some crazy hard kaizo difficulty. It's accessible but still has some tricky sections, the challenge levels offer a moderate challenge, and the game is clearly built with speedrunning in mind.
Jesus, the side profile of that last one. Unironically ape-like.
>I know the game is easy because I saw a youtube video of one level!!
You're a retard. I'm done entertaining retards and their low effort trolling
The game's great and all but it's still a IP graveyard do you really think we're getting another PaRappa or another ape escape out of this?
The mental acrobatics some of them spew trying to convince other people it's getting a switch port is crazy.
To be fair, this "game" will be forgotten by next week.
Well i have to differentiate them anon. Calling them all faggots in one post will start getting confusing
Who’s we?
Didn't say its a long series, but it's always been reference bait. So shitting yourself over this one doing exactly that is laughable
>and it also still crutches on showcasing and referencing IPs that don't belong to sony or playstation
Smash did that too? Shantae isn't a Nintendo property for example
Dangerously based
Sure thing shill-kun.
Shantae was some guest shit and had no influence over the game. People were disappointed she wasn't playable, retard.
>Smash did that too?
No? Third parties only started being a thing with Brawl and it's a small handful of IPs relative to the vast majority being Nintendo first party. Also the first two crossover IPs were Metal Gear Solid and Sonic the Hedgehog, who also had a pre-existing Nintendo history.
Now post some more hallway runs from your ''''''''challenge'''''' levels that you still need constant hover to cover up the fact you're bad at video games.
What the fuck is forced soul? Are you retarded?
Yeah, very accessible for people who have never played a video game. like a snoy
Is this what shills are jizzing their pants about? Mario Sunshine platforming in Mario Galaxy levels? Embarrassing.
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>Big waow factor for redditor to think it's facing something well thought out,
>with no danger to fail, as it does repeatedly.
A perfect product for snoys,
>look at how well its animated and everything! 10/10 metacritic score worthy, souuuuuuul
But don't worry about needing to play anything well. that's too much to ask of the modern audience.
>It doesn't count because...
Discussion fell through the floor real quick
on the one hand
>actually looks pretty fun
on the other hand
>snoys can't even play their own babby platformer
>different situation entirely
>oh so you're telling me "that doesn't count" huh
god i love this fucking board
Kek not only do you respawn without consequence you just one shot the snake? Even Kirby is harder than this crap.
sex with robots
>Forced soul
>Forced soul, Mario
To be fair a traditional fight is substituted for the dodging section, so one hit is acceptable.
Instant respawn is still pathetic though.
So you're actually retarded or paid, got it.
This is a better game than Bowser's Fury and that's the closest comparison. Simple as
This game is worse than Super Mario Galaxy, which it blatantly copied. Simple as
The whole game is one hit with no difficulty. You can see the way the devs deal with this is to make everything only approach you when it's safe to manage and doesnt overwhelm the snoy. As enemies stand in the background like dumbasses until you clear the threshold.
Soul as a meme gets way stupider in any application that doesn't mean "charm" or some vague Other for why people like it

"Forced charm"
"Artificial charm"
You faggots couldn't help yourself. Full Tendie cope mode within two posts. I don't talk to mental gymnastic schizos, sorry
That's the climax of the fight. There's a few other phases before it.
How the fuck is the screen moving so fast, his body isn't moving at all.
Finally see an actual gameplay video here and it's literally bing bing wahoo
this is the game sony fan bots are creaming their pants about? is it because they can't afford a switch or a computer that can emulate to have experienced bing bing wahoo before this?
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>Earthbound is genuine soul
This looks like those anime scenes where they keep running and fall and then keep running
>forced soul
God I hate retarded /v/ buzzwords. May as well just start saying skibidi every other sentence because that's how retarded you already sound.
Not sigma frfr
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I think you fags are being a bunch of picky contrarians, but I will say this: I don't want to see anymore big studio platformers where the levels are just floating islands in an empty sky.
I'm cool with Mario Galaxy, Splatoon and Astro Bot, but if I see any more of this I feel like the novelty is going to wear off and start to feel like a compromise.
I miss seeing impressive environments.
>screen is moving crazy fast
>the snake is barely moving
>the rolling obstacles it spits out are moving faster than the snake is but slower than the screen is
>the animations are all playing out at crazily inconsistent speeds with the background moving as fast as it is to convince the player that what they're seeing is EXCITING

this shit is so soulless holy fuck.
that's because this is the first real video game snoys have played in decades
>you respawn without consequence
he lost a heart.
Same way a projector with a car prop works in hollyjew.

This is a 3D Mario rip off. Perhaps a good one, but a rip off nevertheless.
I actually do not.
>white boy kneels for blm folks, i sleep
>Brazilian Man stands for White People, real shit
Why is it so retched?
>Instant respawn is still pathetic though.
Lego Star Wars did this shit in the early 2000s don't act like this is suddenly a "fall from grace" for platformers.
So baby game gets a 3 strike on easy bosses, ok
Feels more like a tribute, they are not being shy about using very similar powerups, this really feels like a passion project, something made with love and care.

But the main character design was chosen by the main investor but he has shit taste and everyone has to pretend it's nice or he will take his money off the project.
the story of the game is saving a giant ps5 so he's not wrong
good thing I don't care about stories in video games
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If it were a passion project I would expect maybe they'd have original ideas for platforming.

But instead we get one of the gimmicks per level in the game where you get the butt stomp from mario but the snoy doesn't know what to do without a tutorial pop up after going through a grueling... wide platforming section of steps.
Beaners hands type this
Back to twitter, nigger
Astrobot but 60 dollars
I hate nostalgiafags so much
I think I have Astrobot on my PS4
Is it worth playing? It's a Kingdom Hearts machine.
mario has 3 health + as do many 3D platformers.
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I mean so was Astro Bot Rescue Mission which despite being a PSVR only title somehow did well enough that it became the template for the PS5 tech demo that came free.
>complain about nostalgiafags
>while engaging in classic "old good new automatically bad"
this but unironically
Anon this is literally every high-speed gameplay scene where you’re riding something big.
my god this player is fucking stupid.
I can't believe that tutorial video popped up.
that means they had a lot of braindead retards failing at this during testing.
You have no hearts in the regular levels, you just get them for the end-world bosses. Mario has 6 hearts for every galaxy boss btw.
post two other examples.
Every train level ever.
Wonderful 101z
>just making shit up now
post two actual examples of that level of animation disparity you insincere faggot, show us the times when you're travelling on something that is moving slower than the background pace and things moving back along the body of 'said thing' are moving at another inconsistent pace.

you said it happens 'in every high-speed gameplay scene where you're riding something big' yet you gave a generalization as one answer, and just named a game, not even a segment within it as another.

try harder.
this was horrible
I bought this game and it just feels too kiddy for me. First time I've played a game where I feel this way.
>Earthbound is genuine soul. Psychonauts is genuine soul. Banjo-Kazooie is genuine soul

You will never be a woman
trains have wheels.
his point is that snakes slither their body very fast when they dash along the ground.
the devs decided to barely have the snakes body move so the player wouldn't be moving left and right of the screen.
probably to avoid motionsickness but the result is it looks bad.
Do you know how trains work? Or physics at all? Read up about momentum, if your pajeet brain can comprehend it. It probably doesn’t, Bollywood can’t understand it.
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I find it ironic that what is basically a Nintendo-style platformer on a PlayStation console (that's also much lower in budget and scope) is the one PS5 game that's supposed to be worth its salt, especially after all this time with shitty overbudgeted movie and live service games Sony keeps trying to put out, and that Astro Bot is also made by devs who had their old studio forcibly dissolved by them. Maybe the company will learn something but the California rot is perhaps terminal.
I hate forced shitposting threads
I had a feeling the shills started projecting when they ran out of arguments, thanks for confirming that. it's the paid shills for the game that are the pajeets, you fucking moron.
And it's going to be completely forgotten in 3 months, lmfao
I'd be surprised if people ae talking about it within a month at this rate, there's no 'core' to the game that draws the eye outside of the referential material, it's an inherently hollow thing.
Does he also go bing bing wahoo when collecting mushroom kingdom coins?
Keep coping, swarthoid. AstroBot is an Oriental-Aryan masterpiece made by gamers, for gamers.
Astro Turf
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>forced soul
Why do newfags have such stupid fucking memes?
Astro GOTY causing seethe I see
Why does forced soul ruin games?

Thank you for providing me a perfectly fine response.
Its basically mario sunshine with robots?
to be fair that mechanic is kinda wonky. You run into the ramp and hit the jump button but then have to change the stick direction mid jump so you dont go back to the ramp. It didn't seem to always work as I was expecting.
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now THIS?
>taking pride in sidestepping answering a question

Very bad play.
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>old good
>new bad
Is this the same composer or what the fuck?
I look like this and say this
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Move, bitch, get out the way
Get out the way, bitch, get out the way
Move, bitch, get out the way
Get out the way, bitch, get out the way
Move, bitch, get out the way
Get out the way, bitch, get out the way
Move, bitch, get out the way
Get out the way, bitch, get out the way
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I actually onions'd out and went "no fuckin way" when I saw they put in a bot of Taneo from Incredible Crisis
What committee is there for a 30 people studio? Yeah they turned to 60 people for this one, but it doesn't remove the soul from Rescue Mission and Playroom. They even doubled it with astro bot, screw you nigger Im having a blast
Yeah and those are all more difficult at all times, so they can warrant the life meter try again.
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>Nintendo Official Magazine
Yes. You collect bots and they appear back to your hub. You can command the bots around to do shit like pikmin at your hub to unlock new collectibles and areas. The gacha machine is back where you can spend your coins, and things you unlock at the gacha will show up with their associated characters. Like I got parappa's boombox and alucard's coffin and shit, and they interact with them. It's pretty neat.
"soul" is a buzzword you made up because you have no actual tangible complaints.
Composer is Kenneth C M Young, he made the music for sack boy games and tearaway. You can feel the soul from what inspires him
You mean chinks? It's the Chinese angry that this game may steal GOTY from deserving Black cock Wukong
Is the game just the free tech demo but longer or what?
/v/ doesn't play video games. It just buys next ebin ANTI-WOKE game and let it sit in their library, never to be played. /v/ only cares about games so much as gaming can be used to influence politics.
Much like the Russians.
name 5 anti-woke games
those who tried the tech demo loved the gameplay so much, the team decided to make an entire standalone game but with even more gameplay
nice profile pic btw
If this ever comes to PC, holy fucking shit the shitposting that will spawn. Board will be unusable to the degree of Nintendo Direct but for a lot longer.
Interesting. I did enjoy it a lot when I first got a PS5 and the gimmicks were all new to me. I don't know if I care about 3D platformers enough to buy it, though.
five nights at cobsons
tyrone vs cops
Alex Jones vs NWO
Hogwarts Legacy
Black cock wukong
Considering it took BB 10 years to be emulated, expect it take 10 years for this to come to PC.
Metal Gear Solid 2, Tetris, Spongebob BFBB, Katamari Damacy, and American Truck Simulator
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Calling something "forced soul" sounds like the cope of someone who forgot how to be happy.
That is exactly how anyone who isn't playing uniracers is going to think you need to do it.
another tendiesubhuman falseflagging thread
if you can't discern forced-soul, you are an NPC
Game looks pretty fun, hilarious how mad it makes retards lol people are now upset a good game was release? Lmao
Are you seriously talking like people with a PlayStation ONLY have PS exclusives to play?

Are you forgetting that the vast majority of what you can find on PC and Xbox you can also play on PS?

You're talking like PlayStation people only have their small list of exclusives and that's their entire reference pool, but that's not the case at all.

I know you know this.

What is the point you were trying to make? Or are you just fucking stupid?
>"Sexless PS5-tan"
In English please
The lead dev is already baiting PCfags. It's definitely doable.
yea but sometimes he didn't jump off the wall. He just jumped up vertically. I think you need to be running at a certain speed to do the wall kick.
Kids that grew up with Fortnite and mobile ads don't know what soul is, this corporate slop is here to stay.
>/v/ doesn't play video games
This was proven without a doubt with Deadlock recently. This board would have only like 1 thread about it up consistently (since it was banned from vg) and the threads were completely civil and chill.
Until the streaming NDA was officially removed, then the threads immediately became fucking unusable and the catalog got filled with faggot culture war bullshit about the game nonstop.
/v/ hasn't played games for a while now. They only watch streamers and pretend they like games.
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Yes, normally these off the beaten path kind of areas in platformers demand some more from the player but not Astroturf.

Watch the impotent snoy get rewarded with sparkling ADHD stimming as muh physics takes care of everything in the 'secret area'. Are you clapping yet? You can bet your ass the snoy was clapping when he was sitting there in an autopilot challenge room.
They don't even have to do that, Sony are one of the few entities to have been caught just faking reviews directly.
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should've listened
damn you're bad at this game
>Haha robot shaked his butt
>Haha Sony coins and controls
>Haha i remember that reference
>Haha heart pupils
>Haha infinite lives
>Haha robots are dancing
The only thing impressive about this game is the physics, I can see that developers had fun making this game but it's a super baby game... Why are we defending it again?
Cope I'm just clipping snoy's https://youtu.be/ddugewzyXjE?t=1974
so is sackboy in, or are sony completely avoiding that tiny elephant?
damn you're bad at this game
You're describing tendies, who can literally only play Nintendo shit. Playstation has access to nearly every game of import barring Nintendo exclusives, which isn't a great loss.
>Doubling down when you just have to click a link
Truly pathetic
>having to clip someone elses gameplay because you suffer from sour grapes
tendys really are pathetic. Must suck having no gaems.
Snoys don't play video games
>muh grapes
You need a new shilling script your game is baby shit and falls to pieces under any closer look.
You lost eric Zelda will make this game forgotten
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If artificial soul was a thing then Earthbound would be the prime example of it.
Anyone anticipating this game could see the soul in it a mile out. Now that journos like it too you faggots have to feel a certain way.
if I remember correctly that was a massive misquote where the official nintendo magazine used the wording 'Move over' and 'Mario' in the review and the devs of 40 Winks smashed the words together as a joke.

but apparently some other things have done that unironically.
They could see the soul a mile out because it left the game ages ago and flew away
Let's compare Astro Bot to...say...Gravity Rush.

Why is Gravity Rush an example of "genuine soul"?
>zelda and emio will SAVE the switch!!!
Any day now tendys.
They didn't ape a mario game while putting a bunch of ads for other games in it?
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>snoy made this to advertise a bunch of dead games you can't buy!!!
Do sour grapers really?

My dude, no more.
EVE and Astro have the same eyes.
Literally fucking nothing.
Stop pretending it's the new cuphead clip.
The switch doesn't need saving, perhaps you should calm down with a nice game of concord
>Whats the difference between an original IP and advertisement slop with no new ideas?
Shills aren't even trying anymore.
I will not be buying the wand of gamelon 2 or emilo.
The real question is why do self proclaimed socialists simp for multi billion dollar multinational conglomerates?
Of course not eric, you don't have the money to do so.
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someone post genuine soul i need some atm
ill try but as i said im in need
Whoever actually gives a fuck already owned/owns and has experienced those games
I went on the directors YouTube and he has a WALL-E video saved in his playlist. I guess the influence was obvious but its clear they did it very intently
Shills gave up lmao
>uunnnnnggg i dont care
>im just gonna seethe all day to show how much i dont care
This is the way.
>womp womp
Could you stop using gen alpha lingo? Not everyone here was born yesterday.
I do care, the game is an advertisement for Sony dressed as a game, it's a horrible thing to witness.
this has more soul than mario wonder but less than mario 64
She lives in a sewer, how did she shave her pits?
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>nearly every major 3D platformer is critically acclaimed and are considered some of the best games ever made
>fast forward a few years
>the entire genre dies off
>fast forward to 2024
>the genre returns and the first game in the return is considered flawless and perfect
why did we leave our perfect home again?
Better games already exist. What are you gunna do about it except cry?
Name 5 games
Lots of devs tried to do their own thing with the platformer genre and flopped, it turns out that the only thing that actually works is copying Mario.
Behold, the "hardest" level in the game. Recorded by yours truly. Use it for shitposting or refuting purposes as you so see fit.
Any mario game from the last 30 years, since they're not just stealing ideas.
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Bro this is shit
>Filtered by Mario 64
>copying Mario
and ratchet and clank and psychonauts and tomb raider and banjo and spyro and...
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wooooow game is bugged, good game nIntendrnes
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you said its good bro why is this shit such ass
All beaten down and broken by Mario. If you can't beat it, become it.
>All beaten down and broken
the developers gave up on those series because they didn't care about them anymore
It's cute you think rando 1000-1 chance bugs make your corpo slop more enjoyable when theres nothing to engage with in a shoddy clone of ripped concepts. Seethe on shitter.
I don't even see any soul in it.
It's pretty good. I think the biggest problem is that the themed levels at the end of each section are so much better than the "normal" levels that they feel like filler. It feels like there's only a half dozen levels worth playing. Like really lazy Mario 3D World.
That and the music is fucking absolute ear rape dog shit.
>It's cute
Bro it's sooooo ass
>Literally filtered by his own poor decisions
>Snoy blames the game for this
LMAO. This isn't even a bug, you're just ass.
God I hate this game so fucking much. Sonic Adventure came out 3 years later and is so much better.
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>They dumped the soul-incarnate Toro Inoue
They didn't. He even got avatars made for him for the PS5, he's regularly in Playstation Stars, and if I remember right he's still getting merch in Japan. He simply never took off in the west which is why you never really see him and Friend Network, the one game they did localize to the west, flopped like mad.
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but it's not out for another 2 weeks anon.
this is sunshine with the rocket nozzle kek
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Retarded shitposter incels aside, it makes me upset that the Ape Escape level feels so much like Ape Escape and making a new game and selling it for like $40 would still make money and probably requires less level design than the average 3D platformer. I know they went all-in on prestige shit but why can't a studio make an Ape Escape or even a fucking Jumping Flash for cheap and turn out a profit?
not enough clipping through things to be sunshnie
>claims to celebrate gaming
>no mario reference despite aping galaxy
Hypocrite much?
They peaked early with the Ape Escape level. It's all downhill from there.
>ninteniggers who know only nintendo games: this looks a lot like nintendo
Honestly 62% is pretty bad given that a "meh" can be considered fresh. RT binary scoring just fucking sucks
You will get your woke movies and you will be happy tendie
Idort here, I don't actually hate most of what Sony has put out in the last decade, just the scarcity of it. I replayed God of War III recently and Dad of War is definitely better. TLOU2 really might be the only moviegame that sucks, and that's just because of how bad the story is. Gameplay is top-notch and if I hadn't sold it to a friend I'd want to try that horde mode thing they added.
So true xister larry fink is the best come hop on concord
This looks like AI trying to extend a gif
Seek help, incel
>Pikmin(the numbers of bots necessary to do a task)
>Mario galaxy levels and enemies
>each stage is full of distractions and super condensed
>some different power ups that are decent(the shrink power up is cool, the monkey that copies the dk jungle climber mechanic is shit)
>physics to distract manchildren and children that like to see balls and and glass shatter
>infinite continues and instant respawns
>bots dancing, heart pupil(for some reason it has to be very gay), robot shaking his butt for astro to kick him, deku tree that sings, gacha for collectables...
Anyway, it's a game made to make the brain of retards happy and it's really good at what it does. Honestly kids should love it. It's not flawless, it's just something that never existed on Sony consoles and everyone is losing their shit because of it.
>erm, nintendo invented gathering characters to do a task mkay?
The truth is it's the only good exclusive the PS5 has ever seen. It's made me realize the death of exclusivity has actually been terrible for vidya.
With Pikmin? It's basically the idea yes. I don't remember anything like that. I can give less of a shit if they are using ideas from other games.
>Im having a blast
You said that about Concord too
People will remember astro more than other ps5 games that's for sure.
'what committee is there for a 30 people, no 60 people studio'

do you think it's Team Asobi pushing all this marketing right now? who the fuck do you think they made the game for, do you seriously think Sony had no reach on how the game was made?
>why did we leave our perfect home again?
>Many devs were sick of making the games.
Insomniac was tired of making Ratchet and Clank games back in the PS3 era and wanted to take a break since it's all they had been making since Spyro if I remember right.
>The sales in general weren't great.
Ratchet and Clank is a great example of this because as far as we know everything after A Crack in Time was struggling and even Rift Apart didn't sell great as shown by the leaked documents.
>The sales plateaued after the first game.
>Reboots failed.
Sly and Kao the Kangaroo for example.
>Trying to differentiate itself or do new things just pushed people away from it.
Jak and Daxter went straight down the toilet after TPL and never recovered, and even the fans who liked 2 and 3 threw their hands up with TLF.
>It was a Toys to Life game.
Disney Infinity, Lego Dimensions, and Skylanders.
>It was uninspired.
Super Lucky's Tale is a good example where Microsoft either funded it or published it on Xbox and gave it screen time but no one cared. Re:Core can also count too I guess.
>They tried to push too many mascot platformers out too quickly leading to a rejection of the genre for the most part.
This is primarily on Sony though. Nintendo never had issues because they paced themselves with their bigger Mario releases. It's only recently that Kirby had joined his sort of sphere and they're probably still going to stick to sidescrollers with an occasional 3D game.
This is unironically because the Brazilian knows what socialism does to a country.
Sao Paulo in the 60's was indistinguishable from a European city. Then socialism happened and the middle class which was mostly of high European admixture got decimated while the lower class which had high native admixture proliferated like rats.
Same could be said with Mexico City, which in architecture is called The City of Palaces, which was the European nobility capital of America until the early 20's when a socialist jew got in power, decimated the middle class and unironically tried to make Christianity illegal in the country.
And same could be said in Buenos Aires.

Third worlders defend white identity and culture because they know what retarded, burgeois trust fund kids who truly believe in socialism, do to a country.
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>AstroBot seethe thread #1241245151
not since Bloodborne I've seen /v/ this mad at a game being good
Thats how it is with indies lmao
and yet you seethe about totk and botw every single day
And I'm sure you have proof me seething about it, complete with IP and all
Pizza tower
Dead Space 2
That game with the unkillable skeleton boss
Ninja Gaiden also 2
Jackie Chan
you make a seethe thread everyday since 2017
And I'm sure you have proof of me making threads about it, IP and all
Don't need to eric
Concession accepted
I accept your trannycession
Concord lost. Funko bot lost. Snoy lost. Bloodborne is now on pc and also free
>Bloodborne is now on pc and also free
So is every Nintendo game
You lost consolecuck
Yes, Nintendo lost, all of their games are free on PC and run better
Retard. Earthbound is the most derivative jrpg in existence. Banjo kazooie was a blatant rip off of other mascot games. Psychonauts was pure corporate slop forced by Tim Schafer after he expended all his actually soulful ideas
>nonsensical buzzword
You lost kek
Imagine there's no consoles
It isn't hard to do
No one to seethe and shill for
And no exclusives too...
the vr game was natural soul and this is its sequel so its also natural soul
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>PS5 exclusive
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>Earthbound is genuine soul.
Maybe if you're taking HRT
Enjoying games in peace
You-huu uuu
what people call soul is generally the result of people who enjoy things doing more of what they enjoy so that others may enjoy as well.
the economic system, after many feedback loops over itself, degrades into a factory structure, in which money hungry ceo's who know nothing about joy pay for the best talent available to a specific task organized but yet more people who don't know what they are doing there other than earning their position by contacts or grinding the system.
This all conclude in a sad spectacle of possibly talented individuals doing small tasks in an office like manner which is then compiled into the games we see today. joyless products all done with meticulous market and target studies which ultimately fail to capture what made the games they tried to imitate enjoyable in the first place.
It only gets worse from here
go indie or bust. aaa is kill
why is /v/ acting like Nintendo has to have a monopoly on platformers? Astrobots isn't reinventing the wheel, but it sets out to achieve a competent platform game experience. Isn't that enough?
>It's bad because... it's good on purpose!!

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