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>no music
>just silence as you explore and try to figure out puzzles with the occasional ambient sound effect like a gust of wind or leaking drops of water hitting the ground
>the utter feeling of loneliness and isolation
this game came out in 1996 and the atmosphere is still unbelievable to this day
how did they do it?
For what they lacked in graphics and massive industry in the 90’s they had to make up for with sovl
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realistically, what could she do?
>Tomb raider 2
>there are maybe two tombs in the entire game
>hundreds of humans with guns around every corner
Why was TR2 so bad?
this is an OG lara thread, anon
take your nu-lara memes elsewhere
Wouldn't know. My parents actually loved me and got me an N64 instead back then!
but what if venom horse is actually female?
then she better grow some fat tits
Eidos wanted more shooty shooty because action games has always been anpopular trend. Also I’m pretty sure the devs didn’t want to keep making TR games. I could feel it in the level design for TR3 where they obviously hate the player.
>Also I’m pretty sure the devs didn’t want to keep making TR games.
That was obvious the more sequels the made. Edios wanted them to pump them out Ass Creed/Call of Duty fast. Lara was the original milked I.P.
i hope you enjoyed all 4 games
what could have been...
There absolutely was music
But similarly to Dark Souls it was only playing in key moments, and served either to inform you that there is danger nearby, or to signal that you've made progress.
Also, skidoo.
there was but it was only used when entering new areas IIRC, it was used pretty sparingly
>if my parents loved me they would have got me the one I didn’t want
Interesting take but ok
is that remaster any good? did they mess up the atmosphere?
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It's very good.
You might argue that some levels have different atmosphere now and don't feel EXACTLY as they did back in the day, but for me that's autism. The devs did a good job.
We'll never get that new patch, will we?
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are there any of the old Tomb Raider games that are good quality? I thought the level design and puzzle stuff was neat, but the controls in the early games were terrible. I have Tomb Raider 3 on steam and apparently I played it for 5 minutes total before I decided it's shit and uninstalled

those new ones seem to much like Uncharted though. I hate Uncharted, he's such a faggot
There was barely any music in the PC version. PS1 version had a lot more music cues, which it turns out were randomly placed by the developers without input from the composer and were sometimes out of place as a result. All of the later PC ports and fan engines add the PS1 music back into the PC port, and is a headache to deal with.
the controls in the early games are fine, it just takes time to understand how they work so you can get used to it
maybe try the legend/anniversary/underworld games?
the overall gameplay theme is similar to the early games with exploring ruins, ancient civilisations, etc. but the controls are extremely easy to pick up, although the gameplay isn't anywhere near as complex or satisfying
PS1 version is the best version, PC one is a hack job. The music placement is excellent and perfectly accentuates the areas they play in.
I agree that the music placement is excellent, and I was surprised to find out that there wasn't much rhyme or reason to it. It worked out as well as it could have. The sense of mystery and awe is unmatched even now.
You will learn to love the controls after a while. It's why the Tomb Raider fan base is still so obsessed with the classic series 20 years after it ended. Nothing else feels as comfy.
>magical lighting that adds to the sheer claustrophobia of going deeper and deeper underground
Saturn original wins, fuck the remasters
Try the remaster, it fixes the controls.
By arguably making them worse, because now you have modern 360 degrees controls on a grid level.
Sorry, I like to play games. Not slide shows.
They're extremely good controls that have endured the test of time. The character moves EXACTLY as you move it, every mistake is your own. Responsive, direct, no superfluous animations, or unpredictable behavior. Modern devs should go back to take notes.
>that time developers turned their protagonist into an actual goth slut
wow, so that actually happened
I didn't see it in 1996 and I refuse to acknowledge that that area is outside today.
It was because of hardware limitations back in the day. Wait till you see Greece levels.
I thought she was the hottest Lara, even though I never finished her game.
There is music sometimes
>best Lara design is in a franchise killer dead game
That sequel bait at the hurt my soul as a young lad because halfway through the game i knew the franchise was fucking done.
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We posting kino ITT?
Funny enough, you posted the one part that is objectively worse in the remake.
The t rex encounter going from an unscripted event to a Crash Bandicoot boss battle.
what went so wrong in your life that you became addicted to zoophilic porn
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>I thought she was the hottest Lara
i think everybody agrees with that statement
uh are you thinking of Anniversary?
hey buddy! did you record that? that's pretty funny, the video gamey-ness of it!
I'm a retard.
>tfw AoD Lara will never smear her dark lipstick all over your cock
Why even live?
Whomever came up with the idea to unlock the outfit selector AFTER you beat the games can go fuck himself.
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dumass xd
you see, it all started back in 2010 with a show about a bunch of colorful horses learning about friendship...
>AoD has you collecting money and trinkets to sell for cash
>there is only 1 (one) store in the entire game and you visit it only once at the beggining
>you continue collecting money and trinkers all the way to the end
AoD was a fucked game.
maybe she can!
It was supposed to be outside but at night, due to the progression of the Peru levels starting out in the day in the first level cutscene and it's night by the time you get to Lost Valley. Should have ideally just added stars. Both the Anniversary and Remaster devs got it wrong.
Yeah, there was so much content cut it's criminal. I am very salty about the finale boss fight, where Lara was supposed to be living through her greatest challenges, fighting the T-Rex in the Lost Valley, then Natla in Atlantis, than Willard in Antarctica and finally Set in Egypt.
The dev team had no time to finalize it, so they replaced it with a bland 3-stage boss fight.
>westcucks clap when they hear a game iwth no music

Why are they like this
Hey guys, our investors thought the tombs were too secluded and atmospheric, so we added a comic relief radio team to talk all over them, hope you don't mind.
Tbf, she tells them to stfu when they get too yappie.
Never was that big of an issue and two of them hypeing you up and telling you how much of a girlboss you were in bike stages was nice.
To be fair, TR Chronicles did it first. And it wasn't fun back then. Fuck TR Chronicles.
I just played that area and it felt like it was designed to show why Lara works alone in the first place. And then Crystal Dynamics made him a full-time sidekick like the retards they are, totally misinterpreting the character and everything else.
You think we'll get the TR 4-5 remasters at some point? Apparently, Embracer was really happy with how TR 1-3 remasters turned out.
That jailbait Lara booba sneak peak though.
Imagine the balls on devs.
And her levels were kinda noghtmare fuel.
I really hope so. With another even bigger and even more seething disclaimer in the beginning from crystaltards who couldn't stop it
And the joke is, few years prior, CD released Shadow of the Tomb Raider, that was million times more racist than TR 1-3 ever hoped to be.
>And her levels were kinda nightmare fuel
I remember this shit scaring the shit out of me
Now imagine that Lara remastered, I hope they remaster at least TR4 it's my favorite
Didn't play that shit, but I'll give it a kek
I always took those levels as an attempt at survival horror. There are even more fixed camera angles iirc. It could have worked, but by the time they made Chronicles the devs were burnt tf out so it wasn't that great.
I had never heard anybody talk about this and was fucking SHOCKED when I started playing TR2 this year. It is legit so bad it's insane. I beat TR1 in two weeks flat but TR2 has taken me several months because the game makes me miserable. Everything from the Opera House to my current level The Deck has been awful. I hate this fucking game so much. I will never understand how this ever received such high praise with such a massive stretch of terrible levels without any charm whatsoever. It makes me so sad, because TR1 was amazing. I just want to speed through the series so I can get to TR4 and AoD now. I am not having fun at the moment
Reminder that CD were "very upset" about the portrayal of the natives in TR3. For some reason.
Cue SotTR, where CD portrays them as a mix between a Tarkatan and a Tolkenian orc.
The thing about LAU games is that they're Hollywoodified out the ass but still somehow enjoyable lol. By all means I should hate everything about Legend, but I still enjoy it a lot. Objectively, though, nobody "got" Tomb Raider and Lara like the British did.
TR2 gets better you get to Tibet. And TR3 is an aquired taste. It has arguably the best and most challenging levels in the whole series, but you either get numb to ridiculously high dificulty after India, or ragequit after first level.
Those story and planning documents from Murti Schofield are something else... Such an engaging storyline and lore. Some ideas like Lara being a descendant of Nephilim are a bit iffy but for every bad idea there's 100 great ones. Schofield is such a perfect writer for Tomb Raider given his own life experiences with travel and his interests
TR3 is even worse.
Just wait till you start London levels :)
As for TR2, if only they toned human enemies with guns considerably and have you enemies be the environment like in tr1, it would have been a great game.
Tibet will become literally unplayable for you at one point with all the humans on screen. Don't bother saving the monks from goons, just let them go crazy on one another.
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I also rememeber when they dissed the perfecly normal sporty attire of Lara because it's not realistic and then they put nuLara in flipflops.
Unrealsitic body and climbing attire in the webm btw
Jonell's phone sex voice really sells it
That body isn't realistic, chud
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Bless this masterpiece
Do you use a controller or keyboard?
Controller with the analog stick
I also hate how in anniversary they pussied out and replaced pulsating walls of red flesh with halo 2 map pack metalic walls with pulsating runes.
Atlantians also looked like shit.
I wish I sould force them to say the truth to know what they actually mean when they say that shit.
Unrealistic body for a gymnast in pic related btw (Alison Carroll, official Lara model and professional gymnast)
You monster.
It was kind of a contextual thing. An action/panic theme playing when a group of enemies emerge to attack or a particularly nasty trap comes rolling, entering a new large space to navigate might play a more passive theme or the TR theme, and occasionally you'd get musical instruments used more like sounds as sort of a tension sting here and there. It was honestly very smart and sparse for the time instead of just filling these long levels with a single melodic theme playing the entire time.
>Alison Carroll
And then there was the main theme jingle that kept playing once you solved a puzzle or progressed through some hard section. Just to lift you up a bit.
That TR5 REALLY kept overusing.
You almost see her pussay.
that fucking thigh, she's jacked
Unrealistic! Sexualized! Objectified! Transphobic! Buzzword!
I know, it's amazing
So beyond more remasters because I guess the trilogy batch did well enough (hopefully), we know Embracer probably won't fund a new TR game and it's probably better that way with modern Crystal Dynamics.

If you got to helm a Tomb Raider reboot to wash that shit away, soft or hard, what would you do for a gameplay design? Hard mode: no going back to the grid and tank design.
tomb raider is legitimately awful and why it was a cameo in astro bot is beyond me
fuck boomers for tricking people into thinking the ps1/pc trilogy is worth playing today in the slightest
the remasters came out and absolutely exposed grifters for being unanimously rejected by the gaming populace
>DOGSHIT controls whether tank or modern, i dont give a shit how many hours you spent mastering them years ago, the game is clunky as fuck and tank controls should be relegated to survival horror, driving games, etc, not fucking platformers
>disjointed as fuck western slime everywhere
only things i will give the original trilogy credit for are the atmosphere described in the OP and lara as a character (she's still cool and leagues above the new version)
would rather play the ps2 trilogy than this trite
i could help with it...
There is a new Tomb Raider in development and we've known about it for 3 years now, lil nigga. It will be using Unreal Engine 5 and they've been dripfeeding/testing the Lara design to us through various promo artworks over the last few years. The idea is that it will "unify" the Core Design, LAU, and nu-Lara games into one single timeline.
Embracer seems happy whoring out the IP to anyone wiling to pay for it.
Tomb Raider the cooking book.
Tomb Raider the tabletop game.
Tomb Raider the Anime.

Dead irrelevant IP
I mean, we got nothing about actual development and it feels a lot like just production concepts they've been trying to fish with and then retract and proclaim "HAHA OH YEAH THAT'S JUST A DESIGN IDEA, NOT THE FINAL ONE" when people get upset. And with Embracer shitting the bed and cancelling so many projects just to make ends meet, I can't foresee another AAA Tomb Raider getting greenlit in the near future without the series being sold.
tldr filtered
New TR game is coming by the way. And it seems it's the game nobody wants.
As for what I would do - more focus on platforming and puzzle solving. Add in some immersive sim elements and open-ended levels - not necessarily open world. I always evisioned new TR games as "Deus Ex 1 but with Sands of Time platforming and a bit of Metroidvania".
As for the tone - I would tell the writers and artists to read the Top Cow comics and stick to them.
Sounds like a you problem.
Evious that you have no good games?
>why it was a cameo in astro bot is beyond me
Zoomies will literally never get just how big Lara was.
She was the face of gaming and you had to be there.
as soon as i started reading your post i said to myself "i bet the first thing he's going to complain about is the controls" and lo and behold as sure as the sun rises, you did just that
spend a little more time with it until it "clicks", anon, and thank me later
They will try everyting except making what people want.
It's a testament to how horribly Crystal Dynamics has handled the IP that Lara is now unknown by most of Gen Z and Gen Alpha
I'd like a bigger focus on puzzles and platforming instead of action
>disjointed as fuck western slime everywhere
Seriously, what did he mean by this, bros?
And make a Lara that looks and feels like Lara, 12/10 hot as she was, no scanface, no realism, and with og origin.
>The idea is that it will "unify" the Core Design, LAU, and nu-Lara games into one single timeline.
And it won't work, because all those timelines are contrary to one another.
And as such, Core/LAU fans are pissed that unified Lara looks too much like the nuLara and nuLara fans dislike the unified Lara for exact opposite reason.
You won't make people happy with this aproach.
Their fault for forcing their shitty OC under Lara Croft name/IP.
>nuLara fans
The story will of course be a trainwreck but if they make it play like a proper Tomb Raider game, give Lara some attitude and confidence back, and get rid of Camilla Luddington then I am open to it honestly
>And it won't work, because all those timelines are contrary to one another.
The funny thing is Shadow ATTEMPTED to try to do this, the ending originally featured setting up the first game's plot by referencing forwards. Then the devs cowered back and went "oh uuh, shit, we shipped the wrong ending" and then patched it shortly thereafter to remove all those references, probably because initial reception made them realize the plan was stillborn. Hell, peel things back and you can probably say the first game of the reboot was meant to be a reinterpretation and expansion on the whole "Lara crashed in the mountains and got an adrenaline junkie high off of the experience". Then Rise retreaded it super hard and Shadow just kinda went its own direction, but I digress.

You can tell CD REALLY wanted to try to link things to the originals but someone up high cut that short, including declaring that Lara's dual pistols were no longer her signature weapon, but the fucking bow and arrow because Hunger Games.
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I turn off music in every game cause its too repetitive and your inputs cant change it like gameplay does so, bloop.
For me it's TR1 (Shelley sounds so happy to be here) TR4-5, TR2-3 and finally LAU that I barely remember.
And Luddington and her whiny voice can fuck right off.
Angelina Jolie did a really great job looking back on it
>I am open to it honestly
Then you are a retard
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Images tht mix Lara and NuLara as if one wasn't and impostor always make me want to vomit
I hate that the most I bother to remember the reboot shit for is how over the top edgy gore they got in killing Lara. Like, to downright fetishistic levels of imagine some animator or programmer getting really carried away with a murderboner.

Level by level impressions with some lore
Since the fist game it was clear that the two character were antithetic and could never be one.
Same way jimmy olsen could never pass as young batman
Yeah, it was "we have maturity at home"
This series has been shit for a longer period of time than it was good. Nu Lara is a more iconic design than real Lara now.
Eh, Lara had some creative deaths even in the Core triogy. It's the LAU that got very tame.
And even then the deaths in nuLara trilogy got boring after a while, because it's the same 3 animations over and over again.
Kek comedy gold
hey buddy! i recognise you! you always post this pic in tomb raider threads
how are you??
I imagine Lara would be really terrible in bed.
No it isn't. I don't even remember a single enemy with a gun in it, and they're very sparse.
The controls are what make the gameplay fun
Learning to control Lara is part of the fun.
Post pictures of Lara in bed.
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TR2 is the best classic Tomb Raider, the way it feels like you're in a race with the mafia makes it feel like an action movie (in a good way)
I played a tomb raider game for the first time with the remaster of tomb raider 1 and I had no problem learning the controls (original control scheme) and completing the game.

Why are zoomers so shit at games bros?
maybe he couldn't stop fapping

Is this an official render or fan made?
fan made by a guy called litoperezito
I always found it funny, that the Italian mod was so fixated on some random Tibetian artefact.
But then I read somwhere, that originally they were supposed to Indiana Jones-style Nazis that were swapped for Italian mobsters at the last minute and suddenly the plot made more sense.

Great shtuff cheers
TR2 was a better game than TR1. The only real problem was that the sunken ship levels dragged on a bit too long.
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hey, i know that artist
I can only fap to 90's cgi lara.
really? THIS gets you going?
They are great and you can switch back between new and old graphics while playing by pressing start
Anon, I was fapping to that in the 90's and i'm not going to change now.
>modern graphics still don't look as good as the renders from the 90's
pretty respectable actually, lol
but renders these days have come a looong way, just saying...
Only revisionist retards believe 2 is bad let alone worse than 1. Kidd, all of you.
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personally, i like angel of darkness lara the most! yeah yeah i know, typical
AoD character models had a nice animated look to them without appearing "cartoony" like the remasters of 1-3 do. AoD Lara still looks good to this day as seen in Rise and Shadow where you can select her as a costume. I would like for TR to move forward with an art style similar to AoD, honestly. It was just a few of the NPC characters like the Parisians who looked a bit janky and low fidelity
Tomb Raider Anniversary gives me random sudden bouts of motion sickness. Any ideas what I might be able to do about it? I'm really enjoying the game.
Disable motion blur.
Thanks, I had to google it and found that it's part of a "Full Screen Effects" checkbox so I never noticed.
Also, that one option both makes the game look like shit and tanks the fps. People see "epic graphics option" and of course they enable it.
It's been that way since launch.
/vros, lets talk less about the official TR games, and talk more about the UNofficial TR games made by fans (with TR editor).
Whats the best TR editor fanmade games in your opinions?
I love aod Lara she is literally perfect and so hot
Anyone want to talk about classic Lara or AOD Lara

OG lara would bully your penis as she pleased. Nu lara whimpers to not be bullied while crying in a corner.
anons can't seem to be able to get enough of her

lol, this
If you can't get accustomed to tr1 controls you might genuinely have a learning disability. It works on a simple grid system and the controls are extremely precise and satisfying. I played it for the first time this year and only needed like 15 minutes to understand
There was that one mod that tells the story of how Lara survived the ending of TR4. I remember it being pretty creative, but I'm blanking on the name now.
It had music, it was just very ambient.
If it hasn't been done yet someone should remake AoD in the TR editor.
I have nostalgia for the demo of TR1 as it was one of the early demos I had for my PSX. Never bothered with the full game though.
I can't can you please add me on discord
the myth of el-hawa? that's the story created by the AOD writer and voice actress for lara
unless you mean the level mod for TR4? i think that one's called tomb raider afterlife?
>Nu Lara
That shit isn't even a recognizable character lmao
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I'm fine, friend
Design >>>> polygon count
Same way tyris flar looks hotter than modern female characters.
Sex appeal trascends pixels
>tomb raider afterlife
I think that's the one, yeah. I liked it.
i hate this pic
nta, I think the worst thing about anniversary is that the platforming is filled with ledges, the only difficulty is getting some jumps right (which is ironic since the controls are 'easier')

also there are people still making custom levels for it
Controller is so much comfier for me, I use dpad for platforming sections and analog stick when I'm just running around
It can adjust length and girth at will.
It is the ultimate challenge
Lara lips quiver with excitement
>ambient sound effect like a gust of wind or leaking drops of water hitting the ground
none of those sounds are in the first tomb raider
I think Judith's voice is the most fitting to the OG character
They fucked this in the remaster with le realistic lighting. The statues don't stand out nearly as much as they should.
Eidos Montreal were mostly responsible for SotTR. CD had their hands full with Avengers at the time.
The most beatiful of all three is the first one. Change my mind.
It's the more quintessential TR.
The perfect proportion of exploration, platforming, combat etc etc you should have in a TR game.
Also it has the most interesting story, locations and villain.
An it really defines in few words how Lara should be portrayed.
her Lara renders are pretty good
I get what they were going for but personally I would've liked more constant music, nothing melodic though, something similar to this

I think the rare music that played only at certain points in the game was more effective than consistent ambience throughout. Walking around as usual and then this starts playing is like an intermediate reminder of the sheer scale of what you're getting up to... Usually you're too absorbed in the routine/challenge to appreciate it but the music makes you stop and look around
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Post your best finds from
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20 years later and AoD still oozes style, how the hell did they do it
>lara is challenged by a new horse
>heh i'm sure to win as my speed is superior
>suddenly tentacles
>they hold her belly to belly with the ayy horse
>she is fucked silly while in bondage
Peter Connelly's music played by London Symphony Orchestra, Murti Schofield's writing, bunch of artists from the film industry, just some good people involved in general. The funny thing is that the production values honestly aren't really that impressive for the time. Things like facial animations lag behind contemporaries like Silent Hill 3.

And it just boggles my mind how such stupid decisions, like intentionally slowing down the running animation speed to artifically inflate game runtime, were made for a game with such care put into its art direction and aesthetics etc. It makes me so sad how messy its development was but glad there are people like you and I who appreciate the game still. It's still my fav TR honestly, warts and all
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When is a sequel coming out? After all, Underworld was the last tomb raider game that was made.
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Fan letters after TR2 release, kinda wholesome. Almost all of them asking for a 3rd game.

Also, I keked with the horny comments
>if you have Nude Raider please send it to me because she is "Hot"
>Her boobs should shake when she runs! (one of his suggestions for TR3)

I'm still mad they didn't make a Tomb Raider movie starring Kelly Brook and Directed by Paul Verhoeven circa 2002!!!FACT!!!
Post more Tomb Raider Underworld
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i become incredibly sad when i look back and remember how the tomb raider franchise has turned out
Love that lara art anon
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Although these days it would be more accurate to call her Fridge Raider!!!FACT!!!
Hey, I've seen you on /tv/ kek
didn't know you lurked here as well
It's good but it's abandoned just like basically one other similar remaster, you'll never get 4+5. Just pirate it.
Also it obviously can't play all the existing mods, so you still need the old version.
You want to talk about her more?
>It's still my fav TR honestly, warts and all
>Hey, I've seen you on /tv/ kek
>didn't know you lurked here as well

Mostly /tv/ but here as well as /a/ occasionally.


I'm not saying that I still wouldn't blast my load into Kelly with the force of one hundred trillion stars going supernova simultaneously.

It's just that I've learned that you need to make sure they wash themselves before eating them out otherwise they smell like a concentration camp in July inside a limburger factory next to a sewage treatment plant!!!FACT!!!
Honestly, replaying the Sands trilogy really made me appreciate Tomb Raider's tank controls. So many times I would try to perform one action, only for the Prince to perform an entirely different action because everything in the game is so context sensitive, leading to a death or a wasted sand tank. Tank controls may be clunky, but at least Laura always consistently performs the actions you intend for her.
At the risk of sounding like a cunt, learning to move in Tomb Raider is like a much easier version of learning an instrument. Very simple rules and as long as you follow them, you can bend scenarios in very precise and unique ways. It's almost totally skill based. The grid system of level design also really helps this. IMO controlling Lara in the classic games feels much more satisfying than in any of the later games or even platformers from other series.
God tier platformers. TR 1-3 are so satisfying to control and play, finding secrets actually feels fun. Saint Francis folly = GOAT.
Best track on TR2
This pic is awesome
the PC version is bugged and doesn't play the music
OP is a retard and didn't install any patches
I always used tank controls on keyboard. And never had any problem doing that.
How are they with a controller?
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I don't understand the differences between these, it doesn't explain them in the page. What should I download?https://www.tombraiderchronicles.com/tr2/fixes.html
>travels to south east asian
>encounters ooga booga speaking niggers
Keeek. These games were so campy I love it, look at this shit
Played 1 and 2 remasters with modern controls and they play amazing. Never understand why retards kept saying that you can't patch in modern controls without mantaining the difficulty. The games are still hard as shit and they control a million times better.
idk just get tr2main
Fine when using the D-Pad but floaty as fuck on an analog stick. TR platforming requires precise button presses and analog is not that.
I downloaded Heretic 2 yesterday and its doesn't play the cd music.
There's probably a fix for it
Have you played them after or before the patches?
Not only did you not beat the game, you didn't even play the same game.
bros I'll be honest
I'm playing 4 currently and I went "wow this game looks good" multiple times
why are games so shit now
Have you been to Cairo yet?
Thanks. I imagined somehting like that
I use d pad for tank controls, not just on Tomb Raider but also for survival horror games and pretty much any game that uses tank controls. Sometimes for Tomb Raider I need to switch to d pad for a second for super precise movements but otherwise analog is completely fine for tank controls.
4 is one of my favorites, instead of a globe trotting adventure they went all-in on Egypt and had so many cool locations and setpieces surrounding it
>the jeep
>the train
>that one palace where you can suddenly walk on water
>nightmare Cairo with the bike
Such a great game
Madman! MADMAN!!!
yeah just finished that area but i had to use a guide....
You wouldn’t?
yeah it's really fun, the only thing I don't like is how some areas are connected and when I'm stuck I have no way of knowing if I'm missing something at the current area or if I missed something like an hour ago in the previous area so I wasted a lot of time and ended up checking a guide
also the fucking trapdoor, how the fuck I was supposed to know that I can just open them
imagine the smell
I like that the entire structure of Egyptian missions is TR1 Greece on a macro level. In Greece with every level you were going back in time, starting in an a medieval Greek Orthodox folly, then decending to a Roman-era Colisseum, then Classical Greek palace to finally end in pre-Greek location (AKA Atlantis). In TR4 it's the same concept but backwards. You start in Old Kingdom Egypt, then go through High Kingdom, Greek era Egypt, medieval times with Crusades and finally modern Egypt in Cairo.
can you deform the aspect ratio all the way to 21:9? i enjoy when my games look truly stretched and destroyed.
>Hard mode: no going back to the grid and tank design.

I'd just make it like Sands of Time, but without the time-reversal gimmick, and without the shitty combat arenas.
Why do you think there aren't indie games derivative of classic TR? Maybe people gravitate more towards the level editor than doing their own thing?
Classic TR was something everyone played but few completed thanks to its difficulty. On the Playstation, you could only save your game when you found one of the save crystals, which were few in number and were also limited-use, making the games even harder. The frustration could be intense. The games always sold because of the marketing and the prevailing belief that TR was something cultural you had to participate in, but I suspect that true and faithful Tomb Raider fans were in the minority. There probably isn't much nostalgia for TR out there in the wider world.
Makes sense. The PC ports weren't popular? You can save anywhere in those
Back then most people didn't buy and set up a controller for their PC gaming, and would have played TR on the keyboard, which is very far from ideal. But I believe the PC ports sold pretty well, going by what I read in the magazines of the time.
From what I've been able to tell over the years, back in the day the PS1 version was more popular in America while the PC version was more popular in Europe
t. Spain, grew up with the first 5 games on my dad's PC
classic lara, you zoophilic redditor
>Nulara necklace
One fucking job
>and would have played TR on the keyboard, which is very far from ideal
Huh? The keyboard was perfect for TR games. And yeah, Tomb Raider was very popular on PCs if only because of intuitive controls and being able to run on a complete potato.
>while the PC version was more popular in Europe
Probably because back in the 90's and 2000's consoles weren't very popular in Europe. Especially Eastern Europe.
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Will she ever be dethroned from her #1 vidya girl position?
>The keyboard was perfect for TR games.

Come on, that's just not true. I've played both ways and they're obviously made for a controller. TR1 is manageable on the keyboard, but then you get to TR2 where you're expected to fight mobs of gunmen while running and flipping around. It's atrocious on the keyboard.
You can just say you're bad at the game, fren
>It's atrocious on the keyboard.
Agree to disagree. I never had any issues on a keyboard, to the point I couldn't got used to Xbox controller when playing a remaster.
The graphics were considered cutting-edge in 1996. Nobody ever said, "wow this game's good but it sure is lacking in the graphics department".
>if you don't choose to eat your soup with a fork, you're just bad at eating soup
Nigger you have issues walking and jumping backwards with a keyboard, you're not eating soup with a fork
>noooo you need two faggot sidekicks bantering in your ear every five minutes
You can map the keys to what you find most comfortable. But I also prefer controller it's just more intuitive
I didn't mind them in Legend, and I'm the first one to turn off the dialogue if I find it cringey. I haven't played Underworld though so idk if they get worse there
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What's the best Lara insult?
The earpiece buddies in Legend didn't annoy me either. I think the problem with them is that their dialogue is totally banal, irrelevant, and ignorable. You could take it all out of the game and nothing of importance would would be lost. It would probably be an improvement.

And then you think, "Hey, they could have used the money they spent on those voice actors to improve the content of the actual game."
those guys are the least of the ps2 games' problems
I want lara to spit in my mouth while jerking me off
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I heard underworld is closer to og games in terms of isolation
I want to spit on Lara's cunt while fucking her
I want to isolate my willy in those bums, if you know where I'm getting at
This was a game people bought 2000 dollar computers for
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People have been criticized the number of hitscan human enemies and relative lack of tombs since TR2 was released. Understandable criticisms but I love 2 because the levels are substantially more complex than 1. It feels like they really tried to go bigger and better with the sequel even if the atmosphere isn't as good. But a level like Opera House is supposed to be a sort of modern dungeon-like complex, a grimy and abandoned structure with lots of danger and traps. And I think Barkhang Monastery and Temple of Xian are some of the best in the series.

Some people complained about the number of animals you shoot in TR1. The devs expressed surprise because they thought that was a "nicer" way of doing enemies than killing humans like in many other games.
Ps1 version has more input lag which makes the bad controls even worse
>TR remastered doesn't have the reflections on the rolling spike wheels in 2
wtf why. I'm enjoyed it though even if it's too damn dark in some areas (mostly 3)
Skill issue, and false.
if you're playing it on PC, you can use the dynamic Eye Adaptation of Reshade to make it slightly increase the brightness in darker areas

This preset already does that, you can turn off the other stuff and leave only the eye adaptation
thanks anon
The dos version has the least amount of input lag. And no, it's not a "skill issue", it's a measurable hard fact. That's like saying the temperature being different in a different location is a skill issue.
a 3d Zelda with TR style dungeons would be pretty cool
Man, even the outfits that don't show as much skin are still tasty somehow.
Not if I can help it.
Just a little heads up for my physical niggas: they've pushed back the release date of the Tomb Raider Remastered Collection to 18 October. It kinda sucks and I really hope they won't postpone it again.
>Venom horse
Venom ditched Eddie for a fucking horse?
absolutely would cuddle on the couch with
It makes sense though
>the mastabas
jesus what a shitty level
completely ruins the pacing too, imagine going from pyramids with strong enemies to cramped copy-paste tunnels with dogs. why is this even in the game?
Is Chronicles any good?
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swedes are subhumans,news at 11
their jet planes were cool though
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Saturn game is the best version of TR1
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silky smooth 15fps
this. TR AoD has not only the best ingame model and pretty cool gameplay ideas, it also got breast bounce
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low poly games look worse at 60fps. Because of the large triangles they would "feel" crystaline. Everything would feel rocksolid. Even skin.

The low framerate makes everything feel soft.
and you havent played classic or modern either you baiting bot

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