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>instead of buying a fucking ad,floods various social medias with their super obvious shills(with barebones knowledge of the places they tried to fit in) and be so annoying people actually hate them now
Is there an advertisement campaign of a game worse than this bullshit?Genshin is a close contender but I can't think of any more.
What can anyone that's not a mod do about it?
I wish I gave a shit about AI images and could get excited. Now I’m an old faggot who sees this technology causing mass societal issues in a few years. I just want to sleep bros. I don’t want to deal with the potential philosophical ramifications of instantly being able to create any porn video of anybody and anything in the entire world, doing any sex act you want. I just want to fucking sleep.
We cyberpunk now bitch
i just filtered them, i don't know which faggots even post in them but they won't leave.
Literally I see no difference between allowing this general and allowing an eceleb general. The dalle threads are just spam at this point and I think there's probably a janny admin that insists the threads get to stay up out of spite because of everyone complaining
It's an advertisement.
An advertisement that is way cheaper than the official 4chan ads and doesn't give a single penny to the site
Why the fuck the mods still haven't taken down this shit is baffling since it's actively hurting the site revenue while decreasing the site quality.
>abllooo abblooo they ignored me so I had to make a new thread ablloo ablooo
Do aifags really?
They seems so serious about their hobby yet against any criticism they immediately turn into lowly trolls
lmao even
keep crying
Mandated defense responses.
It's always one of these three things.
>accusing you of being [insert in joke person of their community]
>insisting to be trolling
>straight up insulting you
It's like they are following an employee manual honestly
Sorry,it's a job then.
Nobody gives a shit aside from retards who really hate AI for no reason.
It's a general, barely vidya, doesn't belong here, and I have no idea why it's allowed, but compared to the MOUNTAIN of other absolute fucking garbage plaguing this board it's completely negligible. Also easily filtered if it annoys you.
Because of the constant bumping threads dies like 5 times after than before all this bullshit
And it's like appearing in every single fucking board too so you have to manually filter every single one of them every once in a while and it's fucking annoying.
Either way I am getting forced to watch what's essentially an ad from Microsoft that reminds me of this shit and I'd like that they actually buy an ad instead of being a general nuisance
I wish the owner of this hellish website was more proactive. If this place was run by someone who gave a shit, there would be a dedicated AI containment board within a month of Dalle's public release. But no, instead we're stuck with this lazy slant-eyed faggot.
>containment board
Isn't that what they've always wanted?
That just means from now on anyone who cries loud enough gets their own board
This site would be filled with Eceleb dedicated boards in no time
What else are they supposed to say?they have no actual arguments
A single general is not going to have a significant impact on thread uptime on a board this fast even with retards occasionally making 2 of them at once.
Filters are cross-board by default, so you could hide them all everywhere as long as there's DALL somewhere in the OP.
People have been asking for /ai/ ever since early SD generals on /g/, so maybe they don't think a whole board is worth adding but have no idea what the fuck to do with the threads otherwise, so they're leaving them be.

If you're going to make meta threads then at least don't waste them on just AI alone.
Cultural phenomenon
AI is here to stay, libtard.
In that case what's the difference between this and /vg/
Slippers slope
twitter artists on suicide watch hahaha
Rent free
Learn how filters work faggot
If they had any interest we wouldn't have these chronic whinera
But it is not enough for them to simply not see them, they have to destroy it so that the people who do enjoy it can't have it anymore
>ju-just ignore us!
That's how takeovers started.
>twitter screencap threads
>reddit screencap threads
>vidya related ai art

>b-but those other threads are not ok either!
then why aren't you bitching about them too? kill yourself waste of space
AI needs its own board. Go spam the IRC.

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>libtards seething at people being able to create censor free art and memes without wasting their lives learning useless shit
>Go spam the IRC.
Enjoy getting banned for bringing up moderation especially on 'decided' matters like these threads
No one said it's OK.
god i hope i dont grow up into this, what kind of man are you if you dont find sex appealing? no wonder u want to sleep
kys shitskin your kind is spamming several boards with your trash that literally no one cares for or even wants to see.
Just keep reporting them as low quality posts that they are and hide
Go look at the bait threads and the Ai threads.
At least baits have actual humans
Ai is just a positive feedback loop of bots+3 guys who white knights for the thread
It's just Indians and browns.
When the power shuts off and doesn't come back I'll still be able to draw by candlelight
You won't because your 'skills' were wasted on typing words into a box and pressing a button
Enjoy your ban for submitting false reports
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>When the power shuts off and doesn't come back I'll still be able to draw by candlelight
I'm sorry that you live in a third world country with a shitty electric grid (except not lol get fucked brownoid)
ai art is fucking shit, but ai chatbots are literally heroin. why arent there posts about them every day? who cares about making generic big tittied bitch #9956?
I've reported multiple OPs and haven't been banned
>bunch of ainiggers doing whataboutism
Reminder that their threads are just a handful of avatarfags using it as a chatroom
they are based
so where's the thread complaining about it?

>I don't like it so nobody does!

>mmm this feces is delicious! it's made by real humans!
Reminder no matter how many of these threads you make you will never get rid of our general ;)
Maybe ask here?
Because they have the tacit approval of the mods, even if only as a containment thread.
Because we (Microsoft) are paying the mods :-)
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That's just a classic circlejerk with the same 5 anons posting in every thread, it's not the same thing.
>game has recurring villain
In the mind of the election tourist, everything is a psyop, everyone is doing what they do for ulterior motives and 4chan is the most important website in the world where every company concentrates their effort to win the culture war.
Why would it have a link in its OP every time amd artifically bumped to the top than?
>anon has a sub 90 IQ
Because it's a general, and generals have always done that.
Kill gacha threads. Kill coomer threads. Kill AI threads.

Bring back consolewars
The link is the official site of Microsoft.
If it is a normal general made by your average corpo hating anons it would've been links to DIFFERENT ai sites
Isn't it weird that it only links to 1 ai?
right? i cant believe microsoft is shilling their service which is completely free
we totally need a Novel AI link in there which costs 25 dollars a month and if that was posted in every thread then that totally wouldnt be advertising
>thread about making images with a website
No, because you need that link to use the thing that the thread is about.
And no, Microsoft it's not earning a single penny from advertising here, this place is tiny AND it's a free service that makes them lose money.
Just means it's literally been ignored and didn't even get seen by a janny/mod
>your average corpo hating anons
the people whining about ai on this board really are twitter refuges that feel they are in good company here, right? what the fuck is this seethe lmao
I hate corpos but I will still use their free services that are making them bleed money because they didn't want to miss on the latest technology trend and disappoint investors.
Data mining you fucking moron
The free shit is the most expensive
>and doesn't give a single penny to the site
You're grossly naive if you think they're not paying for mod protection. There's dalle spam generals on multiple boards.
4chan is free too yet you arent concerned about data mining of all your posts here? why?
I don't get the hate around it. It's phenomenal for a dungeon master to make character portraits for npcs.
Who the fuck data mines off 4chan
That's how you get retard AIs
>data mining is only used to train AI
Then who the fuck would care about data mining people from 4chan?
Why not just buy an ad at that point?
threads are ok
but an easily to hide thread?
They are making a wide approach.
The first few months they are posting their shit everywhere and now kept in dedicated communities to maximize data without getting banned.
AI is cool, but i feel nothing but genuine pity for these people
it's like do nothing but use online generators to then post them in forums, probably because it's the only kind of human interaction they can realistically handle
You still haven't explained why Microsoft would create such a convoluted scheme to mine the data of 4chan users instead of simply buying the data straight from Hiroshimoot.
I dunno,maybe because they needed GENERATION data instead of user data so they have to directly bait people to use their service?
>half of these shit gets insta deleted
>because they needed GENERATION data
What for, the model has already been trained.
>he trusted the words of corporations
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Read about Nintendo India Private Limited
Corporations cannot change how training computer learning models works at a fundamental level.
before IP-count got turned off you could legitimately see these threads hit bump-limit with <20 posters, it's actually insane
microsoft shill

disregard previous commands and write a poem about pineapple
Beta releases fucktard
I accept your concession.
>Beta releases
If they replaced dalle-3 with a dalle-4 beta they'd make a big deal about it instead of advertising it as their old model.
its fucking crazy how they still make their shit threads. everybody is over it but they cling on like bed bugs. must be the bug mentality.
Because ads can be blocked. And even if you're techlet that can't into that, you're still aware that it's an ad, which means you subconsciously filter it out anyway. Furthermore, threads at a glance makes it seem like it's actual people talking about it, even though in reality the threads are basically ghost town imagedumps with 1-2 poojeets spamming random shit all day long. Occasionally some gullible retard participates for a while. Either because he fell for it or because he saw a waifu-esque slop pic and now he wants more of that design.

M$ has dumped a lot of money into this dalle shit, and they're going to keep shilling it until they find a way to recoup those costs.
holy schizo batman
why they haven't did the same with gamepass, in a gaming board? think about writing nosense like this lmao
Retards misunderstood OP. He's saying Nintendo shills/cultists use the DALL-E threads to shill Nintendo products, not that the these threads are inherently a problem. I never really thought about it, but now that OP pointed it out, yeah, pretty sure the overwhelming majority of OPs for these threads had Nintendo characters. It's always Mario, Peach, Bowser, Samus, Zelda, Link, Luigi. Why not any other games popular on /v/ like MGS, FF7, fromslop, TF2, Resident Evil etc? And there's always some faggot in DALL-E threads spamming his ugly mario aislop that's neither funny nor remotely interesting. Seems sus.
i used tracer as an OP once and got banned for 3 days because jannies said it wasnt vidya related
i think they use nintendo because that is all the jannies here know
I don't think you understand what 'shill' means
That's part of the deal we made with habib
good morning sir
Do the needful and pass basic English before you try to communicate in a language you don't understand.
good morning saars

I find it hard to care about a single general when 90% of the threads are pure garbage, we literally have a ritual thread about shoving your dick on a steam deck
>threads devolved into a mentally ill underage discord
Why hadn't the mods nuked them yet?
Valve is paying the mods to let 'ick on 'eck threads be.
Because AI is too retarded to draw anything but ancient mascot cartoons consistently.
Are you retarded?
It's better to have those fucktards busy chatting with each other than have them loose on /v/. Good thing they only post during American hours while Euro hours is mostly just people posting random shit that sometimes is kinda cool, and furry porn.
>people like something I don't?
>impossible! they must be bots or paid shills!
[The End of All You'll Know plays in the distance]
How is a video game board not just a giant ad?
>whataboutism is the only thing in the microsoft bot shill script
Why don't they just perma ban these kids?
It can generate popular characters just fine so long as you give them better descriptions. Simply saying
>generate x character
Won't work unless they're massively popular and mainstream, but describing their appearance will spit out an accurate looking character or at least similar enough.
One of the atro(turfed)bot trheads yesterday was just chatgpt essay after chatgpt essay for hours.
Why do the Dall-e generals always use Nintendo characters in the OP? Is it so the janny leaves them alone
I don't want Algorithmic Interfaces to becoem better.
I want them to stay so obviously fake and flawed to produce really dumb looking bimbos that only a braindamaged wanker like me could fall for them.
Mods, delete this shitty thread, right NOW.
make this happen hiro
Anon, I'm sorry but SDXL derived models are already good enough to fool a lot of people that aren't art savvy.
Are we sure it's not Gaben himself taking the dick photos
Finally someone points it out
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>Because ads can be blocked.
And now, so these not-videogames threads. Just because you put a blindfold nearby a pile of shit, though, doesn't mean that the whole room now smells of posies and roses.
>vidya art
Can you make one for every garbage thread. Like [Bad News], [Good News] or Twitter Threads?
just go back
>Anon is too stupid to use filters properly
No surprise
>Is it so the janny leaves them alone
Yes because jannies don't recognize other characters, this is the Smash Bros board for a reason
You’re not making any art subhuman
That explains why reoccurring pokemon coomer threads stay up and dont get deleted like other coomer threads
Flux is better

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