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>game has surprise NTR
Why do /v/fags fucking love NTR? Go get a fucking wife and see how it feels.
if you're boy hakuno with archer it isn't
Yes it is he's literally fucking Rin, the girl you just saved
Alright, can someone please explain to me what the deal with Archer/Shiro is? Some people say he's really powerful, other people say he's supposed to be an archer but picked swords so he does sword rain instead of basic vidya arrow rain, other people say the dude with the teleporting spear makes him look like a bitch. I don't want to read a VN, seacats going full retard ruined VNs for me. Someone please just explain what the fuck this guy's deal is and why some people say he's super powerful but others say he's pathetic.
Rin and Archer were meant to be together. I'm the one horning in on their relationship. I'm lucky Rin lets me be her cuck.

Read the VN.
It's not NTR, he's literally Shirou
>Read the VN
If the story is so shit that not even the fans want to elaborate on it then I'm doubling down on it not being worth reading. If someone asked questions about Malazan or Shadow Slave or Magician I'd jump on the chance to talk about a story that I like. Just explain the dichotomy man.
Archer is the "secret" future version of the original Fate MC (Shirou Emiya), he's essentially the "Shadow" to Shirou's "Sonic".
He has the power of copying any sword he sees, supposedly the copies are weaker but he can create an infinite number of them so he uses these swords as "arrows" making him hit stronger than he has any right to and he's supposed to be just as durable as a regular human but he has avalon inside him which makes him basically immortal. So basically just plot armor to make the MC look cool.
It's shit, they are probably going to cope saying that I shouldn't have "spoiled" to you that Archer and Shirou are the same person.
>inb4 t-they aren't the same, Archer is from an alternate timeline where Shirou becomes jaded and edgy
kys fatefag
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play fate/samurai remnant instead, you get to fuck Saber who has a penis.
I don't understand the screencap, what is the procedure supposed to be?
I've been seeing a lot of people defend Extra and CCC lately, what's going on?
Fate is only popular because all the "historical figures" are hot as fuck and "contracts" or "transferring mana" is an euphemism for having sex. These VNs are basically a newgrounds flash "dating sim" sex game disguising itself as a battle royale rip off with historical figures instead of highschool teens.
>shriou + rin
nigga what? Do you even know fate?
Because they are coom addicts and hardcore pornography is literally cuck conditioning.
>battle royale
bro the battle royale part is barely there. The protagonist immediately allies with the only other real contestant and then they just fight villains together.
>my old self from a different time line travels to the past
>rapes my own girlfriend while my present self just stays there watching
suddenly this is ok according to /v/.
That's what I said though, it's basically just a dating simwith different routes for different waifus. Everything else is superfluous
>rin is clearly consenting
More like
>be me
>be dead
>be summoned by a younger version of my wife
>she wants to have sex
>have sex with her underage teen cunny and take her virginity
>remember I was mad because a heroic spirit took her v-card when I was alive
>mfw it was me all along
Life is good.
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They're extremely autistic about swords, so autistic that their metaphysical "origin" and magical "element" both became "sword." This allowed them to develop the special magic "Unlimited Blade Works," which lets them analyze and magically reproduce pretty much any sword or other armament they see, including the weapons of other Servants known as Noble Phantasms. They can recreate weapons to the extent of inheriting their "experience" and "instinct," making them very skilled fighters.
So despite being an "Archer," he's really more of a swordsman in most cases. He DOES have a bow and it's actually one of his most dangerous options, because he can do shit like turn a magical sword into an arrow that homes in on you from a mile away and explodes with enough force to level a building, but he doesn't use it much because that wouldn't make for very interesting fights.
The author, Nasu, consistently downplays how strong his abilities are but he's definitely a top-tier Servant who even in the original VN kills the most bullshit enemy Servant six times (he had twelve revives), demonstrates a technique that can beat the most skilled swordsman Saber in a straight duel, and hard-counters the most big dick Servant with the "real" sword rain by doing it better.
He still loses to Lancer (Cu Chulain) though, it's a bad matchup, Lancer can dodge projectiles forever and in melee combat Gae Bolg is a spammable one-hit-kill Luck check against his Rank E Luck.
Wait, is this real? Archer fucks Rin in Extra?
just say you're a cuck and move on, stop deflecting.
How am I a cuck for explaining the straightforward plot of Fate? Shirou is a faggot and every other fate product mogs SN. Joan the arc taking dragon cock or the gacha protag fucking everything under the sun is more interesting than shirou being a retarded fuckwad.
nasu retconned sex for mana transfering anyway so this is non canon.
>you see your honor my wife was unfaithful
>she had sex with me, her husband
you ok anon?
4chan's userbase at large has a huge self-esteem/male self-image problem so NTR is a kryptonite and is easy to just throw out there to shitpost by either other, more bitter men, or some other group that has reason to make a group of vitriolic nerds feel inadequate/question their worth as a man.
If the story's so shit why are you interested in it?
Nah, Having sex with a future version of you is still cheating. Though it's probably more your future selves fault. Sure in the future you'll go back in time and cuck your past self but you the present you hasn't done that yet. So it's just dick move.
that's not Rin though
none of these secondaries and tertiaries played the game
Current day Shirou isn't even in a relationship with rin yet though how is it "cucking" when you have sex with a woman who is single?
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There are three female Servants in F/SN and one of them is pretty much completely covered at all times
There are a handful of sex scenes across the entire story which goes for more than 40 hours
Nobody is playing this with their dick in their hand

>the battle royale part is barely there
Huh? It's the entire conceit of the game, you're gonna be spending way more time having how the Holy Grail War works explained to you than seeing any romance
>The protagonist immediately allies with the only other real contestant and then they just fight villains together.
That is how literally every battle royale story plays out
So this is the EXTRA/CCC universe? What are these NTRtarda even whining about then?
i get the impression that anons here are really arrogant.
it's not an euphemism
It's still an asshole move considering the present Shirou will eventually start a relationship with Rin. From the perspective of the future Shirou that would be something that's already happened.
this is cuck mentality, stop spreading your bullshit. faggot.
Am I especially interested in it? I just wanted to understand the concept behind a character who is frequently posted here. I could only reasonably assume it's shit if the fans didn't want to genuinely elaborate on it prior to
Thanks for the detailed response anon.
You are retarded. You can't be cucked by someone you're not dating.
But if the person knows that at some point you'll start dating as 100% certainty. It's definitely NTR.
It's not a surprise, you knew what you were getting into the moment you chose archer
Yeah I was thinking the same thing about Astro Bot.
Except that person is you. You're retarded you're basically saying "if you have sex with your wife/gf you're a cuck".
The real cuck is Shinji, imagine raping a girl for years and she gets more soaked thinking about Chadrou existing than your ass, fucking suicide inducing.
It's absolutely shit but maybe take into account that you're extremely late to the party and not everybody is going to be eager to hop on the opportunity to summarize a wikia article for you.
But it's the future version of you. If it's the past version than it's fine because the present you can't complain without being hypocrite. But it's not hypocritical if it's something you do in the future. Meaning you haven't done it now.
you're a retarded virgin anon
>But it's the future version of you
keyword is you
Fair enough. I like talking about the stories I like and I had assumed others felt similarly but you're not wrong.
>if you have sex with your wife tomorrow (future version of you) you're a cuck
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Isn't archer shirou? At least it's not fucking sakura.
EMIYA is Shirou after he sold his soul to Alaya for power and became his ideal Superhero, but then realized that his afterlife would be spent exciting threats to humanity ad nauseum without any choice in the matter and without potential for end.
Shirou's magecraft, Blade Works, is all built around his internal Reality Marble called Unlimited Blade Works.
Basically, Shirou grew up with Avalon, a sword's scabbard, stored inside him by Kiritsugu in the hope that it might save his life one day. As a result, Shirou's inner world has a certain proclivity toward swords.
Whenever Shirou sees a sword, everything about that sword is transcribed in his memory: its design, materials, its history, and how it was used. This data is turned into a knockoff stored in Shirou's Reality Marble immediately and infinitely. Shirou's mind is described as. Steel manufacturing plant.
He can, essentially, pull these knockoffs out of his world and into the real world in what otherwise looks like object projection but is really his personal world encroaching on the real world, which is quickly squashed by Gaia, as Gaia knows those aren't the real swords.
When Shirou uses these swords, he somewhat takes on the stats and skills of those who used said swords, allowing him go go beyond what would otherwise be possible of a human from the current era.
And in Shirou's ultimate attack, Unlimited Blade Works, he expands his Reality Marble outside his body and overwrite a bit of Gaia for a time. The result is that the doesn't need to pull swords out of UBW, they're already there and he can bombard you with Unlimited magical swords until he runs out of mana or Gaia takes the space back.
why are men so insecure about women fucking other dudes?
if you are able to make her cum with your dick, she would never want to cheat on you.
small dick energy.
Future you and you are separate entities that exist at the same time. the "you" is just phrasing for simplicity
By tomorrow future me will be present me. Which is in no way the same as tommorow me traveling to yesterday to fuck yesterdays wife
it's not even other dudes it's just you but older kek.
But what if the other man is a future version of you with the same dick but more experience. Completely unfair.
>Future you and you are separate entities
Try explaining a bank that it was "past you" who owes a mortgage, not "present you" retardbro.
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Fate/Extra? More like Fate/NTR
>I wish I could watch my identical twin fuck my wife. Totally not NTR, genetically he is is me!
We got ourselves a cuckold boys.
If future me traveled to the past and took out a mortgage in present me's name than you wouldn't be able to explain it but you can see why that's messed it.
>>I wish I could watch
Who are you quoting?
>it's fine when past you does it
By the time past you has cucked you. Present you has also cucked future you. You deserved it.
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Fate is garbage and only got popular because Saber has a good visual design.
Not just a cuck, but stupid too. But to spell it out for you, your fantasies are being quoted little cuckold boy.
See all the other replies, +
He's extremely good at reinforcement magecraft, so he uses that to jack up his physical attributes to low superhuman levels. He could probably lift and throw a small car with extreme exertion, he has a sixth sense for danger from a lifetime of combat experience and mystically reinforced senses to give him souped up reaction times. Hes still outclassed by most SERVANTS because theyre fucking rediculous but If batman and spiderman had a baby that shit out swords that shirou.
>your fantasies
I just explained Fate to you. How is it "my fantasy"?
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It's a common theme in Fate that rules are made to be broken. They show it off in the first fight scene.

I can understand if you don't like that aspect of the story, but it hardly makes the whole thing 'garbage'.
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I will never have a gf so ntr is just like watching porn for me
ntr is all i know irl
Rin is a romantic interest for the MC.
Your servant having sex with her counts as NTR.
Tamamo is not NTR.
>caring about rin when you have prime foxwife and umussy pining for your genitals
Lol. Lmao. Roflmao. It's OK Archer. You can have my sloppy seconds.
The most surefire sign of an incompetent writer is when they make rules for their fantasy world then constantly break them for shock value.
>the witch king of angmar is killed by an asspull because he was technically stabbed by a hobbit and a woman, not a man
Not his wife/gf yet. Do you think every time two single people are having sex somewhere they are cucking you?
Except Norse myth is all over Tolkien's work and Tolkien was honoring the style of ancient Norse prophecies where the letter of the prophecy is more important than the spirit of it.
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She literally fucked the antagonist
It's not shock value, it's storytelling. You're missing the actual rule being established, which is "Even these all powerful minions and magics are not infallible."
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He’s extremely fucking broken, it’s basically batman where you could justifiably always make a scenario in which he would win but at surface level you say “well actually he’s weak as fuck though”
>caring about rin
I'm just stating objective facts, my guy,
Don't shoot the messenger and all that.
Make a game with cuckqueans instead of cuckolds and i'll buy it.
This fag was such a nasu side character, which isn’t a good thing, weird as fuck inclusion
>moves the goalposts
I accept your concession
He's low key the protagonist of an entire other series that just never got written. Not literally, just that's how he comes off
>disposable assassin created to eliminate supernatural threats
>trains whole life for mission in the mystic mountains
>completes mission
>just... doesn't off himself for some reason
>hides as a teacher
>comes across ancient Greecian spellcaster who merked her first master
>is just nice to her and this earns her undying loyalty
>guess I'm married now
>beat up king arthur? Yes dear.
Rare Extra thread.
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post more Rin
He's broken in anything BUT a stand up fight with another Servant which is why his ass cheats. He cannot take a true heroic spirit head on even using broken phantasm. He's basically an assassin without presence concealment but more utility
Deep into the porn addiction pipeline. NTR -> BBC slave -> troon -> groomcord matron
Just reading all the replies to this makes me glad I never got into Fate. Such a gay series.
He can still be right, overcompensating and playing yourself up is one of the stereotypical ways people deal with feeling inferior. I do find it hard to believe the plethora of anons on here crying about not having any friends and being suicidal are an entirely separate group from the ones talking shit at the drop of a hat over things they clearly don't know much about.
I feel like BBC comes before NTR, Troon definitely follows though
Archer is such a slut
The only bigger slut is Lancer
He could ass rape the majority of servants
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This is funny because someone would only write this if they liked Fate but was frustrated by it.
Why exactly is there always caren shilling
Lancer fucks Archer in the ass daily. This is canon.
No he gets fucked in the ass.
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Your shitty reposted meme doesn't even get the basic premise right
2/10 apply yourself
Because you WILL love Caren and you WILL be happy.
Sorry I only cared about FSN
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I'm not reading all that shit
A self-hating FGOtard is still an FGOtard
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>the tertiaries STILL think it's Rin
>I don't know shit about shit but I will still offer my gaping butthole's opinion
we know
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After FGO it became very difficult for this franchise to be interesting in narrative.
You can only get cool popcorn eating content.
Shirou's element became sword because of Avalon though, not because of autism.
Ok then what is she?
play the game, tertiary
NTA, but iirc she's a Tohsaka, implied to be the granddaughter of Fate/Extra's equivalent of FSN's Rin Tohsaka.
It's literally because of him that Shirou becomes so confident in fighting other servants and he's (another) important parallel.
It's really not that complicated. At least the original three routes. Sure, there's loads of OP bullshit and weird lore but its functionally inconsequential for enjoying the story. I first watched the Unlimited Blade Works anime. It is supposed to be the second route and supposedly requires experience the first route. But I enjoyed it just fine as an action anime.

As for the simplest explanation of Archer, he's just a possible future version of the protagonist. It's that simple.
Can humans even survive sex with a heroic spirit or servant
Going by base physics sense, they should not be able to survive it
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>Egil Skallagrimson needs to kill a berserker
>but he's immune to weapons
>Egil proceeds to rip his throat out with his teeth, because teeth aren't considered weapons
>heroes have to kill the witch king
>but he's immune to men
>So he gets killed by a woman
Tolkien really wore his inspirations on his sleeve, huh
Whats the best way to read the VN?
Going by base physics servant are just humans with superpowers.
Saber is physically weaker than Shirou and Rin unless she's using mana burst to augment her movements.
Why wouldn’t a servant augment their penis in mid coitus with mana?
Gandalf would be some little loli girl with an oversized wizard hat if he were called as some Servant.

This is why I hate Nasu btw. You know for a fucking FACT that’s what he would do.
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Just because even a weak Servant like Caster could crush your skull with her bare hands and bullets would bounce off her doesn't mean she's literally made of steel
They're made of magic, physics and common sense don't really apply
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Ironically when Zeus' design leaked early people thought it was fake because it looked too stereotypical Zeus instead of a little girl or something.
>They're made of magic, physics and common sense don't really apply
Except when Nasu compares it to physics, to distinguish magecraft from true magic, to disastrous (ironic) effect.

Nasuverse magic was not thought of all that well.
This is quite rare. Nasu likes to turn old white beards in myth into pretty long haired bishounen boys, like Merlin or Solomon, etc.
Physics says blue and red (THAT red) and purple (etc) hair is 100% impossible.

And really, the idea of blue or purple body hair is just weird. It would look like a toy.

Tigers are orange because green fur is a total impossibility. No green haired pussy.

Medea and Sakura fags can only cope at this shit. Japanese hate their hair colours.
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Magecraft is distinguished from Magic by the end result it accomplishes, not the process it uses to get there. The process is what distinguishes the supernatural from the natural.
Constructing a body out of magic or firing curses like bullets achieves a similar result to what has been made mundane by science, so there's little Mystery in them.
This is all to say that magical constructs imitate physics but are not bound by them, and a Servant could have lovey-dovey sex with you just as easily as it could shatter your pelvis and rip you in half if they wanted to.
>a Servant could have lovey-dovey sex with you just as easily as it could shatter your pelvis and rip you in half if they wanted to
God, that's so hot.
>go to the past
>rape my younger girlfriend
>mindbreak her
>beat her up
>piss all over her
>"its ok bro, im your future self :D"
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Nonsense. Nasu originally wanted Fate to be a game where a girl protagonist is surrounded by knight chads, only for the lead designer and artist, Takeuchi, to calmly explain to him that his shit wouldn't sell in that case (he was right, it's a decade early for otome games). Takeuchi is also the OG guy in charge of making sure every Fate game has a blond sword wielding major character.
If anything, Nasu would want to play Gandalf more or less straight. But would the other people at TM let him? Probably not.
Ex fucking scuse me?
>japanese femMC in an eroge visual novel
>gets fucked by gigachad foreign servants
I wonder why that didn’t get greenlit
It's mainly collective insecurities.
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>it's impossible for two girls to have sex without a penis
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I know it's possible and I don't care, I'm asking if futa is possible.
Are we still pretending Fate was ever good (narratively)?
Otome games with sexual scenes barely sell today. The result would have potentially been even worse 20 years ago. It's not like there weren't any femMCs back in the day, and Alicesoft used to put out much stranger stuff, whether it's a bepenised spider woman sex game or literal BL titles. I just think it's unlikely that such a version of Fate would have ended up finding its audience, and if it did, it would have been a super tiny one. Maybe Nasu could have realized this vision by making the game purely about romance, or maybe have erotic stuff that's not actual H-scenes, like some otome games do nowadays. This would have basically left Nitroplus without one of their colossal franchises, Touken Ranbu, but there's no way you could pull something like that off in 2004, similarly to how Nasu couldn't have created an FGO in 2004.
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this entire thread
Futa is canon in fact. Merlin gave Saber a dick.
What would be the FeMC equivalent of Shirou jackhammering Rin and Saber?
too realistic for the target audience
>average Japanese megane manages to get Cuhullin, King Arthur, and Gilgamesh to kill each other over her
That's hot
Japanese girls are hot
I don't think you actually understand what draws women to romantic stories with female protagonists. It's not being princess carried by the guy who killed 10 others for you, but a monogamic relationship with a severely troubled man. Essentially, women have been doing "I can fix her" for years before men caught up to it recently, though obviously they're fixing "him", not "her". What sells is stories that are a good balance of toxic and healing. Abuse, assault, even the oh so dreaded my soggy knees is excusable as long as the guy is actually a good person and you can fix him in the end.
So, yes, the anon you're quoting is right. A game where men beat the shit out of each other for pussy? Who wants to play that, or, better yet, who wants to develop that? Read the newspaper and you have dozens of stories like this happening every day. Realistic indeed, and, most importantly, not captivating, thus you have no audience.
Oh yeah I always forget Fate is a sex game. I swear it's the only he tai on earth that has mainstream success
Tamamo offers to give herself a dick with her Shapeshifting skill to fuck Hakunon if she isn't into scissoring.
Who gets the dick: Tamamo, or Hakunon?
Japanese men believe they’re more attractive to white women than Japanese women are attractive (and attracted) to white men
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>tfw no fox wife that can grow herself a magic dick
Fate hasn't been a sex game since Rea Nualta and Nasu always regretted FSN and Tsukihime having h-scenes.
>Fate hasn't been a sex game since Rea Nualta
The most succesful fate game FGO stays afloat due to sex appeal and bond 10+ being implied to be sexual.
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I clapped

need sex with saber NOW
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Don't worry, now that the rock broke, she's out there somewhere.
It's irrelevant because they will remove this in the remake.
>Magecraft is distinguished from Magic by the end result it accomplishes, not the process it uses to get there.

That's just fucking retarded and you know it. In a world of one dimensional (time) causality, everything is lead up to.

Sorry, modern science can't make flying birds made out of hard light that can shoot laser beams. Also those birds are formed by strands of hair casually plucked out of the scalp.

Science. Can't. Do. That.
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because they're cuckolds
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>Sorry, modern science can't make flying birds made out of hard light that can shoot laser beams
Drones that attack with lasers exist right now. Again, magecraft is just another means by which humans accomplish a task, while Magic is the domain of miracles.
Being able to conjure a fireball is nothing special in the modern world where you can just light a match. Being "made of magic" (ether) is not something special when that magic is well understood. If you applied the scientific method to magecraft, it would become just another field of science, able to be studied and reproduced.
Magic isn't like that. Magic accomplishes what both magecraft and science regard as impossible, by means known only to the Magician who has essentially looked God in the eye and lived to tell about it. Time travel, creating something from nothing, accessing parallel worlds, the manifestation of the soul, all feats completely beyond science and human understanding. That is what makes them Magic.
honestly you're in the wrong for trying to fuck Shirou's gf
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Don't care. Never pick the dude (I'm not a homo) and girls can't cheat with other girls (I can just fuck them both) therefore I win and your NTR can't happen.
Good try, thanks for playing.
What are the magic users in Fate?
There are 2 scenes in ExtellaLink where Tamamo is arguing with Astolfo
It's kinda funny
personally i still wouldn't be ok with future me, or even clone me sleeping with my girl
> I can just fuck them both
You can’t the minute you try to enter the room she tells you to fuck off and threatens to hurt you if I remember correctly
The first Magician is dead
The 2nd Magician is the 2nd greatest mage who ever lived and discovered the 2nd magic by playing around with jewels autistically until they let him perceive spacetime through their technicolor. So as a result both he and the 2nd magic is referred to as Kaleidoscope. He regularly travels between universes and through time so no one knows if he's around or how many of him there are.
The 3rd magic is the Heaven's Feel which is dead but we know how to get it back. Heaven's Feel is the crystallization of souls. Basically the soul is a transient concept that returns to Akasha after you due, but HF turns it into a physical object. It's considered an important requirement for true immortality since immortals always go nuts from degradation if the soul. So with HF, you can turn souls solid and maintenance them before that happens.
The 4th idk
The 5th is Magic Blue, Aoko Aozaki is the current Blue. Basically the 5th allows you to blueshift or redshift your own personal timeline, allowing you to borrow mana or knowledge from the future and send things into the future like your own injuries or aging. Aoko is essentially immortal because she keeps sending her own age into the future and doesn't lose fights because she keeps borrowing future mana and gets info from the future that tells her how to win.

Magic is a miracle of the universe, essentially.
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Is the "Mikon" scene one of those arguments?
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Dumb Fatefags. When will you learn.

>Drones that attack with lasers exist right now.
They aren't made out of hard light. They don't spontaneously generate, or have the capacity to change form radically.
>Again, magecraft is just another means by which humans accomplish a task, while Magic is the domain of miracles.
Semantics. It's all magic. it's all science.
>while Magic is the domain of miracles.
See below *
>Being able to conjure a fireball is nothing special in the modern world where you can just light a match
Having an exclusive ability to conjure grenades-but-worse is a million times more significant than owning a pocket lighter, or a gun. They can't take that away from you.
>If you applied the scientific method to magecraft, it would become just another field of science, able to be studied and reproduced.
It literally already is a science and literally IS being reproduced by mage families. If anything works at all, it is a science. Pic related.
>Magic isn't like that.
Magic is whatever the fuck and no one could agree on it even in history.
>Magic accomplishes what both magecraft and science regard as impossible
Okay I guess a UFO is borderline Magic then. (It is)
>by means known only to the Magician who has essentially looked God in the eye and lived to tell about it.
Does God view Himself as a God? Are His doings truly capital-m Miraculous to Him? Obviously not. The same way the elves in Tolkien's middle-earth don't believe in (elven) magic. The elves look to the maia(wizards) the same way humans look to the elves. Gandalf isn't a wizard back home in Valinor.
>That is what makes them Magic.
What makes magic is "I don't know". Period. Full stop. A black box. It's one-sided, and oftentimes the capital-w Wizard doesn't view his doings as wizardry.

God I hate Nasuverse magic so much it's unreal.
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Correct image
It's kinda bases how the Christian God canonically exists in the nasuverse and low tier shitters like the goetia demons are threats to the nasuverse lol
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Tamamo is an Asian girl with pink hair and blond fur.
I think that's weird.
need sex with archer NOW
I'm GAR for Archer too.
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>Hakunon bitch slaps Caster when she gets all uppity
Only Rin, a woman, gets to experience that.
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>They aren't made out of hard light
Whether they're made of aluminum or ether is irrelevant, both are materials humans can mundanely create their tools with. They aren't miraculous apparitions, they're constructs with understood functions and properties.
>Having an exclusive ability to conjure
That's the point though, it's not exclusive. A magi can learn how to cast a spell to create fire, just as a person can buy matches at a store or learn to make fire themselves by rubbing sticks together. Even if you're not someone who has those skills or the ability to learn them, you know that it's something humans can do. Humans can build flying machines and ships that can take them to the bottom of the ocean, we can build atomic bombs and devices that fit in the palm of your hand that connect you to every other computer on the planet. Things that were miraculous fantasy not long ago are mundane reality today.
>Does God view Himself as a God? Are His doings truly capital-m Miraculous to Him?
Of course not. But people aren't God, so when one person miraculously gets a glimpse of the secrets of the universe and comes away with a part of God's power to be wielded by them and them alone, they do seem to deserve some distinction.
That person isn't an Oppenheimer who has made men into gods by revealing the mysteries of the universe to us, they're a living demigod with unfathomable power all their own.
>tranny playing as a girl says "I am not a homo"
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no he didn't
newfag made up shit
It's amazing how much more awkward and stupid the replacement scenes for the sex ones were. So you're telling me Rin could've fixed Saber's connection with Shirou the entire time but was too lazy to ever tell him how? When he was the only thing she had to protect herself? A magic crest, the most important thing to a magus requiring genetic compatibility, can be transferred into someone completely unrelated with no genetic modification? Psuedo-sexual finger/neck sucking scenes? In spite of not having sex, they act like they did and are really fucking awkward about what they did instead more than they were the sex?
should've just skipped to after and said it happened
Meme fetish only liked by normalfags. If you're an actual weirdo the fantasy of vanilla will feel more unrealistic tgen anything else and be all that gets any response out of you.
I'm of the mind that the scenes aren't great but they don't matter much because it's like 15 minutes tops in a 75 hour reading experience but the idea that Nasu didn't "want to" do it is retarded and I don't know why newfags keep parroting that shit
It's an eroge, made for degens and not Redditors who feel 'icky' over cartoon 17 year old tiddies, deal with it or fuck off newfags
fine ill get to playing ccc shit
It's surprisingly fun and has an interesting story, unlike Extra.
granted, the weird cybershit
and its nasu easily at his horniest, yes even without the sex scenes stay night and tsukihime had
They're poorly translated. Like, they didn't even bother.
"My penis wrenches Sakura's pussy open."
When in reality he said something akin to "My member spreads her moist folds."
Game is based and so is my wife Nero
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I don't even really think that's true, the prose is similar to how the fight scenes read. And I don't know why the sex scenes specifically would have a worse translation than other parts.
Either way they're really funny and are better on that basis alone
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it's still my favorite TM work
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The duality of (wo)man
>I don't even really think that's true, the prose is similar to how the fight scenes read. And I don't know why the sex scenes specifically would have a worse translation than other parts.
Because I love fucking others wives. Get fucked beta, you couldn’t satisfy her.
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nero is a confirmed hymen intact virgin whose harem is full of nothing but beautiful girls and she willingly offers to share them with you. now, she IS a mega womanlet and mildly retarded....
>fate/samurai remnant
Is this any good? And why does Saber have a penis?
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>2 beds
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no need for her flowers when you have THE Rose of Rome attending you
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>you will never get fan service like this on a Sony game ever again
>Extra ccc
>Archer beating Karna
there is no way in hell this is possible
karna loses on purpose like 90% of the time it's totally possible. he's almost a gil-tier jobber
saber is for his wife retard.
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the addition of a slampig was simply inspired
>game made for cuckchan anons

Why did you all drink the coolaid and start getting into cuck shit?
Sounds like you got cucked, that's hot
>activate Tamamo's noble phantasm
it's time for a full round of CBT
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>saber, japan
>saber, japan (male)
What Fate game?
Just how strong is Tamamo?
She's beyond the mages who lived in the ages of the gods easily because she technically is one but doesn't she literally turn into a god in her ending to free you?
Only ones who have read FSN can say they aren't secondaries. The games and almost all Fate related media are shit and can be ignored.
I only played FGO, does that make me a secondary or tertiary?
quaternary scum
nah, game is good, Fate came out before you were born, suck my dick
>save a girl you like
>she ends up having sex with your servant
>can't even watch or have a turn, just wait like a good little cuck
>fatefags like this
I'm 34. I'll rape your mother
no, you won't, because your micropenis can't penetrate your own gunt FAGGOT
That's like saying
>The only Batman I've ever seen was the Batman Ninja anime
nah, the other anon is right because HA is better than SN, and CCC is up there, too.
This is how it's obvious you're a series newfag
>, and CCC is up there, too.
opinion rejected.
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>Whether they're made of aluminum or ether is irrelevant
>both are materials humans can mundanely create their tools with
Humanity doesn't have access to hard light technologies, lmao. We can't freeze light/energy to create perfect holograms or pseudo-lifeforms. We haven't reached Halo status.
>They aren't miraculous apparitions
Make no mistake, a cellphone would be magic to a caveman.
>they're constructs with understood functions and properties.
The average zoomer doesn't know their tabloid works, kek. Only how to use them.
>That's the point though, it's not exclusive.
The ability to shoot fire without any external aid? Something only a few people can do? Due to their bloodline, and jealously hoarded secrets? Sure. Whatever you say.
>Of course not. But people aren't God
For now.
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>HA is better than SN
hello shit taste kun, you might want to try reading it at some point
you didn't play it
or Hollow Ataraxia
I bet you didn't even read Fate and watched the fucking movies
By the way that's not Rin Tohsaka (F/sn). That's Rin Tohsaka (Fate/Extra). In the Extraverse, Tokiomi had a bastard child, and then that Child had Extra Rin. So she's F/Sn Rin's niece.
>There's no possible way you could think my god awful highschool tournament plot with a literal NPC main character could be bad! You didn't play it!
fuck off lol
I mean, it is easily up there with the best nasu work
fatefags are so fucking gay holy fuck
I don't play gacha slop.
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>conflating the real world with the Nasuverse
>pretending that Nasuverse magecraft isn't scientific after previously acknowledging it was
>ignoring the clear distinctions made between what is possible for individuals and what is possible for humanity as a whole
I'm starting to get the impression that you're not arguing in good faith
>so dumb he resorts to "y-you're just bait!!!11"
Sigh. I expected more from you.
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>He doesn't play TM's magnum opus
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No point in arguing with someone who can't decide what you're arguing about
what's the best ntr doujin
You dont play as shirou in ccc
>genre exists just to psyop you into thinking that someone can cuck you harder than your own government
Why are legalized draft dodgers like this?
read the book
If an attractive female character fucks anyone other than me (the MC), then it's cuckshit
Funny how the closest we've gotten to an "accurate" Passionlip breast size is I want to say one of the Extra mangas or the Seraph manga adaptation
Everything else makes her too small
this is why i never like protag switching in the same-universe
>player character is "peeking in"
>not ntrfag bait
come the fuck on guys, what's the deep lore reason?
Is Shirou the Chad MC in HF because he takes the girl from away Shinji and the creepy old man with the power of his Lv8 cock?
your gae
Li Shuwen punched Hakuno's Servant with his sure-fire 100% guaranteed one-hit-kill Fist of the Chink Star attack. The Servant survived this instant kill move on 1 HP and needs a mana transfer but the attack also screwed up Hakuno's magic circuits so she can't do it herself. Either Rin or Rani (depending on route) takes it upon themselves to fuck Hakuno's Servant in her place. It's just a reference to F/SN where something similar happens.

The director of the game has since come out and said including this scene was the worst mistake of his life. It will be replaced by a new scene in Extra Record focused on Hakuno and her Servant.
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There must always be an Emiya remix in every game.

>It will be replaced by a new scene in Extra Record focused on Hakuno and her Servant.
Extra is finally getting an h-scene? What would a digital mollusk be?
when this happened I dropkicked my grandma and screamed while shoving my phone up my ass
Not sure why TM localizers love to call her Altria, it's even in the FSN remake
>TM localizers
You mean Nasu?
I would probably lick Archer's abs if he offered, but that's just me. No homo.
How do fate extra faggots defend literal NTR
if you can defend constant japwank you can defend getting cucked in a video game
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anon are you serious
Nasu fucking loves NTR
it's been a constant in every single Fate story
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>tfw had to use save states to beat twice
>"contracts" or "transferring mana" is an euphemism for having sex.

It's not an euphemism, it's literally fucking. They fuck in canon and do it on-screen if you have the original VN and not the censored re-release.
The first one was worse in the original. It makes no sense for Rin to suggest that Shirou order Saber to attack innocents, when she knows that all he has to do is give her a dicking and she'll be all better.
The RN version makes more sense as Rin probably thought Shirou dropping out was preferable to him losing 1/3 of his magic circuits. And Saber only becomes disabled right as Archer regains his strength, so she wouldn't need her anymore for protection. She only suggests that when Archer is dead and they're all about to die if they don't.
>It makes no sense for Rin to suggest that Shirou order Saber to attack innocents

Everyone else is doing exactly that so it's a reasonable suggestion.
rin never suggests that
she says it's a way but saber would never agree to it and neither would shirou
archer is fully healed by that point too
It's one of the simplest ways for people with no magical experiences to make contracts. Medea has Kuzuki do it because the contract needs to be made by a person and he's a complete normie
>Rin didn't tell Shirou to fuck Saber because it was either awkward or she wanted them weak for when Archer recovered
>She only brings up either solution when they're about to die
dammit rin
and you're supposed to be an ally in this route
how the hell are you better in the one where you're at full strength
Its been nearly 2 decades since i read fsn but would she really be 100% against it though considering she burned down a village before during one of shirous dreams?
She let towns be razed in order to save more people. It's an entirely different thing. Something like that is a step too far for her.
Come to think of it, did Rin not know how to make contracts or did she just want to have sex with Shirou in the original?
In RN, that was her being an ally. She knew that Shirou would immediately agree to it and she didn't want Shirou to potentially cripple himself post war, so she hid it. And Archer was at full strength the night that Saber uses Excalibur. If she was actually cold-hearted, Archer could have easily killed them if she had ordered it.
Chapter 5 of CCC be like
>JULIUS! LEO! GAWAIN! ...Cas.ter.
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Hakuno is a canon cuck
Fate Extra cucks
it makes sense either way
but inner dragons are fucking stupid
>It makes no sense for Rin to suggest that Shirou order Saber to attack innocents
It absolutely does, but it doesn't make sense for her to actually mean it-and I doubt she does. Rin's been taught all her life that mages are heartless, but that's never robbed her of her own heart in spite of her best efforts. She knows what mages will resort to without being willing to do it herself, and that is what ends up ultimately earning her a place at the table of top modern mages.
being more about the character than the wack ass scifi shit makes ccc so much better than extra
Yeah that Faggot who loves to write [HEADCANON]
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>Deranged ESL still making Extra NTR threads
>A third of the thread including the first few posts are just him talking to himself at a perfect minute delay
>swapped to GARcher's variant for more (You)s
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Do you actually get with Saber in SR? That smug face needs to be splattered with baby batter.
This basically. Magus are amoral assholes but rin isnt a psycho despite being a bitch.
it's fate/extra the protag ain't shirou
Doesn't he have a fucking wife?
Just because you're the NTRman doesn't make it not NTR.
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Saber is more ruthless than most people give her credit for, she would have cut Rin in half and not thought twice about it if Shirou didn't stop her, but she's absolutely not going to kill innocent people to sustain herself. She specifically makes it clear to Shirou that she would not obey an order to do that as a solution to their mana problem, and he'd have to use a Command Spell to force her.
In the first bad end where you back out of the war, she goes so far as to threaten to take Shirou's soul to sustain herself if he breaks their contract, but she's just putting up a front. When he shows her his resolve, she respects his choice not to fight, kindly wishes him well, and goes off to find another Master.
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that sounds kinda gay bro
goddamn the average 4chan is mentally retarded nowadays
That's a massive amount of projection.
That sounds like NTR route.
Would he meet Saber later hanging out with another man and already in love with her new Master?
your sister ships you with him but other than that i have no clue, im not that far in the game. apparently he has a wife but she does not show up in the game at all.
I just beat Extra CCC with Caster.
That was actually really fun.
you don’t
Feminist simp brainwashing
>Doesn't he have a fucking wife?
>apparently he has a wife but she does not show up in the game at all.
uh, you guys know that KING ARTHUR also had a wife and that didn't stop any of her dozen+ incarnations from getting dicked.
Almost every major servant, male and female, has a historical spouse or lover since there's not exactly many super well known historical figures and literal royalty who left their mark on history yet died kissless virgins.

Cu Chulainn also had a wife, it hasn't stopped yumes and fujos from lusting after him for 20 years. Same with most male and many female servants.
So? They still turned Rin into a cuckbait character
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NTRfags be like
>im am self-inserting as archer right now!!! even though i'm looking through a peek in the door...watching him fuck rin
>i'm not a cuckold no no no, i'm actually a chad stealing the girl hahahaha
>haha.. definitely not the cuck
why are you fags like this?
I think they have confused feelings. Because what they really mean to say is that they look through the door *admiring* the other guy, or wishing they were the girl get fucked by him
isn't that kinda gay? admiring a man in a sexual context? or being turned on because there are multiple men?
nobody in this thread even played fate extra
Nobody on /v/ plays video games.
why are we still here
for me it's "social interaction" (i have no friends)
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It 100% is gay or trans. Obviously the cucker is the "top" and the cucked is the "bottom"
Porn addiction. Its a fate worse than Hell like gambling or hard drugs.
you were supposed to say just to suffer
it doesn't disguise itself as anything, it's an eroge made for horny otaku like every other VN
People actually waifu a character that is NTR used goods? That's disgusting
Archer is Shioru from the future
wtf spoilers
>Go get a fucking wife
I can't :(
This is why FGO is the best game. You do the NTR instead of being NTR'd
>picking the male servant
you deserve to get cucked
>apparently he has a wife but she does not show up in the game at all.
Finish the game.
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You cross swords with him :3 and kill each other in a duel to the death in the true ending.
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it's actually pretty common in yaoi shit or omegaverse mpreg stuff for the "alpha" to assert dominance over the bottom like that before actually fucking, the reason so much cuckshit comes across as intensely homosexual is that it's basically a mating display by the "bull" to prove how good he can fuck and impress the cuck, "YEAH BRO I FUCK YOUR GIRL SO GOOD, I BET YOU'D LIKE IT IF I FUCKED YOU TOO HUH? NO HOMO THOUGH UH THIS IS TOTALLY STRAIGHT TO MAKE EYE CONTACT AS I CUM!"

to make it on topic: if you genderbent shinji suddenly her raping sakura and insulting shirou is clearly an act of frustration that OH MY HIGHJUMP emiya-kun is paying attention to her sister rather than her, and shinji(female) is actually a jealous bitch who wants to get GAR'd
>to prove how good he can fuck and impress the cuck

Holy shit you're right
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>the only virgin girl in Fate/Extra is the AI based on the only non-virgin girl in Fate/Stay Night
The irony
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Don't look, anon...
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yuri doesn't count, nero is also pure, whining about her harem is like whining about the rin+saber threesome end in ubw good. nobody seriously cares if a girl has scissored with other girls. people even consider Saber a virgin since she's "only" used her magic futanari cock to perform marital duties with Guinevere and had her semen stolen in her sleep by Morgan, but she never had a guy put a dick in her.
>Surprise NTR
>canon pairing
>its technically the canon love interest's niece but you don't know it yet at this stage
Anon I
That's not why NTRfags like NTR.
I think it's funny how losers on /v/ complain about secondaries, but are not aware that there is an HSR collab next year that will probably bring a shit ton of actual secondaries into the threads. you deserve it.
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Nero's harem has boys in it too though?
The fanbase has been dogshit since FGO, adding more gacha secondaries to the mix won't make it any worse.
Those will be dodecaries and can be safely ignored
>boys are to be enjoyed with ones ears
anon she's talking about literal eunuch castratii singers
since FSN you mean
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No, F/SN was great and one of the best Type-Moon works, its fanbase is cultured.
I've never actually played or looked into this series, just become aware of their female characters vicariously.
Is it really just NTRshit?
That's not Tsukihime
Wrong, replay the game.
FSN is gacha.
Master either summons the Servant they want or just randomly gets one.
>Not Kara No Kyoukai
it's an 80 hour visual novel with a handful of sex scenes whose prose involves seafood metaphors. of the 3 routes 2 heroines are virgins who get their hymen ripped and jackhammered by the MC, the third is a saviorfag-bait rape victim who's been horrifically abused by her family her entire life and has a backstory so hilariously over the top cruel it wraps back around to parody
fate sounds extremely cringe
Tsukihime is also great and its fans are cultured. TM was doing pretty good all around for many years.
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Fate/Extra has a weird scene where your servant has sex with another girl in order to power them up. Whether or not your servant is a guy.
It's weird
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That sucks. But can you get with your dadmom?
>Go get a fucking wife
I already have one :(
>see how it feels
It's hawt as fuck in like an awful way, thinking about it makes me light headed, I get this dreadful tight feeling in my chest and my stomach, and I start cold sweating and flushing
You can't get with anyone anon
>Do you actually get with Saber in SR?

No, actually he cucks you
how come type moon lolis are usually loyal and the shotas are such disloyal sluts?
They understand how the world works
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I always forget this was a thing, lmao.
Nasu during his Extra days truly was a madman.
No, I mean he fucks your sister-wife
>Sakura Nurse
nah man, that line clearly implies she knows how to please in sex
>yuri doesn't count
she says the line when you have Archer also it does count even if you mental gymnastic girl love not counting
nero is an exhibitionist, yes, she has zero shame in her naked body, which is frankly tame compared to IRL nero
It counts to me.
You are a cuck.
>Gets his schizo claim that nasu regretted porn proved wrong
>Goes on a lengthy irrelevant tranny rant anyway
Kek, kys troon
CCC is Nasu's Magnum Opus, those days were peak Nasu.
The only two things that ever came close in levels of Kino was CCC Seraph and Lost belt 6 in FGO.
>it counts to me
ok I guess saber is NTR used goods since she fucked TWO girls and was even raped against her will in her sleep by one
Yes, glad we agree.
less used than Sakura, who was raped by Shinji and worms for 11 years straight
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I cannot believe I share a board with homosexuals who unironically feel threatened by girls groping each other. do you break your discs in rage every time an anime has an episode where girls fondle each other's boobs in the locker room or hot springs, too?
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>Shirou: Cucked
>Hakuno: Cucked
>Ritsuka: NOT-Cucked
Is he the only MC to be a true chad?
Touching boobs with close on = ok
Touching naked boobs by accident = hmmm
Fondling naked boobs in a sexual manner = not ok
Kissing = not ok, used goods. Her first kiss should belong to me.
Scissoring = beyond redemption
Can you hear that?
That's the sound of lion posters all coalescing on that post at an alarming rate.
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For me, it was:
futa -> 2D traps -> 3D traps -> shemales -> sissification -> BBC -> cuckolding (I am here)

somebody help me please
Instead of jacking off to porn hire an escort twice a month
galahad's superpower is literally being such a turbovirgin he ascended directly to heaven after finding the grail, LION man never got to fuck mash because galahad literally hates the ideaa of having sex more than he does all 7 billion people on earth being genocided (lmao, yes really, he refuses to help and does nothing when that happens but beats the shit out of lion man to save his purity)
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Let me save you from the homosexuals.
You would do that too if your butt about to get barbed.
Stop viewing porn and get more hobbies. It's not healthy.
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So is this a "The character I like is having implied intimacy with another" type of fake schizo NTR, or is there some established relationship between the player and Rin?
They learned they lesson the hard way.
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>What if you had a tiny version of Shirou, would you ntr him?
Gets cucked(GRAND COCKBLOCK) by Mash every time a girl even gets closer than 1.5m to him
medea has good taste, truly underrated best girl
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The only purpose of female "sex" is mutual foreplay before the bull takes them both.
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The PC in Extra has no relationship or implied love interest with any of the NPCs except their servant. So the OP baiting about Rin is just being a fag.
On the other hand specifically, if you play FeMC + Archer, FeMC gets jealous of the above encounter in the OP and you can question Archer later if Rin is his ex in which Archer will deny it with a rather strange expression.
Saber (forma raped)
Looks like they're playing a game of worms on saber
>They don't know this is all Nasu's le epic beast set up where he can have aLtria and aRthur for the right and left side of the beast
>game of worms
Wrong girl
You forgot to mention that Tamamo and Nero are both used goods.
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a rare defenseless Saber
And yet, he still remains uncucked, they tried to but failed.
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I don't care, I'm gar for Garcher
>Gets cucked(GRAND COCKBLOCK) by Mash every time a girl even gets closer than 1.5m to him
meanwhile abby locks him up in a rape basement for a billion years of time dilation mating
>pretentious cuck franchise
why would you ever play any of these?
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Abby is a good girl, she would never do that to (me)
God I wish that were me bros....
good god my dick
archer is literally me
Shuten gets to successfully rearrange his guts in Shimosa
What happens if I put my penis inside her keyhole?
feels good not being a futafag
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It would be extremely painful
she's a big girl
Pretty sure I'm not wrong. The Rin you meet is either the daughter or the granddaughter of F/E's equivalent of F/SN's Rin.
I do intend to play it a 3rd time but only a few weeks before Extra Record comes out, so yeah.
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What was his name again?
I like NTR in the way the female is broken, I don't self insert as the cuck or the bull, I just enjoy the drama and tension of a faithful girl being fucked senseless and out of rationality.
which shuten?
fucking hate how you can't just pick up the little teasing slut and fuck her
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Try Niece

>The Rin here presented is a distinct person from the Rin of Fate. She is of a household that succeeds the bastard lineage, left behind as of the circumstance that Tohsaka Tokiomi--a former head of the House of Tohsaka--went overseas.
>However, the pattern of her preferences and character are as the very image of the original Rin. She's an existence that could be called as 'another Rin'.
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Best Shuten
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extra Rin's combat panties...
NTR is slowly becoming vanilla in Japan.
being this oblivious to cheating culture
>Rin but not Rin
Nasu is creative bankrupted even back then huh
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Shiro would never
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i know this thread is based on games that nobody played. but what would you do to save illya in hf?
>Shiki but she's a guy
>Shiki but then he takes his glasses off
>Len but she's white
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>year of our lord 2004 + 20
>only just figuring out Nasu is a hack
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>NTRing anybody
lol okay dicklet
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You forgot
>Shiki but she's a girl (Male)
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At a certain point there's nothing you can do, as Shirou. You'd have to go as far back as maybe before Berserker was taken to split the route.
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>he doesn't know
ENTER REDMAN (Extra - forma de 007)
It would be easier to save her in UBW. In HF everything is pushed to their limits.
Figured as much.
You imply that's going to stop me from going after best girl and second best girl.
Unironically HF is probably the only route where she could be saved because Sakura is paying the dead servant tax instead of Illya until Archer dies, and thats what really is the point of no return if you recall Irisviel's condition post Caster's defeat.
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I get it.
I forget the Fate route a lot too.
>bond 10+ being implied to be sexual
How? Bond 10 doesn't get anything, no cutscene, no voice line, no date etc. Only CE but 90% of them are lore related and doesn't mention (you) at all
Maybe It’d be ok if hakuno was actually allowed to join but he wasn’t and was told fuck off or he’d get hurt trying to say its doesn’t count is pathetic at that point
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Anon, even in Fate route Illya is doomed to die the moment she absorbs a dead servant. The convenience of HF is you can let Sakura explode and get pic rel as the true ending to Fate Stay Night
kek what is this resurgence of copium from Shiroufags
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>resurgence of copium
>14 year old source material
>kirei finds cunny as his purpose in life
kino without reproach.
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a lot of valentines, bond dialogue, etc are either explicitly sexual or straight up love confessions.
>pic related, kuro's interlude where she goes around with (You) in the [Serial Kisser Squad] mouthraping female servants ending with ilya before mash realizes at the end you're her tongue wrestling partner as well
I just find it gross man.
Idk. If you can enjoy that, that's cool.
But it disgusts me beyond almost anything if a girl isn't pure.
Worse, they brag about their previous sexual partners. It's just nasty.
I think you mean bond 1-5.
Some few Valentines and some few bonds are romantic, maybe 1% are sex innuendo like Melusine and Kuro's. But it's a vast exception not the rule.
It's alright I guess, and just that vague implied romance of a few servants probably drive sales for them. But It's all pretty childish compared to some gacha, not even eroge but like Nikke and GFL.
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She can't be saved because she knows she's doomed and she's accepted that, so she gives her life to save Shirou instead.
If Shirou doesn't have sword cancer and Illya is still in control by the time the ritual is ready, I don't see why she couldn't perform the Heaven's Feel to save her soul from her body like she saved Shirou from his.
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Fate is THE ntr franchise, so it's never a surprise.
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That's the nature of long dead legendary girls being ressurected I think. There are a lot less virgins than a typical anime story. Though there are still plenty.
Who did she fuck?
And does she brag about it?
I miss old fate, should I bother with the witch of the holy night
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I could unironically help, but do you really want help, or are you just shitposting? I ask because I don't want to waste the time to type the working solutions
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Altera I was posting as an example of a pure girl.
She jumps into the musou and kicks the other two, Nero and Tamamo's butts (for a time) then steals (you) in a very pure loving romance story.

Written by Nasu
I liked it well enough. Pretty short though.
Oh, interesting. The wiki says something about her having a wife that passed away and then she marries Kriemheld though.
>But it disgusts me beyond almost anything if a girl isn't pure.
for me I prefer them pure but especially with historical and mythological figures I don't really mind that much if they're faithfully adapted. especially since Fate/ loves introducing parallel timeline or alternate versions of characters who are pure even if the OG isn't.
Rider/Medusa was coveted by Poseidon for her beauty and ended up assaulted by him in a temple to Athena and transformed as punishment (because athena, like most greek gods, is kind of a victim-blaming bitch and she lacked the power to punish Poseidon so she had to take it out on Medusa instead), I like Rider a lot and wouldn't mind if there was a Singularity or game or whatever where part of the plot was saving her from poseidon or making sure she wasn't in Athena's temple that day to ensure her purity, but I also don't really care that much if LITERAL MEDUSA is faithfully adapted from myth since her character's current personality is related to that event.

when it comes to shit like saber technically having grown a dick to bang guinevere and have her cummies stolen by morgan to maintain parity with actual arthurian myth, I just could not possibly care less, the situation is so eminently ridiculous that the only take away is making fun of merlin for being a cock wizard, I don't feel "NTR'd" by Saber being an autist who had to ask her court mage for a fake penis to produce an heir with her arranged marriaage queen because she's such a fucking autist she can't admit to being a woman lmao
>saber technically having grown a dick to bang guinevere
I take issue with the banging part, personally.
If it was just artificial insemination I wouldn't care.
>why aren't they for me
They are based on real people you fuck head, get over it
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Oh yeah apparently.
It's ultra lore autism where she's the embodiment of a comet and digital projects herself onto the Earth and lives as Atilla the Hun.
I don't fucking know... I just thought the romance story was very good for a musou spinoff of a spinoff. Not the deep lore.
Not him, but I do.
Saber didn't actually fuck Guinevere in the new lore, their marriage was political and loveless and she didn't give Saber an heir. Mordred was always the product of Morgan's shenanigans.
This raises the question of why Merlin gave Saber a dick if not to consummate her marriage, since Mordred's origin didn't change, but I haven't played FGO or read Garden of Avalon so I'm not the guy to ask to explain that one
>This raises the question of why Merlin gave Saber a dick if not to consummate her marriage
even if they never fucked besides their wedding night, saber would have still made sure to consummate it on their wedding night because that's literally required in order for it to be considered a valid marriage. the only reason saber married her in the first place was for the political purpose, she wouldn't let it be open to annullment or dissolved
>Saber didn't actually fuck Guinevere in the new lore
Pretty sure they never fucked to begin with unless there is some obscure Nasu shit that says otherwise. The intent always was to slam her for an heir but before they could try and see if the artificial dick worked, Morgan raped Artoria and stole her artificial semen.
What the fuck? Nerocucks explain??? Holy shit Tamamo won
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tamamo has had multiple husbands you dumbass
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She had sex with her former master, Twice Peaceman
>Pretty sure they never fucked to begin with unless there is some obscure Nasu shit that says otherwise
Doesn't Saber say something along the lines of "I know what pleases a man" in her first H-scene? Hard to explain that one while preserving her knightly honor if it's not about her doing it with Guinevere, they don't exactly just do it missionary with the lights off thinking of Camelot.
I didn't get the impression that Saber was aware of whatever Morgan did to steal what she needed for Mordred, so she wouldn't be talking about that. She's not aware of Mordred's parentage until Mordred herself finds out and reveals it to her.
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>the only japanese servant in EXTRA is literally an unfaithful housewife
what did nasu mean by this
in CCC you literally meet Twice and come face to face with past-Twice (due to a temporal distortion gimmick) and get the cuckshit thrown straight at your face
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I always wondered if that was a slight mistranslation and meant more like "she knows what it takes to please a lover" maybe? The line always felt awkward if your brain didn't go straight to she was giving blowjobs at 12 years old to stable boys before ever meeting Merlin.
merlin gave her a dick and saber, the excellent swordsman she is, mastered how to wield that particular sword
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I was reminded of this lol
>he's really powerful
He's low mid tier at best
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He's a good boy.
yes but only because he fucks astolfo
Do Japcels really?
any ntr stuff where the gender gets flipped as well? like girl gets her childhood best friend turned boyfriend stolen from her....by chad mcthundercock? i think it could have some cool storybeats. like maybe you try to become all masculine and shit to out boyfriend your boyfriends new boyfriend, or try to sneak estrogen into chad mcthundercocks to make him less appealing to your ex-boyfriend. oe steroids, if your ex is into femboys, and so on and so fourth
>Extra and CCC
retarded secondary
>Go get a fucking wife and see how it feels.
You identify with the cuck?
>I dont mind losing to anyone
>But i refuse to lose to myself!

my country has a reality TV show where a bunch of "nerds" & normie whores live in a house with the purpose of possibly getting together. the "nerds" were supposed to introduce the women to their nerdy interests and one dude showed up in a complete Archer cosplay.
I know it's somewhat unrelated but I thought it was funny.
You were fucked from the beginning you massive faggot
That entire progression is just different forms of denial for lusting after cock
Just go find a dude to fuck, you'd probably be happier not being in constant denial and gay dudes will fuck basically anyone
Video? What county and show? Sounds hilarious
Found a vid
skip to 3:47
If they could find "true love" they wouldn't focus on NTR. Since they do, it becomes obvious that they can't find "true love".
I can't believe my husbando would do this to me. At least sleep with someone attractive.
>do this 5 years ago
>escort was a nice girl
>sex is good, still have time and we chill there talking about random stuff while cuddling and sucking me off
>get along nicely, stays for a bit longer with nos ex while drinking coffee
>"you're too good to be doing this. Guys like you will get destroyed if you keep hiring escorts like me."
>Tell her I can't find these "chill, intimate sex with or without love" anywhere else since all girls do are hookups or don't wanna put effort into relationships, and she's one of the few I enjoyed myself thoroughly
>condescending smile, kisses, hugs me and says "then focus on yourself, you're worth more than any thot. I'd give you a chance, but I ruined my life enough to not want to drag anyone else down with me."

Never hired another escort. Just pisses me off how cold and apathic people are with relationships and sex. Specially the later, a lot of people seems mroe focused on selfish pleasure or the morals around it than enjoying intimate time with someone they allegedly claimed to want to be with.

I think about the escort a lot too. Didn't develop feelings for her but I hate that that day was one of the most human I ever felt. Hope she's doing okay out there.
He's one of those "Weak but Skilled", Batman-like characters, with a broken ability that can be powerwanked into oblivion if you really want to, that never got to show what he's truly capable of in original VN due to reasons.
This combination of factors lead to endless debates on where he should stands powerlevel wise.
Don't forget the classic cope "I'm doing the cucking!"
she was either starting to get attached to you or was worried you were getting attached to her. Either was bad for business, so she cut you of.
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fabled that
Damn, imagine being friendzoned by a hooker
This didnt happen.
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Lmao this loser speaks from experience
RumiRumi’s never gonna cosplay him, is she?
Yea that's such an unlikely event! My hooker truly loves me!.... Bruh.
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If you try to force yourself to stop, it only gets stronger.
If you try not to think about it, it gets stronger as well, because there is the underlying implication that you HAVE to abstain. It reinforces the idea that there is something wrong with you.
If you give in, it also gets stronger, it's an addiction after all.

Have you ever heard that love and hate are two sides of the same coin? The moral of the story is that both negative and positive attention attract, they reinforce and multiply the behavior. The only thing that dissipates feelings is neutral attention.
You already know of this fact by intuition. Do normies HATE any of these fetishes with a passion? No, they think it's weird, they might laugh at it, but 3 seconds later forget about it and move on. It's impossible to love (or hate) something you don't care about. They are immune in a sense. (part 1/2)
So finally, here is what you do. To naturally lose that interest, we practice acceptance. Acceptance does not mean liking the way things are, or not wanting to change, or that you Like to derive pleasure from it. Instead, acceptance only means recognizing that in fact, the pleasure exists and is present.
But if you do NOT like the fact that you like it, then you can use that feeling in your favor. Also take into consideration: "How does that make me feel?", "how would I feel if this feeling never went away?" ask without trying to answer, just feel it. "Wow, that makes me feel kinda bad" or "I feel good". Observe without thinking. What this exercise is doing is aligning your brain with your true desires, not your addiction.

In summary: Let the thoughts run free, without blocking or purposefully wandering in them; See how the thoughts make you feel, without rationalizing and seeking deeper meanings or explanations (do nothing, explanations turn into denial and cope, reinforcing the problem); Accept the difficult feelings without wishing for them to go away.

Don't block thoughts. Feel without thinking (without rationalizing), accept the feelings.

Good Luck
Shirou is not extra's protag
That scene kinda ruined the heroines for me
All of them
I hired a hooker once after a girl I thought I was serious was kind of imploded.
Felt bad during and after the sex, didn't enjoy my time. Hooker noticed and felt bad, even offered to refund my money but I said no that it was ok and we chatted a bit before going our separate ways. She texted me some time after and wanted to meet again (as a client) but I ghosted her because I felt fucking pathetic.
>apparently he has a wife but she does not show up in the game at all.
She literally does though. Your sister is his wife.
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>Mahoyo event
>random NTR joke about Shirou and Shiki for some reasons???
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Zero was a huge success and it was basically a stealth reverse harem, with bunch of unstable chads fighting over Saber and her lusting over a married man with a kid
I almost had a virgin wife from a cult, I dodged a bullet by betraying her before she could betray me.
Ritsuka literally summons female servants so they can fuck other men despite them owing him sex
The answer is schizophrenic because the author can't decide between nerfing him and buffing him.
Though, he is between mid-high in term of power which is still actually puny compare to shit like Arcueid, and other broken shit in the verse.
It was a huge success because Urobuchi was involved and Nasu promoted his works directly in the visual novels. It also had a good anime.
nta, but thanks. what you described is kind of how i rid my head of the bbc and cuck shit years back.
funny its because of that shit that i discovered stoic philosophy which also improved pretty much my entire life afterwards. suffering can have a purpose.
This unironically ruined the game for me and I'm happy they're removing it in the remake
Yep there's a doujin where a harem of girls get the MC stolen by a fat ojisan
It has a sequel too
Avalon made him autistic about swords
Something something vaccines
Sorry to hear that anon
Name? Sounds familiar.
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>game has bittersweet NTR
[Kome Nouka (Komezawa)] Heroine Race Nukegake Oji-san. (Ge)
Thanks anon this is the best advice I've ever read on this godforsaken site known as 4chan
Might as well as recommend him to meditate on top of that.
People keep defending this cuckge and I really can't understand it. I'm going to mention every single cuckge moment in this cuckshit of a game that I can remember and fuck me there's a lot.
>Kiyohime supposedly sees (You) as Anchin, Nasu outright writes in his blog how Anchin got summoned, all the girl in chaldea wanted to fuck him (?????), including Kiyohime, but he was a faggot and wanted to fuck Kojiro, so Kiyohime burned him and returned to Guda
>Tamamo goes "MUH HAKUNO IS MUH TRUE LOVE, YOU AREN'T HIM LMAO" with Nasu going "btw Hakuno isn't (You)"
>fuckery around Hakuno in general, really, will mention more of it
>Horta want a reverse harem of pretty boys
>yurishit all over the place with Okita and Nobu
>The entire fuckwardly with Quetz mats
>the "let's bait people with Nito, btw she's going to be around Ozzy 99% of the time, and then get shipped with Batschizo in her last ever appearance"
>Nightingale and Dantes, because fuck both waifufags and yumes
>Medb entire existence
>EOR2 with the Drake from Chaldea, YOUR VERY DRAKE that you summoned, is getting mindraped and corrupted into a whore who fucks and kill countless men
>CCC event with Melt supposedly as the heroine and for (You) but lol lmao her bond CE is fucking Hakuno, also she's still lusting for EMIYA and now Tristan as well
>Kiara entire existence as a NTR woman
>EOR3 and Musashi lusting about every single guy, cementing her as a whore and constant NTR doujins because of that
>EOR4 has Circe lusting over Robin, we will return to that shit soon enough
>Semiramis presented as for (You) for Valentine, ACTUALLY she's for Amakuso, thanks for the money
>valentine ever since then became nothing but cuckshit event in general
>summer 3 has BB lusting over Robin, the outright travesty that is Medb AGAIN.
>Kama fucks countless people in Ooku, also lusting on Murachanga in summer ver
>Cucksummer in general holy shit
>Circe moment
The NTR aspect makes me feel terrible but thanks for the source.
The only girl to hit and flirt with me all year long was a little girl
>>game has surprise NTR
Bahamut lagoon and live a live
Casko girlraping Rin is so hot

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