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If Mario was not woke
>smaller lips
>smaller hips
soul vs soulless
It's literally western cartoon vs anime. Nothing to see here.
Why is there a woman at all?
overdesigned thread? also booba?
I'm gonna cum
right isn't accurate because there's far more pixels.
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Right reminds me of my first toon boner.
This couldn't work with SMB's tileset.
Female pubic hair is the only thing that protects videogames from wokism. When the fashion for pubic hair removal began in America in the 90s, wokism began to enter, now that hair removal is the norm, wokism has invaded the west. In China and Korea, pubic hair is the norm and there is no wokism. In Japan the trend of removing pubic hair is just beginning but 80% still leave pubic hair so they still have some protection.

>Muh radical feminist doesn't shave
Radical feminist aren't like 0,1% of women, most women that vote woke parties shave.

Go to any woke porn page and you will see they promote shaving.
I've always imagined that sprite as Peach holding her mouth open like a retard. I physically can't see lips.
same here. most of the "one person sees this, the other sees that" things, i can trick myself into seeing either side.
But not with this sprite. Always been a dopey "woaaaaoww mario you here to save me" expression
My god man go shower
I will live to see the day over coomerism will collapse society before "wokism" does.
women are going to salons to have their bits waxed or "sugared" or whatever for hair removal, because keeping their pussy clean is too much effort and keeping a wad of hair above it clean is even more unwanted effort.

bitches are disgusting.
"go shower" should be the next epin meme response like "have sex" and i am only slightly kidding
Art from early games was programmer art. And when games had specialized artists, they weren't very good since pixel art was a new thing. That's why the graphical jump from street fighter 1 to street fighter 2 to something like alpha wasn't just an improvement hardware-wise. The artists got better at their jobs.

When pixel art games started to die out, so did the knowledge those artists had.
For me, it's that dummy thicc fangame sprite.
How do the kids say... SEXO
Not really you are a blind retard. The pixel art scene has improved a lot since then so they can do a lot better these days with the same limitations.
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really? i've always seen her like this with a bigger lower lip
Right sprite could not be done in NES while still having fluent animations on a NES cartridge.
is this true? sounds interesting and I would like to know why
what would need to be changed on the right to make the rough design work
it uses the same colors, maybe it's about groups of colors touching?
i think this intended but it just doesn't look that way
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for me, it looks like a potato person with their tongue out thing
you guys are acting like Shantae sprites could have been done on a NES cartridge.
You brought out fluent animations out of your ass. We were initially arguing about sprite work you strawman faggot. Holy shit you are such a retard fucking kill yourself.
I doubt it, princess peach doesn't even animate in this game. If anything it would be size limitations (sprites are made out of 8x8 if I remember correctly) but from eyeballing it the 2nd sprite seems fine
you would get so many upvotes for this if you went back to ribbit
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I literally see picrel. Honestly, the expression kind of fits with the ditsy character peach has had since.
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huh, i guess i'm lucky i don't see it like that
Right's sprite could have only been done in Gameboy Color. it wouldn't have worked in original Nintendo.
They have the same amount of pixels and colour hues. You are a total retard. The reason why right one looks better is because the artstyle is more appealing which wasn't the case back in the day since the game industry wasn't that developed especially not in the art department.
the size of the pixels are different
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>fluent animations
This retard doesn't know what a mapper is.
The size of your testicles are different
left: pixels are 2x2
right: pixels are 1x1
my older sister is a doctor. she says it's normal for testicles to be different sizes.
get glasses blind retard
>bracelets bad

>wanting to cover a woman's wrists
fuck off mudslime
Nah, it looks like she's got her mouth open going "Yay!" or something because she's been rescued. The only way I can see it the way you're describing is if I squint and pretend she has a Popeye jaw.
Fuckin Edwardian nonce.
>that pic
i take it back
The original's bottom part of the sprite is mirrored to save space as the game was already near bursting in it's meager kb limit. The right is literally too big to work in SMB.
kek made me look
>lost the finger guns pose
>same amount of pixels
Original is made up of seven 8x8 sprites, bottom right one is mirrored. Right is made of eight unique 8x8s.
That's a difference of 64 pixels
>didn't follow the color limitation
Might as well make it HD.
ngl i like the right but it's not peach.
She's a princess, not an instagram whore.

it's pretty easy to do, just load up another sprite ontop of the base sprite. It can cause flicker however, but getting more than 3 colors on a "Sprite" (Which is in fact two sprites) isn't really that hard.
Nah, based
Theres just something about them that looks wrong and disturbing
based she seems cool
Goddamn that makes me act up and drool.
Why did you draw her with a black facial structure?

Not that I'm complaining, it just seems like a weird choice.
peach pits i mean pits i mean pits i mean princess
i realized too late that the jaw was off and i don't know how to rotate stuff in paint nor could i be bothered to redraw it
How are you guys not completely exhausted of this culture war shit by now?
Very understandable reaction but calm down.
To be fair, you can make the black just a blank spot on the sprite because it'll be rendered on a black background
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Why stop there?
Yeah I never saw it as lips kek
Right is way more soulful than left. Dare I say tamashii tier.
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ah you fuck, i ended up opening PS just to change it, this any better? i can't even tell anymore
Now she looks like a DBZ character.
my ancestor...
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no thanks
She looks like a streetwalker. Disgusting
I'm okay with that
I'd rescue her ...if you catch my drift

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