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What the actual fuck
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>100k japanese dollars
It makes sense, they have no games so they need to turn a big profit on the console itself
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Fuck Sony
Fix your shitty economy then.
Stop being poor?
Aren't euro people supposed to be rich?
This is like the 599 US dollars all over again lol
did this need to be a new thread?
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lol what eastern europe is poor as fuck, wester EU is much better but still nowhere near NA level

It only has 1 exclusive game.
eurotrash will still buy it with the newest fifa
DEAD ON ARRIVAL. One for the history books. Might as well bundle it with Concord.
A lot of money to play fifa.
>lost hundreds of millions in Concord
>oh gee I wonder how we will recoup our retarded business decision
>I know! We'll make an even more retarded decision!
>hopefully its not retarded enough for our fanboys
>euro is worth more than pounds
What happened? Didn't it use to be worth like 1.5 euros? Did Brexit tank their economy that much?
It's amazing how fucking lame this console gen has been even compared to the already really fucking lame last gen.
what the fuck is the justification for that? The standard PS5 was the same price in euro and USD and the Euro is worth more than the fucking Dollar, not less.
does this one not boil itself in molten metal while standing
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Kek, nice way to push people from Europe to buy Xbox Series X instead. At least there you don't need to buy a disc drive and a fucking stand separately. And it has gamepass with backward compatibility.
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You laugh, but just wait and see how many frames this baby can play 2013 game ports at
DEI tax
Europe is the most homo continent
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LITERALLY UNAFFORDABLE for us 3rd worlders
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Please understand they need money now that Concord bombed. How else they gonna recover from a giant sinkhole that costed them 200M developement money?
The standard PS5 was the same price in euro as in Dollar. The Xbox and Switch are the same price in $ and €. A Steam deck is the same price. A 100 € price hike for no fucking reason over the USD version is absolutely unheard of and should be fucking illegal.
what games needed better performance?
another jewish american team must be paid another 300 million pronto!
For that price, why shouldn't you buy a PC?
This is the thread for me


poorest american states have more disposable income than highest earning eu countries
Not anymore, we are now saturated with migrants who live on welfare.
europeans are legally retarded, they will slurp their Sonyslop and like it just for FIFA like they always do.
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its over for video games
Can you not just lie the console flat? Like why do you need the stand
and this is exactly why I didn't want Xbox to fail. You were all gloating about it, but without competition, this is the kind of bullshit Sony pulls every single time.
It's not a Nintendo direct, a Nintendo tomorrow or a half tortured fart let out by some Nintendo exec, what are you expecting a sticky for?
Bros this is the last straw. I have been a snoy since the PS1. Fuck this shit, there are no fucking games.


Is this a decent laptop?
I own a Ps5 and I'm NOT buying this
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The countries are rich. The people are not. Please refer to the social contract, most European countries roughly follows this formula
don't get a laptop, they overheat like a bitch
Not for these prices they won't. We had PS5s go for 300-450€ during the autumn and holliday season in 2023 and early 2024. Everyone who wanted a PS5 got one dirt cheap and isn't gonna pay literally double for what amounts to a miniscule performance boost.
what a fucking disaster
It's pretty obvious. Hardware sales have been stagnating, so Sony chose to fleece fanatic fanboys.
Anyone who wants a PS5 will get the cheapest option. Snoys will upgrade, so Sony might as well scam them for all they're worth.
I travel around a lot right now- it's more convenient. Is it really that bad?
ps5 is very misshapen and doesn't actually lie flat without using the cheap plastic stand the console comes with but it breaks fairly easily.
Build a normal desktop pc, dumbo.
We're rich because we don't spend our money on utter trash like the PS5 Pro.
last time I bought a "gaming laptop" it burnt the gpu out within a year. If you're traveling around the middle east (just guessing based on your link) the thing is going to be killing itself in no time if you're playing demanding games. It just doesn't have the necessary airflow.
>What are you expecting a sticky for?
So that picrel doesn't happen.
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Western European countries are way better off on average, lmao. Nordic countries makes the US look even more like a thirdie dump than it already is.
I will buy.
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>yuroid price equivalent to almost $900
>bong price equivalent to over $900
nice to see the snoy countries' loyalty rewarded.
Not even Freddy Francesco is THAT affluent.
> Same in quid and euro as US dollar.
Literal racketeering.
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I didn't get it, didn't everybody say Uncle Larry gave them the money in advance for being good DEI goys and snoy shouldn't be in dire straits at all?
>still nowhere near NA level
I hope for you that this is bait
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>release one good game after 4 years on your latest console
>violently self-destruct the system immediately afterwards
Snoy knows their fans lack critical thinking, which is why the regions where they have most fans get the more expensive deal.
i love how there are versions of this meme for all western european countries
For no games
The average europoor makes less than a minimum wage nigger working at McDonalds in America.
inflation hit europe hard. next gen consoles doubled in price, ps5 pro will triple that
Stop crying bitch and keep on sucking french troons dicks. If you beg hard I may go there for a week vacation and give my big white meat to you myself
Why is everyone on this board poor all of a sudden?
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>Why is everyone on this board poor all of a sudden?
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>799,99 Eurobucks
>vertical stand sold separately
>disk drive sold separately
what else are fans for?
I'm really starting to think how much this must suck for parents. These things are substantially more expensive than 2000s consoles adjusting for inflation, and those used to be almost your entire Christmas. Imagine someone on minimum wage having to get together like two thirds of their monthly income or they feel like they're letting their kid down.
wait a fucking minute
Euro is worth more than Dollar, isn't it? why is PS5 more expensive in Euros, what the fuck is this supposed to be? what kind of logic?
Because just buy and don't ask questions, okay?
It's even better when you take in account European countries that have their own currency, making everything even more expensive for them
Euro is the most snoylent country, so they know they can get away with charging more there. It's shitty but the logic makes perfect sense.
*most snoylent region
don't know why I said "country"
That's nothing. It's like a shade under $700 USD.
How much did you pay for your TV and sound system?
They should name it the PS5 Concord instead.
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Europe has much less dirt poor people.
>europoors like divegrass a lot
>we can charge them more for FIFA device
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>decade ago memes are still relevant
not when you consider those number are per month and french people get paid 14 months a year (vacation and christmas subsidy) and only work for 11 of them (mandatory vacation). They also can't get fired for no reason and are compensated if they are fire even with reason for about 1 months salary for every year they worked at that company. So basically you get paid 15 months and work 11.

Then you consider free education and free healthcare among many other public services.
Explain something to me. If I were rich, would I have some obligation to buy every piece of garbage somebody peddles me?
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>Sony gets TWO GAMES (BB ans Astro)
>instantly gets uppity again
Why are they like this ?
If that's the case I'd rather not be rich.
I guess I'll never buy a PS5, then.
yen is a cent
No. I am actually rich (family lul) and let me tell you: rich people are stingy as fuck. This only applies to families with pedigree, not new rich trash that will try to impress the plebs.

I will much more easily buy a half a million apartment as an investment than waste money on some thing I don't need that costs a couple of hundred.
I wouldn't buy this even for 500, it has no disc drive
>vertical stand is extra
Holy shit lmao
>Vertical stand sold separately

Their head designer must've previously worked at Apple.
>french people get paid 14 months
12 for most people, sometimes a pseudo 13th month that's actually lower than a regular month.
>free healthcare
Tge only ones that get it for free are the litteral illegals. Overall, through direct taxes (not counting VAT, only talking about salary here), the state steals more than 60%. Moreover, we have to pay extras most of the time we go to the hospital.
you are not making anywhere near minimum wage to be taxed at 60%
Can't make it illegal. There is no EU law that could in any way prevent shit like this. At best this will simply make the Pro completely fail in the EU zone.
nobody is paying 60% overall in progressive tax brackets
>700 quideridoos do do fucking nothing because there's no games
they're third worlders LARPing as rich because they have a console or a PC, which is more expensive than cars and houses in their third world
my car rims are more expensive than the Pro, doesn't mean I'll buy it
Imagine being a shitskin sandnigger
Just use this. You can get an enthusiast level build with it that amount of money.
Because they are complicit in the enshittification of this board. For every actual thread about vidya you have dozens of /pol/ threads and coomer threads and every kind of rage-baiting bullshit under the sun thinly disguised as a Video Games Discussion™. If there were any justice in the world those shitposting faggots would be perma-banned on sight but instead they're nurtured and it encourages more deadbeat, lonely anons to keep posting cancer like that for social engagement
>pol pol pol pol
Rent fucking free.
t. /pol/ack
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>scalpers right now, because Sony is minimizing their profit margin
Idgaf about the price but it has no games, now that is concerning
t. /resetera/ tourist
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Where the fuck did you get that idea?
A burger flipper in America unironically and completely seriously earns more than a brain surgeon in most of Europe.
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I skipped the vanilla console and waited 4 years for this assrape
I was hoping for €650. I guess I’m gonna wait for the Kojimbo production Death Stranding 2 PC port in 2026
Actually, I am. My employer pays about 2000€ to the state, then pays "me" 2000€ gross, from which all sorts of taxes and social contributions are taken, leaving me with 1600€. These 1600€ are then taxed the usual way.
use pcpartpicker.com dummy
EU list prices are required by law to be VAT-inclusive.
US list prices are gross prices, ex taxes.

The EU uses a VAT tax of approx 20% on luxury entertainment products.
Ex taxes, the EU list price would be 800 / 1.2 ~= 666 EUR. (Absolutely based, btw.)
Converted to US dollars at the 1:1.1 EUR:USD exchange rate, makes that 666 * 1.1 = 732 USD

The US has state-specific sales tax, specific to types of goods. Iirc averaging around 10% for electronics.
700 * 1.1 = 770 USD

The EU is unironically getting the better deal here ...
That's the UK though. The UK has always been a shithole that was slowly spinning the drain.
EU price is taxes included, as legally required.

Those are also net salaries, i.e. everything regarding to taxes and wellfare already subtracted.
You know - most of the stuff that basically halves the average US paycheck...
see >>688392212
if the uk is the shithole spinning the drain then the majority of europe is the iceberg of fat in the sewers?
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Thank god i'm not a snoy
fuck you pay ~200$ more
let's be real, what else is there to talk about
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>...giant enemy crab...
>...Ridge Racer.... RIIIIIDGE RACER....
>Five hundred and ninety nine U.S. dollars
History repeats itself.
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ayo any of you nigga gonna get new ps5?
>Twice the price of the PS4 Pro at launch which was actually a substantial upgrade
>No disc drive
>No stand
>No games that take advantage of the new hardware in any significant way
>No games in general
bidenomics is working chuds
Real OG's just steal them from parcels and stores
No? Are you 15? You're 15 aren't you?
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i can't wait for all of the package thefts, it's gonna be hilarious
>799 euros without the disc reader
SONY is really pushing their shitty ass store with astronomical prices.
€920 to play physical games in Pro quality is a complete fucking disconnect from reality
this thing is only for the most obsessed pixel-counters out there
elites clearly want us to have 3 jobs just to afford ps5 pro
Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.
>shills spend days promoting astro bot as the holy bastion of single player games
>sony drops this monster turd on them
You guys should pick someone that make your job easier, not harder.
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>Playstation 5 (Launch, OG)
-Massive heatsink to keep it safe made of aluminum
-Built in Disc Drive, no need for activation upon Factory Resets
-Already has 60FPS as a standard
-500 dollars, fair asking price for a 4K entry gaming machine with physical media
>Playstation 5 Retarder Slim (Slimmer)
-Shit heatsink, cheaper material and smaller than PS5 aka Austin Evans deassembly confirmed
-Dist Drive is Optional, requires activation if Factory Reset
-Already has 60FPS as standard
-500 dollars, WTF NO PRICE DROP
>Playstation 5 Pro and Dumber (PayPig Edition)
-Stand sold separately
-Disc Drive sold separately (80 dollars FYI)
-Mark Cerny confirmed 75% of all PS5 owners use 60FPS Performance mode
-700 dollars for a digital only console that could've gone towards a gaming PC that is also digital losing all advantage of a console being entry-level and physical

Yeah, it's fucking toast lmao. Who is this for? The PS5 Pro is a profit margin console for Sony, absolutely their margins will be high for this. It will cost Sony like 500 dollars to make this and they are making a killing on the 80 dollar disc drives for the PS5 Slim models.
Why is it so expensive in Japan?
LOL they’re called europoors for a reason
theme song to buying a ps5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elRgCjSMA8E

Don't hate the player hate the game.
I just played through the whole Yakuza series, then Shadow of the Erdtree, now Astro Bot.
>b-b-b-but those aren't all exclusives!!!!
So what? I have plenty of games to play whenever I want to. It's really a far cry from 'zero games' unless you use your brainrotted definition that only exclusives count.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
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Price has no limits
>basically halves the average US paycheck

Where do you idiots come up with this shit? Taxes and the like only take off like ten to fifteen percent from a minwagefag's check.
70% of their income is taxed and they rent for life
I'll hate both
Guess we're never getting a PS5 Slim with a disk drive.
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>900k chilean pesos for ps3 2006
>today is around 2 millons
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be a good consooomer and buy
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>The very first game used to showcase the power of the PS5 Pro is a base PS4 game
Can't make this shit up
I guy I used to work with actually took out a loan to buy a ps5, I guess snoy expects their factory drone consoomers to do the same

These doorstops will be worthless in no time, their value basically plummets the moment you walk out of the store with it
EU chads...
Feels like 2006 again
Consoles won't survive. They have to scale back like Nintendo has, but they can't do that because they're competing to have the most powerful box. Death by mutual destruction
Aren't consoles supposed to go down in price over time?
Why didn't they just make the PS6?

These "mid gen refreshes" are fucking scams
I have a shitload of money and even I find this laughable. Anyone who buys this deserves everything bad that ever happens to them.

This deserves to be the Concord of consoles.
It's the only game that looks interesting, and even then I'm sure it won't be that much better than the first game
Ok, but there is no reason to use the PS5 specifically for this, an XBox owner could make the same exact argument while having spent less for the console.
It's yuropoors saying it. In Europe taxes actually do take nearly half your income.
sony board
Ok now compare average salaries in America vs Europe
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>vertical stand sold separately
even normie consoomers on plebbit are shitting on it
it's truly a historical level of fuckup
anon. based on the rate snoys are releasing new games ps6 won't be released till 2030
this is what no competition does to a guy, he can fuck anyone he wishes in the ass
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your fault for still trusting in consoles and sony in 2024
Nah, it'll be 2026 or 2027. And then for the first few years all the games will be out for both PS5 and PS6.
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Not anymore because technology is slowing down and because the economy is shitting itself.
That's why they raised the PS5 price, they started selling it at loss and expected production costs to go down but they didn't, and they can't recoup the money form games because there are no games.
They priced the Pro so high because they want it to make money from day 1.
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there are hardly even any games worth playing on the system who the fuck is going to spend that much? I'd assume most of the people who already have one won't bother.
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>game has overpowered factions
it's a good laptop, don't listen to these retards. just keep you expectations reasonable and don't push it too hard, meaning don't expect to run cp2077 at ultra 4k without some thermal consequences. other than that you can play pretty much anything and just like with desktop PC you have tons of options to keep it cool during summer like downclocking and undervolting. it's useful to run something like afterburner at all times to be extra safe.
now the consolefags will have to get used to hearing these words and numbers
Why are snoys such brown buckbroken seething corporate apologist coastal liberal resetera Kamala worshipping movie game watching Reddit wife sharing sneedyoo nigger faggots? Is fully banning snoys or containing them in their own board the right move?
xbox bent the knee to sony
xbox fanboys are fleeing to playstation, they know they have no competition
im pretty sure this was just a meme, i don't think anyone actually fucked old white gramdas in exchange for enough money to buy a ps5
We just don't know and I'm thinkin so, m8. Sad but true.
Is it worth the 100% price increase or is a regular Snoy station enough?
The way I see it it's way worse than the os4pro compared to ps4.
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This for $1334 including shipping. What am I in for bros?
>sony board
Why are 99% of all platform warring threads PC fanboys making flagrant fanboy posts? PCMR are brand warriors more than Apple smartphone users.
Recommend me a decentish laptop for the same price or less please
Thank you
Why didn't you get at least 4080 or better?
Looks good to me. Much better value than a PS5 Pro at least. Some anons will complain about the power supply, though. Personally I think the one you have is fine.
Even 600w is enough for that, 800w is overkill.
>Xbox SEXbox vs Sony Pisspro
pretty good
because the 4080 is $1000
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>almost 1k for the console, seperate disc drive, controllers, and games
What a fucking meme. The only people defending this will be trolls.
>the standard PS4's GPU is capable of 1.84 TFLOPS, the PS4 Pro 4.20 TFLOPS
do we have flops numbers for ps5 pro yet? bet it's not even 1.5x of base model and they'll be relying on that PSSR fake frame generation while native performance probably won't be >50% better.
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All of them since they make you choose between silky smooth 24fps mode or blurry mess 40fps mode
For me so i can play MHWilds on my PS5 at 60fps :)
nah, 50% is realistic
It has 60 CUs which is a 67% increase and it's also a newer architecture
if anything it should be more than 50%
it's probably downclocked to hell so it doesn't use 300W alone like the 7800 XT
>paying for windows
just import from Japan, the yen is a dead currency now so everything is dirt cheap
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>99.99$ for the disc drive
I'm tired leafbros...
The short version is that western economies are now expected to carry the US. Those that do not are threatened. This will be the ultimate reason for WW3.
>it was $800 but Monster Hunter Wilds at 60fps will make it all worth it
>Mein Fuhrer... Wilds is...
>Wilds is CPU bound so it will run at 30fps on the Pro

0.76 GBP
0.91 EUR
140 JPY


699 USD
699 GBP
799 EUR
120,000 JPY

>buy a mid-range PC you can upgrade whenever you want that will get PS games anyway
>save up and buy a Nintendo Switch 2 in the future
only "console" worth buying is a switch
>Bald 58 year old PC fanboy "adult man" with ear hair
PS5 500 dollars with disc
Gaming PC 900 dollars all digital
I can finally import a woman from japan
>EUR price is shown with tax while the US one is without tax
>okay so roughly 667 EUR without tax
>which is... $733
>buying a SHITch when you can play all the games on PC at 4k 60fps
Piracy, fag
>people were only buying PS5s from Japan cause they could import them at half price
>almost double the price of the PS5 Pro so its even more expensive than it is in America now
is literally anyone going to buy a P5Pro in Japan?
No, it's designed not to be orientated in any direction without a stand. Not even joking.
Empress (she/her) retired, piratebros weren't giving him I mean her enough attention and tithes.
I doubt it's worth that much, really. Getting a used one to play 0 games.
Maybe so, still not worth that much. Rather put that money and a little extra in a gpu.
MODS kickstarted this type of spam with Smash Brothers, they still spam the board from time to time with stickies that are complete garbage.

The board was dead once moot left
>buying expensive shit to play AAA games
people still play AAA games?
if it's good enough to run some indie shit, it's good enough for me.
this is your brain on reddit
Switch 2 emulator will take a while and Nintendo will sue anyone who tries
Its actually 920 Euros...
>buying a console without a disc drive
the only positive part of console gaming is that you can just resell on release or buy used games from others for cheap afterwards
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every thread I will remind them
That PC is utter garbage...
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>$700 Console
>$80 Disc Drive
>$30 Vertical Stand

So we're at like $850 dollars to play some upscaled games with limited graphical improvements even enthusiasts won't notice.

This is fucking embarrassing.
I read this post in Samurai Jack's Scotsman voice
I mean to be honest you probably get 3 months of Plus with the console itself, like with the PS4. So that's sub 1k, but still insane.

Totally not worth it for the 2 games it has
>Show upscaled PS4 games running on a PS5 Pro
And your 80$ a year ps+ sub. Have fun dipshit.
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Hey man, it's inflation okay?
Guess what us europoors pay?
We pay 800 Euros for the console itself, the fucking discdrive costs 120 and the stand costs 30 Euros on top of that.
So the PS5 Pro costs 950 Euros in Europe.
That is 1050 USD!
>I’m okay paying $800 for a future game that hasn’t been announced to be coming at all yet.
Is this guy a total idiot or did they give the paid shill the wrong talking points?
Euros would only be paying 30 less if they import from Japan. Shipping fees would probably make it equal anyway. For USD you would actually be paying like $140 more. If you can think of importing shit for cheap than Sony can too, the high yen price is almost 100% so they can stop people from just importing it for a cheap price.
The east has fallen
The American mind literally can't comprehend this. They don't know how bad things really are in Europe.
/v/ Mid Tier gaming PC: 1,100 dollars
Entry Gaming PC: 900 dollars
PS5 Pro Disc Drive: 780 dollars
PS5 Pro No Disc: 700 dollars
Steam Deck OLED: 650 dollars
Xbox Series X 2TB Physical: 600 dollars
PS5 Slim and Xbox Series X Disc: 500 dollars
PS5 Slim Digital: 450
Nintendo Switch OLED: 350 dollars
Nintendo Switch V2: 300 dollars

Okay PC fanboy. (55 year old man, bald, ear hair)
Amerimutts usually earn 30% more than we do. I blame taxes.
i dont get it
We got even more fuck as usual, and stores will bump it to $1200 minimum.
No way I'm paying more than a grand for a console half way through its life. Even normal PS5s are still $700-$800.
We get ripped off all the fucking time
>But-t in PC you can pirate all games like poorfag 3rd worlders do!!!
yes utter garbage is more powerful than a PS5. Your point?
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lmao look at this absolute fucking retard, he's going to "le retire" from vidya
It’s just he’s saying he’s buying a ps5pro for a game that isn’t even coming for at least 3 years and might even be a launch title for ps6.
700$ for no gaems
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know your place
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ps5 (rx 6700)
ps5 pro (rx 6800)
sad really
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Heheheheheh wew, thanks for the reminder.
>I want the best possible experience
Well obviously not, since you're buying a fucking ps5 pro and not a pc
+200 for the disc drive and stand
they beat Nintendo in goodwill with Astrobot and threw it all away with 799, what were they thinking?
Wait are they over charging the Euros? Aren't Euros worth more than dollars? So that's like almost 900 dollars? Lmao
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>Poorfag third worlders seething
For me it's him saying that he's doing well enough financially to waste $800 on A HOBBY HE SAYS HE DOESN'T EVEN DO ANYMORE
I love it
No, even western Europe is poor. Look at the GDP per a capita, Americans are on average twice as wealthy.
dont forget the disc drive is sold separately
>$800 to play Astrobot
L m a ooooooo
Should be Round 3 by this point.

Imagine doing this again, but without the memes and Jack Tretton's impassioned leadership. PlayStation is sunk at this point.
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kek looks like snoy brought out the pajeets to get it trending
will original PS5 be cheaper?
Stickies are reserved for shitty games like Dragon's Dogma 2
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>"too much"
Didn’t they just raise prices for the ps5 too?
There's nothing to play on that hardware tbqh
I assume that was supposed to be slang for 41%ing himself.
why the fuck is it more expensive in euros???
Just stop being poor :)
Poorest Amerifat is richer than the average Eurofag
Because our governments are ripping us off. Sony does not earn more in the EU than a PS5 Pro sold in the US. The difference is about 20 USD. What is fucking us are our taxes.
What? LOL!
Many europoors larp with MUH FREE HEALTHCARE and MUH FREE EDUCATION but the average amercan is significantly wealthier than your average europoor.
in Japan kek
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Free healthcare and education btw means slashing your salary in half.
The only people who are riding the free shit train are asylum seekers.
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Take a shower
Go outside
Find a job
Have sex
>Literally acting like the anally devastated guy in the comic
top kek
People didn't even factor in the added sales tax for this shit. kek
Damn its like we went back to 7th gen again with the PS3 reveal.
the fifa trash will buy it
Because deductions from gross salary towards net salary also include things that have to come out of your own pocket in the US. Net salary in the US and net salary in the EU do not represent the same thing at all.
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Only switzerland, norway and apparently Ireland?? (ignoring the mininations)
Using GDP or GDP/capita to track wealth is a common misonception. GDP doesn't track wealth. Gross domestic product tracks the annual value of products and services bought by users. I.e. the higher the GDP, the more of their income consumers are actually forced to spend for equatable conditions of living to other countries with similar standards of living.
This and 15%-20% tip
Careful with GDP
>and apparently Ireland??
Because GDP doesn't track wealth of citizens. It tracks annual value of products and services bought from a country. Ireland is a tax haven in the EU, which means most of big tech settles there and means most of their income is registered there.

Hence that number dramatically explodes.
This is also why the US has such a high GDP.
It's not because the average US citizen is richer than the average EU citizen (which they probably aren't) - but because major US *corporations* file large parts of their global income domestically for tax purposes, and ALL of that gets contributed to the US GDP. That money doesn't go to the citizens. It goes to the top 1% elite of Silicon Valley et al.

GDP is an absolutely SHIT and worthless metric to track actual wealth.
>It's not because the average US citizen is richer than the average EU citizen
They are. No doubt
brazilian bros..
Europoors can’t even buy HVACs kek
They’re 100% poorer
God's work
>Almost 1.2k dollars in Japan
Sony really fucking hates Japan now huh
>>688424283 (cont.)
As for why GDP continues to be used then, if it's such a bad metric - that actually has an easy answer: because it makes the US look good.

Burgers have very shallow and brittle self-confidence and need to be told they're the "damned best in the fuckin' world," or they'll collectively self-destruct.

Even South Park did a fucking episode on their collective fragile egos, wrapping it in a fucking allegory on penis size and lying about the fucking measurements to make themselves look good.
>$1050 in Canada before disc drive and taxes
Fuck off Sony.
/v/ is an astro board
Their gov't takes all of their money.
Average price for a basic home residence HVAC unit is between € 3250 ~ € 7000 depending on how much performance I'd want/need out of a unit.
I could actually afford that out of disposable income accrued and saved in 3 months. And my salary is honestly very mid.

The HVAC thing is a myth. Many European users don't have them installed, not because it's too expensive, but because of the much more temperate climate compared to the US, which basically obviates the need to have one for cooling - save for maybe 2 or 3 weeks of summer in the year, and because the operating costs of using one as a heating unit during winter are a stupidly high waste of money compared to other heating options.
Dollars are worth LESS than euros, why is it things are always more expensive here? This shit isn't even produced in America, it makes no sense.
If anything it should be 599 euros.
Many homes in Europe are not routed for HVAC, do it would require extensive modification.
That's just one thing, but not even ACs are very popular in Europe. And I don't mean fucking Finland or Sweden, but central european countries. It's mainly because people are poor and they think of AC as a luxury. I definitely needed air conditioning for around 3 months, and you can use it for heating too.
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How the fuck are they gonna deliver a PS6 that's more powerful than the PS5 Pro under 550-600$ in November 2028?
They aren't. They are going to release an $800 PS6 in November of 2027,
All conspiracy theories are fake and the people who spread them are idiots
They're testing the water to see just how much they can charge. If by some retarded miracle the PS5 Professional sells, the PS6 Pro will be four figures and not even come with a power lead.
More like 1.5 cents now - they've been taking it rough
>They are going to release an $800 PS6 in November of 2027

Is this before or after they remove more parts to sell you separately from the console?
So the yen is stronger?
outside of switzerland no
No, that idiot went the wrong direction. The yen is .7 cents right now.
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So glad I jumped to PC after PS4.
To the people still in the PlayStation ecosystem, I urge you to exit. Next generation you WILL be forced to have a digital library.

>PS5 no disc version was $100 cheaper, the start of the heavy push
>Now PS5 pro ONLY has a no disc version
>PS6 may not even have an external disc drive
>Gamestop on deaths door
>Target / Walmart already phased out physical movies

Gaming is next. With the heavy push to digital from PlayStation along with stores dropping physical / going out of business, the writing has been on the wall.

So since you will be forced to go fully digital soon, tell me, would you rather build it on PlayStation or Steam?

This is what made me jump ship. PlayStation is censor happy nowadays, and they drop their stores pretty quickly. If you build it on PC, you will always have access to it. And on the most consumer friendly store. With PlayStation, you have 2 generations before they can it.

Making the jump is a hassle, but trust me, you will be glad you did next generation.
Ah I see. Thank you :)
Average household savings rate - i.e. how much income is left at the end of the month after all expenditures, is a much better gauge for buildup and subsequently retention of wealth, than GDP is. And what that shows is around 10% of net income in the EU being kept as savings, opposed to only 5% in the US.
Meaning even if the average US salary would be double of that in the EU, there would still only be equal build up of wealth from residual income, in absolute numbers.
yet figures cost 60-140+ USD now, fuck off japan
At that point just buy a middle range pc LMAO
>posts a picture of his digital library

I live in the UK which is supposed to be one of the richest countries in the world and I make 33k a year at 28 which is above the 30k median wage for my age and even then £700 is still expensive as fuck for a console. I have roughly 1.85k to spend every month after bills and a ps5 pro would eat a significant amount of that while offering me significantly less than if I spent that money on a PC. For context I bought my ps4 and ps5 slim combined for £450
>PS4, PS3 and PS2 ports
Do PCfags really?
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Why should i spend money and most importantly time with QA, devkits, licensing and and the sony approval process with something that only you and your three friends will have?
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thats the point, start building your digital library on steam. Soon you will be forced to go digital on PlayStation.

I dont think I need to elaborate much further on why its better to build a digital game collection on Steam over PlayStation. Just jump ship and start now.
>console ports and shovelware kusoge
So this is what PCfags claim as having games?
tranny console
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I mean I have been PlayStation + Nintendo most of my life so my interests are going to be a lot of stuff from that. Now PC + Nintendo which is the golden combo.
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>building your digital library on steam
Uhh, matey, that's not how things are done on the PC. We own the games here.
>Not a single good game
Stop posting
This is why indians and weebs are not human and should be treated as such.
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the entire planets pays more than the USA because the US exports its inflation to other countries thanks the world's economy relies on the USD. to maintain things cheaper for the US, other countries pay more for the same products even if their money equals the dollar in power or has more power than it
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another day another snoy meltdown
I've noticed 99% of the people crying about the price are Euros
I thought you guys all had free health care and thus we're swimming in extra cash
I guess the Yuropoor meme is real
AmeriChads will be enjoying the extra frames and resolution
Switch is also acceptable. I advocate for PC + Nintendo. You get everything. And I like that I still have some physical collection with my switch
>700 burgers
>still can't throw in the plastic stand
Remember when consoles used to come with whole fucking games to play? You didn't need anything else, one box and you were having the time of your life for Christmas/birthday.
whoever approved starting that presentation with tlou2 needs to be fired immediately. what a braindead fucking retarded decision its honestly baffling. although the whole thing seems like a string of retarded decision making so makes sense i guess
I really hope console players stay on console. GPUs are already expensive as it is.
> t. 5'8" cosplaying pajeet
never were, the europoor meme goes back to early 4chan before pol
I don't get retards here. The Pro isn't a mandatory upgrade, you can still get the cheaper slim
What's the matter? I figured y'all would have loads of disposable income, considering you have free healthcare, and the US pays your military bills.
no, an eceleb dying is more important
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How much will switch 2 cost?
>Equivalent to $915.69
>Being sold for $699.99
wew what
Lmao all those games are free at 4k120fps on PC
Yea no kidding >>659562989
what games are actually on the ps5 anyway
not including multiplats, remakes or remasters
retard frog

imagine paying 1000 dollars to play nothing
>muh xbox
In other countries the price end in exact zero.
Why so many people in USA worship the number 9?
literally nobody says this
An evolution of the piss filter

$500 USD is really pennies because all PS3s still working today, and thanks to Geohot we have the master key of the ps3
+500 more because of scalpers
$500 back in 2006 would be worth about $800 today so yes, literally round 2 of this shit.
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check out what leaves have to pay
I can afford it but why bother? There's no fucking games worth playing on any of the current systems. Nintendo better fucking come out swinging with a load of games for Switch 2.
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>800 dollar console + tip + taxes
>anual subscription in order to use your own internet
>70 dollar games
>it's just movies

honestly you fags deserve it
Are we allowed to feel sorry for leaves this once so we can all laugh together at Sony
Damn they really are gouging on the stand. No horizontal position at all. If I got one now I'd have to settle for wobble since there's no room in my setup for vertical.
The exchange rate between the yen and dollar is irrelevant. For Jap standards, 120k yen is absurdly expensive.
Jap living standards have been degrading because inflation is high and income is stagnant. Doesn't help that the PS5 and even the PS4 and PS4 Pro aren't really that popular either and that the Switch is only 40k yen for the most expensive model.
The only people that will buy this crap are turbo snoys. I'd be surprised if they sell even half a million in Japan units during the entire product lifecycle.
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Our prime minister currently earns €186K annually, with top executives salaries capped to his by law or some shit like that. Looks like a general manager at your average burger joint can earn more.
Can't i just use a regular PS5 Stand?
ps3 backwards compatibility or bloodborne 2 would unironically make me shell out 800 euros
well € is worth more than $ and we have to pay 100 extra
>W11 Home
You want pro, but it's not like this a deal breaker or anything. Otherwise, seems great, bro.
Doubt it. Hard to tell but I don't think that shape lines up with mine.
No its because snoy is insanely popular in EU. Nintendo and especially Xbox are nowhere near close to snoy in EU.
american prices are before tax
yes thats how little the US government cares about its citizens
It's not an average burger joint, Buc-ee's are very popular and there not many of them.
Ah yes, finally, ps4 games can run @30fps.
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it's not compatible with the regular PS5 stand, however it might include the two pieces of plastic that PS5 slim included, $799 + tip!!
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The benefit of consoles was for a cheap and convenient gaming experience. When I see $700 I just think it's better to get a PC at that point.
Not to mention Jew behavior like >>688432269 on top of it.
>Disc drive sold separately
>The stand to keep the piece of shit upright sold separately
>Monthly fee to access it INDEFINITELY which IS mandatory because no one uses a fucking offline console nor can they
>70 games that you MUST pay for and Sony controls the prices
>Quietly raised the prices of their controller
The few exclusives they had are on PC now. The engineering is cool, a lot of power in a small chassis, but Sony can't engineer out physics so it WILL get hot and be loud as fuck.
Honestly I have been spending some time thinking about the value of the PS5 pro. Most retards just handwaved it right away as too expensive from both ends (poor fags who can't afford it at all. rich fags who routinely spend $3,000 on a high-end setup, then upgrade at $500 a year every year because that is their version of value).

PS5 Pro is somewhere at or slightly above a mid-tier PC. It still has value in terms of its raw power - but you get locked into the ecosystem.

If Sony came out and said "oh yeah sorry. turns out you can get 60fps bloodborne through PS5 pro boost mode", I think a lot of people might shut up about the value.
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quick math here.
>$799 for the console
>$79 for a disc drive (one would assume an enthusiast would rather have a physical game collection)
>$69 for a game (you are buying at least ONE game right? you are definetely not using this as a fortnite machine)
>$79 for PS Plus essential ($159 for premium)
That's $1036 or $1106 (with ps+ premium) before tax.
>spending $800 for last of us 3 to retire from gaming...
these people arent real are they? i cant understand who would do that?
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Thank god, hopefully this curbs the infestation of lower class trash, Brazilians and aussies on ps5. Its disgusting how they shit up every game with their lag and 999 ping.
Not every state has sales tax dumbass.
>oh no, goyim shouldn't understand which part of the price is being stolen by the government, they should believe it's only the evil salesman's fault he's paying more for shit that's cheaper everywhere else on this planet
Peak EU logic
Stay angry. I paid $848,95 with vertical stand

Better and Fresh thread
At least the ps3 have actual games
Serious question
Why are there so many complaints in Euro? Aren't you overrun with immigrants, why do you even care about video games
Fuck off to pol
I would literally make six figures a year in burgerstan while I am stuck with 48k - 38% taxes - 25.5% VAT on anything that isn't food or meds
Video games are their escape, silly.
Can some economics fags explain this to me? like where is the supply and demand aspect when nobody can afford this shit
>911 I need medic, I got bubu :3
>that would be $999.999.99 for bandages sir.
>I am stuck with 48k - 38% taxes
do you flip burgers for a living?
Because $99.99 appears a lot cheaper than $100.00 to retards.
You have to save up for emergencies, it's your responsibility. You're an adult. You also need a job so you get insurance.
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>when nobody can afford this shit
I have monitor for $2000 and PC for $4000 plus desk, chair thats next $2000

If you are aimless basement dweller living off from parents without any job and considerable income even a cheeseburger will be for you:
>nobody can afford this shit

Get a grip - $700 is fucking nothing.
The world would only celebrate if your entire continent disappeared overnight.
euro is worth more than dollar
>I apologize seeer but your insurance only cover the medical assessment but not bandages, you will need to pay for that seer.
Does that include any games? Lol.
>The world would only celebrate if your entire continent disappeared overnight.
Don't worry yellowstone will help you with that now fuck off to pol.
fullstack dev
Tell me about the chair, why does it cost so much? Is it worth it?
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>700 cheddar
>no disk drive
>no vertical stand
Just nuke this industry already
>ps3 backwards compatibility
You'll need to hack it and run RPCS3 for that
I thought one of the few upsides of Europe was socialized medicine.
so just to be clear, you earn less than 2500 after taxes each month?
nigga i work in a factory and make almost twice that for 32 hours a week, in europe as well
I have desk with quad legs that is also electrical (standing desk) with Walnut veneer top thats about $1500 alone, I have tried some chairs but I have managed to buy used office chair for $400 Herman Aeron (0 back pains, its just perfect and comfy in hotter days)
>said pc poor rat with GTX 260 and core 2 duo cpu with ddr2 2GB ram
Give it a year of lackluster sales and Sony will drop $100 off the price tag. No games need to run at that level of fidelity right now.
I came to the conuclusion that it's normalfags and "wannabe-normalfags" who desperately long to drink and party every day because these impressionable retards think that's what everyone else does who want a PS5. These are the types who constantly think about porn and sex too while posting as if they had it and they post cuck shit because they think everyone is into that too.
It's because of what type of person I saw who has a PS5 and also the more famous people who display their PS5s for their audienence to see.
They are completely soaked in and surrounded by the wrong media, and the displaying of PS5s is a part of that.
no, obviously I am bullshitting you to emphasize the point
it's 4491,20€ to taxes at 30500€ and 30,25% of the remaining 17500€
>2 palos por un pisapapeles sin juegos
Mejor me compro una moto con eso



Thanks Anon, I'm not gonna spend that much money on a computer until I strike it rich, but it's worth investing that money on my back and tush.
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its not the console..
yeah, but PS5 pro doesn't have these. lmao.
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Do you like the taste of your own medicine, snoygger?
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Yeah pretty much... At least, we don't speak German and travel thru space.
I could be gaming on an Amiga and the PS5 pro would still be retarded
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They will do exactly what they did with the PS4 Pro, which even though it sold low it will be what they expected, and the next generation will end up costing 100 dollars more, like the PS5
PS6 will cost $899 and without disc drive, mark my words
>doesn't even come with the stand
snoy wants to apple so fucking bad
>nips ass fucking yuropoors
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you love to be contradictory on the internet don't you?
sony already showed financial results and they are selling more digital than physical on ps5, for the same reason the disc drive on ps5 pro is optional
both pc and ps5 are at the same level of digital sales as predominant, with a small percentage of physical
I am personally happy I`ll be able to buy THE Wakandastation® 5 Pro.
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Bro, think about it for a second.
If they are not saying it explicitly, it means it won't. Not even close, in fact.
then what's the point?
no they wont you fuckign shill
noboby but snoys care about bloodborne that much
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>plus £100 disc drive tip
>games like Bloodborne and RDR2 still only play at 30fps and make you dizzy
£700 is highly affordable. Its only about 2 months worth of food. Just eat dust for a couple of months and you'll be set. For the next 4 years. Minus games. Minus PSN subscription. Minus £80 stand. Minus Dualsense controller replacement.
imagine releasing a new console with no games
no native 4k support
shitty version of FSR
all of this because the original ps5 is not RDNA 2
and yet end up happier than 99% of americans, weird how that works out
You vil buy de consol. You vil play de gaem. You vil be appy.
920€ with the disk drive lmao
People here will just buy the Switch 2 or better build a PC
You need to update that image cuz the disc drive now costs 120 euro.
forgot the second controller
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>anyone actually fucked old white gramdas
we, I mean, they do
>in exchange for enough money to buy a ps5
this part is fake, lol
nah, they will buy all them, so you can't find anywhere to buy PS5 Pro reasonably.
Most can probably do both with that money and a bit of effort desu
>-Disc Drive sold separately (80 dollars FYI)
It requires online for activation. Plus $80 for the US only. Other markets - 120 Euro/20,000 Yen/and so. More expensive! :^)
I'm buying a few, one for myself, and a couple for my wifes kids. I like to keep my console clean, and this kids are a mess.
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Based Jim
Nope, but you should buy concord in the first place.
> all the games will be out for both PS5 and PS6.
Poor developers. I promise you that most of them would ignore or delay the PS5 version.
yeah, have fun spending $2500 on PS6.
kill yourself
You can get windows 11 free.
>just stop being poor lol imagine being poor just buy it and shut up and never question anything leave the birrion dorrar company alone!
Why should me being well-off justify blatant scams and jewish behavior?
>doesn't even come with a Dualsense Edge
wasn't the whole point of consoles was that it's cheaper than a PC? Why even buy a console now?
Was the Castle of Illusion remake any good? I always forget it exists.
i know, im saying it having either of those would make me buy it
relax esl sperg i never said it would
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I guess it was ok when people were spamming astro bot threads
They gonne full americano retardo mode
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PS6 will be a bit more powerful than PS5 Pro. I say a bit. Sony would copy the business model Nintendo cuz they will make killing on PS5 Pro 2 (aka PS6). If xbox is gone, Sony would force you to pay $2500 on PS6. :^)
I am extremely happy that I jumped to PC after N64. It is so awesome that I can play my fav game from early 90's on my powerful rig. It is so easy!
>implying america doesn't have leeching criminals, immigrants, and boomers
Even the POTUS only makes like $400k
That last line's not always true, but when it isn't it's trivial to overcome and chances are someone already has.
So uh, does it actually do anything or are we looking at another PS4 Pro situation?
Pajeets would be over it.
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Sony need more shekels, so they need to squeeze snoyggers moar.
average salary in europe is like 1200€ net after taxes, our taxes are already sky high
even nips think it's better to wait for switch 2 instead
its incredible, just incredible.

>right now, Sony has literally no exclusives
>one of their supposed killer apps was a service game SO BAD that it lasted less than 2 weeks.
>then, out of nowhere, launch a couple days ago a fun, adorable game that blatantly says 'yes! we remember we did GAMES before and we can still make that kind of games! why do you ask?'
>they could have worked in a Backwards compatibility solution for the PS5.

how fucking corrupt is sony now as to do this shit!? nintendo NEEDS to take away the PS2 record soon, they cant keep doing this shit!
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wtf thats a downpayment for a house in yurop
Maybe you have a borked game. Almost all games of mine work so well. Some of them require a bit tweaking. Not bad. On the console, it is completed restriction. You have no full control over it. This is why the console needs to die.
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I can buy an used xbox series s for 150€ and these niggers want me to spend 800€ for a few extra pixels in performance mode?
You won't be able to import one without paying 1K+ import tax either so this will be 1300-1400 nzd in stores most likely
The blow was softened by being able to play PS1 and PS2 games off the disc, PS5 still doesn't have a decent emulator for either console because Sony is retarded and fired all of the people that made the old emulators.
If it could natively play ps1-3 games i'd get it. But this shit is retarded.
astro trannies... it's over...
>it's gonna be $1400+ aud with the disc drive and stand
nigger wtf, that's nearly double the launch ps5 price ($750)
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It's only 1400 aud lmao
My 79xtx and whole PC cost less
Probably 450 or something, Switch still don't have a discount.

If anything this is perfect time to nintendo capitalize on Sony stupidity.
Yeah, rich people don't waste money on everprice crap like poorfaggot cultist does.
its over 900 dollarydoos in australia
I can't stand all these PS5 Pro threads, why aren't mods doing anything about it?
>3,965.02 BRL

Lmao, and that before taxes and everything.
The Yen doesn’t have a decimal, so it’s functionally a penny.
So Sony thinks the Japanese are willing to pay $1200 for a console that has already existed for 5 years and STILL has no games.
The entire Playstation division needs to be fired at this point.
In case anyone’s curious, the Canadian price is likely to be more than $950 going by the current exchange rate, plus tip.

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