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Brazilbros, how expansive do you think the ps5 pro is going to be?
1 million de pesos
well the first one was quite large for a console so maybe about 1/5 the size of a standard 1,80m table?
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A few days of my salary
about three fiddy
Official release price was 4500 reais, and scalpers were flipping them for 6000 to 7000 reais. The official release price tag for the PS5 Pro will easily be over 6000 reais.
10k lol
could be higher then 4k brl considering the base price, i will wait 10 years to play astro bot its ok
it will expand past the earth's curvature
Monta um PC na Black Friday e é isso.
8k at minimum. Probably closer to 10k.
If you're retarded enough to buy this, you deserve to go bankrupt.
Couldn't care less. Already buyoughted my 4070 from our boludos (Paraguayan) friends.
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why would i possibly give a fuck? i have my 750 ti an infinite supply of emulators and indie games. consoles died for me as soon as they became anything other than "put the disc in and play". let the gringos freak out about their bullshit prices
Can I buy a Brazilian mail order bride with a ps5 pro?
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>30% taxes 1185
>R$200 shipping
>salesman profit 10~20%
>around R$6500-7500
Vendi meu FAT que comprei no lançamento por 2.8k e comprei um PC gamer com 7800x3d + 4070 ti super e não me arrependo nem um pouco. Meu ps5 tava coletando poeira a meses.
Does anyone remember the Olha o Johnny PS4 song ? The sucker deleted everything, we could use AI update it to the PS5

Já repeti demais
Tô até sendo chato
Mas não vou ter grana para o Play 5
Make the L.
>tfw opted for a 6700 XT instead of a 4070Ti for my upgrade
>shit blackscreens on my pc no matter what i try, works on other PCs
I'm never falling for the radeon meme again tomar no cú essa porra
>I've been taxed by 5000 horses>I've been taxed by 5000 horses>I've been taxed by 5000 horses>I've been taxed by 5000 horses>I've been taxed by 5000 horses>I've been taxed by 5000 horses>I've been taxed by 5000 horses>I've been taxed by 5000 horses>I've been taxed by 5000 horses>I've been taxed by 5000 horses>I've been taxed by 5000 horses
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Imagine falling for the AMD GPU meme in 2024.
do u play 2hu???
7k reais

1237 usd
I still don't understand /v/. All they do is moan and complain about how [recent videogame] sucks and is expensive, but they don't even bother checking out the older stuff through emulation. The only console that i tried and couldn't get the emu to work was the OG xbox one.
no but i listen to scarlet police and maria stole the precious thing daily
>Works on other pcs
>Works on my machine
Sucks to be you.
Give me your lewdest BR Miku for nothing in return!
sinceramente, não duvido nada de chegar aqui batendo 10 milzão

a sony ainda fabrica consoles aqui no br?
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R$6.307 but the Government of Love will probably make sure this is over 10K
Não, Sony parou com suas fábricas em território brasileiro em 2017, viabilizando os consoles como de fabricação para toda a América do Sul, não mais especificamente no Brasil.

Porém, desde em então a Sony faz parceiros no Brasil para pelo menos fábricar jogos em mídia física no Brasil para manter um preço mais "acessível".
desu the iphone 16 pro is U$1000 in the US and ~15k reais(~U$3000) in here
vai ser mais de 10k então
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E lançam ditas mídica física com um papel reciclado horrível
Imagine essa capa ocupada pra caralho com qualidade de papel lascado
>adding 60% tax
I'm not Brazilian, what the fuck is going on with that?
"we have to protect our industry!!!!!!!!"
Will Xandão ban 4chan too?
It is the power of the Nine Fingers
>buying consoles
Even if you can afford the ridiculous price you also need to pay gorillions for the games (then again you don't really need to worry much about that for the PS5 I guess) and online services, and like 99.9% of the population here can't even dream of having that much money. Why the fuck not buy a cheap (enough) PC and pirate everything at low graphics and 720p until a big Steam sale drops and you can buy something instead.
And no, I don't think the president being different would have changed anything. The last time someone different was there the gaming prices didn't change at fucking all.
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> RTX 3070ti comprado no Paraguai ano passado
> Switch desbloqueado sei lá desde quando

Imagina comprar um videogame de no mínimo 7 mil reais pagando 400 reais por jogo. Sonysta brasileiro tem mais é que se fuder.
>desu the iphone 16 pro is U$1000 in the US and ~15k reais(~U$3000) in here
Brazilian hue hue applefags would pay 20k on an iphone even if it came covered in shit, apple drones aren't a good parameter.
Anon please this is not even lewd
as a turkbro I think it'll be like 1150 EUR for us, tax included of course
That one works, just poorly. JSRF is about the only game that's actually perfectly emulated despite what the compatibility lists say
I don't give a fuck
this shithole is horrible with tech
Gonna skip the PS5 pro just like I skipped the PS5 and keep on playing on my PC (that I had to sell a kidney to afford)
>just 30%

Try 120%
le brown miku country
fukkin saved
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That's not bad I guess
>JSRF is about the only game that's actually perfectly emulated despite what the compatibility lists say
what? it doesn't
on xemu at least
the sound is fucked up
5 million real cruzeiros
To protect our national game console industry, of course.
any plans to export those secret huestations?
Hiro isn't calling Xandão on his face like Musk did, so not likely.
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No, you'll never get to experience our rich history of recycling Mega Drives
Tu formatou o PC se tu fez um upgrade?
tem que formatar sempre que tu faz upgrade.
Imagine this, a country tring to protec it's internal market, so it put high tarifs on everything that gets in to encourages people to buy from the local industry.
But the local industry doesn't exist, so the goverment creates a huge tax haven place so that companies will install huge factories there, the only caveat, it is in the middle of the fucking Amazon jungle. This is so the region can become developed fast. This will be the law for 30 years, and then the companies are on their own
Guess what happened 30 years later? every single company only "works" because the government payouts, and as soon as the government starts taxing, every single company said they would pull out of this place and install a company elsewhere. So the government keeps the payouts to protect the jobs of the people there.
So because of about 800 factory workers being underpaid and all the factory owners pocketing all the tax cuts and gibs, we all have to suffer huge ass import taxes

Oh yeah, they did all this to force the region to develop right? nothing got developed, the amazon is a shit place to put a huge factory in it and the only way you can get shit out of there is through the Amazon river, that becomes way too low to shit tings through for 6 months every year anyway, so the factories just do not produce shit for 6 months and then rush shit on the next 6 months.
And the business center of the country is in SP/Rio, so shit has to get out of the center of the jungle in the north all the way to the south to be sold, that on it's own already sounds stupid as fuck right? it gets worse, The factories only ASSEMBLE, the parts are made in the south of the country, so shit gets shipped from the south, to the north and then back to the south so be sold
Yep eu comprei um SSD junto com a placa e fiz uma instalação nova nele
Ja tentei usar programa de remover os drivers da placa antiga, mudei o tipo da CMOS, tirei a pilha, fiz tanta merda que nem lembro mais o que fiz a unica coisa que não deu pra tentar é instalar os drivers com a placa conectada pois não tenho video onboard, então a unica coisa que falta é que seja problema de hardware, tem altas quedas de luz por aqui então não duvido que minha fonte esteja comprometida
Apple fags here who can afford that phone aren't buying shit locally
they all take trips to miami, buy the phone there and then enjoy the rest of their "vacation" with their new phone before coming back
Holy based retardation.
Can't wait to have to move here due to family.
Can I throw a PS5 or PC in my carry-on luggage and get it through without an issue?
Wait for blyatstation hue, the next gen console jointly developed by brazil and russia;
Eu sabia que essa palhaçada da zona franca era ruim, mas não sabia que era tão ruim.
Bostil é intankavel
>it is in the middle of the fucking Amazon jungle. This is so the region can become developed fast.
Why did they want to develop the fucking Amazon jungle when they had pretty much the entirety of the continent to choose from?
Deve ser a fonte mesmo tive o mesmo problema com umas fontes mais fracas, independente da placa. o pc desliga mesmo.
yeah, although you get taxed in everything that gets shipped INTO the country, no matter how expensive it is (in around 120% btw), if you are bringing stuff in your luggage, you are allowed to bring a total of 10000 BRL in goods or cash and simply do not pay any taxes on them
Fun isn't it? it is almost if it was by design to fuck with the poor
Ait is actually almost 100% tax, including shipping

This is to protect our own in house consoles like the zeebo
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Tipo o negócio escroto é que o PC nem desliga, ele liga e funciona só que sem imagem nenhuma, se eu ativar o som de startup do windows ou ficar apertando merda no teclado pra fazer barulho da pra ouvir de boa, ja botei pra abrir programa e da pra ouvir o barulho pedindo permissão de administrador e tudo o mais, enquanto isso minha 1660 Ti continua funcionando de boa aqui mas vai saber
Good to know, thanks bro
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larguei console na geração passada. maioria dos jogos lançam fodidos, má performance, microtransação querendo cobrar até por pentelho de personagem com preço exorbitante. montei PC e to feliz. AAA é jogo pra quem nem de jogo gosta, logo compensa jogar só 5% dos AAA igual essas merdas de filmes de boneco.

costumava ser um corno de jogo de luta mas as DLC, passes e afins são mais filhos da puta que jogo da LUG nos anos 2000.

e como até Europa, EUA, Japão e Canada tão rasgando o cu de ódio com o aumento do preço das coisas quero que MS, Sony e Nintendo vão pra casa do krl

montem PC com processador parrudo e bastante RAM que até com placa de video mediana vc não terá problemas pra jogar nada que realmente valha a pena, seja emulador, jogo velho, jogo AAA novo que vc tem interesse, e indies
because they need to have a claim in amazon. The fucked up part is that amazon have oil deposits under it and they don't exploit for energy. >>688410163
Caralho é foda, tive o problema reverso indo de uma gtx980 pra rx570. To tendo uns fantasmas indo de um r7 2700x pra o 3700x e de volta pro 2700x tenho que formatar mas ta foda to pensado em pegar um 5600x
please disregard the fact that it's an off-brand deck we're trying ok brazil superpower by 2030
almost all the parts we use to make shit in the ZFM are imported, because we simply do not have the industries to make them
So let's take the PS4 for example, we do not produce boards or chips, or even the shells, but because of high import taxes, sony had to open a factory here to produce the consoles
They had to ship components from the US and Japan to here, but the only port near the ZFM (Porto de Belem) simply does not have the size to take every single shipment from overseas, so a lot, and I do mean A LOT gets sent firs to Porto de Santos, near SP
From there, it goes to a facility sony has that assembles most of the PS4 in SP, then the almost assembled PS4s get shipped by truck to Porto de Santos, then by boat to Porto de Belem, and then by boat again to Manaus, where they just assemble the final product (think putting the board into the shells and packaging the thing, the assembling plant sony had for PS4s didn't even had 600 employees, including the shipping people that work on ports that are not emplyed directly by sony)
Then out of manaus to porto de belem, and then down to porto de santos and finally by truck to SP to be shipped to the rest of the country by road

This is way cheaper for sony than just shipping a boxed PS4 into the country, or having their SP facility to make the whole thing by itself
Can you find me a hot brazilian gf if i promise you a free ps5pro?
It's the PSU. Had the same issue at least twice.
>Can't wait to have to move here due to family.
don't do it bro
Been a hot minute since i bought a power supply, which one should i get nowdays?
brasilbros, recommend me an upgrade for a 1050 Ti.
I'm a poorfag so my budget is limited to 2000 squids.
there's also a bunch of settlements there in the middle of nowhere because the region used to be big on latex extraction
Graças a Deus que eu costumo não dar a minima pra jogo AAA.
RX 6600 :)
Territory claims
The Amazon (state) has most of the amazon jungle in the brazilian territory, but it is a fucking jungle, you cannot really patrol it or keep the border secured
The idea was that if the main producing hub of the country was installed there, then the areas around it would develop to consume the products
With more cities there, we could better use the huge ass territory we have that we simply cannot use due to the fucking huge forest
it did not happen at all, nothing got developed, the river is the only viable way of shipping things because there are trains that connect the area and the only road is shit, half of it is still a dirt road that becomes worse than a SnowRunner level during the rainy season
For 2k you can get a 4060
RX 7600
cheap 3060 12gb from facebook marketplace
>dev makes shitty parody game of brazilian politics
>court demands sony ban the game and dox the devs so they can be thrown in an amazonian gulag
>shuts off psn and orders polis to confiscate playstations
>Steam refuses to sell the deck here
>Someone with a skin of questionable whiteness decides to "Take advantage" of it
I don't know if get mad or happy that there will be an official "deck" now.
Word on the street is that Nvidia is not worth it unless you're going straight for a 4070 which is past your budget
I got my 6700 XT for that price
sincerely? go on youtube and see the tests. There is an MSI 650w bronze
ps on sale on kabum rn.
either a 3060 or a 4060 they are under 1800 thiefs on kabum rn. prioritize the amout of ram, the 6600xt is also an good option.
Reminder that merdestino não é gente.
wait i just realized, tectoy is involved what the fuck lmao
4060 is the best you can get. If you want cheaper, 7600. 6600/XT is shit
I already have a ~15k masterrace PC, I'm not bothering with console slop
brazilbro here, stop being a retard and build a pc gaming machine
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That's just an Ayn Loki Zero white label.
Wait for the Blck Friday and get a RX6750 or a 4060 Ti
>brazilian tech company selling a white label device with they logo etched on it
No way, noooo, seriouslly? no. that just cannot be
Anyway, have I ever told you how much I hate HAEEETE multilaser?
yeah, it's shit too
only poorfags buy these meme brands
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eu estou aprendendo portugues, brasileiros falam muito rapido pra mi
never go to portugal
they didn't even bother making the logo look cool.
Hola, onions Sora
I predict something around 7.5k dilmas at first, then when Sony inevitably drops the price, it will sit around 6/6.5k. When the PS6 starts to get traction for release it will drop to 4/5k, something around the price gringos will pay at release date.
Stop wasting your time and go learn an useful language.
Even Spanish is better than Portuguese.
I had a Multilaser mouse I used on my lappy. It died. A mouse died. I never heard of a mouse outright dying before.
I have a Intellimouse from 1999/2000 and it still works.
Portuguese is ugly as fuck, but they are quite the racists so there's that if you like
que se foda. eu ainda tô no ps3 desbloqueado kkkk
Mine is pure dust by now.
Meu PS3 queimou a placa de rede/bluetooth. O conserto é preço de um usado. Acabou-se.
só jogava no RPCS3 mesmo kkkk
quiero tu culo
When will Astro Bot come to steam with localized price?
We don't speak fast, we just don't say what we write
"Olá, boa tarde. Como vai você?" Is what we should say, but we actually say "Ou, b'atarde. comuse ta?"
I wouldn't know. If I did, I wouldn't be on 4chan of all places.
>my ps3 HDMI is broken
i have some games there i need to finish
tarde = tarji
The overwhelming majority are whores. Ugly brown whores. Yeah, even the evangelical ones.
There's a small fraction of white catholic middle class, however.
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I already speak spanish and english, which are the only two languages I'll ever "need".

I like brazilian culture so im learning portuguese, portuguese speakers have an easier time understanding spanish than vice versa, so im struggling a bit when watching brazilian youtubers and movies, I can only understand perfectly when using subtitles
though at the same time im from Chile so I don't really have a place to say brazilians speak fast
I only dated a fujoshi landwhale so i dunno
My brother brought home quite the hotties though
I can't understand chilean spanish
why are you guys like this
In small towns at the church you can find some trad cuties, if I wasn't a loser and I could stand the church life I would get one.
>Yeah, even the evangelical ones
Especially those. As expected from pr*testants.
Pobre nojento. É por pessoas como você que o pais é esse lixo.
Deveriamos mandar todo pobre e marrom pra camera de gás para purificar essa merda de pais.
you want trad? don't go to the coast or SP, or RIo
if a girl mentions they like funk/funque, they are not trad
Trad girls here are church girls or ex church girls who have granny hobbies, that all said, they are all commie minded and leftist
I know for a fact this because my gf is like that
You get a choco loli for 1000 USD
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Which movies you watch? I always find myself coming back to picrel
>camera de gás
Learn to spell before proposing policies.
>crente "women"
why are they so fucking ugly, holy shit
Achamos o marronzinho cor de bosta. Você deve morar em algum favelão por ai.
É triste ser BRANCO em um pais cheio de cor de bosta.
Argentinabros... how's it looking for us? Is that 100% tax on everything vidya still a thing?
>I like brazilian culture so im learning portuguese
I've never thought I would hear that in my entire life
I'm genuinely interested in what culture you like
>brother begins dating a petite girl
>she's trad af
>cooks a mean lasagne
>she wants to marry and have kids
>brother breaks up with her
I think he's actually gay.
poor favelados are the only ones who fall for these pyramid scheme tier "churches"
You are even gayer for not trying to "cuck" him after they broke up.
70000 pesos
I don't have much choice in the matter :DD at least it's in a relatively nice part of Rio
>in a relatively nice part of Rio
Homebrew spoiled me. I can't see value on purchasing consoles at launch anymore. Having an entire library at my disposal without needing to spend 100+ bananas on a single game is just so good. It's only bad if you wanna play online games at their prime but PC's already there anyways.
NTA but also learning Portuguese. Brazil had pretty amazing music 60 years ago. And Portuguese is a very beautiful language. Actually only Brazilians don't think Portuguese is pretty, it's just misguided viralatismo
post hand viadinho
>he thinks there is a "good" part of Rio de Janeiro
Xique Xique - Bahia
>consoles died for me as soon as they became anything other than "put the disc in and play".
This form of convenience isn't brought up enough. You're essentially paying for a mini computer with limited storage that's optimized for that specific library but unable to do other tasks as effectively.
If you're close to the beach you should be "fine". How long will you stay here, anon?
NTA, I think portuguese is pretty, too, i just don't enjoy how we employ slang and just try to abbreviate sentences without even realizing.
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Perhaps but I do speak Japanese fluently (it's arguably my first language) and I genuinely find it much more beautiful than Portuguese.
>abbreviate sentences without even realizing.
because words have way too many syllables here

everything has 3 to more syllables, it is a fucking waste of time to sound it all out
Twitteiro de merda.
Ipanema is perfectly good by any global standard
Safe relaxed beach life. Fancy restaurants. Police on every street corner.
AIAIAI o cara é o nazipardo racista que nem sabe falar português. Vai tirar uma foto dos caras? Ou gravar um vídeo.
it's ok, even we sometimes struggle to understand each other
I've mostly been trying to watch american movies dubbed, I don't know much about brazilian made movies outside of cidade de deus, (which I've watched like 3 times already)
rec me some brazilian kino

a big reason is the music, brazil has some incredibly unique music, milton nascimento, novos baianos, jorge ben, sergio mendes, etc.

that, and it's also a tropical country, so that calls my attention as well, im from Santiago which is cold as fuck most of the year, so a place like Rio looks cool as fuck, I've been there a few times and felt like I was dying with how hot it was
That's all sudaca languages, inferior subhuman creations
Marronzinho FERVILHANDO pq não consegue aceitar que nasceu com a cor de pele errada.
Get that girl for you anon
this is fucking rare nowadays
every bitch here is a landwhale with a belly bigger than the Asylum Demon
>Actually only Brazilians don't think Portuguese is pretty, it's just misguided viralatismo
Anon you replied to here, I actually think it's an pretty language, it's very romantic
For example "saudade" which is a portuguese word
I just don't like it in music from my experience
Bossa Nova was great I guess but I haven't heard much older music becuse of viralatismo, I hate this country
Brazil bros how tf do I access Twitter now?
Is using Tor browser enough?
Yeah, the difference is that a normal human being might speak normally from time to time, whereas a favela dwelling negro will employ them every single fucking time, so i just associate it with those cunts.
do you like Raul Seixas, anon?
>Tor browser
yeah, totally safe, let's pretend the favela shitheads don't also go there and nick your phone and wallet when you are not looking
Oh, or the fact that Rio has shit ground signaling so it is easy as fuck for a tourist or a gringo just walk/drive out of a "safe" zone and into a shithole
>have Jap friend
>write a bunch of Brazilian Portuguese slangs during a conversation
>he's able to read them all perfectly by just pretending that it's romanji
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how expensive is a sega saturn nowadays in brazil?
Portuguese is a very slow paced high IQ language. Listen to spanish people speaking if you think portuguese is fast.
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Brazilians should move to Mexico

Consoles are cheaper here
I thought it was the nicest part for what we could afford, and it's right on the beach. barra Already visited it and liked it for the most part. I thought it was more chill than zona sul.

Probably 4-5 years.
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Definitively watch Elite Squad, has a similar vibe to Cidade de Deus but from the point of view of the police
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Holy fuck, are you me? I just wanted to play based Tokyo Jungle irmãos.
>Actually only Brazilians don't think Portuguese is pretty
It's on the same level as Thai and Vietnamese for me. Genuinely the ugliest European language.
You can buy one for free lol, whores would be delighted to get the fuck out of brazil
Crentes são pobres e favelados. São feios não porque são pobres, mas são pobres por serem pardos disgênicos. As igrejas evangélicas são só um teste de QI.
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a friend of mine upgraded his pc and i paid for some of the parts for cheap and i think this shit will last me for a long time, i can't run newer AAA games but i literally could not care
now this is really nice, saved
Just keep your cellphone on your pocket and watch out for shirtless people and motorcycles with more than 1 person
Have mercy on her. I'm a 30 years old virgin on 4chan.
>Are they trad?
Depends. Coastal girls? Absolutely not but you go to the more hick parts of the country you can find a strong protestant influence where the women will be more interested in sticking to one person. You can tell if they'll be cool about being housewives or not based on the amount of absent father figures in their family (mothers and aunts love to butt in). The catch is that a bunch of them look hideous.
>AMD CPU: very goog
>AMD GPU: lole
at least you learned the lesson
NTA but Actually happy someone from here played this shit. I downloaded it for RPCS3 after seeing an anon shilling it and still have not booted it up lel
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>dropping three bananas to grab two
What did he mean by this?
Call big xandy.
>relatively nice part of Rio
good one
that stopped being a thing 40+ years ago
More money than it's worth
Products under $50 dollars had no tax and the national industry complained of "unfair competition". That made some sense because the national industry pays a lot of taxes whereas products built abroad does not. Instead of raising taxes to something reasonable like 20% to be in line with other countries, the government raised those taxes to 40% instead. Products above $50 that were previously taxed at a high 60% had their taxes increased to 100%.

tldr: the government used the interest of the national industry to raise taxes beyond a reasonable amount, fucking up with all consumers
There is still time anon
we all can make it, but you have to take the first step and DM that girl with the classic "Oi sumida"
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uh oh
Brazilian cinema peaked with Tropa de Elite. Alto da Compadecida is pretty nice too, funny as well. You'll probably have a hard time understanding what they say tho
It's always like this in Brazil

>Picks the worst case scenario for a brazilian price
>Add more 1500 reais on it.

There, the brazilian price since the PS3.
This and City of God are the best Counter-Strike movies we ever got. I like to think that they take place in the same universe.
Tropa de Elite and Cidade de Deus fucked up our national movie industry irreparably.
>Alto da compadecida
Not even joking when i say this might be one of my favorite movies. I really like João Grilo, too, but i guess it's mostly because the fucker managed to "trick" Satan and come back to the land of the living.
My fucking niggas.

I learned the rules my first time there. Doesn't help that I look like the most stereotypical gringo.

I would like to take some trips to the south and see Floripa, and ilha de Santa Catarina. If I could make enough money I would move there one day
>americans throwing a bitchfit over pale skinned brazilian miku, not realizing she was tanned to begin with
Gave me a laugh.
Tu acha que eu tenho problema em ser preto? tu acha que o Brasil é só as favelas do Hell de janeiro? triste historia pros brancos pro nazi aqui. Fan de perdedor é foda.
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>Alto da Compadecida
I have a soft spot for the TV series myself for having the episode of the cat that shits money
Thanks for making 31 Minutos, Chilebros.
O pretinho adora corrigir ortográfia mas escreve fã errado.
>produces bossa nova
>abandon it in favor of sertanejo, funk and gospel
I'm glad this country is burning right now.
>the national industry complained
>actually nice, comfy BR thread
>anons still want to shit it up
can't we just get along
Unless you plan to going here to escape WW3, why would you want to learn portugues, only us and like haiti speak this garbage
100 caralhões.
Yeah, by absolutely mogging everything else. They could never recover.
Our movies nowadays are basically a bunch of Globo trash, some are terribly unfunny woke "humor" and others are political dramas.
Thread theme
Kicking him out was a mistake.
How many macacoins i need to save to pay for super duper pro sony plai estation?
Lol, cala a boca dog, kek q cara doente.
Dom Pedro come back i miss u
I saw a random review of a british guy who hated the movie because the humor was nonsensical and unfunny.
Basically the movie, which is objectively of a high standard, is only enjoyable with a high degree of portuguese knowledge and possibly brazilian culture.
Same way with the subs/translation of cidade de deus not being up to par with the original dialogue
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My brother in Christ, Brazilian culture is incredible. Where else will you read about magical cavemen who fist fight cryptids and populate the world by banging a harem of monster girls?
Pls answer
I wanna coom
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Am I a joke to you? inb4 yes
KKKK, o cara age q nem um preto vira lata q se odeia e me chama de um.
Havan and a few others like Magazine Luiza, it's usually a few big companies with lots of money that lobbies for that kind of stuff
if you want to coom, there's better alternatives. like kemono su.
>/bra/ no /v/
usa vpn burro
ninguem ta levando multa por essa porra não
t. João Hayato da Silva
eita fã em inglês se escreve assim mas câmara e câmera são dois objetos ou ate comodo/instalação nesse caso com finalidade diferentes. Tu que quer da uma de superior mas fica com uma luta racial no Brasil defendendo um exercito que transportava armas e mantimentos em mulas e perdeu até pros mesmos pretos que tu zoa.
Você acha que o problema do Brasil é os pretos e não os caras que fodem os colonos ate os dias atuais.
The exact names differs but the structure is almost correct.
>talking about humor
But yeah, you'll miss 90% of the jokes if you don't speak Portuguese close to a native level. Even native speakers sometimes miss a lot of jokes because many of them require a certain degree of knowledge about Northeast culture.
>half english half BR
100% favelado, 50/50 carvão.
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I've never heard of him, I'll check him out
alright, im not doing anything so I'll go and watch it right now, sadly the torrent I downloaded didn't come with portuguese subtitles so im searching for some online
>Alto da Compadecida
>Matheus Nachtergaele
damn... now im interested, I'll watch it later even if I can't understand half of what is being said
Não sou o OP, só constatando sua negritude. Só periférico fala "dog".
Incrível, nem na internet macacos conseguem se comportar. Honestamente, não culpo ninguém que queira que o Brasil seja expulso da internet.
I don't remember going there...
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Bossa Nova was state-sponsored, created by well educated high-status intellectuals, and was designed to create a unified culture and promote the country internationally.
You'd need another dictatoship or at least another Kubitschek to see something like that again.
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Sorry cacetinho bro, we stole the language, it's ours now
This poster is a self-hating brazilian by the way.
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>Matheus Nachtergaele
wait, where do you know him from?
Also, i hope the thread is still here if you're really watching it now. I always enjoy seeing foreign people talking about Tropa de elite. The sequel is better, though.
>tenta pagar de pasquale no 4chin
>comete erros básicos de português em seguida
>é pego no pulo
KEK, pretinhos são engraçados, pena que não posso mais comprar uns para serem pets.
>vira lata
preto e esquerdinha viado
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/vint/ revealed that 90% of brazilians plays Ace Combat
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>gets a continent-worth of gold
>still ends up poor
how did they do it?
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Don't forget Tainá series, the movies about a bare chested, indgenous little girl
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>used 4chan for all my life, don't even use /int/ or /bant/ so I'm completely disconnected from brazilian internet
>finally start BR imageboards last year, 1500 is fucking shit but it's a great and novel change of pace
>drop that place like a rock when mods blatantly protected raiding discord niggers in a Big Brother Brasil thread
>mfw I'm really here forever
>The sequel is better, though.
I disagree. The director tried to course-correct the first movie because everyone liked Capitão Nascimento (you are supposed to hate him lmao) and turned the movie into a political meme while also taking sides, instead of just being about general corruption.
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The harder the process, the better you will get it.
Você nunca vai ser europeu.
Stop bro, these will get our gringo friends arrested.
1500 is just dead
just do the math like you were going to import a new one, anão.
700 x 5,70 = X
X x 60% = Y
Y + X = Z
Z x 17% = L
literally R$7500 without counting shipping or some other shit that may be included to the final price, like the R$15 or so coxinha tax that the Correios take with every import.
>Even Spanish is better than Portuguese.
Wrong, Pablo.
That and bringing back horse racing to mainstream interest, go full European-wannabe like back in the day.
Wasn't the PS3 extremely expensive on release too?
Brazilian literature, music and folklore are all worth checking out. There are a bunch of resources that never get translated to English so knowing Portuguese is pretty useful. Plus, you sorta of learn Spanish at the same time since the two languages are similar.
Yeah, that's fair. I really enjoyed it as an actual movie. Seeing Nascimento's desire to let the corrupt parties eat each other backfire on his face was fucking amazing. I also still remember Mathias death. I could see it coming, but having it just happen with no fanfare really caught me off guard.
I know him from Cidade de Deus, he was my favorite character.
I finally found some portuguese subtitles in some random website, if the thread is still alive in over 3 hours from now I'll tell you my thoughts, it's a pretty long movie.
thread almost hit bump limit already... oh well
As a gringo learning Portuguese I have to admit that outside of literature and music there are very few Portuguese resources worth reading. It doesn't help that Brazil doesn't really have an internet, everything is on whatsapp
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Eh, fair enough
Não ser europeu não é uma desculpa pra agir como crioulo solto da senzala. Não tem um arrastão pra fazer aí não, João?
None of you monkeys are people
Eu cometi e admiti meu erro mas tu que é o supersoldado ariano aqui, que nem consegue admitir erros e as proporções dos erros. Mas o maior erro foi meu de brigar com um biruta nazista na internet.
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HUE portuguese is hard because we have too many slangs but you can do it and when you do, you'll see that it's the perfect language to express yourself.
there's nothing better than to say "VAI TOMAR NO TEU CU, FILHO DA PUTA!!" to some faggot like >>688412404
It always sounded like broken, drunk Spanish to me. I don't know why I keep remembering those lines in Portuguese from MW2
>Eu estou recargaando!
>Ou coubertura!
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Eu só jogo gachas e leio visual novels não dou a mínima para o preço do ps5
Oh, my. Actual portuguese lmao
No shit, Spanish also sounds like broken Portuguese if you are more familiar with Portuguese. That's just how similar languages work.
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>tfw Mathias was supposed to be the main character but the narration was so good they made it about Nascimento
Pardo e gordo
These dubs sound like shit even to us. No one talks like this. It sounds robotic and scripted as fuck.
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>gf exclusively listens to funk and American pop
>tells me to "turn this old shit off" when I put on bossa nova, or anything made before 2000
Is there a website for this? Asking for a friend
It depends on what you're looking for. If you wanna learn about indigenous stuff you need to know portuguese because a lot of it is never translated. I was sharing some stories with a foreign friend of mine and he was having a good time learning about the magical sea rapist aliens, the incestuous space snake, the dead child eye fruits, the Satan drunken brawl, etc.
Nah, trola você é mais divertido LOL.
Eu admito o erro da minha raça superior ter permitido pessoas como você ganharem status de seres humanos.
I hope she's a cute teen pardinha with a fat bunda at least.
Tells a lot about her personality. Your gf is a worthless whore.
Sim, e eu sinto muito por favelados como você que não conseguem sequer obter o minimo para alimentar o verme que vocês possuem no estomago.
>the Satan drunken brawl
Pera, quê?
Eita porra, KKK.
I hope the pussy is good, because the brain is clearly mushy
Por favor, pare de jogar gacha anão
what a man will tolerate for some pussy...
>Pera, quê?
Long story short, the first human beings were two bros who went to war against Jurupari (god of evil) and his army. One beat him by wielding a demonic paddle but not before killing the Mapinguari with his bare hands, later dedicating his life to growing the clan by fucking monster girls. His brother was a smart guy who recovered the night sky. One time he got super drunk, left during a thunderstorm and began to insult the shit out of Jurupari until he was summoned, them proceeded to have a drunken fist fight with him and surviving. Keep in mind that Tupã explicitly said that one of the rules of nature was that they shouldn't go against Jurupari's will.
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Brazil bros, If given the choice between two beverages, which do you pick? Water, or an ice cold Coca-Cola?
I haven't had coca-cola for half a decade i think. It's one of those things you can just stop consuming, then after a while, realize you don't really need it.
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My entire family are slaves to the Coca-Cola company. We spend a fucking fortune on Coca every month. Send help.
R$4000,00 because, as always, I’ll make a trip to the US for a few days, cuck some whiteys out of their GFs with my superior Brazilian sexy genes and buy a PS5 Pro + iPhone 16 Pro Max without paying a single tax
I'd rather some good ol' Guaraná Antarctica, but i accept the coca
For me?
IDK Brazil, but in Argentina it will cost between US$3,000 and US$5,500...
I don't drink soda of any kind, it's bad for you.
Kek viva la liberdad carajo
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The goat
They don't fucking care. They still have their Saturns and Dreamcasts.
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the brazilian dictatorship government commissioned a bunch of horse porn during the 80's
they were funded by the cia
Depends, does the coca come from a glass, metal or plastic container?
This is crucial to the answer
Yeah, just go to any of the BR chans.
Use a VPN tho.
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To oppose Soviet funded commie terrorists.
so? both kike shit
It comes in a plastic bottle. And you can't transfer it to a glass container. Choose.
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>E pudesse eu pagar de outra formaaa
Não compro mais consoles desde o 4. Não planejo mais voltar a comprar nem jogar, só venho aqui pra merdapostar e ver algum retrogame decente pra jogar. Tipo AvP2.
Jogo moderno é cheio de viadagem, pretos e gente feia. Já não basta ver essas desgraças na porra da estação da sé caralho.
Vtnc essa porra, a vocês e a mim também.
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I really love to know that /v/ is filled with Brazilians like me, i can't wait to start working on my video game project so i can share with all of you kind Anões.
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Yea she is lol
I just larp as a Brazilian, It's fun.
shouldn't you be worried about affording food and, I don't know, not getting stabbed on your way from your favela to whatever tourist trap you go to steal and rape?
Water, 100 times of 100.
55,000 bananas
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This is not as obscure as you think it is. Now stop playing Limbus and at least try to finish lobcorp.
Lower you tone when talking to me. I am Little Joe, i rule this crackden.
That's cultural appropriation.







Brazilian music
I met a brazlian girl on a dating app and ending up visiting her family in brazil after we knew each other for some time. the thing that surprised me was that even though her father was filthy rich (dollar millionaire kinda guy, has 5 apartments and 3 houses and one beach house) they still use an electric shower in their house. pretty sick, actually ended up marrying her and having a kid, she lives here in scandinavia with me now, she's very religious so i can feel all my european friends being jealous as we are now in their 30's and they are all competing against single moms or rancid whores while i have a fat ass latina who makes me lunch for work every day and clean the house. just take the brazilpill bros
>brazilian women
>not dei infested whores
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>as we are now in their 30's
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Contrary to popular internet memes, electric showers are perfectly safe, as long as it's properly grounded.
Eletric showerheads are so safe that even if you fuck up the entire installation down to bottom the worst you get is the resistance snapping
It gives for some cool webm's to scare the gringos tho, it's unfortunate that they don't work on places that are too cold.
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país de bosta vai tomar no cu
Brazilian leftists are worse than American leftists. Here in Brazil a celebrity who lost their baby, defended a person which the leftists hated, so they mocked their dead baby and got thousands of likes for it.
This kind of stuff is why i'm glad Twitter is gone, even though it scares me that a judge could simply wipe out an entire website from our country.
Macaco bro forget about it. We are not ricos. It's really not worth it.
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brazilians basically live, work and reproduce to give money to whoever is in charge so that they don't have to work a day

Do you guys even have a stable power grid to play these things?

I thought the entirety of Brazil was either rainforest or one giant favela with like 40000 people per block all tying into one utility pole
Nah, religion still goes strong down here. Hell, many women don't even attend college.
Amazon rainforest is only the north region anon. Brazil is fucking big. We have all the jrpgs climates.
>Brazil has deserts and snow regions
Macaco maldito, se mata vagabundo
Macacada de merda, odeio o brasil mesmo sendo brasileiro
Faz o L
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Biomes of Brazil
Don't they?
i bought a 4060 this month for R$2.200
Stop. You're not fluent enough on this language to be posting here, you're embarrassing yourself.
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I miss this guy so much. He was the only one who stood up for us gamers.
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you know, you really didn't need to post that
There's some drylands but it isn't really desert
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LVLA version when?
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the truth must be spoken. Maybe someday things will change
Close enough. We don't need fucking sand everywhere.
i already know the truth anon, i just come here to forget it.
>buying consoles in brazil
>posting on 4chons on the phone
God, you need to be euthanized, you are beyond retarded even for monkey standards.

Falseflag post by a brazilian pretending to be a retarded foreigner.
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he was kinda based tbqh
>lady you are so ugly I wouldnt even rape you
I don't think I could handle living in Brazil, every girl flaunting their tits and ass and feet
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Tinder, retard.
You could also browse instagram, I guess.
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I hate it here in Germany but at least I'm not a hue
what the fuck do you hate about your country? I understand nowhere is perfect but Germans seem to be fine.
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Only Germans would understand the sheer amount of German cuck mentality permeating life here and lowering its quality
PS2 is better than PS3

Ignore the name, they just wanted something edgy like "suicide girls", it's a non EFL thing
Import taxes, though that's not the full story. 60% refers specifically to import taxes to individual consumers who buy something from abroad, and there's also another tribute called ICMS to consider, so in total it would be around 92% tax on top of the price+shipping (yes, shipping is taxed too).
Business actually pay a lot less, but then still charge more in the final price to keep up their profit margins.
Good, we already have enough of you blockheads here, we may send some of your cousins back to the fatherland in the near future.
I don't get this, what is "digital content from illegal sources" supposed to be? Piracy? Porn?
>tfw friend has germanic heritage and flies off to Europe
Lucky bastard. I can only hope someday i'll be able to traffic myself somewhere nice.
Piracy, they actively pursue legal action in Germany. Thankfully I don't live there but I remember hearing about people being fined thousands of euros for torrenting shit like movies
As an one time offer, Coca-Cola.
For daily drinking, water.
off brand guarana > antarctica
more carbonation = better
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This, mas com essa Miku aqui.
get in line, buddy. You're like, 15 years late.
what have they done to miku..
woman-only parking spaces
cultural taboo on pissing while standing
people don't shower every day "to save water"

germany is possibly the most cucked country in the world
Learning a lot about Brazil today, cool. So, how do you get rid of trash in your home? Is your neighborhood fairly clean? Do you have a waste disposal center nearby or do you put it on trains and stuff?
They aren't cucked, they are just fucking weird. I challenge you. Find a german man who doesn't recycle.
>used graphic card
No, thank you
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uhh yes to all of those
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Install Gentoo.
You just put the trash outside and the garbage truck takes it away, that's not rocket science you know.
The caatinga is just fancy desert, no real snow biomes tho
Recycling is cucked. Just like not showering to save water. It's the same basic mindset of inconveniencing yourself to minimize your impact on the world. As if you exist not to do but only to watch. Like a cuckold.
i thought the whole country had garbage retrieval until i had to answer forms for an exam and then it asked me if i had "accessible waste disposal" or somesuch.
I don't see what's wrong with not showering. I take a shower like only twice a week nowadays because I can't be assed to do it more often. Not the same principle but the ends justify the means
We aren't india anon, we have garbage trucks here.
Would you look at that, a smash player.
3,965.08 Brazilian Real
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Right, so you don't shower because you are a disgusting slob. Germans don't shower because they are poor and cucked. It's different.
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oh, I know, you absolutely feel for the chink x99 xeon meme motherboard!
I know, I said it was not the same principle but the same end result; anyway you don't need to shower everyday
Germany is a nation of anal retentive autists, in the past they focused on war, now they direct that towards other shit, but their nature hasn't changed.
>woman-only parking spaces
WHAT?!? Please tell me you are trolling...
I just think of Germany as the autism country. Apparently they like to engineer shit.
For the retards that fell in love with Brazil somehow because of muh Bossa Nova, you should check out Touhou ShibayanRecords bossa nova, it's from japanese that are braboos just like you 1 or 2 guys on this thread.

yeah some places in here are a literal shithole. Hopefully not many people get to witness it
Why does the poor feel entertained by funk? There are better genres aimed to the poor like hip hop and rap.
yeah no shit, Brazil is continental sized you dingus, of course some places are going to suck ass.
Same shit goes for any country of the same size, you don't think the US and China and Russia have also godawful places too?
this is the first time i've ever heard that lmao. Does this have any ties to "Cafe de touhou"?
how the fuck will >>688428792
>Does this have any ties to "Cafe de touhou"?
Not at all. Shibayan does have some other genres, though.
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>tfw 30 years old virgin brazillian
A cabeça desse faz até eco
The British took it all.
i wouldn't hold you in contempt for that, i will hate you for saving /vt/shit on your computer, though.
you don't know how lucky you are...
t. 34yo who's life got pretty much ruined by pussy.
Just in time to reap the EU qt refugees once the bombs drop.
I wish there was a Brazilian chan solely so I could get an non-mainstream source of news. I don't even watch TV anymore so I didn't even know about the Twitter ban until i found a thread here about it.
2d is better anyway
That's cope
Anon, the only way this country gets saved is if Pedro II rises from his grave.
He is tired. And wants to rest.
Not really, when Brazil got independent, you know who we paid? The fucking British. Because the Portuguese were knee-deep in debt to them.
>only degenerate unhealthy fucks replying to this post
I've forsaken added sugar food and any beverage that isn't water years ago. Sleeping 5 to 6 hours and waking up full of energy. Main source of carbs are sweet potato and bananas.
Lula vai ganhar de novo em 2026 kkkk
Anyone would get tired after a lifetime of dealing with this country. We've had like three non-garbage rulers in history, and two of them were monarchs.
fale sobre video games retardado
Why do some gringos still manage to mistake Portuguese for Spanish or think that Brazilians speak Spanish.
We are all happy for you anon, but /fit/ is two blocks down, this is a Tang board.
Some people just lump us together, since we're surrounded by spanish speaking countries. You need to understand that the average US citizen don't really care about other nations very much.
fuck me, i need to sleep.
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Raw conversion: 3x a monthly minimum wage
Expectation: 5x to 7x a monthly minimum wage

>USA for comparison
1/2 of a monthly minimum wage (is that right burger bros?)
fuck coke
My gf is fucking addicted to coke, over the course of 4 years dating her I got her consumption down to once a month, but holy fuck it was hard
she came from a poor family and they chug that shit down like if it was vital for their survival
When you're busy hating the guys in other parts of your country, and by that I mean hating California, it's hard to spare the energy on other countries.
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there is only one right answer.
Wait... isn't that the trap that is on that pic with the muscle head, the one where they are on a bike in some favela
Indeed it is. Sayuri something is his persona name.
Do you know everything about other countries? Did you know there are dialects inside France and Germany that are very different from the national language? Do you know what they speak in Aland? What about all the tiny asian countries, do you know what they speak in Laos?
It is a bit more complex than that
but yeah, Portugal was knee deep in debt with the UK, when brazil said that it wanted to be free, portugal told them to pay X amount of money, the very same ammount of money portugal needed to pay the brits

and since we didn't have that money we went to war against portuga- of course we borrowed money from the brits to pay portugal, we were always too chicken shit to wage war against portugal

tl;dr We borrowed money from UK to pay portugal so portugal could use that money to pay UK, makes sense right?
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Enlightened anon. Very few possess this knowledge.
Why didn't brazillians buy Concord? Isn't it pretty much made for them?
Sayuri needs to know how to clean up the shitpipe better
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Explica melhor isso aí
But seriously, all this time, I haven't see even a shred of marketing for this shit, it feels almost like a prank or something.
Man, nothing kills my boner faster than tattoos.
You're welcome BRo. Is it still so expensive in your local store that you can do a trip to CDE, buy shit and then go back even with the Receita on your ass?
Why did she undergo breast implant bros?
funny and a little sad how this thread is so much better than most of the threads on our own national image board
even if you transfer it, it already has the contaminated plastic taste. Glass ftw, always.
Lula and Haddad are saving Brazil.
trust the plan
our imageboards have always been shit, anon
Everyone uses electric showers, there's cheap ones and expensive ones. It doesn't make sense for us to have a central heating system in a tropical country.
>but gas
More expensive than electricity and dangerous. Our energy is pretty cheap since like most of our energy comes from hydropower.
parappa or Lemmy?
I don't know about my other fellow macacos but I hate trannies and I don't care about hero shooters.
wait I've used gas all my life. I suppose it's dangerous if there's a leak
>Our energy is pretty cheap
>Most come from hydro
you really never paid a power bill or searched where your power really comes from

Most of Hue's power comes from thermoeletric plants burning sugarcane/alcohol
only places NEAR big damns have hydropower feeding their nearby grid
It was over when he (((died)))
Emoções sexuais de um cavalo
Eu uso gás, it's not dangerous if you are not a retard, same thing with electricity.
Cala a boca, porra. Tão reativando as termoeletricas por causa das secas agora.
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It was over when picrel died
Isn't funny how the most accurate kike caricature of a man was the only guy in 50 years to care about this country
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Nenhum. Pra mim é o baseado Homem Guitarola.
>brazilian wikipedia pages
Anon, they fucking HIDE our thermoeletrics, the one near me, a town over is not even on google maps, you can only find it if you follow the power grid's high voltage lines
You can't even get close to the plant, there are armed guards on them and I have never seen that thing shut down ever (it's kinda close to a state park near me so whenever I go hiking I see the plant nearby the trail)
source: 4chan
I'm brazilian and larp as an european, cool to imagine everything averages in the end.
Fembrained, women are obsessed with big boobs for some fucking reason. I know a lot a girls who have absolutely perfectly sized and shaped booba but still want to augment them.
She was a impatient retard, could've just waited and see the results of what she is doing right now (got purposely fat, then did a liposculpture, injected the fat into her ass, and now is working out), her breasts might've naturally grown considerably. Of course you gonna have small tits if you stay a stick for years
give me the address so i can look it up, then. It's "near" you so it won't be your exact location anyways.
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stop falling for retarded bait
even if its real he's probably from a shithole of a shithole.
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nice try
Quem escreveu essa merda tava com um sorriso de orelha a orelha.
It's near Parque Carlos Botelho, that is the state park where the plant is
>Emoções Sexuais de um Jegue é um filme brasileiro de sexo explícito realizado na Boca do Lixo de São Paulo em 1986 e dirigido por Sady Baby e Renalto Alves.

>O presidiário portador do vírus HIV Gavião foge da cadeia e descobre que sua mulher está grávida de outro homem. Para a surpresa de Gavião, o amante de sua esposa é seu próprio pai, o Velho Paçoca. Em nome da honra, o detento planeja vingar-se do pai, não hesitando em trucidar quem cruzar seu caminho.

>Gavião teve que ter relações com 100 garotas de programa, para que podesse encontrar o Velho Paçoca. Transmitindo assim, o vírus HIV para toda a cidade. A população foi sendo dizimada pouco a pouco, enquanto Gavião procurava o Velho Paçoca. Durante a perseguição, a Esposa de Gavião abriu as pernas para um lixeiro, que depois chamou sua turma e fizeram um cinco contra um em cima da esposa do Gavião. Seu marido, cruzou todos os obstáculos trucidando a todos até encontrar gavião, quando em fim o matou, enfiando o picolé na sua boca.

>Quando Gavião voltou para casa, encontrou 5 lixeiros pulando em cima da sua esposa, então o quarto se tornou um banho de sangue.

uh bros what the fuck. Looks soulful.
>They never found the guy who stole the B
Love them, pls no raid
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Are you retarded bro
Lula vai ganhar de novo em 2026 kkkk
Was i talking to you nigger? No, then shut your whore mouth.
Eh, idk what i expected, it's not like i can confirm with streetview anyways so i'll just keep it in mind and believe it when i see it.
this motherfucker was sucking his classmate's cocks during Geography class, which makes him a double niggerfaggot.
eu vou fazer 27 anos e nunca arrumei uma namoradinha. Será que é porque eu tenho 1,60?
Caralho, eu nunca tinha percebido, puta merda.
I mean, if shit fucks up, it's way more dangerous. It's everything blowing up vs a molten shower head, which will probably not happen anyway since the breaker will trip.
Tenho 1,49 e peso 120kgs. Acabou-se.
Where I can find cool brazilian dudes like most poster itt? Everywhere I go it's most low IQ macacos, makes me depressed even.

32 anos, 178cm aqui e também não :(
you can find me at my house
Quando a Cavala Harris ganhar, vou ter que aturar o Jornal Nacional chupando o grelo dela.
Nobody is going to your house dude. You're gonna be alone forever.
most posterS*, I swear I'm not illiterate

can I come over? :3
>for some fucking reason
because their tits are like our cocks, except they're in everyone's face and its always a visible sign of femininity. They also think guys are way more obsessed with them than they are (i like titties, but they're also just titties and stopped being some mind blowing experience after I got to honk on a few as a teenager).
I mean ask literally any guy "would you want a bigger dick?" and pretty much everyone is going to say yes except the one guy who's got a horse cock to big for most women that he has problems getting up.
I mean I've got a decent above average cock, but I wouldn't say no to an extra inch.
Eu geralmente encontro pessoas legais no MSN ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
>You can't even get close to the plant, there are armed guards on them
that's literally all power plants, retardbro
deixa de ser retardado, mulher no bostil é só pra lascar tua vida.
Vai num puteiro e aluga uma piranha pra ficar umas horas de conchinha se tu quer tanto uma namorada.
You used to be able to see the pylons on the satelite view, but they seem to have removed them
I guess you can street view the main road it is on till you find a pylon and try to follow the powerlines back to the source
Mas a pagina da wiki não deixa explicito que é zoo. É zoo mesmo?
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>/int/ thread with filthy thirdies stayed up the whole time
You niggers don’t deserve vidya
Fuck jannies and nuke Brazil
>and nuke Brazil

please do, what are you waiting for?
Communities for games for boomers.
What's the B
>he died before the internet could redeem him thanks to it shattering narrative monopoly
RIP sweet prince
Maybe, do you have a sister you can bring along?
Do Brazilian women even have a problem with height? In my experience they seem to care a lot more about weight, and even them only if the guy is actually obese. Not saying it's easy but especially compared to what I see on the internet of foreign women it just seems like Brazilian women aren't all that demanding, I've lost count of how many times I've seen the ugliest mfers get with the cutest girls. I'm 1,87 still wish I was taller though
Tenho um amigo de 1,50 e poucos e ele conseguiu
mas ele é meio hippie palestrinha e só anda com aquelas peludas esquisitinhas
If I did I wouldn't be a virgin
Many words are quite similar between the two languages, sometimes they're just spelled differently. By speaking a bit slower than usual and paying a bit of extra attention, Spanish speakers and Portuguese speakers can communicate with ease.

Pronunciation is another thing entirely, but gringos just hear everything that's not English as "mexican".
Não cheguei a ver o filme, admito, mas essa página menciona que sim, tem uma cena disso. Se você quiser ter certeza, só vendo por si mesmo.
I find most of them here.
back like 10 years ago we had bunch of anons who played L4D2 and Dota2 all the time, it was very fun, I still have them in my steam friends but I don't play anything they play anymore.
I guess I could put my steam here for you guys to add, it's up to you.
caralho, tu é um daqueles tanques de guerra com down?
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Sources say it was the work of the infamous thief known as quatro chan.
What the fuck did we do? This thread was better than 95% of your average /v/ thread.
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i fucking hate brazilian miku so much. i've been listening to vocaloid since i was 12 years old, i care more about miku than my own family, and seeing her getting the bowsette treatment and turned into a disposable FOTM coomer characters fills me with pure rage. (not to mention the design is literally just a gyaru miku but with shitty come to brazil memes all over it). not only that but i have to sit through her being associated with my shitty country by gringos who think BR women are all fun and big butts, as if 90% of women in this hellhole aren't shrieking hamplanets. she doesn't deserve this, she's far more important than any coomshit character like the resident evil vampire bitch. it's like watching some fucked up dog breed hobble around while everyone talks about how cute it is. vai pro inferno
college, enginnering/math courses
Thanks for the offer, but I was more or less talking about irl friends, my internet friendships tend to not last long unfortunately, maybe I'm the problem.
I just want squidman and pocketman to retire and let someone else be the president.
pra relacionamento elas ligam pra grana e estato social, se for pra casual então altura é SUPER importante.
Pelo menos aqui no RJ é assim, não sei como é nos outros estados
Sério isso? kek
Based elitist waifuchad.
eu quero comer o cu da miku lol
C'mon, man, let the kids have their fun.
You're just a contrarian who is conditioned like a dog into hating whatever is popular and revered by the masses. The more porn of big bunda gyaru Miku there is the happier I am.
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we have always been on /v/, just cope
Miku é só um desenho. Calma.
Born too soon to get access to meme magic, poor guy got propaganda'd so hard.
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>aqui no RJ
Fica de olho nesse teu cu. Eu tô chegando.
out of 10
You can't really force a friendship to happen like this. LIke oh I'm gonna meet anon on that bar that day and we'll be friends. That's kinda impossible.

Anyway I already have to interact with people all day so I don't wanna meet anyone on the off hours
Only if you nuke Canada first.
Nah, generally they just want a man that is taller than them. But it doesn't mean anyone will take a 1,50 midget.
chancontro no barra shopping when?
>bump limit
Lewd the BR Miku
It's only a problem if you're an actual manlet (i.e. shorter than 170-175cm, depending on the region).
come on
porra, postem loli miku que nem essa aqui >>688426486 ou pelo menos me digam aonde achar
Macacos, why aren't you posting like this on /int/? The Brazilian thread there is just schizos and pedophiles
Eu sinceramente nunca encontraria um de vocês fora desse site. Desculpa, mas eu sempre ficaria com a imagem de "eu conheci esse cara pelo forúm cheio de filho da puta". Só funciona quando eu descubro isso depois de te conhecer por outros métodos. Jogaria uma ou duas campanhas de left 4 dead, though.
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Now that the thread is going fubar i blame all of you hue's for me not playing vidya today.
I hope all of you eat BEANS.
Me parece sensato e correto
se mata
i'm sorry.
Well, did you have a good time? I hope so.
Baseado and responsavelpilula.
Perderam a oportunidade quintessencial de serem assaltados, your loss.
>why aren't you posting like this on /int/?
>The Brazilian thread there is just schizos and pedophiles
You just answered your own question.
I suppose, but it's so invasive, recovery must be hell, might feel weird, often do look weird and you have to replace it after some time, for me the worse thing are the scars.
Imagine cutting your dick in half to put some rubber extension in it, might as well jelq
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I haven't played a single video game in 2 months now. Este país de merda está me sugando as energias.
Off topic threads on /v/ makes my dick hard for some reason.
não deixe os bastardos te moerem, força.
No idea, I'm a macaco that hate other macacos. Miku's power I guess.
nah man, things are just getting worse, I used to have a lot of friends, nowadays I can barely hold to my childhood ones, everyone is just so busy because of how the economy and life is.
The fucking jews are turning us all into individualists...

só se eu fosse baitola (infelizmente não sou).
If i wanted to get the schizos and pedos i would just go to the BR chan.
ABIN could get their entire pedo arrests quota for the year in a week in there.
Because brazilians who post on /int/ are just 55chan refugees. Literally incel favelados, think of a /r9k/ wide website, but everyone was brown and poor, that was 55chan.
The last time you could have a decent discussion about/with brazilians on /int/ was when our general was called /luso/ instead of /bra/ (a ton of refugees came when their website died and renamed our general out of spite to kick portubros)
>unreal world
let me guess, you need more?
carioca médio
what?? No way, I see lots of fat bastards with girlfriends
really? it's called bra now? bananal really is a fucking cancer
Skill issue
But honestly, it's fucked man, the only games i'm interested are deep into EA with no timeframe to release and slower updates than the DNIT.
I live in rural area and I personally know a friend who got robbed by a thief on horseback like it's fucking RDR2 or something.
What about you? Just favelados on stolen motorcycles?
estou esperando metal slug tactics, a porra do fim do ano não chega nunca.
C'mon, anon, try emulating something. You could spend a really good amount of time just checking out the n64 catalogue.
Anon tibia play group when
o rio é lindo
didn't the favela kids used to do those random "rolés" in the shopping centers some years ago? My god just burn this country
yeah, has been since that cancerous shithole died
just pay it a visit, it's literally a bunch of brown schizos who chat as if they were on twitter/facebook
Ratatan coop session when
I can only replay the PS1 catalogue for so long.
I never got robbed, but I do admit it's just pure luck and the fact that I'm a neet and rarely leave my room.
The arrastão scare panic just died out one day, funkeiros probably all died i guess.
Yeah, I remember "orkontros" from orkut. But I believe some brazilian chans also did "chancontros"
Then go play the ps2 catalogue.
Based. Crime is basically non-existent in my neighborhood, I've legitimately never heard of anything in 25 years here.
...se você for cego
Fui em Copacabana há uns 5 anos, puta lugar merda cheio de preto feio. Sem contar que se você andar 1km pra dentro da cidade já parece que está em um favelão.
Filho da puta, não precisava me lembrar. CARALHO QUE TRISTEZA.
Sarcasmo, Anônimo, sarcasmo.
I saw this fugly fat bastard with the hottest chick ever, dude was bald too, and they weren't even that old. Either he was her supplier or I need to get a job, probably both.
You know what, i'll go play the fixed version of FFT
fiquei de final de calculo 2
Just out of curiosity, my brazilian kin, what do you use to play vidya? I mostly play on my nintendo switch but it feels like I'm a minority here.
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eu gosto das peituda
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Yeah! I hope you enjoy it, you beautiful son of a bitch!
>drop out of UFRJ because LoL and Skyrim
Get on my level.
pc only™
jogo muito no meu play 4 e nos otruos consoles destravados que tenho.
jogava no pc mas o meu esta muit velho enão tanka muita coisa hoje em dia
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>dropped out for ASSFAGGOTS and a single player game
>Actually have fellow RJ university drop outs on this very thread
What the actual fuck.
Yeah. Stay in school, kids.
A PC that i upgrade every 7 years or so.
Eu também tenho um switch, mas também tenho um PS4 e um PC meia boca
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Good thread, godspeed fellas.
PChad desde 92, Ainda tenho o MSX2 do meu pai guardado.

It gets worse.
>study hard for a very well paying civil servant exam
>actually does very well, 98/100
>COVID strikes and the exam is basically forgotten
Espero que seja ao menos desbloqueado. Um PC mais barato que o Switch já consegue emular ele em 4K.

PC btw
File deleted.
larguei de CompSci na UERJ em 2011 quando a dilma fudeu tudo com aquelas greves.
Meu pai abandonou o mestrado dele na mesma época, esse país é muito fdp.
After i've dropped out i still have to pass on another exam. I'm going to try ENEM again, but i've yet to study, since i'm a chronical fuck-up. I wish you good luck on your ventures bro.

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