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Sony is officially dead in Japan
Will keep my PS4 Pro and PS3 until PS6
Japan lost.
>You can buy your wife, your two children and yourself one Nintendo Switch before you buy one PS5 Pro for the family and have no single game to play
And the funniest thing is Nintendo sells every single console with a profit too
Still better than Soitch
700 dollars (plus tip for stand) is insanely expensive for what is just a incremental upgrade.
If anyone ask "who's still buying a switch" it's cause they rather not buy a PS5
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but can it play GTA VI?
bet you dont feel so smart now huh
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>Sony releases a slight upgrade to their hardware
>Nintendo releases a slight upgrade to their hardware
>PS Pro
How many more controllers do you have to add at over $100 a piece?
I'd buy a switch 2 or switch pro as a protest vote, but I'll just play the games on PC instead and buy the good games worth buying where I can.
>remove the disc drive
>charge more for it
that's called a downgrade btw
Nintendo doesn't strip out parts to sell back to you. Also Nintendo consoles and handhelds have video games.
But the details in the distance are slightly less blurry
>Switch 2
>Cart slot sold separately*
It'll happen
Why is black man crime simulator so popular?
The Nintendo "slight upgrade" is 50 dollars more expensive than the base model. The PS5 one is 250
based. PS5 scalpers can sit on their crates of unwanted jacked-up stock.
Even a fucking Series S can.
What else can you do with 120k Yen in Japan?
Enjoy your 720p 30fps(with dips) experience.
>Twitter screencap thread
) :<
>Twitter screencap thread, Nintendo
Well 4, for each family member, so 300 bucks
>Gameboy Advance SP audio jack
Not even a snoy but yeah Nintendo isn't free of sin either.
How is Sony missing the market? Nintendo somehow managed to get into a market where every individual member of a family would want their own console. Nobody is buying 3 PS5s for their household
Depending on the soapland you could get a few nice sessions
Oh wow literally who from Japan made a shitty disinformation picture that got retweeted by bots, Sony is finished!
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im gonna laugh in your face when GTA VI still isnt a full 4k/60 fps on the pro
Why is /v/ so obsessed with the dying pedo island of 40 years worth of economic stagnation?
>that one remote island nation with a rapidly declining population
who cares
nobody is buying 1 PS5 for their household ether
You could buy around 20 Nendoroids or 4 high quality figures(and still have money left over).
reminder that the ps4 still gets more game releases than the ps5, lol
how could it be running that high, especially with that shitty CPU
But we aren't obsessed with the UK
Japan hasn't been relevant for the video games market in decades. PS5 is still the best selling console in the USA (you know, the one market that matters) and the PS5 Pro is going to sell gangbusters there.
Okay poortard. Keep being poor.
Both are about as bad as each other when it comes to being anti-consumer.
However Sony has the edge, rootkits and other industries. They'd been doing it for years with cameras, phones, media players etc.
Proprietary connectors, memory cards, rootkits on their CDs. Even the PS Vita had its own proprietary memory card which has high failure rates over Micro SD or even M2 which they'd already used and the charger? Recessed port lmao.

I THINK the only industry they've worked in that hasn't had blatantly anti consumer or proprietary bullshit out the ass was their TV/Monitor sector back when they did CRTs and I think their TVs if they still do them now?
Nintendo only fell behind on this because they're restricted to gaming.
That's what's crazy to me, it's not even the PS6 and they think that much is somehow ok when anything that runs on it is designed to run on a base PS5. I can't see how why anyone would bother buying it when PS5 are mostly used for playing PS4 games.
Fucking I know lmao
Visions of Mana
Path of the Goddess
And next month Metaphor are all on PS4
Only game that's not is what, astro bot and Stella blade? What a joke of a fucking console.
Is there even a 4 player local multiplayer ps5 game?
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Legit, what games can you even play on the PS5 with 4 couch players?
Yeah, but I own a switch and a PS4, why the fuck would I want multiples? ngl thinking about getting a PS5 Pro unless anons can convince me otherwise.
oh don't you worry about the PS6
>no option for disc drive
>mandatory PS Plus account if you want to play anything
Not mine, I am now on PC, like any sane person.
Tales of Symphonia HD+ reconstructed.
Still runs at 30 fps baby.
Been that way for a while. This is just the final nail in the coffin
>astro bot and Stella blade?
So a mediocre 3D platformer, and a worse version of Nier: Automata (that's also coming to PC lol).
japanese console warring shitpost are awfully respectful
Get a new washing mashine
PS5s are for poor brown people who desperately want to be rich and blow all their money on fake luxury items
pay your rent for two months
>PS5 is still the best selling console in the USA (you know, the one market that matters)
Switch is 30 million units ahead of PS5 in USA
Don't forget wifeys bvll
I said console not last gen handheld.
You're getting shat on by a last gen handheld? Embarrassing...
that's really cheap, what are they complaining about if rent is this cheap, they must have ton of disposable income
They can't tell the difference between Mario 64 graphics and Wukong over there?
And Nintendo is getting shat on by iPhone, your point? They are not competing, now go back to your bing bing wahoo
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>now go back to your bing bing wahoo
t. snoy lawyer
>soulless rehash with uninspired "realistic" setting
>soulful celebration of 40+ years of video game history
Learn the difference, tendie.
Wife's boyfriend is a BIPOC so he doesn't want to play games made by honorary whites (japanese) for honorary whites so I'll have to buy a PS5 Pro, NBA and Madden so he can keep satisfying my wife and not get me divorced
Damn i don't even need to greentext and post the soiface for this one
>slight upgrade
>sell stand seperately
Sonytera has started banning people complaining about the price, there are way too many complaints there
You know it's bad when your shill website is not taking any of it
Why are Sony and Microsoft speedrunning a uni-console industry?
Damn, it's like MS and Snoy are racing to see who can lead to a Nintendo-only video game industry the fastest
I thought nintendo not giving you a power chord with the 3DSXL or new 3DS or something like that was peak jewery but the ps5 pro takes the cake.
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Sony started this race long ago
The gaming industry is in trouble if Sony is having to get maximum profit at all costs.

A crash is happening right now and people are too stupid to see it
>ctrl+f inflation
>0 results
wouldn't be great if this was sony's anti-scalper strategy just to make them buy countless ps5 pro consoles and only sony being the one who actually profits from that?
PS5 pro is worth at least 8 Switch
And that's a good thing, a few more Concordlikes and the industry will heal itself.
PS5 is their most profitable console and will at least match PS4 unit sales
The picture is comparing contemporaneous consoles. So why would inflantion affect PS5P and not NSW?
you know sony also needs people to buy games and Microtransactions
it would do them no good if scalpers can't sell the system
No. It's probably that Sony is apparently being lead by someone who wants maximum profit, right now.

If it was about scalpers the console, at that price, would come with a damn hard drive and stand.
Even Switch is 8 years old now and it's handheld, nigger.
>Sony is officially dead
As far as gaming is concerned I agree. They should just quit
Japan is country of nintendo
>inflation only affects sony
Yes, and inflation is the reason why it gad no price drop.
PS5 is not so in demand in 2024 that there are scalpers. This is a premium offering that probably 8% of people buying PS5 buy and they have no competition since Microsoft just added a 2TD hard drive and didn't bother to upgrade the xbox further so they get away with it being $100 more than it should be
PS2 Emotion Engine and PS3 CELL were nightmares for programmers.

Kutaragi wanted the PS3 to ship with 1 cell as a cpu and 1 cell as a gpu. Mark Cerny is fucking insane for STILL having only himself know exactly how the PS3 worked and never sharing it with anyone aside from those secret CELL developers at Sony.

They were either falling behind in development, or realized that this was utter fucking stupidity, so they went plan B and asked Nvidia to give them whatever was their best chip at the time, bolted it on, and shipped it.

Mark Cerny made PS4 and PS5 just AMD APUs because it was cheapest and easiest for programmers

Ryzen 7 3700X and an RX5700 which are roughly equivalent to a PS5.
It affects everything. Do you buy your own food or does mommy still make it?
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>£700 for pro
>£100 for disc drive
>Can occasionally get deals for base PS5 with a disc reader for £400 (it’s £440 normally)
Doesn’t seem worth it for a slight upgrade.
Huh, weird that you're calling him a tendie while defending Odyssey.
The parts have fallen in cost it offsetting it, Sony are releasing a new console. Switch 2 will be more expensive than Switch
Sony is in trouble because Sony made alot of stupid decisions. They threw 1.6 billion in the trash with bungie, burned 200 million with concord, cancelled multiple failed gaas projects, undermined their identity and now the ps5 has no games and sales are flat lining. This is a playstation issue not an industry issue.
>during a freezeframe
>in motion its blurry
>behind chainlink fences its blurry
AI upscaling is a scam, only works on still pictures
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God, mexican is such a worthless language.
The base ps5 is not even worth 400 pounds.
>2 children
...I was honestly waiting for ps5pro but it feels so underwhelming I'm considering better off buying a premade gaming pc or move to handheld like deck or ally... i don't know why I waited for this instead of buying a ps5...
>Ninrtendo focused on making a much cheaper hardware thus giving up on the graphics race
>Nintendo instead of focusing on graphics, focused on appeal, music, story and gameplay
>Snoys wonder who the fuck is buying nintendo consoles
Even the subhuman negros of /v/ realized a decade ago that the graphics race is a dead end for the industry.
>burned 200 million with concord
They only bought the studio in 2023 and the studio was founded in 2018. They'll do some creative accounting to reduce the loss, nobody knows what they've lost on it or what it really cost to make. PS5 is their most profitable console ever and Bungie will eventually be profitable as Sony are taking over management, they just have to make Destiny 3
Chasing cutting edge power is so fucking retarded, sony was already complaining their profit margins on their games are shit because they are too expensive to make and they continue to accelerate.
Fuck off Dobson
If you buy a premade PC they will put a good GPU in it and cheap out on other parts like the fans and you will pay $1500 for it not $700. This is how consoles are going to be now, multiple models at different prices and generations never really ending
America's not an Island
come back when the game actually releases.
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>30fps(with dips) experience.
That's on every console including the PS5 Pro lmao. Imagine paying $800 to have the same experience than somebody who paid $200. The absolute state of snoys
Buying an entire studio which is about to release a AAA game they expect to sell well is going to cost 100 million minimum, 200 is a better estimate because you aren't just buying the game you are buying what they considered to be talent. Either way it was a collosal waste of money ontop of a long list of catastrophic mistakes
The lack of improved CPU is just incredible penny pinching lmao.
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Sony haters BTFO
i'm so disappointed in mainstream gaming in general that even improving my current pc doesn't feel worth it. i might just give up...
>astro bot
top kek
Just buy a steam deck and emulate old games you missed out on till the industry fixes itself. For the coming years any worthwhile game coming out of the west will be indie and will run on a potato, any worthwhile game coming out of Japan will run on a switch and will also run on a toaster
how do you answer this without getting mad?
tbf, PS4Pro also didn't update the original CPU despite it being a fucking Jaguar.
Anything would be better then that thing
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>he hasn't totally became an indie, doujin and retro gamer
console players have to pay a monthly sub to play multiplayer xdd
i'm considering it to be honest but kinda waiting for the new ally to compare if it's better or worse lmao.
i only started this year to play some indies so I assume I'm a newbie at this. I only had the time to fully finish like 6 games this year and 5 of them were indies.
And you think it's okay to pay 200 dollars more (plus tip(no disk drive(no stand))) on retail for this "slight upgrade"?
they do no rike?
I don't think this is whats happening at sony, but I've always wondered.
Why is it that a new ceo can come in to a company, run it into the ground, get a bonus for doing so, and then just jump ship and become ceo of a different company?
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imagine paying $700/mo for this and still having to share your home with like 8 other people and living ridiculously far away from everything
>lacks a basic feature the original had
>shitty CPU
Current gen consoles have good CPUs, especially compared to last gen.
There's a reason why 7800X3D has troubles running 30 fps 9th gen console games like Dragon's Dogma 2 at solid 60 fps.
They been deade since the switch launch.
It usually takes a few years for the full ramifications of a shitty CEOs actions to unravel, it's obvious to the enthusiast they are fucking up in real time but zombie corporate suits don't realise till the green line turns red. To another corp Jim Ryan is probably seen as a successful CEO despite burning playstation to the ground and salting the earth for coming generations.
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Maison Ikkoku made that shit look fun, then again back in the 70s-80s it probably cost a quarter of what it does now to live like that
>Upgrade to shit product that is also shit
>Upgrade to good product that is also good AND fairly priced.
it's 70,000 yen anon
that's 493.57$
I'm paying more to share with three other roommates
>google Tales of Symphonia HD
>first result: store.steampowered.com
For that price unironically just buy a pc
Affordability was the only thing over PC for consoles
If you buy something at that price, you're just a corporate drone
PS4 Pro CPU was overclocked by about 30% despite being the same arch. According to leaks PS5 Pro is about 10% faster, also.
>Nigger Worship Simulator #284
who cares
DD2 ran like shit because of terrible optimization, the devs couldn't into multi threading.
The game runs a lot better now.
And what's more, the ads for switch in Japan are still running.
I glanced at the train screen during my commute back from work today and it had an ad for the switch playing on it.
The sound insolation is horrible in japanese houses and apartments too, practically inexistent.
>The game runs a lot better now.
oh yes, the infamous phantom updates
Upgrades usually don't remove features whilst selling for more.
You also make more money, retarded anerican
Feel free to compare how another gen 9 console game like Horizon run on the 7800X3D.
Do you really think people wouldn't know why you specifically picked DD2 as your example? You double nigger
Why even get a PS6 when you already have a PS7 Pro?
Buy probably the best small refractor (in stock) telescope in the world.
[Takahashi FC-76DCU]
But that’s not America.
I live in Japan, and paying over 130.000 yen for a console and its fucking disk drive is insane. I really wanted it, but I simply can't afford it.
Horizon Forbidden West is a PS4 game.
Who cares?
Japan is a tiny, dying irrelevant island where people only play mobile slop and bing bing wahoos. Sony will be fine without them.
can the dogshittendo shitch play gta 6? and produce the same visuals as the ps5 pro?
why did you think they moved hq to commiefornia
1, even 2 of the console devs could exit the industry and we still wouldn't have a crash. Like if the gaming landscape was just PC, Nintendo, and mobile practically nothing would change. Everyone would still keep making money.

Just because you are a pathetic failure doesn't mean the industry is. It's going to get even bigger and stronger once the last generation of human that didn't grow up playin games start to die off. Profits will rise while you will seethe.
where is gta 5 on the switch?
>inb4 it has kiddie games for manchildren
So? There's other games out there that are actually properly developed unlike DD2.
People in the 2224 will look back at attitudes like this and laugh, than go back to the holodeck and say," Can you beleive people actually used to play [your favorite game]? The graphics suck!"
GTA VI is a year and a half away.
Yeah, and I expect more games to be more like DD2, especially once they drop 8th gen support for good.
Like Starfield (was updated after many months to actually improve CPU utilization to hit 60 fps on consoles), Redfall or Gotham Knights.
>50 dollar price bump for a larger and better screen, double the storage, improved speakers, battery life and a kickstand that actually works
>250 dollars for better grass and no disk drive.

Gee Anon I fucking wonder
>earth 2224
lol, and don't forget the flying cars
It's a weird thing to expect games to be broken mess at release but I guess it's how the current industry is.
>I have no response to your humilating takedown of my faggotry. But feel compelled to respond so I'll just focus on something else entirly.

Eat shit. The graphics industry is going to keep growing long after you are dead. They will make things everyone loves and you will be forgotten by everyone. Not that you'd be able to afford it even if you were alive.
People in the year 2224 will be too busy fighting off raiders from the mountains coming to steal their barley and cattle to think about gay console wars.
It was always like that, going down to 30 fps once actual next generation games came out.

The problem is that consoles are actually relatively powerful, that you can't just bruteforce 60 fps on mid range PC CPU for 30 fps game, like we could during the 8th gen.

The Witcher 3 next gen update runs so poorly on PC on the CPU side, and that's just by dropping 8th gen, it's somehow amazing more people don't shit on it.
Are you retarded?
The games had several updates since launch you fucking retard.
And dont forget to scroll down since you sounds autistic.
Maybe the bottom 80% or so will. The rest will be living comfy behind the walls eating caviar and hunting the 80% for sport with drones.
>The problem is that consoles are actually relatively powerful, that you can't just bruteforce 60 fps on mid range PC CPU for 30 fps game, like we could during the 8th gen.
The 7800X3D is twice as powerful than the PS5 CPU according to every benchmark out there.
You're full of shit.
I retract my previous statement.

Also I bottom for trannies.
>1st update
No performance improvements in changelog

>2nd update
No performance improvements in changelog

>3rd update
No performance improvements in changelog

>4th update
No performance improvements in changelog

>5th update
No performance improvements in changelog. They only added DLSS Frame Generation lmao

>6th update
Actually had some performance improvements in the changelog, but practically didn't change a thing.

>7th and last update so far
No performance improvements in changelog

Do you people even read those?
That's exactly what I meant by those infamous phantom performance updates and the shills keep posting that they fixed all the issues with the first update.
Going with AMD APU was extremely shortsighted. If they've gone with ARM in 2013 they could've easily switched to nvidia or Qualcomm or even a custom design based on ARM IP.
Not standardizing temporal upscaling in 2020 was another misstep. They are now stuck with a shitty spatial upscaled and deep frying the image. They literally just copied nvidia's universally panned DLSS 1.0 from 2018. Which will pointlessly run on top of proper temporal upscalers implemented by the devs.
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So how did that work out with DD2?
Why isn't it magically locked 60 fps when you can clearly see that GPU is not a bottleneck?
You can just barely run the game at 120fps with 7800X3D or 13900K with good DDR5. If you want more just use frame gen.
ARM had no decent options for a console in 2013. Also, you're badly underestimating the difficulty of switching your SoC vendor. The only way switching from a Qualcomm GPU to Nvidia doesn't cause backwards compatibility issues is if you're using a shitty inefficient API*

*This might actually be Microsoft's plan, leaked docs mentioned they're considering ARM platforms for Gen 10 and DirectX is sucky and has left the XSX underperforming.
hot and straight
>The 7800X3D is twice as powerful than the PS5 CPU according to every benchmark out there.
>absolute top end CPU, made specifically for gaming, universally considered the best gaming CPU
>only twice as powerful as cutdown "shitty CPU" of a console

Anon, do you even hear yourself?
>Tech Illiterate Foundry
All their results are off because they're running shitty jedec speeds on the memory because they are idiots who can't into PC optimization. Even 7800X3D benefits greatly from good memory tune. Extra L3 is nice but it's not magic. Even if you can't into PC, off the shelf EXPO kit on 7800X3D will give you 1% lows above 60 and averages around 100.
DSOGaming had 90 fps averages with 60 fps 1% lows on a 7950X3D with basic EXPO kit. A 7800X3D is a bit faster.
And check this (unpatched launch version BTW): https://youtube.com/watch?v=QtPJ16HW56c
LMAO they gambled it all on going ultra premium. They did the "AAAA" stunt again, they thought they could just go apple-mode and demand everyone keeps up with what the value their brand at. They're dead lol
The dude I'm arguing with called the 7800X3D a "mid range CPU" while praising the power of consoles CPU.
You're barking to the wrong tree
and you would also "save money" because of the built in ethernet port, sony couldn't be bothered to include the fucking stand that they keep displaying on every ad.
Jaguar was extremely shit CPU. It was matched* in nT by a passively cooled iPad from 2015 not to mention having a third of 1T perf.
*assuming, to Jaguar's benefit, that it scales perfectly from 4T to 8T and it directly translating to game performance
Sony only went with AMD APU to save on costs and not have to sell PS4 at loss. They made money on each PS4 sold.
The PS5Pro would be like if Nintendo sold the Switch OLED without a dock to connect to the TV. Sony's having you pay a premium and then trying to short change you in ways they don't with the base model.
>The dude I'm arguing with called the 7800X3D a "mid range CPU"
Where did I say that? A mid range CPU is clearly something like Ryzen 3600, 5600 and 7600. 5600 is just 20% faster in games than 3600.

Or in 8th gen it was literally any i5.

The fact you need absolute top of the line to get close to 60 fps these days in 9th gen 30 fps games is ridiculous.
7800X3D is not a top end CPU retard. It's a gaming CPU suited for that one task, in everything else it's slower than 7700X.
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>Could buy 20 dildos or 1 oled switch
What would I have use for 20 dildos?
Arm gpus were and still are ass though
>What would I have use for 20 dildos?
About as much use you'd have for a PS5 Pro
>absolute top of the line
It's insane that conslow plebs considers the 7800X3D top of the line. It's a mid budget CPU. Quad core i7s in 2010-2017 used to cost more than what 7800X3D goes for.
Why do you think it's so popular? Because it's cheap and fast as fuck in games. Outside of games it has gimped clockspeed and is about as fast as a $90 12600K.
Qualcom is incompetent and terrible and nivida likes to overcharge
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You can put them on your built-in dick drive
>no argument
I accept your concession, retard.
Conslow normiecattle should be banned from discussing PC hardware and performance because they have no idea what they're talking about.
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>superior product is more expensive than inferior product
>10 year old tech is much cheaper than brand new stuff
You were the one who brought up the 7800X3D in the first place and kept talking about how it was strictly inferior to a console because of DD2.
>Just wait for RDNA4. This time for real nvidia is finished. Trust the plan!
He's objectively right.
L3 cache becomes a meme the moment you're doing something that is not playing.
The PS5 runs DD2 at 30fps with CPU bottleneck and drops to 20s. 7800X3D runs it at around 90-100fps with 1% lows in the 60s. It's sightly over three times faster than the cut down Zen2 chip in PS5. And that's while not having unified memory which helps CPU bottlenecks immensely.
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It's called Swatch.
Thank you
Then why was the faggot I was arguing with pretending otherwise?
Other than shilling the PS5 I mean.
No it's not. It's cheaper than a gaming PC and cheaper than a comparably-specced PC. And it'll come down in price.
but enough about the UK
No don't point that out, you need to spend 1100 quid to play video games
It's the other way around, anon. They moved to california because they gave japan's interest for granted and thought they could just focus on chasing the western audience. It was a shortsighted move.
I cannot imagine being a Sony fan. All you have is muttistani "cinematic experiences."
Soon in a not so distant future, the only people that will care about playstation will be emulfags
The PS2 will remain one of the greatest consoles and console libraries of all time despite Sony's downfall today
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>one has games
>the other doesn't and they love Blackrock

as shrimple as that
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To imagine they're sony executives because you clearly want to suck their cock.

Soul kutaragi


Soulless Mark Cerny
>own every PlayStation console from the PS1 to the Vita (no ps3 because too expensive at the time)
>want modern snoy to fail
It sucks man, I grew up on the PS2.
with 20 dildos you can have a box of cocks, with ps5 you have nothing but a waste of money
You get fucked either way was my point.
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8k gaming is here. You really can't compare an 8k professional device to a Switch
>and kept talking about how it was strictly inferior to a console
Where the fuck did I say that?
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>I was so hypnotized by looking at car finishes that I kept crashing.
PS5 really is the console of choice for ACKers
Art imitate life.
>a CPU offers a fantastic price to performance ratio while consistently giving the best performance in games without shitting itself
>therefore it's a mid range

yes, a regular consumer will buy Epyc for games, now that's a high end
What if PS6 is digital only or has no backwards compatibility?
>You can buy your wife, your two children
Where can I buy this?
Middle East
It's pretty fucking crazy that it's 120K JPY ($850) which is now going to continue to increase exponentially in USD terms as the USD/JPY exchange has entered a hard reversal.

Not to mention that average nip salary is something like 4.5 mJPY. Sony is filled with retards it's going to sell dogshit in japan
"Gaming PC" is unironically trending in Japan. It's over. Sony did the impossible and managed to popularize PC gaming in Japan.
I would rather buy a couple of Switch 2s than one ps5 pro
Buy enough instant ramen to last you a lifetime
Considering the nip eco has pretty much been stagnant for 21 years I don't think there was much of a difference
2 xbox series x
>chasing high end tech has led to massive inflated budgets and extremely long development cycles
>world in the midst of an economic downturn
>pick now to quintuplets down on chasing high end tech
Let me guess, you need more?
>professional device
Bro sorry to say the only professional part about it is how politely y'all bend over for them to rail you and your wallet
Then I don't buy it
Do you think they will hit the emergency button and release the 60 fps patch for bloodborne?
Fun Dildo fights with your friends
>he thinks there will be a PS6
>converts to €29,000/year
oh no how will the jap tards survive, in my country it's half that
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>vertical stand not included
>disc drive not included
>60fps not included
>exclusives not included
Anon, this is Japan we're talking about, not cuckmerimuttica.
5 more years of '60 fps is overrated'
>30 fps only games will remain 30 fps
Well what's the fucking point then?
People who viewed 60 fps as essential were already playing on performance mode, so they are just being asked to spend 800 dollaridoos to add extra details to the image
I imagine a dildo feels better than a joycon but I may be wrong since I skipped the switch entirely.
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unironically better than westoid consoles
Cerny literally has no soul.
He's a hardware guy, not a creative guy.
I'm gonna laugh when gta 6 releases on ps4 6 months after launch.
The industry is at the point where there is not going to be a universal crash that effects every single dev. For one, Nintendo is so conservative in its business that it could have five Wii U-tier disasters in a row and still stay afloat because they have billions of dollars in a war chest. For another, there are WAY too many indie developers that do not care about industry trends or economic health. And, finally, video games are too mainstream now. Almost every single young adult in the western world and Japan plays video games of some variety.

What a "crash" is most likely to look like is the temporary death or a collapse of AAA development as a bunch of huge developers and publishers just hit a breaking point where they've made too many failed gambles, put too many eggs in one basket, and then it just falls out from under them and they either stop developing games at all or turn to other avenues. Small devs will stay afloat.

People like From Soft have literally never been doing better and have shown nothing but continued growth because they've been incredibly measured and safe with their growth. The consumer base for video games has literally never been wider or more healthy. There are more people buying them and willing to pay more for them, it's just that the business practices and decision-making of the AAA space has never been more greedy, shortsighted, and retarded. They're handicapping themselves with failed gambles, laying off their workforce instead of growing experience/knowledge, and pushing hostile business practices that prevent them from cultivating dedicated consumer bases. Companies that don't do that, like Nintendo, From Soft, and Valve, are doing better than ever, as are indie devs.
Is it true the stand is $50 seperate?
And here!
>Also Nintendo consoles and handhelds have video games.
Literally missing 90% of all the third party multi plat games, show me where you're playing elden ring or gta 6 on your shitch derangned tendoid faggot
no stand
no disc drive
no 60 fps
no games
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Boy you late to the party, in 2017 they were shoving joycons up the ass because of the bluetooth problems they had.
is that loss?
Red dead is on switch
>uninspired "realistic" setting
You don't know shit about Odyssey.
>New Mario game that goes out of its way to re-use as few ideas from previous games as possible while introducing as many new settings and ideas as possible
>Soulless robot mascot wearing the skins of dead IPs going through generic levels that look like they could have been from any other 3D platformer
It's a shame because Astro Bot is actually fun, it just has no visual identity outside "funny little robot that flies around on a PS5 ship"
If they could've just developed the concept more and given it its own identity instead of relying on nostalgia for existing IPs, it could've been a new classic
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It was also on a console from 2006
can i buy a chink instead
Am I blind or do these all look the same?
Look up your shithole's average salary and you'll quickly see how. It's probably relatively close to that number as well.
An A star baseball player earns couple million yen a month. Most people in Yamagata and other rural places work 6.7eur/hour.
its an upgrade you mangy nigger you can buy the ps5 at half price and still play the games fine. this is the biggest nothing burger.
and to think that there are shill who consider it a luxury item lmao get fucked
That's just Jap culture
When they say "Thank you, see you later", what they really mean is "Fuck off, I never want to see your fugly mug again"
They didn't say "See you later." They delibrately left out "See you later". Reading between the lines they are saying "Thank you. I will never see you again."
>When they say "Thank you, see you later", what they really mean is "Fuck off, I never want to see your fugly mug again"
That's actually bongistan
I wonder if there is anything oblong that has not been in an ass at this point
japan is just asian bongistan
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Reminder with this and the literal kike going down into full cope mode that's two of the three biggest snoy shills down.
Can you imagine how badly do you have to fuck up for fucking sal to go into cope mode?
>You mean you have to use your hands?
>It's like a baby toy
Quit crying.
>snoy already in full meltdown mode
dont forget to save up for the 1000 dollar digital only ps6 and 80 buck replacement controllers for when they break after 2 weeks goyim
sal might not bury tomorrow famitsu sales under 6-7 random reports
its almost as if one has a lot of games and the other has one game
We're going to have 5 threads tomorrow don't we?
Sorry outta chinks, we still got some gooks in stock if you want those.
between astro turf, the ps5 price hike and the ps5 pro reveal the threads are gonna be fun
>Just wait for nuvia qualcom chips. This time for real x86 is finished.
he's already schizoing in multiple different threads, tomorrow is gonna be a major meltdown
>exclusives not included
Not even Astro's playroom?
The PS5 pro is a status symbol, no one cares if broke bitches buy shitchs for the entire wife's husband population of Japan
The 6xxx series already raped goyvidia in both the low and mid end anon.
Even the XTX has 90% of a 4090 for half the price.
At this point however intel goyims proved actual hardware power is irrelevant, the AMD alternative could literally rust from jeet poo and blow up and people will still buy it over AMD.
>Sony moves to California
>suddenly this happens
From the thumbnail I expected the Michael Jackson 360.
No one cares about status symbols Daquavion especially a fucking videogame console now take those stupid gold plated chains off.
dont forget $80 a year for PSN lmao consolecucks love sucking jewish cock
quints of truth
Who cares what those chinks thinks? Playstation is not longer Japanese anymore
thats like saying you can buy 40 pair of shoes for one pair of good italian leather shoes
We had like 6 last week lmao, it's gonna be crazy.
do good italian leather shoes make you faster?
>something that happened eight years ago
The switch is looking better than ever, especially with the impressive ports its been getting
what do you mean outta chinks there are like billions of them
Based dislexic anon
Sony ponies are already making up rumors GTA6 will be PWAYSTATION ECHKLUSIVE to justify in their heads the Pro is worth it
You love to see it
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I saw them doing that shit with Wilds, saying it's releasing exclusively on PS5 March 2025, with the PC and Xbox versions releasing in September 2025
>No one cares about status symbols
actually, "your" girlfriend loves wearing my Rolex and taking rides in my Maserati
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more like 900p20
I don't know, it used to be because it was the best 'drive around a detailed city' game but theres plenty of those.
CDPR really should have spent a extra year on NPCs behavior/AI/ragdoll because I haven't played it and look forward too more than the Shark card merchants game
They could have tacked on multiplayer and that game would have had staying power, but in CP2077 you can't realistically mow down 250lb black women like you hopefully can in GTA6
Sony's upgrade is basically x2 performance, hence the x2 cost.
>from 720p20 to 1080p30
Does it have Elden Ring, DMC5, RE4R, Baldur's Gate 3, Hogwarts, Death Stranding, Stellar Blade, Astrobot, Lies of P, System Shock, Armore Core 6 and Dead Space?
What will get better numbers tomorrow Astrobot, or PS5?
Astrobot should launch around 10k while PS5 could drop to 10k after the price hike
ps6 will be nothing but ps5 games with raytracing patches and Concord 2
No but i have PC for that
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>720p20 to 1080p30
Why are you sudently bringing up the target RES/FPS for undocked/docked Switch games?
PC can play 99,99% of Switch games day1 at 4K60.
So thanks for basically admitting the Switch is worthless unless you're dirt poor or an 8year old.
Sounds like you're admitting that Sony has sunken as low as Nintendo.
Unironically a jeet coder problem, ace combat runs flawlessly with almost no visual downgrades.
Gotta love how the switch keeps outing incompetent westoid studios.
PS5 is 1080p60 for most games in performance mode and 1440p30 in graphics mode.

>but look at this one game that goes to shit and has sub1080p
Meanwhile Xenoblade 2 dynamically downsizes the res to 360p res in some areas.
Does Nintendo also have a jeet coder problem for TOTK to consistently go to sub 20FPS in combat or when using the Ultrahand overlay outdoors?
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>>but look at this one game that goes to shit and has sub1080p
alright, TWO games
I mean if that actually happened then sure you could say that but bloodborne totk is not.
>Does Nintendo also have a jeet coder problem for [Thing that doesn't happen]
>implying people aren't gonna revert to pre-electricity times by then
>jeet regurgitates shitposter meme
I use my switch lite like 3x more than my ps5 probably even more. Only really touch the ps5 for bigger graphic games like rebirth or FFXVI
switch has all the nintendos and indies
who is this for? if you're not a povertyfag you're certainly on PC, so like what's the market? just the dumbest people available?
Should have said 2005. The 360 is the oldest of that group.
who was the PSVR2 for?
who was the PS portal for?
who was the PS headphones for?
who was the PS sneakers for?
But my wife's bull only likes PlayStation
You know they should realese more console with pink case tones...
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But how does this affect me, personally?
huh, who else is 13% of the population
I’m pretty sure PS is never going to be the target platform for Underage Panty Quest type games again.
kek, you're right they don't buy
You know what these means right? They will focus less on the Japanese Home market and more on the overseas Western market. Expect WAY more gay protag movie slop "games".
just invest a pc now and you'll be living it up consolebros
no more locked in proprietary scummy hardware prices and shitty build quality... you get free online, mods, emulation... whats not to like?
Brand new console has 5 year old tech inside
holy shit not even in the IGN bubble people think the ps5pro is a good idea
2 hours of a pretty luxurious soapland massage.
>most intelligent snoy
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they're pushing graphics as the big thing like its still the 2000s. So they make giant graphical claims about their new console so they can charge an absurd price for it, not realizing how bad it looks because absolutely nobody buying a console gives a shit about graphics. Minecraft and Fortnite are the most popular games ever. The people who want to run AAA games at 4k 120FPS on their McMonster Machine have all already switched over to PC at this point.

Sony literally has 2 remaining market niches and they're both dying rapidly:
>people who NEED to snoy exclusives at launch (will probably die once Square ends their timed exclusivity deal for Final Fantasy)
>casual brodude gamers who only play the yearly FIFA/Fortnite/CoD
hell no anon they would have had to build one from the ground up because all those cpus back then were as powerful as a PSP. On top of that it would have still been a pain in the ass for devs to program for different platforms
3x the power of a ps4? So it can run games at 90 fps....right?
PS5 is cheaper than $651.
But gaming as a medium has stagnated since 2014 so this checks out.
Sony jobbed to PC in Japan back in like 2022, it's been dead for a long time.
The ps4 and switch are $300 and the switch lites $200, you would be getting nearly that many of them.
>and will at least match PS4 unit sales
PS4 sold 114 million units, I highly doubt that.
In Japan, the base Switch costs roughly 30k yen
Also in Japan, the PS5 Pro will cost 120k yen
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So the switch is nearly $100 cheaper in japan than the us and the ps5 pro is $150 more expensive. What the fuck.
you see, the PS5 is selling so well in japan, they know they can set any price and the japs would buy it. the switch isn't doing well so they have to be cheaper
they dont make much money. The median salary is like 3k
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Nobody cares about what japan "thinks"
It's a dying economy and those poorfags can't even afford a PS5Pro
Concord flopped
Astro Bot undersold
You don't think the Japanese would actually buy a fucking PS5 Pro in order to play GTAVI, do you?
When Switch launched in 2017 30k yen were basically equivalent to $300. They just never changed the price "to avoid pricing people out" as Furukawa said.
Even in 2020 when PS5 came out, 50k yen was around $500. This lead to massive imports out of the country when later the yen weakened to the current state. As many as half of japanese PS5s could've left the country.
Sony kept increasing the price and the last, 4th price increase, put it at 80k yen, which is about $550. Keep in mind that nips still earn yen, not dollars. To them asking for 80k yen is as if you were asked to pay $800 for a regular PS5. The result of this price increase will be seen tomorrow in the Famitsu thread. Imports should completely vanish.
Now, while I can understand putting PS5 at 80k yen to match the price in the US even though it's going to kill the brand, PS5 Pro being an equivalent of $850 in Japan is ridiculous.
Pro is a silly name for a game console. It's an entertainment device. Something you use outside of your professional life (if you have one)
Astro Bot flopped
>Nintendo doesn't strip out parts to sell back to you
So are we going to pretend that Joycons are a suitable and comfortable replacement to an actual ergonomic controller now or something?
What do your broken hands have to do with the features of the controller?
You can hack the Switch itself and only give money to Nintendo in Joycons
>Tech completely stagnates
>Prices increase for no reasons
>Market is fucked up
I live like a king with a combo ps3\4 and a 15 yrs old pc.
the snoyim will never recover from this
6 Switch combined would still be a lower internal resolution than a base PS5.
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price anon. price.
you are missing whole point just as I expect from snoycuck
If the Pro was $580 with disc drive no one would care.
Imagine if Nintendo released a $500 digital only Switch Pro. Everyone would shit on it. Especially if it was only 50% faster (the V2 Switch is 15% faster than the launch model).
Switch renders TOTK at 1600x900. Increasing the resolution x6 means you scale each direction by sqrt(6) for an effective 3919x2204 which is higher than PS5's 4K output (3840x2160). So you're factually wrong.
>inb4 some games don't run at 900p but 720p
Most games don't run at 4K on PS5 either. Returnal for example renders at 1080p internally. Spider-Man 2 oscillates between 1080p and 1800p etc
Having VIDEO GAMES on your VIDEOGAME console helps.
Is it just me or does it feel like Sony is being intentionally sabotaged?
Whether it’s porting everything to PC, investing in 30 different live service games that no one asked for, or completely alienating the weeb fanbase to the point that they just gave up that entire market to Nintendo…. It has just been bad decision after bad decision. I’m sure they will be making plenty of money in the short term. But can’t they see that what they’re doing is destroying the viability of their brand in the long run?
There’s no way the leaders of this company can be THIS out of touch…. Right?
the horizon guy is the head of playstation studios and ceo related to everything games, that should tell you everything.
>Switch renders TOTK at 1600x900
At 20fps.
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Sony has no real competition.
>moving the goalpost
They do
Is this going to be another one of those things where third world nintendies scream about Sony then Sony is the top console yet again even though they just make bad movies which are still top dog because all console trash is absolute garbage? Because I feel like this is what's going to happen.
>What would I have use for 20 dildos?
playing with something. better than a PS5 already
>But how does this affect me, personally?
jokes aside the PS5 >games are going to be less optimized for the base. sony is basically making it in a way that everyone is getting fucked
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>the PS5 >games are going to be less optimized for the base.
Oh not at all they're going to be just as unoptimised for the pro, they're just going to use that extra power to brute force it into running.
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Very nice.
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Sony and their fanboys really aren't going to live this shit down.
And you know what? "Without any games" could fit just as well.
This. Everyone keeps glossing over "oh they don't make consoles with unique architectures anymore, they're just locked down PCs" but making anything else would basically be making a modern Sega Saturn and ensuring that no one will want to port shit to your system.
>Soulless cash grab bing bing wahoo
>Free pack in game that showcases the unique functionality of the greatest controller made by man up to this date
Really though no one played Astros wahoo except for maybe dicking around for like 15 minutes while your first real game downloads
The Famitsu sales threads tomorrow are going to be a complete shitshow, aren’t they? Mainly depending on how Astrobot does, I guess
Chris is expecting 10k so it should be really interesting.
israel became an island?
Why is he expecting that little? Just because it isn't doing well physically in EU?
but nintendo sells their own games,
what would the point be to have a game that runs on the 2 other products of the market and PC competing with you be any reason for people to move for your own hardware vs every other ?
sell cheaper, portable, with a ton of exclusives its a win.
This is the problem with Playstation it doesn't have any IP's and does nothing with their catalogue.
the only real exclusive right now its probably stellar blade and maybe a spiderman's game.
Horizon 1 was fine, 2 was sabotaged even though i admit it played well.
and microsoft does weird shit with xbox but they have a strong presence on pc market with a lot of other things...
>Literally missing 90% of all the third party multi plat games
It's more like 5% and that 5% doesn't have very many good games.
This piece of feces costs over $1000 in leafland kek
>the only real exclusive right now its probably stellar blade and maybe a spiderman's game.
the only exclusive is an enhanced version of a tech demo coming with the console
niggerman is already in some capacity on pc so all of them will be eventually (not like anyone cares) and gook blade is a guaranteed multiplat
yea i know, they also had ff7 rebirth and ff16 although they also sold not as much as SE wanted.
they really dont have anything going for them now.
Maybe a new killzone, resistance, socom, or a new jack and daxter, Crash bandicoot and ratchet and clank sold well.
He's basing it on Japanese data.
>1k sales on Amazon JP
>#2 at Tsutaya behind Gundam which should have pretty big 2nd week drop
>#4 at GEO behind even AAI remaster
>Out of top10 at COMG sales chart
>Maybe a new killzone
fuck no, shadow fail was beyond garbage, i could barely get rid of it
how do nips sleep on the floor? so hard & ucomfortable. especially terrible if you move in your sleep & your limbs touch the cold floor.
but they could make a good game this time, games for men usually are fine.
in any case the future of sony is on making PSP2 or PSVITA2, else switch2 is going to autowin.
PS6 is going to need a massive cut in price and some real incentive for it to sell as much as they want to.
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>but they could make a good game this time
no they can't anymore, all talent is over
snoy's future is become the next sega, except sega at least wasn't retarded enough to piss away half of their series
>Does it have Elde-

If it's from 2020, requires 100+ gigabytes of storage space, runs like shit despite being a 9th gen game running on a RTX 4080 and it's yet another 1 in a million Far-Left, Hero shooter, Battle Royale, Soulsborne trash on a console with no backwards compatibility with less features and games than it's predecessor and has even worst minimalistic, floating squares UI/UX, I don't want it. period.
>odyssey is "realistic"
easy for snoys to think this when they've lived in fantasy all their lives
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uh oh snoy
Honestly, yeah, it makes sense. Platformers from long running franchises like Ratchet and LBP already don't do well, imagine what a relatively new IP like Astro will do.
I don't get it
How $699 is expensive for the so called first world people?
If you live in the privileged countries and are seething or can't afford the PS5 PRO, simply just kys! (friendly advice)
Because it has no games
I thought the Switches at the bottom were sex toys or something from the thumbnail
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If you genuinely think the consoles have a better CPU, you're too stupid to converse with. This isn't PS3 era, where you could fantasize about the three companies that actually knew how to use the Cell architecture owning X86. There. There's the attention you wanted, since dad left to buy menthols when you were only 4 years old.
>Excusing lazy devs
Fuck off retarded faggots
PS2 generation was the last time gaming was good and exciting
Fuck Microshit for catering to lazy devs which hold progress back
is that game and port worth 18usd?
The first 3 years of Playstation 3 still had soul tho
When they change from the spider man font to the PS3 slim, everything felt off.
lay off the porn coomer
well yeah. the only games that make money in japan nowadays are mobile gotcha games for pedos
No, I don't believe it is.
So absolutely nothing is going to change.
Buy a half decent tanto to commit sudoku with
down to retard japs still buying soistation
I still remember the PS3 stripping out backwards compatibility
Only the first three are worth playing and are all available on the PS4
>Buy manga and H-games
>Buy figgies and nendos
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It's like they are doing it on purpose!
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Come om this is just mean, stop picking on the PS5 pro. it cant even stand up for itself
>40 years
its only been 16 years
its been 68 years for the UK
the pedo island makes the media they consoom
>its only been 16 years
Let me guess, you need more?
what are the best PS4 exclusives?
yeah the OLED wasn't $200 more expensive and didn't need an extra $80 drive to play your physical games. also even if the switch has yet to see a price drop it at least didn't get two price increases
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We're going to see even more of a divide with the Switch 2 & PS6/Xbox. Actual video games from the Switch 2 side VS. slop movie games, GAAS, and sports titles from the PS side. Will be fun to observe and see who comes out on top
The problem is that lazy devs ignored PS3’s interesting hardware in favor of MS’ lazy shitbox 360
So PS3 mostly got shitty inferior performing multiplats
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you could also buy every exclusive twice over for the price of a PS5 Pro and disc drive
>Asuka will outlive the PlayStation brand thanks to the gacha
Justice is at hand.
I never had to pay 700 dollars for a Nintendo upgrade you daft muppet.
I got an oled switch (near expiry gift card panic purchase) and I can't tell if this was a good time to get it because it has a huge library or a terrible time because there are rumors of a sequel device that has BC.
By the way, what is the difference between the oled and the normal one's screen? I just got this one because it was fancier and have no clue what a regular vs oled screen looks like.
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CDPR uses the same tactics. they shit out a broken product then claim it to fix with patches yet if you read the patch notes instead of performance and quest - AI improvements it's something like 'moved flower 2mm to the left to prevent clipping with a wall' lmao
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then claim to fix it with patches*

oopsie daisy
Colors and blacks are much better, more brightness and bigger screen, regarding the rest of the console, better battery life, 2x internal storage, better kickstand, built in ethernet port and some people say the new joycons are more reliable, kinda wish I would have upgraded my launch one but it is too late.
I've never even held a regular switch, actually I've barely even laid eyes on one irl, so I honestly had no idea, I do like the back stand though.
My only game is Animal Crossing. Figured since I only had enough left on the card to get one game I'd pick a long one with no set ending from a series I liked. No idea what else there is but the library seems big
>I can buy a regular PS5 with disc reader included and up to 10 games in disc with what a PS5 Pro less disc reader will cost
So someone is getting fired for this right?
>that language
what third world sub-human from mexico, central or south america made this dogshit post
I look like this and I say this.
you won't regret it, it is never a good idea to get a new console day one anyways, just enjoy your Switch 1 and wait for the refresh / oled upgrade for Switch 2 in like 3+ years after it releases.
Pay my rent 1.3 times holy shit
You know this is just bs right
Thanks anon, makes me feel better about it.
I've never early adopted a console and wanted one for a while so it's neat seeing it out of the gate like this

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