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New ZZZ character
Hope its not just a human face underneath that mask.
For human male only
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dont care
not ben
she has nice boobies
She looks like she fucks human men

Kill yourself faggot
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>human breasts, no fur there
>we want the tranny audience
I associate furries with homosexuality, sure, but not trannies in the least bit
I think it's safe to say you're unironically obsessed
Pregnant cats have hairless boobs in rl. This is very sexual.
>we want the trannies wearing tranny facemasks audience
sexo with caesar
Will someone make a non-shitpost ZZZ thread? I wanted to talk about the game.
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I’m afraid you’re stuck here buddy
unironically the thread on /vmg/ would be good if it got more than 2 posts a day
In a fandom of delusion, do you think trannies would have a hard time fitting in?

You can't get past one furry post without tripping over a pride flag.
You retard, her chest fur is just a similar color. She doesn't have bald patches.
furries are better than shiptroons btw
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If she's not playable I will shit a house
shipfags are better than antishipping schizos who think they're being cucked if a female character talks to a male character
shippers are just annoying, antishipping schizos actively destroy any attempts at talking about the game
ok now cry
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Just got to the story part where Ben shows up for the first time.
I've had him C4 because the Zhu Yan banner had him on there and I rolled a lot and thus got him a lot.
Why is he so based?
A cat is fine too
He is a good boy
>get a trophy for 10 million dennies
>only have 2 million
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>crush her gang then make her part of your harem
You spent the 8 mill leveling your characters you dolt
Which son is the most fun to have sex with?
they're all exclusively for big daddy. you'll be killed if you go after any of them
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I don't play anymore, but I still like the Kot. I might come back to see if the new tv mode adjustments makes it playable.
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Stay gone retard. More cats and rats for me.
why was the dj of the zzz concert so fat?
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Oh, I didn't know this game was for the mentally ill. Not surprised that /v/ is so into it now.
okay, leave now faggot.
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it actively repels the mentally ill thoughbeit
When do weeks reset in this game and also what is a "season"? Is it just the banner period?
she's not playable, dumb furfag
i know but WHY ARE THESE FUCKERS SO EXPENSIVE this is not even 50 to 60

Where is Big Daddy…?
week resets monday
i assume by seasons you mean versions (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc)
versions have 2 banner periods and several events
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there's no way they spend so much effort animating a literal who you will never see again, right?
it's furbait bro. there's even unnecessary titty jiggle. it's literally just to get e621 tag coverage so people maybe possibly try out the source material. this has been the con since ZZZ game out and they werent even the first ones to do it
Thanks. By seasons I mean in game some of the stuff, like the City Fund or the Shiyu thing say something about season rewards. Or "left this season" or whatever. But I never see it mentioned anywhere outside the few places.
Here's how HoYo games work: If it's an NPC, all it gets is an extremely basic model. Only playable characters get detailed models. Exceptions apply only to models that don't fit the playable model categories (like Signora, too big lol)
Is this game friendly to free to play players?
yes, all hoyo games are, but you should expect less 5 stars on average and rolling for 4 star copies is never recommended unless you know what you're setting yourself up to
It's playable with A-ranks and default characters you get, since it's action first and RPG second. But the gacha rates and the amount of freebies is quite stingy, and late game content is gonna be tough without strong and/or developed characters.
>unnecessary titty jiggle
you know that tits jiggly irl too right? is that also unnecessary?
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In what aspect? It is since A rank characters can easily clear the hardest content in the game if built correctly. It isnt if you think that the game is generous and they will shower you with enough rolls to get everyone(barring the new player gibs). I still think its a cut above the other gacha in terms of production values so id say give it a shot anyways. It will still have a lot of the pitfalls that gacha has but there is some nice QoL features in the next update that even if you dont feel like dealing with the stamina mechanic you can bank it and play when you feel like.
women, especially those in hazardous environments, wear bras

they also dont have hot yuri scenes
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i love lucy
>is that also unnecessary?
Yes. Destroy all tittys.
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What's her major malfunction?
I tried playing this game but it was boring
Good visuals but that's it
daddy issues
can't believe she dropped the f bomb in a trailer
Daddy issues.
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So when will they release her?
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drunk piper *hic*
The weak should fear the strong.
Lucy if you're in light-femdom ojou-sama trash-talking you
Piper if you're into deadfishes in bed
Burnice if you're into do-not-put-your-dick-in-crazy
Caesar if you want a caring oresama tomboy

As a connoisseur, I'm a Lucy enthusiast myself.
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>jane's walking animations are already in the game
>won't let us play as her in the world right away
fucking why hoyo
depends what you mean. if you wanted, you could never engage with the gacha beyond the forced tutorial rolls, and beat all the content in the game with the free units. it won't be the most fun, but it'll be doable
if you just pull casually and are happy with what you get, yeah you'll have no issues at all
if you really desperately need a certain character? you'll have to save. to 100% guarantee you get a character as a f2p (from scratch, which won't often be the case mind you), you'll need to skip 3 characters (9 weeks of waiting) in order to get the 4th character
averaged out over time it's more like 1 out of every 3 characters considering the fact that your luck will ebb and flow. so if you're not dead set on specific characters, and you just go "oh they're pretty cool I'll throw my rolls at them and hope for the best" rather than "I desperately need to save in order to guarantee this character", you'll get more of the characters you like
also this is assuming you play all the content. log in and do the events, engage with the resetting end-game content (it's challenging, but fun, and all the free characters can beat it with investment. at the moment it's clearing stages within 5 minutes, people in the general have been doing sub 1 minute clears to show off their e-peen)
Kill yourself, furnigger.
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oh nyo...
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My beloved
i kinda wish i pulled for the green haired loli cop i didn't realize how fun she is to play kinda the reason i hate these games since you have to wait for reruns or new characters
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Why dont y'all just use the vg thread?
/vg/ is icky
I don't have schizophrenia so I don't fit in there
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When's Elfy?
Why would I want to use a thread infested with obnoxious metafags for this easy as fuck singleplayer game?
/v/ threads of a game are always higher quality than the equivalent /vg/ threads. /vg/ is filled with schizos and ritual posters, who are both tremendously gay and more often than not you get to talk about actual game mechanics on /v/.
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/vg/ is the reddit version of /v/, a better question is why we should use it?
Yeah exactly the same
I've played up until Jane Doe and cleared all the end game
Mobile is too shallow for combat based game
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>average mihoyoGOD
inaccurate, I'm very happy getting sexy anime girls
shiptroons and yuritroons ruined vg thread
That furry chick is gonna be shipped with Lycaon ain't she?
and those furrytubers that lost their shit getting Lycaon will also lose their shit when they get her as well?
interspecies relationships would be wrong
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She's being shipped with me.
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My cute and loving wife Zhu Yuan is so cute and beautiful!
Luckily he's not getting shipped with anyone but Belle because of self inserting white women
we're trying to make the janny kill himself
>It's not pronounced Kaisar
skipping this slut
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>When she sees your discs
It will always be pronounced Shiza, no matter what language you choose
finally some good chibis
>tfw only just above 400 ap
551 is the max. I've failed her
She's actually from the idol faction. They changed the idol designs and she's working to make ends meet because being an underground idol doesn't pay. They're going to do a dangerous Hollow gig out of desperation that gets Wise and Belle involved and she'll have a boba cup for her favorite Proxy afterwards.
You don't realize it yet because mahou shoujo idoru.
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My piper is at 290? I think?
But I also have her engine which gives you more AP
I have no clue how people get so much AP outside of having Jane's engine.
I have 4th disc with AP, and 6th with anomaly mastery.

So like unless you get extremely lucky with AP+ whatever on substats...
You're skipping her because you don't want to play Billy, because you're not good enough to play Billy who is objectively the highest damage DPS in the game but it's locked behind being absolutely stylish.
i'm gated by his yuri lowenthal voice
Go play a real open world game like Wuwa or Genshin
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is this buff pup?
Just play in Japanese. They spend the most money on the JP cast.
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no lol
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I will never understand wanting to hear the voices of a bunch of californians coming out of your anime characters.
Genshins gameplay is too slow
Wuwa has too much chinawank
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>Roll only for anime girls with animal ears and fur girls along with their weapons
>Roll for all girls I find attractive
I'm on a crossroads.
I really hate building new characters, and I have a couple 5* I never really use in Genshin cause I applied the second rule.
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people play with english VA's?
That hasn't happened since the early 90s. The majority of dubbers are Canadian, from somewhere in the midwest like those fucking Minnesota weirdos, or Texan. California is a union state too because of Hollywood tax breaks so you fuck yourself if you're trying to live as an actor in Cali by taking non-union work.
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yeah, 551 on jane is with her engine + 30 from freedom blues 2 piece + ap 4th disc + and hitting all ap rolls on every single substat on every disc aside from 4 which can't have an ap substat
it's unrealistic, but it's the max to strive for. most I've seen are around 450 or so, which is just a few good substat rolls
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>Anby goes "Yeah I believe in you" in the TV world
>Almost fall in love on the spot
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Concealed reminder
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Still pretty absurd IMO.
Like I know her damage will be crazy, but you gotta farm like a mad man, and get really lucky with discs/substats..

Also need over 100+ tapes to get her plus the w engine.. Sheeeesh.
cute. would befriend for warm paizuris
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keep your fucked up fetishes to yourself
Stupid image
>Preset team feature
thank fuck. I'm embarrassed to say how many times I've set up a team, went back one screen to double check enemy weaknesses, then realize i have to reselect the agents.
??? she is practically dressed like a hooker, what the fuck is the matter with these people
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Definitely Lucy
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I like children
Mihoyo speed-ran niggerification desu
Just look at this and compare it to now
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Sleepy onahag
>gachanigger upset that gacha fans are degen troons

Get a better hobby loser.
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I have a type
even if you're "free to play" it's highly recommended you get the $5 subscription thing so you can get a character more than once every three months
I think they literally changed 2 shitty American VA precisely because of that reason you dummy.
the argument against tit jiggle has always been funny
>depictions of women in games should better reflect reality
Imagine her retracting her tail so you're pulled face first into her ass
>have like 200 pulls stocked up
>haven't had interest in pulling for anyone other than ben
when are they gonna add another furry/robot guy
give me kami north
He is a cool guy that needs a vacation
how do people get filtered by the TV segments ? you literally just click where you wanna go and you move.
Fat Lycaon and Ben bfs!
literal daddy issues so she is my type
I look like this irl
I would suck that cat off. He's a bratty qt demon.
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bakery coming through
Trying to get the 30x ice team achievement by using the event, what's the best way to go about it with Lycaon/Souk/Ellen?
I've been doing advanced 3 stage with ex special trigger and crit buffs for 2 minute clears.
>ruining a perfect ass

i hate modfad so much its unreal
Use bardic needle if you haven't, it's quite easy to get sets for characters with decent stats if you know what you are doing. If you want the best stats possible though it's gonna take a long while since you need to roll perfect stats on discs that are already set with 4 substats at lvl 0 and that's pretty unlikely.
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>It's the same exact body that Hazeker copy & pastes for every mode because he's obsessed with the one Twitter e-thot he based it on
you see this with twitter artists too
every piece of fanart is the same mature venus body with huge TnA because that's what gets the most engagement
and i'm not saying i don't like that bodytype but it's so boring, not everyone looks like that and almost never is it on model
He fixed her unironically.
Are they really removing the boring as shit TV sections? I may actually start playing again.
>Mod creator makes a BOTTOM HEAVY mod
>Get mad because its not on-model for some reason even though the mod creator isn't trying to do a on-model mod.
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The lolis and shotas in ZZZ are the cutest of all mihomo games
not entirely, although you can ignore them for hollow zero now, but they've not said anything about them being in or not being in the story going forward, just that they're speeding them up and making them less tedious
>quite easy to get sets for characters with decent stats if you know what you are doing
nigger it's fucking random. if you're unlucky you're not getting shit. no, don't bother sharing your trash method or w/e I don't care.
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i was trying to build pity...
>no ass

into the trash she goes.
I was waiting for this.
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Liar, you wanted rat
whats the lore reason for furries in zzz?
Unfortunately Hazeker has been getting really lazy with mods, he's also always wines like a bitch all the time and makes excuses to put in less and less effort
None. It's just the rule of cool which is a common thing for animeshit.

No, in fact they're increasing the number of them and making them longer just to filter more retards who cry about them. Stay the fuck away.
Fantasy race on whatever doomed planet they're on.
They said they will streamline alot of it, which was my biggest problem with it. Fortunately theyre including more side content that isnt just TVs.
How's that boot taste
Kill yourself lolikike!
Okay Bible thumper, go preach somewhere else and suck gods dick!
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I hope I won't have to wait until 2.0 to hear about at least one of them
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bruh, she's a standard, she has never been on banner and never will be
She never was and never will be.
Yes... or no. You'll likely get her eventually, either by using the standard rolls you get (or by reaching the 300 threshold where you can pick up any standard S character), or by failing your 50/50 on the limited banner, which gives you a random standard S from the pool.
there hasn't been one yet, but I saw someone claim, I of course can't find it now, that mesopotamian/akkadian mythology had similar enough humanoid animals but I don't know anything about that. all I know is eridu was a city in sumer
I wouldn't say never, since genshin has done it
it means that the only guaranteed grace is after 300 pulls on the standard banner. beyond that you'll have to get lucky and get her to randomly show up either on the standard banner or when you fail the 50/50 on the limited banner
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>are you sure y-
>but I haven't showe-
Based connoisseur, I bet you're also a pitschad and you also like minges to be mingy
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pitchad yes of course but I actually like neatly trimmed pubes not so much thick bushes
Stop trying to make me install the game.
You have two big reasons to install the game
Let me help you, the combat gets decent 30 hours in and the tv sections are a slog to get through in story mode and its the primary way to go through the story. Not to mention if you're pure f2p you get piddles of piss for currency. The writing is sub-par even for a mihomo game.
I'll stick to webms I guess.
the writing is better than genshin (up through inazuma when I dropped it), but the translation is worse.
when is Soldier 11
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Look at this dumb gorilla
don't know what they were thinking with the TV sections, it's one thing to have to slog through these boring labyrinth puzzle levels in an action game but then they interrupt you every 5 seconds to draw it out even longer
>with those twigs
>Huge drinkable milkers
>potential childbearing hips
>sweaty lickable pits
>cute suckable toes
This chick is every major fetish fused into her
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she's simply hot and curvy to sum it up
Shes a gorilla at heart.
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Lets not forget the ratio of tv sections and story vs actual gameplay. about 90% of the time I'm just sitting 30 to 40 min waiting for the sections to end so I can get to the actual game itself that takes 2-3 min tops to finish. Only still playing the game for the tails, if shark, soukaku and rat didnt exist I wouldnt even look at this slog
I bet Ellen's saliva tastes like sugar.
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God, just imagine getting your arms around those love handles when she takes you on a motorcycle ride.
So what's outside the Outer Ring?
We see desert but is that it? I thought everything outside New Eridu was inside a Hollow
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Supposedly, she will be down the line.

You bastard! I've been begging for kemono mommy since Genshin! I mean, Asha pretty much is it but I would like to play with her!
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For me, it's my 41 year-old hagwife.

I skip through tons of dialogue. Why does she not like Wise again?
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Better knock her up with as much children as you can, because once she hits 50 pregnancy become near impossible
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He got nekomata on the flip. He knows it's going to be 80 more rolls
Caesar makes my dick work, but optimization means I wouldn't even use her. The worst kind of autism fights.
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fellas maybe china werent the bad guys after all
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>because once she hits 50 pregnancy become near impossible
With enough power, you can refire even a dying star.
>discussing lore
That's always been my bane in gacha games. All the characters I actually like are invariably low-tier garbage.
Better find a plot of land to pop a squat then
She's an enemy type like the Raiders and army dudes
I feel your pain. Everything they touch dies. I quit /a/ because apparently some of the angry yurishippers are actually mods.
His clothes are size-ZZZ
I'm just looking at the current spread of characters, Caesar's core skills, and my characters and I really don't see a reason to use her.
At least with Burnice I can drop her into Jane/Seth/Burnice and replace my Rina and get all the bonuses.
>furry girl takes off her mask
>reveals a human face
>starts wiping away the body paint and reveals she also had human skin not fur
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roll for males
Lighter is a Kamen Rider, so I'm obligated to roll for him. They even gave him a fucking flaming scarf.
The west's media has been crashing for years now and is held up almost entirely through funds that pay for propaganda to be made. It didn't just arbitrarily become the case that anime is more popular than ever and if you were to ask someone what their favorite western shows or movies were they'd invariably say something from 20-30 years ago.

Games like this remind you what it's like to be the target audience. The monetization can go fuck itself and everything that's not the gameplay part kind of sucks though.
I think it was mention on CN that it's related to the same phenomenon that created shit like Billy and the music store robot. The Hollows be making robots aware and animals into ninja turtles and shit
She seems like a good flex character that can slot into most teams but and do well but if you are already have established teams maybe not worth going for.
Bernice bike is a legally distinct Cyclone-1(you can see it at Enzos today on the lift). I think the SoC are just all giant Rider references
I will once Ben is back
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he should have been on a 1.2 banner
>the Americans are also cowboys but also kamen riders

If you go by the test servers then Lighter got upgraded to S Rank instead of being A rank. They were probably planning on putting him with Caesar originally.
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best discs for nicole are anomaly prof + ether dmg + energy recharge?
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she popped up in my standard banner three times for some reason
They reward whales clearly. That way you're addicted when they turn on the dry spell for rolls.
too bad she blows as evidenced by having the slowest SD clear time out of any jane team comp
Those people were born long after femme fatale characters disappeared from media
So, sometimes I fill up the stunt gauge with my stunner but the QTE secuence doesn't trigger. Why is this happening?
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I feel like they've just not explained enough about the world for us to know for sure. it definitely sounds like that, but it could be one of two things. one, new eridu is a police state that lies to its citizens about the outside world, or two, it's more the fact that hollows are incredibly unstable outside of new eridu, so no place is safe for very long. hollows just pop up randomly and can spread out of control. that'd be my guess
Read the tutorial
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>I thought everything outside New Eridu was inside a Hollow
That's not what we've been shown. The whole world is not inside one big Hollow, though there must be a shitload of them, small from Hollow Zero size, pretty much everywhere, making it so mankind is apparently now limited to New-Eridu, and maybe a few settlements.
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Why does she have a flat face while the males have snouts?
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She has a snout, it's just one of those very subtle kemono snouts, like this.
her mask protrudes out so she probably has a snout. probably a smaller one than guys and doesn't show up well in the art.
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IMAGINE how good she is with her fingers
In order to actually trigger the chain, you have to do what I would call a "finisher". This would be the final hit of a basic combo, a special attack, a dodge counter, basically most big-hitter moves.
Needs snoot.
Heavy attack
Why did they set their game in LA after the San Andreas Fault fractured? What's the deep lore relation between the San Andreas Fault and Hollows?
I need to see her profile view because her front looks completely flat. Your pic has an ugly pug snout too, way too snub. Why are Jap artist afraid of muzzles? Lycon has an actual proper snout both in 2D and 3D.

Mask do that in general, that's no proof of a snoot.
When will we see the lore trailer characters? I hope they become playable at some point since they have the best designs.

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>"the Japanese do furry so much bet-"
>tail comes directly out of the fucking spine at a perpendicular angle, one of the most rookie mistakes someone drawing anthro characters can make
Pink girl is most likely Ninevah so rip playing as her
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The tiny snout is cute and doesn't make her look too much like an animal, that's why they do it. Lycon has a larger snout because he is male and not meant to be cute.

Chinese game.
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They're the perfect gang to protect the freedom and people of the outer ring clearly
They're weirdos when it comes to snoots. They draw them with flat ass faces except when it comes to profile view. It takes away all the uniqueness of an anthro design while still implying the have snoots.
Mods will fix this
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Bros... I can't believe this thicc delicious hagmaid will suffer from Alzheimer...
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I think it's cute, but I understand the appeal of snoots.
Based on some of the shit that's already in the game, including the prologue cutscene, I'm pretty sure ZZZ is all either time loops or parallel dimension sliding. Even though the English script is boned, it's still consistent in other languages that something is repeating with Fairy being the new variable.
Like, Joyous is so blatantly Wise it's kind of insulting. Same with Ninevah being the Colonel.
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>Sons of Calydon
>Leader is a woman
>Only one male in the team
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Joyous and Wise don't have the same eye color THOUGH
The prelude trailer to me felt like a "original vision for ZZZ was arknight but then Li did some coke and Waterkuma responded to our emails finally" deal
Oh god please I hope it's not time traveling or multiverse slop
Let's be fair, Sons of Calydon sounds cooler than Daughters of Calydon. And when you're a biker gang, you have to sound like hard motherfuckers.
the chasm lines up pretty closely with the euphrates river at the point where eridu was in sumeria.
It feels more like it's just Darker than Black most of the time with the only real difference being that Chinese Hacker Batman didn't lose his sister in Brazil...yet.
Pick up one name already, fucking MHY
I enjoy the TV Segments, how smol brained do you have to be to get filtered by them?
The real question you should be asking is why the fuck did they bother with calling them Calydon when they're modeling everything on the Roman Civil War between Julius and Pompey. I don't think Calydon is even relevant to the war.

Okay, just checking, eridu isn't in space or something, is it?
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>Nigger game made even more for niggers
Never change americans
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>in b4 we're actually on the Moon and what we're seeing are the remnants of Earth before humanity had to fly
Why are you retards acting like people got filtered by not understanding them? They're just boring and tedious. They're a constant interruption to the actual gameplay.
Partition 1 – HP (Primary), Anomaly Proficiency, ATK %, CRIT Rate %, CRIT DMG %
Partition 2 – ATK (Primary), Anomaly Proficiency, ATK %, CRIT Rate %, CRIT DMG %
Partition 3 – DEF (Primary), Anomaly Proficiency, ATK %, CRIT Rate %, CRIT DMG %
Partition 4 – Anomaly Proficiency (Primary), ATK %, CRIT Rate %, CRIT DMG %, PEN
Partition 5 – Ether DMG % (Primary), Anomaly Proficiency, ATK %, CRIT Rate %, CRIT DMG %
Partition 6 – Energy Regen (Primary), Anomaly Proficiency, ATK %, CRIT Rate %, CRIT DMG %
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Dumb Lucy, Kaesar is clearly going easy on her and didn't even counter attack with the shield.
Guess I'm switching to JP text now.
So far it's been mostly Greek and Persian shit and they've been weirdly pairing British stuff with the Greeks and Japanese stuff with the Persians, while the cops are just China jokes, and now the Romans are Americans for some reason.
And the bizarro way that Calydon simultaneously retains a bunch of the Trojan War mythos, like Burnice mixing drinks like Oeneus plus the Calydonian Boar, but also just turned all of them into Romans is just odd.
I forgot to add, Calydon would've been more relevant in that sense to the moon if they stayed Greek because Calydon was the center of an Artemis cult.
Not him, but wouldn't Children of Calydon sounds better? Plus side is that we could make fun of the fact that the abbreviation for that is CoC
Given how many non-Chinese media references there are it's probably just a Sons of Anarchy joke.
I want to watch Caesar and Lucy being bred by the orangutan.
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Bros, what do I need to say to a girl to get her to make a face like this?
>after big daddy gets a taste of my pussy he'll never settle for you again
Want me to grab you a cheesy gordita crunch?
She was offered a chance to fuck a dog thiren.
Is everyone in the current banner limited? I'm still new and i dunno if i can quit pulling after ratbitch
Wanna turn my brocon sister into a cuckqueen?
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Is Puffer Electro best in slot on anyone?
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s-ranks are the only true limited. so jane will be unavailable in 10 days, but seth and anby will be available at random, you just won't have the increased rate to get them like you do now. also eventually you'll be able to buy them from the signal shop for 140 residual signal
rina, but even then I don't think she'd bother with the 4-piece
Billy if you loop Starlight Shot correctly
>whats the lore reason for furries in zzz?
Ether corruption rewriting genetic data turning people into animals or vice versa. It's not just animals, there are straight up supernatural beings as well because of it, like the oni girl and NPCs with devil tails and the like.
If you can build decibel quickly sure. Only good for bosses though
Mihoyo bros, how do you put up with so much terrible dialogue in these games
I played a lot of EDF, so hilariously terrible dialogue is kind of a selling point for me.
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i just focus on the fat bouncing tits and ass
I played a lot of PS1 games that had both crappy dialogues and terrible voice which is worse than the localization in Mihoyo games, so I'm basically immune to it.
I reinterpret the Japanese I'm hearing and overwrite the horrendous localization I'm reading with my mind.
Behead localizers.
Bro why would you even read dialogues in a fast paced action game with coomer bait character design?
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no way we get cool Dullahan warlock, it will be revealed there's some gay shota or emotionless anime girl under the cloak
I don't have a problem with the younger characters like belle saying sus, but shit like this just makes no fucking sense
I hate this numale anti-fanserve fagtype that has appeared. Everywhere an attractive female character appears or shows any skin these virtue signaling fags have to spew their filth. I really hope they all an hero.
thankfully they usually do
Better than guttural chink voices.
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>get S Rank on Jane banner
>it’s fucking Grace
I just want Jane so I can save up for Caesar already, why am I forsaken?
I don’t want to start whaling, but I don’t wanna miss her like I did Ellen and Qingyi either
quit bitching I fucking got knotted twice in a row both for qingyi and jane
The fuck is wrong with zoomers?
Are they the most sexless generation ever, or is this just "me thinks thou doth protest too much"?
It's insane to me that young people turned themselves into puritans.
On the contrary newer generations are more sex-crazed than ever. They've just learned to put out a front-facing puritan attitude because that keeps them safe on social media. It's all just posturing.
Thank god, okay, that makes much more sense
Must have seen this 10 times. Wyat must be livid.
I just want 70% of the population to die so the world can start over since said population percentage doesn't even deserve the right to live as they current do now. Said population decrease focusing mostly on middle eastern Europe, Africa, Mexico, China and poodia.
I hear everyone is saving for Mibibi. Is that true?
only a few loud autists are saving for midyawnbi
the same ones who were saving for ayaka from day one in genshin
what the fuck PEN even does?
penetrates past the enemies defense. if you have 100% penetration ratio you completely ignore the enemy's defense and deal your actual damage
it's bricked anyway
so why it's considered not needed for most characters then
probably because no one can get that high a penetration rate, and other stats are as ccompetitive...meaning great if you find a pen % disk with better substats you can do it.
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Makes sense you lose your shit when you have zero feminine allure and couldn't convince a retarded 14 year old boy to open a door for you because you look like a sack full of cement.
Because they vomit word walls at you so much its 80% of the game and if you skip it then you have no excuse not to play a better action game
Hmm, why do they all have anime avatars.
those are all video game characters thoughbeit
star rail characters in particular
So, if you roll up to the 50/50 and lose it, does the pity remain for the next banner so when you reach the sure S-unit you get the banner one? or it returns to the 50/50?
I would play and pay for that chick. When is she releasing?
Only normie npc scum fucks dont have anime avatars
every time you get the featured limited s-rank, you go back to your next s-rank being 50/50
she's not even been confirmed to be a playable character. she'll be in the game in like 9 or 10 days, and leakers claim she'll be playable eventually, but she'd be at least 7+ weeks off and we have other characters we expect before her, if she'll even be playable
Name 1 psx game as verbose as Genshin, impossible
Funnily enough only npcs use the word normie, normalfag
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Resonaboo is the S-rank bangboo. He has a doughnut ring on his head.

The Ether element Anby clone will have doughnuts as her favourite food.
You can bet on this.
If we're lucky, her class will be something that can be complementary to Zhu and Nicole. Or at least her abilities might be.
I love how this lil retard gets sucked into his own black hole.
I'm not a zoomer or a retarded boomer, I enjoy reading.
RIP, World Flipper
I feel ya, anon. I've been trying to pass time just fantasizing about different scenarios with Caesar.
I just watched the trailer.
Did anyone else think of Ride to hell the moment the showed the biker gameplay?
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Because the dialog isn't terrible, you retard. Just because you're autistic and can't appreciate it doesn't mean it's bad.
>b-but mucho texto
Just because /v/ fooled you into thinking that minimal text is actually inherently good doesn't make it so. I know you apes just want bullet-point plot summaries, but that's not how stories actually work. Read a book for once in your life.
There are only two real problems with the text in these games:
1. It advances too slowly - not only does the game engine slow down the text/click-through, but you also have to sit through the canned animations. Less a problem in this game, but still there.
2. It's geared towards chinese autists, who are even more retarded than jap or anglo autists, so there's a lot of repetition (including constant re-tutorializing) that they might, maybe, possibly, get it. Often still goes over their heads though same with /v/
I got retarded cat as my first 5*, is she really the qiqi of this game? Please say it aint so
Turbo button lmao.
She's the Qiqi in that she's the least good among the current S ranks, but she's still a good character overall.
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I fucked up with my Bangboo selection. I thought the elemental bangboos would be more useful than the Fanction bangboos, but in practice this has not been the case at all.

Now I have Jane and Seth, but who should be their third team member?
And which Bangboo should I gove to them to the team resonate with Bangboo?
I accidentally tricked myself with this elemental bangboos, I should have just purchase the Faction bangboos and avoided this headache.
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iirc revolverboo is just good no matter what, so it's not really a brick to have him
I went with officer cui since I plan on running jane and seth together for a long time
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Revolverboo will lose out on this if Jane doesn't have some physical team mate.

I guess I could use them with Nekomata.
>I went with officer cui
I wish I did this...goddamnit.

The elemental bangboos are good in theory, and they will be good 2-3 years in the future when we have a larger selection of agents.
But right now we just don't have this "economies of scale" type of thing yet, so the Faction Bangboos are the ones kicking ass at the moment.
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Lucy is a solid choice. If you dont have her we are getting a free Lucy in the next patch. Caesar is a great option as well and you can use revolverboo with that team. Rina is a pretty good option too and can build shock along with Seth for possible distortion.
Officer Cui does a lot of damage(also has the highest attack stat currently) if you plan on using Jane and Seth.
Ben's a little bitch who gets upset at being mocked by bearboos.
I bet every other bear on that worksite saw the movie first and just laughed. Only Ben Burger got uptight about it and had to have it explained.
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Is Ceasar good with cat
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so when does 1.2 drop? I am tired of replaying story mode on hard
Oh really? You get about 18~19 pulls from an inter-knot membership. That's fucking nothing when you need 180 pulls for a guaranteed result on the limited banner.
Definitely, you would be hard pressed to find a team she wouldnt slot in and perform well in.
I started this game 2 weeks ago, plying pretty casually and haven't had time to progress the story that much but I really need to ask. Does the UI and menus confuse the fuck out of you? Ther was no better way to streamline this shit and make it less of a visual mess?
Don't bother with those people, they legit think it's a good deal and say they're "stealing" from mihomo so they still call themselves f2p.
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I have the welkins and I'm literally still F2P

And 18 pulls is great because you're supposed to use them for saving up with other 18 pulls over time.
Everyone knows f2p's limit is $1000 spent a month, though?
Not too much. I can't fucking remember what's on the quickwheel except for the camera, but other than that it's more or less ok.
If I had to make a real complaint about the UI, I think it'd be mostly about using a controller with it. It feels unintuitive a lot of the time, having to switch around using shoulders and triggers. Which menus are bound to what feels really unituitive somehow.
I don't have any problems with the way it looks though. What'd you have in mind?
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>tfw got a rank on shiyu defense 7 because im too stubborn to level semi-useable discs
>semi-useable discs
They won't become useless even if you get better discs down the line, because you can still pass them on to other agents in the future.
Using the /vg/ thread tells janny that it's fine to shunt all talk about games he doesn't care about or actively hates to /vg/
Oh yeah, forgot that was a thing in these hoyo games. Does the same apply to weapons too?
He looks like he bottoms for human men
Love this blue dork so much
Some people absolutely need english language voices.
I don't really get it either. There are games where the EN job is pretty good, or at least passable, but most aren't, and ZZZ is definitely one of the "even worse sounding than disgaea" jobs.
Even chinese and korean sound better in this one than the english, and I fucking hate those languages.
whats there to talk about? disc grinding? howevery stage plays out in the exact same way because theres 0 variety? Nonexistent story, bland characters?
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>howevery stage plays out in the exact same way because theres 0 variety?
That's not true thoughever.
I'm holding off for Burnice, but it's really temping to install.
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Where the fuck do I get these?
Is it just random from White Star Institute researcher events? I don't think I ever got S-rank from those.
Are they rare purchases from the rest area? I only got fixed S and A-rank Resonia from those, depending on which gimmick I'm using in the Withering Garden (or in the previous areas of Hollow Zero using the corresponding gimmick). But yesterday I got a second type of A-rank Resonium from that shop.
That's one character every 10 months. So you spent 50 bucks and 10 months waiting for a playable character in a video game. That's the worst ever season pass. This game is either F2P or you whale out completely. There is no realistic inbetween.
You mean cunnysseur?
No because you also get more rolls for clearing events each patch.
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Wait a minute, is it really a good idea to show Eous to a NEPS?
Not so mention she can see the photos on the board. Rain is right there on the Ballet twins tower...
No, they do nothing because you are the MC. Jane's affinity in the Hollow Zero basically tells that she knows you are the owner of Eous.
It did. The UI/UX is pretty bad. Takes some getting used to.
thank god I'm not an EOP. tempted to switch subtitles to Japanese too because the localization is retarded.
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Hold up, there is a topic that has been memory holed.
Was Jane the mole inside police station, or not?

If it wasn't her, then the NEPS still have a mole in the police force.
oh wow you you mash the attack button so well...do you seriously not get tired of doing the exact same rotation for the 500th time?
Unless you're directly hurting or getting people killed I doubt Jane gives a single fuck.
It is not Jane. If I had to guess, it is the police chief (that all-might like character), he is really suspicious.
Post Anby. Now.
That would be really clever. He could be using the police force to clear out that that are rivals to whatever other gangs who is secretly working for.
Jane is manager-sexual. She'd legit drop NEPS in a heartbeat if it was for proxy.

It's not Jane. The entire set up for the police story is classic Hong Kong action cop thriller. However, it's probably someone that hasn't even shown up yet. It's usually internal affairs or vice that's crooked in these stories.
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>Jane is manager-sexual. She'd legit drop NEPS in a heartbeat if it was for proxy.
This is nonsense. Jane is clearly Seth sexual.

Besides Wise already have other girls + his sister
Yeah the UI/UX is the worst of the 3, with star rail's being the best.

It takes a *lot* of getting used to
The only person that's Seth sexual is the chick that he rejects for nakama time with Wise.
Seth is too dense to satisfy her carnal side, Anon. She’ll go to Random Play with a box of condoms in the afternoon and leave in the evening with a couple movies to take home to Seth.
That bitch he rejected was a gold digging whore. She only went for Seth because he's a rich boy.
Feels to obvious, after all what’s been laid out is that shady shit is going on with the TOPS, they’re sacrificing people and creating new powerful ethereals and how that works seems to be the point of this next chapter with Pompeii. That chief seems suspicious but we know he’s not a bad guy at heart given that he saved Zhu Yuan some time ago, it’s just that now he’s caught in the affairs of TOPS. I’d put my money on the older officer that was shown in Jane’s story during the briefing, when he’s sipping from his mug there’s lines showing he’s shaking and I’d guess he had some idea about the shady shit happening in the hollows, too.
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The says captain Magus
EN va says captain Pruhas
It's okay shipper anon. One day you'll get over the fact that Jane sleeps in Proxy's bed at night then wakes up to make proxy breakfast.
Weird projection, but okay.
I never said anything about shipping. Just corrected the poster who was talking about the girl that was hitting on Seth.
I've got to say, she looks an awful lot like she fucks human men. Uncanny.
The proxy is just a video rental nerd.
Seth is muscle boy chad, and he is reliable and saved her life.
Yes, but you don't get any extra rewards for spending money. Only the NECF gives extra paid rewards and that's another only 780 poly and a wengine for 10 bucks or 980 poly for 20. Again, being a freemium player isn't worth it. Either go full F2P or whale out and spend 200 bucks on every banner.
That's a you problem. Most people don't mind saving up, and spend a little to save up even faster.
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>he has no idea what's happening on the video
pseud exposes himself again, lmao
I don't want to grind as hard and I don't really care about getting the best of the best so long as I have an easier time rolling for new characters.
>b-but 60usd per year
Bitch I spend more than double of that on a FFXIV sub. I don't care. Besides I won't be renewing it every single month. If $5/month is that detrimental then stop buying AAA slop or other dumb shit.
Ngl, you could’ve popped off Zhu’s ult twice during all that and cleared it faster.
What intensity is this?
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Why are furries so allergic to giving female anthros snouts?
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I would've not been able to build another ulti if I spent the one I had.
And it would've not done enough damage to kill Dullahan without the stun.
i thought he was pointing at a flashbang
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>clip is called soukaku finish.webm
>not only does soukaku not get the finishing blow and freeze frame, she doesn't even use her ult
11 is a bitch, and Zhu/Soukaku is a bad mix (I know from experience). Who else did you bring? And which Resonia where you focusing on?
No, it's meant to be like that
clickbait is strong...
>clip is called soukaku finish.webm
>Soukaku doesn't finish
Big Daddy no...
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It's called "soukaku" because Soukaku carries the whole fight.
Yeah, I didn't limit the agent loadout, so Zhu + Soukaku were just how the run happened to go.
The intended squad was Zhu/Qingyi/Nicole.
That also means, that I had no Ice Resonia for her either.
I learned that limiting to just the 3 you intend to use is the best way, especially for 11. Those additional cleanses are really fucking valuable because you can start purposely picking stuff with corruption for more resonia knowing you can clear it off more. Most of my runs now end with over 50 Resonia.
>Those additional cleanses
Each extra agent is an A or even S-rank Resonium of your choosing. Although for 11 intensity having a functioning team online might more preferable. Well, I dunno, Jane can just delete everything on her own though. But I haven't tried an 11 run with her after I already finished it with Ellen previously.
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Yay! I finally beat the game.
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Running all 6 agents has higher potential power but running just three makes your team composition much more reliable, allowing for better run consistency early on, when it matters the most.
For people struggling to beat Activity 11, I would absolutely recommend running just three agents.
The animation in this game is so good, but I hate gacha shit.
you are mashing attack and pressing switch once in a while, don't pretend theres anything else here you delusional chink
how much did it cost
Well, I bought the monthly sub thingy twice. But I skipped Zhu and Qingy, and I have like 150 rolls left still, so I could probably reach the same result as purely f2p.
The main carry here is Jane and her w-engine which I got from a lucky s-rank roll. The "power" comes from just expending the daily energy.
jane is that strong huh
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>pseud exposes ximself twice
So far, in my experience, Anomaly is considerably stronger than Attacker agents. Or, maybe, it's just Jane.
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good stuff for spending just a few bucks. i have qingyi but i got walled halfway through shiyu as f2p
I think it's just Jane. She's really strong by herself from how fast she procs Assault and how hard it can hit.
>chink continues to cope
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>pseud is exposed and BTFO'd
>has nothing to say
>seethes and copes
>chink continues to cope
hey, if you can repeat the same thing over and over again, so can I
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>pseud seethes and copes some more
You've got some real zoomer brainrot if you think calling something "sus" wasn't common vernacular even before a certain video game.
>chink continues to cope
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>pseud thinks effortlessly BTFOing xim with facts and logic is """cope"""
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>chink continues to cope
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>xir thinks his "no u" works
LMAO, get fucked.

Anyway, I'm out of pictures, so I'm out of this thread.
Think next time before posting verifiable lies on the Internet, or you get BTFO'd again.

Also, consider not obsessing over random gachas and allowing them to live rent free in your head, kiddo.
Can't be good for your mental health.
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nicole figure
You done? Let it out of your system, popped a vein? Im kinda impressed how mad you got here. Takes literally 0 effort to make a delusional chink lose his cool
Gacha devs sure are making a lot of bad decisions about who their 4*s are and who their 5*s are lately.

That's why I was worried about Burnice.
I'm kinda running out of content in ZZZ.
Maybe I should go back to Hades II. There's been quite a few updates since I last played it.
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I went back to HSR for a bit since it's probably a while before 1.2 and honestluy Burnice is the only one I'm after.
It's been months since release, if you've been playing since day 1 there's no excuse for not S ranking all of it by now even as a free player.
yea i started about a month after release. i already know i'm ngmi
Nicole is basically a starter mon, so she get special treatment.
>Keep getting dupes and no new agents
pain... time to wait for next month to get enough master tapes
most starters are mid at best
>buying Trannes II
disgusting, kill yourself
Pretty much every starter character you get in hoyo games were shit, nicole is the exception.
March 7th is only good now because of the upgrade she got, she was terrible before
Why brown paggies are so filtered by this game?
>Why X are
ESL retard calling others brown, lol
Gays and yumes don't want femoids (other than themselves if referring to yumes) fucking their men
Not those of ZZZ.
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>paywalled mods
i just threw up in my mouth, do modfags really these days
i cant imagine what TES would be like if this was the norm, to say nothing of the decentralization aspect
Not really. Try Rina, now you get Qiqied.
>Ceasar slays her rival just so she can claim her brother
Poor girl didn't know what she was up against.
Praise the Party
>March 7th is only good now because of the upgrade she got,
Wait, MHY does upgrades for old characters? I thought they never do that
She has a different path that's actually kinda decent
What is a path? I never played HSR
it's like the roles or whatever they are called in ZZZ, like anomaly/attacker/support and the like though the paths are more flexible
>breasts that large
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WTF it looks Kino with this instagram memefilter
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more like SEX of Calydon, amirite?
Imagine taking a nap with her, sniffing her hair and touching her tummy
I don't want to share a general with shipper troons.
Garbage. You just drew whatever and put their heads on.
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oink oink oink
>dude, make a photo of a thug thinking to rob a store
>the model is fucking Lycaon
is this quest supposed to be comedy
It was a tragedy.
rina at m1 is genuinely great and I'm tired of pretending she isn't
That's not very ladylike.
I just took the shaking as he's overloaded on coffee.
You forgot California
Will Burnice/Piper/Lucy work? I wouldn't mind getting Caesar, but I'd have to seriously whale.
Piper bieng mostly on field i would assume? Yeah that will work, i was going the same aswell.
Jane would probably be better than Piper but i like Piper more
Did you guys notice Burnice and Caesar bikes at Enzo's Workshop?
>would yet another color of double anomaly team work
entire north muttmerica being turned into an ocean is vital to planet's wellbeing
why did you decide that ugly ass white bike is the one Burnice has or there's a new bike today
A well dressed thug...the joke is Lycaon's past as a thug.

Honestly I don't remember how Burnie's bike looks like, but the other is 100% Caesar's.
Nevermind, I checked. That's Burnice's bike.
wow she truly is mentally ill to have such a shitty bike
There's plenty to talk about, actually.
furniggers should be gassed
Mihoyo could easily make a great non gacha game. Too bad it could never be aa profitable.
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