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What's that supposed to be?
she cute
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come one you know this one
my head hurts from laughing at these
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I can't get the other 2 to work. Anyone wanna try? Not bouncy pls
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BPM? Metal Hellsinger?
This is fucking disgusting, why would a boy want to fuck that ugly hag? Same with the reverse role, why would a lg fuck with a ugly old man?
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it's the plot of my favorite doujin
I don't remember this supernatural episode
these are kind of running out of steam...
>You're an unit.
Maliketh goes hard
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dude, the pants are crazy
capra demon?
kino kino kino
Arigato, doctor.
The joke was that Maliketh jumps around like a retard like the 'rolling' in that pic, not that hard to understand.
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Man the AI just refuses to do any sort of physical impact.
Deus Ex? Been a while.
dark souls, first capra demon encounter
thanks doc
beebz, my beloved onahole
Could be better. Could be worse, but could be better.
VA-11 Hall-A



Wish I could say that I did.

The Wise Tree Game?

>>688734320 nope it's bayonetta
Correct. It's bayonetta.
pls explain
Wow it made sheva cute, AI is truly impressive
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Her eyes are all fucked up, anon. And incidentally, I didn't specify who she was, just that it was a male and female.
Nigga that's very clearly the capra demon fight. Why the hell would you even think of maliketh
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'3D cartoon graphics' seems to do the trick
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this takes me back
For some reason it wouldn't accept crossbow as a prompt but gun worked just fine.
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Remember a couple years ago when it was just a few low res images we were laughing at?
she cute
No shit, damn some of you can't take a joke (inb4 well it was a bad joke)
Better than Dragonball Evolution
Worked when I did it
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You guys do realize your inputs are the data for this chinese ai generator.. right? And therefore you're helping them? Where is the alternative american version? If it's behind a paywall then I suppose I get it then.
>Deus Ex? Been a while.

Wish I could say that I did.

it's SOMA ffs
Black souls?
the work of one who consorts with beasts
lol this is quality
>your inputs are the data for this chinese ai generator.. right? And therefore you're helping them?
Helping them what? Make memes?
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>wanting to help the american government which at this moment has 100 shills trying to shit up 4chan
>aint no datamining like AMERICAN datamining
>being loyal to a country that hates you
How? The Dalle thread has been around for a whole year! Don't you love AI!?
Can you make porn with this??
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See I would've gotten that if you'd made them robots. My guess would've been Deus Ex.
mind hax?
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It is a bad joke
sorry, didn't play your shitty transhuman nihilism simulator
post it
Sort of, you have to be creative with the prompts, it won't do full on nudity and will filter even things like butt out.
carol's gf
these Chinese letters on this website are making me not want to proceed.
fair enough
American ones are too censored. You can't even type an old dead president's name any more. Chinese competition wins again due to American incompetence. Those who want respect give respect.
bro is glitching out lmao
All the American versions are censored cuck shit that can't generate anything funny.
>you have to be creative with the prompts
Billy Hatcher?
China gives me cheap electronics. Never had a problem with Chinese immigrants, ever. They're not the ones pushing a shitty agenda to the world.
I welcome the Chinks.
man the chinese are gonna get so much data from "blue hedgehog wearing red shoes and running really fast"
locked behind paywalls and/or "account verification". they had their chance.
billy hatcher?
Life is simply unfair
Chrono Trigger
Why are you not fighting for israel yet?
yellow hands typed this post
same company, different franchise, 10 years earlier
glowing hands typed this post
>I prompt 'fat man wearing a striped long-sleeve with a golden sonic chain doing a kamehameha'
>China defeats the West

It's real
correct, Billy Hatcher
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kikes love china
Tip: flash game
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Persona 3, I'mg guessing the guns are pointed the wrong way
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria be like
I want a psychological thriller based on Balatro.
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Ok nevermind, I saw some of the webms in previous thread and it's pretty funny. Continue
lemme test real quick what it generates when i type in my social security number
Hen to hen
stop using pepes cia
Lmao, did overgrowth ever come out?
all frog posters should hang
Catherine but he looks like Dean 'sex gifs' Norris
I can't seem to generate any more, so here's one that barely works for what I prompted.
Glowie are getting desperate
Ah yes the Chrono franchise up there with the Live a Live franchise and the Triangle Strategy franchise
water boy and lava girl?
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Posting my previous one cuz nobody got it.
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The dude kind of looks like Tony Hawk.
shadow of war
shadow of Mordor
Shadows of Mordor obviously
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This one is easy
I can only assume this is supposed to be Yoshi from Sunshine?
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More door

Forgive the interruption, my vision is augmented.
Shadow of Mordor/War?
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This one's probably obvious
is this loss?
MGR, ripping out the blue spines?
Nope, but that actually matches better than what I actually prompted.
the kraft dinosaur
dude sex
perfectly captures the anger
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When's the last time anyone played a Rampage game
thought the same thing honestly
gunfire reborn, but I guess that could apply?
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Maximum difficulty.
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Did anyone already generated "right version" for Minecraft trailer?
it was the very first video game i ever played.
Laputan Machine
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Who cares about america? They're a failed country.
on the N64 2003 maybe?
Classic gem
95% to hit
Dad of Boi Ragnarok

Monster Hunter
Wesker RE5 merc mode, village level.
Still wish they'd release another cheap stand alone mercenaries title.
guys why are the cats multiplying
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Morte my beloved
goblin's game
This really updated my journal
this poster is circumcised
Can you do image to video with this thing? I've seen some where it starts with a real (still) image, and then turns into a video continuing from that starting image.
rip your fort
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sadly no, not on this one
Miyazaki my beloved...
Yeah, a while ago at this point.
Horror movies are going to fucking thrive in a few years.
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I hope this one isn't too obtuse
New Super Delhi Benchods?
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is that fucking PLOK?
>China gives me cheap electronics
No shit that's why you constantly buy them after they break
Wrong, I tried to make gemcraft: labyrinth
>bad boxart.exe
that helmet's pretty good
Easier to guess if the guy was missing a limb
Backpack hero.
Good game, put about 25 or so hours into it and saw pretty much everything there was to see. Still not bad at all for the $15 or whatever I paid for it.
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>AI learned Africa as a place with popular in 00s yellow piss filter
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....What the FUCK am I looking at?! Is this some new Dall-e shit that's going to flood the boards soon?
Beer & Burgers
Things are getting weird bros...
>You guys do realize your inputs are the data for this chinese ai generator.. right?
what the fuck does this even mean? what does the bot learn when i type "woman in lake wearing wet white sundress"
these generic medieval shots just could be fucking anything
Nah, I just typed "African shanty town. Colors are mostly yellow and washed out."
Haitian isekai them?
You're making a cocktail not a milkshake!
>flood the boards
it takes like 10 minutes to do one, and most of the results aren't worth posting so you have to do it a couple times for one idea
How the fuck do you get it to show big tits like that?
Haunting grounds.
Imperishable Night
>maximum filesize allowed is 4 MB
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>manly tears Helldivers skin
fucking kek
is it a flash game?
In less than 10 years this will end with a hyper realistic brutal rape scene viewable in VR
this was my immediate though, haha
Nah, it's supposed to be an Insect Glaive user pissing everyone off by mounting the monster in Monster Hunter
I hope so
here: https://www.freeconvert.com/mp4-to-webm
sub 10 seconds in google
go nuts you useless fuck
This is easy.
true, but my first attempt "tossing his limbs" just led to some hobo fumbling with his hands on a beach
Thanks doc
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wolf needs to be holding a big fucking sword
Genuinely unsettling
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Third Strike
>more "organic" ai shilling
Mass Effect 2?
fucking kek
>when you are playing minecraft and your gender dysphoria kicks in
thanks doc
The first AI create your own porn adventure is going to make billions
I tried. Closest I got was a sword clipping through its chest
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How much of a boomer are you?
What gaem?
Chinese immigrants immigrate from china because it's a 'socialist state' that has rampant corruption, slave wages compared to cost of living and doesn't actually have any real social support for most people when push comes to shove.

They are pushing an agenda of undermining human rights (how you get those cheap electronics.) and control over the private information of others, influencing beliefs toward territorial claims (they'll just say territory is theirs and punish others for saying otherwise), and by constantly stealing anything they can desperately grasping for any soft power they can.

There are good chinese people that are hard workers but they've been made that way, think about the conditioning required to keep a system where only the minority can afford to live and the majority have to scrape by on what they can while their government vies for more territory and wasteful building projects. That's china
You should have given the dude a french flag.
come, come and look upon the heart
Vault 13 entrance?
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This site has been being spammed on /pol/ for a week or more. It's pretty cool and interesting no matter what you think. Don't tell me your a boomer afraid of "da chicoms" or something retarded.
That would've been good lol
man this site runs like shit after youve made a few videos
A fear and hunger one?
These chinks definitely trained the cartoon graphics on those ugly Indian kids cartoons on youtube kek
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>fuck off and go find a job or something
ZTD, obviously. No idea how nobody got it.
Is that what's happening or are we overloading the servers?
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it seems to be getting worse as i continue but anons were hammering it before i showed up
It almost loops!
Cadillacs and dinosaurs. supreme boomer
now we get two AI generals on /v/ - AI
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It's the Lickitung sushi minigame from Pokemon Stadium
cirnos math class
I really wish we get to experience that freedom but i have the notion it will get banned here in the west because of moral bullshit or because certain agencies like hollyjew don't like it since it would cut into their profits. I can imagine you could do full movies in a couple years just using AI even if this stuff currently looks like jank then again a few years earlier all we could generate was smudgy watercolor pics.
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Nice water
Great water
Pretty water
in Balmora
So you basically described every other Western country? Only reason people hate China right now is because they threaten the world powers like the US in having a big economy. No one gives a fuck about ethics and morals in world politics unless it hurts their competitor.
Prompt? I've been trying to find good descriptions for shit that circumvents the wordfilter and this looks the most convincing I've seen.
Good job, fellow boomer.
That is a very good elena
Case0h as Snake
I tried lol...
and they took character.ai from us on /v/
That's a horrifying cactaur
on the right track, fallout adjacent series
llol, noita?
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art hoe in her early twenties finds out she can travel to other worlds thanks to help from a magic mexican and her mother who are both secretly dragons.
Custom Robo?
No one got this? You posted in a retard filled thread. This is actually one of the easier ones to figure out.
Love how Iron Man comes out no problem, they must've trained the shit outta mcu stuff
Is it supposed to be Underrail?
Western countries are the absolute opposite of this because you know what?

People aren't immigrating from western countries en masse, where are the american immigrants in china?

Where are the thousands of americans, canadians, europeans, aussies, flooding into china?

It doesn't exist. the ccp wants a big economy, they've always wanted it since before the great leap forward and the great leap forward exposed the inhumanity of that goal for its own sake and not for its citizens, mass genocidal deaths and starvation of their rural populations are a reality they've hid and downplayed since the beginning.
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Which game /v/?
are AI tv shows going to be chad or incel?
anyone had success with getting the ai to make some violence?
How the fuck do you get it to render big tits? I've failed with every attempt.
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Robot Chicken does Mario
I will be amazed if anyone gets this one
German pedo game?
Fallout with mods
AI is extremely competent at stop motion.
Except little short shitposts.
ding ding ding. I thought about prompting giant scorpions but thought it would make it too easy
BG3fags fap to this
based noita bro
Age of War for sure
thought that was ol Sam Hyde doing the marky marky.
>Fallout with mods
how did you know
Lol. Me too.
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Serious Sam engine of well known gameboy classic
>German pedo game?
No. It's Chinese
>playing with high ping
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If anyone gets this, then you're a wise man.
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Ghoul have this draugr pose + sexy bimbo BUT there is car, so it's not skyrim
that motherfucker has 94 magic what a tryhard
>realizing your balls are spherical
La-Mulana, but also Super Mario Bros 2
the chinese government never called me a racist nazi
What game?

This one is HARD.
Something hummingbird?
WTF? That's me.
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Where the finger points and Anunnaki won't look!
Aw, I guess it was too easy. La-Mulana indeed.
Not even close.
>Right about now it's time to rock with the bickity Buck Bumble
I'd be shocked if someone doesn't get this in 2.446634 seconds.
Spyro of course
difficulty: easy
Power Rangers doing battle with a giant toilet monster sent by Rita Repulsa, digging up wet goopy dirt from bursting pipe, Restroom facilities , DJ Skibidi ,bathroom challenge, , action scene from movie, washroom, power magic muck fountain, great grot eruption ,readying the cannon, swamp geyser shower mucky, powerful muck water pump

if you're wondering why it's so schizo, it's because I originally made it to circumvent the Bing censorship
I loved Rampage on my gameboy

I'll admit im 31 though
Quake 4 remake games using frostbite engine?
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Second Life
Is this a bad version of Elite Beat Agents?
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I'm just having fun going to https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/ and grabbing the entire description of random Pokemon and seeing what it shits out as it takes 2000 characters. I didn't check if /vp/ has a thread for this so apologies if this doesn't belong.
yep it actually took a few tries with the prompts to make this
chink AI... I kneel
Hyperboreans meeting Yakub
this is scyther, right?
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Age of Empires
this looks like the sort of video game you'd see in a commercial for car insurance
my nigga caius
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injustice 2
Superman 64
Solve my maze if you want to save your friends!
Crazy Taxi?
Nice videos you already have on hand. Go back to discord troon.
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Biblically accurate Disco Elysium.
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I tried
>discord admin logs in
Tightening up those graphics on level 3.
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fuck off back to your containment toilet.
Hint: She wants to find her grandma.
dragons lair?
The nether in minecraft
Nah. I didn't refer to any art style so the cartoonly look it chose randomly.
Black Souls.
>Liquid Snake
>Liquid Ocelot
it couldn't handle the breakdancing when i added more details
Now do one with the musclewizard slam dunking on him
easy one lol
How the fuck are you guys prompting it so it actually resembles the characters?
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Has anyone done A vs B yet?
So can you make porn with any of these, or are they all blocked for NSFW stuff?
dark souls, the area across the bridge from the elevator
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Holy kek this is great
>You can all stop staring now!
impressive, very nice
Dutch finally made it to Tahiti
Super easy
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The janitor wants revenge
oh eastward
Cult of the Lamb?
Pokemon threads are allowed on /v/, there's no strict containment rule like with /mlp/.
/vp/ was made because of how many board subjects Pokemon overlapped with, not everything fit on one board.
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Oddly I did not mention minecraft, nor is the game I'm talking about minecraft.
oh fuc, i just quicksaved
Describe the characters, then describe the scene
too bad the ai won't do butts
When are they making a porn version of this so I can generate infinite amounts of Lady Dimitrescu coom material?
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should see if you can make it backflip
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love it
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>A blonde girl with a short green skirt, brown boots and a white sleeveless jacket searches for a wallet in a dirty toilet.

Attempt 1.
Shall we send a thank you?
it looks like he's actually saying "I vanted orange" at the start, too
crazy how far generative AI has come
probably not but you can get close if you're clever with your wording.
do one for James
sybil's game
When did they make Old Sheldon?
That's right.
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Fair enough.
The Last of Us 2
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I've always hated how cheap and emotionally manipulative this encounter is. And then they make you save him in the past just so you can kill him in the future. Bleugh.
Astrologers predict..
Legacy of Kain?
fucking lel
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well done
>An engineer playing with Legos, but every time you finish building something, you realize you need more Legos to build the machine that makes more Legos... and then another machine to move them, while aliens try to wreck everything. Oh, and it never stops.
>Khajiit could be here, he thought
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I'll try next, it's loading my third attempt for Heather.
Nailing her age seems impossible, it's either a child or an old woman, for some reason.
>A blonde teenage girl with a short green skirt, brown boots and a white sleeveless jacket uses a rusty pipe to fight a monster in a dark mall.
legendary wings
That shitty android game that took like 10 years to come out.
I play the PS1 games every once in a while
Arigato herr doctor
"Emotionally manipulative" Are you a child? Or were you just sad because you had to kill a giant dog? There's almost no story about Sif beyond the actual fight how did that affect you emotionally in anyway?
so close....
Try specifying she's 17.
>You guys do realize your inputs are the data for this chinese ai generator.. right?
Well, yeah dumb shit. That's how AI works.
>absolutely fucking retarded
it's a 2d game, indie
>its either a child or an old woman
heather dissociating between cheryl and alessa kek
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Not the kind of dance I expected but it works
Why wasn't the movie just this?
I'm not ready for the revelation that if there are skinny white catgirls there will be fat black catwomen
It simply will not do a confederate flag :(
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse.
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dark and darker
This is kino
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Holy kek
It's AK-12
legit actually fucking cool wtf
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Backup/ next thread if this hits bump limit or 404s
>I am chopping wood and shit cus I'm in FUCKING Minecraft
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it's all some horrid shit
where is anime
Why's he next to the Counter Strike Source guy?
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make some if you're so great
bump limit is 300 on v
Is that Shadowheart and Halsin cucking the player?
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I tried "young woman" here and it gave me The Sims graphics, kek.

I'll try James next.
>even in Ai those two idiots fight each other
>masked fat swordsman corners dark gentleman, his back to an aquarium
>awkward silence as the swordsman realizes he's brought the gentleman to a source of power
>gentleman utilizes his powers and dissipates into the aquarium water
i have no idea what game this is trying to be but this is kino
>limping dog with sad music who's just guarding the grave of his master
>not emotionally manipulative
Can't tell if you're a retard or a psychopath.
>Morrowind native travels to Balmora after the slavery ban.
oh fuck, he got away
Close, but more isometric and slavic
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You tryin' ta get Underage Panty Quest to work? Maybe they don't like certain words in that.
psi beetles casting bilocation? Is the glowing blue wall supposed to be force field?
Is that Daddy D causing the red mountain to erupt?
better than anything hollywood has made in the last 40 years
This AI is really generous about not blocking copyrighted content. Have you tried just putting "Heather from Silent Hill 3"?
The AI is just being a pipeworker
the entire game is composed of sad and dramatic music, your a fucking idiot if you killing the big dog was in any way emotional
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I thought for sure that the glowing bug was the legendary bloatfly.
Osu Tatake Ouendan?
He ate him!
Alright, you're clearly some 40 IQ brownoid.
>I'm having a connection issue
but you got it
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the saboteur
Atleast it got the badge
My ancestor!
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I'll see what comes out.
I typed a lot for my second video. I hope it comes out close to how I described.

Elite Beat Agents, you fucking weeb
Red Orchestra 2.
why does it look like fucking Archer???
i dont get it
No, it's just his rage at all of these Outlanders.
you're the inspiration
Fear and hunger
fuckin lmao
Monster Hunter
based underrail chads
The all father :)
lmao wtf
Not going to lie, she's cute.
>Skyrim Netflix Adaptation
holy fucking shit lmao
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Tried with:
>Heather from Silent Hill 3 sitting home with her dad Harry Mason from Silent Hill 1, watching a Robbie the pink rabbit on television.
Doesn't seem like it knows what the characters look like too much, but it did make her blonde.
fucking legendary
>/v/ is warming up to AI
let's go boys
someone do path of exile
im too small brained
it's ok for the first few days then the jokes and video game references stop and they are filled with "OC" faggots posting the same shit
Oh yeah, maybe it's not as good if it isn't an insanely popular character. I got this with a simple:
>Sonic the Hedgehog but he is yellow and has Pikachu's ears
I had to describe it because for some reason "Sonichu" kept getting blocked.
go cry in the dalle thread fag, that wont happen with this. these threads are just pure vidya kino
Don't forget the heterochromia
I would also be curious to know why it sometimes gives realistic graphics, and sometimes game graphics.
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>try a pyramid head prompt
>it fails 3 fucking times (even after changing the prompt a bit)
Because it has both to reference, between the games/shows/movies. If you're not specifying one it'll pick at random.
>won't happen
lol lmao
Solo Leveling?

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