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Don't make me come down there
any reminder of what the lore here is? why weren't kygore and groodon just neutral, what was the problem(s)?
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hey, fuck you too pal
>why weren't kygore and groodon just neutral
Because they are men and not faggots like you
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fuck groudon
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I liek da whale
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Lmao what's this garden snake gonna do
they were dormant, but team aqua/ magma pissed them off by using the red/ blue orbs to reawaken them and they started sperging out because they were fighting over what needs reforming
then fug came down to tell them to knock it off, so they did
burnatate the country side
I liked the Mayan legendaries.
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the PokeGod Academy, and I've been involved in numerous secret volcanic island creations, and I have over 300 confirmed archipelagos. I am trained in primeape warfare and I'm the top terraformer in the entire PokeGod armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will fossilize you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Hoenn and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the sun, maggot. The sun that incinerates the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare claws. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Hoenn's volcanic underbelly and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will be entombed in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
stop that
Windinate all the peasants
that must be the fella who masturbates all day long
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why does he stand like that, does he have back problems?
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Well, well, well my fiendish Finnian. It appears I have obtained the upper ground. Why not give up? I'll even be humbling to call this little bout a "draw"
>master of the continents
>absolutely wrecked by ground type attacks
His typing was a mistake
He is Ground type, dumbass, not Fire.
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It's so he can go 0 to 60 on a dime
Primal is Ground/Fire, I legit forgot the base mon was pure Ground
>Primal Groudon becomes Ground/Fire
>Primal Kyogre doesn't become Water/Ice or anything to parallel it

How disappointing.
Nice thread you have going on here
Hope you guys have a nice weekend
You're all little babies, you don't understand. The planet would be better if it was all water.
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>I stand to win because I have a piece of ground
Joke would have worked better if the Kyogre response came second and Rayquaza 3rd.
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Pretty sure he just got Fire so he can actually use STAB moves with his own sun
Doesn't his sun also prevent Kyogre from doing jack shit to him?
the water solidifies, he makes ground as he walks
What would be my ideal pokemon region?
>I hate Fairy Type
>A region that is hell for Fairy Type Pokémon
>A region where having a Fairy Type Pokémon is the worst idea ever
>A region where all of its legendaries and uniques pokemons are resistant and effective against Fairy Type
>A region where all of the starters are effective and you register Fairy Type
It's a shame the blue highlights never worked for Groudon, the only time it ever looked good was Ruby's title screen.
yea Groudon blocks all water moves and Kyogre blocks all fire moves
Also one of the reasons Primal Groudon was on 80%+ of all teams in gen 6/7 ubers
The heat of the groudon cooks the water
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Its clear he has the higher ground, give up you cant win.
The Rayquaza and Groudon model kits are both pretty good, I hope the Kyogre one they eventually do doesn't end up being shit. It's too easy to just make Kyogre into a brick.
I like the trio's designs, but PokeGods were the beginning of the end.
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groudon if he gen 9
The lore is different depending on the game.
In Ruby and Sapphire games Kyogre and Groudon are said to have battled each other for ages until they knocked each other out, then they sank deep into the ocean and the red and blue orbs were created to keep them sealed.
Emerald changes this slightly, instead of.knocking each other out Kyogre and Groudon's rampage was stopped by Rayquaza.
In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire there's no mention of the other game's mascot, instead Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon are said to have terrorized he ancient population Hoenn, who are later revealed to be the Draconids of Meteor Falls.
In Ruby and Sapphire the leaders of each game's villain team want to awaken the version mascot for the same purpose, general eco terrorism, while the other team opposes them.
In Emerald both teams are crazy and awaken both mascots to fight each other.
In ORAS Archie wants to expand the sea and end mankind so Pokemon can rule the world, while Maxie wants to expand the land so humans have more places to develop.
that's fucked up
you mean this?
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I'll got your back Groudon
They're genderless, negroid
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How did they make the gen 3 boxart legendaries so fucking cool? I remember checking Serebii daily around '02 and when the full Hoenn dex with sprites of all the new mons was added to the site and the new legendaries and mythicals were sitting at the end I was like
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Not true, they're "gender unknown".

This was actually an issue in Pokémon Go, at one time the search term "genderless" would return Pokémon that don't have an identified gender, but that was since changed to "genderunknown".

The reason for that is that Pokémon of unknown gender are still capable of breeding, albeit only with Ditto.
Legendary and mythical Pokémon are in the "eggs unknown" group to prohibit breeding them. The only exception to this is Manaphy, and even then the only offspring it can produce is Phione.

Only a handful of legendary/mythical Pokémon have genders. Latios are male, Latias are female, Cresselia are female, whilst Heatran, Kubfu, Urshifu, Terapagos can be male or female.
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The glowing lines do it for me. Makes them appear super mysterious and powerful.
trumpets, trumpets everywhere
I think Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald was the first time I ever felt genuinely intimidated by any of the legendaries. You know, like they're proper forces of nature that are a big fuckass problem if they're unleashed.
Move Over
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The gen 3 legendaries to me felt like the perfect balance between powerful but not too powerful.
They're nearly unstoppable forces of nature, but they aren't literal gods of creation who control the fabric of reality itself and existed before the universe like gen 4 added.
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That's probably a big part of it. Dialga and Palkia also have really cool designs visually, but story-wise they're not that memorable since they're more just benevolent divinities that serve as the actual threatening villain's (Cyrus') macguffins, getting imprisoned and bossed around as soon as they show up.
They get a great build up in the story. When you go to fight Mewtwo, you just travel into a cave and find him chilling by some rocks. With Groudon and Kyogre there's a lot more time spent talking them up as forces of calamity. You can see that in the environment when they're awakened, there's either endless rain or burning sunlight covering half the region. The Cave of Origin is much smaller than Cerulean Cave, but you feel a way stronger impact meeting the legend at the bottom.
think of powerpuff girls, but with the legendary trio.
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*enters your atmosphere*
This guy watched Waterworld once and made it his whole personality
why do all gen 3 legendaries have yellow eyes
fucking love PMD
It helps that they're more like actual characters in gen 3. The fact that you encounter them even once before actually fighting them, and then get to experience their effects on the world before you can actually fight them, gives them a much better presence in the game's story. At least compared to like gen 4/5/6 where you just catch their box legends the first time you see them and that's it.
That fight episode may be the sickest goddamn thing Pokemon has ever made.
that deoxys movie sucked, especially the dub with its cringe background music.
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To be fair, as minor as their role in the game is, I really like the gen 6 box legends as well. The Nazi- I mean Team Flare really like superweapons and mythology, so they've hunted down a legendary Pokemon to power an ancient nuke cannon. You raid their base and you then come face to face with said Pokemon awakening from slumber, and the way it's presented is that these legendaries really are just ordinary Pokemon, just with some freakish powers that inspired stories about them. The bird/deer rises from its hibernation cocoon (and goddamn is it intimidating to imagine yourself in the protag's shoes in the cutscene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWG6L9AbOss), and... you face the monster in battle, because like any Pokemon it wants to test your strength, seeing as its ultimate goal is to get the fuck away from Team Flare, and this unaffiliated human in front of it looks like a potential ticket.
the orbs made them upset they just wanted to sleep
>neighbour kid who stole my Groudon card
Fuck you, Chris
>why do all gen 3 legendaries have yellow eyes
>he says in response to a picture of a gen 3 legendary with white eyes
As much as I hate the concept of legendary pokemon, deoxys is utterly and purely-diluted kino, and the reason that the Delta episode is the highlight of OrAss
that's a mythical, dumbfuck
Your zoomer terms mean nothing to me. They're all legendary, simple as.
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I wish u would shut the FUCK up!!
Always seemed like a very uneven rivalry. I don't see how Groudon could stand a chance to win 1v1, even with the sun up. Primal reversion makes it possible but depends entirely on who can keep their weather up which in gameplay terms means whoever is slower.
They still cared about the "monster" part of pocket monsters
Nowadays every new mon is made to make toys and plushies out of
>Nowadays every new mon is made to make toys and plushies out of
According to Sugimori that was gen II. They simplified the designs for Johtomons because the anime staff complained that mons with lots of detail like Venusaur were a pain to animate and the toy companies said the same thing. But then the fan feedback was that Pokémon was becoming too babyish, so for Ruby and Sapphire they pumped up the design elements again. Groudon in particular was given a lot of spikes and sharp edges to look cooler.
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How the fuck is Groudon not a Fire type.
It's fucking red.
He can't and doesn't. That's why the Earth is mostly water.
stop being such a pussy and you'll stop being weak to fairy types
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I came in here only to post one thing. Have a nice day everyone.

But Groudon is a fire type
heavily urbanized southern california region with lots of steel pokemon, muk, swalot and gulpin, and wildfires everywhere caused by too many fire pokemon in the wilderness
Platinum handled it the best out of gen 4
Reminder that Primal Kyogre can fly
You sure?
Might want to check this one jusy in case.
gen 3 ruined pokemon turning them into weird plastic lumps of SHIT
t. assblasted Dragonfag
Get fucked.
The actual Deoxys is just the funny purple ball, isn't it? Stupid aliens.
Im gonna fuck this thing instead
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>goes full Autistic over Deoxys
>possibly fucked up Kyurem when entering the Earth's atmosphere from splitting

What was his problem?
What part of "my planet" didn't you understand?
that's fucking bullshit
that would not fly in brock's gym
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Can you imagine that somewhere out there, there’s a zoomer that doesn’t get this reference? I fucking hate zoomers so much it’s unreal. They ruined the internet.
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just play Black and White bro it's that easy
The only the surface, anon. In the grand scope of Earth's composition, water takes up very little space.
That's Primal Groudon, not the normal one.
>The only the surface, anon. In the grand scope of Earth's composition
The surface is what matters though. Nothing fucking lives in the actual earth part of the earth besides the super shallow parts.
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Hola, my Latinx brother/sister.
This was before pokemon became a tranny pederast franchise
>who want they Kyussy ate
- Groudon, probably
>Hey! I am here to give you something
Can't we all just get along?
No. Redhead poof or bust.
I remember the first time I ever booted up sapphire as a kid, pressed start and heard that cry. 21 years ago, man.
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>the most overpowered held item for a a lot of generations in your path
Only for Latios and Latias tho?
Still a broken item.
>only for 600 bst dragon/psychic types tho
>pursuits you
nothin personnel

All the Legendary Pokemon from Gen 3 are so insufferably fucking cool because they managed to successfully capture the "Monstrous Divine Beast from Primordial Times (or outer space in the case of Deoxys) that were sealed away with ancient magic for good reasons".

None of them give a shit about anything humanity is doing, ancient caveman-type peoples were terrified of them and worshipped them to placate and quell their fury, and they're not even in homeostasis with their environment - actively causing perpetual floods, drought, breathing fire, creating whirpools, they're just these massive amoral territorial beasts with the power of the gods and it's fucking awesome.
There's no esoteric shit attached to it, there's no "humans are the actual monsters", it's just unadulterated; "you woke up a dumb dinosaur that controls the weather" and the logical conclusion to that action.
kyogre tanked that
The best fucking part. Nobody gives a shit about Zangoose and Seviper's rivalry at all because the Seviper race was enslaved by wealthy Zangooses for 12 generations until the Great War of— none of that shit, the snake and mongoose wanna fucking kill each other.
The armored mole can make the sun come out and the big whale causes Katrinas by breathing. Two guys think the slumbering titans will bend to their will, but they do not give a shit. Blood's looking to settle a score with the Crip and has no time for land reclamation. Then the snake wakes up and can't go back to sleep because the two dumbasses keep flicking the lights on and off in the atmosphere.
If Water's so good where's Water 2?
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>where's Water 2?
It exists, you were just never invited to the beta.
>it's literally called water water
Fug is a professional hater.
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Yeah, just let me analyze you instead.
Come here, anon....
if you actually play the games nu-shelly's dialog is hot
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Water 2? Pokemon already invented water 3
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People won't like it but Groudon and Kyogre are peak Legendaries and better then all the interdimensional/Gimmick Energy bullshit.

Legendaries are lazy, see how Zygarde is lazy and at best bothered with 50% until "ARE THOSE FUCKING UBs? REEEEEEEEE-"

Chien-Pao did nothing wrong by the way, if people didn't want to die then they shouldn't gone in front of its frolicking or shouldn't used the sword to kill enough people to make it into a Pokémon. It is a VICTIM dammit!
>People won't like it but Groudon and Kyogre are peak Legendaries and better then all the interdimensional/Gimmick Energy bullshit.
I think the UBs were pretty neat
new jersey landfill and meadowlands poison swamp
I don’t like how Gen 4’s legendary scale was just off the charts. Like they thought
>ok the last guys could control land, the sea, and the atmosphere so let’s try topping that with guys who can control fucking time, space, and antimatter
>and let’s throw in god while we’re at it
Almost makes gen 4 seem like the original end of the dex and then gen 5 onwards is some rebirth or some shit. Ending the dex with god himself just seems natural.
It entered his territory, that being all of earth's atmospheres, and that's why it's gonna fighting die.
Considering the very next mon in the dex after god is a nuclear bomb pokemon instead of the grass starter of the gen
>It entered his territory, that being all of earth's atmospheres, and that's why it's gonna fighting die.
How well do you think non-mega universe Fug faired against the ultra beast invasion?
Kanto gives you Venusaur to start and Nidoking is in the first side route, plus the concept of Fairy Pokemon doesn't even exist there most of the time.
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Fug you
Can we talk about the implications of alien pokemon
This. One job.
oh wow, so Archie's just the straight up bigger villain in the end. Pokemon Special was right.
it would be a lot more interesting if we didn't get a god pokemon the generation after, and ultrabeasts aren't so conceptually far off
He'd initially struggle but then though shear spite he'd power himself up to be strong enough to fight them off.
when the alien interacted with the pokeworld atmosphere it became a pokemon
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There are no alien pokemon.
>water 3 is all ancient aquatic invertebrate pokemon
>also archeops and carracosta for some reason
>>also archeops and carracosta for some reason
because it's also the fossil group
Earth’s atmosphere is where fug’s food is. It’s an air whale that spends all its time eating miniors up in the ozone layer.
mega fug is going to have to remind them next game
Yeah but aquatic invertebrates and then just having a bird and a turtle is a bit weird. The gen 4 and 6 dinos aren’t in the group either.
Dont mind if i do!
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He's gonna fug you up.
It's a Japanese trope that dangerous supernatural beings have yellow eyes.
They're already half Xehanort.
So how died do you think Fug made these people once he escaped, normal dead or whip the entire area they're standing on off the map?
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While no region is 100% anti-Fairy, all of Galar's legendaries have a positive or neutral matchup against Fairy types.
how do kyogre and groudon battle each other for ages when kyogre hard counters groudon?
looks like he ate a bunch of ice corn and can't pinch off a log
Ok, but she's still brown
It's surprising I haven't seen this mentioned yey, it's been so long for me I can't remember, but isn't Groudon supposed to weigh like 16000 tons or some stupidly ridiculous number? I mean with that much weight what the fuck has stopped him from falling through Kyuush...I mean Hoen to America?
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Fug belongs to me! To my legacy as Lorekeeper of the Draconids! We alone shall-ACK!
>I mean with that much weight what the fuck has stopped him from falling through Kyuush...I mean Hoen to America?
I actually think KANTOOOOOOOO is pretty rough against Fairies if i remember LGPE right.

>Poison is common.
>The fairy Mons are relatively rare and not commonly used, if available early.
>Dragon "Specialist" uses surprisingly few Dragons.
>Bruno is a joke anyway so being super effective against him is a nothing burger.
>Fighting gym isn't even a real Gym.

Let me put it this way, in Gen 1 your choice of Fairies are:
Clefairy, Clefabe.
Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff

None can resist or even be neutral to Poison and Steel so you having either one as coverage deals with the whole type.
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>Rayquaza when the aspects of Land and Ocean fight: Go take a timeout, children.
>Ok, but she's still brown
Yeah she's hot as fuck
Because groundon is bipedal and kyogre is just a stupid fish. I bet kyogre spammed watersport over and over again just to make more water against groundon
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Oh no, she's hot
Majority of the world is water. Kyogre wins more of the conflict as more of the world is water.
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>he doesnt know
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The water has the high ground over the ground, making it the victor.
I thought this was a shitpost, but it's 100% accurate. Fascinating.

>highest points on Earth are mountains
Are you literally retarded or merely pretending
>Water has the high GROUND.
Think before you write anon, You cannot even claim superiority without subconsciously admitting that water is nothing without Ground to stand on.
There's supposedly vast underwater oceans of freshwater
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How did they beat Fug?
I didnt say water won every time, I said it won most of the time. Thats why it covers most of the earth. If it covered all the earth we couldnt talk, cause wed be under water
Water with no ground forms a perfect orb. It doesnt need ground same way ground doesnt need water.
Blastoise > Charizard
Ho-Oh > Lugia
Groudon > Kyogre
Palkia > Dialga
Reshiram > Zekrom
Yvetal > Xernias
Solgaleo > Lunala
Zamazenta > Zacian
Koraidon > Miraidon
>Uh, I can explain.
Very based.
Thank you anon.
Where you gonna live then shit ass?
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What the fuck? I don't remember a pokemon like that. What are you-
>suddenly remember Victini
>check it's pokedex entry across gen 5
>"This Pokémon brings victory. It is said that Trainers with Victini always win, regardless of the type of encounter."
>"It creates an unlimited supply of energy inside its body, which it shares with those who touch it."
>"When it shares the infinite energy it creates, that being's entire body will be overflowing with power."
>mfw it was an allegory for the atomic bomb the whole time
Archie, you'd die too if you succeeded.
Fug HATES aliens.
That sounds nothing like a nuke.
I like how tired Kyogre looks in the first panel.
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I remember going to one of those pokemon distribution events when I was younger but going through my pokemon games I can't find my deoxys anywhere.
>Chien-Pao did nothing wrong by the way,
It is literally an incarnation of vice and malice.
But that's illegal.
Get out.
Space Nigger.
It's Fug. Always the latter.
I wish you'd die
If I stick my penis in it would it calm down?
>see how Zygarde is lazy and at best bothered with 50% until "ARE THOSE FUCKING UBs? REEEEEEEEE-"
what we got perfect/full zygarde but no pokemon Z? nigger shit man.
Those people?
That lab?
Never existed.
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From the victims! important distinction.
>The hatred of those who perished by the sword long ago has clad itself in snow and become a Pokémon.
Nothing wrong with being mad some fucko is killing you, especially when we contextualize it with the other Ruinous 4's Dex entries that the Emperor was evil and corrupt (Why else would the evil deeds need to be written down? And why would a scholar be punished for doing so? Why would there be a sacrifical bowl that people feared?), and as stated Chien-Pao was born from victims of his Sword.
The only evil one of the Ruinous 4 is Chi-Yu.


Anon, the actual Pokémon is the Sword, your penis would be cut. But yes.
ORAS Archie gets some backstory involving Shelly, Matt and Jirachinto justify his misanthropy, but yes, in the end he's completely deranged.
oRAS Maxie acts much more logically but his end goal is pretty nefarious too, not only does he wish for mankind to explore and expand further, he wants them to do so UNIMPEDED by Pokemon, in other words, he's also intent on genocide, just focusing on a different species.
ORAS Archie and Maxie are essentially as if someone split Lysandre down the middle.
the groudon is adamant while the kyogre is timid so his drought overrides kyogre's drizzle and he can use solar beam
Because both teams are fucking retarded
>I wanna control the king of the oceans, Kyogre, so I'm gonna take the red orb!
I'd also be mighty pissed if someone is too dumb to pick the wrong colour between red and blue and proudly showed of his retardation.
I hope they give this guy an evolution that doesn't suck dick eventually
he's just swimming through the rain
You're either brown yourself or have low self esteem.
Either way your opinions don't matter.
Can someone post that comic
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Isn't there a version with pikachu abusing the sprinkler too?
So you want Pokemon Blight Town?
Honestly I'm in
do you think ground has the high water
Even if you gave fairy typing to Mr Mime in R/B and FR/LG he'd curbstomp the whole game with his busted speed and special attack + exp boost for being an npc trade mon + easy access to psychic. Marcel is a game raping monster.
Why didn't kyogre just straight up murder ash in that one episode?
Fucking lol
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I never really played pokemon, aside from some Fire Red when I was a kid. Fav gen is 3.
What should I play?
>Soul Silver
Kyogre is a (relatively) friendly killer whale
too much water
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Kyogre's back sprite remind me of a logo of a company but for the love of god I can't find which one
I think it was grey but was similar looking, a round circle with 1 or 2 little spike just like Kyogre
I remember seeing it 15+ years ago on tv I think
I think it's something similar to Jet X
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>This thread
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Oh my fucking god I finally found it
Now I can go on with my day in peace
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they were dethroned as the best legendaries
Pokemon is a raidon game now
Shit take
those things are so faggy looking. scat vomit was a mistake
From the viewpoint of the Japanese, "overflowing firepower that brings victory" sure sounds like a nuke.
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Literally W H O ?
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>Victini's unova dex number is 0
>What is the point where a nuclear explosion occurs?
>Ground Zero
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the Raidons designs are iconic and will get in the next smash game. You lost grandpa, keep being stuck in the past
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>kyurem is unevenly shaped because of rayquaza
huh, never thought of it like that
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You'd be more familiar with Emerald for starters. I love Black/White and HG/SS personally so play those too once you finish.
He's clearly just comfortably sitting in the Lavaridge town hotspring.
I recommend playing Black/White 2 afterwards, as it's got the most you can get out of the pokemon experience so far. Between the movie theater and the PWT, where you can fight every gym leader from any of the games (aside from Koga) and all the past champions, you get the most bang for your buck. It's also the only game with a built in hard/easy mode (both requiring you to unlock the game and/or transfer it over first for some retarded reason)
Why did they just put that there with no context? You'd think they'd follow this up right?
It's that simple
>everyone expected pokemon grey when we got BW2
>Unova legends game had a chance of being called Legends Gray
>A Gray is a unit of measurement for absorbed ionizing radiation
your a fucking idiot with this placement
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>*water spouts on u*
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You do NOT want to provoke him
"Linkin park starts playing"
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i like how legendaries are usually there to balance each other and represent facets of nature.
meanwhile these jackasses show up to fight for the 200th time
you thought it was a shitpost that the majority of the earth is not water? are you retarded or did you simply flunk out in the 6th grade
with all their money
this is official garbage they pump out
my lord
That's what they tell you in 6th grade
>here, let me pick the literal pokemon that the equivalent of the bible tells me canonically is countered by what my opponent is using
>you picked a small guy with a sling and a stone huh?
>surely my goliath will be the play here
by surface, not by volume you literal 7th grader
wtf when did cynthia get FUG
Gen 3 are the only times I've given a shit about Legendaries in the entirety of Pokémon desu.
Lance would have never made such a basic mistake
Gen IV legends are the absolute worst. You have completely uninteresting fodder like the Lake faggots and Mary Sue-tier garbage with Arceus, Palkia and Dialga that feel like some gay shit "that kid" would've come up with in the playground.
Lance would've used 3 fucking Dragonites against Rayquaza and then thrown in a dragonaire for insurance.
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You leave them alone bitch
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Rayquaza doesn't fuck around.
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The Raidons aren't honestly all that as Legendaries. They are neat Partner Pokémon though.

That said, GenIX did do neat stuff with Legendaries, honestly it is probably the best sets we had for years since you got the Raidons with plot relevance and joining shortly after your starter (if just as utility), The Ruinuous 4 for optional mons with neat lore and take modicum of effort (Until you finish History or look up a guide like Faggot), Ogrepon and Loyal 3 as a small local legend and Terapagos having been theorybait. And of course Pecharunt getting its propaganda video that absolutely no one bought the story of and actually getting to be an "Event Mythical" with an actual event associated and not just be plopped into your party like most been since like BW2.

I mean, i you don't count Paradox mons as mythicals anyway, and even if you do at least Wake and Mecha-Virizon were pretty neat Raid battles in their own right.

Point is, Im not calling SV good, but it did treat its Legendaries good.
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Does anyone have any Romhack recommends that aren't autistic Nuzlocke treadmills? Just got done with Pokemon Opalo and it was so nice having a good story to go along with your Pokémon journey, I want more.

Obviously challenge is welcomed but it seems people are only interesting in Nuzlocke/porting the national dex.
man this was such a fucking massive powerup for groudon, that and the almost unchangeable permanent sunlight
Yeah, they just slapped the Zygarde forms into Sun/Moon instead.
Zygarde turning into a big humanoid thing and a dog is stupid as fuck compared to cute and menacing snek form. Still mad about that shit.
That's a logo I haven't seen in a long, long time.
Here's my crackpot balance idea to make the Ice-type not an utter liability:
>Make Ice types take 30 - 50% less damage from non-Fire contact moves because the idea of Pokémon using their frostbitten hands and claws to fuck up Ice is stupid
>And also implement Frostbite from Legends
that's possibly the most retarded idea for fixing Ice I've ever heard
Ice is not even THAT dogshit anymore with S/V
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Alternatively: Chien-Pao, who actually uses Ice effectively due being an offensive "Zacian at home" mon. Ice got a lot of damage control since the clearly been trying to "fix" it since SM and are less horny on the SLOW DEFENSIVE meme for the type now.
Your entire survivability depends on Snow, it's the same shit as Rock with Sand and why it's also such a piss-poor defensive type especially as a secondary type. The only way that's going to work is if they make weather permanent again and it'd make it moot since Water and Fire/Grass benefit much more from Rain and Sun.

The only Ice-types that are worth slotting in are fast glass cannons which fucking sucks dick and limits the designs and needlessly hampers potentially viable mons when they lazily slap it onto some other type.
Honestly, despite the games getting shittier outside of the new Pokemon, I feel like they've been doing a pretty good job at giving most new Pokemon some sort of unique gameplay gimmick since gen 7, through an exclusive ability or move or whatever else.
Makes it suck that much more that in order to use them, you've gotta play such otherwise dogshit Pokemon games.
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I'm not saying they can't use more work but that work isn't "50% less damage from every non-fire physical move in the game." Ice has a problem of the typing being counter to the way they built (almost) every ice type for decades. The simplest thing they could do to help a little would be making it resist water or fairy or something like that.
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ice should be offensive with snow buffing their shit defense so they barely survive 2 hits instead of 1
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Today I will remind them.
Those goons from chronicles are never seen again so it's safe to assume they got fugged
Why wouldn't it work exactly? Ice is already weak to some of the most prevalent and hardest-hitting offensive types in the game, that in the case of Rock and Steel have woefully underused Special moves that would be bumped up in usage to fuck up Ice.
I will only agree to continuing with this awful Ice balance if they go back and strip every mon with a secondary Ice-type of said type and give them Abilities to buff up thier Ice moves instead, while also completely reworking any pure Ice mon that isn't a fast-hitting glass cannon into other types.
The last time a pokemon movie was pretty
there is approximately a 0% chance that reading all that shit is gonna be worth it
Love these designs, but this one >>688824127 is meh.
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Only if you're gay.
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No? The Diancie movie was shit except visually.
sleep tight fugger
Now post the rest of the movie.
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Can I fuck the water's guardian instead?
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Anon the entire UNIVERSE was made by a pokemon. Or at least a godlike entity that can present itself as a pokemon, after retcons.
Sorry, it is taken by its creator.
It's pretty simple, everything in existence except for humans, most plants, and some rocks is just a pokemon.
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Anon, did you play SV? They did thing thing they should: give ice SPEED
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>this is consider one of the most dangerous and monstrous legendary ever
Any time you see someone complain about ice types you can very safely assume they haven't played a single game past gen 6 the absolute latest (which is the correct thing to do)
I had to bench a Water/Ice starter playing a romhack with up to Gen 8 Pokémon and rules because his Ice typing coupled with middling Speed was getting on my nerves way too fucking much.
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I just want an excuse to post some ruin pokemon
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dont look at her shiny form
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It's OK, he specifically stated that he only wanted the female Lugias, meaning I can get the males all to myself.
>Literally the color of poopy snow that gets stuck underneath your tires
Jesus Christ.
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The fish and snail lucked out, though
They're some of the most OP legendaries ever. 670 BST + weather/terrain setting + 30% attack bonus while being 135 speed. Groudon is completely outclassed by Koraidon and Kyogre is neutered by Koraidon's sun and can get OHKO'ed by Koraidon/Miraidon
what has pokemon become
wow Scarlet / Violet looks so fucking bad...
GF should have just stuck to sprites, at least on the overworld
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SV is pretty good across all board, though
>some of the best rivals; one is a groomer and one wants you deader than dead
>decent stories
>gym leaders with a personality
>great ost
>manage to unfuck and made all legendary great
>super easy to max out your OV without the breeding retardation

You're many generations too late for that, anon
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Among gods and cursed beings the best legendary is and will always be bear that punch good
recheck the reply chain
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>Toby Fox
>great ost
Why is Kyogre scared of fug? Just use ice beam stupid.
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I still remember a AMV of this set to What I've Done by Linkin Park
peak 2007 YouTube kino
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Yo-Kai Watch 2!!
Monster Hunter Stories!!!
Pigeon breeding IRL.
Sleep tight, fugger.
Clefairy was Gen 1
>cant fly
>cant swim
get rekt groudie
sv was dogshit
>da hecking gym leaderinos are trans now have a personality!!
what about in Emerald, stupid?
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L*giafags are getting uppity again.
Be sexual freaks somewhere else.
Missed opportunity to name that file Lugi-ACK
>lol just kidding
It's funny how this is an actual fight when Fug DOESN'T have Mega bullshit like that one Origins episode. Man I miss these times.
Man I love fug
why didnt it just use ice beam
what a retard
'ate dinosaurs
'ate whales
'ate aliens
'ate zinnia
luv' me water droplets
luv' me ozone layer
luv' me planet

simple as
This is insane.
The Gen 3 Legendaries are still tops to this day for me. The only ones that get up to them are Mewtwo, Deoxys and Arceus.
That is one seriously brave or suicidal Yanmega
>lame: alien looking to kill and destroy
>cool: alien CAN fuck you up, but is curious.
She laid her eggs elsewhere, she's going out with a bang.
sleep tight fugger
sleep tight fugger
fuck, i remember trying to make groudon make eggs when i was a kid
why has nobody posted the sequel yet

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