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Final Fantasy XVI looking good on PC!!!
>oh no I found one glitch!
Fuck off ungrateful PCunt.
Don't worry, I'm never buying a Final Fantasy again.
How did square manage to ruin both DLSS and XeSS? Both are horribly blurry compared to FSR.
They are beta-testing for the PS5 Pro.
kek, thanks for beta testing PC"""MR"""
isnt DLSS proprietary?
isn't XeSS only good on Intel GPUs?
FSR is open source so Square can take it and improve it.
Seems performance is not in a good place still?
Both DD2 and IW on sale, might wait a tad longer for FF16.
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Barry is winning...
It's over...
>Barry soloing BOTH anti-Barry games at the same time
I kneel
im a bit out of the loop. what games does barry love and what games does barry hate?
Barry loves FF15 and Forspoken and hates FF16
He hates 7Rs too
>Barry loves FF15
i can't wait for the epic schizo battle when essayfag finally gets to XV, hates it like he hates everything, and feels compelled to post essay after essay about it.
XeSS is better than FSR even on AMD gpus. DLSS is better than both in every game but this one.
barrys game singlehandedly destroyed all of the remaining goodwill of FF fans though
I hate essayfag so much more than I hate Barry. Literally worthless user
I'm not going to play a game with literally faggots in it. And literally faggots only buy porn games like Bald Gay 3 with explicit sex in it.
More like Barry's game singlehandedly destroyed all the hater games
based. it was almost kino by having no blacks or browns, but they had to stuff faggots in it.
It's this guy who has a distinctly long-winded, whiny, Reddit writing style who writes essays about games. He's more notorious for his whining about Ocarina of Time and proclaiming that Tomb Raider is the best game of the 5th generation, but he's currently playing FF7 and writing gargantuan blogposts about how shitty and stupid the plot and gameplay are. He sucks so fucking much.
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Looks the same in 2024 9/17/2024 current date and time now.
get your popcorn, he's started in on the final fantasy games (starting with VII) with some "mysterious goal".
it isn't mysterious and he even outright said it multiple times in the last thread, pretending like his motives/goals are mysterious. he wants to prove the games are shit, which is also inline with what he was doing with zelda. he just wants to "prove" the pillars of vidya canon are shit.
/v/'s current/next lolcow. ticking timebomb until he doxes himself. usually makes threads about zelda or a "zelda replacement".
Thats a NVIDIA problem
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barry is based even if his game sucks, to be fair all modern ff sucks

essayfag is just a cringe prototranny
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Incorrect. Barry loves Remake because ex luminous worked on them
>7R already conceded
It hasn't even peaked yet...
The game released at a stupid time when most are working. Watch it double tonight
Bro go do your homework
spoonfeed me if you really think either of us are wrong
16 has raped 7R and Flopspoken and is continuing to climb. Face it, Barrycels...Clive's time is here.
Isn't it also being released on Steam and Epic simultaneously?
spoonfeeding is against the rules

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