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Why did BlazBlue die?
"because the story ended"
Fucking ArcSys...
Arcsys got tied of Mori's nonstop waifufagging
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because this world is cruel and unfair
I honestly hope BlazBlue stays dead after what happened to Guilty Gear.
i wish an older woman molested me when i was 14 *SIGHHHH*
Before the other 4 bb players show up, I just want to say that this Evo is probably the first time in my life I rooted for an Es player.
Fucker deserved it. Good shit.
honestly i kinda wish anybody would hold me like that..... also i wish i had friends...
Because it ended.
Because you either had to be there from the start or be ready to get an idea of 35+ character's gameplan and gimmick if you want to play it now. It's pretty fun to fight characters you're familar enough to factor into your gameplan but unless you train against people consistently making MU progress is hell and requires grinding boring shit in training.
*the same people consistently
Blaz Blue was just a tie me over series for until they could get GG back.
Once it did, BB served its purpose.
This right here.
Mai will be Bridgetgate 2: Electric Bugaloo
I was getting aggravated when he kept rushing into Celica instead of out zoning her but he eventually adapted even if he didn’t win the set. The top 8 in general was kind of a shit show but all the scrambles made it entertaining to watch.
it was never alive
every time people discussed BB, someone would derail the discussion towards GG. it was just another cool animu fightan that you played for a few months then moved on to better games.
>presses D in your path
How do you respond /v/?
>Few months
Wasn't BB more popular than GG for a good while even after GG came back? I remember hearing something about that, though I want a FG player back during those times
contrary to what GG players believe, there are a small number of us that prefer Blazblue for various reasons.
The number is very small though. That's why we say there's only like 5 of us on /v/. That number may honestly be close to accurate these days.
I'm of the belief it is actually possible for Jin Kisaragi to obtain the Azure in BlazBlue Central Fiction.

What does this imply? Well, in BlazBlue there is a "gate". It is referenced in every single BlazBlue entry. Calamity Trigger's opening scene is a scientist saying "I just want to see what lies beyond that Gate". It is possible to open the gate in Central Fiction and find a whole new world.

What this means is there's a hidden sidequest that will only unlock if somebody finds the Azure. It's an alternate campaign, or a new story mode about the new world you just found. Japanese Music for the BlazBlue franchise heavily hints at this, from Ao Iconoclast's "And it's their power that opens the Door..." to Blue Desire's "I will hug this whole reversed world". It's referring to the other dimension.

How does this happen? My guess so far in Japanese spirituality (which i'm still developing), is to find a glitch that links to another glitch and eventually the game will let you pass through the gate.

I made a videogame that shows what I mean. This is how it is. The difference between Japanese video games and my videogame is i'm not keeping it a secret like the Japanese are doing. My belief is that players should be able to access all the content they paid for. The Azure is hiding a whole new dimension to the BlazBlue franchise, and players simply aren't aware, nor will they be, until somebody finds it.
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Mori is in a better place. Making his Rachel in shorts action game.
I want to know more about Ragnas orign story. He was born in a research lab by a fucking monster?. And it never gets mentioned again.
even if it didn't get trannified it would just lose all of its mechanics and the characters would be gutted
Because they were getting tired of me always having sex with Makoto.
>unironically expecting competent lore or narrative from an anime fighting game
How do people seriously give a fuck about power level bullshit past being a teenager?
Ragna doesn't have an origin, He's the literal OC DONUT STEEL of God
>this game isn't very well balanced
>it's not supposed to be, that is my vision
I'm glad it's dead and gone
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Its probably for the best that it did
>always waited for the BBxGG title when they were both done their stories like the two always said
>now fucking hope that never happens with Mori gone and Daisuke not giving a fuck anymore
Hell the fact that Daisuke even said before BBxGG if he did a collab he would love to do Trigun and we got Lucy from Cyberpunk of all things should tell you everything.
The clusterfuck story is half of the appeal of BB. The other half are the girls DDs.
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Once Strive starts to lose steam I just know they'll dig up BB. Its not a matter of "if" but "when".
they will just make the next entry or a strive sequel
Because it ended and Mori is gone, faggot. Let it rest. This was the single best way to go.
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Ragna was born from Relius cloning Saya Terumi and having a black beast impregnate her. Relius considered Saya a monster since she was a super powerful murderous psychopath and was most likely some kind of reincarnation of Izanami. Since Izanami had Relius alter her body to have purple hair and red eyes when he is maintaining it to keep her from falling apart and when Amane astrals her she turns into purple Saya not Ragna's Saya.
but what does that have to do with the Saya sealed in Amaterasu that loops the world to keep Ragna alive?
>black beast impregnate her
But that very same black beast is a corpse of a time displaced version of Ragna in a dead timeline
this. last thing blazblue needs is trooning out its characters and censoring the loli shit to appease twitter niggers
Because ArcSys got Guilty Gear back and they effectively have no real urge to bother going back. Despite the amount of effort Blazblue got, it was always just "Guilty Gear cope".
At least it ended on a good note.
Guilty gear had been ruined over the years
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Just let it rest, it had a good run
If it gets brought back it'll be a shitfest like Strive, I don't trust modern Arcsys to make anything good anymore
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That's just one of many Black Beasts that were created. Arakune himself was a proto Black Beast. Either they are some souped up kind of Seithr Beast or some fragment of an avatar of the Boundary.
my wife!!!
Technically it didn't. Entropy Effect released this year. At least in the west.
I get it though, it's a real shame I doubt we'll ever get another game like CF again
If you want BlazBlue to come back under current ASW you were never a real fan.
It was a product of its time, you just have to be there to experience it. I'm glad they stopped before the world is turning to shit.
Why do you BBfags always act like all those games after CF don't exist?
Great games like uhhh... that one sidescroller and...
Just let them pretend that BB wasn't ruined as well.
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Because they don't contribute to the autistic story or are fighting games, the two main things people liked Blazblue for. I liked the gacha but the story didn't last long enough to go anywhere besides hinting at Touya and Terumi's return and giving Nu a role that wasn't being a vegetable.
They did my girl nu dirty in the story she went from some mysterious yandere murderstacy that resembles saya to some jobber that gets dickweaved by the bad guys
Bbtag is good
>That's just one of many Black Beasts that were created
All of them are Ragna
Arakune could never become a black beast no matter how many attempts he tries even if he wanted to be one because he's not Ragna

Even the one in XBlaze was actually just Ragna's Dead Spike that got lost in some random portal while Ragna was chilling in the Boundary
BBTag sucks
its the main reason why so many Ragna x [random RWBY girl] fanart suddenly appeared and they all suck

Not even a single doujin was spawned from that turdfest
A dead gacha and a shitty Tag Battle game?
Jincuck seething CHADna gets all the bitches from all the franchises
Because it ended?
Grown ass men and the entirety of Latam and a significant chunk of black people make DBZ and shounen franchises their entire personality.
There's probably less than a 100 pieces of fanart for BBTAG.
And like half of them are from this one fujo who loves drawing Hazama
Then how come nobody plays it?
>Nu a role that wasn't being a vegetable.
I like that but I'm not digging the new look at all
>Why did BlazBlue die?
because chrono phantasma killed everything good about the series
>time loop that fixes all the usual bullshit that makes fighting game stories hard to take seriously (only protag matters, villians job constantly, constant excuses for goodguys to fight) is gone, so now only ragna matters, terumi and relius job hard, and there's a fucking tournament arc
>awesome soundtrack? fuck you here's shitty remixes buy the old songs as dlc bitch
>game design/balance was always pretty out there but it managed to get worse with the 800 yen tier of kokonoe, on like the 5th revision of blazblue you think they would make the game less shitty instead of more somehow
>FUCK overdrives, extremely annoying to fight against someone doing wakeup overdrive into reversal/combo starter and killing you and a lot of characters had really lazy overdrives where what used to be an install super you could do anytime is now an overdrive - bang not being able to perma FRKZ anymore ruined the whole point of the move

game just fucking sucks and made me drop the series until BBCF was out for years and yeah the story in that game was retarded just like it was in BBCP. gameplay is better but not that much better.
Me too.
Blazblue is why all this shit happened to guilty gear in the first place. It deserves death.
Because Daisuke killed it as soon as he got Guilty Gear back. Mori got forced out of the company and Arcsys sold the IP to some chink roguelike devs.
Blazblue has way better gameplay than at least every Guilty Gear since the series came back, and personally i prefer it over the old Guilty Gears too, although i haven't really spent a lot of time with those ones. BBCF2 is almost a perfect fighting game.
There's no such thing as a good tag game. if you want to fight 3v3 do it like KoF does.
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Mori said in the first game Blazblue was a trilogy.
Then the last game was it's own trilogy, but it got done.
And with Mori gone and how Arcsys is now it's better untouched.
Is the joke that they're all the flatties of BB?
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I'm just mad the non RWBY girls get nothing
Bbtag is a piece of shit and one of the worst fighting games right next to dnf but kof 3v3 is not and never should be the standard for a good reason. Making people pick multiple characters they like then saying that you can't play the other characters until you die with one sucks ass.
The joke is that they are all Ragna's little sister
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god damn lambda, you don't need to hit all the girls on screen including yourself with an Astral Finish like that.
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Why do you use such a shitty thumbnail?
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nah, tagging out 30 times a minute like some kind of spastic retard is garbage and always will be. Picking a lead, middle, and closer for your team and sticking to that roles is the good shit.
Le pudding girl puddings...
>just making sure because I want you to smash my loli vampire hole
Bbcf was a good endpoint. Now everyone can play it. No blazblue fan should want a new fighting game for the series.
Story ended. People don't like that, but it did. Ragna was the glue holding it all together as the eternal straight man to everyone else being retarded and his story had good finality to it.

The genre became easier over time, while anime games in general refused to adapt, so an already near dead genre (with most of the FGC playing SF or non-fighters like Smash, not anime) becamse so dead you had shit like Arcanna Heart having to crowd fund its DLC
GG eventually did adapt, and now its basically a party game, so BB is better off dead

Story got pretty bad towards the end. Both having only a single linear story v branching paths per characters in old games and just a ton of useless or actively detrimental characters, like Azrael existing purely to be better than everyone else while holding back, even the people giving up eye sight for power and such
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Es a cute and sexy. pudding really has it all.
Hey, Nu and lambda are small, but they're not embarrassing small like Noel.
I love Rachel vampire cunny uuuoohh. And yes, I main her.
is that supposed to be nu-13 for Dcup? no fucking way she's bigger than Tsubaki.
Because if ended
Ragna's story was 100% done, and with that Mori didn't want to continue Blazblue as fighting game series anymore. BBCTB was a fanservice cross-over, XBlaze games were VNs, Remix & Variable Heart were manga, gacha game was a garbage FGO clone with meh story. And then Mori quit ArcSys, and he was the main guy behind the writing, so at this point you can't do anything beyond more garbage sidegames (with a different writer) or doing a global reboot with different cast (but then why bother with Blazblue setting in the first place instead of making a new IP and why would ArcSys waste their time on it when they can milk modern retards with nu-GG).
BB ended on a good note, not every IP needs to be milked into oblivion.
Nu isn't even small she's modest
Tsubaki's uniform is kinda tight
Her breasts looks bigger when she's in her gundam form when she's no longer restrained
>BBCTB was a fanservice cross-over
I feel like it's wrong to call it fanservice, since it felt like that game had nothing but hostility towards blazblue fans. what the fuck were they thinking with those roster choices?
It's one-sided fan service and it's not towards BB fans
The actual shame of BBTag was crossing over with one of the THE designated futa series and getting next to not futa art even though a large portion of RBWY fanart is random futa crossover
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God Platinum is the best GOD
Fuck you moron
I mean, it was just Mori wanting to collab with other IPs... so I admit I was wrong to use "fanservice" word when it was aimed mostly at Mori himself. Still, I was trying to say that BBCTB wasn't the next fighting game installment in BB series and instead it was some cross-over title that just so happened to be a fighting game as well (because it allowed the highest % of asset reusage from all featured characters in that game). People who expected another proper BB fighting game after CF would never get it whether Mori was still in ArcSys or not.
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nah, whoever made that image is a delusional nu-fag trying to pad her numbers. even in uniform tsubaki is clearly way bigger.
I just wanted to see Mori use that Alpha-01 design in a fighting game. just looking at her made me think she'd have a fun kit.
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>what the fuck were they thinking with those roster choices?
I always figured they used the popularity poll numbers to influence the Blazblue roster, as almost everyone in the top 20 made it into BBtag.

11. Makoto Nanaya
12. Lambda-11
13. Tsubaki Yayoi
14. Rachel Alucard
15. Platinum the Trinity
16. Kokonoe
17. Hakumen
18. Nine the Phantom
19. Naoto Kurogane
20. bullet.
i didn't follow the DLC characters but at launch i remember thinking the choices were missing some major inclusions, of course i also just didn't buy the game because it didn't have Kokonoe. and my buddy who's the only person i know who plays blazblue didn't buy the game because it didn't have Bullet.
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I think that arakune should join the guilty gear character roster
>as almost everyone in the top 20 made it into BBtag
Would be funny but I'm not even sure he would be that strong in Strive
I wanna see Arakune vs Faust
>GG Strive Arakune
>summon bug is now a fireball input special, also it can only summon that one bug that comes straight down then goes back up
>his across the screen teleport is now his backwards fireball special, it used outside the corner it warps him a few steps back.
>he has no other special moves in his kit, and only keeps a few of his funny normals like shark form, and the one where he licks with a giant tongue
have fun.
Anon, there is literally a story scene where Tao rubs Tsubaki's tits and states very clearly that they're not nearly as big as her outfit makes them look. Nu is bigger.
He just wants to see Bridget get his ass filled with bugs
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I want Platinum
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that's nice, but even if Tsubaki's outfit "makes her look bigger", Izayoi's sprites have nothing to hide, and they're clearly still bigger than Nu, who's pretty clearly flat as a board.
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>arakune vs Faust
It will surely be the battle of wits
I actually was thinking about how he would be implemented in strive without really killing his identity
>instead of curse mechanic he has a Special that drops a bug based on the button pressed after motion input
>floaty movement nerfed because strive doesn't want you to have fun flying around
>instead of becoming invisible he covers himself with flies
I haven't really fleshed out the concept though
no you don't
Yeah I do
random thought that popped into my head while thinking about Arakune
Why the hell isn't there a ton of fanart of Litchi wearing Arakune like a symbiote suit (like venom from spiderman)
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probably because that feels a bit too specific and fetishistic
I mean, it would just end up being Litchi wearing like a skintight black dress that has some Arakune aesthetics, i was just thinking of how they'd work together as a single fighter and the thought popped into my head.
She's used goods
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Um Ragna is literally me
You mean with those metal pads boosting them up to look larger? Yeah, nah. Tusbaki's averagely small. She's bigger than Noel, at least.
You should be impregnating your sisters then
Creator left and Strive exists so they have no reason to do anything with it.
At most expect a BlazBlue dlc for strive
Curious, would you fuck Sena when he's in control of the body? Or do you only care about the brat Luna.
Both are good
Ah, I see, you truly are a man of culture.
What was the reason BBtag didn't have any GG character? because don't tell me "because GG sprites are too old" just make a new one? BBtag isn't just reused sprites, so if they cared to make new ones for the RBWY I don't see why not a GG one, I can't imagine Capcom doing any crossover game without adding a SF character at least.
Mori excuse was that it wouldn't work, as Guilty Gear story still isn't over, yet. Really, it sounds like they want their meet-up to be a big event which wouldn't work in this low effort crossover game.

>Famitsu: So, will there not be any Guilty Gear characters in the game?

>Mori: We understand that people want us to put Guilty Gear characters in the game. However, Guilty Gear doesn't really have an end to its story, or part of it, so we're not considering that at the moment. If we were to bring Guilty Gear characters in, I'd feel a lot better about it if we did it after its story has been concluded.
Which blaz would you blue
It can only be Mai for me.
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I will blue all over Kokonoe if you know what I mean
But if I was a merciless cunt, I'd choose Celica. But I can't, she's just too precious :(
That's a man
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I forgot how the initial roster looked like, and man this is so undercooked. How can you have a crossover tag game with only 20 characters!? No wonder this game bombed, as you get more bang for your buck getting the old Central Fiction or Under Night.
You think that's gonna stop me lol. If anything, it'll encourage me to matting press him even harder.
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Woah, a Cielfan, seeing one is as rare as seeing a unicorn in real life.
Where are the lobbies
It's a creator-centric franchise. No Mori, no blazblue.
Bro bbtag is the best selling blazblue related game right next to the fucking nonfighter game that just came out. Game is probably one of the many reasons strive came into existence after it's success.
Thread was made late on a weeknight and burgers are just waking up with most having work or class.
>Why did BlazBlue die?
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The picture's old and was by Word of God erroneous even when it was made.

This one is correct. Though you can debate about Nine and Litchi until exhaustion, if you wish. Mori said he'll never introduce anyone bigger than Litchi, however he's a liar and Nine was designed by Katou, which is the exact type of loophole Mori would use. Trinity would be on either side of Bullet. Outside of those the order is pretty much ironclad canon. Platinum's also going to get to be Rackula someday, so congrats Luna.
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I'm about to play and commentate a tournament for it tomorrow.
Just play the game lmao.
>Muh neverending adventure
Better this than going through trannification that Strive did.
The game was too complicated and convoluted for an average player.
At best they needed to do a new game that resets the mechanics and game-play so new people can get in to it.
kek why would it hurt Noel to be grabed by the helmet
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Ragna's mom maybe
I just love her a lot
My bad for the misinformation then. It came and went so fast that I figured it wasn't a big success for Arcsys.
She's stupid anyway
Did GGfags pretend Vastedge was a game? Did they pretend GG2 was a game?
wish there were more koko x rags doujins
Fuck off tranny.
Imagine having Ragna as your step-son haha
Mai's different as reality warping magic fuckery was involved.
No, unfortunately for BBfags it was a huge success. Fuck RWBY fags.
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We will never ever get Stray Cat 3.
ribcage thats why
This desu. Mai is in the same situation as Ranma.
It sucks he never made a new one after Nine became playable

I wanted oyakodon
Will she finally get the plowing from Ragna she craves so much?
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>tfw just about everyone dunks on Ragna even harder during it for barely any reason to the point you wonder why he even bothers with them.
>The cast who had stuff going on get cut for Muh Celica
>Tao potentially being important with her ability to sense Izanami and reality fuckery suddenly vanishing from the story because Celica
Man Celica was so shit
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Celica forced Kokonoe to build a sex robot so it wasn't all bad.
words cannot describe how much I hate Celica
speaking of which, was anyone sacrificed to make minerva, like the other big dolls?
It's hardly fanservice when there was barely any content to begin with.
Nah, that was just Relius doing his own thing with his wife and daughter
No. Ignis and Nirvana need souls because their cores are condensed black beasts like all the Nox weapons. Minerva is purely artificial with a computer replacing the soul and her core is made from Kokonoe's dismantled nukes.
Isn't it just mu-13 or whatever with ragna colors and bigger swords?
My PC is currently locked up doing AI "Art". Can someone photoshop Remilius to be holding a #1 Dad Mug for me?
isn't that already a thing?
I'm fairly certain but I can't find it Googling. If no one does/finds it when my AI gens are done I'll download Gimp and throw something extra stupid together.
Thats because most old images in the archive are long gone if people stop reposting them
And what is wrong with that i prefer a game with at ending that a game that doesnt end
I'm fucking tired of watching Es, Clover family, Izanami top 8.
Spinoff crossover shit that was never intended to replace CF in the same way Strive was to Xrd. Deader than CF too.
EOS'd within a year so it certainly doesn't exist now. Also not a fighting game so I don't really care
>entropy effect
Or a game that is still ongoing but the original creator died and had his role replaced by someone else and changed the entire story completely just to satisfy shitty shareholders that don't even play games
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oh, thanks for answering
that's kind of disappointing
Because it was just a really weak fighting game where the devs were not willing to rework shitty mechanics and had horrible aesthethics and designs
Also 2 trannies and 1 legit non cool homo in the roster
Kokonoe. Which is weird since I fucking hate nekogirls with a passion but, despite that this amoral hag bitch was able to steal my heart.
>All the posts obsessing over strive and ignoring BB
>All the said posts ignore gameplay too
>People act like BBtag doesn't exist either
BBfags don't actually play these games huh
BBfags do actually play BB more than GG posers at least, but every fighting game attracts a good degree of posers.
Fuck me I keep trying to make this stupider. This might take me a bit.
i wanted to play as platinum best girl, but i just cant play rushdown so i mained Rachel i prefer zoning.
She's a catgirl that fucking hates being a catgirl since she is an abomination that shouldn't exist and gets treated like shit because of it.
CF lobbies are easily the second most hosted fighting game on /v/
this is about as much patience as I have right now.
>thread is about why BB died
>wtf why are people talking about one of the reasons BB might have died
I don't blame GG for BB being dead entirely but you'd be a fool not realize it is a factor, much like Tekkens exsistence hurts Soul Calibers.
I'd love another good BB, but after seeing what they did with Strive. Arcshit will probably make it dumbed down to hell and boring as shit to pander to flowchart faggot Strive shitters. Centralfiction is one of the best fighting games of all time, so just leave the series alone instead of fucking it up like GG.
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because Ragna died a virgin and didn't fuck his sister
>I don't blame GG for BB being dead entirely but you'd be a fool not realize it is a factor,
GG is a hero it took the bullet so BB could sleep easy.
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Do people not like BBtag? it's what got me into fighting games and it's what got me into Blaz blue, persona, and Under night. It's a fun game.
it's a fun mess of a game, but because it's a mess of a game, it can be polarizing
>the vampire loli actually won
We don't get based otaku devs like Mori anymore
>gets treated like shit because of it
But nobody treats her like shit?
Her parents are 2 of the 7 people that saved the world from a world ending disaster
They know full well not to fuck with their demonspawn
She just has parental issues
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I was a fan of both uni and blazblue well before Tag.
It was a massive disappointment, such wasted potential.
I wanted to learn Izanami but she’s not even in most top 8s. I guess she’s too hard.
Yeah my understanding is she's obscenely broken but next to impossible to play correctly. I've only seen a small handful of decent Izanami players in top 8 and they're always monsters.
I agree that Blaz Blue should probably stay buried. I played central fiction after Strive and I was shocked just how good it is for a relatively old game, though I might just be a sucker for pixel art. Its gameplay felt better than strives, but I have no idea how to put it into words. Like it was less frustrating somehow. Also, the music and characters of BB are still so cool to me. I'm trying to learn how to draw I can draw Susanoo in all his glory.
Was the removal of everyone's move sets what got ya down or the lack of characters.
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Makoto and Tao. Makoto is the hottest and one of the few relatively chill female characters. Tao is canonically prime wife material surprisingly
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Total Kokonoe Love
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Movesets being locked behind autocombos and the complete lack of a standing heavy button was fucking weird.
Then there's the fact that the game is a blatant cashgrab than it is a celebration of any of the franchises involved. The story was utterly bare-fucking-bones and it only consists of basically 5 short arcade modes. There wasn't any fun segments like Kokonoe/Litchi lessons or anything of the sort. It lacks any sort of dedication and effort. It's unironically soulless.
This is the most stupid excuse for a crossover where the story barely matters
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> Its gameplay felt better than strives, but I have no idea how to put it into words. Like it was less frustrating somehow.
I can probably guess why. It's probably because one of the important things that differ BlazBlue from guilty gear is that BB doesn't punish you for playing defensively. While in guilty gear you build up RISC for blocking and then take more damage just because you blocked it, in blazblue there is no RISC. But if you play aggressively enough you'll be rewarded with active flow. Also, FD being on its own gauge instead of meter that's used for supers is also a nice thing. And don't even get me started on how good the burst/overdrive in here
also, there is also a character gimmicks factor, that lets you play out some funny knowledge checks to screw over the opponent
overall, the game is just simply fun to play and was made to be fun. Which I appreciate a lot
It is canon that most people in BB despise beastkin. Even fucking Jubei, despite being a legendary hero, was mocked by the NOL for being subhuman in their eyes. Kokonoe grew up at the NOL so she 100% was mocked for being a godless abomination and that probably got worse once her father became a fugitive.
that picture made me laugh a lot harder than it should have.
Ragna dodged a bullet by leaving that world behind
Jubei would've forced Ragna to marry his daughter or something
refused to go the tranny route.
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God I miss bururaji

Why the hell is Amai and Sugita still not married to each other yet
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>dodged the bullet
I would've dodged her too desu. Such a pain in the ass to deal with
>Why the hell is Amai and Sugita still not married to each other yet
I don't get it either.
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I still can't believe they actually made Azrael being gay canon
I want a bb vn kusoge with pregnant endings.
but with unlockable hidden harem ending once you get all other endings
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What's weird is that I agree wholeheartedly with you on everything you said, but I still really like playing it. Although I wouldn't say it's completely soulless. The little chibi 3d models of all the characters are cute.
That makes a lot of sense.
How in hell would you make the lambdas accept that you knocked other girls up?
Don't say that. Kokonoe X Ragna was my crackship and I still have hope that it will happen. I just have to trust in the plan.
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At some point Kokonoe was the most wanted person on the planet most likely after she fucked off from the library and went to Sector Seven then she deleted all the records they had on her.

So she was basically a prisoner her entire life.
>Don't say that. Kokonoe X Ragna was my crackship and I still have hope that it will happen
well you better hope or a book as it will take 2 decades before the industry recovers with a massive crash (please gta crash and bring it all down) maybe 5 years to recover.
I'm not a fan of those chibi lobbies to begin with so those did nothing for me.
the other girls are her boss and her sisters
She's known to be fine with sharing

It's Nu thats a bigger problem
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It's like Jubei specifically raised/groomed Ragna to be the perfect house husband for Kokopuffs
Because it was mid, the story fucking SUCKS, and the music is bugman ear rape.
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Shame that her mom was such a turbo bitch about Ragna because of Celica. Then again Nine was just a turbo psycho bitch in general. Glad Terumi got one over on her
I didn't even play the last game.
Was too pissed it didn't have the VAs I spent the last 80+ hours loving.
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Oh yeah, its other greatest sin was introducing the subhuman dubfags to under night.
I'll never forgive them for this.
basically anybody whos played Blazblue can unanimously pinpoint when the series took a downturn and it was when Celica was introduced into the roster and story. So many plotpoints fell through and the newer additions didnt matter to the overarching story.
Didn't expect this thread to still be alive when I got home, any interest in a lobby?
No, Blazblue died a hero so Guilty Gear could become the villain as a zombie due to Daisuke being such a westaboo
Ignis sexo
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Give me 5 minutes and I’ll post one.
Where did Mori get his blonde girl/white haired guy fetish this is so oddly specific.
I'd like to play desu
but I'm in kinda a bad mood, so I'll probably play real bad lel
I love these two like you wouldn't believe. Same for Ragna. It's no wonder that at the end of all things, Ragna, Hazama and Terumi were the most popular and beloved characters. Legitimately my favorite hero and villains in all of fighting games.
Here's the lobby, set to FT2 right now. steam://joinlobby/586140/109775244734390633/76561199197204677
You know, I get what Jubei was thinking, but that was a really dumb move on his part. Then again, had he not done that, she probably would've died when Terumi showed up. Then again, maybe not. She probably could've saved everyone.
How did jubei fucked nine
It's going to get a soivified reboot and you'll like it
Very carefully.
If mai would end up being even more slutified then I'll take it
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There's an 82 year gap between Kokonoe being left at the library and Terumi burning down the Church so she would have probably been helping her dad when it happened.
i already don't touch strive
This but lurking in the Strive thread yesterday and seeing Dizzy's new design, the kneejerk reaction threads are going to be hilarious. Thanks anon who pointed that out.
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>Gets the absolute shit kicked out him by Valkenhayn 1v1. Like, genuinely slapped around like a small child fighting a MMA fighter. He deserved it too.
>Comes back and beats Valkenhayn once he's a centenarian and can't even harm Hazama normally due to plot circumstance
>Gloats about it and claims he got revenge
Is there a pettier villain in fiction?
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>Is there a pettier villain in fiction?
cm punk
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did the room explode or was it shut down
Did the lobby blow up for a second?
well apparently the room is still up so w/e
Do I play this?
It's on sale
If you're okay with a game that can feel like a kusoge sometimes, can handle learning a lot of different MUs and are able to grasp the system mechanics, you can have a fun time. If you're a fan of +R and maybe Xrd, I think you'll enjoy Blazblue.
I didn't playeded any of that
Sorry then ESL-kun, might not be for you then.
I already redeemed steam purchase sir
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Taokaka best girl!
godddammit fuck shit
dick ass bitch cunt
fuck dick lick ass stupid faggot trannie dammit i had the astral too i'm mad
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GGs all, lobby is closed.
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GGs, thanks for hosting.
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ggs to you too. Man, I wish I was better at the game and not the "all bark no bite" guy
taokaka is a nigger...
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you did not played the game
Devil May Cry

Rachel is so obviously a reference to Lady and Ragna is to Dante
He was raped
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Sometimes dead is better
Anyone have the shitty MS paint tager comics?
I lost mine for some reason
Celica IS pretty awful
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not really mspaint, but I have this
I forget why she was important
celicia is not very important thats why after using her mcguffin powers she turned into dust like a bitch
>Ragna's GF/Adopted mom nun due to time fuckery
>Has some sort of anti seither / back beast aura so she cucks characters like Terumi just by being around him at least before he figures shit out
>Nine's sister. Nine is super autistic about her
>Something about her being related to the lynchpin that Bang has that can fuck up the villain's plans a bit I think?
>More reality fuckery
celica sex
I don't remember the exact specifics either, but she was like the opposite of Nine. Nine could passively absorb all the magic around her which made her ungodly good at magic. Celica passively blocked all the magic around her which made her immune to a lot of stuff and could screw with people. So she could, for example, fuck up Hazama and Terumi just by being near them.
ok but awakening the chaos II is best theme followed by sword of doom II and 3rd place takes MUST DIE
Celica is to seither what Jin is to Ragna. She just exists to nullify seither like how Jin/Hakumen exists to destroy the Black Beast.
Yes but consider Yomotsuhirasaka and Susanooh LA vocal
She exists to be Minerva's hitbox and thats literally it
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>you will never be a talking cat
nine high heels on my cock
And to think there was a tiny chance that Ragna might've accidentally became Kokonoe's father if the Black Beast hasn't shown up when they found the nail in the past
Noel is fucking worst
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also on topic of mspaint
I've just made this. Why? Idk, I just thought it's funny
t. Nu after tasting the "food" Noel tried to feed to her
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my honest opinion when i see a noelgger
post more lobbies
Maybe after I wake up.
And if I can't load into any Space Marine 2 sessions
>awakening the chaos II
Absolutely not. It's significantly worse than the the og. Based list otherwise.
what is everyone's schedule even if they're doing weird ass times
some of you love to post while people be at work
might as well cuz i can't get anyone to join my room

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