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Half life 2 is a bad game
No they'll cut off my dick
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The game
>pick up that cock
Are combine the original trans folx?
>taken out by basic bitch guns
"never forget your equipment and training are provided by the lowest bidder." ~soldiers mantra

Why would you be top-quality with everything but be a cheapass with the boots?
Its a shooter game with a cool story and lore.
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>all that high tech
>give your super human soldier some fucking soviet boots from a surplus store
Why not replace those legs for Stalker legs or just some aug legs?
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>Obsessed Gordon o algo
the combine on earth are probably working with some of the material on earth for their regular troops, in other words decent chance the other shit is also some old equirpment they found and gave a few upgrades
Cool story and lore bogged down by shit, boring, gimmick gameplay

Pretty much Earth's overwatch is a residual garrison force because Combine give little shit about Earth. Real soldiers are off-world.
I find it funny how Overwatch soldiers are continuously threatened with off-world duties if they don't perform. Off-world conflicts must be truly hellish.
Its just a shooter bro, this is like saying CODs story is ass because all you do is shoot people.
it was cool at the time
believe it or not there was a time when qtes and button mashing was considered innovative as well
how do they get 'mechanical' reproduction simulation if they got no dick?
it'd have to be some kind of virtual or narcotic dream state.
is it just for civil protection
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I like Synapse.
Citizens are threatened with that for non-cooperation, as well.
That's a reward for civil protection officers, which aren't augmented and still have cocks.
>high tech shit contrasted with third world shithole shit
is the combine's whole aesthetic in 2
just look a the hyper advanced mega computers just slapped into Eastern European commieblock apartments
it's the absolute minimum amount of high-tech shit they can get away with just combined with the cheapest possible low tech shit they have available with no regard for cohesion or aesthetics
its cool
Dick status?
recycled from local military surplus
it's over, crotch.
Honestly this is good sci-fi as its as horrifying as it is intriguing. I always assumed the overwatch soldiers were just humans like Barney at the beginning.
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Why do combine soldiers need crotch guards on their armor if they've had their dangly bits removed?
Still have major arteries down there
They're fucked up but I can't help but think about how cool they are despite of this
Only metrocops are human
>reproductive organs have been removed
Trans rights?
from what Breen implied, going into one of their dimensions without protection would kill you
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The little stilts always seemed silly, wouldn't they fall easily?
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>2nd best fighting force left on Earth
no thanks, I get to keep my dick and not be a laughing stock
This is why I will never join the Combine...
>Why would you be top-quality with everything but be a cheapass with the boots?
some things are universal with every military
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rather die than be a cuckbine
I do think it's cool that the highest up the chain we see is basically the equivalent of the local governor, some two bit drone assigned to a backwater.
>basically a medium tank level of protection
>dies to 5 shots from some shitty smg or pistol/a few crowbar hits/a wooden box launched at bicycle speed
Half Life 2 is shit
This is franchise where can kill helicopter with shotgun
>pellets hit and bend the rotor blades
>heli loses control and crashes
It's not impossible
>all this shit
>still job to fucking rebels
Why cut their dicks off tho? I know the Combine want to gradually kill off humanity via depop but wouldn't they want to keep the loyal servants around and reward them with the rights to breed?
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Inefficient and unpredictable. If you are a good soldier you will simply be templated and rapid growth cloned in pod.
Because HL2 has a dumb, superficial setting and story the sole purpose of which is to convey the "colonization bad" message
>all that to lose to shotgun right click
Heh nathan personnel
Pretty sure that's just for Metrocops, I assumed they actually get to fuck and impregnate their wives, female captives or sex slaves instead of a simulation but it's been like 20 years since I've played HL2 so my memory could be hazy about the details.
Why would they want some redundant mass of flesh dangling around the pelvis when this area could be repurposed for something much more useful like some extra synth stuff?
I’d rather join the Bronze Legion, Red Mist, or Vhoul Rebellion.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
No, they get 'non-mechanical reproduction simulation' which is probably some sort of VR sex simulation
So, is humanity a worthy addition to the combine forces or are transhuman soldiers the combine equivalent of low quality auxiliaries whose main utility is to be used in probing attacks to test enemy defenses?
they're immune to crotch strikes
What's the point of the crotch guard?
It's just missing a quirky colored wig.
Hate to break it to you but boot technology hasn't drastically changed since the 1500s
Sure they became a bit more environmentally specialized in the 20th century but fundamentally there is not much to improve on
They can pump feel good hormones directly into soldier's brain and they mass clone them.
important arteries are there
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>Real soldiers are off-world
you mean the cut combine guard? they seem to be almost entirely cybernetic apart for their heads
>about to shoot rebel scum
>she flashes her tits at me
>Overwatch couldn't find my micro-dick so they assumed I was born without one
>instantly diamonds
>boner energy shoots into my brain and overrides genocide_rebels.exe
>metallic crotch guard won't let my cock reach full mast
>the rebel escapes while i try to control my dick
Classic future dystopia. Everything is shiny and new, but your boots are shit.
Vader's boots canonically don't fit either for budget reasons and the man doesn't even have real feet.
This, it's all about
nah, the unskippable cutscene forced exposition where npcs talk to each other and you stand around like a retard is what ruins it
>Entropy Zero faggots like to play as a tranny with mental illness
I don't think they're breeding them naturally, probably taking gamete samples and then growing them in a vat.
Also it seems that humans at the soldier stage are beyond getting rewarded, they've been brainwashed, lobotomised and had cybernetic implants so they're loyal and never sleep. They're probably only motivated at that point by a little wire in their brain activated by good boy points.
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Why did they cut them?
don't fit the tone
Iirc the combine sterilize the races they assimilate and let them "survive" by cloning and vat growing as many as they need. It's what they do to the walkers, for instance.
Honestly felt like the Combine were just looking for a cheap garrison unit to leave on low-risk worlds.
>female soldiers
Wouldn't make sense.
Do you guys think Gman has a working dick?
are these from that book? raising the bar
Trust me when you're powerful and old you wouldn't care about impotency. Being in control is your new lust.
Dude barely has working lungs
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>enhanced brain
>STILL dumber than hecu that can't spell
the lobotmized AI in HL2 makes the game so boring to replay.
I’m replaying HL2 right now for the first time in 14 years.
The game is so much sillier than I remember it being. Having a lot of fun.
ever snap into a slim Jim?
Why do we geld bulls? It makes humans more docile and obedient, inhibiting their ability for independent pleasure which makes them easier to control. They can have precise control over population size, if they need more they just grow humans in vats, which is more efficient reproduction. Psychologically, it also makes humans more dependent on the Combine on a base and existential level. "Reproductive simulation" is specifically mentioned as a reward incentive for capturing Freeman.
It's a shame because the HECU marines were smarter than the Combine soldiers so valve could have improved the AI but did the bare minimum.
Imagine saying this.
both were brainwashed and subsequently had their reproductive organs removed so unironically yes
It really is.
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They're a mockery of the terror fleshy normies will feel when the Lord returns to destroy the Earth.
granted that was likely for balancing reasons and a design decision to not turn them into bullet sponges because it wouldn't be fun
you weren't using it anyway
Gman is a rogue/unconverted shu'ulathoi
at least their mouths are intact *wink*
The only thing the Combine can do is move and shoot at the same time, which sucks because it turns the game into a sprinting match instead of HL1 where waiting for the grunts to move and stop shooting would let you make your next move, whether it be advancing, retreating, repositioning etc. In HL2 you just sprint at the combine with the SMG every time.
Oh n-
made for BWC
Why are Half Life fans so mentally ill? 90% of half life "lore" is made up bullshit. The only lore that was ever given outside of what is explicitly said in the games is from early trailers and marketing websites and those are just small paragraphs and nothing else.
Everything in the OP other than "It's a modified human" is made up.
makes me wish i could wear a computer for some reason.
Kind of makes CP look more inviting than being a soldier, albeit you at least get to take off the mask at the end of the day but your still genetically a dead end but at least keep most of your autonomy.
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Play it with mods next time.
Not knowing anything about Half Life back in the early 2000's I always thought Gordon was a cyborg at the time when in fact he's just a nerd in a power suit.
Combine Soldiers are objectively smarter than HECUs, they just aren't as bullet spongy so you don't get to see many of their tricks.

Plus, a lot of HECU's "smart" tactics are actually incredibly stupid, like running away in the middle of a firefight to plant a grenade (and again, it wouldn't even work if they weren't so spongy against regular guns).
>same boring power trip section but slower
why would anybody want to do that
Fan art is fun.
>imagination is a mental illness
Are you an actual Combine Advisor? How did you find Earthnet?
>power trip section
It's actually pretty hard on, well, Hard. Barely any cover, waves of enemies chipping down your health rapidly and you can only kill them one by one.
Younger gen Z and A are just like this. They were raised in a monocultural panopticon.
Sounds like a (You) problem my nigga
What's your favorite fanfic? Do you watch a lot of gametheory?
Maybe? I don't know, that section with the elevator in particular feels harder than most HL2 content, which is fairly easy in general.

>What's your favorite fanfic?
Epistle III
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Anon....what is THAT
is this from official artbook?
now I see why some fag made a tranny mod
The combine had more advanced AI but Valve gutted it, probably due to playtester feedback
But yeah the HECU are neat and combine just feel like generic fps enemies
The Combine is the transdimensional alien equivalent of a megacorp and some paper pushing grub cut corners to please some shareholders.
>The combine had more advanced AI but Valve gutted it, probably due to playtester feedback
Where did you get that from?
His ass. The more advanced AI is still there. Combine soldiers are smarter and have more advanced AI routines than HECU soldiers.

There are other non-AI changes that have knock-off effects that might make the Combine soldiers feel weaker, such as Half-Life 2 tending to give players way more health so they feel less vulnerable when entering combat against soldiers, soldiers having way less health, and Half-Life 2 node graphs tending to not allow "nasty surprise" flanking moments, but none of those have to do with AI changes.
The problem with the Combine soldiers is because Valve fucked up with the placement of the soldier encounters in the level design which prevents them to showcase their maneuvers and them having relatively lower health. They tried to rectify the fights in the Episodes (the White House Inn fight most notably) but it's still very limited because of how easy it is for players to kill them.
They should have hired the level designer from FEAR.
To add to this, placement is more than just soldier placement, it's also node placement. In order for an AI to make smart decisions, it needs information on its environment. Half-Life and Half-Life 2 does this with nodes that are placed manually by the level designer. The nodes tell the AI where it can actually go, and what is there at that position. This makes it a powerful tool that the level designer can use as a leash on the AI to modulate difficulty. For example, it can keep an AI trapped at a specific location or prevent the AI from taking an unfair position, or tell the AI about good cover positions and good flanking positions.

It's also a very powerful tool for creating illusions of intelligence, which the celebrated FEAR AI uses. The level designers will set up a node that tells the AI: "this is a vending machine, you can run here, play an animation of pulling the vending machine down to turn into cover," or "this is a window, you can run here and jump through it right as a player is running by."
Yeah. They finally figured out the node placement thing in the Episodes, the White Fores Inn fight I mentioned is filled with those moments. The soldiers shoot through the windows and lob grenades through them, the soldiers and Hunters engaging the player with suppressive fire while other soldiers reload, stuff like that.
It's a shooter from 2004 that set the template for most fps after it.
Would you consider Ocarina of Time a gimmicky and boring game as well?
>It's a shooter from 2004 that set the template for most fps after it
That was Half-Life 1, the shooter from 1998. HL2 just added physics and facial animations to HL1.
Hence the problem, HECU were bulletspongey enough that you couldn't charge head on without power weapons. Also with the MP5s low accuracy, you were forced to close the distance a bit. Unlike HL2 where it seems like a lot of the time there's only 2-4 Overwatch on screen at any one time and they go straight down after half a mag of SMG ammo at any range. I will say the wave defense on Anticitizen One with Alyx did work great, though. Too many Overwatch to kill at once, with the Elite soldiers being a pain in the ass without AR2 ammo.
>Hence the problem
Yeah, just as I outlined it. I don't disagree with you here.

>I will say the wave defense on Anticitizen One with Alyx did work great
Last time I played HL2, I trapped my Rebel squad in the building nearby with some physics props and did that mission solo. Felt hard, but rewarding.
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I'd like to see a canon source for this.
The way Combine Soldiers are portrayed in HLA as very heavily mutilated would suggest that everything unnecessary has been removed, but thus far it's all just fan headcanon.
I'm skeptical of it personally, because the Combine use the deactivation of the suppression field as a bait for all humans. They say if you obey them, humans will eventually get to reproduce. Even Combine soldiers likely believe this, since they joke around in HLA and appear to retain a large part of their human personalities. But if the reproductive organs are removed, they have nothing to live for.
>set the template for most fps after it
while being one of the few devs to actually pull it off. I'd add the world building and the sound design to what >>689284687 said, but that's about it. It feels pretty janky too
I meant >>689283965,
not >>689284687
The answer is that it's fan art.
The boots are still boots obviously, so your point still stands, but they were likely manufactured in a Combine-controlled factory.
Human legs are pretty much the best thing you can get to be honest. It's mentioned in HLA that the soldiers have had their DNA heavily edited, so they probably have some sort of enhanced legs that allow them to carry more armor.
An average human has no idea what's going on under a Combine Solider armor. Hell, you don't even see any of them in the opening - only Metrocops.
That's the hydra
NTA but I agree, something doesn't add up. The main reason anyone would consider becoming a Metrocop and join the Combine is out of sheer will to gain some modicum of comfort like access to more food, living space and the right to procreate and reproduce besides the simple power trip of being a state mandated janny. If gaining higher rank means permanently sterilizing themselves then there is basically no reason for them to go on as they are genetic dead ends, they have no use for normal food either at that point.
>they joke around in HLA and appear to retain a large part of their human personalities.
They also get modified memories force-downloaded into them in the middle of combat to avoid loss of cohesion after suffering casualties so it's not unreasonable to assume they've had their reproductive urges edited out of them.
>since they joke around in HLA and appear to retain a large part of their human personalities
I thought that was a really strange decision, it doesn't really fit in at all with how Overwatch forces are depicted in HL2. Unless somebody decided that there are multiple levels of soldier now and the ones encountered in HLA are a sort of Metrocop+ type deal instead of the more advanced cyborg monster-soldiers from HL2.
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Exactly. If they are sterile, the explanation I've come up with is that once you get memory replacement, your brain no longer works normally. So humans get lured into a trap essentially by joining the Overwatch. Once you're in, you accept all the modifications, artificially suppressing any body dysmorphia you get. Maybe they tell you it's temporary, and convince you that they can regrow your body back to its natural state, or create offspring from your DNA artificially.
I think the idea was that since HLA is a prequel they haven't fully brainwashed them yet.
I'm thinking something but won't say it. The thing I'm thinking about gets shrieked about enough on /v/ already.
I think it's more you don't know exactly what youre signing up for when you get the procedure, after it's done you don't care because you've been engineered not to care.
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>since they joke around in HLA and appear to retain a large part of their human personalities
Alyx's soldiers were probably less modified than the ones we see in HL2 and episodes
The radio chatter in HL2 is quite human sounding and they react to various things like grenades with panicked yells. I think Valve just couldn't fit any specific funny scenes or location-specific dialogue in the game, whether it's due to pacing or technical reasons.
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>Alyx's soldiers were probably less modified than the ones we see in HL2 and episodes
Mentally less modified, possibly. Physically they're more modified to the extent that their masks are fused to their faces, which is a lot more invasive than the modifications on HL2's soldiers.
I think Metrocops basically make concessions and are gradually groomed and incentivized to become less human as a way to get ahead in Combine society in something akin to a social credit system. I don't think its ever stated how long it takes for a Metrocop to join Overwatch but I reckon it's a long gradual process which gets constantly scrutinized in order to weed out non-believers, depending on the individual's willingness to make concessions and eventually want to join Overwatch themselves after their spirit has been utterly broken and they've become desensitized to the brutality and hatred for humanity.
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fuck's sake lmfao
>Human legs are pretty much the best thing you can get to be honest.
They aren't. Large bipedal avians blow us the fuck out of the water, because they've had more time for bones to evolve. Their feet for example only have 3 bones which means they're massively less likely to break something when running or slipping. Humans do some things very well and others very poorly.
Fair enough, but I'm thinking more from a Combine standpoint. They want their soldiers to drive human-compatible vehicles, move in human buildings and just do everything humans do, but better. Some sort of avian legs would probably be good for running, if the Combine had a footsoldier that specifically had to do that.
I'm sure their thinking is that more or less retaining their human appearance would allow them to control the human population more effectively.
*Everything* with the Combine is viewed through the lens of cost benefit, not what's optimal. The goal is to extract maximal value from Earth for minimum effort, and further optimizing humans beyond what's necessary is a resource expenditure which doesn't need to be paid unless circumstances change.
Yo can you please go be insane elsewhere?
Okay but human ankles suck, they're a crap hack from when we had hands for feet.

Like the first thing you'd do is replace human ankles and feet with ostrich ankles.
Also why would you not mechanize at that point? Brain in a box, robot body gets damaged just swap out modular parts.
>ostrich ankles
Is that your fetish or something?
Too much work + you'll have to design special equipment.

Combine Overwatch is basically an evaluation test. If they excel, they'll get the synth treatment - genetically modified vat-grown super soldiers with biological hardpoints for equipment. They won't be lugging around MP7s anymore, or using gas masks, they'll have biological filters and attachment points for energy weapons, like Striders and Gunships. If they fail (which they did, btw) Combine'll just find another planet with more efficient life forms, or use the Invasion Force they already have.
le funny words from 20 times translated and edited bronze age jew book
Whoa xD
ripping the stitches still hurts
where can i see some pics of these
>950 megabyte hard drive
holy shittttt that's insane storage for such a small space
is there still a HLRP scene nowadays?
>yellow text on white background
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>Backed by DARPA funding
these shadowy fuckers are everywhere
it's cheaper
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Slow your roll a bit, anon.
i hate schizos so much its unreal
I think I'm good, anon. Your approach to Christianity is pretty unorthodox.
CPs are definitely all male since they're unmodified humans but soldiers could definitely be a mix of male and female since they're so fucked up underneath the suit. Combine might reject females due to performing worse physically but they probably don't give a shit, just pump them full of implants, hand them a gun and tell them to kill people. They would all look the same though, breast tissue would definitely get chopped off.
nah they also ruined their AI in an update a year or two back, ruined their pathfinding and ability to cover each other
hopefully they fixed it or reverted whatever fucked it up
that update that ruined like 100's of custom HL2 maps because they changed the way things loaded and other shit
> Combine might reject females due to performing worse physically
It's not just physical difference, also different bone and brain structure. Women simply aren't built for soldiering no matter how much they'd modify them and it would be a waste of resources on human females when the Combine already have the stronger sex to work with.
This is why trannies are being pushed
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Some of the concept art for these guys is really great because it reminds you that most of the species you see in HL2 have been heavily modified by the combine. This thing barely resembles a human, only retaining its torso, four limbs and upright posture. Everything else has been stripped away or fucked up beyond repair.
I've always wondered what unmodified Striders, Gunships and Dropships looked like. There's obvious changes like the addition of guns, clearly prosthetic metal parts and dropship pod, but what else has been removed? Personally I feel like the whole top of the Strider has been replaced with some kind of armor plate, it probably didn't look like that to begin with. Hell, gunships and dropships may have not even been capable of flight before modification, they could have been water-borne and now just have all those engines stuck in them. They could be missing eyes, limbs, hair, fur, the ability to speak, etc. We think of most of these things as dumb animals but stalkers have also been reduced to that state.
yeah i've always wanted to know what the gunships/dropships were, them being aquatic based seems pretty plausible
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They just look so flexible flying around, flying whale cyborgs.
>Valve updating old games
Is there ever a reason? I remember Steampipe fucking up absolutely everything, even a decade later has SMOD even been fixed?
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Thoughts on the HLX/3 leaks?
>more semi-open world areas like the final battle in EP2
>weather system
>day & night cycle
>shifting gravity mechanics
>full physics destruction via voxels
>houndeyes are back
>Xen is back and we might even travel to other dimensions
>next gen version of L4D's AI director as the killer feature and the main selling point of the game
>HEV Mark VI
hl3 never ever though
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Idgaf about any half life 3 bullshit leaks until I see official gameplay straight from valve. It's been 17 years since the orange box, RRRREEEEEEEEE.
I think a lot of that sounds good but to me the tone is quite important.
The way that HL2 felt kept everything pretty grounded to Gordon, and people.
Even when you're blowing the citadel and launching a satellite, which throws a wrench in the multidimensional enslavement machine, much of the experience was how Gordon and the resistance members were making in through the terrible circumstances they found themselves in one step and objective at a time.

I think Epistle 3 shows that there was an opportunity to contrast that feeling in a big way, when you are suddenly confronted with the reality of what it is you're really doing, rather than hyping up all sorts of things beforehand.
The ingame talk about the Borealis already started to shift the scope of the narrative, so I think there is a risk of ending up with a completely different feeling game by jumping off again so many years later.
Better support VR. Alyx and HL2VR made it hard to go back to flat Half-Life
It just doesn't really feel like Half-Life anymore without Laidlaw.
Laidlaw is massively overrated. By his own admission he contributed almost nothing to Half-Life. He did contribute more to Half-Life 2, but Half-Life 2 is a much bigger game with many more key contributors, Laidlaw's absence is easily drowned out by the absence of other people.
crazy how good this shit sounded
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The best snipers are women [citation: Kojima]
Smod developers from bsnooch made a fully standalone launcher for smod years ago and you just launch it from there now.
I've poured hours into reading the source 2013 code on gituhub and a bit sad watching all that work for creating tasks and schedules is mostly wasted on super short encounters. This can be alliviated by clever usage of hint nodes and scripted sequences in your maps. Like you can ai schedules that only trigger if an AI gets close enough, then have an event where they flip over a table, close a door, do an animation etc. Ive been experimenting with combine soldiers that drop Ai_sound danger on death. So if you try to hide behind a corner the others will back off if the first guy dies.
if the combine hadnt converted people yet, what forces did they win the seven hour war with? a bunch of Shu'ulathoi?
Barney looks like THAT!?
how the fuck did barney fool the combine into thinking he was one of them
Barney was a metrocop not a soldier dum dums
He did a Buffalo Bill and tucked it between his legs.

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