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Imagine turning an immersive citybuilder, where your relationship to your city and it inhabitants is intimate and personal, into a 4x strategy, politics simulator.
Never played these. What's wrong with that?
It is hard to imagine being so based
I mean kudos for trying something different.. but if you enjoy this game you did not enjoy the first one (at least not for the same reasons)
The first game is a city builder/survival simulator taking place in a frozen wasteland, where you plop down buildings and watch as each individual citizen plows through chest-high snow to build it, and each building has cool little animations, and despite the desperation imposed by the harsh weather, the city looks cozy in the warm parts - heated by the huge central generator, and steam hubs (its steampunk but without the cringe).

Now this sequel zooms the player way out of the cozy city, and instead of plopping down individual buildings you plop down entire districts that build themselves on a 4x grid. Whereas in the first game a population of 800 is huge (the max i think), in this game you start with 3000.
you cant blame jews for everything anon
well... I'm sold on it. When it's coming out?
It's a good move. Never cared about the people in the first game, they were just numbers to me.
Why would they just make the same game twice?
B-but the cost anon, how could you make the children work in the coal mines anon, didn't you feel bad for them
I think you meant to a say a visual novel
you're right. starcraft 2 should have been a dating sim
The first game is a (pretty good) light puzzle game themed around a city with story elements tied into it fairly well. There is remarkably little freedom in the actual city planning part, apart from pre-placed story decisions.
almost like people wanted that to be expanded upon and meaningful in a sequel.
Whether you care or not, is not the issue. Its the intimacy of your decisions that they changed. You could favor Order and cracking down on dissent, over keeping them happy, because yes they are just numbers, and the small scale of it means you see the effects of your decisions. The new game is just a spreadsheet puzzle with an aesthetic.

>why would a sequel build off the original????
>its totally normal to change the genre of a sequel guys!!
>and the small scale of it means you see the effects of your decisions.
I don't understand what you mean by that. Is it zooming in and just looking at the people walking around?
you're an idiot
Why poles are such a fucking retard? All they have to do is just take the first one gameplay and refine it, and yet they still fucked it up.
The small scale population. For example in the sequel your starting pop is fucking 3000 lol. So your decisions dont feel important; the number got bigger? or smaller for whatever reason? yawn... you can get the same affect with a calculator.
/v/, the videogame discussion board where people screech, whine and throw tantrum because a sequel isn't a enough of a rehash.

We need more cut-and-paste sequels! Even to games that very clearly already completely exhaused their premise in the first place.

Honestly, I am absolutely shocked /v/'s favorite company isn't Ubisoft at this point.
You didn't play the game
Sequel should improve on the previous game not completely change the game mechanics.
Why even bother calling it a sequel if it is a different type of game?
>exhausted their premise in the first place.
but the sequel is the same premise? and changing the genre is not innovation you fucking retard
Hi, 11bits intern.
What innovation? This shit is straight ripoff from civ
My two complaints are that it crashes too often and that buildings are too efficient. Past the early game it's pretty easy to have half of your people unemployed while still meeting their needs.
People are retards who didn't play past the first five minutes if they think this is too different from the first game. The "politics" is literally just On The Edge's settlements where you can wring them dry and abuse their easy mechanics for more resources. ESPECIALLY Evolvers' overpowered ability just being a global bonus to production.
The most annoying thing about it is they didn't learn anything about QoL controls from the first game, you still have to manually turn off buildings instead of having a shortcut for it, you HAVE to first build the housing district then expand it two different times instead of being able to just fully max one out from the get go.
Will the game be fun? If the answer is yes, then it doesn't matter if they change the genre. This was the logical destination after the city gets established: it grows into a proper one then politics starts to take place. I will only complain if the new mechanics are boring and or they removed ( without adding ) any of the comfy stuff from the first game.
The torrent is already out, you can see it for yourself
so the opposite of civ 7?
>>why would a sequel build off the original????
That's exactly what it fucking did
The first game you built a small town, now you build a big city
That's progress
Oh based. I will form my own opinion then.
>guys, devil may cry 6 is now a card based game! thats progress!
so the delay added nothing?
You are fucking retarded
devil may cry doesn't logically progress into a card game in any way
>You didn't play the game
I actually played a lot of Frostpunk. Which is why I know that as cute and cool as the premise was, it was also incredibly gimmicky and well past exhausted by the time the second DLC came out.

>but the sequel is the same premise?
It's not, in any way. It's not even remotely the same story premise, and it literally isn't the same genre either.

>This shit is straight ripoff from civ
I don't think you played either civ, or even seen footage of Frostpunk 2. Having hex-based terrain does not mean it's the same thing as civ. Not even remotely, you absolute idiot. How old are you?
Late access tomorrow! wooooohooooo
You seem upset
>so the delay added nothing?
They did say they are delaying purely for QoL and polish reasons, so I'm not sure what you expected it would add. Apparently the closed beta test revealed people had some issues with things like readability and U.I. in general, as well as with some mechanic's tutorialization and stuff.

They sure as fuck didn't add a few months delay to completely change the god damn game.
>We sure as fuck didn't add a few months delay to completely change the god damn game.
then im not interested
>into a 4x strategy, politics simulator.
Hey OP, can you actually tell me what the four X's in the 4x label stand for?
The first part is survival, the second part is politics. I'll turn on the TV if I want to see politics and not this fucking game.
Thanks for letting us all know. We will value and treasure and maintain this incredible information for decades!
Don't play the game then
Don't let the door hit you on the way out
I mean, you probably should. maybe before you get too far in to change anything next time.
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im pretty sure even the devs know it was a bad decision to make Frostpunk 2 a more snowy Cities Skylines, there is literally zer0 advertising and hype around this game, they are ASHAMED to talk about their own game.

All i wanted from Frostpunk 2 was more buildings, and more challenge (another city to compete with or something).

If i wanted motherfucking Cities Skylines in snow, i would play motherfucking Cities Skylines.
the game is boring, almost all mechanics are removed/replaced, the weather is not scary anymore
You don't watch ads. How do you not understand this, you fucking retard?
And the hilarious delusions keep pilling on.
what do you even mean
I'm talking about your absurd narcissistic delusions, what do you think I'm talking about?
I need you to tell me what those are exactly.
1) the absurd delusion that anyone gives a flying fuck about your interest in the game
2) the absolutely INSANE delusion that somehow the fucking developers are lurking in this place just to listen to your fucking opinion of the game.

How old are you?
you got a pretty active imagination
>it Frostpunk 2 being advertised?
ok thanks.
i can and i will!
yes i can, because its usually accurate.
The moral message of the original was fucking stupid. People are leaving through a fucking apocalypse. There is no place for "oh no muh feeling hurt I can't work in a mine" NIGGA IF YOU DON'T WORK WE ARE ALL FUCKING DEAD.
Treating all your people as a resource is completely fine in such a dire situation.
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all they had to do was just add more laws, more buildings, more maps.
turning the game into Cities Skylines is pure fucking stupidity.
Just.... why.
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Stop being a psychopath you retard. We didn't survive thousands of years to evolve empathy to not use it.
all my frostpunk runs end with my building robots and realizing 1. human labor is useless 2. humans, being useless, are a waste of resources

and that's when I got sold on AI replacing us
The moral message itself isn't wrong, but it does become hilarious due to some major oversimplifications and the EXTREMELY limited checks it does before providing it's "verdict".

Yeah, I did sign the law that allows kids to work, but I ended up not employing them past the first week.
Yeah, I did build a prison just to prepare, but I ended up not needing it as all conflicts eventually could be solved more amicably. Hell, building a prison is not a bad thing in and off itself, it's literally what civilized countries do, it's only an abuse of that power that is bad.

Yet the game chastized me like I've implemented some kind of insane drakonic totality, because it's the mere action of signing a law, rather than the way you apply those laws, that register to the game's ending slides.

I literally won the game saving every single refugee wave, and only lost total of like 15 people, 12 of which were scouts I forgot to send back when the white cloud appeared.

Not a single kid gravely injured or dead, not a single person asking for help rejected, not a single person imprisoned for dissent, I think I had like one person exiled for pre-medidated murder.

Yet the ending slides still went "was it all WORTH IT?!" on me, which frankly, I just had to laugh at because... yeah, my conscience really was fucking clean.

It's a matter of poor execution rather than poor idea, it's a bit over-zealous and comes across as either incorrect, or naive, but it could be polished into a pretty solid message if they had more experience and resources.
You need to stop. Frostpunk 2 is nothing like a 4x game, and nothing like Cities Skylines, and no, adding more laws and buildings onto Frostpunk 1 would not make it a good game, it would be absolutely idiotic and ironically, THAT would push the game towards being City Skylines instead of being it's own thing.

I get that you are crying with angst and insecurity because a game isn't catering to your own personal specific desires of a 7th grader, but you need to calm the fuck down and stop spouting literal fucking nonsense.
Any good? I love CK3.
I deleted the torrent version after three hours, boring political reading simulator. Money saved.
Is it even like that, it feels like Frostpunk on a larger scale, I'm actually enjoying it, although it's not as optimal as the first one, I like that industries require inputs rather than just requiring the initial building and then labour and done, and that resources aren't infinite.
I also like the part where you realize that you can establish multiple colonies but it's all in the same world space.
Is first one even good or just another streamer game?
I can never fucking believe just how much discussion over the first game is dominated by asshurt over the words on the ending slide
Game is made for libtards by libtards
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stop what, saying what the game really is?
im playing the pirated version for a couple days now, and i will probably just delete the torrent and replay Frostpunk 1 again.
>its zoomed the fuck out, no feeling of connection to the city
>you build entire districts
>the feeling of the end of the world is gone, its cities skylines with more snow now
>Is first one even good or just another streamer game?
It's neat if you go into it with the right expectations. It's a neat 8-12 hour long survival game with dense atmosphere and some interesting one-off events and dillema's.

It's bad if you expect an actually fully fleshed out city-builder. The actual city-building is a paper-thin veneer for what effectively is a linear and tightly structured story.
This also means that the replay value is extremely low, because most of the fun comes from fixed twisted, turns and events that throw you some curve balls. But once you know they are coming and what they'll do, they become trivial and the excitement is gone.

The games greatest strenght is in atmosphere and presentation, honestly, and in the novelty of the concept.
Just don't expect a game that will offer more than 2 runs worth of content, or any real depth in terms of being a city-builder, and you can have fun with it.
>stop what, saying what the game really is?
>its zoomed the fuck out, no feeling of connection to the city
>you build entire districts
>the feeling of the end of the world is gone, its cities skylines with more snow now
I'm just going to leave that entirely unaltered so that everyone can marvel at your fucking deranged ravings. I literally don't have to add anything else.

You need professional help, child.
People said the first had no replayability, but I still ended up sinking a lot of time into it, especially with Endless mode

And this time the game is launching with that, thank goodness
And they're boasting of mod support, so now players can step up and fill in where they get lazy
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you seem upset.
Man, the sequel is pretty dumbed down in terms on morality.
My food stores are literally overflowing, game.
>Okay, but will you do [EVIL ACTION] for [MORE BENEFITS] or will you do [OBVIOUSLY GOOD ACTION] for [FEW BENEFITS]???
I feel like if I choose the obviously bad choice, the game (the developers) will chastise and punish me later for it. Like the choice to slice open corpses for organs versus burying them.
>Uh oh, looks like 600 elderly decided to kill themselves so they didn't have lose their organs when they died! :^)
NTA, but you're literally going
and then when someone calls you out on it you go
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who are you quoting?
you seem to be having a meltdown right now.
How was morality different in the first one
>The londonchuds are protesting, wyd? A. Send in the guard B. Let the continue
Now repeat that 3 times
>You let them talk? Well, have an achievement and a lowering their numbers down to 3
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Fuck the Pilgrims, I hate those fucking commies so goddamn much, I will kill them all the first chance I get
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I played the first map and thought something was wrong. That explains a lot.
After Darkest Dungeon 2 there seems to be an awful trend of surprise hit indies trying to reinvent themselves instead of just doing a logical sequel and flopping for it what is going on
DD2 didn't 'reinvent itself', it was still a turn-based RPG based around four-slot combat encounters where positioning limits abilities and their impact
trend? I think just about every indie sequel lost the plot on what people like from their games. It's harder to find the ones that understood what people wanted and liked, Hades 2 being a good example.
Probably because indie developers don't start making their first breakout game with the logic of "this is going to be a 10+ years long running IP with an entire revolving troupe of developers, so we really need to ration our ideas out to ensure we that one token improvement to justify the following 3 sequels already promised to our investors!"
It's pretty retarded when you manage to keep everyone alive, feel good about yourself, but then the game goes "you yelled at that one guy who was stealing and hording food at his house didn't kill him, just told him to stop, so I wonder if staying alive was actually worth it and if we wouldn't be better off dead".
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The first game was literally the most confusing city builder I played in my life. I start it up, I set the difficulty to whatever the default was, and then I don’t think I made a single decision the entire game, I just did the most obvious thing to do, and effortlessly won the entire game with what I assume was basically the best ending. I think I got through the entire game in something like an hour, and then I never played it again because it didn’t seem evident to me that there was anything left I had to learn. I’m genuinely questioning if my recollection of the game is even remotely accurate because typing that out doesn’t even make sense to me but I’m almost completely certain thats just what happened. I have the cheevo for winning so i definitely DID.
The game is currently on the top 10 steam sellers and has already reached 11k concurrent players before late launch arrives. Flop? What the fuck are you people even talking about?
Unless its budget was a bajillion dollars more than the original, it's very unlikely the game will flop.
As someone who really liked the first but was a bit tired of the gameplay loop after the DLCs, I'm actually enjoying this sequel quite a lot. It's different but yet still feels familiar in may aspects.
This board has been overrun by nintendo cocksuckers. what did you expect? they hate innovation and love pokemon
I don't care how retarded it is, the point is how daft that it seems to be the ONLY thing that gets talked about for this game
No, YOU can't. Watch me.
>strange how people only talk about the time he crashed into a wall going 150 instead of the thousands of miles he drove without incident before that
Yeah, weird.
>and has already reached 11k concurrent players before late launch arrives.
better than FFXVI???
too much was changed, imo at this point it shouldnt even be called frostpunk anymore.
Does the whole game before the ending slides just not exist for you

If I was going to complain about problems, I'd start with some of the retarded quirks about how the people function

Or like how the rations aren't actually rationed, and I'll cook up a hundred food while all 80 of my populace are starving and when its all gone there are still 10 people starving, now advancing to severely starving
My problem with it is the scale and abstraction. Frostbreak and huge digger machines just appear out of nowhere? Horrible.
In the first game there was so much amazing detail to look at, the art direction was incredible. Now its so fucking soulless bros what happened. Did every artist leave?
>The moral message itself isn't wrong,
Stopped reading there btw
>Yeah, weird.
Young people are obscenely insecure. The game presenting what can be potentially percieved as negative judgement towards them sends them into an absolute spin of seething and rage. This has been going on for a very long time.

Complete, fundamental insecurity is now by far the biggest and most widespread civilizational disease that west has to contest with. For several decades now we have been producing people who cannot handle any form of even the slightest implied negativity towards themselves.
Frostbreak shouldn't even be in the game to begin with imo, useless mechanic that just makes you waste time.
It's the only thing that's annoying me so far.
Increase construction costs to take removing it into account and it's done.
Made it to like chapter 5 where your factions are fighting it out in a civil war, lost to a no confidence vote. Not really sure how I feel about the game. Despite have a huge area to build a city, I got most of my resources from out in the wastes. So my New London is virtually empty, it's not much fun as a city builder. I only really like the politicking stuff so far.
>too much was changed
It literally is the first game but bigger and with some politics that you can ignore if you don't want to balance the factions.
>veganism is inherently moral and eating meat is inherently immoral
This is such a stupid fucking argument.
I dont care if seals are cute when human beings are starving, also plants are living things too so if you're cool with eating those and not meat youre already making arbitrary moral concessions
1 wasn't perfect in this regard
Coal apparently teleported itself into the generator
And automatons somehow working a gatherer's hut by just sitting on top of it, same for a coal mine
plants can't suffer, as far as we can tell.

someone will now post that fringe research about plants screaming though.
Pretty sure the dilemma over seals is more the long-term sustainability of hunting them vs full on exploiting them for a bigger bounty right now
they chemically react to being cut so they do feel pain
crabs feel pain too
This is one of the worst and most retarded threads I have ever seen on this board. These are some of the shittiest opinions, explained in the most incoherent fucking ways.

I'm hyped for Frostpunk 2 and didn't know the torrent was out, so I'm going to go download it now. They couldn't have just remade Frostpunk because that formula was completely exhausted. Any game that merely expanded on that formula wouldn't have been different enough to be a sequel, and wouldn't have brought enough to the table to justify buying it. It would have been Frostpunk 1.5, not Frostpunk 2.
Yeah but those are understandable for a game without a true logistics mechanic, in this you dont even need to dedicate tiles to roads. When I zoomed in on a halfassed district model in the beta and realized thats all there was, no comfy claustrophobic steamy core to zoom into, no snow covered tents, no crowded fight pit at shifts end, no frosty windows of the research workshop, etc I was upset.
Im not saying this sequel is bad but man it seems like a huge mistake to not realize that intimacy was one of peoples most beloved thing about the original, and to totally remove it all in the sequel.
I defined frostpunk by the detailed city building aspect more than i did by the political decisions.
So if thats what it boils down to whats wrong with killing an animal instantly and painlessly in order to eat it?
moral dilemmas are even more retarded
>79 year old granny who cannot work is asking with other old people to fuck off instead of leeching resources
gee what a difficult decision
>entire fucking coal mine is burning, we can save it but we need to suffocate the flames and kill some child workers
I think I let everyone fucking die from cold to save a few children
You will see what people mean. The problem isnt a new formula the problem is the soulless execution of it that betrays an expectation of attention to detail and artistic effort you may have after playing the original
is the last autumn dlc worth it?
Yes, it's the best one
what's wrong with killing a human instantly and painlessly in order to eat them? you only get mad cow disease if you eat the brain, the rest is safe to eat. if you want to talk about arbitrary distinctions, start there.

secondly, it's a moot question because that doesn't happen. you can construct your hypothetical and make your point but we both know how our food is actually made.

veganism is not solely about suffering, but it largely is, and the reality is that animals suffer. if we ignore this largest part of veganism as some exercise in intellectual rigor, then two things remain:
1. that life is an end in and of itself, not a means to an end, and therefore animals can't be used
2. that life has inherent value

why does this not apply to plants? maybe it does. maybe you will prove that to me. but the intellectual core of veganism stems from recognising that animals are pretty much the same as humans in all the ways that matter and therefore we must extend our conception of human rights to animals in some way. i don't see how plants could be the same as humans in these ways.
If you were in a good enough spot that you didn't have to choose the dire option, then just feel glad about it

On the opposite side was this guy >>689300407, who wasn't adequately prepared for disaster and now confuses having to commit dire actions for the game moralizing him
>the intellectual core of veganism
So you see fit to force everybody to accept your own cherrypicked moralism about what living beings are deserving of premature death?
The only argument you have presented about eating plants being moral is “well i just like it better that way”
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This is literally all these dipshits are talking about
'Should we hunt the seals to extinction or not'
if seals are living fine in a frost covered world, why arent they being farmed instead?
That could just be one of the animals that all those hunters that set out from the hunter's huts go out and poach
>So you see fit to force everybody to accept your own cherrypicked moralism about what living beings are deserving of premature death?
everyone who has an opinion on anything faces the same question, so i don't know why you're acting like this is some dilemma specific to veganism. law is never voluntary, that's the whole point of having it.

>The only argument you have presented about eating plants being moral is “well i just like it better that way”
no, i said that refusing to extend human rights to animals is arbitrary because animals resemble humans. plants do not resemble humans and therefore there is no reason to extend human rights to them. to give just one example, plants do not grieve their dead, whereas we observe animals doing this all the time. but it is not any sole particular behaviour, but rather the totality, that makes the difference.
correct, frostbreaking should be part of the construction process
>people are freezing to death due to lack of shelter
>have materials to build them
>have the manpower
>lack of heatstamps
>Sorry but we will rather freeze to death than work for no heatstamps, chud!
Bravo devs, bravo!
You should at least add an option to go into negative and decrease trust for it.
But current mechanic is just bullshit and immersion breaking.
I am fine with this change if the game is good

I absolutely despised how linear and fake the first game was. After your first playthrough your thinking "damn that was decent, let me see if I can try something different" only to realize the entire game is pretty much on rails.
>what's wrong with killing a human instantly and painlessly in order to eat them?
Nothing, people trapped in frozen wastelands have done so and they didn't go to jail.
Thats a lot of words to just say “Yeah plants are different just because i say so because i eat those ones and made morality out of meat”
Can't they just make them rebel against you and just make it clear that their own regime afterwards crumbles due to lack of planning? That would be easier to understand.
Why the fuck are you here? Go away.
>turn your rations into gruel, allowing more people to survive without running out of food
because your devs lied to me with the first game by pretending it was a city builder. therefore I will always shit on FP1 and it's fanbase
>Bravo devs, bravo!
Ever heard of Unions?
Has these leftoid devs ever addressed this bullshit?
Polacks somehow can make the sequel even more boring than the first.
>force children to work safe jobs inside with warm heating
>build prisons for criminals who steal food from those that need it most
Address what? It just pops up at the end amidst the other crap things your people had to put up with to get by
it's the best part of the whole game.
it literally ruins the entire game
>this tiny patch of frostlands may house the last few living seals
Press X to doubt.
>Prisons are...LE BAD
This is your brain on the average libertarian
This is the same board that worships Nintendo so yeah.
it mentions for other animals later that they're (animals) are basically slowly dying out
If you're an obsessive pissy little bitch
Is the sequel leftoid drivel or actually good?
I'm not really sure why I don't enjoy this. I usually like 4x games, even hands-off ones like Distant Worlds 2 but this one doesn't do anything for me.
Even if that's not the case, there's still a difference between maintaining a seal colony that you can keep exploiting sustainably vs that colony just wiped out for short-term gains
Its because of your political thoughts invading your brain at every minute.
Might as well have been.
Who the fuck cares about Starcraft 2 or even remembers anything about it except the disastrous launch and mediocre campaign and how it's dead and barely played now?
I'd probably have the elders sent out. Wish I could do the same with boomers today.
Can I create a frozen fascist chudtopia with mandated marriages, women being forced into pregnancies, Chad being the breeding bull, children yearning for the mines or will I get downvooted from passing the laws in the parliament by the Frozencirclejerk party?
2 has mod support this time, so if you want...
Isn't it the point of a sequel to take the core gameplay and evolve it? Like from Jak and Daxter to Jak 2, or Synthetik to Synthetik 2?
Is it out yet?
think i'll wait a bit and just play the new against the storm dlc instead
Resources can become infinite.
>Isn't it the point of a sequel to take the core gameplay and evolve it?
> where your relationship to your city and it inhabitants is intimate and personal
you replaced people with automatons the second you could
>into a 4x strategy, politics simulator.
lmao even
The point hes making is correct it isnt about the mechanics but the presentation being a step down from the first, even the UI.
The gameplay isnt bad and ultimately theres more depth to it than the first but will it make for a better game altogether? I guess well see
>the first game is really really good and unique
>lets change everything
>ui is kinda meh
>low replayability, same as 1
everything else is good and you’re retarded if you think otherwise
doesnt the end card tell you they hunt them sustainably if you dont slaughter them all
>First game is about ekeing out a meager existence against all odds
>Second game is about the new civilization, now relatively secure in their new world, getting higher ambitions and competing with each other over ideology now that survival isn't an immediate concern.
That sounds like they're building off the first game to me desu, it's an escalation of a civilization's priorities. Once we're not worried we'll be dead in a day, we start to have ambition.
>lets change everything
Did you expect the second game to be unique by being the same as the first game?
Do you not know what the word "unique" means?
Reddit spacing.
Fascist larpers hate being told that their objectively horrible policies are horrible.
>Game 2 should be a 1:1 carbon copy of Game 1
/v/ really is a shithole of iterative slop guzzlers
>game pushes you towards killing off all the worthless old people
In the same way dark souls is unique, and elden ring is too, but they are both souls likes
Frostpunk was unique enough to have other games copy them
But no they gotta throw that away to make cities skylines but.... morally ambiguous????
I honestly can’t believe anybody who went through more than like 3 scenarios in the base game wanted more of the same. The formula was ran into the ground before 1 even finished, and you want another game that’s just like it? Why?
It's pretty gay they changed the policy system from you being a dictator to a democracy where you have to earn/buy votes before doing anything. What a downgrade.
You’re no longer one week away from extinction so people don’t want an all-powerful dictator. That… makes sense to me?
posts like this make me realize how stupid and disingenuous /v/ actually is
Was the morality system/choices made more, uh, sensible or is still the pearl clutchy/nonsensical kind?
(oh you need to send a kid to start the generator because grown people are too big, but it’s super risky and isn’t risking a child’s life just terrible??! oh btw if the generator doesn’t start then literally everyone dies, including that kid. now think REALLY hard how much you’re willing to sacrifice!)
If you want the first experience, you can always just play the first game
Sounds good? What the fuck is your problem?
Anyone trying to pass Ceremonial Funerals gets thrown out into the cold. We aint got the space nor time to dig a hole in the frozen ground and toss a body in. Those organs can save people RIGHT NOW. Fuck YOUR feelings, what about the feelings of the parents whose child needs that liver right now and is still alive?
I'll trade a healthy child who'll become a healthy worker, over your feelings, any day.




And no faggots tho
This game already kino
Filtered by soup
LOL shut up faggot! I command the little ants in the snow and they dance to my every comand! Game is great so far.
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> We aint got the space nor time to dig a hole in the frozen ground and toss a body in.
Not my problem
>Those organs can save people RIGHT NOW.
Yours first
I just want a game where I can build a fascist/theocratic dictatorship and survive hardships.
>In the same way dark souls is unique
That is a great example: Dark Souls are unique because there is such thing as Souls-like to a point where a serious genre fatigue has already set in. You fucking donkey.

>But no they gotta throw that away to make cities skylines but.... morally ambiguous????
Oh, it's you.

Let have a fun little recap of what you said earlier:
>its zoomed the fuck out, no feeling of connection to the city
>you build entire districts
>the feeling of the end of the world is gone, its cities skylines
Because it is STILL really fucking funny.

On an unrelated note: Does your wrangler know you are on the computer again?
Seems very realistic to me. People are stupid and will often fight for the short term thing that feels right to them but doom themselves in the longterm.
you are a massive, risible pseud lmao
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>first game's line is THE CITY MUST SURVIVE
>Second game's line isn't THE CITY MUST GROW
That was just my statement, my opinion.
>to a point where a serious genre fatigue has already set in
Yeah, like elden ring selling like shit and chinese gow/ds hybrid selling like shit and even clones like lies of p who only got combat right selling like shit
factorio is next month, chuddie. it even has frost planet.
the ending slide just spouts a bunch of vague subjective bs no matter what you do, the number of people overthinking it is hilarious.
like I did the ARK scenario. didn't realize the game would just end at the goal date and we wouldn't have to actually weather the storm like the main scenario, failed literally all the goals because the game just ended out of nowhere. I replayed it and completed the main goal but ignored the other settlement and the messages were literally the same as if you just failed outright.
the game needs some sort of objective rating screen for how you did but that probably goes against what they want.

even then taking any of it personally is hilarious, who fucking cares what the imaginary retards think? They fucking lived and I'm their fucking god, get over it.
>Oh, it's you.
I've made now a total of 3 posts in this thread
Can you point them out?
The first game had you becoming British Stalin. I’m not sure how more political it can be
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thanks dear anon
The fact that I already cited your previous absolutely hilarious posts should have told you that this isn't going to work, child.
you can basically become a dictator again
it's much worse than the first game
ok based?
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Anyone yet find if it runs on a garbage card? I'm still using a GTX 1070
>your relationship to your city and it inhabitants is intimate and personal
yeah like a CEO's relationship to his thirdie coal miner is intimate and personal
Hey if the dude dies you have to replace him, i'd say that's pretty personal
>replace all of them with automatons
peak personal
>I'll trade a healthy child who'll become a healthy worker
Not how organ transplants work, especially in a situation like frostpunk
Oh yeah don't forget organ transplants still worked even if no one ever actually dies

Also one time I tried doing the Fall of Winterhome and specifically allowed shitloads of people to die at the start so that when the dreadnought is discovered there will easily be enough space onboard for everyone left, and sure enough they still talk like people are going to be left behind, and the ending screen still reads like people were
>Increase construction costs to take removing it into account and it's done.
maybe something similar to old Settlers where building took longer to build due to uneven terrain?
It runs on my old system with a ryzen 2600 and rx570 4gb but performance is pretty awful.
I like it even though it's incredibly short but the performance issues are getting to me when the city starts getting big, the audio starts crackling too it's fucked
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>New London
>no niggers
Sounds kino desu
only high skill individuals were allowed to join the initial expedition. The only two niggers in the game were a part of some mercenary murrican band you found near tesla city lmao
So how's the game, it fun?
it’s decent
ui could use some polish tho
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i play the prologue and i failed. I don't even know how or why i did everything they told me.
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I'm surprised they didn't include any in the DLCs as well. I could imagine a "highly skilled individual from Murrica" overseeing the place in the Last Autumn
Looks like 11Bit is still on wahmen phase
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I see FP is on 90% sale so I was thinking about buying it. Are the DLCs worth it? Should I get GOTY edition or just one DLC that has mostly positive reviews on steam?
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I would like to know this too, Last Autumn premise looks interesting
Maybe just buy it vanilla and then play it for a while to see if it grips enough that you'll want more. Sale's on for two more days
The last autumn is very fun, you can build a penal colony.
Very strange decision. Loved the first game but doubt I’ll play the second game
Every other piece of successful software has a niche and improves you on year.
>photoshop, unreal engine wtv
if they had done this with master of Orion 1, id like to think we’d actually have a 4x today
Last autumn is decent but rest are garbage
The first game still exists. Why did you want them to make the same game twice? Not everything has to be COD remaking the same game every year for you to consoom
Wouldnt the short term be trying to find a place to sleep that night where they wouldn't freeze to death?
reminder that the deluxe edition 3 days early access is there also to dodge the initial mixed/mostly positive reviews considering how mixed the beta test reception was, the performance is also ass so wait for the terrible reviews tomorrow
>the performance is also ass
runs at stable 1440p60 on my clunker desktop tho
base is good
>Are the DLCs worth it?
autumn is good
the other scenarios - ehh kind of depends. they're all rather one note, so if you liked it then you get more of the same, but it's nothing groundbreaking
it's also why all the "omg 2 isn't just like 1, whyyyy" makes so little sense to me. the first game was solid, but the formula definitely didn't have another game's worth of content in it
synthetik 2 is worse lmao
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What's this btw
Very sincere post, not a retarded hyperbole at all.
The game does nothing to make you care about your citizens. The factions are all basically faceless non-entities, they may as well be malfunctioning robots you have to fix. My city looks okay, but who cares? I have no connection to the people, and I don't care about them beyond having enough to not lose.

I'm not saying FP1 did it any better.
It runs well when it doesn't randomly crash, which happens quite frequently.
and what game does make you deeply care about your citizens?
it's always just numbers on a spreadsheet when the cast goes above a dozen or so.
I just beat my first playthrough and i exiled them from my city.
i didn't even know what to do on the first level

like why is the temperature thing not in the top middle
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Dorf Fort. I love my lil dudes.
why would it be? it's not like it changes every second and you need to do some qte to react to it
like hell you actually care about any dwarf in particular outside of maybe 2-3 notable ones like your endlessly bitchy noble or particularly strong fighter once you get past year 2 or so
Don't forget how everything old needs a goyslop remake.
Why don't I actually care about them?
I like it a lot, so FUCK YOU!
People meme about soup, but if you were working 12 hour days and your meal was melted snow, half a carrot, and eventually sawdust, you'd be out of your gourd in two days tops.
Your average christcucks
>reached 11k concurrent players before late launch arrives.
Pretty amazing for niche games like Frostpunk 2. I bet 11bit is very happy cuz of this and many glowing reviews.
because the game is mostly about building the titular dwarf fortress and not staring at what some dwarf in particular does in his daily life. it's not even trying to be a "story generator" like its poor cousin Rimworld - that's what the adventure mode is for, because the fortress mode does it poorly.
people meme about people memeing about soup because the game was set in the middle of actual apocalypse
if global population was reduced to a handful of tiny villages and you knew the temperature will soon drop to "oxygen might or might not remain a gas" soon you, as part of a group, might have different priorities than complaining about the lack of four-course dinner.
it's also why most of the "moral choices" never sat right with me. it's like preaching about the sanctity of life, freedom of speech and inalienable human rights in W40k - yeah cool, a chaos incursion just eradicated the nearby star system, go grab the bolter and learn how to fucking use it
It works on my machine, chuddie
OK but people would still complain, because its shitty and people complain about shitty things
I agree. Discontent, disobedience, violent outbursts and so on make perfect sense. Londoners and the like... less so.
Carbon would turn to liquid much faster than oxygen

Beat this yesterday and it was absolute garbage.

We went back to Winterholme (again) and had to dig up the buried steamcores while the poison gas was killing the workers.

I didn't care because the population was like 12k.

The entire game was soulless.

I did like seeing how the crazy hippies, coal mine children and escaped convicts ended up.

Ironically, the convicts all turned out to be decent people, the coal children grew up into hardworking adults while the hippies were all batshit crazy just like IRL.

The same could have had so much SOVL but they ruined it.
as opposed to risking three people for cores from tesla city, which you were oh so worried about?
you ended up with several hundred in the middle of 1 already. it was never about individuals.

You need to have 40k food saved up but you need to two food silos to store that much.

Having enough material for the people to maintain the dreadnought helps but isn't required to survive, just the food.
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>on easy/normal difficulty
not sex

I was just tired of Winterholme in general. First visit in the main campaign of 1, then the DLC of 1 and now yet again. It's cursed shithole and I finally gutted it then left it for final death.
>You need to have 40k food saved up but you need to two food silos to store that much.

i mean yes i understand that but i ended up with 35k
sex kuroko


You only have so many weeks to collect the 40k food before the whiteout hits. You clearly took too long setting up the food collecting districts and/or the food silos.

Try it again but don't be a fucking retard this time.
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come on dude the first one already had some stupid ideas on politics. The first game falls apart in the last half when it asks you to be either hitler or the epic liberal
It's just annoying that you can do a flawless game and the devs didn't make the ending react to it to keep the stupid grimdark "was surviving worth it?" act in the end
you have never been in a warzone or experience any kind of real conflict. shut the fuck up
it's triggered by taking like second-last or third-last law in each path, which is fairly deep into tyranny
Oh no one complains in wars? Soldiers never ever gripe to each other when the food sucks?
I kind of had the same happen. Maybe I accidentally stumbled on the most efficient decisions. I thought that the real difficulty starts after surviving the big storm but instead the game ended.
You're being a big silly.
>Play prologue
>Already lose
Holy fuck. This game really throws you into the deep end and expects you to start swimming. What the fuck.
it's one of those games where one of its selling points is how "hard" it is
>why haven't I already won 30 minutes into the game??
cause you don't know shit
it really isn't. there is only one 'path' that is objectively worse than others (afaik), and it's one that seems kind of retarded in the first place

Nigger, what are you talking about?

You just need to collect 40k food which is done by setting up food collectors at the bay with the seals and the other 2 or 3, building two food silos to store said food and that's it.

You're just taking too long to set them up and the food silos up.

Try again but do it right this time.

No, it's just that zoomers are all ADD riddled faggots who don't know how to fucking read the tutorial when they're confused.
Too much of gaming is now centered in Poland.
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We didn't forget.
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Frostpunk 1 was retarded with the "either you become a tyrannical despot or a religious nutjob" bullshit. 2 looks way more up my alley. I will purchase it on release.
anything else from pooland that's worth a look?
cp77 is also okay nowadays, I suppose, but nothing like they shilled
faith was kino thougheverbeitbbq
if anything they didn't go schizo enough, but even then order was boring and uninspired in comparison

You clearly didn't play the game, niggerlips.

You don't have to become a dictator or zealot. You simply chose order or faith to motivate your people and don't take it to extremes.

Guard towers and Faithkeepers simply maintain order.
>given total power
>doesn't abuse it
what a bitchbaby you are

As long as the people know their place and behave then there's no need for heavy handedness.

It's only when they come up against you that you need to make some examples.

arbitrary tyranny is the point, rather than the means

It's just because I'm old now (39) and have mellowed out the way that most men do.

It's the younger guys that are full of piss and vinegar.
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"Societal disease" please. Society and civilization are different things and the words are not interchangeable.
Society is what you understand it to be but civilization is a grand tool used for the purpose of making something out of ourselves, each other.
A oversimplification would be that a society survives and a civilization thrives.
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what else did you expect from white niggers of Europe?
Except that's literally what they did. Factions are based off On The Edge's settlements and their mechanics. You have to think about where to place your buildings now because of hub and proximity bonuses, and they give you the flexibility to spread them as you wish. You can make outposts into colonies which adds more depth than "I sent 5 guys and they killed 50 thousand animals in a couple days to feed an entire city". You can make trails which speeds up both scouts and resource transfers.
World of Horror
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Was this thread WORTH IT?
Eat your soup anon
as usual, devs completely forget what made first game special. literal SOULESS
>as usual, devs completely forget what made first game special
oh? do tell
>inb4 some bullshit about how you ahkshually cared about this one particular npc who looked like a hundred others npc just like him


Sure we survived and so did our children...


Every death hurt because it was more intimate.

I lose a few hundred in 2 salving the steamcores out of Winterholme and didn't give a single fuck.
it isn't fun. it's overwhelming and boring at the same time and you feel nothing from the disasters happening or the sentiment of the factions.
>Every death hurt because it was more intimate.
yeah I knew you were full of shit
you notice the first few deaths because it's something new and then you just ignore it because they don't matter
I'm not paying 45 bucks for 10 hours of gameplay

>Didn't get the no deaths achievement.

NGMI, senpai.
>zero deaths
>"every death hurt"
Ok but whats the pozzed status? Did they keep everyone White or have they added jeets and niggers into it?

Yes, losing my trusting and obedient people would hurt hence I made sure non of them died.

I accept your concession.
it's woke because I want a tortanic
The 5 frostland teams clubbing 50K seals still litters the overworld in story mode. You don't have to think too hard about placing trail nodes because the resources to build them are heatstamps and teams. The teams balancing is pretty annoying because upgrading settlements or making trails requires them, but there's nothing stopping you from unticking a few resource nodes, making the trails and then reassigning teams. Overall, the game is very unpolished on QoL.
In FP1, if you kept everybody stocked with resources, your trust will never run out, allowing you to avoid fully going religion or order.
This is not the case with FP2. Now you get to be a total psychopath because there's drama for the sake of it.
Every faction is nuts and later stages of research are a question of which dystopia you want. Not like that affects you in anyway, because the Faith Keepers' forced marriages law doesn't apply to your steward nor does the Evolvers' steampunk augments apply either. Your goal is to remain in power, and even your closely regarded factions can end up being angry at you because you're forced to pick between them at 2 instances in the story mode. If you wanted comfier challenges, try Utopia mode. It's undeniable that the writing in FP1 was better and that game shipped with more scenarios in story mode.
They do matter because nearly every scenario can be finished with zero deaths (don't build a care home).
In FP2, the deaths don't matter because it's a part of the game. The first chapter's deaths happen to ensure oil tombs are made.
Also there's no reason to conserve on manpower because you keep getting topped with thousands of immigrants frequently, which becomes a massive housing problem. There's an oil resource node south of the dreadnought that gives 50K units of oil in exchange for 72 workers, this is the easiest decision you'll ever make. Similarly, you can keep sending people to die working on Winterhome.
>Imagine turning an immersive citybuilder, where your relationship to your city and it inhabitants is intimate and personal, into a 4x strategy, politics simulator.
Oh, did they? I might actually play Frostpunk 2, then. The first didn't really interest me.
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instant red flags
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>we survived the apocalypse but, like, we had to eat soup and the children had to work sometimes
>WaS iT wOrTH iT?????
You wouldn't fuck a Dreadnought, right anon?
It has chinese voice acting for some reason, as if the chinese care about this game
Wut does
>He had the kids do manual labor
KWAB, the enlightened start is putting them in the workshops or hospitals.
I put them to work hauling coals because I hate children, not because I didn't expect for a single second for the game to do anything but give me a worse outcome and/or moralize at me.
Fuck kids. Hope you like sawdust, little Timmy, cause it's all you're getting - and half a ration too, because you're small.
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not with that attitude
fuck frostpunk. the cunt devs created a game that you're not supposed to be able to win.
...did you seriously get filtered by fucking frostpunk? be it 1 or 2?
i really hope this is bait
>your relationship to your city and it inhabitants is intimate and personal
If you felt any kind of connection with the faceless blob that would run through scripts and tabulate soup rations to fill the two bars (that are your only actual interaction) as it passively comply with your policies of becoming Santa Stalin or Father Jim Jones you are deranged. I've felt more connection with some Tropico 4's citizens because their script had some degree of individuality so at least I could see what was up with one when he became a rebel. The Londoners are just an abstract number you have to reduce by playing nice in general. Placating them is just broader politic and a dialog option on a separate screen. None of those guys have names not even leaders.
It's always insane that a game about being a dictator couldn't be bothered with political opponent as an actual social group with leaders and demands.
Anyway New Londoners always where husks so it's probably better that 11bit decided to broaden the scope because it's less jarring from afar.
just finished the campaign, took only 7-8 hours on Officer definitely a bit too easy after the first hour, had essentially infinite materials/goods without even touching the endgame upgrades for them

this took 6 years to make for 70$?

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