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They’re the only two 3D Sonic games which received massive, almost universal critical acclaim. Everyone looks back on the characters and gameplay from that time with fondness. Why did they just stick to it and keep that characterization of Sonic, Amy, Tails, Knuckles, etc? It’s such a no brainer.
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Does Blaze wear pants or not
>SA1 and 2 Suck
Tendie revisionism
Sonic Adventure 1 is great. I played through it recently for the first time and it's spectacular. Genuinely reignited my love of platformers and made me sad we don't get more momentum based platformers.
the last game with the "adventure formula" was the game that caused sega to overcorrect into making baby games with 0 skill
Bro, Mario Sunshine being horrible is EXACTLY what gave Sonic Adventure 1&2 an audience. You have no idea how much of a bag fumble Sunshine was after the excellence of 64.
That might be your opinion, but it’s undeniable that SA1 & 2 were pretty much the height of the franchise after Sonic’s initial 91-93 hype. Why abandon what works?
That art looks fucking horrible
06’s failure had nothing to do with following the Adventure formula and everything to do with everything else.
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Who can say? How Sega does business is one of the seven mysteries of the world.
I choose to believe it's because they don't like their fans and they think it's funny

>Searching for posts that contain ‘"Does Blaze wear pants"’. 178 results found.
>Sonic Adventure 2
I bought the game a few dyas ago for 1.56 CHF and I am having a blast. I cannot count how many hours I've spent breeding chao with my friend almost 20 years ago. Good times.
I don’t understand why SEGA hasn’t brought back the Chao garden fr
The PS2 was too weak to run the engine the Adventure games were built in so they decided to try something new when they switched engines for Heroes.
After 06 flopped, they abandoned the Adventure Formula and nearly everything else from that game.
Yes, look at her neck retard
>make shit game once
>never make a grand or ambitious game again
she should take them off
Which of course was Microsoft's fault for forcing Sga to rush
niggers thought themselves better than they actually were, that they knew better than their own fans. 20 years fumbling, stating they wanted to make games THEY liked, now they claim they won't make it because they're afraid the game will never live up to the hype.
I agree
>Everyone looks back on the characters and gameplay from that time with fondness.
no, they don't.
>Everyone looks back on the characters and gameplay from that time with fondness.
Not really. I like the games a lot, but even as a kid I knew they were glitchy and shitty compared to the 2D games.
Adventure 1 was groundbreaking 2 was shiiiiiiiiit.
music was fucking amazing, though.
Based and truthful.
3D Sonic was always good while 2D Sonic sucked.
It's already been proven that she's pantsless like Sonic since she's his alternate world counterpart.
>Tendie revisionism
Nice try, most badventurefags are tendies because SA2B was their first game and the reason Sonic degenerates today are the same brand of weird as nintendo's.
>baby games with 0 skill
You mean like SA1 and Heroes?
>I am having a blast.
Based shill
>The PS2 was too weak to run the engine the Adventure games were built in
It must have just been poorly coded, Unleashed is on PS2 and looks way better than the Adventure games.
they could have made a whole game series just out of the chao gardens
>Sonic Team
Because of Sonic 06
Explain this.
Sonic was never good
I’m replaying adventure after like 15 years and the spin dash is just as fun as I remember, love seeing how many shortcuts I can still pull off
Sonic 06
It was such a flop that it made a mid game like Unleashed seem amazing, and to be fair Unleashed's boost sections are better than 06's buggy mess but as soon as you fix 06's bugs its gameplay is way better than Unleashed
You can tell that Sonic Team 180'd hard after 06 and most of 06's canon (besides Silver) was scrubbed to the point that even some story elements like Team Dark being friends or Blaze being from the future were scrapped

It also doesn't help that in terms of story 06 has some really kino moments but was mostly pretty bad
Unleashed's story is boring as hell and Chip was a stupid character but he's still not as bad as Elise
Silver however was a good enough character to make it out of 06, which is more than can be said of Chip who's stuck in Unleashed

SA1 is okay, SA2 is great and always has been
SA1 would be better with longer and more challenging levels, and no Big fishing minigame
SA2 is kino and the only improvements to make are minor QoL ones like letting you detect all 3 emerald pieces at once
Yuji Naka left
Sonic will never be good
Nigger what? Mario Sunshine came out 3 fucking years after SA1 and 1 year after SA2. Unless you're talking about the gamecube releases specifically in which case, SA2 still beat it to market by 6 months.

Consider not being so fucking retarded next time, hmm?
>After 06 flopped
>Oh fuck we rushed and released a broken game filled with glitches
>also silvers gameplay is fucking boring
>It's the adventure formula gamers hated
Why are they like this?
I just want another Chao Garden
They were right. Retards would complain that the new Sonic game looks like Sonic 06
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I think they just legitimately believe that every 3d sonic game before colors is bad
that or they're just waiting until sega makes a new console to make another adventure game
Tranny garden
do you even like video games?
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>I think they just legitimately believe that every 3d sonic game before colors is bad
That's true tho. Sonic was never good
Lmao dilate trannies
06 and shadow were basically the adventure formula
Have you seen the past decade+? Lost World tried something new and it got canned immediately for being horribly panned. People hated Forces so Frontiers tried to do something different. Considering 06 was an absolute disaster despite strong initial sales as it attempted to keep the Adventure formula going, Unleashed was a kneejerk reaction that was lucky it even managed to get a follow-up in Colors in the first place.
Sonic isn't decided by real innovation, it's decided by impulsively trying to make something that will sell and tossing the baby out with the bathwater when that's potentially not in the cards.
Sonic was never good
06 yes, shadow was just heroes but without teams
Adventure 1 is fucking awful. After finishing it, I added it to my NEVER REINSTALL Steam category.
Sonic was never good
When I was a kid, I could've swore it was the best game of all time. Now that I'm an adult, I realise that SA1 sucks & SA2 is flawless kinography.
>I choose to believe it's because they don't like their fans and they think it's funny
I hate how much sense this makes. There's little other reason why they'd just say fuck it and screw with the set up Adventure 1 and 2 set up and then spend the last two decades shitting on and fucking up the story both made. At some point it has to be intentional.
Lmao your brain devolved
Do you think the Sonic Frontiers devs are talented enough to make SA3?
Doesn't really matter if they are or not. The boost system that all the Sonic games after 06 use isn't compatible with the kind of game play the Adventure games had. The gameplay and level design that gameplay style demand are just too different that there's no way they can really make an Adventure 3. I'd like to think they could go back to the Adventure style one day, but that doesn't' really seem to be something Sega is interested in doing ever again.
Boostshit plays just like the sa2 sonic stages
it plays like sa2 sonic stages if you had permanent invincibility maybe
Because you are not worth SA3 because you never bought a Dreamcast when Sega needed you most.
What is rolling?
They're both still the same linear hallway, watch sonic run, qte when told, bs. I want a platformer not a running simulator.
Even then boost stages are, even at their slowest, far far faster than Adventure stages are even at their fastest. Which is something I never liked about boost style games. The stage layout really doesn't matter the way boost stages are set up.
06s development had two major flaws. The first being they rushed it for the 15 anniversary, and the second being that they split the teams in half in order to make secret rings on the Wii.
What's the appeal of Shadow?
situational unlike boosting
Use to be that he's the Dark Sonic, with a darker and cooler backstory and a willingness to do things Sonic won't.
Now he's just a brooding asshoe with no personality.
He's basically one of the better villains in Sonic and played Eggman like a fiddle while not being a eldritch being of the week. Shame they turned him into edgy Bejita.
To elaborate I mean when he was a villain in SA2.
Honestly, it always felt like Adventure 2 was being set up as a finale to the series. Or at least to the Sonic vs Eggman thing. Not just Shadow had his story introduced and wrapped up there but even Eggman reached a sort of finality and closure at the end.
I think it's mainly because the guy who made Chao Garden what it is doesn't work in Sega anymore.
>most badventurefags are tendies because SA2B was their first game
Yep. There's a jarring amount of overlap between the Sonic fandom and the Paper Mario fandom purely because they're notable titles on the Gamecube
chao garden was made by a woman, and she came back around the time of forces
Posting your retarded edits again, huh?
06 is Adventure
Boom is Adventure
World is Adventure
Forces is Adventure
Frontier is Adventure
Just stop man.
Nah, it's an official render from a game.
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The same appeal of Goku Black
>Blaze being from the future were scrapped
>what is Sonic Colors and the continuation of Silver and Blaze feeling some vague connection to one another
Why the fuck would you RETURN to Sega?
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Gee fuckass, it's a mystery.
The Dreamcast died and they went full software slop only. Sega kind of died with the DC. With their last hurrah being games that were meant to be on DC that were moved to Xbox
Trans rights!
06 is the most straight up sequel that Adventure ever had. Even more so than SA2.
Even Unleashed is Adventure-esque. It has a hub world, and two play styles.

How do you people figure they didn't stick with it?
There is a timeline out there where I didn't watch a gameplay video of Sonic 06 and was unaware of the horrible loading times and ended up getting the game. Lucky for me it's not this timeline.
You know most people literally played those on the GC?
No one had a fucking Dreamcast, man. It was a failed system. Like 80% of SA fans are GC kiddies.
So we're memory holing Frontiers now?

I mean, it's a miscalculated direction for the series, in my opinion, but it's "grand" and "epic", and it's "sonic in the real world, with a big anime story". It's exactly what you asked for.

But "bad because new"?
You mean a bone they threw to the 5 06 fans in a version of Sonic Colors that nobody played?
Yeah Sega didn't understand AAA HD games required more time and rushed it about 12 to 9 months too early.
Silver is a fucking trash character and largely a part of why 06 was so awful. He's annoying, incompetent, not cool in the slightest and is largely the cause of most of the big problems in the game's story.

And no, Silver's canon from 06 was also scrapped. Silver is canonically from Rivals now and it's events are brought up in all existing supplemental material since no one actually played Rivals.
Funny how modders are fixing both 06 and Secret Rings.
Corporate game devs learning the exact wrong lessons from failure is a tale as old as time
Because Sonic 06 WAS """Adventure 3""" and we all know how that went.
The other main reason why they don't bother is because Sonic in general is constantly bouncing around on the edge between "meh" and "okay", and even their big hits aren't that big.

For me, I'd personally want them to do the Buddy system again, just way the fuck more streamlined instead of being some clunky garbage. People bringing their own "Sonic OCs" into a canon Sonic game SHOULD be a money explosion, but they half-assed both the customization and how the character is implemented in the game, on top of the game's shit story and shit main villain discouraging people from buying it at all.
There's no Sonic canon. They just do whatever
>Sonic Frontiers
>it's "grand" and "epic"
Everything is canon
How do you figure it isn't? The boss battles are the biggest anime shit the series has ever done. Eggman's story has actual drama going on, and he isn't relegated to being Dick Dastardly.

Does it specifically need Shadow to satiate you people? Aren't you just a Shadow fan at that point?
Not revisionism. The articles about the game here in 2000 called it crap too.

Try playing it today, see if you can finish the game without once falling through the ground due to a glitch.
it's western snoy revisionism, just failed normalfags and underages mad that nobody wants to talk about western sony shovelware like crash or jak
sonic heroes is adventure 3 and it plays nothing like 1 and 2
Sonic Heroes was "what if we took the different gameplay styles from the Adventure games and let the player simply switch back and forth." The Chao Garden is the only thing missing to make it an "Adventure" game, other than that it's a natural evolution of the formula.
>sonic heroes is adventure 3
the dreamcast release was praised by everyone except for seething autists on the internet who were angry over green eyes
somethingawful troons and soon to be tranny game journos shat on the adventure games in the mid-late 2000s to test the kind of shit they would peddle against japanese games and the average consumer as a whole with an easy target, they would shit on the adventure games then praise fucking sonic 4 episode 1 and call anyone who disliked it entitled neckbeards, so overall you don't play videogames and you suck tranny dick
By that logic, Sonic Battle is Adventure 3
Yup, but;
Regardless of whatever hangups or hesitations they would have had after '06 though, Unleashed fucking exploded in popularity with the boost gameplay and higher fidelity granted by 7th gen consoles.
I mean regardless of whether or not '06 turned out to be a good game software-wise, the adventure formula looked like ass in motion on 7th gen. It however lended boost games sensational visual flair that would have been impossible on 6th gen and earlier.
When you're making a AAA game appealing to the broadest audience you can, you gotta dip into what makes your game pop out. Boost was just simply the wiser choice. Graphics and spectacle sell, especially in that era.

Yeah it would have been sick if they took another crack at the adventure formula after '06, but they found their golden goose soon afterwards so it wouldn't've mattered.
>The boss battles are the biggest anime shit the series has ever done.
Dollar store Platinum games setpieces don't sound all that great to me.
>Eggman's story has actual drama going on, and he isn't relegated to being Dick Dastardly.
It's shit. They turned eggman into a sóycuck who asks his daughter about her pronounce. He doesn't even do anything interesting in cyberspace.
>Does it specifically need Shadow to satiate you people? Aren't you just a Shadow fan at that point?
No? I didn't even bring out that nigger.
>well I don't like the game!
Wasn't the question.
What was the question?
Are you a potentialfag?
Their "golden goose" was just a shell, and it quickly wore off which is why they stopped making boost games for so long
The longstanding problem with 3D sonic games is that it takes fucking forever to make assets for levels that you're blasting through and that's only exacerbated the faster you're moving, which is why none of them can ever actually depend on that gameplay style to carry a game by itself
Now we're in a position where they've fallen to making empty "hire this man"-tier open world slop with copypasta mario maker sections slapped haphazardly across it AND still have to lean on shitty 2D sections to pad the game out anyway AND still take 5 years to make a game, while Sonic isn't even allowed to move all that fast through it
>Why didn’t SEGA just stick with the Adventure formula?
I can't speak for subsequent games, but I played Adventure on DC and 2 Battle on GC. Both were DOG SHIT.
>they stopped making boost games for so long
They did? When?
Pretty sure Frontiers is boost Sonic. And Forces, and Lost World, and Generations... I don't see the gap.
Is the game "grand" and "ambitious"?

Yes, it is. It had a five year development cycle. That's more than any other Sonic game.
It at least wants you to think it's story is grand and epic.

Sonic Team being barely competent at putting a game together is a different matter entirely, but they have always been like that. If you're going to make apologies for 06, I don't see what your problem with Frontiers is, other than you aren't 12 anymore.
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>Using his hand to akira slide for some fucking reason
How is Lost World or Runners a boost game?
>Is the game "grand" and "ambitious"?
Not what you asked. You asked
>"How do you figure it isn't (grand and ambitious)?"
Anon answered that question already.
to show he's stronk
SEGA can't even get the Classic 2D gameplay right without outside help. You want another adventure game, fucking make it yourself
People will literally just talk shit without playing these games. That's why everyone brings up "baldy McNosehair". It's the one thing anyone knows about Lost World, because a Youtuber threw a tantrum over it.
Lost World isn't even bad. It's alright.
Well he's wrong.
I mean, Unleashed came out in 2008 and they've been making boost games since then, Forntiers can be argued as a boost game within the cyberspace which many people consider to be the actual 'game' parts of that game. Plus there's the new Generations.
Boost being the lead gameplay design for 15 years is a pretty good run.
Sonic Adventure 1 is a 90s plattformer with extreme speed,its not really well designed but its soulful and interesting.
Its Mario 64 but too fast
These kinds of posts by zoomers who are confidently wrong about things they weren't around for are everywhere on /v/ now. It sucks.
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Wrong game. That insult came from Colors, not Lost World.
Confused boost button with wisps I guess, haven't played it since it was new
Lost World is a very okay mario game
Crazy shit happening in this thread
Because it's a grand and ambitious game.
You think Lost World doesn't have wisps?
Probably confused boost with the run button, because they decided you needed to hold down a button to go fast in a fucking Sonic game.
>5 empty fields is "ambitious"
I don't agree.
I totally forgot about that mechanic.
I think a mix of Heroes and Lego games would be a good formula.
You create a team at the start of the mission with various archetypes, probably a bit more than just Fast Strong Flying, and then go through the level in various way and passpoints.
That's basically what boost is
Yes and Heroes was just Adventure but with teams, sooo
It's "grand and ambitious" relative to other Sonic games, but that just highlights how far the franchise has sunk when their idea of grand and ambitious is something that an indie dev could knock out in half a year with stock assets. It's basically "Sega, hire that man!" The Game.
>probably a bit more than just Fast Strong Flying
Heroes' 3 character types and their consequences have been a disaster for the sonic series
>It's "grand and ambitious" relative to other Sonic games
That's not true. Sonic 1-3 were state-of-the-art, I don't think a single 3D game was cutting edge.
Heroes was closer to the classic games, but with baby-tier physics, bad combat, and more level gimmicks
Longest development of any Sonic game. This isn't debatable.
>Being stuck in development hell means it's good
Guess you must love Duke Nukem Fore er too.
Got a source for that claim btw?
The ones people rave about (by which I mean the early 3D games) were borderline incompetent as well though.
In fact, Frontiers is probably better in that regard. At least it's decently put together, and doesn't break all the time.
This. In a game about being fast, it helps to be able to see in front of you.
Duke Nukem Forever WAS ambitious. That's the reason they kept restarting the project, and refused to just put a game out. They wanted the most cutting edge game on the market, and then they got cucked by Doom 3 and Half Life 2.
Don't fall for gen memes, the Dreamcast was still PS1 gen, and you need to play more PS1 platformers, even the ones that sold well, if you think the Adventure games specifically were borderline incompetent.
That's them being bad at their jobs
They've learned literally nothing since 06, and have even regressed in many areas
The only thing that's "ambitious" about them at this point is that Iizuka is actually willing to naked dogeza in front of corporate suits to beg for a one year extension now instead of knowingly releasing a game with more bugs than game
>Longest development of any Sonic game
Wheres the source for that claim bro?
Crash and Spyro, and Rayman 2 (maybe moreso the N64 and Dreamcast version), are definitely a lot more solidly put together than Sonic Adventure.
Sonic Adventure is weird and awkward to play. Always was.
How long do you think the others were in development for? The original trilogy all came out over the course of about five years. The SA games were both squeezed out within the window of time that the Dreamcast was actually being developed for as a thing (about three years).
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the arc was over. what else was there left to do? temple run boostshit is absolute mobileshit garbage though
also '06 was literally adventure 3.
>I played through it recently for the first time and it's spectacular.
try beating a timed mission without spindash spam. you'll hate every second of it.
also the endless amount of times you fall off the edge and die in emerald coast (shoot past boost pads in killer whale chase, clipping through curved path with walls on either side) is inexcusable.
>Longest development of any Sonic game
Wheres the source for that claim bro?
I've asked 3 times. Why can't you post it?
>try beating a mission without using one of the game's basic control options, you'll hate it!
Yeah I'd probably hate Sonic 2 without spindash too.
Biggest gap in releases between Sonic Team games.
>Even then boost stages are, even at their slowest, far far faster than Adventure stages are even at their fastest.
You don't like to go fast?
heroes suffered terribly from stupid design choices
>flight formation often kills your momentum when characters bunch up together
>flying sucks. it's only ever useful during railing sections because rail switching sucks
>rail switching sucks major balls. it wasn't fixed until by shadow the hedgehog
>tornado attack takes too long
>lack of spindashes sucks. rocket accel is too inconsistent to rely on
>power characters sliding off the edges thanks to spotty auto-aim or rebounding out of bounds from hitting enemies
>grabbing onto handles is a pain in the ass. you need to completely stop and wait for the button prompt
>without spindash
>try beating a timed mission without spindash spam. you'll hate every second of it.
Yes I'm sure if I put a timer on myself and then not use one of the game mechanics, entirely to appease your autism, I'll dislike the game.
You fucking moron. Kill yourself.
>Verification not required.
>Biggest gap in releases between Sonic Team games.
And you can confirm with 100% certainty that was all development time...how?
>Longest development of any Sonic game
Wheres the source for that claim bro? I've asked 4 times.
Why can't you prove yourself right?
I said spindash spam i.e. mashing spindash.
also you can't seriously compare spindash use in 2D and 3D sonic, you disingenuous faggot. and the devs realized how broken it was by SA2 and forced you to hold the button to use it.
>Longest development of any Sonic game. This isn't debatable.
And it's still just some badly designed, ten year old Unreal Engine maps with random shit floating around.
What else would they have been doing?
mashing spindash to go faster was an exploit. it got patched by SA2 and you're faggots.
Yeah, Sonic Team are bad at making games. That isn't new.
>try beating a timed mission without spindash spam. you'll hate every second of it.
eh? I beat them easily as child before knowing any shortcuts. You're exaggerating, SA ranks are easy as fuck
>Longest development of any Sonic game
Wheres the source for that claim bro? I've asked 5 times.
Why can't you prove yourself right?
>mashing spindash to go faster was an exploit.
Source: Your autism
Sonic Adventure 1 is good in spite of its gameplay. The level design is mostly ass and the controls are wonk. Sonic remains fun because his spin dash is absolutely broken. The other five characters benefit from brevity and novelty. The game comes together because of the story, the NPCs, the atmosphere, and the integration of the Chao minigame into the story. It works if you soak the game in and take your time, engaging with everything despite the story urging you to hurry to the next stage. If you just play the levels it's mediocre.

SA2 is similar, in that it mostly gets by on vibes and strong presentation. The level design is somehow even worse than in Adventure and the robot and treasure stages are a downgrade.

Sonic Heroes, for all its problems, was more conceptually sound and had way better level design. Shame it was a rushed mess.
>mashing spindash to go faster was an exploit
No it's not. Sonic always worked like that in 2d.
If it was an exploit then why would they have decided timer missions under the assumption that you'd use it? Just because they changed it in 2 doesn't mean how it was in 1 wasn't intended. That's like saying Gamma's movement is an "exploit" just because they changed it for the mechs in 2, or being able to see all the treasure pieces in 1 was an "exploit" just because they made it one at a time in 2.
I mean, you can probably just ask the developers on Twitter.
No, I don't keep sources on hand for everything I say, because I'm not a Reddit atheist who thinks he's in debate class.
>I mean, you can probably just ask the developers on Twitter.
So do it, prove yourself right, or admit you made up this "fact" based on conjecture.
Did you install the fixes or play the busted ass vanilla release? It really is a night and day difference.
you need to stop to a standstill to use spindashes in sonic 2 faggot. it's not even comparable
You do it. I'm at work.
That's because you literally played the port of a port of a port of a port

>Can't prove himself right
Thanks for confirming you were making up "facts".
Concession accepted.
ok I don't reharsh
Sonic sucks ass if you just buy 3D games off the shelf at WalMart.
Sonic kicks ass if you download fan games and fan patches, especially for 2D games.

I've solved the perception disconnect.
So you can bullshit on 4chan but not twitter
>Mashing the A button in Sonic a spindash to go faster is an exploit
why not?
>Too weak
Not really. It's more that their updated engine was built for Cube and Xbox. Adjusting it for PS2 would have taken longer than just switching to Renderware.
Because they had to rush it out for the anniversary, yeah.
>Sonic games come out almost every year. Sometimes multiple times a year
>suddenly they take a huge break
>Frontiers, a larger game than anything they have made before, drops
It's a safe assumption.

And since you were being such a virgin about this, I went and grabbed a quote from Wikipedia
>Frontiers' development lasted five years, longer than previous Sonic games' development cycles. Iizuka attributed the length partly to Frontiers not building on previous Sonic gameplay.
Now shut up.
Based bot poster not even reading the posts he's replying to
You say that like it's just those two. Almost every single game in the series either has a fan rebuild or extensive modding to fix their problems.
Thanks for confirming it's not a fact again anon. It means a lot to hear you admit defeat again.
Nothing in frontiers looks even remotely close to sa1,sa2 or heroes.
I assumed correctly, and was right. Go and be a sourcevirgin somewhere else.
I say this often, except the reee is slightly longer and louder.
>I assumed correctly, and was right
So post the proof, I'll wait.
Can't wait for Shadow Generations
Wasn't the question.
Adventure 1 actually started dev on Saturn, so it's not clear how long it was in development. Forces and Frontiers have the longest gaps without a clear explanation (NiGHTs and Burning Rangers probe Adventure wasn't in dev for the entirety of the Saturn life cycle), but we don't actually know how long those projects were in active dev as opposed to prepro.
Was Frontiers any good?
Not really. It's like every open world sonic game you've seen in Unreal Engine.
It has some cool moments
The endgame DLC is alright
Solid 6/10
Iizuka said that development for Frontiers started basically when Forces was done, and that part of the reason for the lengthy development was they weren't happy with the first couple of tries and restarted from scratch.
Which makes it hilarious that they were happy with Frontiers, makes you wonder how bad the previous versions were. It plus Forces makes me realize that Iizuka and Kishimoto just don't know what a fun video game is, all they do is cargo cult checklists and pretend that's the same.
He says he worked on it for 5 years in this article. But that's not the longest dev cycle of a Sonic game.
Its Cool and Fun, the only thing I really hated was Ian Flynn's dialogue, I played with the Japanese audio
I'm not the guy claiming it is, I was just clarifying because that guy's a retard.
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It is a truly terrible piece of software.
SonicTeam is an astonishingly incompetent dev team. They seriously do not know how to make video games. They just have no idea what they're doing.
I know Sega doesn't have much money these days, but surely they could just fire half of SonicTeam and hire new talent. Maybe they don't have the money for even that. Maybe it's an employee loyalty thing. I don't know. What I DO know is that every game they make is incredibly poor. I was genuinely surprised at how bad Frontiers was. It just boggles the mind.
>I'm not the guy claiming it is
I didn't say you were.
It's alright
Better than what I expected, but most of my fun was from the better cyberspace levels. I got tired of the overworld part after about two areas
Are faster paths and using shortcuts also exploits too? Because those are good for timed missions in SA2
Lemme add onto this, the cyberspace physics are ass but the Magnet Dash tech that you can do make the cyberspace levels a whole lot more fun
>Magnet Dash
I don't remember this at all.
It is though?
Anon, I-
Not a single Sonic game was ever good. That's why SEGA doesn't know what to do with it and neither do the fans know what they want.
And the proof is...?
It's right there in the Wikipedia article, for one thing.
What was in development for longer? Even though Sonic skipped a generation on the Saturn, Adventure was still only two years after Nights, and the same year as Burning Rangers.
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The American Sonic account calls it the "Homing Dash" but its when you homing attack onto enemy and then cancel it with an air boost it sends you flying in the direction you're moving, I'm bad at explaining stuff so look it up, It was also in Spark 2 and 3
I said Audio cause I thought it sounded cooler, I should've just said voices
>It's right there in the Wikipedia article
Should be easy to prove then. Why haven't you?
I thought that was a glitch every time it happened. Are you telling me it's an intentional mechanic?
You said you could post the wiki article, why haven't you done it?
There are zero sources here. Which means there is zero proof of any of your claims.
idk but the adventures are my favorite sonic games. Wish we'd get 3 already. Any worries about 06 is stupid, that was so long ago and not even officially an adventure 3 and didn't feel like adventure 3 anyway.
Kishimoto-san said it was a glitch but he decided to keep it in the game or something along those lines, He said it on his Twitter around the time the game came out
Do you want me to link the Wikipedia article for Sonic Frontiers? Can you not find that on your own?
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Found it
Shouting "uh, sources?" over and over doesn't mean you win, no matter how many Youtube debates you've seen. It just signals to everyone else that you're insufferable.
Yes, I've asked twice now anon.
Please prove yourself right. While you're linking the page, please quote the exact line which proves you correct with 100% certainty.
Should be easy for you, like you said, it's all written in the Wikipedia page
I'm not your mother.
If you can't prove yourself right, you are proven wrong.
I already did. You go to the Wiki article, and ctrl+f that quote, you tech illiterate Goober.
>"I'm going to post proof!"
>"I'm really going to do it this time!!"
Thanks for confirming you were lying
>hadoshoryuken from sf2
what does this mean?
Post the quote. Why can't you do it? If it exists it should be easy.
Or are you confirming that you are making up "facts" again?
fucking pso2 new genesis had better open world and platforming challenges than frontiers
I've posted it about five times.
Where? Quote the post with the link to the Wikipedia article that proves you right.
You said you did it "5 times" anon, where are they?
Why do I need to link to the wiki article for a video game? I'm not spoon-feeding zoomers. You need to learn to use a computer at some point.
You can do it. I believe in you.
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I don't know but this video shows it off
>Why do I need to prove myself right?
>Still can't prove himself right
>I should've just said voices
You still read the text, anon
Unless you just ignore the story entirely
prove me wrong.
>Can't prove himself right
Concession accepted, thanks for confirming you have no proof of your claims.
Increasingly, I think Sunshine might actually be better than 64, and I don't know what the fuck everyone's problem was at the time.
Better world, and more interestingly varied level objectives, at the very least.
>when you realise you lost, and you start trying to make out like you were trolling
>Can't prove himself right (for hours)
>Pretends he won
Concession accepted, thanks for confirming you have no proof of your claims.
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Something you barely ever do since most of SA2 is running, jumping, and homing attacks.
We're getting a Frontiers sequel, don't be dense.
That you edited, we know. You've been debunked and exposed in several threads you post your faggot bullshit in.
You mean the fact that Blaze and Silver are continually paired together to this day solely because Japan actually liked 06?
>That you edited
I didn't. Why do you think I did?
Good players roll all the time.
Because her legs are purple in your photoshopped picture when we know that they're canonically white like her torso.
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"Good players" are men in dresses and they do lots of things that I don't give a fuck about.
Why do you think I did it?
>Jumping high and moving fast is for trannies
>In Sonic
Except Chronicles
All Sonic-related teams they have today are quite incapable of pulling an Adventure off anymore, and anyone who can is working on Yakuza or Fatlus RPG's.
No I don't. Especially if it leads to boost type gameplay and we lose Adventure styled levels.
I keep asking myself the same thing, adventure 1 seemed the perfect direction for 3d sonic yet they just..... stopped doing it
The honest truth is: they don't want to because controlling sonic is too hard for the average player

Just do the test. make a friend play ANY sonic game.
it's strangely addictive

you analyse every aspect of the game, piece by piece almost everything is dogshit

but i did everything and got all of the achievement without feeling any fatigue
Unleashed is really close
Played it last year and can confirm I never once glitched through the ground you disingenuous tendie
Sonic 06 is Adventure 3 and it's literally known as one of the worst games EVER so Sega decided to cahnge the formula and they never came back to Adventure since.
Sonic 06 is not Sonic Adventure 3 because it isnt called Adventure 3. Therefore, I will keep asking for Adventure 3
Japan doesn't even like Sonic.
these are the only sonic games I play because I just like the chao garden.
The Dreamcast was weaker than the PS2, even then Shadow the Hedgehog was on the PS2 so this is no excuse at all.
>After 06 flopped, they abandoned the Adventure Formula
Is 06 even in the same formula? Granted, it wasn't the boost plague we're still stuck to this day, but it was far too slow and less momentum based than SA, SA2, Heroes and StH.
You're the only one obsessively pushing these edits as canon.
Except this was about rolling, troon. Now go dilate before your axe wound closes up and becomes a penis again.
They went back to the Adventure formula with Sonic 06.

Why didn't they stick with it? Incompetence. Sonic Team does not have the talent to capture what was fun about Adventure 1 and 2. Boost gameplay eliminates the need for physics, probably much easier to code.
Shadow Gens level design kind of reminds me of Adventures but with a boost, it's looking good so far
If you genuinely believe 06 is sa3 you are retarded
You are too low-functioning for conceptualization
Rolling is how you go fast and jump high in Sonic.
Gacha fan mentality.
It has a small fanbase there and that fanbase didn't have IGN convincing the whole country that 06 was a bad game.
Call it what you want, it was a clear attempt to be another Adventure game. Which is not to say there's anything wrong with the Adventure formula, just that Sonic Team can't make good game no more.
Why do you think I did it?
>it was a clear attempt to be another Adventure game
No it wasn't.
It was
Except you don't need to roll to do that.
>No chao garden
Not an adventure game.
Because formula =/= quality. See 06.
>SA1 good
>SA2 bad
I only ever see this take on /v/. Literally everywhere else most agree that SA1 and SA2 are both great (and they're right)
You get much higher jumps and move much faster if you use the roll correctly.
Why do you think you don't?
You should uh look into what content was planned and cut.
>Shadow Gens level design kind of reminds me of Adventures but with a boost
You guys said that about Frontiers and look how that turned out. In fact in its many ripoffs it even has some Adventure stage design like Sky Rail and it feels horrible because the physics suck.
The remakes are next year.
Post it, I'll wait while you prove yourself correct.
>no side activity
So it's only half an Adventure game. In fact Sonic 06 isn't even Sonic 06, it's the alpha version of that game. It doesn't deserve its own name. It's Sonic Adventure 2.5
Not my image, why do you think it is?
I didn't even post it.
I play them every year. They're super easy to beat and nostalgia- maxxed so they're perfectly repeatable games.
I completely agree. It's still clear what they were attempting. Just because they failed miserably doesn't mean the intent was never there.
>it was cut
So it's not an adventure game?
06 started boostshit and long endless corridors where you bash into enemies while running so forget about it.
Looks fun
Sonic Advance has a Chao Garden, cope.
Sonic Pinball Party is an Adventure game now
Lmao most sonic fags i know are tendies, stop coping
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Sega literally cannot sustain success without sawing off its own leg.
>Tails chao can be obtained and has functionality with Chao Garden
PSO is also a Sonic Adventure game according to >>689314898
06 is a bad game, you don't need IGN's biased reviews to know that.
you can't replicate soul
How come they never topped this opening?
Both SA games had scenes cut that would later show up adapted in Sonic X, does that mean Sonic X is the true Sonic Adventure and both Adventure games aren't Adventure games since they had cut content?
There is no boosting in that game and SA2 Sonic levels are predominantly corridors
Rush started boost.
Might have been ok if Sony didn't say you need to release it on our platform within a short window or not at all. So they split devs again on porting to a confusing console and accidentally fucking up the Xbox version in the process
That's funny I didn't realize SA1 released in 2006
Spindash is the original boost, so it really started in 2
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You don't have to be in this thread, you can play other videogames if baiting is how to get your kicks.
Except you did and now you're coping after getting called out.
Learn to form your own opinions.
What is the easiest stage in Sonic Adventure? Windy Valley?
Because it connects to Sonic Adventure.
What's your point?
these look absolutely soulless
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You can beat Twinkle Park relatively early right after you get off the rollercoaster. Glitch, you can clip through the pillar near the stairs to the vault in Casinopolis and can spindash jump off the coins rendered below the vault room off the stash of rings. But it's hard and you can touch the death plain.
I started playing it recently and Windy Valley was very easy with Sonic despite me dying a few times.
Even the Eggman/Robotnik fight before that was very easy. I hope the other stages have a bit more challenges.
I expect something like Mario 64's difficulty.
Is it this easy nowadays to derail a thread?
I have a physical copy of 06 that I've beaten, it's a videogame of objectively poor quality, "you don't need IGN's biased reviews to know that" is not an opinion, it's a statement.
Mario 64 is difficult because it's slow and methodical with the structure rewarding learning it, Sonic can reward the player for learning the moveset, but the moveset(s) are very forgiving compared to Mario. Literally every character except Big has a platforming quirk that would break a standard Mario 64 level.

You can go for Level A missions, but you're not really going to reach a hurdle on par with the acrobatic nature of Mario 64, at best you'll learn; spindash jumping points to skip areas, skipping areas with Tails's flight, learning emerald shard seeds as Knuckles, (speedrunning as Gamma is a joke), hammer jump with Amy at full sprint and I guess learning how to play tug-of-war with Big.
Because he cool.
Big's Twinkle Park
It's not my image. Why do you think it is?
you can't compare 2D sonic to 3D.
>it really started in 2
you can't kill enemies by running into them in Sonic 2, and you have to stop before spindashing. furthermore, rolling renders you unable to accelerate, and there are many vertical platforming segments and parts where you reverse your direction, something that is conspicuously lacking in 06, where you're always moving forward
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>Why didn’t SEGA just stick with the Adventure formula?
They stuck with it until Unleashed, what are you talking about
Sonic is more immediately rewarding, because half of the game is automatic.
I've spoken to Sonic fans who think 3d platformers need a homing attack, because they never learned how to jump, which is kind of sad.
>Mario 64 is difficult because it's slow and methodical
no, mario 64 is hard because there are a fuckton of instant death pits and there are no second chances (wall jump is unforgiving), and dying restarts the level (or segment if you're inside a building)
sunshine is super easy in comparison because you have fludd to let you hover anywhere, plus easy walljumping. galaxy is easy too because of the floaty physics and the spin that's basically a free 2nd jump.
Is Sonic Adventure more easy than Sunshine and Galaxy?
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>you can't compare 2D sonic to 3D.
I can? Especially when the central mechanic of RUSH is BOOSTING?
Probably. Sonic is kind of the babby plaformer, in the first place. You can take as much damage as you like, as long as you grab rings.
That means I will get a bit disappointed by it.
Why did it become so popular?
level design in 3D boostshit games is go forward to win. 2D games aren't hold right to win, and there are vertical shafts, ramps, slides, and obstacles you have to get through.
>level design in 3D boostshit games is go forward to win.
>even though a lot of them have 2D segments and also have bottomless pits too....
>2D games aren't hold right to win
>still moving goalposts when the mechanic in question is pushing a button, that draws energy from a gauge, to go beyond to speed (this applies to both because they're both boost and you're an autistic faggot splitting hairs on nothing)
lol what the fuck are you talking about
Comparatively great presentation and music for the Megadrive era, really good mascot design, and you can run around a loop.

It's not necessarily THE platformer for people who are hardcore connoisseurs of the genre. Even as a fan, I wouldn't say it is.
On Megadrive, that's Rocket Knight Adventures, maybe. And otherwise, it's Donkey Kong Country.
If you want a challenging game, then Plok, or Rayman 1.
I don't understand why people post this image, the only one that's reasonably Adventure style is 06
I'm a Mario fan and recently I got interested into Sonic due to nostalgia for Sonic X. That's why I'm playing the classic games and Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 right now but I haven't played Adventure 1 and 2 much. The hardest parts were the Chaos fight at first and the first boss I think he is called Big Foot in 2 because I didn't know how to fight the first boss in 2.
>Crash and Spyro
maybe on planet nigger where you come from
>The hardest parts were the Chaos fight at first
You press A six times (once to jump, once again to homing attack) and win.
What did you think was hard about Chaos Zero?
They're significantly better. It's not even funny.
Only Crash 2 is good, 1 and 3 are mid and Spyro is a mid fucking series from start to end.
naughty dog were always a borderline shovelware studio that made games with nice graphics and nothing else, excluding maybe CTR crash was legitimately never good, spyro is mediocre as fuck, cry about it snoygger
he says damn
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Can you even read, dumbass? I said I recently played though it for the first time.
>draws energy from a gauge
it kills enemies automatically and trivializes building speed too. that's why it's shit.
>>2D games aren't hold right to win
they aren't. nice cherrypicking. why don't you try holding right to get past hydrocity zone? or hill top zone? or labyrinth zone?
That wasn't the point of contention, Rush having it and being the start of Boost gameplay was.
>nice cherry picking
SAdvance2 it VERY hold right to win
>try other 2D game
I'm just saying even Pocket Adventure is pretty easy to hold right on a lot of the time.
The difficulty came from me not knowing what to do.
Crash is a really really fun and well designed platformer, and I was a Nintendo kiddie.
When you die the tutorial tells you what to do, you can't skip it. I just don't see how this is difficult.
It's hard to believe they never tried milking some standalone chao garden game. The Tails and Eggman levels were boring, but the mech battles were fun in versus. They should have made their levels more like just fighting a bunch of slightly inferior mechs and dodging things around corners instead of the levels we got with them.
Some of the character and camera controls felt a bit off with Sonic and Shadow levels, but overall it was fun. Didn't the game sell extremely well for its time? Kind of odd they never did an Adventure 3 in the next gen
Honestly you could wrap treasure hunting with procedural levels and emeral/missing item seeds with hidden animals and enemies with chaos drives around.
Work chao racing and karate online with lobbies or afk stable races. Have log-in bonuses be for cosmetics or seeds to plant in your garden or better yet, better looking gardens.

Honestly, if the systems and budget could allow for it, you could tie all of this into a mainline title with a host server. But that would be too ambitious, but a standalone mobile game with some diet Sonic Dreams platforming to get more stuff would be cool.
>Have log-in bonuses
Fuck off
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>expecting a japanese (or any country wanting profitable returns) company making a mobile game and not expecting any engagement based practices

it's practically expected all the time at this point, literally every other Sonic game on iOS has log in bonuses. The silver lining is it's a means to an end (F2P).
>Everyone's doing it so it's good
>erm your hypothetical isn't full of based and sovlful practices that totally wouldn't fucking happen in the modern market because I'm not an optimistic retard
go back to >>689327331 and learn to think in reality. You really think a japanese mobile game won't nickel and dime you? Sit on it you massive faggot baby. The idea of the Chao Garden coming back at all is too big of a ask for modern Sonic Team anyhow.
for me the question is why physics got so fucked up with heroes

who cares about the formula, chao garden and non-sonic playstyles are shit
Yeah, she does.
Something with base acceleration being radically scaled up, I believe Heroes is still on 'the same engine' as SA2. But yeah, the ramp up to full speed isn't 'natural' and turning is more of a commitment than Sonic/Shadow in SA2. They would lean and steer in a direction you're turning to and it was actually responsive, in Heroes at top speed if you go up and right, the cast will go in that direction.
It's not super bad, but it feels wrong especially when you're running with a team, it looks 'janky'. In terms of feel, it's too much speed all at once.

I could sit here all day talking about how rocket excel feels like shit and how health bars on enemies suck, but the physics is just faster in the wrong areas.
For 1998-99, I'd say SA1's lighting was impressive. Shame it got completely assraped in the subsequent ports.
This post being deleted proves this is a trannie board

How about this, Sonic doesn't need to be based on 20 year old games if the classic 90s games was instantly abandoned despite on all records doing better than any other Sonic eras out there

If classic can be replaced, modern deserves to be replace. Platformers are only liked on Nintendo anyways, and I'm fucking tired of Sonic games pandering to Nintendies. I'm all in on them moving the fuck on from platformers and making RPGS just so Adventurefags can die in a ditch.

They don't deserve shit.
>Please Sega, give me daily log-in bonuses and micro transactions for cosmetics!!
You are a cuckold
Your cats will eat your corpse, retard
>If classic can be replaced
It can't. They haven't managed to do it in 30 years.
>we should have a chao garden with everything free, sex with cream the rabbit and you get money for being based big penis gaijin chad-san
They already did that. It was awful.

Almost anything is better than the slop you suggested earlier.
>I choose to believe it's because they don't like their fans and they think it's funny
I was about to say that the Murder game proves you wrong but then i remembered that it was an april fools joke and suddenly it started making even more sense.
Holy shit Sega really does run purely on spite, doesn't it?
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Listen rajeet, even your favorite gaycha has that shit. You cannot have a mobile game about raising rpg values, from Asia, without expecting it. You have to be brown and ESL to not understand that.
>no sars that's what you want!
I have 100%ed SA1 and 2, I can just transfer chao data indefinitely for years between those if I wanted. You will never get a Chao Garden on your phone without monetization practices added on, it's just no logical to expect.
Why do you want micro transactions and daily log-in bonuses in your games anon?
>why do want sars!?
Learn to read please. Redeem reading.
not being an akira reference is what makes him cool, something the marketing team doesn't seem to understand, he does seem pretty cool in the trailer tho aside from.. ya..
Why is it a mobile game? You never stated it had to be one earlier.
they tried with 06 and failed miserably. if unleashed came out in 1999 and forces came out in 2006 the same thing might've happened if the boost formula was first. sega is just retarded
>Anon says he loves micro transactions
>Pretends (you) said it, actually
I thought summer was over.
>standalone chao game
>on a major console
that's also bigger wishful thinking
>say it's a means to an end for F2P
You should be in Summer school.
The only time you die in 3D shitnik is due to a glitch. Zero challenge comes from any 3D Sonic game, Adventure or otherwise.
Why would you want it to be a mobile gatcha?
Why do you think SEGA would publish a pet sim mechanic from a mainline game as a standalone series for consoles?
Why are you dodging the question again?
Why do you want it to be a mobile gatcha?
And why are you putting words in my mouth?
It would never be anything but a mobile game, not all mobile games are gacha.
Why are you gay?
Because it's what (you) were talking about here. You mentioned mainline titles first.
Why would I imagine the worst-case scenario?
Why are you dodging the question again?
Why do you want it to be a mobile gatcha?
>Why would I imagine the worst-case scenario?
Because this is an 18+ site and I assume we weren't wishful thinking retards, WITH SONIC TEAM LOL?
>bot ppsting
consession accepted retard.
>I assume we weren't wishful thinking
>Makes up his dream Chao game
But that wasn't wishful thinking, right anon?
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I made up a best-case scenario if they ever came back, my dream chao game would be in Sonic Adventure 3 you fucking goober.
>He doesn't know what a bot is
>Dodged the question for the 4th time
Why do you want it to be a mobile gatcha game anon?
You are brown and stupid. >>689330735
>I made up a best-case scenario
Thanks for confirming you are a onions cuckold
are we not living in the same modern (MOBILE) gaming market or are you stuck in the aughts?
>Admits he thinks gacha is "best case scenario"
Concession accepted
>Micro transactions and gacha are THE BEST!
>Daily log-in bonuses make every game better!!
>the last DOZEN of Sonic games were literal gacha
>thinks Chao would make it onto consoles
>thinks Chao wouldn't be mobile fodder
>thinks it won't be monetized out the ass

You know I'm fucking right.
>The PS2 was too weak to run the engine the Adventure games were built in
It wasn't so much that the PS2 was too weak(it wasn't, its specs were mostly superior to the Dreamcast's), it was that its architecture was so fucking assbackwards that porting the engine would've been too much work, that's why they switched to Renderware for Heroes and Shadow.
worse then any of the good sonic games better then any of the bad ones. frontiers is right in the middle in terms of quality. Imo even its music story and soul is right in the middle too
I played through it for the first time on Dreamcast and it's not very good. I can see being more enthusiastic for it as a kid, but I can only imagine how bad the jank is on the rerelease if that's considered the good version.
Yes thats how sega operates. It took then 20 years to try again with frontiers and that got lukewarm reception overall
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>What is the easiest stage in Sonic Adventure?
Gamma's Final Egg if you count what's basically a tutorial, or any of SA1 Knuckles stages. Combining SA1's multi-radar with how close together a lot of the Emeralds were made for very very short stages. Like most of them could easily be beaten in a minute and a half without effort.
I am really glad SA2 fixed this and made the stages more better paced.
They did and people hated sonic heroes.
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Sonic Heroes runs on the RenderWare engine, made by Criterion, well Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 used their own engine made in-house by SEGA. When they jumped from first party to third, they lost a lot of the innate technical knowledge of knowing their own hardware, and they are still suffering from it even to this day.
I was worried they were gonna do this again with lost world and sonic boom after how successful unleashed colors and genrations were. And even then colors and generations were a stepdown in terms of scope in comparison to unleashed
Just like everything else in human history (see: Romen Empire after it collapsed)
Is Sonic into human women?
You've never played Sonic Adventure
He was always edgy vegeta
you know that like 5 other countries considered themselves the successors of the romAn empire after the second sack of rome and the turkish conquest of byzantium right? america was founded by a bunch of lawyers and soldiers larping as the senators of the late roman republic and even writing to eachother under code names like cicero and cato
They did, Heroes, Shadow and 06 are somewhat like the adventure games
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And spinnin' on the back
On the turntable's back
And spinnin' on the back
On the turntable's back
And spinnin' on the back, on the back
Spinnin' on the back, on the back
And spinnin' on the back, turntable's back
Turntable, spinnin' on the turntables
Spinnin' on the
At this point just get Sonic Adventure 2 on steam and install Chao World Extended and other chao mods.
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>You guys said that about Frontiers and look how that turned out.
Just fine? No-skill retards forever bitching about everything, I swear.
I asked why (you) want it. Answer the question cuck
He's the coolest.
>almost universal critical acclaim
how delusional are you man
>SA1: 89% on GameRankings
>SA2: 87 on Metacritic
He means everywhere outside of 4chan especially before youtubers claimed they were bad
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There is so much Rouge art to choose from and you post AI garbage
Coomers do not have brains
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Fuck I didn't even notice it was AI until I'd already posted it. That was from the first page of results as well.
Accept this as an apology.
Because it takes more effort to do.
This is th eonly way how Amy gets Sonic.
>believing kike journos
go back to xitter
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>baby games with 0 skill
>You mean like SA1 and Heroes?
You've obviously never played SA1
>I didn't even notice it was AI until I'd already posted it.
I'm convinced there's a literal genetic ability to instantly tell ai from non ai at this point. It's instantaneous in thumbnail form for me it's not even funny anymore.
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>It's always this shitpost falseflagged by samefagging jeets
Get new material. Oh wait, you can't!
sonic was never good
you never played otherwise you would've provided an argument by now
It was flawed
Those Spark games did Adventure better than Adventure did
>it's a videogame of objectively poor quality
Learn to form your own opinions.

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