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>Rockstar India had been assigned to work on the entire Vice Beach area of the map
why would you let them work on the most iconic part of the city man? Prepare for shit on sidewalks
Rocksaar India
brown skidmarks
>Rockstar India
Its truly Joever
>Saar getting phished
They are not immune to their own poison?
Hello saar
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>fucking your women.
do telematic scammers really earn that much?
>fucking your women
I live in Bongland and all asian women are either with cute white teenagers(tall twink type) if they're high status, or with niggers and sandniggers if they're low status. Asian women do NOT want asian men.
If the job is moved to india it no longer pays well.
ISI coping

Indians are based. Fuck off, /pol/tards
I don't get why spend so much money in creating a game for a long time, then pray at least it meets sales expectation or better. It looks like a very risky gamble especially with times changing.
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Is that beach going to be covered in shit like every other one they touch?
can't wait for the gaming industry to crash with this piece of shit
Poo-covered hands typed this post
Why? They did an awful job with the trilogy ports. Why would you trust them again?
good morning, saar! may the jagganath roll over you soon thank you
Imagine all the human feces on the beach
Costs literally nothing.
lol lmao, this happened at my friends workplace a stupid fucking poojeet got scammed by a fake email about the boss needing $1000 in gift cards and he kept trying to buy them after the boss said it was a scam.
>implying he wasn't in on the scam
They're taking the high paid jobs to be paid the lowest wage possible for them.
The only thing you can be proud of is lowering yourself more than western do.
he used his own money
The age of high quality AAA games is forever dead I guess. What was the last one?
excuse me but as a korean it's extremely offensive for you to call indians "asian" like they are the same race as me. please apologize or I will report you to your police for hate speech.
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You're asian. No matter how much you want to identify as european, or middle east.
East Asian and Indian males consistently rank bottom percentile in matches and swipes, even when accounting all demographics of women according to dating/hookup apps.
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Is that a popular pet name in those circles?
I hear that and I just start thinking of curry memes, like those twisted up faces.
>account doesnt exist
nice shop
no I'm not even the same species as an indian. if indians are asian than turks are european.
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>Rockstar India
They have a child company in India? The fuck?
Wait til the standup in that clip realises it would still be somewhat kosher to call him Oriental in the UK due to our association of the word Asian with Indo-Pakistani
>taking all your high paying jobs
This isn't quite the own you think it is considering you're basically taking a job that you recognise is high paying and fucking yourself over by doing it for next to nothing. Which is the entire reason companies outsource to you to begin with. The second point is complete delusional cope and the third is proven utterly false by any and all metrics.
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Holy shit guys new gta 6 screenshot just leaked
As the cumskins cope an Indian BVLL is anihilating a white girl's virgin asshole using her shit as lube.
i want her nudes nigger
No it's a fake image
i dont see indians owning any companies of worth, theyre just teh fall guy for when they fuck up again
let her go sanjay
man romesh ranganathan got a cute wife
>pay like shit, get shit in return
ER also outsourced some assets to an Indian studio, except From payed them actual money and gave sufficient instructions with some detailed concept art and time to work on the assets instead of paying peanuts and telling them to finish shit in half the required time (what Bobby did with Refunded). Granted there is still lots of poo in the loo but it’s ‘muh wyppo’ just at higher social tier treating you like a cattle, which you are because you will all buy the gta slop.
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I chuckled
>jeet fantasy involves shit
Turd in the surf.
Im dyslexic af for reading that as cunnybunny
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The fact that they would get job confuses me when there's 3rd shithole that develop for less, what the fuck do they see on Pajeets?, why don't lend the work to SEAmonkeys or Latinxs that were equally cheap?
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>Rockstar India
It's actually so fucking over bros
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Every major tech company is outsourcing as much IT stuff to India as they can legally be allowed to.
They have absolutely stopped giving a fuck about quality of product at this point and are just trying to get things out fast and cheap.

This is what late stage capitalism truly is. Massively bloated companies that have won the complete saturation of the market they're in having no more new customers and so to keep line going up they do shit like this to cut costs because that's all they can really do...destroying their own products and good standing with the public in the process.

I really think this behavior is beyond capitalistic greed tho. I feel like these directions in these companies are like last ditch efforts to plunder all that can be done before boomer execs finally retire or kick the bucket.
Resentment that they have to leave seems to be something key to boomer mentality and it looks like they prefer to burn it all down as they go.

They can't preside indefinitely over these companies and economies and governments? Well they're not about to just hand over something in good working order to the next generation! Fuck them! Gonna cash out and burn it down!
A whole generation that despises its own offspring.
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They are not the same person
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Indians come with resumes that are super long. Each and every time. On paper it looks like they've been working for years and are very experienced.

And then you actually work with them and it seems like they just touched a computer last week.
Like hey man your resume said you worked with Unix and Linux systems for 5 years why don't you know how to use vim? How do you not know how to navigate in the shell?

That's not to say there aren't good ones but holy shit most of them are scamming their way into jobs. They're insulated too...most of the time these days it's a "managed services" model. In which you contract with a consulting company and they just field the workers for you when you give requirements.
On paper that sounds great as you don't even need to bother with hiring process you just get performance reports and determine if you need to expand or reduce the headcount.

But like I said before most of these people are scamming their way into the jobs.

It is all one big shit show at this point and unfortunately it won't come tumbling down soon enough. It's going to just get worse.
Your caste is too low for those white goddess you smelly freak
i know i want the reddit slut
Your Oriental
what is the point of these retarded threads. they probably worked on RDR2s map as well. its the american faggots that will make the game shit
Based rape mini game
>trust the diversity hires so little, their project is creating a yellow slope in blender
She deleted her account, many such cases. I would like to see other pics aswell.

God bless you predictable poo robots
>whole studios dedicated to areas
holy shit, how fucking detailed is this game going to be?
totally understandable, sounds hotter anyway.
I don’t get it, we already know what the beach looks like, it’s the main thing shown in the trailer and it looks fine. I’m not sure why you would need to pay people six figures to carve out a large sand land mass and put trash and seashells and weeds on it
probably because its going to have a bunch of insane details and NPCs who do a bunch of shit
companies love hiring indian's to do the easy work that people with brains can't be bothered doing
>Every major tech company is outsourcing as much IT stuff to India as they can legally be allowed to.
Lol nigga this hasn't been true for nearly 10 years at this point. Only the very bottom of the barrel (Microsoft support, which is industry wide infamous for being absolutely terrible) still use tech support from India. Literally every company that isn't trying to get the absolute cheapest labor realized the same thing: that an end user hearing an Indian accent when they have a problem makes them groan. Business-class tech support all hires locally, the only thing still being outsourced is call center type shit which has been the domain of the Phillipines for half of a decade because people like talking to Phillipinos. They're good at what they do and friendly and sound human. t. knower
It’s a beach, they likely give these guys generic assets and they place it around. Then the guy who handles events and shit places his stuff after the Indians are done. A beach is not complicated just time consuming. You can’t really build a lot of structures on it
I have never seen a poo in anything that wasn't a call center.
Good we gonna see lots of fécales bomba and vagene
>Prepare for shit on sidewalks
They also shit on the beaches and have shit (and corpses) floating in their sacred river. Expect shit to be everywhere.
Why must even the richest companies outsource to jeets?! I get that they are very cheap, but you get what you pay for. Example: Outlaws and Starfield
>most of these people are scamming their way into the jobs.
That's the only way to get work nowadays.
>vice beach
The other major outsourcing projects like the planned intel and HP move to mumbai also fell through a couple years ago. They were planning to make india a new tech hub like taiwan in case the war fucked things up but they ended up picking Mexico, the US and other western countries over India. Those plans have also failed but that’s another story.
jeets also worked on Elden Ring, Armored Core 6, and Baldurs Gate 3, those games flopped because of bad western/french code
>fucking your women
Well there is plenty of evidence that they're trying...and 0 evidence that they're succeeding.
>fucking your women
Come on Rajesh, you have to resort to rape even for your own women...you are THE least desired ethnicity.
They work for 1/100th the wages of western devs, why else?
No and that's the funny part: not even leftist/libs defend jeets.
it's always funny when western morons buy into egalitarianism. do they really think south america and india would be the same as fucking high iq taiwan? yeah, they did, and they're retards.
I've got to pooopooo dododo in the loo loo loo.
>taking all your high paying jobs
>taking over your governments
>fucking your women
Philippines, Mexico are where things are heading.
Pajeets are really good at ass kissing. Executives love that.
Idk about the others, but in Elden Ring’s case, Lakshya entertainment only worked in the UI and 2d graphical art department of the game.
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>and fucking your women.
do they even notice ranjesh
women don't care about cock size, just money. which is why jews get so many white women
>On paper it looks like they've been working for years and are very experienced.
>And then you actually work with them and it seems like they just touched a computer last week.
That sounds like Boomers to me.
I mean, it’s very hard to replace Taiwan because their government made it an absolute priority to incentivize the development of specific tech sectors in the country. This project started all the way back in the 70s dictatorship era, the “silicon great wall” they called it.
Idk about the Philippines but Mexico and the southwestern US was supposed to be the main hub but several structural difficulties have rendered the new fabs practically inoperable. And the world is more reliant on Taiwan than ever, with Intel going through a lot of shit on top of having their big factory in Israel shut down because of the war.
Jeets are crap even when compared to other 3rd worlders.
Women care about status, height is a big part of that. In addition, indians are considered the lamest ethnicity to date.
>cock size
Never said anything about that. But they do care.
Bottom of the barrel. Worse than africans if they had a similar level of development. There’s like a emerging tech industry in Tanzania or Kenya, don’t remember, that seriously threatens India’s role in the market if it manages to develop. And pajeets have already lost a lot of ground in this kind of IT wetwork to latin america in the last couple decades.
>fucking your women
are there any men less desirable than indians?
do pakis count or are they just muslim flavoured indians?
Pashtun and baloch pakis are definitely above indian men. The majority of the country are just muslim indians, though.
GTA3, VC and San Andreas together came out in under five years and those games are legendary.
Now it takes over ten years to get one mediocre GTA game made by jeets.
Everything is so fucked.
>are there any men less desirable than indians?
probably not. i can't think of a single desirable quality that they typically possess.
It’s probably the scamming old people thing
No, leftists love that part
This series is dead. Last true entry was 4.

DEI'd to death.
It's the obnoxiousness and disrespect for women leftist dont like. Oh and the street shitting. No one likes street shitting.
Old news. They also worked on both RDR games, Max Payne 3 and LA Noire.
Most big developers outsource stuff to asian work for hire studios.
Next rage bait please.
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This has to be bait. Nobody is this dumb. They only outsource jobs that aren't crucial or that can be done by lower paid less skilled labor, corporations aren't charities. As for the woman fucking, if some broad is dumb enough to have mutted children, then she wasn't worth much to begin with.
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What's wrong with vim?
i'll never get over people who never have to deal with indians not understanding where all this "sudden" indian racism is coming from
yeah, because so many people are pouring in
they caused this
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>pajeets managed to attain a worse reputation than blacks and arabs
can't make this shit up
The moment that one seethed about Apu it all started falling apart for them.
Being the 'Thank you, come again.' guys were really carrying their reputation for decades.
Indians and Chinese infect academia and professional industries, and more educated people have to deal with them which is where the "socially acceptable" modern hate comes from. Talk to any STEMfag living in a big city and they'll know how terrible both groups are, with Indians being worse than Chinese.
So basically Indian hate is safe racism
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>Vice Beach area of the map
So the beach will be littered with garbage and feces?
Bobs and vagene memes have been a thing since the pajeets had access to the internet
bob and vagene came from a time where everyone just thought indians were harmless geeks
What sustains india? How do 1 billion people live there without collapsing the system?
By scavenging and pickpocketing .
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I love the gals that have sense of humor like this
Ok and what are 1 billion scavengers looting? Everything has to come from somewhere.
>be indian
>hungry need some rupees for chickpea mush slop served with bare hands on floor
>start digging in other peoples pockets for coin
>first target, shit in pocket no money
>next target, shit in pocket no money
>third target, shit in pocket but wait a gift card
>already redeemed
>try pockets of the corpses in holy river
>finally, some coin
>take sip from holy river for the blessing, extra lead today
>order slop
>today was a good day
By living in absolute squalor.
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>Rockstar India
do not redeem
Yes. Rockstar India handled Read Dead Online after development was finished.
Which is probably why RDO updates gave single player game-breaking bugs, graphical glitches, and fucked John’s face up in the epilogue. And also why RDO was such a trash pile of shit.
it's mostly been black people that have been laughing at indians. just look at twitter.
Fucking lmao
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Saarbros...they didnt redeeeeem...
I don't think he understands that this is the opposite of good.
Indians worked on RDR2 too and it turned out to be good basterd bitch.
>People are going to blame India for any fuck up R* does now
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This one fleshed-out three-dimensional character from Americana satire was holding back the largest dam of racism the world over. Fucking wild, man.
Not much considering that much scope in studios WILL lead to poor design
the same as almost every thread. to wear you down into an emotionless husk too demoralized to continue posting earnestly
Pakis are literally just muslim indians
Yeah, you’re definitely a plague. Lol at taking our women though, no one likes indians.
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>why would you let them work on the most iconic part of the city man?
it's cheaper
Girl looks like she just got off the krokodil.
>Rockstar India
why is this even a thing?
>your high paying job
I have never seen an Indian lawyer and can't imagine anyone willingly wanting an Indian to represent them in any capacity.
If they make shitty products, the consumer takes the hit. But putting your own life or wellbeing in the (dirty) hands of an Indian? Good luck with that.
Chinese will genuinely have trouble with integrating and understanding english (how the fuck did you pass the language test?) which is usually why they have trouble and hold up classes but Indians will actually flat out cheat and use AI or make shit up to pass papers while fully understanding what they did, no one ever buys it.
the girls probably thought the jeet would charge them for the bootleg Doraemon toy and his performance if they laid a finger on it
Outsourced means this game better not cost more than 50 dollars or Iam not touching it
It’s pretty funny how anti-Indian racism was much less mainstream before The Problem with Apu came out.
>imagine lying on your resume to get an entry level job because every HR bot required years of experience for entry level, which you couldn’t get without having an entry level job
yeah…couldn’t be me haha….
there's a nintendo india as well
which explains /v/
>he thinks the savings are passed down to the consumer
That was such a weird period of time. I only knew Hari Kondabolu as the brother of hipster rap duo Das Racist’s hype man, Dap (Ashok Kondabolu) before it came out, and then he was the Problem with Apu guy.
Apparently he openly regrets it all now lol
>Playing GTA VI
>Buy a SHARK Card because you want to buy something in game
>Immediately get a call telling you to not redeem the SHARK Card
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Anybody who is saying this haven't been to enough convenience stores these past 30 years. These nasty motherfuckers are always doing and saying stupid, low iq, and racist shit here in the south, white or black.
>Does frontflip
>Cameraman misses it
>Women completely uninterested
Holy shit imagine being a fucking pajeet. You can wear all the fancy clothes, keep yourself well groomed, learn gymnastics and it all means NOTHING, all because you shit in a street.
Like I said, this shit better not cost more than 50
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>all these replies to ancient copypasta
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Holy mother of kek
ah yes, the flippin jeet.
here's the right thread for that.
They really think life is a movie holy shit
And it’s gone
Nobody teaches is that it's not
For sure man, but it’s just funny to me how widespread this is even among insufferably politically correct people now.
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I am an Indian who enjoys these kind of racist posts. AMA
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>Frog poster
I rather not
what do you think of the juggernaut?
What is it about being Indian that prevents you people from being honest? Especially in a position of power? I've had shitty white bosses, but holy shit you guys take it next level
I've never seen that before so I dunno what that is, but looks pretty dope

I haven't met someone like that myself but I know Indians love the sense of having power. You take an Indian guy from the slums and put him in some management position, ofcourse he's going to feel like he's the shit (no pun intended)
face culture (everyone on the planet has some version of it) however in india, it's way too much and off the charts

you need to be seen as successful by others in society, so bullshiting all the time so make others think you "made it" or are "better than them" is very common

here is an example
>aunt has son
>she goes around telling everyone he is the top engineer at a big company like Toyota
>in reality he is a common car mechanic across the road and is probably licensed by Toyota to fix customer cars

keep this in mind whenever an indian tries to sell you something, it's some exaggerated BS, oh yeah and never believe what an indian says,
if he says he's gonna pay you tomorrow, that means a month or a week from now,
if he says he has the money, that means he doesn't have it yet but thinks he's gonna have it in the future
etc... you get the gist
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Good morning saar time for a rape my dear??
Wow, this is hilarious and disturbing at the same time
Why do all indians have that lanky small shoulder physique like they finished growing at 14?
Because all they eat is vegetable slop. This guys barely get any protein in their diet so none of them ever have muscle mass. So they’re either skeletons or fat fucks
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>hiring devs from the other side of the globe to make an american beach
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it all makes sense in the end
chat is that real?
boeing's 737 max killed hundreds of people in crashes due to boeing outsourcing the plane's engineering to india
i do flip for she
>Mission: Help Peter Shit on the Street
>Reward: $20 Walmart Gift Card
indians and pakistanis are the same thing
Why are Indians the way that they are? How do you manage to be worse then so many other countries?
India's population is so massive it incentivizes people scamming their way into a job because the supply of willing workers is inexhaustible. There are people who have never held a wrench applying to be mechanics. 90% of Indians should just be subsistence farmers/fishermen, the remaining 10% should should cover the skilled labor required to keep a society functioning, but only cater to Indians. India could be cut out from global trade with minimal downsides and everyone's standard of living would dramatically increase.
It's like Indian men are stuck at the mental age of 12 for the rest of their lives.
>Why are Indians the way that they are?
If India was never taught English, then it'd probably be like four different countries by now, one of which would probably be decent.
What was even the problem with Apu?
Some faggot cried about him.
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Retarded activist americanized jeet manufactured drama about apu being a bad stereotype for his literal shiteater people to gain some fame.
Apu got deleted out of the simpsons and then the BIG jeet wave started and everybody learned first hand how awful they truly are.
>Rockstar India
this is gonna such an unpolished piece of shit, Cyberpunk 2.0
Stfu dumb faggot. Anything which is giving the lame level of respect to black heritage and Muslim tradition that you expect to be given to whites you call "worship propaganda" Not everybody is a racist piece of shit like you.
I'd take his Doraemon
Vice Beach area confirmed laggy and bugged as fuck on release.
Aziz Ansari, a western Indian-American comedian who got fed up with all the associations to Apu, because in the 90's and 00's Apu was the most prominent depiction of Indians in all media. Looking back, Apu was a relatively harmless/positive caricature holding back the flood of unsavory Indian stereotypes that would soon follow when Indians got access to the internet and the rest of the world learned how terrible Indians actually are. I bet Aziz actually misses the days when the worst thing people could do was spit Apu quotes at him.
>I'd take his Doraemon
He has probably grinded it on his dick in hopes that a white woman would touch it, nevermind the fact it's definitely covered in shit particles.
I'd wash it
You can't wash away that doll's shame.
That Doraemon deserves another chance at life. He'll have a hard time getting over it, but I'll be there for him every step of the way.
Spoken like someone who fully intends on grinding that Doraemon on his cock. The cycle of abuse repeats.
And this board still makes silly claims that India haven't made a single game
More Indians die from being hit by a train than Americans die from any form of gun action in a year.
Damn this must be why downtrodden chicks are kind of hot
>smooth philtrum
>hook nose
>sunken, black eyes
that's a jew
I resent your accusation.
All of Canada soon, sad
Seriously, the bullying against Indian members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Indians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.

Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Indian man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully sneedposters or capeshitters? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful country?

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!

Would you call an Indian man a "street shitter"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Indian man that they are a "poo"? Would you say those words to your fellow /v/ brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate.

You’re destroying national pride. So I encourage you to stop now.
I haven't seen this pasta before I'm out of touch
those women should not be sitting there, some crazy panjeet can push em off if he gets upset
>Beach area by Indians
so the ganges?
White women should be pushed off just for wanting to go there
long story short, genetics, you can read about indian history, and literally notice that at every point in history they do everything wrong, which just builds up

google "wheat vs rice theory" for a TLDR on the first wrong thing they did
caste system is another

various hindu religious beliefs like you cannot be too far away from the ganges river (source of reincarnations), or else you won't reincarnate, and being forbidden from traveling on salt-water

hindus who went too close to the indus valley (border of india to the rest of asia) had to perform a cleansing ritual when they got back

and india never built an empire (even though they were one of the first civilizations)

being in a jungle is also bad civilizationally (you aren't incentivized to explore and advance since everything is handed to you), compared to the Greeks (mountainy terrain), Arabs (desert), who were both forced to expand and conquer territories to survive and thus advance
>I can't say I'm the only Indian man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country
What is there to have pride in?
Once you brown retards got rid of apu everyone saw the real street shitting low IQ tards flooding every country. You know it's bad when some old japanese man in kyoto was telling me how tired he was of indians.
GM sirs.

More like shit on the beach.
Good, shitskins can't fucking do anything what a disaster, Rockstar kikes know no bounds
Just shameful
I have yet to play this, have they fixed those singleplayer bugs?
bloody bitch bastards...
You just KNOW these Indian chads fucked the girls that work at Grove street games
Someone post the pic you know the one
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I just noticed the other poo's profile picture. Why are they all like this?
>Apparently he openly regrets it all now lol
Should've thought of that instead of blowing up a TV production.
GTA6 confirmed flop
Industry crash NOW
Boomers are all retired because they actually worked zoomer faggot
You will never work as hard as a boomer. Fact
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>Rockstar India
Why does that exist. Who thought that would be a good idea?!
I haven't had problems with the Chinese in IT circles. But Indians are BY FAR the worst race/country to deal with in Information Technology. The fact they get jobs while I can self-educate because capitalism wants W-2/lowest bidders is fucking insane.
i dropped GTA and rockstar around 2013. you guys need to he like me
Why has there been such an elevated amount of racism against Indians as of late?
latinx and arabs and mutts discovered lately they can deflect all hate from them to indians
He was voiced by wypipo and this microaggression can not stand!

So the Simpsons wrote him out of the show, Hank voices non-Indians, and the show went even more into the shit while street shitters shit themselves.
Big Indian immigration surge in many countries post covid to try and kick the economy that bit further down the road.
Canada and to a lesser extent the US are getting legally invaded by jeets and anyone who isn't a completely demoralized gubbermint buck started to nootice that they aren't ready for human civilization
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>Aziz Ansari
It wasn't him. It was another Indian. But even then, he Aziz done anything since Master of None? Like he fell off the face of the Earth after Parks and Rec and that finished.
Just ask your average german what they think of turks and they'll tell you the turks are their brothers
Nice self report you baby dicked street shitter
Rockstar is what it is because it was built on the backs of white men, you start outsourcing to India and shitty little satellite studios (Grove street games) then whats the fucking point
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>start outsourcing
They been doing that since 2011
Shit gameplay and full of bugs.
The one Youtuber showing that 98% of Indians are scammers, along with the now widely-publicized fact that they categorically refuse to shit in toilets. Easy prey for such a massive shithole country.
Panjeet Copedex, i'm calling in codes:
Because they get to openly be racist to everyone, my Facebook is full of stuff like posts comparing white people to Neanderthal cavemen saying we look identical, little do they know they are specifically talking about ethnic jews
I suspect that's what it took for him to realize what he was doing.
Be more like this Chad >>689321141 you pussy
Aziz and the paki dude that was in Silicon Valley are so funny to me.
They cry about racism and how their ethnicities are constantly mocked in media but if it weren't for their type casts as socially awkward, weak and borderline autistic street shitters, they would never have made it in Hollywood.
Apu was an actually positive role compared to what those retards have made.
Even recently, the algo is trying to force me some retarded pajeet whose only jokes are "jeets are either the discount version of chinese doctors or seven eleven clerks"

The only thing that has provoked the Indian hate is themselves.
migration -- but one thing people don't realize is the fact that a billion indians got smartphones for the first time recently and they all found out that everyone hates them on the internet as well as IRL. it's why they coordinate cuck spamming on 4chan from discord groups. they thought people online would like them lmao
it will meet sales expectations even if it sucks. Everyones buying GTA 6. I myself could think of at least 40+ dudes i know that will buy it release day. Rockstar is also gonna support the online mode for likely a decade + which is where the real money is. Oh also tons of people will buy 2 copies at least if they space out console and pc launch.
Funniest girl I ever met was an Indian. Very self depricating, and made fun of Indian guys a lot. Funny to me, but understandably kinda fucked up for the Indian incels
>I haven't had problems with the Chinese in IT circles.
They're more if you do wet lab research. I've done both, so I've dealt with both.
>The fact they get jobs while I can self-educate because capitalism wants W-2/lowest bidders is fucking insane.
The job market is beyond fucked.
>Indians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
That is exactly the problem
Ah yes the XCOM method of race relations
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On one hand, I'm glad they are stealing jobs from the west coast liberal cunts.
On the other hand, pajeets and go shit themselves.

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