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I need opinions!!!
Armored Core craps on Warhammer 40K in scale, piss off friend.
> wokehammer
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>They're still wasting dev time trying to make people take this casualized garbage PvP seriously
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What is this retarded bait angle?
>Look, this game of the very popular shilled franchise has more players than these niche mecha games.
Call me when you can built a custom mech in Space Marine. Pro tip: That will never happen.
Also look at the all-time peak compared to two of those niche games, especially the generic, mediocre f2p game, makes Space Marine look pretty sad. By that metric it never left the grave you wanna put the other games into so desperately.
im happy they still care
DLC ever?
This game was a treat. I’m probably showing up day 1 for the next one they make.
Opinions on what? Whats on the patch?

Look like a shitton of buff.
>Last thread failed
Good a fucking nothing burger Update doesn't need a thread
Feels like almost all of the changes since release have been buffs. Wonder what’s the reasoning behind it, it’s not like the PvE is hard.
No, there are nerfs as well, but not as hard, these are definitely for PvP, most of them seem to concern Energy weapons and Lightweight.
It's been months since we got a patch.
>I need opinions!!!
Boring game
Pretty cool, my main AC is all about Energy Weapons so glad they're getting buffed
>It's been months since we got a patch.
Unless it actually adds shit it's literally nothing shit like this doesn't need a thread
Should I play the others Armored Core games?
Which ones?
PVE was reasonably hard on launch, there was a lot of talk about helicopter, Balteus, and Ibis.
All of them.

OG trilogy, 3 and Silent Line, and 4 Answer are my favorites besides VI. Also V-Day but that game really doesn't exist anymore.
When is this game getting a sale? The Denmark Xbox store is selling this game for NINETY FREAKING DOLLARS for a digital console download. I am so close to writing Microsoft a letter asking if they are out of their minds.
PvP is shit what's there to elaborate on
The game is very hard, up until that point when you realize how lock-on works. And then it plays itself lmao
Nah they're old and clunky.
All you need is Elden Ring and AC6.
That's surprising. Not sure why they're still updating it though, is the online even active?
post your dudes
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>Look at patch
>no numbers

fine I'll just post mine again
Perfect I just started a new file the other day.
A lot of weapons felt like complete shit to use.
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That's alot of buffs. Suddenly half the catalog became viable for PVP. Nice.
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havent played in months but here was my pvp viento seethemaker build (most likely patched by now)
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These were my main pvp acs. I was lucky enough to not have to deal with the meta much because I just kicked them from every lobby I made
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fuck you
DLC/Sequel when? I need to experience true kino again after SotE shit the bed
Game Awards.
With the DLC if they announce a new save file system I will suddenly put 200+ more hours into the game. The biggest flaw this game has is only 1 save file
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Thanks for funding my games ;)
falseflag post
Miyazaki just said recently that they only made ac6 to generate some quick cash for eldenring 2 so never ever
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Sote dlc is peak fromsoft and mogs all robotslop
>Yeah let's make money with this niche series from a niche setting
If anything ER DLC is the one financing a new game.
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Patiently waiting for DLC, a new game, anything.
>nerf estujin
>nerf santai
>buff a bunch of cool shit
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Is there 5v5 yet? I also like objective based matches in other mecha/shooters, but duels and death matches stopped being interesting for me.
warhammer fans have to make everything about warhammer
No new content. Wait for TGS for potential announcement of something.
>energy missiles
>energy shotgun
>energy rifle
>chicken legs

Is this combo the armored core equivalent of bleed katanas? It's so effortless and fun.
Fuck pvp.

This game needs a fully fleshed out PvE special operations mode and a survival defense mode.
...will this break the Co-op mod?
Probably not since it's another useless balance patch
I don't understand why they waste so much time on these balance fix instead of just making a 4answer like dlc
>machine gun
>increased Projectile Speed; decreased Recoil


I want a dlc to but i know from will abandon it just like shitkiro, soulsslop is their only priority now
That isn't what they've said though, Miyazaki stated they will continue working on Armored Core. Whether that means more for 6 or just straight to 7, we don't know.
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Is PvP still broken?
When I left the meta was either tanks or missile boats. Everything in between mostly dies.
PvP in this game is like PvP in Destiny 2: an unbalanced shitshow spectacle that you shouldn't ever take seriously.
Pvp is pointless and boring
You don't fight any good people, most of them are metafag
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I'm starting online right now, the meta seems to be rushing with Moonlight.
I guess the shotguns are gutted which prompted this meta.
Thankfully coral missiles still save the day.
Beautiful machine.
What's her callsign.
havent played since release
guess now is a good time to do a loader 4 playthrough
>I actually didn't take into account the latency
PvP is more annoying than I realize
Deer Friend
I don't remember what most of these parts are, guess I'll just wait for chrightt's vid.
Bros, will modders ever crack the code and allow for custom missions? I NEED IT!
PVP is not getting fixed in this game, because elements that work fine for the single player engaging are a detriment in PVP. When they said they designed AC6 as a single player game they clearly meant it. It won’t be till an expansion title or AC7 for a chance of those elements getting changed. You’re better off with Mecha Break. Seems like a closer evolution what 5th Gen multiplayer left with. And no that’s not me trying to bash AC6, because it’s one of the better titles in the series even with the shit PVP.
is there FFA yet?
That was the big disappointment. I expected modded unique missions by now. Not just 10 flavors of the same For Answer gameplay mods.
>For Answer gameplay mods
These are so cringe anyway, it's literally just "WOAH YOU'RE SUPER FAST"
Plays nothing like 4A, just cranks the numbers up
It's just 1v1 or 3v3.
Duels honestly blow ass.
I bought this a year ago and I still haven't played it. Should I? Is it any good?
Really fun, cuts off the grind of modern games and is pure action
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Fight me
I expected custom missions to come naturally after the custom arena mod, proving that you can fuck around with the game beyond replacing models. Armoury is fun too, despite the unholy bloat. If it's still updated, i might give AC6 another run to see what's new in it.
>I bought this a year ago and I still haven't played it.
Then play it. Singleplayer campaign is awesome, multiplayer is very lackluster, unless you find a guy that's on your level and not a meta slave. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QowwpPEYhZU
>This game needs a fully fleshed out PvE special operations mode and a survival defense mode.
This + the game needs a fucking scav gamemode already. The map is already there.
did they add difficulty to the game?
It's such a shame /v/ hates this game so much. Every time I go into the famitsu threads, half the thread calls the game "dicksucking shit" because it didn't sell 50 million copies like the latest pokemon or FIFA. Console wars are such a blight on this board.
>mp is very lackluster
It does get really good when you find the right 1v1 lobby though. The mp lowpoints are really low but the high points are really high.
>Etsujin nerf
this is deeply gay
>duckett buff
nvm we good
>when you find the right 1v1 lobby though.
That's exactly what i mentioned.
>unless you find a guy that's on your level and not a meta slave.
Though my main issue is not with players, but the overall lack of gamemodes for multiplayer. It's probably because i'm bitter because i missed out on VD multiplayer, which was amazing from what i heard.
>Every time I go into the famitsu threads
That's your problem for falling for consolewar falseflaggers.
I'm D rank climbing up
So far it's just bladers galore

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