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How did Final Fantasy go from being a juggernaut franchise to a Concord-tier flop?
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>player count thread
>men waking up
>women not making bank off of onlyfools simps
>women primary audience for final fantasy
>women dont buy latest ff anymore
No need to exaggerate OP, anyway to answer your question the series got popular as JRPGs and stopped being popular because the games are no longer JRPGs, its that simple
They stopped making games for the people who actually buy their games.
Length of time between 10/10 releases in the main series. It was an entire 18 years between FFX and FFXIV: Shadowbringers and the latter requires purchase of a game + expac + 300 hours of gameplay + however many months of sub time it takes to get you there so for many people the last amazing FF game came out before like 20% of /v/ was born.
>bought the game
>played until garuda fight
>on pause until I upgrade my PC for a smoother experience
SE already has my money, they don't care if I'm not playing it right now
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Final Fantasy 13 and 15 ruined the brand. They spent over a decade on dogshit.
And then instead of 16 being a return to form it went off in a new direction that alienated their older audience, didn't draw in the 14 crowd, and failed to garner a new audience.
I'm going to try 16 tonight on PC and I'm excited to because I like the previous games the combat designer has worked on and I'm a sucker for the story focusing on summons, but it's not really what people expected from the series.
They made a bunch of bad gachas, thus burning the JP market.
NA doesn't play JRPGs.
EU doesn't play JRPGs.
CN never liked FF that much in the first place.
This. The demo showed I desperately need to upgrade my PC.
I will most likely be going on at least one vacation next year (maybe two) and I'm having car issues so it's not in the budget right now. I have like half a thousand other games I can play. I'll probably wait until I take days off in December 2025 to try it out now.
Either that or CBU3 feels charitably enough to improve performance mode. I don't really care for 4k or even 1080p. I just want an smooth experiece. Grew up with 800x600 carmageddon 2, the house of the dead and half life graphics. I'm not shackled by the "muh graphics" mentality
It all started when it went 3d.
Ff Is still the highest Profit jrpg franchise
There's no other that can pull similar numbers, all the others are sub 2 million flops
>Renowned JRPG series turned into actionslop because of one delusional MMO dev
The game is extremely boring in both story and gameplay. Don't let the MMO retard touch the mainline series ever again
FFXII killed it after being on life support thanks to Sakaguchi’s delusions.
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Bazz, weekend is coming, your temple is in danger
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What do people get out of Final Fantasy?
I am not buying AAA generic action open world trash, especially not sloppy console seconds.
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Wake up Larry new humiliation ritual just dropped. Going to get mogged in your own genre on your own launch week
Market based business decisions. No story to tell. Cynical businessmen with contempt for their consumers.
13 killed it
wait, you can't use XV or forspoken anymore?
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I bought a PS5 this year specifically for FF7 Rebirth. Don't give a shit about FF16 as it not Final Fantasy.
FFXIII's horrible release alongside Versus' massive delay and tonal shift really were the inflection point. Before that, they still had a lot of goodwill with players despite FFX and FFXII being controversial, and technical demonstrations like Agni's Philosophy showed they could still deliver a spectacle. Then whoever was the designated 'tard wrangler at SPEEN HQ must have retired and it's been nothing but downhill ever since.
holy fug i can already taste the refund numbers
Really, you still want to talk about jobbing to 15? You already had your peak today, Larry, and it was below ATH. It's not happening Larry. Focus on the new rape, that is happening
>11,530 In-Game
When they fired or let walk literally every piece of talent they had in the early 2000's. That company has a whole two people (Nomura/Yoshi P) who even know how to make a video game and neither know how to make a good one.
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>>11,530 In-Game
where are you getting your numbers?
Pretty much. Final Fantasy games always followed a formula with turn-based combat, top-down exploration, overworlds, etc. When they decided to reinvent the gameplay with MMO's, real-time combat, open worlds, etc. then the games stopped being the Final Fantasy games that people knew and loved. Maybe the new games are decent, but calling them Final Fantasy won't do anything to get the old fan base to play them.
14 crowd are all retarded mmo players. they do not play other video games outside of other mmos and probably mobile games.
game is literal gay propaganda.
I'm telling you GoW numbers, keep up Larry
hmm curious yet 7 and 8 and 10 and 15 are the best selling Final Fantasy games
Discussing which game (13) caused the downfall of Final Fantasy is like discussing what game (RSE) caused the downfall of Pokémon. It's completely meaningless, dozens of anons will correct you on what game ackshully killed the franchise because they felt personally attacked that you have a different opinion from them and the important thing is the series used to be good but now it is not. Simple as.
by trying to reinvent the wheel and chase outdated trends every installment instead of sticking with what works.
is that your cope? gow ragnarok? those won't add to the flopspoken's ones
BASED, The bottom half games were literally made by the B and C teams at Square Enix.

The true Final Fantasy games are those created by Nom-, I mean, the A team.
Sqeenix uses Final Fantasy to constantly push 'innovation' while is allows Dragon Quest to be pure concentrated SOUL doing nothing but refining the same gameplay its had since...forever! Thus Final Fantasy ultimately really has no identity besides trend-chasing current thing (Yoshi-P trend-chased Action games since he thinks JARPIGS are outdated) while Dragon Quest enjoys a solid foundation with a well-known playerbase who love it for what it is.
>to be pure concentrated SOUL
>body types
dead franchise only japs care about, and even them are starting to turn against it
People recommend various FFs up to 9
10 and later? I've not seen many recommendations. That's a long time without a game that made waves.
>while is allows Dragon Quest to be pure
I have BAD news for you...
FF X - beloved game
Followed by XI, an MMO
XII a singleplayer MMO
XIII - beloved game in Japan (majority of audience), hated by westerners
Followed by XIV, an MMO
A lot of people in Japan gave up here
XV - popular with young Japanese and young Westerners
followed by XVI, a game for no one.
Because they keep going after graphics.
If they made an "adult looking" anime cell shaded game for ps4, ps5, switch and pc it would have sold 5 times more, but ps5 only when it had sold like 30 million and a year later on pc when barely anyone on pc can run these kind of games is retarded.
Final Fantasy is going to be super anime no matter how they dress it, may as well embrace it instead of trying to pass so hard as a western dev and suffer because of it.
So what you're saying is we should blame Japan...
Yes probably. You don't like Japanese games.
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It all returns to him not being the one making the games
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people recommend 10 a lot for the game itself and characters
people recommend 11 for the old mmo feel
people don't really recommend 12 that much
same with 13
people used to recommend 14 a whole lot before dawntrail, and if they get their shit together in the next patches, the recommendation trend will start again
people recommend 15 for the music, but there's always the warning about how incomplete it is. and for most, the open world is a big turn off since it's just an offline mmo with a 1/3 of the normal overworld monsters population
people recommend 16 for the action gameplay and the eikon fights, but the warning about the side quests is always present.

The least pre 10 recommended FF would be 8. I hope they remake it, people are missing out on the KINO cause the gameplay is dull, the junction system is ass and the PC port is offensive.
What makes 15 a final fantasy and 9 not despite 9 being much closer to a classical turn-based RPG than 15?
>try to make dollar store game of thrones (it's actually worse than dollar store game of thrones, FFXVI genuinely has one of the worst stories ever written) instead of what the playerbase is actually interested in
>no one wants to play it
How could this happen?
You fags just dont learn do ya?
With the shitfest ff7r was one would had expected you to know already that enix cant produce shit. Not even copy paste
7,8,10,13 and 15 are all aesthetically similar.
Maybe summons need to go back to being glorified spells hidden in caves and having nothing to do with the main story.
BASEDDDDDDDDDDDD. the mmo trannies are going to ACK themselves when seeing this
the game is horribly unoptimized

it's not a Concord tier flop, but it may end up selling like half of what the last Kirby game sold.
Pc fags are always like this
>No, it's not that my PC is old and needs to be upgraded, NO IT ISNT THAT I HAVE TO SPEND MORE MONEY, it's the game's fault
Pc gaming is a joke
You sound mad
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They made it gay, with shit art, with a shit story and with "modern" writing (curse words).
X-II was not beloved

I also think a lot of people jumped shiip when the game play became bootleg DMC
No one on the planet is upgrading anything on their pc to play linear ffxv 2 bro. sorry.
Only VII is good, tho
SQEX will never remake FFVIII. VIII fans can pretend that the game is as popular as VII or X, but the original release only did big numbers because of VII, then people realized it was actually shit. VIII never had a movie, sequels or prequels or a lot of merch, it's mixed bag.
None of the characters in XV are worse than Kimahri or Wakka.
>put faggots kissing in the game
>have one of the main characters be a little boy in a dress
what the ACTUAL fuck is wrong with SE?
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>FF16 has been out for a year and everybody knows everything about it
>wow why does nobody want to play this game

Should've made an RPG.
none of them are remotely better
Wakka is a fucking great character you dumbass. Hes a good person and respected member of his community who cares about his friends and family and also happens to also be hardcore slur spitting racist, who has to confront his own beliefs and feelings when confronted his the reality of the world around him when someone who he really cares avout is revealed to be one of the sand blastes grease monkeys who killed his brother. That is a fucking incredible character. Hes a super accurate portrayal of racism and bible thumping, while also being treated as fair and justified by the story instead of just an ignorant villain like modern games would portray him as. His arc confronts the issue and provides a moral without belittling his feelings or portraying the al bhed as "good boys who din do nuffin". Yeah, a lot of the al bhed are fucking scumbags. A lot of the yevonites are scumbags too, and his character lies at the middle of that conflict. His character story is so well written its obscene.
>Wakka is a fucking great character
stopped reading there
>MMOshit for the past 20 years
>13 was 13
>Versus dev hell split it into 15 which was maybe half a game at best and KH “dude trust the plan play the mobile game to understand the story” 4 (still not out)
>still milking 7 for all it’s worth
>16 proved no one actually knows what the fuck to even do with FF at this point
FFXI and XIV should have just been called FF Online 1 and 2. Never should have been mainline entries
extremely keyed post and anon
It turned itself into a franchise trying to appeal to western tranny faggots. we were all saying this when this shit game got revealed and the stupid shills kept saying it wasn't the case, it was the same series and you should buy it LMAO

so glad those fucking morons probably killed themselves
Isn’t the director of FF16 the one who got butthurt over the genre “JRPG?”
>13 is bad
>sold better than the last 4 ff games released
fucking retard
are 1-6 not final fantasy games
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boomer, out of touch executives kneeling to boomer out of touch investors

same shit happening to western devs
lmao you got everyone seething but this is so fucking accurate

stupid fucking dogshit MMO's for pedos isn't Final Fantasy and neither is 12, 12 feels like some offbrand side game
actual nigger brain.
>gay faggot on screen kiss
why did they do it bros
yes. yoshida is obsessed with westerners. as soon as ffxiv started getting attention from wowtrannies he was doing one on one interviews with wow e-celebs. like asmongold and that fat bald peach(?) guy. i don't know if the need for westerner approval comes from him or se execs higher up though.
>15 sold 15 million copies
>enjoy game
>base new game off game
>new game starts siphoning playerbase from old game
>do pr events with old game people to siphon more players
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we're spending multiple times the budget, years of dev time and man power to create games that play and look worse.

whoever is responsible for that needs to be strangled.
japs really are mindbroken by mods
Why doesn’t FF have memorable music like Besaid Island or Balamb Garden anymore?? The 16 OST was all generic “EPIC!!!!” orchestra music with annoying fucking Latin chanting
>Sqeenix uses Final Fantasy to constantly push 'innovation'
That's what SaGa is for.
15 fucked it up with the adaptative soundtrack
they fell for literally ALL western dogshit industry trends
-muh darkness and realism
-muh orchestral and ambient music
-literal faggot propaganda
-abandoning the original audience to chase for people who dont exist
15s OST was dreadful. Usually the worst FF games still have amazing soundtracks, looking at you FF13, but 15s was just abysmal. I spend the game just listening to music from the older games on the car radio
>people recommend 16 for the action gameplay
Who does that? 16's action gameplay is shallow as fuck and boring. You spend most of the time spamming one four-hit combo while you wait on MMO cooldowns for your skills. Stranger of Paradise and Rebirth both mog the fuck out of it in regards to the action combat.
FF15 has an excellent combat theme though.
>annoying fucking Latin chanting
even the legendary FF fanfare was just “Latin chanting” in FF16. It’s almost humorous how 98% of the soundtrack is just chanting and orchestra shit
smug Garuda
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>smokeapi = free dlc

Man i love pc gaming kek
I love how Cid neglected to tell you about his daughter and you only find out she exists after the 5 year time skip when he dies
FFXII was the last of the good Final Fantasy games, shut your mouth
>fake player count
Come on Barry, you can do better than that!
how different would have it been if it wasn't exclusive first?
pretty sure you have to download the files first
I agree. However, 13 at least “felt” like a FF game in terms of character design, music, and art direction. Everything after that just doesn’t feel right
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Nevermind I'm fucking retarded and read it wrong. I understand now and will change my ways.
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Is this the FFF game that plays like a western adventure game?
Might be cool. I remember they said great things for the PS5.
I upgraded my PC and I played Noctis's demo. It's very cool with your buddies following you around. I will put it on my backlog.
I will try this new on demo now. I am feeling good about it. We'll see. It might be boring medieval slop.
I'd like to play her game too, but from what I've seen, the cat girl is just a supporting character.
>release a mediocre game
>wait a year for word of mouth to spread how the game is mediocre/bad
>release a PC port
>everybody now knows the game is mediocre and not worth it and dont buy it
Imagine my surprise!
Because Uematsu didn't do the soundtrack. Let's compare XIV since both Uematsu and Soken worked on different versions of that game.
>Uematsu Thanalan BGM
>Soken Thanalan BGM
duh you can find it
yeah they wouldve tricked way more people off hype if it was on pc day1.
Games filled with literal cheaters unfortunately.
Get Nomura's nuts out of your mouth.
Wow I’ve never heard the original version before. I’m going to be really fucking pissed if Soken becomes the new staple composer
Lack of unifying vision
Nojima doesn't have the writing skill to pull off what he tries to write.
Weak leadership focused on chasing trends.
FF used to show the industry where to go. Now it just copies what is popular. So sad.
There is a lack of humanity and warmth in the more recent titles.
This is also why the west does not care about Dragon Quest. You can only make the exact same game so many times. The best Dragon Quest games (5, 8, and 11) are the ones that actually pushed the series forward in some way. The more derivative and pared down entries don't really appeal to anyone outside of hardcore DQ fans or Japanese audiences enamored by the pop culture juggernaut.
FF has consistently strove for innovation and risks, which at least means every game is interesting.
What are you on about, 15 had some great tracks
13 had some bangers too. Now 12, that one SUCKS. 9 was a bit weak, 7/8/10 were perfect. The most underrated OST is 2.
yeah but its annoying, you have to redownload it on every update
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what settings for 4k/120*?
I don't really care if it is or isn't "real" Final Fantasy, XVI is just shit as a game, you don't have to break it down to being a shit Final Fantasy specifically.
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>wanting a remake after Shit-Enix is taking an entire decade to ass-rape 7's legacy
lol DQ is growing in the west.
the only reason it took so long is that SE is a dogshit publisher.
No, thats bullshit. The west doesnt care about Dragon Quest because FF positioned itself at the right place and the right time with the right advertising to usurp Dragon Quest's place as the premier 4 niggas in a row series at the genesis of the genre. Dragon Quest dropped the ball on the west with publishing, not quality.
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currently its this so its doing nicely for an older game being similar numbers to the current king of mmos
Same. Ignore the Final Fantasy title and you’re left with a shit game. If this was a new SE IP called anything else it would have gotten 5s or 6s from journos and sold maybe a million copies
We haven't had a real FF since X, everything since then has been experimental slop trying to find the perfect formula for streamlined faggy JRPG that will somehow appeal to everyone
If it wasn't for brand recognition and cup o noodles sponsorship the series would be dead and buried, instead Squenix learns nothing
Fuck you, DQ9 and DQM Joker are the best.
>haven’t had a real FF game since X
>X was the last FF game developed under the SquareSoft name before the merger with Enix
hmmmmmm HMMMMMMM curious indeed
Actually that was FFXI
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Imagine if Spirits Within had definitively killed them. We'd be looking back on Squaresoft fondly, thinking of what wonderful things they could have done were it not for that mistake. Forespoken wouldn't exist.
>read thread
>"tabata god"
>forspoken and persona
>forspoken nigraposting

Yes, you're reading another gay discord thread
>Final Fantasy hasn’t been good in 23 years and gets by because they had a really amazing run of games from 7-10
It’s actually impressive. Even moreso when you realize 7-10 came out in a span of like 5-6 years
A spinoff game called Versus 13 was in dev hell for 10 years, and instead of cancelling it they decided to rebrand it as a mainline final fantasy game and releasing it in a terribly unfinished state. The series would never recover after they betrayed themselves and their fans in such a manner.
8 and 9 sold well but were still critically maligned by much of the fanbase
4 and 6 were quite the phenomenons of their time and were why there was so much hype for FF7
Is XIII worth playing?
why the fuck cant i enable vsync with framegen? im getting tearing
>FF7 1997
>FF8 1999
>FF9 2000
>FF10 2001
>FF11 2002 (just for good measure)
how the FUCK did they do it?? 5 mainline games in half a decade
I played it recently just to see if it deserved the hate and I believe it actually deserves much more hate
Maybe once. It gets worse on each subsequent playthrough because its very on rails.
>It will be insultingly easy.
>Story will be batshit insane or just plain stupid
>I will be railroaded for at least 50 hours
>Cutscenes will be very long and very flashy to impress the 15 year olds.

If I'm wrong, please do tell, but I don't think I'd find fun in this. PLayed 6-10, and 10 being so terrible I never looked back. Wait, not true, tried 15 for 5 hours and was bored out of my mind.
This. It's not Final Fantasy. It's not a jRPG.
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stop screeching and enjoy beauty for once
Should I stop with xii?
The remake/rebirth FF7s are good games, though the story doesn't seem that great except for the finale segments (last 10 percent of the games). I've never played the original but I know of the general story beats from it.

Seems like the remakes don't tell the story well for the most part. I almost quick rebirth when that black guy's white friend started speaking.
Even casuals started realizing a franchise that subsists entirely off of brand recognition and MMOslaves is a bad franchise.
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If I can play this sloppy demo pretty well on High, will I be able to play well Tifa's game?
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>>It will be insultingly easy.
>Story will be batshit insane or just plain stupid
>I will be railroaded for at least 50 hours
>Cutscenes will be very long and very flashy to impress the 15 year olds.
I say this as a 34 year old man who played and loved 1-10 in his childhood, this can apply to many many many of the FF games especially 7-10
>The remake/rebirth FF7s are good games
If you've never played good games before, absolutely.
The kind of people who like the ff7 remakes are the types to call all other non-ff rpg series mediocre without ever touching them because it doesn't say FF on the title.
>sharpy sharpen sharpening
Final Fantasy pretty much panders to the same crowd as Concord these days they just do it in a less retarded way.
*sigh* alright, open up... *CHHHHHHHHT PFTUI*
>10 being so terrible I never looked back
Opinion discarded.
Well yeah, I loved them too in my childhood, but I'm grown up now. Not to dismiss those that are having fun, but I suspect it is the defination of a kid's game in modern era. If you're 12-19 years old, you'll love it?
I played baldur's gate 3, and Divinity, those are good RPGs. I generally hate final fantasy games, they are boring gameplay wise. Remake/Rebirth's real time with pause, with character switching is genuinely good.

That said, both the new games' mechanics only shine in hard mode, where you can't spam potions. Easy 8+/10 games.
Square Enix are just that stupid
>Final Fantasy 7 is a success
>change the gameplay in FF8 for some reason
>change the aesthetics in FF9 for some reason
>go back to the original formula + FF7 asthetics in FF10
>Final Fantasy 10 is a success
Even after that they still kept changing the formula, they're stupid.
Idiot. FF had always been changing.
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Maybe upgrading was a mistake... It will make my backlog gigantic.
Before my potato simply couldn't play these games and I was at peace with it.
basically. I really didn’t enjoy FF16, like all the pieces were there for a good game but they just didn’t come together. I imagine if I was 14 I would have absolutely loved it though
faggots BTFO. next time keep the sodomites out jap spastics
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The entire world literally turns gray for the final 20 hours of the game. Enjoy!
i believe you can do it
>GoW peaks just 200 players above FF16
Heh nuffin personnel
Only that much? I honestly expected it to double the numbers easily. GoW is much bigger nowadays than FF
It really is annoying how in all FF16 discourse you have people overly praising Dion about how great of a character he is and how well he’s written and how amazing he is. You know EXACTLY fucking why these people say those things and it has nothing to do with the quality of his character
>four hit combo
>magic burst
>Eikon commands that give you some neat damage or a bonus or let you juggle
>helmsplitter or stinger
>you can jump cancel
It's kind of basic but it's a lot more interesting than mashing attack 4 times in a row
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great game - good to know its on PC now and this place is in its own vacuum of opinion with dedicated shitposting schizos
the point is, the game is so piss easy and trivial that you don’t HAVE to do any of those interesting moves or even mix it up. Elemental weaknesses could have solved all of this but yeah, shitty MMO devs
hopefully 8 and 9 get 1-1 remasters, they don't need plot convolutions to be interesting since they're relatively obscure. FF7 would have been fine on a 1 to 1 remaster although I think the idea to flesh out the starting city in remake was actually a good one
>thing was popular so therefore the ones who didn’t like thing must be schizos
actual schizo/NPC mentality
>1/3rd of the current mods are saturated color presets for reshade
Fucking christ what happened to colorful worlds
It's easier with lower polycount models and no modern standards for what a game needs to be triple A, FFXII and onwards had too many boxes to check
>1,470 in-game
What is this shit?
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aspect ratio fix already out
zased modders dabbing on stupid japs who thinks only 16:9 exists
The game is about 20-30 hours at most unless you want to do every single sidequest, but the story is relatively good to inoffensively weird in the last 1/3rd of the game. The Eikon fights are good though, they have gameplay even if they're sorta cutscene-ish
I have the same first world problem.
7800X3D, RTX 4070S
Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate 3, Eiyuden Chronicle, FF7 Remake, still in backlog.
And all I want to play is Tetris Effect.
Getting an awesome PC is giving me you can now "play any game" anxiety.
What's great about it?
Who is weakest Eikon? thinking Shiva. At least Bene/semi-primed Garuda had some victories, like beating Cid.
Jill just kind of loses, gets captured a lot, or needs backup.
7th gen Hd era massively increased game dev time for all studios
Modern game audiences complain if you don’t add bloat
Replaying ff9 i was surprised the game ended at like 35 hours with no real side quests outside of minigames+super bosses. Nowadays the average jrpg is 60-110 hours minimum with 30 hours of bonus optional filler dogshit side quests
I'll concede at that point but most action games are pretty easy, you aren't doing fancy combos because you need to 99% of the time
Yeah I guess GoW flopped too. It's the year of the flops
>but the story is relatively good
Why didn't the Undying, who were present at Phoenix Gate that very night, do anything about the attack?
Why didn't any of them get Joshua from his room? Why did Wade have to do it?
Why did a chambermaid notice that Annabella had moved all her belongings out of the castle a week beforehand and notified the Duke of this, but the Undying were apparently unaware?
Why didn't they rescue Clive?
Why did Ultima just so happen to be wearing the exact same cloak Joshua would be wearing in the future?
Where did Joshua hear Ultima's name in the first place? The Undying said they had no idea about him until Joshua ordered them to investigate.
Why does Primogenesis randomly disappear at times?
Why did Joshua continue killing himself to keep Ultima in his chest even when he was well aware that Ultima was still just floating out there doing whatever the fuck he wanted anyway?
Why do major characters including the main heroine have their conclusions hidden in sidequests while you spend 6 hours a piece on Martha, the Dame, and L'ubor?
Why did Sanbreque never notice the giant tidal wave frozen in time about a mile up the shoreline from their capitol city, or why did they never investigate it?
Why did Ultima spend so much time driving Sanbreque to world conquest only for it to amount to nothing at all and not aid in his plan in any way because he already had control of all the world's nations?
How does anyone think this story was acceptable?
Are you cinema sins
>release masterpiece after masterpiece for a decade with only 1-2 years between releases max
>people love you
>suddenly stop
>release terrible game after terrible game for two decades with drawn out development cycles
>people stop caring about you
Don't know what that is, some reddit thing?
Why did you drop your punctuation to try and appear aloof instead of angry?
utterly boring
>Titan of jrpgs
>FF12 releases
>still a success but bit controversial
>loved by a lot of people, hated by some
>FF13 comes out
>first big crack in Square Enix
>tons of FF13 DLC
>FF Versus in development hell
>Finally comes out as FF15
>Absolute boring slop
>Flopspoken comes out as well along with various other flops
>faith in the Squeenix brand at an all time low
>FF16 comes out
>it's decent but at this point nobody really cares to try it anymore
>FF7 Rebirth is incredible but nobody wants to invest time in it anymore
I didn’t even bother to read your essay, i just assumed it was retarded nitpicking dummy. You seem mad tho
>FF5 1992
>Secret of Mana 1993
>FF6 1994
>Chrono Trigger 1995
and so many more
I think it depends a lot more on the individual.
From what we know
>Jill got basically manadrained from overuse by the Orthodoxy
>Cid was a half-dead boomer and basically the oldest Eikon outside of Barnie (who was cheating)
>Benedikta probably lacked control or something, she seems a bit retarded
Odin must be something of the strongest Eikon considering his threat alone held back the Empire and the other allied dudes (minimum of Phoenix + Bahamut)
I'd say it's Garuda
>the entire premise of the story being undermined and making no sense is retarded nitpicking
Yeah, I'd say you're right on par for the average XVI shill.
FF hasnt been good for years, anyone below 30 doesnt care. CEO thinks slap FF on title and will sell millions
Square still releases tons of rpgs
Octopath traveler triangle strategy dq11 bravely default 1+2 live and live remake dq3 ff7 remake and rebirth kh3/4. Just most of them are literal who cares
Wow, you guys are already that desperate, huh? "Concord-tier".

That's sad

rreal sad

i thought you'd at least try
Excellent bait by including 9 in the bottom.
Its literal shitposting anon, why did you bother to respond
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>for all retarded studios
>Undying isn't really introduced until last third of the story anyway
>Not unbelievable that they got outmaneuvered by the mom
>Thinking Square Enix anime drama misdirection is a plot hole
I think you're either ignoring what's said or context clues for the rest of the complaints though, but I will admit it's somewhat dumb to have supporting characters have their conclusions in sidequests, even if it's not important to the overall plot
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>Literal low quality generic slop can be pushed out at as fast as mobile games
I was interested until I heard the game was 80% cutscenes of a apparently dogshit story.

Tried the demo and it truly was that bad. The combat system is a lot of fun but not worth $50 to suffer through 50 hours of cutscenes.
1. it's not low quality
2. squaresoft did it, square enix can't
they stopped doing it because they are run by retards
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I don't know if it's just me growing up, or suits making the creative decisions, but somewhere after FFX for, they lost all the magic and appeal they had. Still enjoyed DQ11 and Trials of Mana, but those are exceptions to the rule now :(
FFX was their swan song
NieR Automata was a big unexpected hit for them, but they haven't done a whole lot with it since
12 onwards refuse to have colors
Better question how did they last this long with so many shit games in a row?
>Undying isn't really introduced until last third of the story anyway
Jote shows up in Caer Norvent.
>Not unbelievable that they got outmaneuvered by the mom
How is that not unbelievable? A housemaid caught on to what was happening AND she informed the duke about it. Not only that, the Undying were at Phoenix Gate while the attack was ongoing. Where were they?
Automato is a platinum games game published by square
Which is actually hilarious because 12 and on is when most people agree the downfall began. Games got more expensive, took longer to come out, AND got worse
The Eikon fights are glorified QTE don’t lie to the poor anon. I’m almost positive they’re impossible to lose
They spent an entire generation on FF13 and then another with FF15. There are poor kids out there who grew up having only 2 mainline gamds
It’s kind of sad. The CEO and the board must truly think FF is still a “system seller” when in actuality, like you said, nobody under the age of 30 gives a shit
ah yeah, that's what I meant. I don't want story changes, they fucked up with VII
I just want something fun to play and OG VIII isn't fun.
I’ll be honest I loved Harvestella. The story is kind of batshit. Starts as a comfy little farming sim and ends up in space with cloned humans and pondering the definition of life and existence
Garuda is pretty much impossible to lose but onwards they have a similar difficulty to the main gameplay
I think the got worse aspect has less to do with the expense and delay and more to do with having too many cooks and the swapping out of developers. Probably a lot of the talent at Square responsible for actually making sure the games were good retired sometime after 10 or 12
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>mfw I equipped the buster sword in the beggining and in the scene where you move jill's head with your sword can barely see her face behind that slab of steel
MMO devs. Prease understandu
You could shit out games like nothing during the 5th gen. More complex than 4th gen and earlier sure but when most of the hard stuff is the FMVs PS1 level Final Fantasies were nothing. It's not like FF10 was really complex either outside of the visuals.
>It will be insultingly easy.
Correct. Some may argue that FF has always been easy but this isn't true for the non remaster old games, plus it is less accetable in an action game.
>Story will be batshit insane or just plain stupid.
It starts off solid but ends up stupid.
>I will be railroaded for at least 50 hours
pretty much, although not quite as long.
>Cutscenes will be very long and very flashy to impress the 15 year olds.
unfortunately this would be better than what it actually ended up being. the cutscenes aren't flashy and mostly boring dialogue with NPCs standing still like in XIV. there are cool flashy ones but they are more rare.
I don't recommend this game, it wasn't terrible but it also wasn't good.
Nier Automata also made more money relative to budget and copies sold. Crazy how it’s been nearly 10 years and they’ve done shit
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>Make nothing but bad games
>People eventually lose their affection for the franchise after being burned so many times
It's not that hard to understand.
Was I a retarded little kid living in an echo chamber at the time of were the FMVs from 7-10 like universally praised? I was under the impression they were mind blowing and the best in the business
it's crazy that Yoko can direct a bunch of cult classics and once he has a competent studio he drops a masterpiece but somehow square doesn't throw money at the guy. On the other hand, he's stated that he has a new project that he's worked on
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>jrpg fags are totally normal anon
>they are gamers just like us
>not obsessed at all
*fill catalog with schizo threads
you sound upset
He's got something modern game writers don't even consider anymore: depth and subtlety.
im getting so much latency according to nvidia app. Like 80ms and it doesnt feel great to play
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the only problem i have with it so far is the british voices
it would be improved if the actors were american
british just sounds so goofy
Somebody at Square-Enix probably with enough good sense to not greenlight anything until Yoko Taro's pitch involves a pornbait character on par with 2B.
Yoko is too busy trying to get picked up by atlus, SE has pretty much always refused his direct proposals for games until someone bent the knee
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>FF16 flopping super hard right now
>Sega announces a sale, Persona, SMT, Etrian Odyssey and Yakuza games are all available right now for a fraction of FF16's price
I don't understand why they're obsessed with 16:9. Even the FFX remaster, which was originally 4:3 on the PS2, only supports 16:9 on PS3/PS4/PC, despite the fact that when it came out on PS3, many people were still using 4:3 TVs and they had to crop all the cutscenes to make them fit the shitty new aspect ratio.
>mask wearing in 2024
I hate cons so fucking much.
Also not a fan of having british VAs for everything but American FF VAs would be even worse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du_wJWEkV3k
Oh sure, they absolutely were. FF7 was one of the most expensive games ever made at its time. It was a huge draw.
The problem is, is that by 6th gen, with more powerful machines, anybody could match Final Fantasy in terms of production values. Suddenly a scripted packed-in FMV doesn't seem so impressive when you're reliving D-Day in Medal of Honor or climbing Pointe du Hoc in Call of Duty or fighting a huge combined arms war in Halo.
And now what does Final Fantasy have to offer when everybody else is doing their shtick?
They futureproof for HD and everything is still 16:9 by majority.
yoshitpiss killed ff
>pornbait character
Almost all of his games come with a pornbait character or two
>masks are a political statement
I hate Amerimutts so fucking much
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at least all their older games 9 and below support native 4:3
for this mod at least if the cutscenes are pre-rendered it just letterboxes instead of cropping which is great
don't care about mmoslop sorry
I said on 2B's level. Any dipshit can throw out some generic "bro look how fast this twitter artist drew porn of this character" design.
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ff14 and 16 ruined the brand

15 has higher user reception; awards and sales than 14 or 16

14 damaged ff and 16 killed it by looking like shit
I miss wearing a mask, it was nice to have an excuse to hide my ugly face without just making myself stand out and drawing attention to it.
You sound like a redditor
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>don't care about mmoslop sorry
then why are you playing XVI?
it's only japanese devs that have an issue with it
all modern western games support different aspect ratios just fine
the only one i have that doesnt is mortal kombat
>Player count
>For a single player JRPG
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>don't care about mmoslop sorry
it's fun
They could've done both.
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retard the art director on both is the same and top image is the ruined hd remaster not what ff10 looked like
Very accurate.
The first FF I ever played was 12, but after playing others, it doesn't FEEL like an FF, while 7, 8, 10, and 15 do.
Never did play 13 though, maybe I'll give it a whirl.
all of them are better than any ff characters
Is that a fucking normal ass car in Final Fantasy? What the fuck? I thought that was a Gran Autismo screenshot for a second.
Nice bait. I almost believed it for a second.
Have you not heard of FFXV? Its entire advertisement campaign revolves around 4 teens having a road trip with a car. If the mount in FFXIV is accurate, it's a flying car.
the car is the 5th party member in FF15. Im sort of kidding but also not really. I was sadder when the car died than the literal who Lunafreya did
I've never met a single person who actually likes 15.
bro your FF7 and 8?
Trolls like you get more retarded by the day.
That’s one thing I dislike but I do like how around the world people are freaking out, buying up all the food , over charging for stuff and putting up barricades to stop the infected monsters and people
>so we need a NEW FF for a NEW generation
>remember that twist and emotional moment in FF7 was Aeris died!? Let’s do that for a new generation of gamers!
the fuck are you talking about retard
xv has the most played ff music on spotify because it's got the best music

>the car
ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED? When you're in the car there is no other music even playing to begin with you fucking retard
XV has the best ost in the franchise
somnus, hellfire, veiled in black, apocalypsis noctis, nox aeterna, ravus aeterna, dawn, luna theme, ardyn theme, noctis theme, stand your ground, up to the challenge, valse di fantastica

objectively the best compositions in FF history
It’s been a running gag for nearly a decade between me and my friends that when anything trivial or slightly sad happens we’ll say “I care more about that than when lunafreya died”
>but I do like how around the world people are freaking out,
I don't. It was fucking retarded that everyone in the world is completely mindbroken because the sky is cloudy. It's literally just a normal fucking cloudy day and they're all staring at the sky in horror, freaking out like it's the apocalypse. Given that the in-lore description of the phenomenon is that the sky turns black and starts boiling, I can only assume they didn't have the budget left to depict it properly and it got raped like so much of the rest of the story.
xvi is more unfinished than XV

you can't even explain how xv is somehow unfinished without that applying to xvi or xiii or xii moreso
next time DAY AND DATE
yeah I’m retarded because I expected the game to have its own memorable world map music just like the previous 14 games did
FF fans just play the MMO and seethe about XV all day for some reason desu
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Yoshida won in the end
Apocalypsis Noctis is just the Elder Scrolls main theme.
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Probably Garuda also have to remember Cid was already old and dying just from using ramuh so much already
looks worse than xv

16 is boring slop
xv sold gangbusters and kept on selling and has higher fan reception than ff16
i'll get shit but it's the truth 16 and 15 aren't ''anime'' enough
why the fuck does it look worse than xv a 8 year old game
XI has more multboxed accounts online right now compared to XVI, absolutely obliterated yoshitpiss.
13 was plenty “anime” and people still hated that. 16 was just all around shit

Did you fucking miss FF7 and FF8 having normal ass cars over 25 years ago?
Unironically Final Fantasy 13/Fabula Nova Crystalist.

All they needed to do was make Final Fantasy 12-2 (which they made a fucking RTS) and 12-3. But nooooo can't do the best Final Fantasy in the series that.
and 15 didn't have this barrier from 13 being a shallow auto battle hallway and 14 being a catastrophic failure MMO that had to be eos'd quickly?
absolute cope.
Nomura would just stay quiet and edit 3 kino trailers to sell 10 mil.
All they have to do was to make a fucking 4 niggers in a row, but no they won't fucking listen
i enjoyed the demo
meanwhile, tabata is developing AI blockchain vaporware
I agree with you, I love 12 but a majority of people hated it. More 12 wouldn’t have saved anything
It's almost like FF is a relic.
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post some cool xv shots then. never played it on pc.
yeah and now people are realising it was a misunderstood 8/10 only dragged down by it's map design and auto battle mechanics which aren't really that bad when you get used to it
I care less when it's not a new game. Now I'm waiting for it to be in the bargain bin. $50 is still too much for an already old, spoiled game that's known as a mediocre entry to the franchise. Release it on PC day one and maybe I'd have been more interested. I've played enough RPGs running around as one dude with a sword. I've loosened my standards for what a FF game is now, but at the very least you need to have a party of characters.
Are you fucking new to FF?
the demo is ironically the peak of the game. When I say it’s all downhill in every way after the demo I genuinely and sincerely mean it. The demo was the best part of the game. Should be illegal to front load a game that much
This explains a lot, actually, sadly...
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>misunderstood 8/10
it also sold really well, you think we'll be seeing a XVI-2?
how does the game run for you, anon? could you share your specs?
more like “people who were 10 years old in 2010 grew up and now defend it tooth and nail because it was their childhood favorite” it was shit in 2010 and still shit 14 years later
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the car dying in xv is sadder than any death in ff16 or 14 or 7r/7r2

luna is the 3rd most popular FF girl
Selling better than a bunch of shit games isn't saying me
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Describing FF as "juggernaut" implies the franchise was ever at the levels of GTA or Call of Duty but compared to those FF wasn't big at all. It was never even as big as Resident Evil either. FF was big but by Jrpg standards only and it still is bigger than any other Jrpg series, including Persona.
I hate open ended games so much. I fell for the No Man's Sky trap and now I can't stop playing it. It's infinite really.
I should focus on well defined ended games, linear ant follow the main story in open world games. Being a side quest perfectionist is a misery.
>still haven't finished Witcher 3 since 2017
not my problem you've never been outside
not a single person in existence likes 16
FF13 drones unironically think this is deep strategic combat
I’m not denying she’s a top tier designed FF girl but she’s a literal non character. She had like 5 minutes total on screen and never interacted with Noct outside of her doggie text messages (and when she was dying)
>World building
>Visuall direction
>Graphical fidelity for the time
>Party members
all btfo 15 and 16, you could argue 15 had a better cast, i'd personally disagree as they don't have near the character development just in 13-1, but that's it
none of those songs are as comfy as besaid island, village of dali, or fisherman’s horizon. they’re all too intense
ill buy it and refund it if the 2 hours of playtime are not to my liking.
I played Witcher 3 for like 200 hours and never finished either. lmao
I think the peak is when you fight bahamut and fuse with you brother also when ultima limit breaks and all as one starts to play
just a heads up, steam extended the refund window to 3 hours
it does you fucking idiot but its cut off when you play music in the car
because you're a fucking idiot it goes between wanderlust and sunset waltz as the world map themes but they aren't playing 24/7 ,they play in bursts

and you still are retarded because no music plays by default in the car so you aren't even talking about the xv ost like battle themes or story themes or character themes you fucktard retard because none of that plays when you're in the car

holy fuck youre retarded

you're deaf
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its runs fine but i'm using framegen and fsr3, 7900xtx and 7800x3d
Yeah I guess that was pretty cool too in hindsight. I won’t deny the game had HIGH as hell highs but when the lows are low….theyre LOW. Should have honestly just been the Eikon fights and cut everything else. Titan lost was fucking incredible and the music was insane
Christ i wonder how much cringe one can find in those fanstories
I think I am about that much. Just right in the end of Skellige. That island fucked me up.
I will go back to it sometime, ULTRA max all graphics and do the main quests.
Play the free demo first which is about 2 hours. Your save carries over. The demo is the best part and it falls off hard.
Yea none of that shit matters when your party is all shitty other than one character, only thing I remember other than that was a few of the songs. I bought the fucking game guide and was hyped only to have some of the WORST characters I have ever seen in video games.
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by ff16 and ff14 flopping back to back?

yoshitpiss has nothing in the works besides Fantasian port which nobody's cares about while SE is little using AI and nft shit
where is yoshitpisses new ip? it's been over a year...
Tabata's new rpg already mogs ff16
I never thought Barry was real until this thread. Wow.
Ehhhhh sauce me on that. I just checked https://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds and couldn't find anything about three hours.
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>JRPG fans
Why can’t you just talk like a normal person? Why are you so angry and cursing so much? I put the old FF tracks on in the car precisely because I wasn’t impressed by the map music (when it decided to trigger and actually play)
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ah, okay...
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Mario and Luigi is a jrpg
not him, but i have a 3070 with a 3600x cpu on a 2k screen on max settings barely hitting below 75fps.
On PS5 the only way to make the game looks this crisp is by using the quality mode but the 30fps cap is so painful and the performance mode not only looks and runs like shit but it is so goddamn fucking blurry too. I don't understand why games on PS5 are always so blurry like you need glasses.
she's more of a character than jill
or clive
i did
see: >>689338748
Whataboutisming shittier characters doesn't make your wife any better.
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Set my priorities straight.
>Nier Automata
>Devil may Cry 4/5
>Hitman Absolution and later
>Splinter Cell Sloppy Conviction or something
>Metal Gear Solid Slop V
>Nu Armored Core
>Keep pushing Yakuza 4 to keep on
>Space Marine 1
>Doom 16
>Doom Eternal
And others like this.
Really wtf am I spending tens of hours in open ended games and don't fire up these instead..
I'll let my emotions overcome me and just put on this Hitman I found on my library unplanned.
hey cmon now, at least it aint a 4090
that was my favorite place in the game, especially at night. loved the comfy ost
Don't argue with this guy
Captcha: RTARD4
okay, that's more affordable. intel dropped the ball this hard, huh?
I’m not denying that either. Clive was just “le generic handsome hero buff man” and Jill I don’t remember anything about besides being captured at like 16 and held as a sex slave for 10 years. Luna still had no character or presence
>Keep pushing Yakuza
>do series in order, take a break between entries if needed
>find a game you don't mind playing muted and make it your second monitor game whenever your favorite vtuber makes a 3 hour video
>if a game is shit, drop it
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Can we all take a moment to discuss how they named the main character Clive? Fucking Clive???? lmfao
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I can barely play this game cus every time I go back to the hideaway, I pass the crystal with extra game modes and go yeah I'll hop in training mode to test this new thing. Then 2 hours later I'll be practising combos and quit the game to have a break.

Can't believe how insane the combat is in this game, even early on without much stuff there is so much you can do.
galdin quay
relax and reflec (world of ruin version)
sunset waltz
the fucking menu theme crystallised chill
lestallum leville
safe haven

>too intense
this calm ass string guitar with soft piano?
would switching from windows 10 to 11 make a difference in performance?
I am doing well with Yakuza. Started Y1 PS2 and loved it.
Close to finishing 4 and let it sit for a bit before 5.
None of that shit matters when you can kill any enemy and boss with the same combos. A good game would FORCE you to learn combos and mix up your moveset but, shitty MMO devs
>game looks like blurry dog shit
>apply a disgusting sharpening filter
>now it looks even worse
I hate modern video games and the Antichrist.
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nobody in 13 has any character development and 15 btfo 13 in everything there
i would've preferred cliff but clive isnt bad either
one mans trash is another mans treasure i guess
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Anons, look at this filename.
>ffgirls most1.jpg
Think about this for a moment. It's numbered, meaning he has multiple versions of this. Multiple screenshots of the amount of fanfictions female characters have in Final Fantasy, to PROVE no one cares about the girls in FF16. With the "ffgirls" part of the filename specifically, one can also infer he has an "ffguys" screenshot too, which is plausible considering most FF games have male main protagonists. On top of that, the organizational nature of the filename as a whole means he's sure to have an entire larger set of these types of images, as a part of an entire FF16 anti-shill folder.

Really sit back and think about how deranged Barry is for a second.
I like all of these. I’ll admit I was wrong
why are xvitroons so buttblasted that xvi lost to xv in user reception sales and popularity?
Cliff would have jived well with Cloud, and Squall, and Lightning too. God damn they dropped the ball there
Fact: Final Fantasy XV KILLED the Final Fantasy franchise.
They appealed to the modern audience.
The thing is, the modern audience doesn't actually exist, it was just a grift of leftists to get hired as HR and consultants
so wtf is a bearer and why are they the niggers of ff 16's world?
Because FF is a boomer IP that doesn’t appeal to kids. They all moved on to playing Apex. On top of this I feel like westoids don’t care about Jappa games unless it’s from Fromsoftware.
That’s stupid nigger logic, let the guy have fun doing combos
>she is literally going around waking up the astrals and performing the rites and forging the covenants as the Oracle so that noctis can gain their power and reclaim his throne
>holding back the starscourge
>healing people canonically as part of the story of disease and scourge
>safeguarding the ring of lucii
>if not for her then noctis never would have gotten the ring at all because she's the one who went back to Regis to get it
>it's her direct actions being the main reason noctis even succeeded in bringing back the dawn because he got the ring and the astrals blessing and could access the crystal thanks to her
>Powered up Noctis to his King of Kings state during the rite with Leviathan which in turn reactivated the Kingsglaive powers back after they had lost them following Regis's death, and the Kingsglaive regaining power is the prime reason humanity was able to fight back against the Daemons during the 10 years of world of ruin, if not for Luna doing that then humanity would have perished
>it's her death itself which further spurns the spread of the starscourge and which pushes noctis to accept his kingly duties and accept his death too by performing the light of providence by using the power of the crystal, the astrals, the glaives in the ring thanks to Luna
>Was already dying by performing the rites and healing the scourge because of the immense toll it takes on her body, yet even after being weakened and stabbed she still tried to heal Ardyn of his scourge
>Became a qt ghost that can do stuff beyond the grave

jill does nothing
clive has no personality
lunafreya is reckless, she throws herself in dangerous situations knowing she could die but she believes trying is better than doing nothing, and she literally dies saving noctis while performing the rites which were already killing her
reckless and selfless, that is luna

clive is a fucking doormat and jill doesn't even register
That's great and all but I haven't played XV (or is this XVI? I don't know who's who) so i ain't reading all that.
take your meds
FF16 trannies having a melty
Bearers = those who bear magic powers of eikons, but are not Dominants that can transform into those eikons.
Dominants have great influence because of their ability to transform, which means they're key players in the wars between various kingdoms.
Meanwhile, bearers are slaves because they have magic power which can be used to perform tasks, so they're subjugated into second-class humans to exploit their skills. They can't really fight back because using magic too hard can wear them out and turn them to stone. They often get worked to death in this way.
In many kingdoms (particularly after the prologue, after which conditions got worse for bearers), bearers have their faces branded to show that they bear magic abilities, thus informing everyone immediately that they're slaves. Thus, "branded" becomes a slur against bearers.
>clive has no personality
Barry, you should at least play the games you're mad at. Come on!
Explained in a few side quests, bearers were once the ruling class because magic is OP as fuck but the non magic folks won and made them into slaves so they never get a chance to become the ruling class again because if they rise up again they could easily kill a ton of people even if they don’t win a war
Don't use the first area of FFXV as an example, the entire area is pretty well crafted. Honestly it was one of the stronger starts to modern FF games. It's focused but not entirely linear, and really brings out the "road trip" feeling.
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He can’t really pirate it or have a ps5 so how could he have played it? inb4 he posts this https://arch.b4k.co/v/search/image/dgC9HcaSen5ik9cjcsMMdg/
can you not just put some make up on your face or magic shit to make the brand on your face go away?
Shame it starts to go to shit after the next area
Good point, there's no way he could afford a PS5. That's too bad as well considering that Final Fantasy XV KILLED the Final Fantasy franchise.
Brands are applied in a way that makes them difficult to remove, though there are sidequests in Cid's hideout revolving around removing the brands.
Clive is perfectly in line with classic FF names like Cecil and Tina. XVI is a trash game with a shitload of problems but that's not one of them.
>that scene
THE kinoest piece of ludography to ever grace my PC monitor
>tfw I kept waiting for that update that makes the train only continent explorable
not a good f
Pozzed piece of shit full of faggots and trannies

Gameplay is shit too

Glad it flopped
Shit flinging buzzwords andy, niggertier behaviour imo
By giving a shit about the feelings of consultants instead of their own fucking customers.
You seem upset
what's the joke here, did you want his name to be something stupid like Ignatio Vindictus?
kinda, we cant have final fantasy discussions on 4chan without schizo fags, nigger tier behaviour or numbers autists always derailing the thread.

Final Fantasy died when SE decided to change business models to appeal to a wider audience. I know i´m going to be called a Sakaguchi fanboy for saying this again but the truth is that there is an observable before and after his time at the helm.

The general direction under him favored creativity and artistry. He just believed in making every FF unique. No sequels, no DLCs, no remakes, spin offs or any of that. He understood there was value on each game having a distinct identity and providing a somewhat unique experience. I´m not saying he was the sole responsible or anything like that, i´m just saying that the vision he had of what FF should stand for influenced the creative output in a different way.

Off course his way of doing things was less profitable. From a business perspective searching new opportunities to maximize profit is understandable so suits pushed for a movie, Spirits within and when that failed they pinned that on him and forced him out. Without him the company took a whole different direction to maximize profits. Just seeing what they´ve done with FF VII should be enough proof but as if that wasn´t enough they also completely revamped everything. Moved away from the visual aesthetics, combat gameplay and even narrative style, mimicking whatever felt successful to them. So now they have no identity. There is nothing unique to FF, nothing that you could immediately associate to the IP and recognize. I see XVI or SOP and i don´t see FF at all. If it wasn´t in the title i wouldn´t even know.

Some say that´s how FF has always been but that´s bullshit. There were some minor adjustments between generations or games but nothing on the scale of what they´ve been doing lately.
"Japan Adventure Fantasy" vs "Euro Intrigue Fantasy" ( Tactics belongs there as well)
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How did you guys lie to me? This game is great.
Because /v/ like to gaslight you into hating video games and doesn’t want you to be happy.
FFVII sold 10 million copies in 9 years
GTA III sold 14.5 million in 7 years
CoD 4 sold 16 million copies in 6 years
FF was less popular, the industry was slightly smaller, the target audience was much smaller (earlier FF games were mostly JP exclusive, 7 being the first one to even get a PAL release), but it's not that huge of a gap to not consider it a juggernaut at the time
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>play a mission of Hitman Absolution
>it's pretty shit but with good story
Very consolized. But I enjoy acting like Mike Meyers so far.
XV is an amazing open world action RPG. A linear DMC-lite is not a RPG or FF, simple as that
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i'm getting guts vibes from this fag
What's great about it?
> Final Fantasy 13 and 15 ruined the brand
15 sold 10 million units
>i'm getting guts vibes from this fag
A few hours into the story he loses his quest for revenge and turns into a preachy faggot.
When he finally gets the chance to confront his mother he just stands there and cries at her until she kills herself.
sounds based
Look man, the game is doing poorly, but at least it sold a couple million copies. Let's not pretend it did anywhere nearly as terrible as concord.
>I bought a PS5 this year specifically for FF7 Rebirth.
>he says as he posts a pic trying to gatekeep
wew, its not often you see people with actual, well thought out bait
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schizo retard
swap XV with IX and i shall agree
Final Fantasy VI.
Final Fantasy VII.
Final Fantasy X.

That is all.
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I honestly would have played this game if they didn't put this gay shit in there. They can fuck off.
Every loading element is less than 1.25s on my solidigm SSD.
Graphics are 4k movie quality on PC
Nvidia Reflex/AMD Antilag esports tier responsiveness in combat with framegen for added smoothness
Basically its next gen Tales of Final Fantasy
>Yoko is too busy trying to get picked up by atlus
They only know how to make menu simulators. They couldn't even make a drakengard 3 level game if they wanted to.
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imagine acting all depressed when you have such a cutie next to you
I already beat it on PS5
i don't mind a gay side character
but making Bahamut a faggot is ridiculous
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>sega is desperate for money
we know
although i must admit, his eng va is carrying the fuck out of him
You’re loss anon, Dion is legitimately one of the best characters in the game
>what's great about it?
You first
my favorite characters both died early
whack ass game
clive literally has less personality than fucking ff1 wol
Marketing towards women after FFX
and thus, also this
Why did Yoshit Piss kill the franchise? This is how he repays the company after getting promoted?
FF7 took 12 years to hit 10m
It was at 9.8m in 2005 and it wasn't til the PS3/psp versions in 2009 that it finally hit 10m
It hit 11m in 2014
and 14.4m as of November 2023
I really wish we got more of them, second best npc after our uncle
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finally unlocked his fucking default, looks way better now.
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Final Fantasy fags keep losing.
I haven't played a single Final Fantasy game in my entire life.
the average chinese man
/v/ likes FFVII Remake. FFXVI is like anti-FVIIR. Doesn't take a lot of brainpower to put 2 and 2 together.
>really brings out the "road trip" feeling
Which immediately goes out the window because you’re driving back and forth across the whole continent doing open world slop quests. Road trips aren’t just driving around in circles for 40 hours
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That's a Chinese male
>There is nothing unique to FF, nothing that you could immediately associate to the IP and recognize.
There’s not even a single element left that’s in every game. For the longest time we at least had Prelude and the fanfare, but 13 fucked that up
It's been over 20 years since the last good Final Fantasy.
But Chinese shills tell me they outlawed being cross-dressing, being transexual, being gay, and being unmasculine.
By not releasing a game worth playing for 24 years
Prettier than most Cisgender western women.
they have more femboys than NA and JP combined probably
and they are more degenerate, jerking off in public and letting themselves get groped by strangers
don't ask me how i know though
I hate what modern Final Fantasy has become too and lament the damage that yoshit piss has done to it, but even FF16 has chocobos and moogles.
15 has prelude and fanfare
Cunt cunt cunt
16 has 1 moogle and it only has chocobos because a female producer forced it in after takai/yoshitpiss wanted to use horses instead

15 has all the trapping of ff

13 and 16 do not
Neither were in 1 however so they don't actually tie all the games together
things became series staples only once introduced
games that predate them are exempt
cactuar didn't exist until ff6
Feel like all final fantasy games need moogles, chocobos, and crystals to be a “real” ff game
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definitely the chadliest ff protag
Good joke
Thinking is Clive the only ff mc to fuck?
that would be Zidane or Zack or
Cecil and Rosa
Bartz and Krile (descendant in the OVA)
Cloud and Tifa under the Highwind
Tidus and Yuna in the abortion sequel story
Rebirth flopped
>Bartz and Krile
>16 only has chocobos because a female producer forced it in after takai/yoshitpiss wanted to use horses instead
Wow that’s terrible, imagine wanting to remove a series staple, then caving to outside pressure from the backlash

>At Tokyo Game Show in September 2015, Square Enix revealed it would not include moogles in Final Fantasy XV.[4] However, the company later held a poll asking fans whether moogles should make an appearance.[5] Response to the presence of moogles was positive, and on October 4, 2016, it was revealed the creatures would appear in the form of special items.
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i wish hdr wasnt such a pain to take pictures of
There's a shitty sequel OVA and the protag is their descendant.
We all have true HDR monitors. We're not poor.
what does that have to do with my statement
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Final Fantasy doesn't stand a chance without Nintendo.
what is HDR and why should i get it?
Yoshi-P fans continue to prove they don't play Final Fantasy
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clive is a fag
It's like 4K but poorfags can't afford it.
Muh graphics are standard on any AAA game, now tell us what it plays like.
Hefty Drag Racers, the politically correct term for obese troons
he doesn't

cecil and noctis are the online ff protags with proof of having sex with their wives
bartz has a descendant in ff5 ova so he did too
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you sound mad
Noctis never had sex though. Luna died. Unless you mean the noncanon short story.
XV already had moogles as toys since before that tgs panel, they just added a moogle doll as a battle item
By your own logic cecil and bartz never did either because ff5 ova is non canon and ff4tay is non canon
The After Years is canon though, it's even bundled with FFIV now.
You frequently say that XV short story is noncanon when people laugh about the cancelled DLC. That's always your defense of it.
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ffsisters god of war will pass us soon
>64 percent
u using reshade or something? looks too saturated
>it had moogles but they said it didn’t as a prank
i'm playing with hdr, so everytime i take a picture i have to manually optimize it
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FF sisters..
wife's son xisters... not like this
No. The game never getting started and being a constant tutorial for the majority of the play time is even more egregious when you don't even have the hope that came with ignorance.
FF XVI isn't Final Fantasy. It's western action shit pretending to be Final Fantasy.
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Yes it does, Dion's storyline was entertaining and well written and is closely intertwined to the main story. I don't give a shit that he is gay. All the people that love lgbt characters get off from the "gay struggle". Dion has none of that, if he wants to kiss a man he simply does because it's not view as wrong in their society. He doesn't have a gay struggle, he hides his relationship because he is fucking his subordinate
Blame 15, it set the action slop precedent
Every succesful FF game had diversity. FFXVI is unironically too white and boring.
FF16 is unironically less of a FF game than Veilguard is a DA game.
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I will explain it to you as someone who has been playing since FFVI on the SNES. Final Fantasy throughout the 90's was famed for its inventive gameplay systems that changed every game, and its deep plots and colorful casts of characters. Whenever you started a FF, you knew that you were going to be playing cutting edge in story, in gameplay, and yes as FFVII was released in kickass graphics. Up to X, that held true. You might have a character you liked more or less, but every title felt like a labor of love, and a hundred hours would be consumed in a blink of an eye. You're always trying to get that perfect materia combination going, or perfect your junctions, or get the best magicite to make a kickass team.

Then XII released. For the first time, the plot was decidedly average. Sure, there were standout moments with characters such as in Balthier and Fran's dynamic, and Baasch's tragic backstory was very memorable. But on the whole both the license system and the story were just okay. This was followed up with Final Fantasy XIII, and this is where Square truly started to go downhill. Foregoing all of the adventure and whimsy of yesteryear, they instead focused on graphical fidelity and drama. The Crystarium system was again a disappointment.

The reason why XVI is such a disappointment for fans is because it lacks the core gameplay of the series. Although every system was different, they were always addictive RPGs at their heart. XVI is in truth a hack and slash game with for once a much more Final Fantasy-esque story. That is what's so tragic about it. With a more engaging system and a better fleshed out open-world, it really could have revitalized the series. Instead, it serves as yet another example of Square's insistence on superficial bombast instead of engaging gameplay. It's not a BAD game, but it doesn't deserve the Final Fantasy moniker. I'm hopeful for the series, but not optimistic. Unfortunately, I believe the best days are long past.
The last good Final Fantasy was Trails in the Sky SC.
Clive Rosfield is the most relatable protagonist as he takes thirty-five years to finally kiss a girl, and said girl has been giving him constant signals for 20 years.
This will never be an argument in favor of quality. I doubt most people who are fans of FF let alone RPGs would argue Wii Sports is a better game than FFVII for example.
Retard, it is viewed as wrong. He's hiding it from his father which is why the astrologers divined that he was hiding something, which Annabella took advantage of to tell him that he was plotting a coup.
They started to insert politics to games
XV helped to redeem itself with later content, but it remains a massive disappointment and one of the most regretful games I have played, not for lack of innate quality but for what the game could have been. There is so much more it could have been. The character dynamics remain the best since X and perhaps IX, but it remains a sad reminder of modern SE and its inability to buckle down and create truly spectacular RPGs.
what website did you find that comment on? I want to dig through their profile a bit and see some other hidden gems.
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Fixed it.
Which part of the post did you disagree with?
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>started to
Anabella was making the astrologers say shit about him. She even tells him that to his face. There is no gay stigma is Sanbresque, this is canon. That's their society, there are male whores and gay soldiers walking around. If there was, Dion would be a typical closet gay guy because he is such a righteous good boy.
>he didn't do side quests
>Sakaguchi writing without assistance
>Watanabe (Nojima Jr.) filling in for Matsuno
Very grim top row you've got there.
High Dynamic Range. It better displays the difference between lights and darks. You don't know what you're missing until you have a monitor or TV that's good for it. I went from an older 65" LCD to a new Samsung OLED and it's like night and day, the colors are just fantastic.
There are male whores at a whorehouse in a shitty gateway village on the border. Maybe you didn't catch that everyone Clive links up with is some kind of outlaw living on the fringe of their society, including the Dame.
I was too lazy to crop SNES FF box art.
HDR pictures don't display right. I found that out the hard way taking tons of pictures in AC6 and them being all fucked up afterwards.
What are your specs anon. List them here so that everyone can laugh at you for being a paypig that defends unoptimized games.
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i already love him
Wtf is with the constant hate for FFIX? The only thing bad about that game are the load times. Everything else is fun, it felt like returning to an older FF when I first played it.
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its final fantasy if it has final fantasy in its name, its not final fantasy if it doesnt have final fantasy in its name. this is reality and its simple, really.
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This game is very nice to look at
It's shit compared to 6 and 7. 8 is arguably better too.
Every modern game ever.jpg
It is not, I don't know if they are inspired by old societies, it is not like they are Spartans. Anyways being gay is not celebrated but it is not looked down on. I think it is viewed as just screwing around. I think they are simply making a point that it is unnecessary to hate gay people when there are bearers around. Like if you want to hate someone or hurt someone you could hate a bearer or beat them and it is perfectly acceptable to do so to the point that you don't need to marginalize any other group
>Concord tier
That game never broke past 1k so no its above that

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