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/v/ - Video Games

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What's the first game that comes to mind?
Meet'n'Fuck Kingdom
RE4 (OG of course)
counter strike: global offensive
Zero Ranger
Shinobi (ps2)
Elden Ring
Trick question/badly phrased
No game is perfect

But you just want game recommendations anyway, eh fag ?
Shadow of Colossus
half Life 2
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Came to post this.
Mega Man X
Mega Man Zero 3
Vagrant Story
Majora's Mask
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Remake is better.
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Civilization IV
Wario land IV
Super Mario 64 and Dark Souls are flawed 10/10s, the way I see it the things they do right are like a 11/10, their defects only bring them down to a 10/10
FF7 Rebirth
Worms Armageddon
Warcraft III
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disco elysium is one of the few games i can think of where it accomplished what it wanted to do near perfectly
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There are no perfect games, but if no game is a 10/10 then the scale is wrong
We do not dock points from devs making the best games of all time because they are only man and not a god

All that said
Demon's Souls (PS3)
>innovative game mechanics, in both groundbreaking new ideas (invasions, summoning, message system) or weaved together from preexisting mechanics in ways that still plague the industry with pretenders (bloodstains are just racing game ghosts but in a different genre the armor and ring system with its wildly different attributes borrow far more from Armored Core than the likes of Oblivion, etc.)
>atmospheric classic fantasy artstyle that oozes 80's-90's grit and mystique
>challenged, even if only by accident, the regenerating health and press X to awesome era that was plaguing the games industry at the time by having no quicksaving and permanent run changing consequences for being a stupid retard
You couldn't even understand it in the current day and age because all the things you think are cliche, it set. Everything you think is too easy, is because it took the first step to make harder. All the jank is the first step toward changing everything. ER might be popular, but DeS tried so much more to be interesting than ER could ever dream and struck gold thirteen years ago. Respect the Capo di capi.
>There are no perfect games, but if no game is a 10/10 then the scale is wrong
People who say this autistic trite look like a wojak irl.
you think an average game is 7/10 lil bro, keep your mouth shut
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My game, obviously.
You are not smart. You belive game ratings and perfection are objective to the point of bringing up God when talking about it. You don't even have mental capacity to understand that something one person calls a flaw might be a positive quality for others.
Chrono Trigger
Alpha Centauri
half-life 2. i just don't have anything negative to say about that game. simple as.
Ocarina of Time and Resident Evil 4
what's hard-core average, again? 5? 6?
This >>689319409 and by a long shot
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All reviews are subjective to the reviewer with hopefully some consideration that the problems he might have might actually be cool for other people, but the scale of numbers isn't subjective. Stop giving games the paid review love bump, and stop holding 10/10 as some unreachable standard if you think any game could actually reach it. If there's a throne for the best there's something that should be sitting on it, and you aren't above playing a 5/10, or even a 4/10 game.
The literal average between 1 and 10 is 5.5 unless we're accepting shit like Concord or whatever as actual 0/10s
How do you know Concord is a 0/10? Have you played it?
My penis is better
Sekiro, no question about it.
A lot of young people here but you have no idea of what OOT was when it launched. I remember watching a friend play and he was riding a horse and shooting his bow and arrow, all with very precise control, my mind was blown. It was the only 10/10 that I have ever experienced.
10/10 doesn't mean perfect
The World Ends With You, then Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, then...that's it.
Sekiro would've been a 10/10 if you didn't have to grind so much for skill points. That shit was ass
Excellent taste.
Mmmmmm okay. I have some quibbles that keep it from true 10/10, but in the spirit of getting more people to play, sure.
Yes. The only AAA modern game to reach such heights, a shining star in a sea of mediocrity, a gleaming jewel of hope. Please, AAA industry, learn. Change. You are on the wrong path. Be like Sekiro.
no one has, and that's exactly why it's a hard zero.
All griffon fights and mundus space harrier section
Zelda:A Link to the past
>All griffon fights
I liked the third one, only bad one was the second one on the ship
>mundus space harrier section
Pure Kino
Elden Ring
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this, /v/ needs to stop consuming AAA slop and support our local creators
Duke 3D

San Andreas
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Mega Man X
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Spelunky HD
Unreal Tournament '99 or Supreme Commander Forged Alliance for me.
Metroid: Zero Mission
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This is my list
FTL: Faster Than Light
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
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I did not care for Ocarina of Time.
whatever it is, is not a leftist game
leftists are a cancer in society
/pol/ - the new furries.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
Ocarina of time. Donkey kong Country 2.
>Punch-Out (Wii)
>Yume Nikki
>Little Magic (GBC)
The ending was a bit weak. I saw them going for that catharsis moment with the creature a mile away and when it happened it felt calculated and insincere. I don't mind that the actual detective story had a dull resolution, that's how those "accidental detective" stories tend to go. But it should've had more of an emotional payoff in the end
Only correct answer
>Yume Nikki
Yeah, I'm thinking based.
In chronological order
>1995 - Clock Tower - Survival Horror
>1998 - Ocarina of Time - Action Adventure
>1998 - Panzer Dragoon Saga - RPG
>1998 - Radiant Silvergun - Shoot em Up
>1999 - Soul Calibur - Fighting
>2000 - Valkyrie Profile - RPG / Platform
>2000 - Sin and Punishment - Rail Shooter
>2000 - The Longest Journey - Point & Click
>2003 - F-Zero GX - Racing
>2003 - Fatal Frame II - Survival Horror
>2004 - Remember 11 - Visual Novel
>2012 - The Witch's House - Indie
>2013 - Devil Survivor Overclocked - RPG
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fight'n rage
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. I hate the SNES ones. This one is perfect.
Framerate issues.
Age of Empires II
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Darkwood I think, or at least very close to a 10
Can't think of any issues I have with it
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>Elden shit
I can moderately agree
good list
>>Yume Nikki
If only the music wasn't like 10-20 seconds long that loops in worlds where you spent 5-10 minutes
Imagine trying to solve the puzzle without any guide, and you have to listen to this on repeat for 10-15 minutes
That's kinda of the point. The songs composed that way to evoke a feeling that you're in a dream world.
The teleport maze is the only part of the game where I feel this is a genuine issue, but it's also compounded by the obnoxious sound effects of the teleport tiles. Otherwise, I generally find the music/exploration dynamic to be hypnotic.
>its literally all slop
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Final Fantasy VIII (PS1)
Was losing control of their company and IP to capitalist sharks part of what they wanted to accomplish?
Rayman 2
Trite is an adjective, not a noun. Try again, Mr ESL.
You attempted to use the word "trite" as a synonym for "tripe" when one is an adjective and the other a noun. You are in no position to be lecturing anyone. Back to school, remedial child.
Sniveling, cowardly midwit can only reply 4 hours later, and even then just to point out a typo. Sit down, mental midget.
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Top tier spookino. MASSIVE improvement after Rebirth. Shell Shock mode makes you shit bricks
But I don't think it's perfect neither am I a nintendofag
>Why did you post it then
Because you asked what's the first game that came to mind

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