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Videogame characters don't move like this anymore.
Too much effort. The masses are fine with unemotive slop anyway, have been for a while.
this game was so kino. i'd visit my cousins once a week and stay a whole weekend there and all we'd do is play this over and over and over again
btw, this is the only time splitters i ever played. is it in any shape or form related to the previous ones?
but when gacha does this it's forced animation
Story is a rolling one; the splitters have the crystals and are spreading them through time, get them back
FP was the first to have a continuous story.
2 is better than fp for arcade content
animation like this was always an anomaly. mocap replaced the perfunctory animation you'd see in 99% of games. if some dev wants to sell their game on the gimmick of cartoony pixar animation they'll do that.
>Story is a rolling one
>FP was the first to have a continuous story.
what does that mean?
the difference is SOUL
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Twitter thread posted by a bot.
Oh no, I've been had! We can still have a conversation about vidya animations though, you know?
Bioshock Inifnite’s animations look like Disney and I hate it
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No we can't. Better this board reveal its already-dead nature without the artificial life infused into it.
I'll never stop being mad that nobody bought Hi-Fi Rush. Look at that shit, they made a game look like that and none of you appreciate it.
came here to post this. if this was in a gacha, newframeplus would call this "over-animated"
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Gachashitter seething that his slop will never be remembered fondly compared to classics like Timesplitters
Shouldn't have put Denuvo in if they wanted to have some goodwill.
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I thought it did pretty well. Tango were fated to close down, only reason it didn't happen sooner is Microsoft wanted them to shit out their little project that was near completion before finally axeing them.
What gacha even looks like this
My wife Korsica
its too much
but, better than too little
Evil Genuis had animations in this direction
Zenless Zone Zero
Bro from what it sounds like, they were always going to be picked and thrown into the slaughterhouse
>Evil Genuis had animations in this direction
I'm sad. I waited basically my entire life for a sequel to it. And it sucked. And its not even a subjective thing. They made a soulless phone game. Weird that it serves as my biggest disappointment in the industry.
Hi-Fi Rush slopped and flopped bigly
yes, because timesplitters' animation style is clearly a nod to early cartoon animation, and it works well given the comedic tone of the game
Forced movement.
denuvo is probably the reason it was able to break even
consider my neurons activated
zzz has lots of movement and fun constant arcs. i just think its good here and good there. some people are upset by it
Just hire TikTokers to do mocap and they do.
I looked up some videos for it and I kinda hate being tempted here. It genuinely looks fucking beautiful in motion. I don't got time for a gacha so what's the catch
Zoom zoom
joke goes on too long, also its stiff as fuck
What went so terribly wrong?
>old bald evil man travels back in time to tell his former self to do evil genetic shit
Kingdom Hearts
Zoom zoom.
nah its a 4 panel comic joke stretched out to 8 panels, its not funny. good jokes require brevity and timing. also the animation isnt good
It's two jokes back to back in less than 30 seconds. Get a grip.
I don't have any webums from it but the enemy type unique animations in the first Yakuza rpg sucked me in and kept me going. They had real resources but into them compared to other jrpgs.
except the characters in that are very stiff and look nothing like OP's animation at all.
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that's just modern gmod/sfm animations
denuvo is the reason it flopped you retard. Pirates would talk about it and make content about it and that would make it relevant and lead to more sales. Pirates only bring in attention, they don't garner a loss because they didn't plan on buying it in the first place you massive fucking retard
Realistic mocap was a mistake, look just how fucking sterilised and lifeless it is
I hate Insomniac
I hate Naughty Dog
I hate Sucker Punch
I hate Double Fine
They went woke and abandoned their soul in the process
What's even crazier is that was probably an order of magnitude cheaper to develop than bottom
top kept 20 white men employed, bottom keeps 200 pajeets employed
>all this animation work
>in a g*cha
It's a damn shame.
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It's better this way. NuSplitters would've been a disgrace on the level of Hyena or Concord.
I genuinely never understood the fucking hate ZZZ even got for its animation style. In the same fucking year when people were praising BG3 for having cinematics emoting. What the fuck do people want?
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Yes yes we get it you got that cutscene recommended today too
Now fuck off back to jewtube, nigger
Took you long enough to appear tranny
Soul, funny, and a timeless classic

Soulless, cringe, and trash that will one day be forgotten
forced animation
>twitter OP threads posted on /v/
>/v/ OP threads posted on twitter

This is the kind of shit that appears on youtube shorts with a "runner" game on the bottom screen.
The death of art for the sake of muh realism.
It's like how in mutt cartoons now everything is made on a simple locked 2d plan where there's almost no play with perspective and camera angles, everything is stuck like on an old 2d Mario screen, it's cheaper to create. Or like the "puppet" flash like animation to not have to animate. Everything is crashing down.

They have their legions of brownoids to replace us.
Lol what dogshit
Mocap ruined video games
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nooooo things shouldnt move this much, it needs to be slower and have less arcs and less poses noooooooooooooo
skinnerbox grind fest with shallow gameplay
keep in mind when goobers like newframeplus whine about "over-animation" they mean they want everything to look like the bottom shot. sterile, easy digestible, dont cut the camera in fun or interesting ways, just medium shot-reverse shot and dont go through too many poses or have fun arcs because thats "forced"

my message for what people should want is to always push for animation to be wackier and crazier. its easier to dial back than to push forward. id rather everything look like the red guy from zenless zone zero than that absolute sleep inducing garbage on the bottom. doing bottom for long enough will literally create a competency crisis. doing everything like ZZZ will be crazy and exhausting sure, but at least you're training animators to make fun stuff then dial back, rather than start with the most sterile boring performances/shots possible
if video game anti piracy protection gets more stringent you only have yourself to blame. purchase things you want to support.
it looks good on goofy characters and women, but it makes that dude look like a hyper fag.
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Keep in mind, this is overanimated according to /v/.
the dude IS a hyperfag, he's basically deadpool. i think the anim style suits him. when the brooding wolf guy shows up, he is actually handled quite subtly
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it's because the gacha genre is poison
>Tweening pngs is the same as frame by frame with 3D models
>taking a fat shit.webm
Diference is that this is cringe weeb shit, and wasted for being in a gacha
>the dude IS a hyperfag
oh... well then it fits, I guess.
Not happy about that character existing but at least his animations fit the abomination that he is.
>he's basically deadpool
deadpool is not faggy though, he is whacky.
But what do I know its just one webm.
good stuff, where can I get more of this?
I did. I gave my 1 dollar to gamepass for that month.
Shut the fuck up fag, Deadpool doesn't go full extra rubber with extra Pixar, Dreamworks and a pinch of Hanna Barbera
fbi pls
this is better, whacky but not this effeminate shit.
lmao thats because mediocre animators worked on this. look at how floaty everything is. it looks like it was animated straight-ahead. believe me, if they had the talent, they'd animate like ZZZ

look at how deadpool emerges at 0:07 then does a massage antic then a finger walk on cable's shoulders. thats literally a ZZZ performance but with bad animation lol. you are btfo'ing yourself here. This entire scene would be fucking fantastic with the red fag from ZZZ in his place
that is not better at all, the animators are floating through poses. the arcs are poor, the poses arent great, the timing and spacing are somewhere between cartoon and realistic. its lukewarm and kinda sucks. the only thing thats successful is the writing in conjunction with the directing (cutting to deadpool in a toy-rocket ride, shooting himself to get cable to stop, etc). The ideas are good, the execution is poor.
The game is free and if you aren't prone to getting addicted to collecting shiny new characters then you can treat it as a one-off singleplayer game that's going to give you content for 30-50 hours and then you can drop it. Although, it's not complete by any stretch of the imagination, so if you care about story you'll be left hanging. But you can always return to continue the story when patches roll up.
Ugh, it looks like someone told a junior college video game class to put the Timesplitters monkey in Fortnite.
>that is not better at all, the animators are floating through poses. the arcs are poor, the poses arent great, the timing and spacing are somewhere between cartoon and realistic.
but it's not gay and effeminate, so it's better.
as I Said, the animation style in that webm is good for that cat person and the stuffed toy side character
redheads are so sexy
deadpool in that scene is literally, objectively, doing a gay and effeminate performance though. he's popping out like a tiktok girl, doing massages and finger walks, over-acting like a theater kid when he hangs his head in boredom. all of this is fine btw because it fits the character, however its just animated like a worse version of the guy from ZZZ. the scene would be better with more exaggerated arcs, wackier poses, zipped up timing and spacing, and satisfying eases to everything. instead, once again, its a wacky performance idea with a wacky character executed somewhere between mocap and cartoon, and doesnt look great
pretty cool until the furry appears
>deadpool in that scene is literally, objectively, doing a gay and effeminate performance though
doesn't come off as such
while the webm the guy moving like the girls is.
Figure that one out.
I miss time spillters so much it's unreal. yet if they brought it back I fear how they would ruin it
I can't believe China is unironically saving video games.
Finally someone said it.
Why would you assume that's what he's talking about then?
Because barely any bother with cgi aside from Mihoyo minoy, which does mid work and the common "animation" in gacha is tweened images.
it looks like proto DEi
i didnt like the character designs
the red head was fine then she opens her mouth and you hear some 40y old scare crow

also the gameplay looks very on rails
The animation in this game was so bad. Everything is stiff like anime characters.
west = good
east = bad
sheeple parroting articles
vocal minority
etc etc
I thought the animation in the jak and daxter games was pretty impressive.

What's the name of this game?
timesplitters: future imperfect
it's a classic
when talking about "over-animation" people are typically referring to zeneless zone zero, not gachas with tweened pictures. hope this helps!
Which is still nothing like Timesplitters style of animation other than leaning more towards exaggerated emoting.
I don't even hate the ZZZ animation, but when you say 'gacha animation', I think of a character card with tween hair, boobs and maybe a cycle of facial expressions.
'forced animation' and 'over animation' or buzzterms like calarts or flash animation in a colloquial sense to describe something.
In this case it's just exaggerated movement which Time Splitter can do, it's just that not everyone move around too much and there's cohesion visually.

Also as a game Timesplitters is looked at more fondly for being a full game you can experience vs. a GaaS teaser/trailer.
This is ultimately what is the biggest black pill for me when buying. No matter how full price you spend, no matter how much you love the game and talk about it if it sold a few pieces too few fuck you company closes down.
I'd rather pirate than have my heart be broken.
well of course
when a game animates purely for the enjoyment of doing a good job, it's a good thing, the artists clearly just enjoy doing so
when a game systematically decides via focus group testing to animate things in a semi appealing manner (and frankly not nearly as well as a genuine article, just enough to be considered mildly above average) to try and encourage you to engage with it more and potentially develop a gambling addiction, it is not good
it's the same reason games with a good story that are written with a good story for the sake of just having a good story in them are a good thing
and a gacha having an okayish story implemented in after ~4 months of live service because they realized they could potentially put people that enjoy story into a gambling cycle of their game and thus adding the most basic, by-the-numbers storytelling and worldbuilding to bait people into thinking it has a genuinely crafted world for people to enjoy, that generally isn't written for the love of the art. it's solely there to act as flashy lights to direct you to the real thing, the gambling aspect of the game. It's not a good thing.
that's pretty good and fun to watch
>Less than 30 seconds
>Too long
End yourself.
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Reminds me of one of my favourite cutscenes. The game isn't very good, but watch this kino:
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Playing this right now and saw that part today. I'm not a fan of cutscenes in this game in general, but animations are great, and I liked this particular one you posted.
Also, the game itself is surprisingly fun and competently made. The best not-DMC we got in years.
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HOLY FUCK YOU NIGGERS NEED TO REALIZE THAT THING I LIKE = GOOD AND THING I DON'T LIKE = SOULLESS AND BAD. I didn't make the rules, that's just the way it is and if you don't like it, then that means you're automatically sucking my balls as you're by definitiln b(e)low me
Being anime and the actual motions they make doesn't help.
nice animation
still not playing gacha shit
Reminder that meet the spy was made 15 years ago and countless zoomers never watched it.
Stupid but my kind of stupid.
I like it.
bottom looks like a the witcher 3 mod
Xbox exclusive and Denuvo.
I don't pay for Denuvo shit, so if a game I really want to play uses it, I buy it on console. It wasn't on a console I owned until ages later when it couldn't save them.
What in the name of fuck is happening in this cutscene? It's borderline experimental. Always thought it was a generic sword game that sold because there was a shitload of enemies on screen. I see I was wrong.
(forgot to take off the sage in my name, I'm not sageing this thread. In fact I encourage it to thrive)
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tiktoker trite
Because no fun is allowed.
Alright thank you, looks interesting I'll give it a go
I kind of love this. Are there more cutscenes like that? Makes me want to play the game just to see them
Insomniac neutered themselves wanting to appeal to the Pixar crowd.
>denuvo is the reason it flopped you retard. Pirates would talk about it and make content about it and that would make it relevant and lead to more sales.
this has always been a retarded argument, even more so here where the real reason hifi flopped is they put it on fucking gamepass so no one (even the people who would have become interested in it by magical pirate influencers praising the game) paid for it because the geniuses at Microbrain put it on GAMEPASS for free
The thing is, this is pretty much the only cutscene that is retarded to this extent. There's a couple of nice ones, usually when the bad guys appear, but not on this level.
The animations are still nice though.
I wouldn't suggest buying this game, but it is enjoyable. And works on RPCS3, I finished it like that.
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It's Andy Serkis having some fun, as he's obviously the King character, but was also directing and writing cutscenes.
Most gachas use tweening which used to be made fun of here
Like lootboxes and mobile games and manipulative marketing tactics
But now you faggots slurp it up because le heckin animongus booberidoos
Unfortunately, that's true. I don't use Game Pass, but if a game is there, I won't buy it until it's on a good sale.
That's why I only got Hi-Fi now. It's in a bundle on Fanatical, 2 games of your choice for 15 euro in total, so I effectively paid 7.50 euro for it.
Is it even available to buy? I guess I'd throw it a buck or two on Steam, but I'm not buying it second hand when I could just pirate it

>works on RPCS3
Sweet, I'll get on that after my current batch of games. Thanks
What's the deal with general flying fox? He sounds and moves like a schizophrenic psychopath on acid.
Everyone's talking about the animations but what about the writing? They don't make games with this kind of writing anymore either. I can't pinpoint exactly why this works so well and Capeshit quips don't, but it does. It's a lot more clever I can tell you that much.
Finally, a gacha game that actually spends its money on something worthwhile
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Fun fact: one of the original Jak and Daxter animators has an Artstation.
The only thing he's really done in years is work on that shovelware Puzzle Bobble VR game.
This is China-tier plagiarism. I don't care if it was mostly placeholders, no one working on this had shame.
Christ almighty I just noticed the EGS overlay popping up at 45 seconds. They planned on competing with Fortnite on its home turf????
Rouge looks fine but Sonic's eyes look bad.
Also is this show good or dogshit? Never heard about it.
I have a soft spot for these mid tier slightly janky PS3/360 era games.
There's just something so comfy about them.
Good writing: Lay out the joke, start building it up, carry it through, let the audience laugh, move on to the next scene; audience's positive expectations not subverted
Modern bullshit: Lay out a serious scene, build it up, pull the rug out from under the audience with a joke

The latter works when it's done extremely sparingly. It sucks the tension out of the air when it becomes a staple, even for scenes that do play things straight, because you're half expecting someone to step on a rake. Meanwhile, if the story in the first scenario is doing serious drama, you'd expect a follow through on that, too.
British writing
Modern British writing is dog shit just like American writing from 20 years ago wasn't bad.

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