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Fucking soul.
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I cant wait to be part of the sony lifestyle... whatever that means!
It should be pale pink too... or at leasts translucent
Forced sovl.
It does look great. It's a shame there is just nothing worth playing on it
Looks really good, but I sure as fuck won’t buy it.
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mogged hard by ps2
it means you don't play any games and suck a lot of dick
Too bad the games have no soul and Sony does not care about backwards compatibility.
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Thats pretty damn pog skibidi fr no cap
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They look genuinely nice, not gonna lie, but at the same time it just helps to show how aesthetically unappealing the original PS5 colors are. Them erasing the face button colors was fucking retarded.

Also, the fact that they didn't even bother to include the disc drive version of the console in this anniversary collection is a HUGE red flag.

I'd be very surprised if Sony even has a disc drive planned for the PS6. If they are, it's surely just an add-on sold separately.
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still the mother fuckin king
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the pro bundle is gonna be easily over a grand, right? and it still doesn't come with a disk drive
Fuuuuuuck I want it
Actually looks nice. Why wasn't this the original PS5 design? I bet the person who worked on the designs for ps5 is paid like 250k a year, and ps5 has to be the ugliest looking console ever made.
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>snoys now mesmerized by nostalgia
At least a decent color fucking finally.
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wait wait wait, is this photoshop? or are they actually going to make the controller plug cover up the other USB slot?
I want the Pro bundle so bad but scalpers will make that impossible
What's the switch-looking thing?
>Looks like a PS1
>Plays 0 PS1 games
If you want to play PS1 games you buy a xbox
>Colored buttons, Colored icon,
This is literally what I asked for. a console with at least some intact personality.
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I will probably buy one of the Dualsense’s and swap it to Hall effect sticks
and at least some games
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What is that thing? I owned the PS2. It does not look like that feminine device.
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F-fairgame$ is coming soon buddy, you'll see!
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I'm going to buy as many 30th anniversary items as I can during the 10 second window in which they will be available.
what will you do with so many portals?
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>backwards compatible with the entire library of games though disk drive
>30 years later
>still doesn't know the difference between disc and disk
soulless, give me a new twisted metal or parappa 3 then we'll talk
>Best thing Sony has done in years is nostalgia bait that they already did a decade ago
Do these ps5 controllers work well on PC? I'm not interested in the other shit, but I like how it looks and I'm always open to try another controller.
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why does it look like AI tried to write xbox on it?
PS1 design is just that timeless. Gonna get the controller and proceed to never touch a modern console lol.
>Sonyfags are so retarded they're willing to buy a console they already own because pretty colors, when they just got done bitching about Sony's price gouging.
>Gonna get the controller and proceed to never touch a modern console lol.
Honestly I might do the same if it isn't impossible to find within an hour of release.
>limited collectors items include a paperclip
>digial edition
Fucking worthless without a physical media drive that'll play the classic games.
The PS4 controller was available for ages. I think it's only the consoles that are really limited.
Most likely, yeah. The consoles are the only part that feature the imprinted xxxxx/12300 numbering.
I can't wait for the Hitler game
>sony: remember when we were a good company and made fun, groundbreaking games?
>anyway, buy this ps5 skin!
Looks like they have that part of the cable covered with a PS1 memory card looking shell.
Should’ve had this design on launch day
I'd really like the PS5 controller, but my PS4 controllers are working well and the PS5 controllers have drift issues...
>doesn’t know about PS2 slim
I’m sure you definitely owned a PS2, zoomie
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Playstation Portal, some streaming gamepad horseshit. It's more of a WiiU than a Switch, really.
not really:
>Windows PC devices support the controller via a wired connection.
>Your wireless controller can also be used to play games that support generic controllers.

better to get a real PC controller like
cheaper, actual wireless, correct PC aka Xbox layout, ...
that was 20 years ago, the astro controller sold out in seconds.
>it probably would've been more successful if it was designed like this from the start
>Fucking soul
it's soulless as fuck
it's the vidya equivalent of a corrupt politician wearing another person's face
Ah, that's a shame then, just thought it would be neat. I already have an xbox controller setup. Thanks.
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literally this scene
but what's the point of the 'member berries? they're still not making the games we used to love. gone are all the beloved ips, games that maximized hardware to give us breathtaking experiences. fuck sony for raping our childhood then weaponizing our nostalgia.
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Impressive, very nice. Now let's see them homage TRUE soul.
>removing the color logo in the first place
Soulless faggots, im so tired of the simplified logo era
This is how you give back to the fans
irony or paid shilling?
That would have been a pretty sick colour scheme if not for the stupid pixel heart. PlayStation shouldn't be using pixel art considering they were first and foremost 3D platforms.
ps1 colors are bad Tbh ps2 would be better
Not worth $800.
Don't give a fuck about the consoles, but I have a NEED for that controller.
i dont get it

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