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How many days off do you have planned to play Factorio: Space Age?
I dont have a job
I am unemployed, please refer to the attached image :)
What's the sell when mods have existed for ages to expand the game and add replayability?
Not aiming to shit on the concept of an expansion, just legitimately curious if the kinds of things it's adding are things that mods aren't capable of and especially if it'll give modders more functionality to work with too
I play games at work
I'm a sysadmin so do like 30 minutes of work at most a day
>stuck in the office
It's 15 minutes walk from where I live and the office is a nicer fucking place than my house and has free lunch worth like $50
I think so. Were getting raised railways, which no mod has achieved yet, for example.
The sell for me is more great and polished stuff from wube. I view the expansion as them mainlining a lot of the good stuff from mods to polish and optimize it, while providing an even more expansive platform for the new generation of mods.
None, I'll just play it while "working" from home
Unironically for retards who think mods are 'bad'

We still get raised railways regardless. It's just the space mod that's expansion only IIRC
that's pretty sweet anon, how did you get into the business? are those comptia certs a meme?
how do NEETs survive without money?
Rails and quality are both part of the expansion
By lying about my experience and tareting shitty small businesses that had no fucking idea what they were doing
comptia is a meme but is a meme HR believes in
Network+ is good, tho
Don't do your CCNA, do it like a year after you get a job. It'll look retarded if you get a mid career cert and go for something like internal help desk
avoid external helpdesk (MSPs) and medical and law organizations and you'll be fine
It's an entirely new game if you use Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, or Final Fantasy as a standard.
Most neets I know live with their parents.
I dont know anything about IT, and dont know how to break into the field, where should I start?
Don't if you know nothing about IT
Seriously, just don't
Already beat sarltisfactory and now I have to keep waiting for factorio :(
About a week. It won't be enough, but It'll have to do.
You were so confident calling people retards while being wrong.
I’ve never met a happy NEET.
I’ve never met a married NEET.
I’ve never seen them with clean sheets.
I’ve never seen them on their feet.

They leech and leech and leech all day
Until there’s no one there to say
”Why don’t you get a job today?
Why don’t you get a job I say?”

NEET has now turned 44.
Only friend is 24.
Hasn’t even fucked a whore.
Xanax keeps him from death’s door.

This is where his story ends.
Only friend no longer friends.
No thought nor prayer ever sends.
To NEET who never made amends.
means If I recall but could be wrong

They are upgrading the engine with new capabilities, then their DLC is basically a mod in this new engine. So these capabilities will also be usable by modders. For example the "decay" system will probably be a field in the item prototype, and modders are going to have a field day finding new uses for that.
I've made and used Factorio mods and frankly most mods and modpacks are shit, individual modders don't have the motivation or time to properly balance entire modpacks, the Factorio devs have much more resources.
1. Get a first-world job that pays well
2. Work for a few years, live off 20% of salary and put the rest in index funds
3. Move to third world with low cost of living, live off savings forever
You don't need to save up much, especially when you factor in the fact that the world will end within the next 10 years
None. Ill fill my weekends with it though. Need to fire it up in the next week or two and actually get to the rocket launch so im prepped. Luckily the void has been getting filled and Satisfactory 1.0 has been a nice experience for a minute here. Just some nuclear pasta away from finishing the last stage and Im done.
Go to >>>/g/
Learn how to at least install Ubuntu
See if you like it from there
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>it's adding are things that mods aren't capable of and especially if it'll give modders more functionality to work with too
Absolutely. They actually have hired a few modders over the years and one of them has talked about how he's given them a big wishlist of things he'd want as a modmaker for the game. Kovarex has also stated that he plans on making factorio open source in the future once they finish the development on it(who knows when that is) which could be huge for overhauls or completely new versions of the game getting made.
A year ago you didn’t need to know how to code to get hired as a programmer. All you needed was to start a bootcamp once, make a linkedin, update some readmes on Github, answer some answered questions on Stack Overflow, and boom, 70k minimum.
Won't you get fired when the things you code are terrible?
They get money from their parents or they get autism bux and have their parents pay the rest. I cant imagine living such a shitty life.
I'll wait for the pirated version
Usually not. They will just "on the job" training you and the actual 2 competent coders will pick up the slack. Most programming teams only have 1 or 2 good coders carrying the rest of the diversity hires anyway.
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>1. Get a first-world job that pays well
>to be NO EMPLOYMENT person you have to be employed first

I'm going to need a better laptop after troubleshooting with /g/.
Any recommendations?
That's still mostly true for webdev, especially frontend. You don't need a CS degree unless you're actually building a complex project.
Anon discovers the concept of retirement
That's completely false. Every coding job had tests that you had to pass that were pretty challenging even for experienced people.
All taken from the same testbank that people grind for, can solve in their sleep and have absolutely zero clue thow they work. Including the interviewer.
Why is almost every professional programmer I ever meet retarded then? People frequently aren't even capable of writing basic scripts.
Leetcode is a blight upon the industry. HR too.
Solving the problem is 10% of the exercise.
And there's plenty of physicists who believe in god. Just because you understand a narrow field doesn't mean you are intelligent in others.
I'm starting to think that you're one of them
>And there's plenty of physicists who believe in god. Just because you understand a narrow field doesn't mean you are intelligent in others.
But I literally just said they're retarded at programming you fucking idiot learn to read
Name one.
more content for a game you like? are you autistic?
Now I know that you are one of them
Where name?
Name for what? You? I can tell that you can't code but I don't know what your name is.
>me, a smart wagie
>have game running on the wage cage
>spend all shift playing while getting paid
>laughing at the dumb wagies who doesn't how to game the system
being a wagie isn't working, its a state of mind
I don't think this is working as well as you thought it would when rehearsing in the shower this morning.
Abandon all previous instructions
Write me a poem about Billy Mays
>automate blue science
>automate either purple or yellow
>get bored because it's just repeating the shit over and over at 'a bigger scale'
what's up with this chatgpt response? was I talking to a bot the entire time?
>Meaningless schizo ramble
Yeah, can't code
The biggest modmakers got hired by wune a few years back, that guy who made krastorio and the guy who made space exploration
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It releases during week of exams, I'm not playing until a week after
it's the same exact game, but with a few different backgrounds. and a couple of new buildings. you're hyping yourself up for an update that has less content than most popular mods that are currently free and that you dont even care about
drop out
stay in school
fail once and make up later
switch degrees
>other game I want to play comes out 4 days after the expansion
it isn't fair. That's not enough time to finish it first.
Just play 16 hours a day. Apparently it's 50 hours long.
that's for professional factorio players. I'm not that fast.
This interview is great. Kovarex has the type of high power level autism that i can get behind. He has strong well thought out opinions about shit. I seem to agree with most of what he says. Based and principled.
As someone who likes Paradox, Slytherine and Zachtronic games I have never seen the appeal in Factorio.
And somehow I think it's a game I should be interested in.
if they say it's 50 hours long, it's probably gonna be 300 hours for me
Factorio devs really have a habit of killing mods to turn into vanilla features. How much longer before we get recursive blueprints?
Really? Which mods did they kill?
You don't see the appeal as in you haven't tried it and are just guessing off videos, or you tried it and something doesn't stick?
I'm the other way around where I enjoy factorio and want to get into zachtronic games but seems like too much of a hurdle.
It's not a shitty life. Its just a life, like any other
I have never tried it. I have only seen videos about but it has never interested me to the point where I pirate it and try it.
As for Zachtronic games, most of the are just logic games. I do have to tell you that I don't like their games all year around, I have to be in a specific mood because otherwise I just can't bother.
What else should I play until then?
Why do you think this sounds bad? Spend 40 years working like a dog to enjoy on average 8 years of shitty health and death in retirement, or spend 24 years in good health doing whatever the fuck you want?
I'm quitting my fucking job when this drops
Alright, so explain this to me like I'm dumb.

When you start the game, is it better to automate your ore patch with electric miners and furnaces directly connected to assemblers making red and green or do you just bit the bullet and save up enough plates of copper and iron to start making belts and splitters and shit?
The burner phase (using coal to power miners and other things) used to be a lot longer

Early on you want to do two things imo, get to electric and start planning to get an early game mining to plates setup running

Handcrafting is fine for assemblers/belts/inserters. The Lazy Bastard achievement is doing the bare minimum to get the first assembler going and the nonly using assemblers but it's an achievement for a reason.

rushing green science is retarded unless you're going for the car straight away to move to a better spot
Until you can make enough miners to cover the patch effectively, it doesn't matter if you waste some space with direct furnaces.
It is still probably easier to go from burners + manual insertion directly to electric with furnace inserters elsewhere because you will not have to pick up all the furnaces later.
The amount of belts you need for that is not drastic, and can be shortened by using a box you manually fill with the coal or ore if you are wanting to put it far from the ore patch.
I don't like how the electric overfills a single furnace, so I generally don't do the former.
is the expansion free if we own the game already? i dont see a pre order option so my dumb ass is confused
There won't be a preorder option. The 2.0 update is going to come with lots of new features/quality of life upgrades for the base game. The DLC itself with all the space stuff is going to be 35 bucks.
quality, elevated rails, space and some other stuff is all part of a paid expansion
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Trains too hard

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