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>That one person you had fun playing with long time ago and never saw again

Who was it for you /v/?
Some Chinese guy who spoke in broken English.
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I recognize that kid..
because not everything had to be 100% sanitized for people who can't deal with reality like it is nowadays
Mortimmer Bjerke (?), a Norwegian guy I play Gmod with.
Used to play league of legends with some girl years ago, not sure if it\s a girl, suddenly stopped playing and I haven't heard from her since. Shit sucks
Life is chaotic, arbitrary and cruel. Why pretend its anything else? Everyone finds out sooner or later
Easier to control people who think everything is sunshine & rainbows. When something actual does happen their mental state becomes FUCKED.
I wouldn’t say it’s arbitrary and cruel. These sorts of random tragedies don’t happen to everyone, and even to people who it does happen to, it’s not like their life is irreparably fucked.

The story was written this way because the author wanted to design a tearjerker.
childrens stories are rife with bad ends and have been for a long time. usually to teach a lesson of some sort
A friend of mine, from highschool times and back. I think my enjoyment from playing anything in the hardest possible mode stems from that lad. I hope you are doing well, Ygor.
bad things happen, the sooner you learn to deal with that the better
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I lost all my friends through COVID and now I'm a hermit with no-one and nothing.
Fucking hated this movie, I want a remake where he time traveling ghosts from another dimension are in the story and he changes history to bring her back to life.
I spent a few weeks as a kid flipping back through the book trying to find something I missed because my teacher had us read this at like 7 fucking years old, i thought for sure something would happen. Probably the first time I ever thought about death and how she was just gone. Weird experience for a kid.
Who would be his Sephiroth?
Nothing because I'm always the one to cut people off the second they annoy me because I can just exchange you with one of the other billions of humans out there.
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I'm ready to kill myself already.
The river she falls in and the rock she bashes her head against, he would have a team up with the teacher to bring her back to life where the living embodiment of the universe itself and all fate shows up in a giant colorful portal. It tells them if they don't let the river kill Leslie they risk everyone on earth dying and the planet exploding but they scream no no no and throw rocks at it, then even though they risk everyone and everything for selfish desires like mentally ill people denying reality they are rewarded by reality caving to them and giving them what they want.
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i played with a friend for almost 2 years, some days after he vanished i searched for news in his city, which i knew what was. exactly the day he vanished a guy his age died instantly after being ran over. his fb profile says "in memory of"
never made an online friend since
Damn anon...
My friend group half way fell apart because two dudes couldn't stop fucking other people's girlfriends. It just became easier to cut them out of the social circle then dealing with ether of their constant drama
>Be film director
>Cast little girl you find hot
>Have her bounce around like a manic pixie dream girl for the entire movie
Based or cringe?
Bridge to Terabithia was written because the author's son had a friend that died by being struck by lightning on a sunny day. Yeah, shit happens.
some russian femboy with nice feet
>the river is the embodiment of the lifestream
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CarNut on xbox.
We used to play Test Drive Unlimited all the time together on the xbox 360. One day he just never came back online. Every once and a while I'll boot up the old 360 if I'm feeling nostalgic. Always give a look at his profile as if maybe he'll be there. Honestly I wouldn't even know who he is anymore. We were just kids.
Hope he's doing alright but I'll never know.
Rat left IRC 12 years ago saying he he would be busy with work for a few months, but that he couldn't wait to play Borderlands 2 when it came out. He never returned.
Most anons here are sheltered and privileged neets who know nothing about the outside world. They're terminally online freaks.
>that one clingy friend who never stops bothering you
please tell me thats not you
Some neonazi girl I met in CS 1.6 17 years ago. She was 3 years older and treated me like her younger brother, even read some of her poems over voice chat. We knew eachother for about 3 months when one day she suddenly stopped appearing online, and I still don't know whatever happened to her. She had a bf and kept our friendship a secret from him so that he wouldn't get jealous, which might be why he never responded and blocked me altogether when I decided to contact him about her. The other people from this girl's friend list knew her even worse than I, unfortunately.
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How do I contact someone who I havent spoken to in a year? We used to chat everyday, for almost a decade. But over time we spoke less and less.
I dont even know how to approach him out of the blue. The fact he hasn't messaged me at all during this time indicates me hates me or something. I cant fathom what I did wrong.
Idk I deleted all my steam friends after I had an autistic breakdown
yeah we literally read this book in 5th grade lmao
>Hey bro, long time no see. You got time sometime this week for a couple of beers?
literally as easy as that. Go on messenger or whatsapp or whatever you have and message him right now, I believe in u.
I used to play with some guy on Xbox named “im just a negro”. Somehow he never got banned for that name kek
Why did you lose all your friends through covid?
Probably assumed it was a real black man and let him slide lel
And how do you know they aren't doing the same...? Having the same anxiety..? Sometimes you gotta reach out, hard as it may be
I'm old, so that's the story with all my friends. That's how life goes.
That one person? Me
When was the last time I had fun with myself... Aahh.. Who knows..
WIth a name like that you could probably find him
Sorry to hear that
Was he from South Bend?
Has anyone tried contacting spirits of old gamer friends?
Gotta take a risk there, anon. I almost lost a very good friend over that shit, never again. I'll pester his life if that ever happens again.
I have a few friends from PA that I've only known through the internet. I played a ton of games with them and eventually drifted away because of my career. It's probably been close to a decade but they've still made efforts to reach out to me. Should I try and rekindle that friendship? It feels awkward that I left them hanging for so long because I'm a retarded faggot.
Anon fucking answer me I think I can reach him
Try reading fairy tales. Not the sanitized disney version, but the original stories. Those were children's books too.
Yeah, things only matter as much as you want them to. You have to create your own meaning.
some random jamaican guy that me and me cousin would play gears of war 2 with that nigga was so good at the game he helped us clear all 50 waves of horde mode it was awesome i miss those days
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dunno. i rather be friendless nigger than talk about my problem and blogging about it you normalfags
but if i have to say he's been into this lol shit and our friendship has finished because he was deep down in that moba hellscape and now he's playing overshit. anyway i don't have friends at all.
Did he ever call you a bombaclot? Jamaicans are funny.
they took the jab. I did not
i told them it was an Israel company making it, and given prior track record of deaths in trials, they shouldn't
they cut me off, i cut them off
I don't play online.
He's basically Ryan Gosling 2.0
The buddy I found here in the animal crossing new horizons threads, we sent letters to each other for a while, but then it naturally stopped when the game dried up
A lot of people came and went through my IRC channel, at peak we had like 70 people online at the same time now it's less than 10. But do I really miss any of those people?
Not really, they're free to visit but they never do. I'll be there till the day I die.
Well, I hope you are content with your decision to become alienated from your friends to impress your surrogate internet father figures who don't know you exist.
So you're a sperg, got it.
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Shit I don't remember man.
This was so long ago and I don't have any memory of him or me sharing where we lived,
though I am from Indiana. The memories are mostly just a blur as is most of my childhood. I just know that we had a lot of fun together before he went awol.
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It just keeps getting worse
>outside of /pol/
Dude you have to hide your powerlevel, most normalfags don't want to hear it nor would they benefit from such revelations if they did.
Not even close. Gosling doesn't have chud energy, that guy oozes it.
I kept failing the last level of the game for this movie because I didn’t realize you were supposed to fall off the log.
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Man I wish this happened to me, instead it was worse.
>Long ass time ago, in the age of forums, dude looking for an army of two coop buddy
>I message him we play, we become good friends or so I thought
>Plays a ton of CoD and other stuff, I'm just happy to have a gaming bud
>Years go by, no issues
>2016 happens
>He comes intensely political but I don't engage, I know what these kinds of discussions can do
>Fast forward to 2023
>My brother and his wife catch the coof
>Tell him this
>He goes on and on about possible relapses, death rolls, all kinds of shit
>Tell him I don't wanna hear this stuff when I have family that's sick
>He says sorry your pussy hurts and blocks and removes me from everything within minutes
And on that day I learned we where never friends, merely acquittances.
Me, my paranoid personality prevents me from forming meaningful relationships because I'll see the slightest non-issue as an insult and will start believing I'm being conspired against. So I just disappear and quietly remove myself from the other person's friendlist a year later when they forget about me so they do not have to deal with me eventually melting down at them.
what movies his facial expressions speak to me
>I tolerated a low IQ narcissist
Your own fault, anyone that acts like a total nigger like that isn't your friend.
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>move away from hometown in 4th grade
>come back to visit 10 years later
>meetup with old friends I hadn’t seen since I moved
>find out one of my friends I met up with died less than six months after I saw him
He’s been offline steam ever since but I can’t ever remove him
I'm usually the one who ghosts people and blame BPD when I really just want to be alone in whatever pitiful hole I'm in. I really hope I'm forgotten so everyone can exist without me burdening their thoughts. I have nothing I can provide in a relationship, so it's better this way.
He wasnt like that, he was a chill dude. I dont know why he changed so much.

Miss the fuker...
You wore the wrong mask, you should have just lied and said you got it while not actually doing so. Because you failed to hide your power level you lost your friends. Take this as a lesson idiot, because if you don't you will simply fail in the future again.
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Why lie ? Imagine talking to such close-minded normaloids who can't face a little adversity intellectually
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Communication goes both ways, fren.

If you haven't tried reaching out, maybe HE thinks YOU hate HIM. And I doubt either of you hate one another. It's easy to get caught up in your own life and sudden realize months passed since you've last talked to someone.

Reach out! I bet it would make his day
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I'm in a similar boat, brother.
>friend from high school always had shit luck and more issues than most (parents that didn't care for him, drug problems, schizophrenia, depression)
>couldn't afford school and had to work midnights as a janitor at a mcdonalds that wasn't open 24/7 to afford his shitty unfurnished apartment
>end up losing touch with him because my possessive crazy BPD cunt ex not liking me being in contact with other people and me believing her bullshit
>while still with my ex, visit my parents one day and they tell me they heard through a few people that he died
>official cause is seizure in his sleep, but i know he exhibited suicidal behavior on one occasion
>we had helped each other through some other tough shit and i was the only person he still really spoke with from high school and the only friend still in the same city
>think it was a suicide, feel like things could have been different had i still been there to talk him through whatever happened
>blame myself even though i don't know for sure it was a suicide or if i'm just making assumptions
>will never know for sure since his parents never answered any of my messages, not even my father's message (his father and my father went to high school together too)
>no public service, just a short generic obituary
>no gravestone that i know of
>he's probably just an urn collecting dust
>Last Online 877 days ago
It was a good book in my opinion. Read it at 6th grade.
I hit up an old buddy a month ago and it went pretty well. I hadn't talked to the guy in a year and I felt bad so I just started talking to him and it was like usual. Don't let that nagging uncomfortable anxiety steal precious time away from talking to your friends. I still got a few more to go but I'm getting there.
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No idea why this guy's pretending to be me. I lost my friends because those multiple years in isolation revealed that we were only acquaintances at best, once it was over everyone's lives had moved on. I didn't take the vaccine because I'm a health nut and an untested mRNA injection was too risky regardless of government insistence, no-one in my group cared that I hadn't even though most of them took it for travel/work purposes.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>the ventrilo crew
>played counter strike source and battlefield 2 erry day
If it's arbitrary and cruel then there is some inherent value system at the core of all that exists, the post was retarded for reasons other than the one you're claiming.
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I had a hacker friend on Xbox 360 who I wished I kept in touch with called Battle. He joined my Xbox live party and asked me who he wanted to knock offline and did it guy was hilarious and based. Sadly the only Xbox pal I didn't keep in touch with like all my other friends who I still talk to today
Maybe he left because he was going through a rough patch and couldn't handle feeling like a burden on you anymore.
Even Christianity acknowledges that sometimes people die out of nowhere for no apparent reason or justification.
Maybe he thinks you hate him too. Don't overthink it.
Nobody. You could replace every person I've played with a bot and it would make no difference to me.
Life is arbitrary, the story was inspired because the author's son had a friend die from a bolt of lightning out of the clear blue skies.
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But that's wrong?
you really wont like the answer
2016 changed the course of history, though to be honest I am pretty sure you are better off without that guy.
I'm sorry for your loss, anon, but you really shouldn't blame yourself. If he did kill himself, it was his decision, not yours.
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Five Nights at Freddy's
Thanks, anon. I know, I've been doing my best to remind myself of that. It's just hard to not wonder if he would have still been around had I been there to talk with him. Neither of us had very extensive friend groups, and his absence stings even now. Even still, there's nothing to be done about it, and crucifying myself over a what-if isn't healthy and is probably not what he'd want me to do.
>I lost my friends because those multiple years in isolation revealed that we were only acquaintances at best, once it was over everyone's lives had moved on.
You didn't lose friends then, did you. The only thing "covid" did to you is reveal that your connections were trivial.
I used to be in a small 10 man raiding guild back during wotlk. I'm from the US but they were aussies. It was like a pub atmosphere with lots of swearing and acting like dudes. We used to grief gank in-between TOC runs. They got me to try a vegemite sandwich and I got them to try q peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The GM even paid for a faction xfer for my broke high school ass back then. Very cool people. Hope you're doing well on the other side of the world, Phlyness.
Fucking talk to the dude, please.
More like The Amazing Asshole.
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A friend of mine killed himself and left me a letter saying that his mind was made up long ago, all I did was just delay it by being a good friend, even then I still blamed myself for months.
Your feelings are normal.
cletus from mega choc please come home
that's what covid taught me too. most of my "friendships" were almost entirely held up by me. As soon as I stopped trying they withered away. Little lost.
Go be a faggot somewhere else
I've only been out of high school for 8 years and I already know of 11 people in my graduating class who are dead, one only lasted a year before falling out of a window after doing mushrooms. I'm not even from a bad area, it's mostly drug overdoses, car accidents and suicides. One had a seizure and died at 23. Shit happens, I'm just thankful none of my actual friends have died yet, though we've had our own share of scares.
Fuck, that's a lot to bear, anon. Be easy on yourself.
Holy fuck
"Dragon X P" gave me a free rune 2h at castle wars in 2007
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I appreciate the kind words, bros. It'll always hurt, but it'll get easier, and life will go on. I wish you all the best too.
>The fact he hasn't messaged me at all during this time indicates me hates me or something.
He doesn't, you just get busy with life and the longer you go without talking the more difficult it become to take the leap and re-break the ice. He's probably in the same boat as you, just not sure how to start a conversation after so long. If you're in the same geographic area it'll be easiest to ask him to go get a drink and talk after work. If you played games online together ask him if he still plays whatever you typically played together and do that.
My friends were like that, too. I was the unofficial 'leader' of a pack of nerds and when I stepped back from the group, it split apart and everyone went their own way. One committed suicide, one became an addict, and two became super depressed and stuck on SSRIs. I kind of blame myself honestly. We were all fatherless losers and I think I was filling the role of a support pillar/guiding force that was abruptly lost to them when I decided to break off and do my own thing solo. Maybe I'm just a narcissist and it all would've happened either way. Hard to say. Just sad at the loss on reflection. I've never replaced them or felt as close to anyone else since and it's been more than 10 years.
Friendships are a two-way street. If you always have to be the one to initiate. How much could they really care?
books are a safe way to learn about loss
I cried all night when a character died in the first Shadow Children book
You're not wrong but part of me feels like they just didn't have the.. idk energy/force of will? to initiate stuff on their own. It's not like the contact stopped because they were off doing cooler better things with different people. We all just shifted to total isolation and I think I was able to handle it better than them because of my more dominant personality. We were all the same age but I filled a sort of big brother role to them and I feel like I abandoned them.
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Playing Dota 2 12 years ago, met in low priority because I had some shitty interner that would go down randomly. Played a bunch and had fun, then he stopped logging in.
I will always remember his eye of skadi Shadow Demon soloing a late game Kunkka
Chud protag for a chud timeline
This is a fair statement, but also consider that not everybody is the same. Some people are more shy, more reclusive, more outgoing, more content to be on their own, or more needy for attention. Everybody reacts differently and is more or less likely to reach out and it has nothing to do with how much they like somebody. People are just weird like that, where they might really like spending time with somebody but be too anxious to express that for fear of rejection or being overbearing.

That said, >>689370169 shouldn't feel any guilt at all about that circumstance. It was not his control or responsibility. Some people being more anxious or withdrawn is not a reason to say people that are more outgoing are required to give them attention or force them to get support and interaction. It's just a reason why you might need to initiate and say 'hi' more often, if you want to.
It's doesn't really work like that. >>689371038 is right. I have a friend that suffers from a lot of stuff mentally and he's a difficult thing to get around, but when we are playing or shooting shit he's always fun as hell.
used to play halo CE with a guy who said his name was carlos sanchez. one night he said he was going out to avenge his brother who was killed by a local gang and he never came back online.
You should write a screenplay about him and name it The Ballad of Carlos Sanchez
Siblings from some Scandi country who shared an account. Male and female. We got up to some hijinks in a private server and pissed my guild off because we killed every world boss and spawn camped them. It's been 11 years.
It's been years since I've talked to my high school friends. It was 2019 last time I saw my best friend. I decided to look them up on Facebook out of the blue recently. All professionals, some have moved to better countries, some have married, I saw pictures of weddings with everyone but me. Me, I spend my days working a shitty WFH position in my pajamas all day while living with my parents. I abandoned my career and dreams. I can't possibly face them and have them look at the failure I've become.
People die, get maimed, crippled, suffer degenerative diseases. These things even happen when you're a child, coddling everyone is how we end up with people like (You).
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Wouldn't wanna be friends with someone as retarded as you too, anon
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Not that I played with them, but I had a friend who'd constantly talk to me about vidya non-stop. Everyone else I was friends or acquainted with always tried to avoid or shun him all the time, but I could never hate someone who was just genuinely enjoying talking about vidya he likes. Later on his parents decided to move overseas so I asked him if he had any social contacts and he didnt' even have an email. Last time I ever heard of the guy and I miss just listening him ramble on about vidya he's been playing.
This has been debunked. This never happens thankfully.
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Hi Bam, when's the movie coming out?
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Lurking_Shadow met while playing MH Tri, stayed in contact for a bit after the game servers shutdown on Gfaqs but went silent years ago. I still log in and check for any messages every few months
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i'm 30 and i've never had friends
I used to love playing with my MMO guild, but the interest kept dwindling and most slowly stopped playing. After a server merge i never saw any of them again.
That was 9 years ago.
Download World of Tanks, let's shoot some funny metal boxes together bro.
Big castle and little castle

We hung out in the last weeks of tabula rasa, apparently a married couple,we talked alot, played a little, They said they use the same names or similar in other mmos, so If I picked up something else to look for them. They never came back on, not before the servers shut down and I never found them online again.

probably ditched me for being a spaz.
First one is Bridge to Terabitha.
Second one is Five Nights at Freddy's movie.
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His name was (is) Chad. He was my childhood neighborhood best friend. We lost contact at age 10 due to a family move to another city. I have repeatedly tried to find out what happened to him but it seems he, like me, does not use his real name on any social media. He's a ghost. He probably posts here. We enjoyed playing street fighter 2, watching martial arts movies and having martial arts larp fights in the local park. Neither of us were enrolled in any actual martial art classes despite being obsessed with it. He was in hockey, i was in basketball.
Send a meme, unironically
Sao Paulo?
Same, but I was actually in a college graduation that was mostly left-leaning.
I don't really have right-leaning views, I'm an old school leftist (Leninist while abhorring Marx) which nowadays is somewhat right-leaning.
some British bloke who killed himself I believe
he was bipolar
If you prefer action games, get vindictus and ill get you into the guild.
No, Saskatchewan.
you dont have friends, vaxxie, just other fungible atoms and subatomic particles who will use you until you're no longer of any benefit. welcome to the "life" of the last man. can you even be considered alive? (not for long, vaxxie. tick tock)
Anyone remember whiskey grenade? purcey and....I forgot the other one, I used to hang out in chats with those guys, embarrass them in mario kart, and shitpost with them on twitter before they started banning all the edgy guys.

Wonder what those fuckers are up to? They ended the yt channel, and purcey hadnt logged onto his wiiu in ages.
>playing in ancestor hc poe 2 days before league end
>trying to get my rf witch to 100
>trade with random european guy for some scarabs
>"why are you buying these now?"
>"trying to get to 100 before league end"
>"oh, then want to do some chayulas?"
>"yeah, sure, ty"
>don't get to 100 with him before he logs
>"good luck on 100 and see you next league"
>"yea, see you next league"
>got 100 but was burnt out and there were no tattoos in the next league so i skipped
>haven't played since then
In this moment, I am xX_GameSlayer_Xx.
First movie has a kid meet a girl and make childhood memories with
Second has a guy work a shitty job just so he can prove he's a responsible brother and care taker
>Friend group I’ve had since highschool has started to fray because 2, maybe even 3, don’t get along with one of the others anymore.
>Still get along with him just fine and can’t bring myself to pick sides.
No one wants to turn it into a dramatic falling out but it’s still this elephant in the room that’s just going to be here for the foreseeable future. Shit sucks man.
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I had to cut off a friend because he allowed his gf to shit talk me. I don't care that she shit talked others even though I wasn't really cool with it. But the moment she opened her whore mouth badmouthing me when they were having yet another argument and brought me into it for no reason didn't sit well with me. When I confronted him too he dodged it and began to act passive-aggressive, even though I could fold him like paper irl, which I would've he acted like he did that day irl.

For any other anon if your homie moves in with his GF and it's not his house, run. The friendship is more than likely over. Unfortunately, I've yet to find new friends as you age it seems like everyone is already in their own circle and trying to get into that circle is hard. Managed to talk to one guy a bit older than me but he was a too far gone coomer who would send me porn in the middle of the night, and then when I asked him to stop he tried to justify what he was doing.
2016 mindbroke thousands of people and I’m still not sure exactly why. Even this years election season is nothing like it.
>No idea why this guy's pretending to be me
It's unironically /vg/ troons looking to stir up shit, there's like 5 generals where they LARP as some other poster for attention and say retarded shit for the sole purpose on inconveniencing everyone else because yes they are that mentally ill and to them, any attention is good attention
You've got an ego problem and you're not nearly as insightful as you seem to think you are. You're conflating one thing with another.
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I met and internet dated an anon over a decade ago for about half a decade. Terrible person, but so was I, so it made for a fun friendship in retrospect.

I've grown as a person since then, but I occasionally grow nostalgic for that kind of conflict that can only be born in online e-dating jealousy.
Point out the ego problem, I'm all ears. Otherwise I'll just assume you're shitposting.
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>Last time I played with someone I could call a friend was an old childhood friend that kept contact with me even after a decade after we graduated.
>COVID hits and we play a lot together for a few months before one days he texts me telling me what's been going on in his life
>GF cheated on him but apparently is pregnant and she is saying it's definitely his.
>Him and his gf had too many connections and people around the area that they didn't want to bring into the kid's life so they moved across the country.
>Stayed in contact for like 2 or so months after they moved.
>Suddenly friend just stops logging on one day.
>After waiting 9 months finally decide to see what happened and if I could get back into contact with him.
>Look him up on Facebook to see his profile almost completely empty with no pics or posts for some reason.
>Look up his gf and it's immediately obvious the child she had was not his.
>No pics of friend with his gf or supposed child.
>Decided just to shoot the ex-gf a text asking where friend is and if he needs help/friends.
>In no uncertain terms she tells me that after moving in and a month with being with the newborn when it became obvious that it wasn't his, my friend just up and left, only bringing a few clothes and supplies, left his phone and almost all other electronics there.
>At that point it had been 10 months since anyone last heard from him.
>It's been over 3 years now and even still I occasionally get a phone call from his brother or his uncle asking if I've heard anything.
>I haven't.
I miss him. I genuinely wonder nowadays if he's still even alive.
Some dude who was like 15 when I was 9 playing halo 3 together everyday after school. He was from the south I was from the Midwest. Taught me a lot about the game. Hope he’s well.
>Femoid is introduced into a bro relationship
>She immediately sets about destroying it because she gets jealous
Why are women so insecure like this?
how are you miserable faggots still unable to just be fine by yourselves?
God I fucking hate whores.

Im sorry he had to go through this.
based. more people need to do this.
unless i am actively seeing someone in person regularly, i just... don't talk to them
Glad he had the balls to just leave, it would have been so much worse if he stayed, I hope that bitch learned a lesson
all the fucking girls in my class that i looked up on facebook and other social media like instagram now out of curiosity all turned out into blowup dolls and e-whores with gay dyed hair and shit like that.
i'm eastern european also, there's no fucking reason this cancer should be existing here but it seems they might've gone to some of the few pozzed universities in the country and caught the mind virus.
idk lol just do it

>hadn't talked to childhood friend all of my childhood once highschool hit all the way up to like 2022
>randomly drive past his house 40 miles away from mine
>knock on the door and ask if he's there
>mom doesn't recognize me and asks who i am
>then she does recognize me and i ask her to give him my number
>invites me over and i'm there like 4 hours and had a great time and he has kids and a wife

i haven't talked to him since then and that was like almost 2 years ago now i really want to but don't know how
Women are herd animals
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a girl I met on here who I fell in love with and eventually went to see who then got a breast cancer diagnosis during the trip we had planned for six months during both our birthdays, and after going home a week early we talked less and less until eventually she told me it would be the last time she would be sending a message without saying exactly why
anyone know where i can find that jacket at 11 seconds?
I'm a disappointment to my friends if I continued to stay while my life was heading to a dark path
How to deal with the fact women don't give a shit about you as man unless you have the "status" or whatever for it?

I unironically saw it multiple times now when I mention I do 3D animations and make my money online by myself off of uploading them to YouTube, women suddenly are more interested in me than they ever were prior to knowing that. It's like some switch flips in their head and I instantly see them become more interested purely based on the fact they consider me "high value" somehow or more interesting than other men just because I'm doing something that would normally equal fame due to having online subscribers and being known by others.

I try to ignore it but I just can't. I'm immediately disgusted and cease all contact with the women when I see them get like that. And there's no other way to go around it since I don't feel the need to lie about what I do either. But I can generally just tell from how their behavior changes that if I had said anything else at all and just acted as myself without telling them of what I actually work, they'd just continue to treat me as if I didn't exist.
Another peak example of what happens when women's reproduction "rights" are seen as more important than a man's entire future and life.
I literally can't play Warcraft 3 anymore because every time I see the main menu + hear the theme my brain is consumed by nostalgia and memories from playing that game for almost 10 years straight.
how the fuck do you play a game for 10 years straight?
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By not being a homosexual of course.
I dont play wc3 but my hobby is making spells with trigger even now
Simple: just stop giving a shit about women.
Seriously though, where's the issue? You could try intentionally skipping to the litmus test so you can discard them sooner and waste less time, I guess, it's not like you can "fix them". Ignoring it sounds like a terrible idea.
I mean what do you have to lose? You aren't speaking now anyway, right?

I'll tell you a short story
Something similar happened to me during COVID but it was a girl I met on Tinder. Out of the blue she just stopped talking to me. Sure, it's Tinder but I dunno, it was disappointing. Decided to text her using the same logic as above. Ended up fuckin; of course, we stopped talking not too long after.
Just go for it. You probably did nothing wrong, just too much timed passed and they thought it would be awkward.
Whenever I hear certain bands I think of WoW

For example when I hear Suicide Silence I think of Magtheridon's Lair

Or if I hear The Black Dahlia Murder I think of Scholomance, or Molten Core is some rap bullshit, I spent so much fucking time on WoW
This is me with Dragonforce and Runescape
He’s also a manlet like me only difference is that’s he’s rich and famous with friends irl
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>Have lots of LAN parties in mid-2000's during highschool with 3 other friends
>Make it a goal in life to get a house and good job so we can continue to have more party nights and LANs after highschool is over
>Go off to college, workload is brutal but eventually make it out in 4 years (engineering)
>Get a good job
>Other 3 have done literally nothing with their life, work dead end jobs, made no effort to keep up the LAN dream
>We see each other once or twice a month but it's not the same
>1 of them has a wife, 1 has a girlfriend.
>All they do is complain about how miserable they are with their partners
>Their wife/gf is so over controller that they almost need permission to go out and hang
>They would rather be depressed with a wife/gf than dump them and have fun with their bros and do more LAN nights
I spent 8+ years between college and working to achieve what we all wanted in highschool. They could have came over to my house with a dedicated LAN room and chilled any weekend, for however long they wanted, and all they had to do was still in the same local area and not be tainted by some cunt whore. I do not understand why people let 15+ year friendships drift apart or throw them away like this. I have a new group of friends now but it's not the same, I just want to have the same openness and chillness that my middle/high school friends had when we played counterstrike and drove around town aimlessly. It fucking sucks bros
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When I was 13/14/15 I had a bunch of xbox friends from this little village in Ohio. Knew them and played every day with them even though I lived super far away. I remember sending them souvenirs once from a vacation I went on with my family. I started being a weird little 4chan freak around them doing shit like reading bestiality porn fics to them and purposefully distanced myself out of shame. I remember one of them sending me a message that was angry but also just really missing me demanding that I come back online and hang out. I hope they're doing well.
See you, Shiny Manly Skeleton Man..

So long, my friend.
Lots of jackets have design like Berne, old used carthartts, red kapp, dickies etc. I recommend typing green chore jacket brown collar online and see what comes up. I just did that and found a couple somewhat similar. If i knew the movie I might find it better
>choose to be a shut-in drawing little girl hentai instead of trying to live a normal life
Who couldve known that would be a path to unhappiness?
People become glued to traditional ideas of growing up and reject what they want in favour of what they're told to want. Then they end up divorced, depressed, and lonely. Even on 4chan people deride doing what you enjoy by conflating those things with onions boys, there's no nuance to the majority.
i remember this guy named crazykiller on the 360 who i used to play red alert 3 and c&c3 skirmish maps with and we would go up against like 6 hard mode ais for hours trying to stay alive
She faked her cancer
Wow, i wish you the worst
Kind of off-topic but in the same realm. I was a big Call of Duty guy back in the day and would play all the time with my IRL friends. All of this online gaming eventually led us to making new friends in the game, most of which were fine people.

There was this one guy, though, who I really liked at first but got weirdly attached to me. The dude was really good at the game and showed me all kinds of strange glitches that to this DAY I haven't seen documented on YouTube or anything. He never said anything sexual to me but he would constantly send me messages and invites and if I didn't respond he'd send voice messages like "Anon, I know you can see this. So just stop it right now."

Now that I'm older I find this behavior very weird, and to this day I never want to make friends with people in games.
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Everyone already said it, but just message him, anon. It's likely the same situation. I had a friend of 13 years I slowly drove away from my own busyness, changes growing up, and my own insufferability. I regret it every day and haven't heard from him in four years. I'd be over the moon if he reached back out, even though I've changed much more then, hopefully for the better. But friends like that will likely pick right back up and be happy to hear from you.

Worst case scenario, if there was something legitimately wrong, you'll have more a shot trying to talk it out, rather than never hearing a word from him again and wondering for the rest of your life. A decade is a long time for anyone, man. Reach out.
Set his birthday in your phone (you know it, right?), when your phone eventually beeps reminding you, send him a text. You can also send out a random text on Christmas/New Year's
It's possible; I'll never get closure on it, probably.
But she came back with paperwork in Polish and looked heartbroken. She spent a lot of money to have me over so I don't know what she would have been planning by lying but it is what it is.
Either way I miss her a lot. It's been several years now.
she lied. she just didn't want to be with you anymore but couldn't get herself to just be serious about it so she had to invent a bunch of garbage.
one girls i talked to online pretend to have died of heart complications or some shit before removing me to "spare the pain" of having to see her "die" or some shit but then i found out she immediately just went into another relationship with someone for like 2 weeks before said person pumped and dumped her.
again, it's possible
if she wanted to break things off she had ample opportunity to do so before spending a bunch of money on it
I was being really weird. I also once tried to do some half-assed ERP thing with them unprompted. It was a good idea that I broke away.
This guy is genuinely likeable though, can't even remember his name but he seems like an alright guy
sad what happened to him. he was never the same after ryan
thanks for reply, movie is five nights at freddys lol
this aussie cunt i knew kept getting shitface drunk like almost every other week when he'd go attend some random party then bitch and moan like a woman to me about how hungover he was after it and how he kept vomiting and his head hurt and would swear off from drinking ever again, only to do it again in like two week most, sometimes it would just be at the end of the same week again. he would also somehow end up fucking fat ugly whores off of tinder despite not finding them attractive at all, he was just apparently addicted to sex and kept wanting to do it instead of just masturbating... so he would also complain about that shit to me how the ogre bitch he fucked would fall in love with him or some shit and how he had to lie to them about him loving them too or whatever and tried to get me to help him later come up with the plan to get rid of them. (in the sense of breaking up, not kill them)

ended up just removing and blocking him at one point when i got fed up and annoyed enough in him doing the exact same shit over and over again and just repeating the same crap to me in DMs. he legit just blew a fuse one day and told me i was a cunt or whatever cause i "no longer cared" about what he had to say and wasn't willing to hear him out anymore. that pretty much just set the whole thing for me to just get annoyed and instantly remove and block him with no other argument or reasons told as to why i'm gettind rid of him.
Making friends online was so much easier before the normalfag invasion
>>Look up his gf and it's immediately obvious the child she had was not his
The kid was mixed?
Zehamas. He was my bestie in Mabinogi, invited me to a small guild of noobs and we all ran dungeons together. I was the youngest and had blind hair so they all called me Sunny and carried me through most content. Miss you man.
Absolutely yes, they'd probably be stoked to hear from you, even reaching out after a few months means they really care about you
In this case if the kid was mixed it would make sense. Kid was as white as snow with ginger hair and the mother is Asian.
he's also very handsome, that helps
this but over ten years
I learned later through fucking /b/ that he abandoned me to go smoke weed and jerk off with some other faggot friend of his
now he's some pro trump retard
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To those of you on here who i've played with and against in online games, maybe we even formed a small bond. I salute you brothers. Maybe we'll see each other again someday.
I'm an antisocial weirdo who still has friends somehow and I mostly just text them randomly after not talking to them for months. Find someone who doesn't hold it against you for being strange and is cool with you dipping out for awhile. I still meetup with people I haven't talked to in years randomly just because they know me as that kind of guy and are fine with it.
have a drink and invite them to some tf2, it becomes much easier with a drink tbdesu
>complaining about life choices
>on /v/
I dont have friends
better than constantly trying to keep friendship alive
I put together a small reunion of high school friends despite only seeing all of them twice per year. I hadn't seen some in five years, but they were still happy to come.
As my family moved around quite often, I never really had any lasting contacts from any school environment.

Having life-long real-life friends seems like such an alien concept.
Yeah thats what i figure. People come and go. If you have to force a relationship whats the point?
I assumed it was going to be him getting murdered going for a walk at night.
I cum and go
dustin alpha was his name
A lot of people genuinely can't handle the torrent of information provided by the internet and are extremely vulnerable to propaganda.
how many of you actually had these friends instead of saving others pics? fake doomer queers
it's the economy
if it were easier to make decent money, people wouldn't be so on edge
it's going to get worse until there's some kind of crisis, and then it will likely get better
at least there's decent games I guess
You are a hylic
>girls are stupid for fearing rape or murder, here's a video of me looking kind of sad
You can argue that women are being dumb for being scared of shit that's unlikely, but it's funny how people with mild depression frame their shit like it's the worse thing imaginable
I lost my dog.
I lost my father.
I lost my job.

I just wanted to go back into my shell so I can re-think what life means to me.
Yeah girls are mentally ill, your point being?
are you literally a boomer? why would young people care that much about who didn't take the jab?
the point was the rest of the post I made you fucking daft cunt
Why are you so mad?
Work on your issues.
It was a flirtatious daft cunt
So was mine.....!
More like 23
Hi anons. Wanna play videogames with me?

dude for every sad book there are ten upbeat ones. nothing wrong with variety. also loss is a major part of life and you will experience it too
Not those anons but I'll play vidya with you. What game?
>Have barely talked to some friends over the past couple years
>Another friend out of state has a wedding
>We fly out and all stay at the same dude's house
>Not even a moment of awkwardness, it's like we've been hanging out regularly, have a great time
>Back to not talking to each other for months
You're overthinking it. At worst, it's still more likely you guys just kinda drifted apart even if you care about each other rather than him just deciding he hates you for no discernible reason. Which sucks in its own right but it is what it is. Better to rip the bandaid off rather than let it eat at you for years. I think, especially as you get older, it's not that rare to lose some common ground and scarcely see some of your friends for very long periods. It sounds like a bullshit cope but it really doesn't mean you're not friends anymore and don't genuinely care about each other.
Well men are more likely to be assaulted over women as well. That being said Humans aren’t designed to be alone, social isolation is far worse mentally than being harassed or assaulted a few times in your life.
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>3 friends
>All have big plan for future
>I'm planning to end it by in 6 years when I reach 30
It's a special kind of pain, not as bad as being friendless tho
I feel like 3D animator on youtube isn't exactly most people's first thought for a high value job. I'm asking because this is /v/, are you sure they're not just genuinely interested in what you do for a living?
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My entire Run Escape clique. I played from 2007 up to about 2013 after they released the eoc update that butchered the playerbase. I went from having 30 active friends a day down to just a handful, and then down to just a couple. When the final guy, an ex-con roofer who actually managed to get his life together and get a good job, told me he wouldn't be playing as much since he had to focus on work, I took that as my cue to leave for good as well.
I thought about signing in a year or two ago just to see what it was like now, but my username isn't even active anymore since I was away for so long
I planned the same thing at the same age, coincidentally, and now I'm thirty-one and still alive kek. Things don't change.
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>vanu rangers on emerald
Or at least I think it was Emerald. We could break red alerts by ourselves. I miss those guys.
I don't know if this fits the thread but:
>try dating websites for a bit
>message this girl a continent away from me
>we hit off
>we chat for a few weeks and then we start sexting and shit
>she was horny and so was I
>become friends/fwb
>we text, play vidya and so on for a few years
>sext stops but we still talk
>one day she starts telling me about a hookup she had
>decide to cut contact
I know shit is retarded but I can't help but feel guilty for ghosting her after that. Sometimes I want to reach out, other times I'd rather keep it this way.
>dude for every sad book there are ten upbeat ones
nta but if this was 10 years ago I would have agreed with it, a lot of media is subtle misery porn nowadays. I do disagree with the anon you are replying to, since I don't believe bridge to terabithia is trying to be miserable on purpose, just showing how grief can strike anyone, especially kids, in unexpected ways
Humans need social contact, but they do not need romantic relations. Agonizing over not having a significant other is pointless if you have friends or even just pleasant acquaintances that you meet often, such as co-workers.
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>she was horny and so was I
night walks are pretty sweet desu
Pretty much everyone I used to raid with on D1 I friended after a successful run. Suffice to say I haven't seen 90% of them in years.
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>play MMOs back in the day
>make some friends, talk and play everyday, have some of the best laughs of my life
>not feeling the game anymore after a few months, so end up quitting and moving on
>never speak or hear from them again

happened like 4 times in the past 20 years, if only they could see how far i've fallen since.
Actually my life is pretty great
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>have friends from my childhood I am still in contact with 2 decades later
>friends from college I am still in contact with 1 decade later, play D&D and shit online, many I talk to literally every day
>even online friends I never met in person who I have been in constant contact with for 15 years

Maybe you guys are just shitty people that people don't want to be around but are too nice to tell you to fuck off.
Same, wow, guild wars 1, and overwatch, and even destiny 1 to a much smaller degree. Between just the 4 of those I imagine there's probably about a solid year long brick worth of time played. Out of all that I've only 1 person I still talk to and play shit with from those, and another that came about from a different game.
It's not even a good larp
would be too long so ill just say it like a gorilla
>be small
>make many friends
>very easy
>life good
>time go
>get big
>friends gone
>making new is hard
>online offline both
>life bad
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I'm not saying that women are necessarily getting assaulted left or right, but I think saying social isolation is worse than rape or whatever is the reddit equivalent of picrel
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I had to read it in 5th grade.
they are online again it's all good
literally me but I can’t draw cunny
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its never too late to find new friends
Your dad
Why was it too risky anon?
so did he return or not?
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>I do not understand why people let 15+ year friendships drift apart or throw them away like this
its a mystery, pussy makes guys do wild shit. my group of friends have all known each other for a long time, +12 years or so. half of us grew up together in one school district, the other half grew up in the neighboring district. we all grew up within a few miles of each other, but didnt all get together until after high school, when my cousin and i decided we should all hang out, since we all smoked and drank and liked playing the same video games and so on.

>one of us finally got a house
>turn basement into gigantic LAN area/sports viewing zone
>bring a whole fridge downstairs to keep stocked with beers and shit
>playing video games all week long when not at work
>playing video games and partying all weekend long
>covid hits
>lockdown and gubment gibs
>sitting around getting payed to play vidya and smoke the dude weed and so on
>friend decides to move in with his brother
>plus some other differences, mostly roommate stuff
>forgot to mention, at one point or another, about half of our crew was living there
>had super bowl LAN parties every year, long holiday weekend type stuff
>anyway, friend starts renting out house, moves in with his brother
>other friends move back home
>guys who didnt live there are living with gfs and fiances
>once they started getting some, they where like ghosts, only see them a few times a year
>few months ago best friend (not home owner, but another guy we both went to school with) is killed in a shitty incident
>shit hasnt been the same since
>played most of our vidya together
>lost my desire to game, among many other things, literally overnight
i finally became the deadeyed soulless thousand yard stare meme
>How do I contact someone who I havent spoken to in a year?
"What's up, motherfucker?"
>Drop MMO
>My turn to become the last online 1 year ago thing
I feel like shit for the people that I left behind but I have no interest in ever playing the game
damn, bro. that sounds like the life.
don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
This picture is my entire life, ive lost all of the old friends I've had to time and getting a wife.
Fuck, hope I will have more détermination
Some Polish guy named GERM I played an obscure Ragnarok Online server with. We'd hang out in the geffen guild dungeon ganking people literally ALL DAY. I didnt know a lot about him. I asked if he was german based off his name, but he said its actually named after some war hero who saved the Poles from the Nazis or something. Still don't know who this legendary pole was.
those where the best times, truly. living like true slovenly garbage men bachelors. laughing off bitches who wanted more than just sex, surviving off of cheap booze and day old pizza and questionable chinese food. watching the lord of the rings extended trilogy 100s of times on those completely brutal bender ending hangover Sundays. the friend who had sold the house, who my late friend and i have known since kindergarten, has just been repeating "those where the best times of our life anon". sadly hes full of regret, wishes he never rented the house and moved out, torn up that he and our late friend held onto a bitter grudge these last few years. he was an even worse spot than i am, but he met a girl and has been doing "better" aka not staring at the wall in the darkness of his basement.

and if theres hope for that guy, theres hope for all of us, dont ever forsake your bonds of companionship and brotherhood anons. women feel nice, and sometimes they do nice things for you, but no ones going to love you like your mother, your grandmothers. and theres never going to be anything better than hanging out with the lads in the middle of some crazy rip roaring good times. nothing except maybe holding your child in your arms. life is short, shit changes and ends right before your eyes in the snap of a moment.
I found out a few years ago that one of the female members of our old guild was playing ark and we arranged to play for old times sake, she then introduced me to her husband which was the guild leader but for some god forsaken reason she told him I was a girl (without my knowledge) so when I spoke in the mic for the first time she got pissed at me and I was very confused but as time went on I put 2 and 2 together and realized she was being abused and didn't want the guy to get jealous even though I lived in a different fucking continent. 1 month later she blocked me and I moved on.

Probably married him for the visa and got stuck with the abusive bastard. that shit was incredibly pitiful so I hope I don't run into any of my old online friends to find out they turned into huge faggots or something.
People talk about reaching out to old friends... but like, what about a friend who was an ex? I know its pathetic, but even 15 years later I still really miss this friendship I had. I don't miss the romance or intimate moments, I just miss talking about games and old jrpgs and stuff. We were just close friends who never should have dated, and now we'll never talk again and I still havent 100% gotten over that.
My whole Xbox friendlist funny enough. I pretty much felt the exodus once PS4 launched and people just moving on over the years in general.
>one of us finally got a house
>turn basement into gigantic LAN area/sports viewing zone
>guys who didnt live there are living with gfs and fiances
>once they started getting some, they where like ghosts, only see them a few times a year
I don't want to shit talk your friends but there's so many god damn people who would kill for this setup and your friends with wives would rather blow you guys off than have a legitimately good time that most people can't due to distance or money
After it was revealed that the jab could cause Myocarditis in young patients the CDC did a study into the long term effects of it. When people sent out FOIA requests on that study they recieved back a 148 page report where every single page is redacted.
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i got really "lucky" last year and had 5 sexual partners.
>1st partner cheated on me after 2 months
>2nd was literally the girl of dreams but she wasn't feeling it
>3rd had us getting blatantly manipulative with each other
>had a threesome with 4th and 5th
>4th was an alcoholic FWB and now hates me
>5th was an alcoholic who I had no real interest in whatsoever
i fell out with all of them. i know thats the dark side to hookup dating, but damn.
i can't really make true connections with people anymore.
i seldom speak to my family and what remains of my friends.
i tried to care for and support those closest to me but everyone ended up being a sociopathic cunt, including myself. the 1st and 2nd partners killed the part of my soul that respects commitment and loyalty, and it only went downhill from there
so i've isolated myself for the better part of this year, even went on a solo trip to the carribean.
i don't feel lonely. i don't feel love nor hate for that matter.
i'm just a cold unfeeling lone wolf waiting to punch out of this equally cold unfeeling reality.
sounds like you like being with bad women
You didnt make any point
Men go trough the same shit, hope she sees this bro
Mate, what did you expect? If youre not setting up a date then you wont go anywhere
>using ser criston as an idol
interesting, my detailed response somehow never went through after hitting post. short answer is that women are manipulative and can’t stand strong male friend groups because they don’t really understand male brotherhood and bonds.
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i think it's the type i attract.
every girl i've fucked with was a stoner for instance. and some of these girls being neurotic as are they really can't handle their shit.
i'll admit their unhingedness was a turn on but the reality of it was we wouldn't be together for long. the differences between us are a schism.
not an idol, just something i can agree with.
he realised honour and loyaly are just abstract concepts and you can really do whatever you want.
it really would be a relief to die, don't you think?
>path to unhappiness
He didn't say that and hagu is one of the most sane artists I've seen compared to the western cesspit where nearly everyone starts a gofundme every week begging strangers to send them money so they don't go homeless. He's living a life of luxury drawing and masturbating to what he pleases.
no i do not think that would be a relief, also i think people that idolize ryan gosling in drive and bladerunner are goobers too
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the chud ryan gosling meme is just aesthetic kino with no substance
with criston you can see the thread of fate that leads to his mindset
there used to be this goodass minecraft stream site when minecraft was still pre alpha that I made a lot of friends in but I haven't talked to any of them since the site shut down and I still wonder how most of them are doing
Don't suppose she was a support main who mostly only liked playing vs AI games on EUW

I know this is hardly an uncommon thing but worth asking

I think my name on there was Kalitira or something similar
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>Friend group just gradually decays after graduation.
Fuck really would have liked to take that camping trip
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>25 and still haven't transferred yet
Fuck man those 3 years really fucked me over
Not someone I played with online, but it was a Japanese foreign exchange student during my senior year of high school. His name is Kentaroh and he was a sophomore, so there was a 2 year age difference but we vibed together hard in our math class. He and I would finish our tests first and we had this fun game/system where we'd create a string of numbers on a sheet of paper and pass it to the other and have them guess the next 3 in the order and we'd take turns creating these patterned number sequences. Simple but fun. He was a really good friend for that one year and before the school year ended and we inevitably parted ways forever, I sold him my PS2 (I still occasionally used it in 09), two controllers and a stack of like 20 games even though he probably wouldn't use more than half of them for only $50. A really cool senior girl brought him to prom as well so he could experience an American prom and I remember he was a dance machine busting out the DDR style moves on the dance floor. I'm not a party guy but there was an afterparty at a friend's house and I ended up seeing him there too, saw him get drunk and he reminded me of that Asian kid from Superbad. Fun dude, miss him a lil bit. He's like 30/31 now and probably has a family I'm betting. Wherever you are and whatever you're doing Kentaroh, I wish you the best.
You did the right thing
Laugh when they die
>i wish i was a man so i could go for a walk at night
Knowing stupid bimbos who post stupid shit like they probably want to walk around drunk in some sketchy downtown neighborhood while antagonizing and seeking attention and then they wonder why they get date raped drugged.
Girl I met in CSS when we were both 12 died in a car crash at 18. We were going to attend the same university.
All the people from my school have more or less turned out to be complete normalfags so I guess I just fucking owned you didn't I bitch?
death is sweet release from this dystopian nightmare be glad for him
I had a girl friend neighbor i used to play with on the wii and ps1
Cute asian girl, had to move away because ny parents got scammed, still want to kickflip my head into concrete when i think about her sometime
I'd assume the interest is because creating and uploading 3D animation videos implies creativity and drive.
Any idiot can make a YouTube channel, and just because you have one doesn't mean it's successful.
This one Danish guy while playing WoW. Absolutely loved this guy.

But honestly the entire TCGeneral and Stormguard guild on Argent Dawn EU. At one point I just stopped playing and, growing up, life just happened. I wonder every once in a while about what they're all doing now, I always assumed that some of them weren't entirely honest about who they were and what they did — I sure wasn't. The conversations and revelations and just getting to know so much about what goes on in people's heads, people you've never actually met in person. There's something very special about that. Great times that I will treasure always, and I wish them all the very happiest and best in life.
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Women ruined videogames just like they ruin everything else.
>I'm the friend who left
I'm sorry. Life, even on the net, just became too much. I miss you, too.
someone i did some intense mmo roleplay with back in the day. like four straight years of wicked emotional storytelling. one day they just didn't log on. i've since written three novels based on those characters and acknowledging them in the backcopy in the hopes i could just talk to them again. like they'd recognize our characters. but nothing.
Because we live in the age of information warfare. Battlefields are not just some random piece of land, foreign Agencys are now fully targeting social media and with the spread of false informations, racism and so on the divide a country.

Russia pulled a stunt where they created bots, media outlets and influencers to talk about a bed bug crisis in France, which never happened. They probably just tested it out and it was a full success.
friend of mine killed herself during our enforced lockdowns in melbourne. she died before bg3 came out and so now i always see her steam profile there because it's on her wishlist. i can't bring myself to remove her. she messaged me a week before she died. i wish i had've said something anything different
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Love this movie desu. The ending destroyed me
>met some random dude across the country online
>we talk, he was 13 I was 15
>we occasionally talk, he helps me a lot with piracy stuff
>I mean years go by and we just occasionally chat
>one day he tells me has a crush on some girl, shows me her acc
>want to see how she looks like can‘t find anything
>he asks one day out of the blue if I talked with her or added her
>say no, because I didn‘t do anything
>didn‘t speak since that again

Kinda sad though
I had one real internet friend from 14 to 17. I was the one who stopped talking to him. I am the sociopath.
Was friends with a guy on Maplestory and we ended up talking online elsewhere. Later he just ended up disappearing but apparently he went into a coma. Posted a near decade later of himself in the hospital saying he woke up and is doing fine.
Some dude in CS 1.6 called Marvin146_
We were both absolute shitters at the game but somehow when we played together we would be often rock the world. Never took the game too seriously 8vs8 games were too chaotic anyways. When we were getting stomped we would buy a shotgun and rush in the same direction, didn't care what the rest of the team did and it worked more than it had any reason to. One day he stopped showing up, never saw him again. I always hoped I could cross paths again just to know he was doing fine with his life.
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>tfw I looked up an old friend's Maple ign and found a tribute video for our guild

>two years ago, doing usual shit with childhood friend online, get off normally with no issues
>haven't heard from him since
>was playing games on steam in offline mode until he hid his activity
guess i'll never know why he just fucked off without a word
If everyone around you think you’ve gone off the deep end you probably have.
for me it was a combination of 2 simple things
>vaccines were rushed out without actual scientific data on their medium and long term effects
>vaccine companies signed contracts with governments where they couldn't be sued or made responsible for any sort of long-term injury or other effect of the vaccine
I was that person. I still am.
I'm just not very good friend material, and I realize that, which is why I keep to myself as often as possible now.
couldn't happen to me cause I don't talk to girls anyway
>you see, the reason I have no friends, relationships or social life isnt because I'm a socially retarded weirdo with no drive to improve myself. Its actually because I'm LE MALE!
Fuck that's amazing. You should save that video.
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way ahead of you lol
couldn't believe it when I found it
I made a pretty big effort to talk with my online friends, several of which I actually met. They just stopped replying to me, outside of one word or lazy answers. I've given up this week. It has been a week and no one has sent me a message at all, lol. I figure it's probably a good idea to just disconnect from all of this shit and try to find something else.
I'm in a similar situation. Most people I know never take the initiative to talk to me. I'm always the one who has to initiate all the conversations and invitations to play vidya, and this has been the case for several years now. If I stopped messaging them altogether, I would literally never see or hear from them again.
>If I stopped messaging them altogether, I would literally never see or hear from them again.
Yeah, I decided to put that theory to the test and what do you know. I can only assume it comes down to lopsided expectations or something. It's a bummer though, it feels increasingly difficult to actually make any kind of meaningful friendship with people these days.
I appreciate every good friend and good interactions I made in my life, but I've never cared if those people disappeared or not from my life, is anyone else like this?

I care for people, and I care for friendship, but even knowing the other person is doing well is enough for me even if we haven't talked in 10 years
Do you have a lot of life satisfaction from other things like a job or a partner? So losing friends wouldn't be tha big a blow in that case.
But I don't feel like I've lost a friend, I would feel this if we feel apart brutally, like from an argument or something else, but if we just drift apart I'm still happy to have known them
You're probably right on the life satisfaction part, though
I would go on night walks but I've seen a mountain lion less than a mile from my house.
yeehaw pardner
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>be retarded schizo
>lose all your friends

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