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Do they really steal stuff from other chapters?
They don't have a homeworld. Where do you think they get their stuff?
Another chapter's armory is the Blood Raven's Goodwill
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Nope, they're just that popular and get gifts from everyone all the time.
Now check this new armor they got, pretty cool, right?
Okay, this is just too silly.
It was gifted to them.
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is it though?
Justice for Ferrus
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>no known Primarch so they're off finding their own truth
>fleet based Chapter but they recruit in a certain sector
>their usual area of operations are in the same galaxy as Ultramar but their exact location hasn't been pinpointed
>even more funnier it's also where Prospero is
>their Chapter Masters and a handful of named characters like Davian Thule and Veteran Sergeant Tarkus know their origins but they've blacklisted themselves and kept it to their own, gee I wonder why
>their thirst for knowledge has made them BFFs with the Adeptus Mechanicus whom they travel all the time for lost artifacts
>they also have serious ties to the Inquisition while most other Astartes Chapters prefer to not work with them
>Games Workshop didn't fully embrace them by giving them their own army book and range even for 1 edition but they canonized their Battle Barge as having the largest Librarium of artifacts and knowledge that aren't found on Terra
>they tried to simp for the Space Wolves thrice but the latter Chapter hates them and forbids them from landing on Fenris, meanwhile they welcome Dark Angels and hold feasts with the brooding, stoic Chapter, gee I wonder why the usual jovial Wolf guys hate a seemingly random Chapter out of nowhere
>pre-Gaben half their army are psykers, Gaben era their army are still 1/4 psykers
>Custodes are seemingly on their maximum guard towards them as seen with the book where a Blood Ravens captain receives the Primaris geneseed and stocks, compare this when they've arrived on other First Founding Chapters and they were fairly neutral and grandiose
>in the same book Commander Aramus (Hairgel) and Thaddeus recounts a story where they got tempted by a Lord of Change who promised them infinite knowledge and the full truth only to get smacked by Hairgel who was carrying a shiny red stone given to him by Gabriel Angelos before they went on their Eye of Terror penance tour, it's basically one of the many relics of their Chapter
It's really not just a meme?
Cool art
It seems like it's less they steal from other chapters as much as they find their lost stuff and refuse to give it back.
Fuck the Space Wolves. Hope their homeworld and entire chapter gets genocided like Cadia, minus the survivors.
Many of the relics and special items they possess were gifted to them by other chapters and organizations. However, the fact that pretty much their entire wargear list has belonged to someone else at some point lead to the meme that the Blood Ravens stole their kit.
so who is their Primarch?
Nah, they're just so nice that other chapters keep gifting them stuff.
This is not a Blood Angels thread
Sanguinius is dead, anyways. Actually dead-dead, not dead-until-he-got-better like Vulkan.
Aren't blood ravens a sublegion from the blood angels? Sanguinius would be their primatch in that case
They're Loyalist Thousand Snus
No. They were Thousand Sons
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Where their Genesneed even comes from?
Geneseed is stored in the balls
Sounds like it's Magnus. GW should do more with them now that they've made then canon
Very heavily hinted to be Magnus
I store my geneseed in your mom
Thousand Sons geneseed that was stored before the HH and (mostly) uncorrupted by Chaos
GW won't do shit with them. Mention them here and there like the Sons of Malice but nothing major with them.
What's the home button on modern keyboards for DoW 1 i fucking tried everything and no dice
Highly implied to either be Magnus the Red or Lorgar Aurelian, both of the primarchs were the most psychically potent and their legions had a lot of psykers.
Early lore massively favored on Blood Ravens being descended from Magnus (Had way too many psykers for a space marine chapter) but recent lore is making it a 50/50 on weather one it is.
No, despite the similar name and armor, they are unrelated to Sanguinius and his chapter. They don't seem to know themselves from whom they are descended - or if they do, they play it very close to vest. The prevalence of psykers in their chapter has lead some to theorize that they may actually be loyalist descendants of one of the traitor primarchs, and inherited some sorcerous influence despite their rejection of Chaos.
>Dawn of War
>The game was in development for more than a year by about 30 people.
It's a shitty /tg/ meme but yes technically they should not just use other chapters shit like they do in DoW2 just because it somehow found their way into Xenos/Chaos hands/bellies.
There are a few chapters that are written that way, where they have unknown foundings, and they seem like a loyalist version of one of the Fallen Legions. The Minotaurs are a good example, being hinted at being loyalist World Eaters for a while. Though there are definitely still some loyalist marines from the fallen legions working as Black Shields in the Deathwatch.
Yeah, I always had the impression that any non-traitor traitor is just serving in a Deathwatch presumably under a different name and after being memory wiped Men in Black style.
No, Horus Heresy stuff about the Thousand Sons pretty definitively points towards the Blood Raven's being their successors.
If you think about it Magnus is a fucking nerd. Ravens are supposed to be one of the most clever animals often associated with wisdom in fantasy, it's just too good to not be the canon.
The Thousand Sons used lots of raven iconography. Their precognition psykers used the raven as their symbol.
During an incident on the planet Arcadia, Librarian Rhamah of the Blood Ravens suffered amnesia and fell in with the Prodigal Sons warband of Thousand Sons sorcerer-lord Ahzek Ahriman. Throughout this association, Ahriman and his warband referred to Rhamah variously as “Son of Ahriman,” “friend of Ahriman,” and a “lost brother.” Furthermore, when Rhamah locates an ancient Eldar tome – called the Un-Founding – that bears the crest of the Blood Ravens upon its cover. Ahriman concedes that he once owned a copy of the book and that another one was in the possession of Azariah Vidya. Ahriman states, “I knew Vidya better than you might expect.”
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No, they mostly find shit that belonged to other chapters and they aren't too keen on sending it back to their rightful owners ASAP.
Magnus is clearly inspired by and designed after the Norse god, Odin. Odin famously had one eye, could see the future, and had pet ravens that would bring him information. Definitely not a coincidence.
finders keepers
Fucking ultrajews
I usually find "Loyalist chapter of a traitor legion" usually cringe but for Blood Ravens it is cool. Is it mostly because that most people who attempt such a thing just place the traitor legion in a loyalist role without altering them to actually be loyalist versions?
It's why I love the Dorn heresy by the way.
Why would it be cringe, that shit didn't go CLICK you are all bad now, every single traitor chapter went through a civil war period during the HH.
I like the pic that is a blood raven with an ultramarine cup
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>Why would it be cringe
Severe lack of subtlety.
It's over used in a lot of <your dudes> mainly
>>their usual area of operations are in the same galaxy as Ultramar
...literally every fucking chapters area of operations are in the same GALAXY as ultramar
Sounds like something an Autistic would worry about ngl
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Me too.
Holy shit Ultramar is in the same Galaxy as Terra!
>ahriman is scrying this board right now
>reading your posts
how strong is trajan valoris compared to say, a chapter master
>Do they really steal stuff from other chapters?
No, they don't limit themselves to other chapters
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most likely Magnus
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>Brother Tharius' bolter
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>no brother, it’s just a rumor spread by agents of the ruinous powers. Those artifacts were gifted to us by those other chapters, now if you’ll excuse I’m going to enjoy my recaf
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I don't know much about WH40k lore, but judging from the strategy games, is there any actual lore of The Imperium fighting against Space Marines?
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It's a whole thing, you wouldn't understand.
I really do wonder if recaf tastes like enjoyable coffee or what happens if you accidently put waaaaay too much instant coffee into a cup and just run with it.
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One time the Gray Knights had to kill a whole bunch of Sisters of Battle and cover themselves in their blood to protect themselves from Khorne.
It’s made from leaves apparently so most likely it’s closer to tea than coffee.
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Well... duh it's 40k.
The lore of Warhammer games is there to justify your dudes smashing into the other guy's dudes. So the question of "has <faction> fought <faction>?" is always a yes. Space marines fought space marines. Space marines fought imperial guard. Space marines fought sisters of battle. Space marines fought the inquisition. They've fought everything
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Unironically people, and I'm not talking about corpsestarch.
Lets just say Indian meme webm cuisine would send them into animu foodgasms.
>Space marines fought sisters of battle.
A shame we'll never get to see that in today's world.
what game is this
The Alpha Legion once exterminated an entire Imperial Army Expeditionary Fleet (minimum tens of thousands of troops and dozens of ships) to keep their undercover chaos infiltration plan secret. Sometimes the Space Marines have no choice but to genocide entire planets worth of Imperial citizens to stop an enemy.
Pretty much everything that isn't corrupted by chaos.
They'd be over 10k years old in 40k if that were the case though.
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There are rebellions and aristocratic scrabbles happening across the Imperium, which sometimes involves Space Marines either quelling or supporting them. Other times it's one group being very autistic and wanting to obtain something with great haste, uncaring that doing so would interfere with the operations with another party.
Dawn of War 2
well some are, not many and most of those entombed in Dreadnoughts but still!
Yes, constantly even. The thing with 40K is, it's scope is effectively infinite and there will always be at least one system where some wierd shit happened because you just wanted it to happen. Space Marines fighting other imperial forces isn't even wierd, from Grey Knights massacring Sisters of Battle for their blood (though that plot point was particularly stupid), to Blood Ravens wiping out entire Imperial Guard regiments to hide some embarrassing secret, to Space Wolves fighting the Inquisition to protect some civilians, and any other combination in between, or Dark Angels also fighting the Inquisition because they asked too many questions. There's always an excuse if you just look deep enough.
Literally fucking how that shit is bioencoded to each god damn banana boy anyone who tries touching it get bolted with over 9000 volts. Did they fucking corrupt the machine sprite or someshit. Like how the fuck could the banana boys not send some dudes other to very nicely ask for their shit back. And not take some blood raven helmets back with them aswell(with heads still in them to carve curses on the skull corrupting the chapter).
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Hunger for borgar, HERETIC BORGAR
That's pretty funny.
Among a gazillion smaller occasions, Badab War
Give that he's the captain general of the custodes he'd be able to wipe the floor with a chapter master
Captain generals are known to be able to go toe to toe with primarchs
In 40k you only ever age as much as your author wants you to anyway. Thanks warp travel!
There have been moments where various factions and subfactions within the Imperium have skirmished against Astartes. The Space Wolves in particular have a history of locking horns with the Ecclesiarchy, most notably following the First War of Armageddon - after the Imperium won a long and brutal campaign against a massive Chaos cult and the World Eaters (including Angron himself, leading a coterie of daemons), the Inquisition moved in to begin massive purges of the citizenry, PDF, and IG forces stationed on the planet to eliminate any remaining traces of Chaos. The Space Wolves chapter master, who had led the planet's defense with his own chapter and support from the secretive Grey Knights, disdained such brutal methods, and took increasingly unsubtle efforts to move the planet's defenders beyond the Inquisition's reach. Inquisitorial forces took to firing on Space Wolf positions and ships, though the Space Wolves refused to respond in kind, resulting in the Grey Knights becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the mission. Eventually, the Inquisition attempted to force the Space Wolves into compliance by capturing their chapter master during a false negotiation - the attempt failed, resulting in multiple Space Wolf deaths, and angered the Space Wolves into seeking open battle with the Inquisition. In a last ditch effort to assert their authority, the Inquisition attempted to hold Fenris (the Wolves' homeworld) hostage, but the Space Wolf fleet caught up with them sooner than anticipated, and a brutal battle unfolded in orbit, ultimately ending with the Inquisitor Lord who had ordered the containment campaign and the subsequent actions against the Space Wolves being brutally decapitated on his own control throne.
Necron > all other races
Necrons have only about 5 characters worth remembering
We have yet to get any stories following that one necron pirate who sails the cosmos with a planet
Also The Infinite and the Divine is a work of art a classic comedy even and I don't care that contrarians are slowly starting to call it overrated.
this is canonically correct, seeing as there are only 5 necrons capable of free thought
There's more than five but the rest are boring
I thought we agreed to pretend that never happened
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It was a gift, of course they would tinker the equipment to make it usable, it wouldn't be a gift otherwise.
Now excuse me, I have many other gifts to take care of.
Funny enough there was a moment where Blood Ravens literally talked down a custodeon and lived
The captain literally threated to have the ship rammed and kill the remaining custodes on their ship
Blood ravens have the biggest death wish
>sister darkness
>can’t hit shit with her bolter or power sword
>makes up for it by always jumping in the way of fatal attacks and using her body to shield her fellow sisters earning her praise and accolades
>desperately wants to become a sister repentia
>but always ends up saving the day or showing how loyal she is to the emperor inadvertently
>it’s a miracle she hasn’t been corrupted by slaanesh
Is there anymore art like this?
Huh, apparently there's quite a bit.
they don't steal it, it just happened to fall out of the back of a passing land raider
>Khronate Kabbages
wait they confirmed hairgel and thaddeus are still alive
kek magnus would be proud, you can tell one of good his shards totally speaks to this guy. TELL HIM HES A FAGGOT AND YOULL KILL THEM ALL IF HE DOESNT SHUT THE FUCK UP OK TELL THEM ITS FATHERS WILL THIS HAPPENS AND SAYS * x thing a simple muhreen captain should not know about the emperor* AND THAT THE CAPTAIN GENERAL WILL LITERALLY RIP OUT THEIR SKULLS IF THEY DONT LISTEN TO YOU
>yes daddy also while your here where can we steal some cool loot near by
Eh just from the top of my head you have:
Imotekh (he is boring but that's the point, I like his professionalism only broken by his ego now and then)
Zahndrekhs fuckboy
And of course The Silent K himself Szarekh

Wait that's only seven, oh well...
The man Who did nothing wrong and nothing right at the same time
Force Commander Hair Gel simply doesn't feel that outragous anymore after Gadriel and his peak zoomer hairstyle.
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Mystery niggas
See? Most space marine characters have more staying presence, and they're boring as hell
Commander Vanilla Ice was pretty in line with some 2nd edition miniatures, some sergeants were painted with hair like that.

Good ol' Alpha Legion, where would the imperium be without their most dutiful agents?
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In Gadriel's defense, he seems to have a pretty unremarkable swept-back look, and just also happens to have his scalp partially stitched back together on one side.
Probably actually in one piece of if they didn't go full autism with their mega espionage
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They got it off eBay.
The Alpha Legion are going to redeem themselves any day now, just you wait!
2 more decades!
One of space marine's geneseed organ were designed to reproduce geneseeds. Apothecary's job is to extract the geneseeds from the dead space marines on the battlefield.
No matter how bad they are, they can't be as bad as the admech
When SM2 first came out everyone on PvE and PvP had a Blood Raven with Ultramarine weaponry
In the book he was promoted to 4th company Captain, replacing Davian Thule.
*angry Binary noises*
>cover themselves in their blood to protect themselves from Khorne.
How does that work? Khorne loves blood
He is afraid by menstrual blood
Hey now they're trying their best okay?
It's because their blood was tainted with chaos so it acts as a supernatural oil for them
Also Khorne just likes blood being spilled in general, doesn't mean the blood can't be used to turn against his soldiers
>Recaf is apparently strong enough to keep people going for 22 hour shifts indefinitely without ever dying of sleep deprivation or even seeing their work output suffer
What the fuck do they put in that stuff, and what are the side effects?
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Is Dawn of War a good starting point for a complete 40k newb? It's been sitting in my library for ages
Yes. Good games were made by few people with talents and passions. The studio today that had 2000 people working on a game? most of them didn't even do anything, and those that do work on the game had no passion, and treating game making as "another job". Judging by the current economy, games are either used to make money or spread propaganda. No one had time or passion to make good games because they'll be too busy working their ass off.
it just does, in all fairness that story ended up getting hard retconned since even gw realized it was extremely retarded, that and it was a case of Ward writing
It's collectively agreed upon as the dumbest edgiest moment of all in the Black Library BUT in context their autistic pure believer blood wards against the ruinous powers.
>BUT in context their autistic pure believer blood wards against the ruinous powers.
Also keep in mind Gray Knights are supposed to be immune to Chaos.
they aren't actually immune, just so resistant to the point that they might as well be
Lorgar, just so the Magnusfags are in shambles, also makes Eliphas' comments make more sense.
It is THE best starting point, in fact. My first exposure to the franchise was Dawn of War 1 from a Steam sale back in like 2008 or 2009.
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Nathaniel Garro would never have stood for such heretical savagery, that's for sure. Glad they erased that filth.
nigga half his scalp is surgically sewed on
Wasn't there some old fluff about the GKs needing to do something like feed a baby to chaos to bless each individual bullet they fire? I remember it was just as retardedly edgy as the SoB incident but everyone just forgot about it.
I'm having a similar problem in that I've heard DoW is the best 40k game so I don't want my 40k gaming experience to be downhill from there which is why I've been looking for not so great but still good 40k games. Right now I'm considering either Space Marine, SH: Ascension or Chaos Gate.
This is clearly a misprint. The machine spirit wanted it to look like an ultramarine cup. It was a gift from the chapter master
Well that is wrong by now, so don't worry.
SM2>RT>>>Mechanicus>SM>DoW+expansions>=DoW2+expansions>>>>>>Gladius>>>Gatcha Geam Tacticus>>>the rest
My opinion atleast
DOW1 dark crusade and soulstorm pit spess marines against IG
>The Codex Astartes is a set of rules. They guide us, shape us as Ultramarines, teach us to hold honor and duty sacred above all. But how we live with those rules is a true test of a Space Marine. And you have failed.
How does Leandros respond without sounding mad?
Damn I forgot all the actual first person shooters, you can insert them between DoW2 and Gladius
Fire Warrior>Darktide>Boltgun>That Dark Templar game
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>Fire Warrior>
Lmao why are you red
There are a lot of good 40k games, don't worry. Dawn of War is just simply the best introduction to that universe. Frankly speaking, Dawn of War 2 is way better so you still have things to look forward to. Besides Space Marine 1 and 2, Boltgun, Darktide, Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters, Battlefleet Gothic 2, Gladius, Space Hulk Tactics, Space Hulk: Deathwing, and Inquisitor: Martyr are all awesome too
I can't remember which Chapter it is, but one of them will literally will steal and blackmail other Chapters into giving them tech. They recruit from hive worlds and shitty plants.
god dammit I forgot the Battlefleet ones too, there is too much of this shit these days, 40k only having shit games is a meme by now.
It's a different genre than most other 40k titles it's not going to encroach on your other experiences that much. DoW is a good Warcraft in Space, DoW 2 is a good Company of Heroes in Space. Space Marine was an okay TPS, Space Marine 2 is a very good TPS but light on content at the moment. Mechanicus is a very good Xcom.
Thanks for your list. Didn't know there were other fps games aside from Boltgun or that there even was a gacha.
>There are a lot of good 40k games
Judging by your list there certainly seem to be enough to entertain me for quite a while.
Genre variety does sound like a nice thing for a franchise to have thanks.
>Mortarion, Magnus, Perturabo, and Lorgar were all so mindbroken by losing the heresy that they've spent literally 10,000 straight years doing nothing but sulking in their evil fortresses while their legions run around utterly leaderless
It's because deep down the like of Magnus and Perturabo know they regret all of it and wish they had never fallen in with Horus and Lorgar's faggotry. They don't want to be there, they didn't want any of this.
Funny enough not even Horus wanted them
He was banking on the loyalists coming to his side with diplomacy
The traitors were all his second picks
Probably a great thing for Perturabo's sons to get out from underneath his bootheel.
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>There was a large contingent of the Corvidae Cult of Thousand Sons who weren't present on Prospero
>The one diviner broad has a vision of "The Ravens. I see them too. The lost sons and a Raven of blood. They cry out for salvation and knowledge, but it is denied!" in the book A Thousand Sons.
If magnus has ANY self awareness left he's buried it under eleven thousand years of pure cope & seethe.
I know it'll never happen since these sorts of things never get narrative endings in order to keep the game part going for all time, but I honestly do wish we could get a huge Horus Heresy scale conclusion to the entire 40k saga where some of the traitor primarchs/legions redeem themselves, all the "good" races team up to destroy major threats like the Tyranids and Necrons, etc.
Magnus has always been self aware and has never been a villain. He and Ahriman just think they are in too deep to ever come back from their mistakes.
And then the orks won in the end
>Emps: plant your ass on this chair so I can become a god and fix your warp fuckup and all is forgiven, boy
Does Magnus take it?
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Based Earth raiders.
dark angels more like dork angels lmao
Iirc he was a full blown raging dickhead the last time he came into realspace. Even if he regrets his situation he still hates his brothers along with everyone else he feels betrayed him.
>they recruit from hive worlds and shitty planets
Horus was banking on Fulgrim swinging Ferrus to their cause, Ferrus was seen as basically beyond reproach, with him on board there was a definite chance Horus could have brought over a few more who stayed loyal. But very fortunately for Chaos, Fulgrim was already compromised and fucking blew it in the negotiations. Then he blew it even harder when he killed Ferrus. Horus wanted to keep Ferrus prisoner to try and show him his vision of the future where the emperor abandoned mankind to godhood and made sacrifices of them all.
I doubt perty regrets it beyond he couldn't smash more, mortly on the other hand certainly regrets it even if he was just as petty simply because he became the very thing he despised so much. not helped by his first captain bitch slapping him
This comic feels like it's about to become some seriously Slaaneshi bullshit
did the turbo guy just completely lose all sense of purpose?
>Emperor, what the fuck, you can't just raise your sons to be immortal warrior kings, this is child abuse! *Hurls babies out the airlock to be stranded on shithole daemon worlds where they're raped by xenos and technobarbarians for decades until Emps can reclaim them, and are permanently mentally and emotionally compromised*
Is this the single dumbest thing to ever happen in Warhammer lore?
Ok it's cool but why aren't they afflicted with the flesh change
There's dumber but that's pretty up there
Strong possibility given the artist
Even still in the grim darkness of the far future, where there is only war: woman moment
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>I usually find loyalist chapter from a traitor legion cringe

My honest reaction to this information
Perty had some character development back when he decided to take his boys and leave the siege of Terra when he realized that every one of his brothers fighting "on his side" were just madmen, and Horus, the only one he respected had become a literal puppet to the chaos gods, in his attempt to escape being a figurative one one of the emperor. He more or less I think settled his beef with Dorn during the Iron Cage incident.

I think at this point he's just content being the king shit of "cool demon war machine mountain" and maybe he's gonna clash with Vashtorr over who's the real god of cool demon machines sometime in the future?
What does the Emperor look like when he's not using his psychic powers to project a false image of himself onto people? Just a normal dude?
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Yiff in hell
I mean, that's definitely what I'd expect from a woman
Doesn't that directly conflict with the bit from the Wordy book where Argel Tal and friends get sent to a "vision" of the past, and they break the void shield generator over the primarchs pods, and the gods snatch them all?
>He isn't used to GW's retcons

Also funny thing the author is a huge SJW so this woman moment is even funnier on hindsight
The dumbest retarded thing to me will always be refueling the space ships. I know everyone says this, but what the fuck. People have to die so they refuel… fuck off
That's the most trad Imperium piece of lore ever, THOUGH
>oh shit the STC blueprint for these reactor cores doesn't include the refueling bits, what do we do?
>Uhhhhh shit I dunno, for now just have some guys chuck the fuel rods in, we'll find the right schematics eventually
At last I truly see
The worst thing that's happened to 40k lore is that background events in the history of the setting are no longer treated as they would be in universe; they have to be presented as a "This is what happened", as opposed to a "This is what people think might have happened".
Questions are funner than answers with shit like this; strip away the questions and all we have left are $50 for 5 unassembled plastic figures.
Seriously what the fuck were they thinking when they wrote that, I get it's supposed to be all grimdark but that shit was full retard.
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son of a bitch
But I'm Alpharius
so theyre gonna demaster the dawn of war games now?
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Matt Ward is commonly believed to have a massive hateboner for the Sisters of Battle- why else would a group of factually-incorruptible Grey Knights wearing blessed power armor suddenly decide that slathering themselves in SoB blood is necessary to avoid corruption?
I understand. But still, what are you doing with that giant pile of Necron tech in your basement, magosbro?
Using a virgins blood to sanctify weapons and armor is hardly that odd for the setting. The only reason this bit of lore is remembered in the way it was is because at the time the Sisters of Battle were almost an entirely unsupported army who were often the punching bag for whatever new threat was popping up. The Grey Knights deciding the Sisters would be more useful sanctifying their weapons with their life blood instead of helping in battle, while completely typical of the setting in general and the Grey Knights in particular, was just a kick in the nuts of people who liked Sisters more than Grey Knights, of which there were quite a few of at the time because the fandom was feeling sour with how much favoritism the Grey Knights were getting in lore and tabletop.
They’re smart enough to able to replicate blueprints, but not to be able to have robotic arms put those rods in?
The only reason Mortarion even did it to begin with was because he got a boner over the opportunity to use chemical weapons of mass destruction on a planetary scale. 10,000 years of post nut clarity is a hell of a thing.
Their blood was used to make wards, though. Why would Grey Knights need wards?
I imagine having every STD in the known universe does that to a person.
How do the feminine apothecarys do that??
All of the traitors did, except Angron. He is the only one who seems genuinely happy about how his life turned out.
SoBs aren't virgins

They're not nuns who take vows of chastity

I think they're supposed to give birth at least once in their lives as part of their service to the Emperor, they obviously give them up once born
They have a device that punches through the armour and harvests the organ
>tfw the only thing I love more than the Omnissiah is dabbing on the inquisition
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That's not necron tech, the omnissiah made it
the guy who wrote it is jewish
Replicating the blueprints is a simple case of following the instructions. Practically nobody in the Mechanics actually understands how the reactor works and they're terrified that if they mess with the design in any way, they'll accidentally blow it up. Only the highest echelons of the organization know enough about the tech to even think about altering it, and they're all too busy working on projects who's solutions aren't "eh just get some underhivers to kill themselves doing it manually." Because human life is literally cheaper than building the robot arms. Specifically, turning some underhivers into servitors is cheaper than building the robot arms. Even one-time-use servitors.
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>They're not nuns who take vows of chastity
I'm almost 100% certain the Ordo Famulous fuck the SHIT out of nobles.
Simple, just put your plasma reactor maintenance suit on, and plug the rod in yourself. no biggie at all. aforementioned reactor suit being better known as Terminator Armor that can't really be mass produced itself
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Because Grey Knight immunity isn't some full stop thing. It's a side effect of them having extensive knowledge of how the Warp works and how to counteract it, alongside with suicide implants in their skulls if their wards fail.
Fuck i need to play that
I mean I'm used to the retcons, I started on 4th ed. It's just the Argel Tal version of the primarchs scattering was already kind of contentious in the community when the book came out. But even in that book it's never made apparent that the Gal Vorbak actually DID what they did, or if it was just a vision shown to them by Chaos to gauge their willingness to do something so drastic as to change the entire future of the universe on faith alone. Is there an actual point in the HH books where they just become the MCU?
Oh really? Then why are there Necron hieroglyphs all over it and Necron scrapcode in the machine spirit?
>dread maul of skarbrand
>axe of the ravens
>matchless savagery of russ
>mark of exitus
the last one is fucking hilarous though. "A veteran scout sergeant of the Blood Ravens found himself fighting alongside one of these deathdealers at the height of the Walsh Uprising. One year later, this modified Astartes Sniper Rifle appeared among his gear."
The Sisters who resisted the sway of Bloodtide long enough to be used by the Grey Knights were explicitly the most pure hearted and innocent of those present.
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*laughs in stolen gauss flayers*
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How would you know what Necron scrapcode looks like you filthy fucking heretic?
Don't believe anyone who tells you Dawn of War 1 is the best Dawn of War game.

In reality it's Dawn of War 2. The people who like DoW 1 are herbivore players uninterested in complex gameplay or strategy and just want to build hundreds of units to left click on the enemy base with.
He's just slightly shorter.
The thing you have to understand about the Admech is that they're not scientists. They're a religious cult.
In the warhammer universe there was already a period of humanity where they had super advanced star trek technology at their fingertips, and it didn't save humanity from wrecking itself and shattered into a million lost pieces and ushering in a new dark age.
They believe the only technology that should exist is what they are able to reclaim and preserve and if the omnissiah wanted them to have the plans for the automated reloader, then they would have them (or find them). But since they don't, just use a thousand people to manually move a shell the size of a house into an artillery cannon.
If they tried to jerry rig something it would be blasphemous, and would probably piss off the machine spirits.
How do space marines go up stairs
can you show me the device
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>If they tried to jerry rig something it would be blasphemous, and would probably piss off the machine spirits.
wheres the chaos sisters of battle haha
haha wouldn't it be hilarious if they were just corrupted by slaanesh haha
no seriously where are they
yep there is some short story about how their every bolter bullet is anointed with the blood of a true believer of the imperial creed, how psykers are getting melted down to power the aegis circuits in their armor and so on and so on.
Jump packs.
that sounds expansive
>Every time Guilliman meets with the Fabricator-General, he gets asked to assassinate Cawl for tech heresy
>Every time Guilliman meets with Cawl, he gets asked to assassinate the Fabricator-General for being a senile boomer
>Every time this happens, Guilliman just sighs, takes a migraine pill, and tells them to shut up
I like to think that they don't steal things, its just that with the high level of warp fuckery that is present in the chapter, they just manifest shit out of thin air for moments at a time. maybe even emps gives them that stuff as the robute and lion novels proves that the emperor can give people free shit.
If spaceships are built with human sized hallways how do space marines walk through them
operating Space Marines is indeed quite the financial burden.
Yeah, if I remember correctly, Perturabo actually really dislikes the Mechanicus because they religious. (though, does he actually like anything at all?)
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Literally only a matter of time until Cawl awakens the Dragon of Mars.
What stocks is the emperor invested in?
they koolaid man through the ship.
they roll in a ball and kick each other down the hall way and the last one is on guard duty
>tfw you're so absolutely based the emperor facetimes you across time and space to let you know that you're a heretic, but you get a free pass because you're cool
>install an AI of yourself in girlyman's ship in case he ever needs advice
>it just spam's his inbox with the suggestion that belisarius cawl would make an excellent fabricator general of mars
The fact he has a jury rigged version of cawl called cawl inferior to be able to have a version of him to talk to and that version also keeps asking him to make cawl prime the fabricator general tells you the shit that Roboute is in
Also Cawl has his own version of Roboute as well that knows what Cawl is doing is illegal
there's an entire convent or something that got corrupted by chaos and then the imperium was like omg thats really bad we have to convince everyone this isn't possible so they made clones of all the sisters of battle who got corrupted and had them kill the chaos sisters of battle they were clones of
given the amount of psykers as well as their thirst for knowledge, it is accepted that they are a loyalist thousand suns gene seed chapter that was made dur ing the many experiments to use traitor gene seed
who is that marine with him? What chapter?
Golden appliances, leader and sons(a mostly failed venture), and webway development.
God, Cawl is such a fucking funny schizo.
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Men of Iron need to return
technically none of the primarchs except for Horus is DEAD-dead as they are basically just minor warp gods. Sanguinis is now just the Sanginor and Mephiston
This man literally had a whole book fighting Fabious Bile and after the conversation he just told Bile he's delusional in thinking he'd join chaos
Cawl has teamed up Trazyn just so he could understand some metal rods better
I don't get it
>starts out reincarnated as a hired gun
>fucks around from job to job
>dumb licks his way into becoming a rogue trader
Now I’m wondering if he should be a perpetual or have Aqua still revive him, and who would he meet in the warp/after life? Would it still be Eris? Also this reminds me of another reincarnation story set in 40k that was posted on /tg/ a few years back, it was pretty good.
a book
For me? It's the ability to have Jonah carry the fucking Book of Lorgar around.
even Horus apparently has a piece of his soul in the warp performing great tasks for each of the chaos gods. Warp fuckery, warp fuckery everywhere.
at a first glance i think that he's part of the scythes of the emperor though i could be mistaken. the same niggas that got their jeans stolen
how can I copy wh40k without making it obvious I'm copying wh40k
Yes, I started playing it myself recently and it’s great. Though the camera can get a little fucky every now and again, but I’m sure there is a mod or something to fix it.
He should probably have his computers searched to be honest. That shit is very thinly veiled fetish type material. Wouldn't be surprised if he has been violent towards women irl.
What are you doing?
Scythes of the Emperor, probably Thrasius
I don't know anything about Space Marine chapters. I picked these three based on emblem and color coolness.

>Storm Giants

Are these chapters cool?
In retrospect, it was pretty dumb to try convincing everyone that gods weren't real when there are 4 very objectively real gods out there who insist on making themselves known to you.
>Aqua as a omega-minus null because she's too retarded and punchable for anything but getting stuck in Kazuma's gay null baby jail box
Carcharodons are cool
They're chapter master is biggest marine ever
SoBs are hard to corrupt because their faith to the Emperor is like 1000%

His best attempt was intervening himself in a ship filled with Primaris and SoBs, they killed one another in the madness and the ship was destroyed in the process
He hates them because any affliction and plague that any medic can't heal will just get healed if the bitches pray and believe hard enough. There's a trailer of it somewhere where a bolter bitch gets her hand melted by a Necron gauss rifle and it regenerated because she believed and prayed in the Emperor.
He tried to mind control two bolter bitches but they shot themselves in the head before he got full control over them.
A daemon prince and an EC warband descended on some convent and gangraped all the bolter bitches inside the cooming, gooning and Chaos warp fuckery made the planet disappear. The bolter bitches were giving live birth to daemons and were corrupted to the point the Inquisition just Exterminatus'd the entire planet. This was in the 90s so it may not be canon anymore since Games Workshop no longer acknowledges the bolter bitches' history as being a harem of one corrupt, non-Chaos aligned Imperium Administratum/Ecclesiarchy fellow.
Copy dune that Warhammer 40k copied
It is known throughout the Imperium that Sororitas do not fall to chaos, and the Canoness and the high lords wished that knowledge to remain the truth, therefore they used many techniques to save face, including using plastic surgery and teaching the style of fighting by the fallen sisters, thereby replacing them and eliminating all rumours that the Sisters had indeed fallen to chaos.

from the page about the sisters of the night
Make him repent.
copy Starship troopers, dune, and the host of over ips they copied.
To be fair it's hard to really innovate when most of your manpower and industry is dedicated to war. There are also forge worlds and parts of the cult that innovate.
you have to also copy christianity
are the anniversary editions good, bros
Just gifts
the extremely stupid idea is that sisters of battle are basically living holy wards against chaos, so much so that one of them falling to chaos is a fairly big deal. So the grey knights murder them and coat their blood effectively to just boost their holy stats.
Sigmar had no problem being considered a god
Hell he still prays to his own gods
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Why hasn’t this happened yet?
Just thinking of something
>There are also forge worlds and parts of the cult that innovate.
Yeah but its always riding the line of tech-heresy and usually causes plenty of infighting.
Thinking of what?
Ryza brings experimental weapons to war, they also upgraded binharic at some point, and certain parts of the machine cult like myrmidons have to innovate when it comes to destroying things.
This is late but
>he doesn't know
The felinids are their ace in the hole for whenever they REALLY need to push the guard.
If he can get his soul back yes he wouldn't pass it up
kytan daemon engine my beloved
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You already have beastmen and Warp fetish abominations.
mortarion and Magnus knew they did weong and were lied to so decided to sulk around, Lorgar is besieged for theoretically all eternity by a God-Like Corvus, Perturabo despises his brothers and basically is just a forge for chaos, and Fulgrim got mindbroken by the realization that absolutely everyone hates him (when thousand sons literally chose to die instead of protect him from a virus bomb) that he went back to his personal planet and now spends his days constantly reliving his origins. It wasn't until Robute returned and the emperor revealing to the chaos god that he is at elast above Nurgle that now the chaos primarchs are going something.
fa/tg/uys, roll yourselves out of /v/.
If I recall, while felinids are a registered strain of stable abhuman, they do have a blanket travel restriction, so they're unlikely to be encountered off of their homeworld of Carlos McConnell.
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>wakes up after 10k year nap (why? fuck you LMAO)
>finds out Guilliman is running the Imperium
>also the imperium is on the brink of collapse
>it's not even Guilliman's fault
>also your sons have been killing each other in secret for 10k years because they're so obsessed with secrets they're killing people just to keep it secret they're keeping a secret
>at least the watchers are still cool
How big is his migraine? Also fuck GW for making him return totally unannounced then proceeding to do absolutely nothing with him until the next edition comes out.
He didn't take it before, but that was when the price for it would have been his sons. Not exactly many left now.
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You could just paint normal IG with catgirl features.
The man needs at least a bottle of mega aspirin before he gets out of his chambers every day
so what the fuck are these jawa lookin dudes?
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They're all gifts, obviously.
He isn't at all. every time new Angron "dies" he goes to a sort of heaven were he is at peace. then he is immediately thrown back out. Angron is basically just in perpetual hell and is far to insane to actually know what is going on.
blood ravens
They're natives of his home world that can do psychic stuff and travel around Dark Angels they see as important and act as their wards
That's as much as people know about them in the setting
They also seem to be unkillable
>Specifically, turning some underhivers into servitors is cheaper than building the robot arms. Even one-time-use servitors.
That sounds grimdumb as fuck. Putting effort into mindwiping a dude and making him into a machine has to be way more tedious than the opposite
>ai heresy
A Jetbike...
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Keep rocking in Heaven, Angry Ron. You're an angel now.
Not really, it only becomes a problem if a titan accidentally blows a hole in your arc mechanicus starship and you're forced to vent the levels where your bondsmen and servitors operate the engines
The last time I'll use abominable intelligence, honest.
I like how things started off as just nods to other things in lore for fun and then dawn of war was so popular they canonized them and now they're an extremely popular faction on table top and gw committed to the theft bit even.
>They're natives of his home world that can do psychic stuff and travel around Dark Angels they see as important and act as their wards
>They also seem to be unkillable
and they're nothing but tokens in the tabletop for him and his buddies to pop buffs and to carry around his big fuckoff sword?
No. Silly is having wargear from the Sororitas. That shit is too small for Space Marines to use.
It is really funny that Lorgar is stuck in his neetcave because a giant kinda demonic Corvus is just harassing him all day.
They're called Watchers, not Do'ers.
just copy dune religion/organic-technology with star wars/starship trooper style warfare and Lord of the Rings races.
I;m thinking about thos beans
What are the chances of one of the loyalist Primarchs turning to Chaos? Which one would it be? Jaghatai? Jaghatai? Maybe Jaghatai?
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They just little guys who want to hold books for their pals
I imagine Wiz would be a former Farseer that got sick of Eldrad’s bullshit and Vanir would be a Solitaire.
>Ordo Famulous
Of course they do. The Ordo Famulous are essentially the Bene Gesserit from Dune without the psychic powers.
Forge World supply chains?
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behave yourself or you'll have a taste of my fucking questoris hitting you square in the noggin
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Wiz and Vanir could also work as Necron, I think. FUCKING GIVE ME BACK PARIAHS GW.
forgot yo mention about Fulgrim, he fucked up a lot of Horus's plans when it came to the dropsite massacre, tried to kill Peurty to become a prince, and fucked with the entire siege of terra plans so much that it was one of the causes for the chaos rout. Fulgrim is such a massive fuck up for the chaos forces that one has to wonder if the Emperor knew that chaos would try to fuck him over and had Fulgrim and Angron as the most likely candidates to fall or at least join the fall.
I thought of that but at the same time you have to have aqua able to fuck with Wiz and threaten her easily. I don’t know how Necrons react to pariahs.
The BG aren't psychics. Aside from the whole racial memory transference they're just trained to the peak+ of human capacity. People think they're psychic witches because they can read the tiniest hints from your body language, tone, the fear toxins in your sweat, etc. And they have perfect muscular control.
What kind of beans?
Kinda short for a knight isn't he?
watchers in the dark. Nothing is really known other than they are allied with the emperor and scare the fuck out of chaos for some reason. by guess is that the are actually disguised juvenile old ones
for the 3 people here who play the tabletop, is Kill Team supposed to be the "fast and idiot-proof" version for people who don't want to spend hours on the full game?
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Mean bastards who hang out in deep space. Sort of like loyalist Night Lords. Might literally be loyalist Night Lords. Chapter Master is a beast.
Very weird dudes. Not much fluff exists for them at all. Their whole lore is basically nobody knows who the fuck they are.
>Storm Giants
Salamanders successor. Absolutely massive and super strong lads even by marine standards.

All based picks I say.
It's the smaller scale version where you only need five models to play
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Hey sondidnthe admech create new classes of titans or something?
Just make sure to get a mod that lets you zoom out more
I just replayed Soulstorm recently and the games are incredible
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>I don’t know how Necrons react to pariahs.
They loved the SHIT out of them, hence them taking human nulls and stuffing them full of necrodermis.
a thunderstrike gauntlet to the nuts sounds better doesnt it?
>is Kill Team supposed to be the "fast and idiot-proof"
pretty much. it still takes a shitton of time if you're a beginner (obviously) and the weird fucking square/triangle/circle bullshit is thankfully gone with the new box. the different kill teams are varied enough with weapon options, bodies, etc. more of a "your guys" type of game like many people have said in the past. the melee combat is my favorite part of it since, at times, it feels like a hard fought battle between two giants while the battle rages on in the background. parrying, striking back and all that fluff
So it wouldn’t work as well, maybe Eris could be a Necron. I assume Sylvia would be a higher daemon of Slaanesh.
Catherine is #1 for Necrons
the same but not as tall
In their defense it's one of the few 40K novels that can be considered entirely good, without a catch, which is a rarity in the VAST sea of shite and trite that comprises the entirety of Warhammer, not just 40K. Of course they'll start shitting on it, since they aren't used to quality.
So what is going to happen when the Nids are finally put on the back burner as a threat? Greentide? Arcs of Omen 2 where Vashtor makes his play at becoming a 4th chaos god? Tau civil war as new god emerges?
Leandros should really fuck off back to the 8th company for biblethumping the codex that much.
Minor Xeno races unite to fight everyone
Da big waagh led by da profit imself, an not even Ol’ Bale eye iz gonna stop im
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Games that feature the SoB? I'm guessing there aren't that many.
probably thraka going to start another orktide again that'll divert the entire hivefleet and cause a four way war front narritively speaking while tau go ahead and jack off in the corner being narritive dead ends as usual
Watchers in the Dark, small xenos associated with Caliban, which had a good few secrets and was also the homeworld of the Dark Angels.

Sort of, but Kill Team isn't quite 'Diet 40k' rules-wise despite the smaller scale. Bear in mind there's also a new KT edition coming out, too.

Combat Patrol is meant to be the entry-level format for 40k proper, only using the contents of a starter box for a force and rules. Theoretically, its units are meant to be balanced accordingly, but you end up with some cases like with Custodes unable to even use the full extent of their boxes. Not to mention that these boxes may want you to build your units with options you don't actually want, and the discount value of them are also getting worse.
i actually expect Gaz is going to come in at the last second on some big final battle and end up somehow getting into the khore dimension with his massive waaagh in order to alleviate that threat.
soulstorm vanilla
Fulgrim isn't really Fulgrim though. He's been possessed by a demon since shortly before the dropsite massacre and his soul/mind are just trapped in painting of himself. His "fall" is extremely tragic, because he essentially had no control over "his" actions and just has to watch as a spectator for eternity while a demon puppets his body around. If he had been in control he never would have joined Horus or done any of that shit.
>kill team
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Better get started on heavily modifying Chapter Master, anon.
No one cares, fuck the lorecells
tbf I thought Pert is more or less satisfied currently, he "beats" Dorn, everyone leaves him alone to build legos, sometime even with his brothers like the Obliterator Virus.
no, the whole painting this is done and over with. Fulgrim fell of his own volition after he killed Ferrus.
Dont think I have ever seen bolter bitchers outside of Soulstorm and RT
Not true at all. He's definitely still in the painting and always has been.
How do you drill when you have a chain sword in the way?
They find a way to get that organ
Yeah this. Reminds me of the backstory of the Ironstriders
>dude invents a bunch of automated walkers heavily inspired by an old design
>be so innovative that they're nearly perpetual motion engines, the movement of the machine produces power for it to use in order to move.
>dude gets ostracized by his peers
>dude dies mysteriously out of nowhere
>no one left on mars can figure out how the perpetual motion engine works, much less replicate the devices
>now mars has a bunch of these walkers just circling around the equator or herded and corralled like a bunch of 2 legged cows that never stop walking
It’s so bad that GW has never mentioned it since
It's Jaghatai Khan.
>One of the few pro-psyker Primarchs
>No gene-seed aberrations.
>Served alongside the last Thousand Son
>Nomadic chapter just like the White Scars preferred cultural template
Black Library already explained that there ARE no Loyalist remnants of Traitor chapters. All of Barbarus Dantioch's followers were killed in the battles for the Pharos, Arvida became a Grey Knight, Jago Sevatarion died during the Siege of Terra, etc.
>now mars has a bunch of these walkers just circling around the equator or herded and corralled like a bunch of 2 legged cows that never stop walking
Don't the skitarii also ride them into battle sometimes? Wonder how they replenish their numbers?
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Kill Team should get an Xcom-esque game where you do missions across a world and fight various enemy spec ops forces, with different campaigns for each team. Have factions fighting in the background and the one you don't take out first grows stronger & more elite for the endgame
There's a Sister FPS, but only for VR. So, other than Soulstorm, RT, and that one Warhammer VN Inquisitor trainer, there are none.
>Don't the skitarii also ride them into battle sometimes?
Yes and it's hilarious how they board the things. They get lowered on to the shit like a reverse crane machine and if they get the timing wrong the skitarii basically falls ass first into the ground.
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Holy fuck
Actually it’s the other way around. They most certainly have minor psychic training to better manipulate and educate nobility. The bene geserite are just really good at dancing or something
>Dark Templar
Are you talking about Space Hulk?
he switched places, the demon is in the painting now
Magnus sacrificed the last good part of himself in one of the Horus Heresy books.
they switched a long time ago, it was revealed when the emperor's children tried to get the demon out by doing fucked up slaanesh shit, but it only made fulgrim cum
BL declared that vision was just the lies of the Chaos Gods and it really was Erda saving the Primarchs from the Emperor's evil.
The good news is Guilliman doesn't need to deal with half of this anymore on account of the Fabricator-General dying in a Dark Eldar conspiracy to make another golden throne.
>Is there an actual point in the HH books where they just become the MCU?
Siege of Terra.
That's just Darktide.
Blood Ravens should have been Emperor loyal renegades. They got wronged both without and within often enough for a good setup leading to that happening. I quite enjoy stories like what happened with the Soul Drinkers.
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>Dawn of War thread getting 380+ posts in current year
Are they in Space Marines 2 again or something
Not in the actual plot. Closest you can get is Blood Raven cosplay in Operations or Eternal War.
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There is literally an entire planet of cat girls from the 80s anime that is canon because some British web won a contest
Soul Drinkers are also not Loyalist Traitors. They're sons of Guillimann.
I'm playing the game right now as it was on my backlog I forgot about for a long time (DoW2, if like it enough then the Chaos expansion and then Retribution, and then DoW3). Anyone want to give tips to how to build the spec for each character? The talent points seem to be varied options but it seems like there's a more or less "right" way to do it, as opposed to a kind of do what you want and it will just work out sort of thing.
You can get Blood Ravens livery in SM2, albeit with the darker red palette GW insists on using. They're basically the vidya marines otherwise; for fuck's sake, they even had a former Chapter Master called Azariah Vidya in their lore.
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>babe it's time for evening prayer
Way before, I'd say the last dying gasps of sanity in HH are around the begin of Calth and they flatline by the time the underground war starts there
Anything from flavourless ultra-dense nutrient blocks, to full on Viking feasts featuring roasts and lethal for a human amounts of alcohol.
Why don't we give this label to the Marines Malevolent, or the Carcharodons? They're both broke-ass raiders too.
Basically the longest bar is what you should be aiming to complete at the end of the campaign with at least 1 additional ability in 2 other bars. Just stack Cyrus' Will/Energy tree and use him as a sniper: Don't right-click to attack, just let others spot for him and he'll kill automatically.
I played warhammer for awhile and my conclusion was that the game actually sucks to play

it's like 80% decided in your army list before a game even begins, and then virtually all the rest of it off what the terrain is
the actual shit you do with your units basically doesn't matter and the scale of everything makes it basically impossible to do anything interesting

40k is just sequences of units charging into each other repeatedly including the fucking vehicles

there really really is not a lot of strategy to it and I can't recommend it as a wargame for anyone who actually likes wargames

the minis are really cool, but that's all it's got going for it
Honestly, I skipped everything between Master of Mankind and Siege of Terra. And before that I skipped everything between Fear to Tread (Blood Angels @ Signus) and Praetorian of Dorn.
genuinely flabbergasted that sisters actually get ignored and sidelined in the age of woke female everything

I mean, it's good, because they're fucking ruin it all, but just amazed that they're doing tranny custodes instead of sisters
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Start liking evil women, /v/.
Blood Ravens claim they were gifted tons of shit from First Founding chapters. Those 2 don't, they just fight and take what they want.
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As far as I can tell it's literally nothing. They just delisted the individual expansions and put them together in a new bundle for each game. There's nothing actually new or different about them.
That would replace the physical game so not gonna happen
General consensus usually is that the wargame part sucks and that the specialist ones are typically better, it's just carried hard by the setting and its IRL ubiquity.
Or else what?
Realistically you could save all of the female traitor primarchs by loving them. Except angron because of the butcher’s nails
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I wasn't giving you a choice, faggot.
Dark Crusade is kind of an exception since like half of the Blood Ravens are secretly traitors by that point
what happens when a thousand sons sorcerer dies? do they not have the ability to recuperate the loss since they're sort of the only niggas that are actually sentient and not puppet rubric marines in their faction?
>alpharia and omegia come up with complicated schemes to get you to love them that fail because they get too nervous when you are near
Not anymore, apparently lorgar is back to converting worlds to chaos, and corvus is MIA
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Stop playing Astartes with split chapter colours. They're lame and you're lame for liking them.
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Wouldn't they just reform in the Warp? Same shit happens to a lot of Chaos Space Marines.
You can't scare me into loving her
The emperor protects my cock

Somehow...they come back.
But she's a woman so instead of the Butcher's Nails wouldn't she get something like the Dancer's Piercings?
That all depends on who owns their soul
They could reform but that's only if their master lets them or decides to punish them for a couple centuries
Corvus-chan is cute
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>hey bro, you havent touched your sacrifice yet something wrong?
A friend told me I should play so I downloaded a rule book, read it for about five minutes, said "nah" and decided I'd be happier just painting the figs.
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Turbo-rage roided lady Angron or turbo-horny roided lady Angron. Which do you choose anon?
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Yes, but since people love rubrics there’s always a few more sorcerers people remember. They could maybe possibly recruit other factions or aspirant chaos worshippers but it’s extremely rare and hardly successful
Turbo-rage roided lady Angron
Hate sex best sex
I’m addicted to Firestorm Over Kaurava. I literally cannot stop playing Black Templars. Creating Land Raiders and just sweeping the map is too sexy, and deep striking dreadnoughts is too orgasmic.
Mortarion-chan a cute
Despite the paper thin justification the other 2 anons are giving, the simple truth is many authors for WH40K often confuse grimdark with grimderp, edgy with tryhard, and rule of cool with rule of retarded. There is no reason even a religious cult who is afraid of fucking something up like the Ad Mech would not make cool robot arms to handle the rods, even with how cheap human life is.
Leftist hate religion
Because Marines Malevolent are a bunch of antisocial cunts that grind everyone's gears still the most loyal and uncorrupted chapter out there, suck it sissies so no one would believe that they were gifted anything, and last time I checked Carcharodons are still on a Penitent Crusade, so they aren't allowed to get shit.
>Sort of like loyalist Night Lords. Might literally be loyalist Night Lords
They are mostly likely those former terran Raven Guards that Corvus had beef with because their terror-tactics reminded him of his ex jailors
They can make new sorcerer marines at low numbers, usually from tzeentch cultists.
Also supposedly Magnus can jank their soul back
why not try the card game?
Gladius has them as DLC.
>Carcharodons are on a Pentinent Crusade
Wait huh? How come?
I don't think that's true. Red Tithes are already secretive and unknown to the wider Imperium. If the Inquisitorius can't stop that, how could they enforce a Penitent Crusade?
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Did you had a stroke typing that nigga
Might be mixing them up with Mantis Warriors since they did get put on a penitent crusade after the Sharks kicked their collective asses
I'd rather lick my own balls after 8 hours on Dirt Rally.
I know about that part but didn't read it, but before Guilliman they were both wronged and tainted from within same as Blood Ravens, and thus became renegades. They were eventually forgiven, but their entire chapter ended up dying. Guilliman supposedly reformed a new chapter using their name to honor their memory, but kept their muddied history a secret.
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>DLC and modding
Beggars can't be choosers I guess. Thanks anons.
Maybe is for the best as you say I wouldn't want them to change their overall design.
so anyway how the fuck did you fit a 300 ton tank between my fuck couch cushions
Straight off 1d6chan
>At some point in their history, Rangu (their word for the Emperor) or the Forgotten One (either the Primarch of the origin legion or the Founding Chapter Master) banished/self-exiled them from their home world and set them to hunt amongst the stars and slaughter the enemies of the Imperium with no quarter.
Straight off Lexicanum
>The Chapter's ancient history speaks of a "Day of Exile", a time when the Wandering Ancestors had been banished from their home world and ordered out beyond the Galaxy's edge. One thing is for certain, however: that the Chapter was given a sacred duty to travel the empty spaces beyond the Imperium's borders, seemingly forever, to seek out and destroy the enemies of Mankind.

Might have mixed them with some other chapter that went onto a Pentinent Crusade, but the point still stands, albeit modified, now it's that they can't claim that they were gifted shit since they operate in the far periphery of the Imperium where people barely venture.
>Houra is dead
>Fulgrima states all the things she wants to do, but she feels too much guilt to do it
>Pertuarabia constantly complains about her sisters
>Konra is depressed
>Angra's butchers nails force her away from you as she tries to kill you
>Mortaria is just mad all the time
>Maggy is too busy as scatter brained
>Lorgia tries to send love messages, but gets interrupted by Corva
We all know the lore is held together with gum. Some people still think the Carcharodons and the Space Sharks are separate chapters, and to be fair, GW hasn't bothered to make a distintion.
realistically, how do you survive that?
They hoard knowledge and artifacts. What they have in their vaults is soft cannon meaning most of the legendary shit that they get in the dow2 is not cannon, just gameplay mechanic.
The only people who might get the reference are either marine biologists or furries and zoophiles with a hyper fixation on sharks. I don't blame them for not putting the two and two together. Plus you try writing their new name from memory, I keep that shit in the note so I don't have to rock my brain.
Draigo suplexed a primarch and carved his buddy's name into his heart with a kitchen knife. Weirder shit has happened.
don't get hit
Believe really hard or become Doomguy
By being raw as fuck and not being a pussy
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You can't trick me anon, i see through your lies!!! These are just demons in disguise!
In a thing called the Badab War, whole Space Marine chapters fought each other and I don't even think chaos were involved. Just good 'ole fashioned interfactional squabbling.
Damnit, only a son of Dorn would be autistic enough to not fall for this.
Or literally the entire purpose of the Minotaurs.
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initially chaos was not involved.it became involved as the rebels had to get creative on getting supplies and gene seed
Oh so that's why there's been threads like this in the last few days
shit I am old
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Abominable intelligence!
>i see through your lies
>black templar
Anyone who has a passing interest in sharks or has ever watched shark week knows that Carcharodons are Great White sharks.
chaos space marines are apostates not heretics
Spess Mehreens
doctored photo
sounds like a good time
Hate them more than they hate you and praise the Emperor really fucking hard.
You know what? I'm going to say it! Fuck the emperor!
>40k lore
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I miss the TTS.
>the bolter bitches' history as being a harem of one corrupt, non-Chaos aligned Imperium Administratum/Ecclesiarchy fellow.
You're confusing this with Daughters of the Emperor that Goge Vandire instated. SoB's were formed after the Age of Apostasy, as a loophole because the treaty at the end of it forbade the Ecclesiarchy to ever field "Men at arms". So they fielded women.
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>kitten is fucking dead
what does gussy mean
Imperial taxes
At the end of it Huron went nuts and turned to chaos, but it wasn't really because he wanted to, he didn't have many options left.
Genestealer pussy, which is something that comes up in Draco constantly.
It corrupted the boy.
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Wasn't the SoB's initial members the Daughters (or rather the Brides, Daughters was their name as a local cult before they join the Ecclesiarchy) of the Emperor, and the loophole was deliberately made because the girls executed Vandire themselves and could be trusted to keep later Ecclesiarch in check?
make a cool setting about medieval crusaders, then move them to future and make it dark
He was supposed to come back in the next episode but be weird and fucked up from being revived
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It seems like they didn't try to hide or retcon it, since Dominica was a member of Daughters of the Emperor.
Ah, good to know thanks. Anything else worth knowing about how to spec them? It seems that certain bars unlock certain gear/abiity but you have to pick which to use of course as yu can't do it all. Good to know that Cyrus using as a sniper is the way to go. So far I've not found a sniper rifle for hm but I'm just starting

>capture on missions
Missions have usually a choice of one of two things to capture I assume you should try to do so, right? Which are worth capturing specifically?

>Rating for each mission/overall, 2 factors...
I forget the names but one is essentially governed like "wrath" that has to do with killing as many as you can..maybe? the other side is objectives + keeping your units from dying/needing to revive? Any tips on how to prioritize this stuff or focus? Not sure if time is a factor or not but it seems to be, yet that seems at odd with the wrath side which has you killing as many as you can to get 5 stars etc?

SoB technically gets around the loophole that forbids the Ecclesiarchy from having men under arms, but yeah they proved themselves loyal to the Emperor after getting a free tour by the Custodes.
Can anyone explain why they have nails punched into their skull? Is it meant suppress fear?
It's so they can interface with their helmets which is also technology
Power armour is like a second skin to them that they can regulate with thought
The metal studs are for every 50 years of service. They don't have entire heads coated in studs because uhh uhmmm uhhhhhhhhhh
GW was super fucking gay for doing that shit.
They're service studs. Each represents a century of service, but depending on the chapter they could mean other things. They aren't punched that deep, mostly superficial ornamentation.
Why not medals?
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GW specialist games team generally makes not only better rulesets but also better miniatures too. Compare every killteam model release to those only meant for 40k and almost every KT release knocks it out of the park, even when its just an upgrade sprue for a pre-existing unit. My only complaint is that KT 1.0 was yourdudes as fuck while 2.0 kinda turned it into competitive slop. Also why the fuck are we reading move distances as circles and squares WHAT THE FUCK GW
They do get those as well
They're purity seals though
Studs are cheap
>Also why the fuck are we reading move distances as circles and squares

In 2 weeks they'll be numbers
10th Edition 40k is overly 'competitive' focused as well at the expense of everyone else. They had like two separate versions of their updated movement rules for some fucking reason (especially with pivot values while vehicle orientation became irrelevant anyway). For an edition purportedly to be simplified, that sure went out the window.
>They had like two separate versions of their updated movement rules for some fucking reason
Because movement is 40ks sloppiest shit and always has been.

Next is sight
Humans in 40k are very much altered from baseline, genetically modified well before the first non-warp travel to other stars before even the dark age of technology. Relatively easy to work for 26 hour shifts if your muscles and mind doesn't get tired and you can synthesise meth internally.
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People need to stop mentioning Corvidae cult and Revuel Arvida. They are origin story of Grey Knights and not Blood Ravens. Revuel Arvida is Janus, first leader of Grey Knights, and not Azariah Vidya
They've released Anniversary editions of Dawn of War 1 and 2 on steam
If you previously owned them you already have them
Not only are they focusing on the fem banana over the SoB that fucking oc is overshadowing SoS as well in their own show
they just dropped anniversary editions of DoW 1+2 too, granted DoW2 seems a bit janky at the moment. Is Retribution still a separate app now? If so, I don't have the Necron dude activated for last stand but everything else is working. I just got the DoW1 expansions added to my library too.
check your steam inventories. if you own most wh40k games you probably have a free copy of dawn of war 2 with all the expansions and dlcs mistakenly labelled as retribution - last stand in your inventory rn
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>Is Retribution still a separate app now?
It seems to be part of the new Anniversary collection.
I still have it separate in my library, but storepage gives me this.
Come to think of it, the Emperor could've avoided all those betrayals from the Primarchs if he wasn't such a colossal dickhead towards them.
Just allow Perturabo to build his castles for fuck's sake.
yeah I have the same, but then you boot up Anniversary DoW 2 and I only see base and Chaos Rising campaigns and wiped Last Stand progress. Might just be fucked since it just happened a couple of hours ago.
I assume it's just a bundle; bet they haven't even fixed Retribution's infamous sound bug that needs a .dll from elsewhere and framerate capping.
I feel like they launched it without realizing Retribution has been standalone this whole time. Maybe it's just a problem for folks who already own the games.
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Humie hands typed this 'ost
Is Rogue Trader any fun?
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I remember playing DoWII expansion and trying to do the evil route, but the dreadnought guy being disappointed in me made me quit playing.
So we wait for 24 hours for the bugs in Anniversaty edition to be fixed then?
yes but the character writing is meh, and - especially and by a huge margin - the black woman is godawful and you'll save yourself sanity points BLAM'ing her at the first in-game opportunity, she isn't worth the trouble nor the idiocy of her character nor the writing of the character

the gameplay is alright albeit extremely easy once you understand it

the overall plot is also a solid meh
>hey thats my cup
>>hey thats my cup
Yes, I think so too. It's only there to debloat store pages, so only DoW1 and DoW2 show up in the steam store to buy. You buy them and get everything, but in your steam library all games show up as a separate apps anyway. It's far away from being a remaster or even a patch.
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Idira is cute
dawn of war 1
dawn of war 1: winter assault
dawn of war 1: dark crusade
dawn of war 1: soulstorm
play in this order
you should kill yourself
I meant the other nigger

I forgot there were 2

idira was ok actually
I still shot her because she's an unsanctioned psyker and spits out chaos randomly
Idira's the only black woman in the party.
Heinrix, Abelard, Ulfar, Cassia and Argenta are all white.
Yrliet and Marazhai are white and alien.
Pascal is borgy but his flesh bits look like he's white.
Jae is a space poo in loo.
>In reality it's Dawn of War 2
dawn of war 1 and dawn of war 2 are 2 different genre's of rts
its like saying rugby is better than soccer when it comes to ball based sports.
when if you know anything about either sport you understand its worthless to compare things that are fundamentally different.
>but I’m sure there is a mod or something to fix it.
there is
dow 1 is so old at this point that depending on your system if can be unplayable without a decent amount of mods.
and from what i have seen all the modding communities for dow are discord trannies.
DoW2 is far superior
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>The people who like DoW 1 are herbivore players uninterested in complex gameplay or strategy and just want to build hundreds of units to left click on the enemy base with
kek guilty
defiler spam wooo
let us know when you'll have your heretical rt rape celestine like the last guy

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