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What were they thinking?
they were thinking about a fun videogame then delivered
i hope this is the next game to get a remaster!
the successfully filtered out incels from their community. I'd like to see more games follow suit
it flopped thiughbeit
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>ugly hag protagonist
Deserved. Make appealing characters next time
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They made a great game. I love Returnal. It's like Binding of Isaac in TPS.
>we're so stunning and brave for making our MC a ugly old woman. the modern audience is going to love it.
She's a middle aged astronaut. She look normal.
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They had Sony fuck them over at every step, that's what they were thinking.
>What were they thinking?
Honestly speaking, I wouldn't even know because I ignored the game so fucking hard I don't even know anything besides it's a garbage tps roguelike.
How do you know it's garbage if you know nothing about it?
It's a good game but yeah, MC's a real oofer. Still worth the free though.
The game is actually fun. I waited till it came out on PC.
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A short lived push of 'mature' (white) woman character. It was scrapped once they realized that the agenda demands black they/thems.
They were thinking
>hey, let’s make an actual 3D Metroid game and then ruin it with rougelike shit
has pcfags modded this yet
I didn't like the second half of the game at all
>bootleg, somehow even shittier Remnant
I really want to try this game but it fucking NEVER goes down in price.
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>it's fucking real
>journo don't even know what protagonist is

The 2020s are gonna effortlessly dethrone the 70s as the shittiest in aesthetics and zeitgeist in retrospect. Not only do we have to deal with every character looking and acting like gay dad-hating Mad Max raiders, EVERYTHING is slathered in this pink-purple bisexual lighting. I'm TIRED of the wildberry Skittles look already.
Game is too hard for modern ""gamers"" even on /v/ you have people crying about the difficulty.
Why this game not on ASTRO BOT
its really fun. it's extremely atmospheric and unique. becsuse the devs are fucking faggots and made an ugly bitch for a character I pirated it instead of buying the pc release day 1 like I would have if it had a male character or a cute character.
would love a sequel that isn't pozzed, or atleast a similar game
Please. You'd pirate it if it wasn't Denuvo'd. I'm not saying wokeslop DOESN'T deserve to be pirated, I just don't buy your moralization.
It feels great too play but I think it's "too big" for a rougelike. Runs take so long so when you die it's real disheartening and I don't have that "one more go" feeling I do from smaller games in the genre.
How to make a good game, but none of you dipshits played it lol
It was a very fun game but didnt need the graphics or $60 price tag. If it was a 20-30 dollar game that presented the gameplay before the old hag protag it would have sold a lot better.
I had no idea what the gameplay was even like until it came to pc
Sometimes I hated Returnal too, but then I just focused that rage into not making the same mistake on the next run. We used to call this "getting good" before we could just say that anything we're not instantly good at is pozzed.
it doesn't have denuvo. I pirated it when it launched on pc. pretty sure it was the same day.
Only Sony ponies would overhype a $70 bland roguelike.

I had no regret refunding and "beating it". Their idea of replayability was to go through the levels again to find hidden collectibles in order to get the "True End". Even then there was no saving the shite story.
>didn't need the graphics
sure it did, the graphics in this game really added to the atmosphere and feel of the game
Dude, I know. I did too. I'm just saying them making the character a dude or attractive wouldn't change that for me or you and you know it.
This shit lasted under 10 hours by the way. The tower mode doesn't count.
>modern ""gamers""
Beat it eventually, even Plat'd it on ps5. I love it now, but spent so much fucking time hating it, and the only reason I kept playing is because No Games.

I would have loved it if they made it a regular TPS. Ooh man the potential...
>refunding and "beating it".
No you didn't.
it would have. I buy a lot of games, I used to be primarily a piratefag for most of my life but now that I make decent money I always buy games unless the game is cucked somehow. I do get where you're coming from though because me being a buyfag is a more recent development
This game won best fps gameplay of the year and you think the lady was the focus.
Offline mode is a thing.
You got fact checked.
that's not how refunds work you fucking retard
So did she returnal in the end.
Returnal is fucking awesome

Not if you first/second try both Acts.

You can still play refunded games in Offline Mode. R e t a r d.
The game is a visual feast and the controls and combat are a ton of fun.
The major downsides is the cryptic story that makes no sense, and it lacks the sheer variety of other roguelites (whether it be weapons,perks,enemies,rooms, and so on).
Couldn't bring myself to do the tower dlc.
can't believe how many retards this game filtered
I thought braindead coomers were a minority

the game is fucking good but I really really really dislike the final plot twist
nothing happened, it's just a trauma/depression allegory
just fucking why
also thread theme
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>when you die
>dying in returnal
do you have arms
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honestly the best ps5 exclusive that's no longer exclusive tbqh
The game is a certified Housemarque classic and really shows the guys can make great games that aren't pure arcade games. However, there are few problems that really break the game, or at least did at release
>NO SAVING DURING RUN, combined with the long run times (1-1,5 hour runs) were absolutely atrocious, if you have any life at all you needed to make sure you had the time for a run because you couldn't save
At least HQ fixed that after a year even though they kept saying it wouldn't be possible
>The story sucks ass
>Only a handful of weapons are actually good with few being just okay and the rest sucking ass
>Weird powerspikes, the deep abyssals hit harder than bosses and can OHKO you even at full health
>The game has content for 3 hours at most which is just spread over 20+ hours due to the roguelike element
It's a great game and I hope HQs next game continues with the same engine and this time a proper game and not some arcade-roguelike wannabe.
Do you expect me to read all of that shit
>>The story sucks ass
i liked it a lot before you realize what's going on
Fact check shows that it's 19 hours. Don't give me this "I'm so good" crap.

Eh, I like the look. It's a middle-aged astronaut lady. They didn't make her especially ugly.

I liked the game but each loop took way too long, so I dropped it. Would've like something more "compact", like Hades. Still, good game.
Only gripe with the game is since the tower doesnt interest me and I'm not into speedrunning, the game kinda lacks replay value after I completed the whole story.

Other than that game looks stunning, enjoyably hard and is fun and I got my moneys worth. then true ending kinda feels generic to me to what was very interesting to that point but it doesnt take away too much from the game.

Sad that the usual /v/-cel wont play it since the game is too hard for them and the protag doesnt get them hard enough
>It's like Binding of Isaac in TPS.
imagine being such a zoomer newfag that you see that webm and you didn't think about touhou first
And this retard said I was lying and linked me an ITAD with numbers bloated by the mentally handicapped PlayStation playerbase. >>689359731
physiognomy determines destiny that's why.
old hags have old hag storylines - they never have happy ending unless they're married with kids.
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Is there a mod to replace the protagonist? I don't care if it's a big titty anime girl or a stick figure with no textures, I just don't want to play as a wrinkly manfaced grandma that the character designer saw at the local Walmart asking for manager and turned into a model.
Its not even first person
there was an astronaut bot added to the game that came before it with a tie in update, Astro's Playroom I think is the name
See >>689362042

so far there's a (mass effect)talia/(overwatch)tracer/(arkham knight) harley quinn/samus full body mod
And bindings of isaac is much shorter but people put tons of hours into that. Whats your point?
Nice, I will probably play it now
Replayability. Isaac has lots to unlock and many item variables from run to run, Returnal you play it for the story and throw it aside.

Even after the normal ending there's nothing else left to unlock iirc and you've pretty much seen all it has to offer.
Oh sweet it’s the YouTube video you “played” lmao
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I still think the backlash against this game was entirely unjust, and was just a carryover from people hating on ugly western characters. She's not even revoltingly ugly, she just looks like a normal older woman that doesn't have her makeup done up. Nothing about her design comes off as pandering or appealing to a diversity checklist. It just seems like they wanted to experiment and try an older woman, since that's pretty uncommon for a video game protag.

As for the actual game or story, I have no idea. It could be a complete crock of shit, I wouldn't know. I just think the character got a lot of unfair hate.
It's all in her head btw
Find me a playthrough that's at your declared average of 19 hours then. I have not seen one.

The game is not difficult on Mouse and Keyboard.
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>It just seems like they wanted to experiment and try an older woman, since that's pretty uncommon for a video game protag.
They could have done far better
Speaking of mods, I'd play as Chakwas
It got caught up in culture war bullshit through no fault of its own. A middle aged woman is definitely unique for a protagonist.

As for the gameplay, it looks pretty neat. Not the kind of game that’s really my thing, but it seems like it’d be the kind of thing bullet hell fans might like.
How so?
I think the older woman MC works very well for the story they are trying to tell. It would make no sense if it was some bimbo or military genericdude having a traumatic story about abandonment and regret towards their family.
My guess is having her be quiet or something. Bitching about the "hag" is retarded, she was a fine protagonist.
actually the game kinda sucks and isnt worth playing
Yes! The most fun parts were walking around her house at a snails pace! That true ending reveal was SO epic!
When I think of what Nex Machina was missing, no answer can ring more true than this!
I wanted it because it looked awesome if you ignored the story. Waited until I could get it super cheap though and I'm glad I did because I'm not a fan of rogue-lite mechanics and this is probably one of the worst examples I've played of "doing it wrong."
First play I tried to explore and get all tooled up, found the boss, then died because my controller wasn't charged and PS5 games don't pause the games on controller disconnects for some reason. Oh well, bad luck, right? No problem, just try again.
Well, for the entire night all I got was curb stomped by unusable weapon drops and back to back tough rooms with malignant fucking everything.
Gave up and came back the next night. First attempt: shit. 2nd, finally got a good weapon and milked it all the way to the 2nd biome. Died. Found out you start back at the crash site and have to find the teleporter to the 2nd biome every time. Fucking hell.
Played a few more runs, just worthless goo guns and pathetic low damage shotguns. And WTF is that beam rifle with negative accuracy?
In the end I decided life is too short for rogue-lites and went to play something with determinism and actual game design.
>like it’d be the kind of thing bullet hell fans might like.
I thought so too, but it turns out it's just bloom soup with big hitboxes so dodging is not fun. It's a cover shooter that pretends to be "keep moving or die".
>it was alll a dream
great writing
also the fact nothing makes sense can be waved away with "drams dont need ot make sense", genius
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using an old women as the character instead of just having a faceless protag
Didn't care for the story but the gameplay was pretty fun

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