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It's like Day and night
You underestimate how buck broken Japanese people are towards Pokemon. It’s the country’s biggest cultural export and sells the most of its TCG in the country despite not paying it. Also kids are indoctrinated by the anime and it’s the most widely available after anpanman
It is 100% intentional plagiarism and you'd have to be a retard to deny that. Nips are strongly against that.
Playing it* not paying. My bad
Kind of like how the nips intentionally plagarize Chinese culture and building design?
The bullshit part is doing the lawsuit over vague patents. If that wins it will set a terrible precedent.
If they were suing over the blatant theft of models from Pokemon games they'd have a point.
I'm ok with the lawsuit because Palworld is a shit game.
If it had original ideas and mechanics related to its monster collecting, I would be a little more sympathetic, but it really is just Pokemon with guns.
Nintendo is in the right here.
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Human universal to seethe at someone who beat you at your own game. Western twitter is just zoomers looking for a few quick clout by retweening the latest outrage.
Can I get a qrd
>9 results for this filename
>If they were suing over the blatant theft of models from Pokemon games they'd have a point
i mean clearly they wouldn't because despite how blatant they are, they were unable to sue over it.
So it's basically Japanese people vs western trannies.
Japanese adults who play Nintendo are simply extreme cultists.
Most Japanese adults do not do this thankfully
Based nips, the less Ark survival sloppa games made the better, no matter how they're stopped
The older I get the more I despise japs. They truly are bugmen like the rest of their race. They plagiarize EVERYTHING from west, and they copy any new trend that gets popular in japan hundreds of times. Manga, anime, video games, light novels, visual novels. Fucking clowns. Japs are absolutely the last people who should ever complain about plagiarism.
>Nintendo is indie-friendly
What he said.
reminder japan realized the dev was a chink trying to pass off as japanese
they have zero issues seeing his ass raped by nintendo ninjas, if anything that's why they look forward to it
>Japs are bootlicking corpo drones
wow I'm shocked :O
Based Nintendo. I wish they could sue all the plagiarism supporting trannies ITT.
You need to understand, their boss will let them have their wives back for a night if they fight hard enough on their behalf!
Did you giggle to yourself thinking up this epic false equivalency?
Based Nippon
japanese are soulless bootlicking bugmen shocking no one
>Plagiarism = isn't this a bit of a free idea...?
Nice trannylation, you'll fit right in at 8-4
Palworld is such a worthless, low quality cashgrab
I don't believe anyone who defends it online genuinely likes the game, they just have a grudge against nintendo
Damn looks like that one really hit close to home weeaboo
Americans like competition. Nintendo should make a better pokemon product and compete, not try to kill Palworld. It's disgusting to see.
Plagiarism isn't real, all we do is copy each other but change a little bit here or there, this is called progress and this is how humanity evolves.
Are we supposed to be ignore how every JRPG plagiarized Wizardry?
japanese love nintendos authority
I didn't see Sir-Tech suing them.
Pretty ironic considering japan is known for copying stuff from overseas and adaptating it to their culture
Were they like toward Yokai Watch?
Because Nintendo are petty faggots that hate competition
Yes, while others built off of that plagiarism from wiz and D&D, Nintendo bided their time, waiting for these developers to refine the genre then swooped in with their original hit Palwo- I mean Pokemon Green.

However, it was a gigantic cultural export and one of the largest franchises of all time so you know. Forget about Saga, forget that garbage megami tensei game and don't you even look at dragon quest. Totally original donut steal pocket monsters oh wait I meant capsule monsters.
Taijiri is legitimately autistic and Pokemon is the Sonichu that could.
They promoted yokai watch
It's in their Nintendo directs in Japan
Shouldn't you apologize for blatantly ripping off American blueprints AND branding down to the logos for like sixty years straight, oh kikes of the east?
>look everyone!
>cherrypicked twitter posts!
>gamefreak are just indie devs
>own the biggest money making ip on the planet
Im tired of this fucking meme
>SMTV was in Nintendo switch 2017 presentation
I thought they hated competition
What do the Japanese think of the Western reaction?
Not only is Japan megacucked on copyright law, but they earnestly, morally believe it's correct.
Americans don't have creativity so it's normal they don't see plagiarism as a bad thing
same as with western games, with disgust
the amerimutt market is irrelevant when you can only get 697 players in the biggest AAAA release of the generation
>Ignoring all the shit Japan plagiarized from the west
the left side is cherry picked comments from tendies. the right is the opposite. everyone here knows exactly what you're doing anon
I kneel to the japs on this
these are the top posts on ENG / JP palworld X account
i did not cherry pick anything. You an go there and check lol


99% of top posts are anti palworld
Nigger, Japanese culture as you see it today is half exported from random American GIs.
All of their largest companies started directly copying our products due to the lack of copyright laws.
Read a book you embarrassing weebtist
oh, not that anon but you have checkmarks in your image, so you need to filter those out first.
It's not a bug, it's a feature of the great decline platform.
So, as you said thats what happen when you don't have copyright laws so why hating on nintendo if they just want to protect their IP?
Palworld looks like dog shit and I haven't given it the time of day except to jack off to the cloud thing and the pink Salazle looking thing. Fuck Nintendo to hell and anyone who gives those slant eyed Jews money.
Funny how no one was talking about palworld for months until this lawsuit popped up.
Nintendo is suing over patents not copyright. You're just a retard.
>Americans like competition.
You don't know this nation very well. America invented excessive copyright and is a master of lawfare.
>Nips are strongly against that
You should probably look up where kanji originated from little bro.
Rootless cosmopolitan CEOs aren't American
how can i do it?
>It is 100% intentional plagiarism
Remember that one Pokemon game where you can hunt down other Pokemon with assault rifles and machine guns?
Or how Western Europe plagiarised the Romans and pretend ancient Greece and Macedonia was full of germanics, nordics, and sober celtics.
>You underestimate how buck broken Japanese people are towards Pokemon.
Ha! You're calling them buck broken but they're being logical and reasonable
The group on the right are rectal ravaged by Nintendo that all they can do is cry
>myeh!! Nintendo are evil bullies! They're going to sue everything because I don't understand patents!
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>gooks sabotage their own country's creativity by whiteknighting Nexon/Blue Archive over Project KV
>nips sabotage their own country's creativity by whiteknighting Nintendo/Pokemon over Palworld
>chinks just allow winners-take-all plagiarism which leads to them dominating the industry with giga-hit gacha games and black myth wukong with no signs of slowing or stopping
Wow. Really makes you think.
>u lack patent literacy
Waiting for them to write up some lolsuits for other devs having shadows cast on walls or working vending machines in their games
Yes ? Just because I like pre 2010 japanese media doesn't mean I'm not aware of the fact that they are gigantic cucks, cool cartoons though.
They haven't even announced what the exact accusation is.
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It is, but Nintendo winning the lawsuit would be horrible for the industry at large, seeing they're sitting on tons of generic patterns waiting to fuck others up when they run out of options. Nips fail to see the big picture.
>but Nintendo winning the lawsuit would be horrible for the industry at large
Anon, they've won so many patent lawsuits because people target them and nothing has come of it. You're several years too late to push a slippery slope fallacy that won't come to pass.
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>he doesn't know how many jap companies all filing their own patents
you think it's just nintendo?
and of course PCiggers love stealing
So suprising
are you retarded?
In comparison to what Valve is doing (which is nothing and ripping them off), Nintendo is actually catering to indies since the Wii U.
we really need to stop letting retarded Boomers allow copyright trolling lawfare cases like Nintendo vs. Palworld. the chinese are right to not enforce IP laws, Disney is a disgusting and one of the most evil megacorps on the planet. Also Gamefreak should take a hint to stop being kusoge shitter devs just because they know pokeman autists will literally slurp liquid shit out of a bowl without complaint so long as the bowl has PIKA PIKA PIKACHOOOOO on it.
>100% intentional plagiarism
>Looks up plagiarism legal definition
Look I'm no doctor but I think your mom dropped you as a baby, also patent lawsuit not copyright. If anything this proves the average jap is as retarded as the average /v/ posters and that's fucking funny.
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>japs once again acting like self-righteous, corporate-leashed cuckolds
What a surprise!
>plagiarism can't be how they do something technically
it do
Yeah. I noticed how the dev used weasel words to heavily imply pocket pair is a jap company. They're chinese.
>They're chinese
Higashigotanda Square Building, 2-10-2 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022

Takuro Mizobe
2010: DS development at Nintendo Game Seminar
2012: Graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology
2012: Joined JP Morgan Securities
2012: Founded ResuPress Inc., released STORYS.JP
2014: Founded virtual currency exchange Coincheck
2015: Founded Pocketpair Inc.

>Takuro Mizobe is a Chinese name
How big of a cut does Nintendo take?
It's not just jap companies, literally everyone does it because there's no downside to it. You don't have to defend your patent and nothing will happen unlike trademarks and copyright.
regardless of whether or not its plagiarism
>he lets plagiarism get in the way of a better product
the ONLY reason we have to care about plagiarism, is that protection from it helps reward artists, which incentivizes them and other to make better products
Reminder that Nintendo hires indian astroturfers to do damage control on /v/
Valve's barrier of entry is just $100 and in return they give you, the indie developer, cloud saves, a message board, a platform for hosting and sharing mods, leaderboards, achievements, matchmaking and, most importantly, an algorithm that consistently peddles your game to potential buyers and gives you a steady stream of sales instead of them coming to a dead stop after a month like on consoles. When it comes to doing things for indies, Valve is second only to Unity. Nintendo became the most indie-friendly console manufacturer during Switch years, but they're still way behind the PC.
30%, industry standard.
>incentivizes them to make better products
It really doesn't
see: all modern media
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>billy mitchel vs karl jobst AND nintendo vs palworld

we are eating so good gossip gods
Americans are the largest vidya market in terms of absolute revenue
they are ALWAYS relevant
Irrelevant, check profits
>cloud saves
>message board
gamefaqs is free
cloud means not my computer, as in fuck Valve
so Valve is developing achievements for games?
>a shitty algo
The AVERAGE Indie dev makes 4k on Steam, that's it. 4000.
And Valve is ripping them off specifically.
They charge bigger games way less, which shows they are full of shit and fucking Indies in the butt.
Patents and copyright is why China is winning.
You're a worthless turd that doesn't speak Japanese.
Nintendo produces nice Indie Directs and pushes them out on their youtube channel, so that millions see them.

Valve does fuck all.
>but muh algo
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china winning? against the pokemon company?
>copyright/patents are jewish invention
>country that doesnt care about them succeeds
Wow i'm noticing
If I steel from supermakret, I succeed too.
>Always wondered why japanese women were notoriously unfaithful to their men and go suck white cock whenever they can
>Encounter the Japanese men and they suck the cocks of their authoritarian corporate overlords
I feel dumb for being surprised at the behavior of Asian men even though I'm east Asian myself
Hoyoverse and Black Myth Wukong chads stay winning
>we steel everything
>oh wow, why does no one develop vidya games for PC anymore except for slop?
okay you pedantic retard, let me go one more step for you
Americans will always be relevant due to being the largest GROSS PROFIT market due to
>having the highest median disposable income in the world (outside of Luxembourg, a fake country)
>despite the above, having the 3rd largest population in the world, because China and India are too fucking poor per capita
also note: I'm referring to America generally, I do not know if pokemon is so wildly popular in nippon that they are somehow willing to outspend Americans
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... this is just a fucking nested if statement for idle animations. How is that trademark worthy?
Yeah, having no local innovation outside poorly reverse engineering other companies is a brilliant idea. When more western companies pull out of China than they already have, they're to be left with nothing. The "Worlds' Factory" should have been a stepping stone to something grander, like it was for Japan. Now they're too first world for cheap labor, and too third world to have respect for basic rules that support those funding R&D.
>that spoiler
Wew lad
japan has a literal NTR culture, it seems unrelated but this is why they have different cultural responses to things

when someone tries to fuck your girl in america, a fight breaks out, sometimes someone gets shot
when someone actually fucks your girl in japan, they say it can't be helped and go back to their wage cage

i blame the US, we legit experimented on them sociologically by drafting their new constitution as a joke to fuck with their culture, 80 years of that has done a job
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oh yeah you mad
stay mad LOSER
total tendie death
Blizzard under Microsoft Gaming should file a patent for how their mounts work in World of Warcraft and then sue Nintendo into oblivion.
It would be more valid than this lawsuit.
enjoy no vidya on PC / Denuvo
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>enjoy no vidya on PC / Denuvo
miahacky plagiarized disney
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>Nintendo produces nice Indie Directs and pushes them out on their youtube channel
With like, what, 10 games out of 600 that come out on eShop every 3 months? eShop is a garbage dump that, unlike Steam, is impossibly laggy to navigate despite being so barebones. Making an occasional highlight reel doesn't make one a savior of indies.
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Your bot's going too fast. These were literally like 15 seconds apart.
Retards these days just think every big company is inherently wrong and even when they aren't, should lose and suffer anyways. it's annoying that people lack internal consistency in their morals
Japan lives in a collective hive of groupthink but ironically westerners cant think for themselves. All they know is "Nintendo sues people!" so nintendo is automatically the bad guy.
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For mobile gachoid """games""", it's not necessarily true.
Nigga, no one cares about flopmerica, the new strategy is to sell to China and India
But 4chin always told me that the japanese were based and that western piggies were inferior in every way?? what happened weebsisters?
>retarded Steam cattle wants achievements, despite them being 100% worthless on PC, because anyone can give himself any at any point
what's the point, when Valve can't even do basic security for them?
>but the Valve cattle wants that
yeah, they are dumb like a brick.
>Steam is not an Early Access garbage dump
I grew up in the west thankfully, but I see that type of behavior in dad all the time. He believes every bit of information the iPad start page tells him. It's embarrassing and it makes communication difficult. This is why they want to import more people like him as it would create high, corporate fed misinformation voting blocks
why do japs all talk like buckbroken, servile little faggots with no strong opinions?
>When more western companies pull out of China than they already have, they're to be left with nothing.
Yeah yeah two more weeks
Are achievements on consoles not 100% worthless?
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>mobile games
well slap my ass chinks I kneel and concede
did NOT expect them to spend so much money considering they make about 1/7th the income
hot damn that is sad
I wonder if its because they spend such a disproportionately high amount, or if Americans spend a disproportionately low amount
although, CCP fuckery might change outside markets' tendencies to sell aimed at china
eh, the US is still the 2nd largest market, which is nothing to scoff at
Tremble in fear
someone post the Seinfeld song
>Bootlicking Steam
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see >>689361995
While it is, unlike Nintendo, you can actually scroll past the shitty games and get to the good ones without being halted for 5 seconds every 9 games, because Switch takes that damn long loading 9 pngs. That's the thing - your game loses all of its visibility after a week or two, while Steam continues to show it to players long past that. Ask any indie developer about their market performance on PC vs consoles and the answers will be consistent - people play indies on PC.
because they are just that
>It is 100% intentional plagiarism
Yeah, gamefreak is known notoriously for their rust-style base building.
You're talking to an alphoomer turd. He literally isn't aware of anything that has happened more than 2 years ago.
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You should read up on Shuji Nakamura, inventor of Blue LEDs, if you want to see just how petty and scummy Japanese businessmen can be. Thankfully the guy was able to move onto better pastures.
>The bullshit part is doing the lawsuit over vague patents
No one has even seen the lawsuit.
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Check Weibo for unemployment in Shanghai, if you don't believe me. Unemployment has skyrocketed. If you even know what Weibo is. If you're not regurgitating a line used to mock the Russians', "Two weeks to Kiev", without knowing context, like a jackass.
Based. Nanking 2.0 when?
>this is what /v/eddit will defend tooth and nail just to own the big bad nintendo
How grim. At least japs can see through the bullshit but westoids need to be contrarians 24/7.
China completely buckbroke Japan in mobile market. Wukong is a strong start but I wouldn't be surprised if they overtake Japan on the PC/console gaming front too in the next decade.
Japan has been on a huge decline in relevance the past few years.
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The switch IS a piece of crap and modern pokemon are indistinguishable from randomly generated ai blobs.
NTA but
>b-believe the west... believe CNN
Mutts are so propogandized that they're out of their minds. Ukraine is getting its shit kicked in right now and you'd the last to know about anything.
Tell yourself pocketpair is a chink company delusional burger. You don't care about the truth you make up your own reality.
The absolute state of Nintendo
if digimon wasn't sued (or the other way around, i don't remember) i don't see how palworld can risk anything
Prove it.
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fuck palworld and fuck pokemon
Bandai owns Digimon though if you ask Digimon fans they will tell you Bandai hates their own IP, and Bandai makes the majority of the merch for Pokemon. Neither party gains anything from a lawsuit.
Digimon doesn't look anything like Pokémon. Palworld looks like they plagiarized Pokémon wholesale then tweaked it just slightly with an AI so they wouldn't get sued.
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>Propaganda is viewing Chinese social media posts directly on their own website
Believe what you want. Your answer is too sporadic to be a bot, so I'll assume you were too lazy to follow the reply chain back to the original poster. Never said Pocketpair was Chinese once, only responded to someone stating lack of respect for trademark and patents is good for current day China.
>Intentional plagiarism
It's just a similar game. The Nips themselves have done this exact same shit multiple times, best examples being their classic RPGs like FF, DQ or SMT. Crying about patents when it comes to pure gameplay elements is just fucking cringy.
pocketpair is just the odd one out because they are literally a small indie team of a new IP. easy target for bullying
>heh chinks are just bugmen that copy everything lol
>uhhhh actually copying was good all along
Sasuga /v/
I haven't played a pokemon game since red and blue. But just looking at Palworld and it's ugliness makes life worse for me.

Away with it. And the ugly people who support it preciously because it is ugly.
>heh chinks are just bugmen that copy everything lol
>uhhhh actually copying was good all along
These aren't contradicting statements you know.
All artists steal from eachother. What allows them to get away with it is how they innovate the idea and turn it into something else entirely. That's not the same thing as a chink bootleg.











anon pocket pair made (read: copied) so many games before palworld
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Why does this website worship japs again?
Palworld is a ripoff. Whether they'll be about to prove this at a court level idk.
Yes exactly.
American spies stole the power loom in 1812. And then they did it better than britain while british cucks seethed and shitted with copyright whining.
Good artist copy and great artists steal is a great quote by Jobs. And Microsoft and Apple only got to where they are because xerox parc had the patents but couldn't realize the full vision of the shit they invented.
Copying and stealing is great and should be encouraged
>Yeah, having no local innovation outside poorly reverse engineering other companies is a brilliant idea.
chinks steal but openly admit it. japs steal & pretend the idea/invention is their own. i know who i'm leaning with on this one.
>made (read: copied) so many games
only 1. All they've done is copy ark over and over
How can Japan be so right (doujin works of copyrighted content) and wrong at the same time?
the music industry is bullshit, so this is ok
They did this too with Kimba which was refashioned to be more like the Lion King after the latter's theatrical success.
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>unavailable videos
you quite literally have this post saved on your computer for when you need it. why?
Because you just look at panda for scans of doujins and don't actually realize there's strict regulations of how doujin works are made. Copyrighted material isn't allowed to be mass produced or sold outside of events, unless it's second hand, and can only be produced for in person events. It also isn't protected due to being a derivative work and can be shut down at any time if the IP holder requests it.
Only wholly original doujin works are allowed to be mass produced, sold directly by the circle outside of events, and ordered by retailers.
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I love how they're not buying the BS.
Get fucked PocketFail.
Could you explain nintendos patents?
being a scammer and a thief is the chink idea of "cunning"
I copied it from the archive. It just makes it funnier since Nintendo copyright struck half these videos when they blatantly copied from the ones you can still view here. Like the plant one is obviously what Zelda's lullaby ripped off of.
japan takes this stuff very seriously you can go to prison for modding your 3ds
Their face culture means that they can do anything so long as it doesn't reflect on their famiry
This proves next Pokemon sucks ass or they wouldn't have done anything
Japanese are the jews of the east. But western weeaboo faggots will defend it to death.
Asian people have no individual agency.
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once again
>scammer and a thief
so western gaming companies in the last 20+ years? They literally make you pay monthly for the privilege to connect to their servers lol
uh, buddy, sony and nintendo are japanese. and sega started it.
Nintendo invented game rental floppy discs that launched in japan.
Didnt craftopia directly take animations and models from Breath of the Wild in the most chink way possible without a shred of irony? I actually hope Nintendo skullfucks Palworld and wins because all the redditors and faggots on youtube are ecelebing hard around Palworld
Nintendo keeps a social credit system on their influencers that makes china look fair actually.

Just look into idol culture and vtubers are suddenly tolerable.
It's the most valuable ip on the planet
I'd be defensive too
>nintendo invented rentals
toddler bros come on
No they literally made proprietary floppy discs that you had to go to a store to download and rent a game.
>You underestimate how buck broken Japanese people are towards Pokemon.
It's not about Pokemon. Japs are corporate whores through and through. They will gladly kneel to their corporate masters and lick their boots at any given opportunity. You have to royally, supremely fuck up to not have a vast majority of the public at your back if you're a big corporation in Japan. They will break their backs to bend over for you far enough.
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>Obedient mindless drones.
>We hate the government fuck off we're full!
nihao, chang! 2 social credit points have been added to your balance. at this rate you will be allowed to move into a shoddy papier mache cube in a mere 5 years!
>such as calling the switch a shitty piece of hardware
This is an equivalent of a dude who got cucked suing the bull for defamation after he posted a picture with his wife on xitter.
People begged Nintendo for game like that for decades, then someone else stepped in and did it, now Nintendo is throwing a bitch fit because how dare they give people what they wanted.
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It's not the fact that nips are all just a bunch of spineless Nintendo fanboys that disappoints me. It's the fact that they don't even know what the lawsuit is about that disappoints me.
craftopia and that shitty hollow knight clone
You did read the right, right?
>The older I get the more I despise japs. They truly are bugmen like the rest of their race. They plagiarize EVERYTHING from west, and they copy any new trend that gets popular in japan hundreds of times. Manga, anime, video games, light novels, visual novels. Fucking clowns. Japs are absolutely the last people who should ever complain about plagiarism.
nigga have you seen their music culture, they love stealing shit and adapting around it
Japanese people value art.

American people value AI (theft).

Of course a high culture country would despise Palworld.
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Even if it means dragging your shit to other gaming companies? are you retarded?
music is not an artform so this hardly counts
>Nips are strongly against plagiarism
On today's episode of "Ken-sama doesn't know a fucking thing about Japan"...
>and then they came for me but there was nobody left to speak up
>Didnt craftopia directly take animations and models from Breath of the Wild
So did Genshin Impact but people didn't get mad at it for some reason
Literally "he called my bing bing bad so he deserves ruination for life :("
Genshin is quite literally just a lazy reskin of BotW
yes, the average Japtard is IN FACT a retarded bootlicker
this is not news
>I-it's not our fault, the Japs were jews first!
Westerners are so disingenuous kek
So the japs are spineless and the chinks are thriving ? Grim, look foward to more gacha.
Gacha is better than AAA slop so I look forward to it.
But what about all the isekai anime, aren't they all copies of each other?
But what about all the shonen anime, aren't they all copies of each other?
But what about all the moe anime, aren't they all copies of each other?
Originality my ass
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>the face of Palworld
Yeah...I'm going to go with the Japanese
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Nintendo can't even make videogames, faggot.
Are they retarded?
Why blatantly copy the name when they could've called it something like Mobile Creatures Bang Bang like they always do
They take a story model and give it their own twist

They don't reuse the same character designs
It wasn't supposed to be this way, where the fuck did the optimism for gaming go ?
Religious fanatism is scary. Nintendo really outdid themselves.
>he called my president bad so the video game threads deserve ruination for life
why are /vpol/ such hypocrites?
The lawsuit is in japan. The judge and jury will be Japanese. US consumer opinion does not matter.
Seems like Pocket Pair is fucked.
sony is holding on to the biggest nuke holy shit!
I can't unhear this faggot's laughter, I should've stopped watching even before he became a dramafag
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Sony can nuke the Switch at any moment with several patents.
japs are sheep for corpos
So the nips are retarded ? Got it.
As a rule, Japanese people are slavishly obedient to whatever written rule is imposed on them. They're the perfect population for corporate shilling, which is very intense here.
we can only assume
>the pokemon company thinks they have a case and are willing to go through with it
>pocketpair has lawyers ready in case they got sued by the pokemon company
everything else is unknown, so they have a shot if the pokemon company jumped the gun on the suit
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>reaction to the lawsuit
I thought this was about the Elden Ring lawsuit schizo
>sorry tendies, you can't access the game menu anymore
Not a single/v/irgin has tried to explain the differences between patent copyrights and trademarks.

Just a bunch of people vomiting their misinformed opinions into the void
True. I'm just assuming 50/50 in terms of quality of patents and evidence.
The whole thing could be bait, maybe nintendo knows they have nothing. Maybe it's a bluff. Lots of uncertainty.
Knowing westerners most probably in it just for the "muh vs big company shit"
It's almost like you cherry picked specific comments to make your point. It's almost like you're a disingenuous cock sucker.
Won't last. The chinks are experiencing the post WWI boom America experienced, or the post WWII boom Japan and S.Korea experienced. During that stage of development, it's a meritocracy. But, once money is established, and the winners are allowed to hoard capital, they pull the ladder and kill all upstarts and future competition every single time without fail. This has been done in every culture, race, and time period in history. Successful people do not like competition, despite it being the key to the collective prosperity of a nation.
see you in 4 years to discuss the out come and figure out this mess
and probably 6 years to get the full breath of what's going on here
why didn't they seethe this hard over digimon?
Wrong there is only one giant in the Chinese system and that's the ccp.
Jack ma can rot in jail if he tries anti monopolistic practices

Weirdest timeliness where a communist country implements hunger games raw all out capitalistic free for all while the US which is supposed to be capitalist features mega monopolies that all merged together, fail time after time, suck on the governments teat and get bailed out in every instance.
The japanese should be sued for how many of their "stories" rip off western movies and literature
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defend this pathetic excuse for a patent
I mean what's worse, worshipping and exporting pokemon or worshipping and exporting niggers
Maybe, chinks do have the hope/advantage of actually having a government. Whereas all western nations, who were so afraid of a strong government, now have no government at all, just puppets for corporations. The satellite states in the east, like Japan, and S.Korea have the worst of both worlds. They have the submissive Asian mindset, and had the weak, ineffective government model enforced on them by their American conquerors.
Aren’t there literal pokemon models in palworld’s files, too?
Japan is full of subservient little girly men. Of course they're going to react that way.
Japan should patent the concept of a yes-man
Nintendo is not trying to win in court but to bleed pocketpair dry with lawsuits.
It's not a strong case otherwise they would have gone after trademarks or copyrigh.
Patent trolling is corporate sabotage where you try to bleed a competitor with legal fees until they can't resist anymore.
I'm starting to think patents for video games as a whole were a fucking mistake.
>cherrypicked Japanese tweets va cherrypicked English tweets
Riveting thread.
Meanwhile Pokemon ripped its whole art style from Toriyama.
No, I'm not talking about those Dragon Quest monsters people like to bring up
>People begged Nintendo for game like that for decades
No one begged them for that, and no one actually played palworld after the fotm shilling.
Japan has some of the worst copyright laws in the world so it's no surprise that Japanese bootlickers would support copyright trolling.
>>We hate the government fuck off we're full!
Learn the difference between copyrights and patents. Nintendo doesn't have a case for copyright infringement against palworld you dingus
Gamers used to be against soulless copies, maybe there is a paid shill campaign going on
Japs are acting like drones putting the principles and honor of megacorp over their own interests

West is representative of the libertine spirit.

If you support copyright and patent and you're not a millionaire you are unironically a cuckold and furthermore you're a retard because the corporations would absolutely support whatever was in their best interest at the time (if removing intellectual property was to their benefit they would support it) so you can't even you stand with corpos on principle.
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>【構成】 ゲームシステムを構成するゲーム機のCPUは、プレイヤがコントローラを操作したことに応答して、プレイヤキャラクタおよび仮想カメラのゲーム空間内での位置を更新的に決定する。また、CPUやGPUによって生成されたゲーム画像がモニタ上に表示される。そしてCPUやGPUによって、ゲーム画像における建物オブジェクトや壁オブジェクトの画像上に、プレイヤキャラクタの存在をゲームプレイヤに知らしめるように、特定形状の第1目印画像を描画する。
>【効果】 プレイヤは、この第1目印画像に基づいて、プレイヤキャラクタが物陰に隠れている状態を理解することができる。
>[Configuration] In response to the player's operation of the controller, the CPU of the game machine constituting the game system updates and determines the positions of the player character and the virtual camera in the game space. In addition, game images generated by the CPU and GPU are displayed on the monitor. The CPU and GPU then draw a first mark image of a specific shape on the image of a building object or wall object in the game image so as to inform the game player of the presence of the player character.
>[Effect] Based on this first mark image, the player can understand that the player character is hiding behind an object.
Yep, US does this too, even invades places.
Stay there
It's just turd worlders with no disposable income still mad at nintendo for targeting piracy and emulation in the past.
Everyone knew this lawsuit was coming
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>100% intentional plagiarism
>More dumbass tendieshits who can't explain the difference between a patent or a copyright posting their stupid opinions
Pokemon isn't a survival crafting game you autistic fuck.
>but the mons
Pokemon's are ripoffs of Dragon Quest's anyway you don't have an argument and you never will. You know it, I know it, Nintendo knows it, the anons in this thread and future threads know it. Step down retardnigger you're in over your head.
DragonQuest should sue Pokemon for copying their monster designs.
Digimon should sue Pokémon for copying their monster storage and capturing system.
Shin Megami Tensei should sue Pokemon for copying their monster capturing system
Monster Rancher should sue pokemon for shits and giggles
My reading comprehension isn't great, but it looks like it doesn't even have to be a shadow. There are plenty of recent shooters that do this but with glowing outlines
Software patents are fake and gay. I'm against anyone who tries to enforce them
>statemachines are patents
Fuck patents
SMT would sue everyone, you colossal retard.
>piracy and emulation bad
Fuck off back to facebook. I doubt even reddit would have your ass
Nintendo can reap what they sow
US occupies Japan, and Japan was forced to adopt westoid modeling after having the Marshall Plan foisted upon them, oh offended westoid. Palworld is not an American studio either, so why are you turning this into some nationalist argument? This is not much different from King having once upon a time try to copyright "Candy" and Candy Crush ironically just being a ripoff of Bust-a-Move.
i keep forgetting how old it is
and so goylems keep coping trying to pretend they have any relevancy
They had the same reaction to Genshin Impact & wanted to kill that company too.
>Marshall Plan
japan isn't in western europe, retard
No. Stop believing in made up shit Twitter tells you Daryl
Nintendo continues to show the world they are literally the most corrupt and Jewish organization in video games.

They make Epic, Sony and EA look like saints.
>Digimon should sue Pokémon for copying their monster storage and capturing system.
I know you're shitposting and all but holy fucking shit man, at least fact check.
Why didn't nintendo patent troll genshin impact over shit like climbing walls?
Money left on the table...
Japan can't stand the thought that the Switch is legitimately a sub par product. It's great for fun but it HAS issues. How much you wanna bet Nintendo hires a fanboy judge?
Digimon predates pokemon bro
>There are plenty of recent shooters that do this but with glowing outlines
Yeah, which should tell you that patents are nothing to worry about
Anon, when do you think the first vpet released?
>that shitty hollow knight clone
It was a veritable Marshall Plan with the same principal for Western Europe
>American people value AI (theft)
A. The game doesn't have ai
Palworld is fine. The company is working with Sony on a anime and Sony is going to go to bat to protect this investment.

Nintendo can suck my right nut
Isn't it kind of fucked up that companies like Sony and Nintendo hold all the video game patents and can potentially ruin lives and shut down any game they don't like simply by bringing some patents to a court room?
I hope this thing sparks some debate about the patent system itself, it's fucked up.
They mean shit like this
European forest shitters never stopped larping at being Roman, it's the core of their cultural identity.
China are a bit less cucked towards corporations though, if some real estate or pharma ceo flies too close to the sun then they’ll fuck up his whole life. If a game company pulls some bullshit in court to cover for their own stagnation in the industry then eventually Winnie the Pooh will catch on
Somebody did nintendo's job better than they could so nintendo is upset
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>Even if it means dragging your shit to other gaming companies
Anon, you can't even name another game company this would affect without showing how little you know about patents.
I like China for this, and Vietnam in particular, who will give the death penalty to motherfuckers trying to exploit housing and sub prime loan shit over there.
Nice projection, spic, but even your beloved Spaniards are more recently Visigoth dominated than Roman dominated
Just out of curiosity, what do you think this patent is for?
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>Nintendo isn't indie-friendly
We get the same amount of indie worlds in a year as we get Nintendo Directs. Indies games are also featured regularly in Nintendo Directs, something that cannot be said for First party games appearing in Indie worlds. E-shop regularly features Indie games and they allow literal slop on the platform; that's as indie-friendly as it gets. Nintendo has also worked with Indie games studio to make games on their IPs, giving them robust resumes for other companies. Not to mention that Nintendo is a recurrent client of PlatinumGames, Grezzo, Sora Ltd., and Intelligent Systems. Nintendo gave just these four Independent studios work on a yearly basis, something even two games a year. Literal Pokémon with guns slop does not represent or negate Nintendo's relationship with indie studios.
Why even reply to someone like that?
They wouldn't bat an eye if Palworld didn't become as successful as it did, this is the first time the Pokemon Company has had actual competition and they're buttmad.
Yeah fair competition. Copying someone's homework is cheating. Copyright exists to encourage and reward innovation and new ideas. Collecting various monsters in devices to do battle with them is obviously too general of idea for someone to claim temperorary rights to but palworld is making a point out of being a Pokémon ripoff so that might push it over the line.
Is this a copyright case then you ignorant manchild?
>They wouldn't bat an eye if Palworld didn't become as successful as it did
No, they probably still would have done it. If they found out about the game. Nintendo doesn't usually go for patents unless a company needs to be taught not to be patent trolls.
>Sony should sue Nintendo
>Atlus should sue Nintendo
>Square Enix should sue Nintendo
>SNK should sue Nintendo
>Capcom should sue Nintendo
>[insert company who owns x patent] should sue Nintendo
Wouldn't you think that the great patent lawsuit war would have happened by now, fag? Palworld is outlier and not one outside company is going to get involved because it does not matter to them. Especially Sony of all company, keeping the Zelda movie is more important to them than 'saving' some Pokémon ripoff.
They left temtem alone?
>not try to kill Palworld
So you want them to make even worse pokemon games to compete with. Palworld.
dogshit slop getting sued by pokemon
>he thinks they only copied the name
It's not even close to what's happening with Palworld lmao
Temtem doesn't infringe patents.
Bug people
Japs are right.
Palfags leaning on how much they like the game is irrelevant.
It's an asset rip plain as day.
You may not like the law, but Nintendo is well within their rights to sue.
>Zelda movie
>Palword anime
lmfao, be real. If Sony were forced to make a choice, they would drop PocketPair before you could even blink. If Sony gets to keep Palword after Nintendo completely guts it out, they'd be content with that. If not, they'll carry on with Hoyoverse.
>Sony can nuke the Switch at any moment with several patents.
Too bad the DSi released before they patented this. Meaning if they tried they would lose and Nintendo would rub it in by acquiring their patents.
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>heh.. i looked up your post history, sister. what now?
This is a clear copyright and trademark case cut and dry. Also proves that China does respect copyright laws since the courts ruled the company has to pay up.

Nobody has any idea what patents were infringed upon. Temtem maybe have but they don't have much money much like how you wouldn't try to sue a person who's broke.
Yes it does, every game infringes on patents in some way or another, it's up to the patent holder if they want to make a big deal out of it or not. The only reason Nintendo/TPC has for doing this is because they're feeling financially threatened.
I need this to happen.
Nintendo's hubris will be their downfall
They don't have a case at all so it makes no difference.
You are aware that it would backfire immensely right?
chinese company makes game about catching monsters in balls and making them fight other monsters, games sells twenty million copies in china and makes a bunch of money
turns out nintendo/gamefreak own all the patents associated with catching monsters in balls and making them fight other monsters
nintendo/gamefreak are now suing chinese company for using their patented mechanics and are trying to get that money for themselves
Kind of funny how people assume every game made is Chinese now.
>on the right
Same people who watch anime for free and read manga from leaked sources. The left side has some moral ground because they own it.
holy moly some of these tweets from the japs demanding an apology from pocketpair for being sued reads like some medieval khan shit
how ass backwards would japan be without american influence i wonder
Good, fuck it.
Turn gaming into a patent trolling cesspool.

Nintendo launched the first nuke, let gaming die here because of it.
It would create a big patent war and the legislators would be forced to restructure these bullshit patent laws so the industry doesn't collapse.
kill palniggers
The only thing that "american" gamers buy is madden and call of duty.
Without those 'games' Americas profit in videogames would be lower than japan.
think about the palmodders in loverslab, all 5 of them!
That's weird. They aren't getting sued for stolen assets. Say what you want about collecting evidence but they haven't been doing that. They would have had to be in contact with Pocket Pair in order to analyze the assets but they haven't been in contact with Pocket Pair until now.
People have been doomposting about Chinese economic collapse for literally decades.
That's why when people saying China is about to collapse it gets the "two more weeks" treatment.
Also, two more weeks is a reference to the Ukraine war? I could have sworn it was a reference to all the people saying societal collapse from the vaccine was imminent.
Licking Nintendo boots clean eh?
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To bring things back on topic a bit: it really is truly bizarre and interesting to see such a deep cultural divide between the reactions to this from westerners versus the Japanese. Complete polar opposite takes. It isn't just what's included in the OP. I went to the Japanese tweet and scrolled through replies, quotes, and others commenting, and practically everyone is siding with Nintendo and TPC and laughing at Pocketpair as if it were just common sense. Pocketpair is also Japanese so that just makes me even more confused, like if they were a western company I would understand why Japanese fans would feel less inclined to support them. It's night and day compared to over here where everyone overwhelmingly is siding with and supporting Pocketpair like it's the easiest decision in the world.

But what's the real explanation behind this? It can't be so simple as "literally all of Japan are Nintendo cultists". Is it our differing legal systems that's affecting JP fans perspective? I don't understand Japan law, so maybe Japanese people look at this with their understanding of their country's law and think "Oh yeah they're fucked lol"
If Nintendo starts exporting and worshipping niggers tomorrow to Tokyo all of Japan and half of this board will keep sucking their dick regardless, they can do no wrong ever.
No, no it wouldn't because that's not how patents work. Patents are for functions, mechanics, etc.
Not surprised. Only thieves would react strongly to laws regarding thefts.
The Japanese are most comfortable being subservient to a greater power. In this case Nintendo is a greater power than Pocket Pair
Asians are bugs. Karoshi, black companies and low birth rates are all supported.
Not even human.
or you know, they call spade a spade with no mental gymnastics
All publishers do that. Nintendo is known to leave 3rd party developers hanging dry when it comes to assisting in development. Microsoft is one of the better ones. Take a look at Cuphead.
You've seen what western tendiedrones are like, now consider that japan is nintendo's home country and it's obvious why they would drone even harder.
Pocket Pair is a "japanese" company with an office in china and a PO box in Japan
Their HQ is literally in Japan though
If someone sues you for using an UI menu or a save system in your video game what the fuck are you gonna do? There is a patent for every single system and mechanic imaginable, if you can patent throwing an object at a creature then you can patent fucking anything.
The people denying it are just gaslighting because in their view stealing from gamefreak is justified.
You seem confused. The nips are in favor of the copyright takedown.
How does that image correlate?
Pokemon is their largest cultural export. Americans act the same when you talk shit about fast food
yet no one else has triggered these patents before because no one else has so shamelessly ripped off pokemon
It's like the spiderman 2 swinging being patented, no one is ever going to accidentally recreate that unless they're deliberately making a spiderman game or clone
Japanese people treat corporations like countries of their own, they're structured differently from the west and expectations of both the company and it's employees are different. The salaryman being a loyal serf for life isn't just a meme.
Reminder that Nintendo hires Babel Media, an AI PR company run by Poos, to do marketing on these threads.
The people who bought palworld to stick it to Nintendo are going to end up paying Nintendo anyway LMAO.
Foe the last time it's not a copyright issue... learn to read nigger

Not true fast food is for poors and nignogs
>bootlicking chink corpo is ... LE GOOD
The Japanese actually believe patenting gameplay mechanics is good though.
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Palworld is DONE
Asians don't play retarded mental gymnastics over every little thing like westerners do.
Our culture is complete clown world.
Also this >>689378898
They did it better than the ones they supposedly plagiarized thobeit
aw shucks guess i'll give them a couple of my third world shithole dollars in exhange for a lifetime of unapologetic piracy
Pocketpair isn't a chink company it's primary a Japanese company that nintendo and push around in Japanese court.

Why do you think they never went after genshin impact over patents?
>If someone sues you for using an UI menu or a save system in your video game what the fuck are you gonna do?
Say it's obvious bullshit and countersue.
>if you can patent throwing an object at a creature then you can patent fucking anything.
You want to know the fun part, you can't. You can patent the way you throw it at a creature but you can't patent the concept of throwing it at a creature.
Everyone triggers these patents. The big guys don't sue each other because that just ends up costing too much for everyone involved. Have you seen the SM64 patents? Having your character perform different idle animations under different conditions is patented. You aren't seriously going to sit there and tell me no games since then have included that function
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I'll never understand why this website is so obsessed with Japan now.

What happened that made Japanophiles think they're welcome here?

/pol/ and /b/ don't care about Japan so where are these Jap obsessed tourists coming from and why?
Japs are the biggest consooomers out there
I think of it like this. Palworld only exists because of a legal technicality. As in "thus game is technically not illegal". Most people will view the plagiarism as technically immoral

Now, Nintendo is doing the same thing. They will destroy pocket pair on a legal technically. They obviously don't care about the patent shit, that is just their mode of attack against pocketpair.
Subtext, everyone knows why Nintendo has Pocketpair in the crosshairs.
They didn't seem all that keen about going after Temtem or Nexomon which are 1:1 clones of Pokemon gameplay wise.
Great ragebait, anon
Yeah you're probably right lmao
Patents are not something you trigger, it's the patent holder's choice to sue. Nintendo could easily be sued by Ubisoft for a multitude of mechanics in BotW, if they aren't sued by Microsoft first for having an inventory system. If you open this can of worms there is going to be war.
Nintendo's deliberate avoidance of pursuing copyright shows they've already lost that route.
you will never understand many things anon
Plagarism is engrained in asians brains
i looked thru palworld jp twitter. most of the jp replies to their previous posts about patches and stuff are generally positive, so it's probably just a bunch of rabid japanese tendies getting triggered at once and conglomerating on a single post
tendies do be cultists in every part of the world
Those games killed themselves. Why would Nintendo waste their time killing them?
I've never even heard of Nexomon that's how dead it is
Nintendo do hasn't made a good game in 5 years. A little more competition could be good.

Using laws to stifle competition in favor of incumbents is assured death of the competitiveness of an industry.
I don't understand, 6 posts from Japanese people don't represent them all?
>But what's the real explanation behind this?
Looking at the nip accounts the people against them tend to take in every piece of information and come to a conclusion.
Like pocketpair saying trying to play the "oh pity me I'm so small" after they got all these huge deals with ms and Sony. It doesn't sit right with them and they treat it like emotional manipulation.
A lot of them even know how patents work and that this won't actually snowball into into big.

In the west however, they just don't.
They get angry first and foremost and try to rationalize their anger by saying their target is a bully or wrong without looking into the situation or history of the two parties.

Nips = logical and reasonable
Westerners = terminally retarded and lacking common sense
Applying for a patent does not mean you have a patent, its patent pending meaning the idea is registered but its not yet decided whether this is a valid patent that is upheld but it might be
yeah bro nintendo suing a pokemon rip off for ripping off pokemon will totally cause a war where major companies sue each other
grow the fuck up you retarded tranny. Log off discord and go for a walk
It's a 'what if' scenario, did they not teach you about those in school?
Nintendo wastes their time killing random fan games nobody cares about all the time.
"Pal world got sued because its successful" is not an argument that holds any water.
I did not eat breakfast yesterday morning
what if you weren't an annoying retard
I don't need information to get angry
The Chinese made a Pokemon clone with character designs by AI, Nintendo after saying they were cool with it, used one of the many innocuous video game mechanic patents they own to sue them (Nintendo owns the concept of throwing motions)
Your rubber I'm glue
Westerners think companies are people and there's a right and wrong morality where "the small guy" must be protected at all even if they don't really deserve it
Nips think companies own their lives and "the small guy" who copies shit should get destroyed because the big company says so
>Nintendo after saying they were cool with it
>Is it our differing legal systems that's affecting JP fans perspective? I don't understand Japan law, so maybe Japanese people look at this with their understanding of their country's law and think "Oh yeah they're fucked lol"
They're just not fucking retarded, that's it.

The common consensus isn't
>oh yeah they're fucked
It's more
>okay? Why are you apologising don't you have more important matters?
>you've done a deal with Sony and MS you can't pull the small company card
>if you didn't want to get into it messes like this you should have made an original game
Who has the patent for pressing a button to make the player character jump on to platforms, or pointing a crosshair at a character on screen and pressing a button to fire a weapon at them and kill them
No one.

Patents are more specific.
No one, they're too generic.
the fuckin bear emojis, kek
Drew bearymore
They like using emoticons like that.
Brutal tweet right there
So by all rights there ought to be no issue with 2 games being about collecting monsters, since it's an incredibly generic premise and basically the only real xommonality between the two, seeing how one is a jrpg and the other an open world survival game.
I know, the passive aggressive smiles sends my sides into orbit
I'm going to be suing Nintendo for a gorillian dollars in two weeks.
>spend so much
They're a nation of hyper consumerism. Think it's bad when people meme about COONSUUMMMEEE but it's a normal thing for them. Also, FOMO with physical merch is a thing there too. Kind of funny since, last I checked, their economy is tanking.
why the fuck is pokemon suing a company that made a rip off of a game they weren't a part of (ark)???
What if Nintendo is only doing this to fuck over Sony?
Isn't this cancel culture thinking?
>person says something x person doesn't like such as racism
No, that's not how it works.

Is shit like the way the character will complete the action coupled with the prompts to do said action and the consequences of said actions and what paths stem from them.
If you want to understand look at the Totk patents or something
No, retard. You're thinking too into it. That's just how Japanese people communicate. They process what they see logically and then respond accordingly. Westerners would react the way you described because they are more inclined towards emotion, particularly outrage.
Japs are the OG internet cancel culture
>So by all rights there ought to be no issue with 2 games being about collecting monsters,
Correct but it's not about genre, it's about the specific function of a mechanic.
SMT and Pokemon don't share any non-generic mechanics so that won't ever be an issue, sane with Digimon, Yokai watch, DQM etc. Palworld on the other hand has had at least one similar or the same mechanic as pokemon and that's the issue.
I can't think of a single Japanese survival crafting game, never mind a survival crafting creature collecting game. Pocketpair is so far ahead of the game that they don't even know what to think, all they have to complain about how similar the designs are to Pokemon, they should be embarrassed.
Nips don't hold back ever.
>Anons shocked that the Japanese are the jews of East Asia
nigga they had people slice they own abdomens for less
>they have to be more original because I am more original
What kind of argument is that?
>but Timmy's mom lets him stay up until midnight. I don't wanna go to bed
I don't get these lawsuits, can't you just place your company in China or Brasil and completely forget about copyright laws? I know chinese don't give a shit about any of that and Brasil apparently doesn't get anything from nintendo anymore
>>if you didn't want to get into it messes like this you should have made an original game
there is no such thing as an original game. & palworld's combat system has nothing to do with pokemon's. it's like saying witcher3 should be sued because it includes magic & sword combat like skyrim.
these are complete non-arguments borne from corporate bootlicking mindset.
>Palworld on the other hand has had at least one similar or the same mechanic as pokemon and that's the issue.
Probably to do with out of battle capture mechanics bring similar in function to Legends Arceus or something, but then the battle capture mechanics don't work the same I think.
>Japanese are the jews of East Asia
That would be the Chinese.
developer skill issue
What is this palworld being chinese? Aren't they japanese?
does anyone even care what the japs think? they are a country full of corporate bootlickers with shit taste
Babel Media AI talking point. Just ignore it.
>japs don't want excuses
>they want results
>Kind of funny since, last I checked, their economy is tanking.
you really need to lay off jewtube anon, they are fox news 2.0 at this point
>its pokemon with guns!
>no wait its nothing like pokemon don't sue us
They're the exact same.
>Oy vey nothing happened in Nanking
Calling palworld developer zainichi would have been more believable
Pocketpair never called it pokemon with guns
Palworldfags falseflag and scream that they're Chinese to invalidate criticism by going
shilling tactic as old as time.
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Are you kidding? Did you read about Nintendo suing Colopl over their patent on fucking DRAG TO MOVE?
Saying you want somebody to be crushed by Nintendo for talking about how they're having fun with a pokemon fusion generator is not processing what you see logically
So Nintendo just chose to cause controversy before their new console reveal this month?
Asians are notorious bootlickers to be honest. Even SEAnigs are. They aren't built for capitalism. Their collectivist and inert nature to be faithful and loyal to people or groups that are on a higher social strata make them super defensive for things that they decide are precious/important to them, as long as they don't physically harm them.
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this court is in japan so they're probably fucked because no japanrse judge is going to fuck with Nintendo Zaibatsu and their Ninjas
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bing tendies are like parasocial relations at its apex
The Japanese side who are pro-Palworld thinks the Nintendo side consists of children
It's like a 30% faster Switch, it's gonna be a disappointment no matter what.
Not like the drones are gonna care
You can't own artistic flavour, dipshit. That shit will open and even bigger retarded pandora box. Capcom could sue TPC for that one pokemon that literally looks like Megaman and etc. This is the retarded shit that nintendo and TPC is trying to challenge.
Ah yes a turn based creature collecting game with evolutions, gym leaders, a league, fighting vs other trainers and a map with different towns and cities is exactly the same as a creature collecting game with base building, real time combat where you fight people instead of their pets.

Are you absolutely retarded? The only similar thing here is the creature collecting part, which would set a horrendous precedent for gaming. Fuck off bootlickers.
Does Nintendo have Yakuza connections? I feel like they are deep into it but I have no proof to back that up.
They literally copied the exact same patent dumbass
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If they actually violated Nintendo's patents, while being based in Japan no less, then they're the dumbest fucking company alive. Valid lawsuit or not, this is just the dumbest fucking thing to do given Nintendo's history.
No more or less than any other Jap company
its kinda funny to get that
>going to Paris syndrome
but from reading replies to a tweet.
i know the japanese are the kind of cucks that spend 12 hours overworking themselves in the office and then spend another 4 hours drinking with their bosses, but didn't know this overall attitude extended to brand loyalty.
>they used ai to fuse pokemon together and praised the result
>and called a product shitty
>therefore they must be punished
i can see the logic behind it but i would not call it rational or reasonable by any sense, their conclusion is based entirely on their own emotions
Yeah, thanks for proving my point. It's so easy to patent something so generic that they approved the same patent TWICE for different companies.
>it's an original game if you just ignore everything they blatantly stole from pokemon!
Asian took a different evolutionary path and let the woman select them by their standards. That's why they're effeminate with round faces and soft features. What makes it funnier is that japanese females are notorious for infidelity and they lust after western men for their masculine features and higher earnings.
At least US has an excuse on paper with the whole melting pot thing and taking the best shit from everyone if possible. What the fuck is Japan's excuse when they're the posterboys for the opposite
Based. No measure is too extreme if it means keeping goy slop off of my steam store page.
The westoid goylems will desperately try to shit on it regardless and the local market is happy pocketpair is getting a dose of gangbang by nintendo ninjas.
Honestly what do they have to lose?
You're a dumbass because you failed to comprehend this isn't about control patents at all. Jump in like a dummy and make a fool of yourself again andrew
They didn't approve it idiot
>companies sues over patents
>n-no, this has nothing to do with patents
truly retarded
>If it had original ideas and mechanics related to its monster collecting
using pokemon as base automation is a pretty creative combination already. Ark did it first with dinosaurs, but Ark isn't a monster catching game. combining that with pokemon mechanics i feel is a good way to move the monster catching genre forward besides just using them to dog fight and have picnics with
Nintendo lost to Shouzo Kaga, the creator of FE, despite him ripping off Fire Emblem in his own project. He later lost when the case was appealed on Kaga advertising the game as an FE entry. Pocketpair to my knowledge hasn't advertised their game as any pokemon like. Their reveal trailer included gameplay that's not seen in pokemon.
>moving goalposts because he got caught out
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>talking about specific patents
>brings up a different kind as a gotcha
Also if you reply I'll get saucy
They did. Nintendo got Colopl's patent invalided because they had theirs first.
Western side
>Hate any and every corpo, despite bending the knee to them
Japanese side
>Defend any and every Japanese related thing, even if they're in the wrong
What did they steal then?
Nintendo invented shadows....
>people talking about a gaming brand and medicine brand in same sentence
>redefining goalposts and accusing someone else of moving them
Nintendo and tendies are bitches. Nothing about palworld is taking from nintendo's money or harming them in any way, They are just being bitches becasue someone made a better game involving catching monsters in balls. I hope they are nuked again for some reason, specifically nintendo targeted with nucular bombs
>Asians are notorious bootlickers to be honest.
If they were they would be siding with pocketpair. Instead they're not really siding with Nintendo as much as they're criticising palworld for it's lack of originality.
>it's the same game if you just ignore everything they did different from pokemon!
Is the patent just for the tree?
Japanese are sensitive with plagiarism because they got buckbroken by the american during the 80s. They are desperately trying to wash away their image of being an IP thief. Copyright infringement and piracy is frowned upon in Japan
Imagine still thinking that copyright and patent are the same thing.
>catching monsters in balls
Thaks for proving it's theft
Man, the Japanese have REALLY been showing their true colors lately.
catching monsters in balls
releasing monsters from balls and making them fight other monsters
releasing monsters from balls and then riding around on them

Funny how all the other monster taming games don't have these mechanics and Nintendo hasn't sued them once, must be a coincidence
>japs can see its a copycat and admit it
why is that so hard westerners
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Rates don't lie. It's worse compared to 5 years ago. Improving but still worse
Which 80s?
>releasing monsters from balls and then riding around on them
That isn't in any pokemon game.
Because that shouldn't be illegal
I support pocket pair because I hate software patents with a passion. They don't nurture creativity or whatever bullshit the Xitterfags are pushing. They only lock away interesting ideas like the Nemesis system and interactive load screens. Software patents didn't stop us from getting dozens of CoD4 derivatives every year
just what are you talking about?
I'm talking about how dumb that it's possible to patent generic ideas and then I gave nintendo's control scheme patent as an example of a generic patent. that's the same kind of patent i'm talking about.
>Nips are strongly against that.
Pokemon did the exact fucking same thing you dumb fuck.
Maybe they would feel differently about it if they played it instead of judging by glancing at screenshots. The don't make these kinds of games in Japan, Pocketpair is really ahead of the game in a lot of ways. This all gets ignored because the cartoon rabbit looks kind of like the cartoon rabbit from Pokemon.
people have been saying "two more weeks" since at least 2016 vro
because westoids are soulless goylems buckbroken into hating nintendo because its japanese
Ideas are shared all the time in many ways. Nothing is taken, removed from nintendo. An idea has been used that was first used by nintendo. Many ideas and mechanics in mnay games were used first by someone, and expanded upon by others in other games. Many games have very many similarities. An idea becomes public once it is used. You have the respect of being the first, but you should not be able to own an idea. If you support this action of nintendo, you are bitch.
>Nemesis system
Its tragic that its locked behind some faggot patent and our hope is a capeshit game that won't be good.
Because a solid chunk of westerners don't have an original bone in their body.
Also I love nip twitter so much.
>Comparing it to jewbills when they have been trying to kill japan by hyperinflating the dollar for at least a year straight at this point.
>CH use 4chan to spam
What the fuck is wrong with the Swiss?
Was literally in the last 2 mainline pokemon games released
Japanese TV manufacturers put Zenith out of business by doing what Apple did to Xerox, asking for tours of their plants and then stealing all of their ideas, for starters.
the shame in these tweets
jesus, pocketpair, just move to the US
>catching monsters in cards
>catching monsters in cassettes
>catching monsters in spheres
Tell that to the million isekai's they produce that are the exact same except a small gimmick. Even the characters look the same
>They don't nurture creativity
They literally do. The whole point is to apply things in a new manner to get the same result possibly discovering a more efficient way to boot.
Westerns are immoral barbarians, no news there.
If you want to be pedantic so can I.

>catching monsters in balls
Balls are different from spheres, mathematically speaking. In Palworld you actually use spheres.

>releasing monsters from balls and making them fight other monsters
This is so vague it would never hold up. The combat isn't even similar, and in Palworld you can't even choose how your pet fights. In Palworld they technically fight by themselves.

>releasing monsters from balls and then riding around on them
No pokemon game has this.
It's almost like those stories are actually different and this is just westoid propaganda or something.
make same game but change it so you convince monsters to consensually join you using a hexagonal persuasion device, all good.
Anon, hyperinflating the dollar decreases its value compared to other currencies as the dollar now needs more to get the same as before. The fuck are you smoking?
Huh. You had me thinking there would be a lot. Pokemon took more from Final Fantasy than Palworld took from Pokemon. It must be a blatant rip off
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A lot of them are mad because Pocketpair discussed using generative AI for design inspiration. They're acting like Twitter artists.
>Maybe they would feel differently about it if they played it instead of judging by glancing at screenshots
Moat have played it, hell I came across a few tweets of people who haven't played pokemon at all who feel the same.
>Pocketpair is really ahead of the game in a lot of ways. This all gets ignored because the cartoon rabbit looks kind of like the cartoon rabbit from Pokemon.
Anon, it's ignored because they aren't. Their games are a hodge podge of various others making something not quite as good as the things they've copied. I mean, if you really felt that way you would have said how they're ahead instead of just saying they are.
And they'd be correct.
>he doesnt know basic jewconomics
But Nintendo suing Pocketpair for entirely other reason. Nothing about copying pokemon but about game mechanic.
i genuinely hope its just
>youre not allowed to use spheres to catch creatures
and they then rework the system and turn it into a device that you can staple into your arm, that you feed resources into, that lets you throw a virtual net that catches the pal.
also add inventory and pal management to the device while youre at it
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>This is so vague it would never hold up. The combat isn't even similar, and in Palworld you can't even choose how your pet fights. In Palworld they technically fight by themselves.
Why should Nintendo own that? Should Atari own jumping?
Apparently, you live in another reality.
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Isekai is a genre, not a story.
Digimon Adventure is an Isekai but you wouldn't say it's the same as The Eminence in Shadow would you?
No, it wasn't. You summon them from the ether, not by throwing a ball to make them appear to ride. It's completely different to how palworld does it
They proved that was fake and no one is bringing up AI again after that other than retards and /v/ pajeets. Stay on topic please.
the exact same can be said about palworld.
if you actually played palword you would realize it plays nothing like
>a child goes on an adventure to catch pokemon and beat 8 gyms with them. the b plot involves an evil organization thats gonna fuck shit up.
>releasing monsters from balls and making them fight other monsters
In Palworld you release monsters from balls and they act on their own accord. While they are out they will attack aggro'd monsters but the release is separate from that process
>apply things in a new manner to get the same result
You mean like Palworld does? So much for that
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The Japanese built up their industry with counterfeit, giving them the bad name and image of being a thief. This has persisted into the 80s when they reached the peak. It was at this time that the trade with US started

in 1982, the Japanese were caught trying to steal IBM design. From this point onward, The US has started to paint the Japanese as manipulating thief whose success in entirely built from stealing other people tech especially from american. This also lead to 1987, where the US government blocked Fujitsu from acquiring Fairchild semiconductor
Nobody makes survival crafting type games Japan, combining this genre with creature collection / battling is simply genius. They took the concept of Pokemon and unlocked its potential by introducing more mature themes, sure they copied some aspects of Pokemon but this game wouldn't really work without them. It's a type of innovation that goes right over the heads of Nipponese people.
i totally can't tell which one is dragon quest and which one is pokemon if you didn't tell me
shit's so baltent, did they hire the dragon ball guy for pokemon?
It was a joke about Japan getting fucked each century by American anon :(
If nintendo win, it is a bad thing for games. A game that many enjoyed would not be allowed to exist, a game that nintendo themselves would never make. It is a compliment to take an idea and make something else with it. "We love the idea you came up with of catching monsters, now we will make that into a completely different game that is unlike anything you guys would make yourselves."
>You mean like Palworld does?
If it did that then this wouldn't have happened.
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nta but you dont understand the point here anon
at least for me im happy pocketpair is getting raped by nintendo ninjas due to being chinks trying to pass off their goyslop as japanese
we are long past logic due to literally 2 decades of westoids trying to sabotage jp media
this is a "fuck you", plain and simple :)
>not be allowed to exist
They just pay em
>umm I have a really good cartoon idea about mickey mouse being a serial killer so I'm going to make it without disney's permission since they will never make it haha
Can't pay them if they won't make it. There are people still waiting for a new fzero but Nintendo still won't make it.
literal meme. they've been thoroughly squashed since the mid 2000s. they're more like mascots @ this point.
i always thought the anti-piracy themes of the neptunia games was just something stupid justified by in-universe plot shit but no the japanese really do believe it
What is Cuphead?
do not redeem saaar
>Nobody makes survival crafting type games Japan, combining this genre with creature collection / battling is simply genius.
Okay? That doesn't make it a good game and ark is literally just that anyway.
>mature themes
What mature themes exactly? Slavery?
There are kirby games that cover more "mature themes" hell pokemon does that shit better.
>but this game wouldn't really work without them
It doesn't have any of the mechanics that define pokemon at its core as it is.
>It's a type of innovation that goes right over the heads of Nipponese people.
It's because it doesn't innovate at all.
Cuphead used Mickey mouse? Afaik, they used 60s cartoon gfx style for the game. Not steal IPs/characters
Would you be defensive enough to actually make a good Pokemon game? The only threat to Pokemon is the people behind Pokemon not giving a shit about it.
something that "plagiarizes" the entire legacy of cartoons of that era, not just mickey
>lack of originality.
japs have no higher ground in this argument. their entire media is built around ripping off the west, primarily europe, & other asians.
it's funny this still happens with power tools, but i buy the jap ones cause the internals are made better and they're usually brushless
>If nintendo win, it is a bad thing for games
No, if Nintendo win absolutely nothing changes.
If pocketpair win them that changes what's allowed and gaming becomes just as copy and paste as palworld was for ark.
>he hasn't heard of frivolous lawsuits
(((They))) have succeded at that for almost a decade now my sweet summer child, maybe when you stop being retarded you will realize your precious japanese media is as american as it can be, pay attention.
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Palbros, our response?
>frivolous lawsuits
>from a company that rarely initiates them
Yeah sure.
the chinese are already there
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2 more weeks now bro
any time now
this time for sure
palworld is literally closer to rust than a pokemon game. it is only superficially similar
>copy paste
Pokemon already does that with each new game. Same with a bunch of other games. They don't innovate and just add more fluff to the games. They could just turn the pokemon series into a live service gacha game because it unironically works.
>everything stays the same but you get new characters!
Nintendo was literally built on plagiarism.
Donkey Kong is a ripoff of King Kong
Mario is a ripoff of Popeye
Link is a ripoff of Peter Pan.

The irony of this lawsuit is palpable.
That's nice. There were people saying it could take over a decade
Wow, the hypocrisy.
All those monsters have the same face. Kinda weird ngl. Like dressing up fallguys in random outfits
>They don't innovate and just add more fluff to the games.
Anon, what you're csllimh "fluff" is innovation, new ideas being applied to a series for better or worse.
It seems like you just want a complete genre change rather than actual innovation.
It answers questions we've often asked about Pokemon over the years like 'what if you could capture trainers?' 'what if you could just shoot this monster / trainer with a gun instead of fighting?'
Also I didn't say mechanics, I said aspects, like the general likeness to Pokemon.

All this seemed to go right over your head too, are you Japanese by any chance?
palworld is a wholly original thing, what the chinks are doing is ripping it off completely
not plagarism. There are no cartoon mice with red pants in that game.
So in your world, palworld should not be allowed to exist, and everyone who enjoyed it should juts go play ark instead? Only ark should exist as that type of game, and only pokemon should exist as a game where you catch cute monsters in balls, and no one should ever be allowed to make any kind of variation of those themes or interesting combinations that appeal in different ways? I would rather play palworld than ark, but no I'm not allowed?

It stifles variety, even if all the idea are from elsewhere, theya re combined in a unique way.
"Yo what if there was a game like this one but it had these things in it as well that would be cool" NO , EVERY CONCEPT MUST BE UNTHOUGHT OF BEFORE
Tendies truly are the most retarded specimens ever to be created. Neck yourself.
>Spend like a year insulting nintendo saying they won't do shit while the entire elevator pitch and marketing for the game was basically "pokemon but BETTER because nintendo is too incompetent to do it!".
>Get surprised when you actually get raped by the nintendo ninjas.
Pocketpair is a bunch of fucking retards.
I wouldn't say original. It's an almagation of different mechanics put together to get the result that is the game. Idk what the chinks did since I never seen it in action but knowing them, I wouldn't be surprised it's a near 1:1 copy of mechanics mashed together.
Palworld isn't plagiarism either

See the above post for what you should do.
>Mario is a ripoff of Popeye
Mario was supposed to be popeye before having his entire design changed to something that doesn't resemble popeye in the slightest. In other words that's not plagiarism.
>Link is a ripoff of Peter Pan.
Wearing a green tunic predates Peter pan and that's the only similarity they have.

Donkey Kong was supposed to be Bluto before being changed 100% to your mom, but it didn't matter anyway since king kong is public domain.
I know its like nintendo forgot that super mario ripped off pac-land, and the legend of zelda is the atari game adventure with a Peter Pan skin slapped on
>nintendo wont do shi-ACK
>speak words nintendo doesn't like
>get patent trolled by nintendo
why am I supposed to side with nintendo exactly? this is really fucking gay
Cool, and palworld designs aren't plagiarism either. What's your point?
>looks like a ark clone
so it's also a palworld clone?
Because you should be emotionally attached to the company that brought you a lot of joy as a kid, you owe them as much.
Illiterate fuck. Read the posts again.
>green tunic predates Peter pan
also has a fairy companion and lives in a village full of kids that dont age. Link even steals the whole fight your own shadow version of himself from Peter Pan.
Because they have big boots and they taste really good
>palworld should not be allowed to exist,
As it is? No it shouldn't exist purely because it's a shit game people latched on to further lowering their standards.
>and only pokemon should exist as a game where you catch cute monsters in balls,
Who said that? No one said you could make another game in the genre.

>even if all the idea are from elsewhere, theya re combined in a unique way.
Then it's not unique, they just infringed on patents multiple times without making original mechanics.
i think you've never played the first LoZ game
>also has a fairy companion and lives in a village full of kids that dont age
Anon oot wasn't the first Zelda game.
They did ball throwing before legends A though https://youtu.be/MCrOGclnXCk?si=ADIQiW6SUQL0INbe&t=32
They both wear green tunics, fight with swords, have pointed ears and reddish hair (earlier depictions of link)
You have no ground to stand on buddy, Miyamoto is a shameless hack who ripped off all of those characters and more, and he's spoken about his love and envy of those characters.

Nintendo has also knocked off games like pong in their early days. And copy modern games as well, see BOTW and Skyrim, except Bethesda didn't sue them, they helped them make the game.
Idefk. All I see are cgi scenes instead of actual gameplay and I never trust cgi scenes. Tired of gook shit putting out fancy looking content but the game is as entertaining as watching paint dry.
You couldn't have made a more clear screenshot?
You don't have an aiming mode in craftopia.
Alright smart guy how do they apply things in a different manner to get the same result for capturing and summoning pals?
Lmao, case closed before it began. Get owned tendies.
Now Pocketpair can sue Pokemon for stealing their mechanic
> its okay to rip something off if you do it in later games
kek, I hope tendies have their assholes prepped when the mouse comes for his cut
>They both wear green tunics,
>fight with swords,
Peter uses a dagger not a sword.
>have pointed ears
In the Disney version, not any other one.
>and reddish hair (earlier depictions of link)
The earliest depiction of link is dirty blonde/brown hair

You're still sitting at 1.
Looks like you have no ground to stand in buddy.

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