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ITT locations and objects in games you thought were absolutely a thing that did something,but turned out to be nothing
The green thwomp in mk64
this game is satanic
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The hatch in Byrgenwerth in Bloodborne. I still believe it used to be how the school got to the Pthumerian blood down in the catacombs.
Theres a decent number of doors like that in Bloodborne, like the one by the cleric beast.
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Please tell me I wasn't the only one
It definitely looks out of place but i guess the presents are supposed to catch your eye
The ice wall never caught my eye as a kid but I can see why someone would think there's more to it
black people in society
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I never thought about it until now.
It says "ETERNAL STAR" and I don't know how people still haven't figured that out.
>He doesn't know
what game
use strength on the truck to get mew
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I thought getting all melons across the whole game in Yoshi's Story did something like unlock a new Yoshi color or something but it was just a self imposed challenge run
That was crazy when the leak happened. We simultaneously found both that this plaque had nothing to do anything and just said "eternal star" but also found put that Luigi actually was in the game's files.
what game
I feel like this is one of the things where nobody, atleast I didn't, really gave a fuck till the internet said otherwise.
Like seriously, I didn't have much else back then. so I explored the shit out of this game and could spend hours just playing around with it, like fucking with the vulture.
But not this, nope, never cared, never even registered it as anything but videogame writing gibberish you saw in many N64 games afterwards.
Banjo Kazooie. Ithought it led to the Ice Key Room.
It's even funnier because it's probably one of the hardest things Nintendo themselves ever made challenge wise.
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Fado's house in Twilight Princess
I figured there had to be something in there only to later find out the devs just forgot to add an interior
I know if you do the melon bonus rooms in every stage and get a heart it spells a message. Like everything else in Story though that's all it does and it's useless.

You can also get a special stage clear icon if you gather 30 if one fruit. But it's only possible on stages with lots of shyguys you can use a heart to turn into lucky fruits. YS is fucking weird.
Pokemon is full of this shit.
no its masonic
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still to this day i dont get whats the point of this small island with a pole on it.
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That rock was actually part of cut content
A 1up mushroom and also 5 coins if you circle the pole.
>have two event legendaries: one an alien from space, another a fairy that comes from a magic rock
>have a space center with a magic rock outside
>has absolutely nothing to do with the legendaries, doesn't even do anything in the plot until emerald

what the fuck was gayfrig's problem?
is it actually possible during normal gameplay to get up there?
L was real 2401
You shouldn’t have told him. Zoomers can’t understand Banjo Kazooie.
Bigfoot in the forest in San Andreas
this is the exact same sign in Zelda OoT
Yeah, koopa shell, shooting yourself there with the nearby canon, spinny floaty jump after hitting the nearby flyguy, long jump from higher up.
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this thread reminded me of a rumor I remember from back in the day that said if you used enough fire flowers on metal mario you could melt him back into normal mario
the message isn't exactly related to the melons. There's a letter hidden in each stage that can only be seen while the heart effect is active, and it's positioned so that if you only eat melons it should be near where you get heart spawns for eating 6 of the same fruit in a row. But technically the melons aren't required or related, since there's other ways to get hearts
I think I saw some article saying that the secret message was found years but that's complete bullshit and it was mentioned in the official guide, which even had space for you to write out each letter as you found them
No it's just crap.
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I had this lingering paranoia in the back of my head that the hole at the bottom of the moat (when you fall off the vanish cap stage) would lead some place weird
Same with pic related
Also I can't be the only one who thought various circumstances would lead to boss fights only for them to just be decoration
Brings me back to when people claimed MM, Master Hand, etc. were unlockable. I also half pretended half thought that Wario was an unlock.
One that I never got was the goku rumor
I had friends who wholeheartedly believed that shit, and it's like why? he's not a video game character
That's what he said
I remember a friend trying to convince me that Geno (pronounced it as gii-no) and Wario in Melee.
Also told me there was a final world in Pikmin 2 where an all out war takes place and let you have as many Pikmin on screen as you could make throughout the course of the game.
This technically became true with the colossal caverns romhack
>Actually noticed that there was only one flickering lamp post in the entire Shadowrun SNES game
>Even after realizing that, thought nothing of it, just figured more effort was put into the starting area than anywhere else
>It turned out to be the craziest rabbithole ever and people only figured it out decades later
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you never got Mew?
do tell, this sounds juicy
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>tf2 ammo crate
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>Spend years speculating what eldritch horrors and untold treasures could be behind the boxes
>Actually just some e-reader content locked to the Japs
I hate that this and battlefield were never usable stages.
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All she fucking does is waste a slot that could be better used on literally any other class. God, they fucked balance up bad in EO5.
elemental chains are good, they just aren't the entirety of the damage build like links and chasers in other games.
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that checkered thing

also in ALttP: the pit below Ganon's battle room and one unreachable lonely bush in Zora's domain
Turns out it + the only item you have in your inventory at the start of the game (which has no use anywhere) are the keys to accessing the game's debug room.
IIRC ithas a wavy animation so it's just a pool with a checkered bottom
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Because it doesn't say that. It looks like kana mixed with gibberish
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>Brings me back to when people claimed MM, Master Hand, etc. were unlockable.
they were. Wirth gameshark :^)
Back when the internet was new (yes I'm old) and played this during original N64 release era I actually printed a supposed way to get luigi in this, involved getting specific stars and specific things. I was so pissed that I got baited
monkey paw
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This thing
>Noticing a odd one out light pole and using a certain item on it breaks reality
Reminds me of that old FFVI "guide" that had all of the fake characters in it like Mega Man, etc.
I got baited into trying to get behind the Peach glass, old game rumors were fun.
captcha: XDS0Y
Yes, they look nothing alike, as your example shows.
That reminds me. I got to Grunty's little board game thing and haven't played in q couple weeks. How in the Kentucky Fried Fuck am I supposed to get into that room?
Depends on the version. On 64 you need a cheat code (You can'y undo it though it's permanent). On XBLA you need to play Tooie after beating Kazooie and that unlocks the Eggs and Key.
cut e-reader content
Which in the end on XBLA it just gave you gamerpics and vehicle parts for Nuts & Bolts lol
Still cool they managed to implement it in some way though I guess.
Damn truck is the only truck in the entire game, it feels important.
No that's mario. Sonic is blue
>Actually just some e-reader content locked to the Japs
Fuck Pokemon every single game has some region lock bullshit.
E-reader stuff was in America. I remember getting one cheap back in high school. That room let you fight whatever trainer was on the card. They all had 3 pokemon. There were also berry cards that you could scan and swap out the enigma berry with, but you could only use one at a time.
meant to reply to >>689378030
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The Water in Noita. It is exactly as it describes, but the area is unsettling just the same.
Now that you mention it, I also thought that weird swimming pool had it's importance when i was a kid.
she cute though
Banjo is under pyro's mask
Now that's pretty damn cool
you're supposed to take the gold way above it and drain it into the water's room. Difficult since you auto collect gold on touch so you have to be pretty careful
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You know the Chalice Dungeons you do from the Hunter's Dream? It's all a dream. Byrgenwerth was built upon an excavation site, in which they found eldritch secrets. The real Pthumeru tomb is found through that trap door.
I have a multiplayer Mario romhack that works on real hardware.
My young son has no idea how good he has it, and will probably be called a liar about it in the future lmao.
Bigfoot in san adreas bros...
That fucking locked door in bloodborne
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Not only is it super hard to get to the top of the tower legitimately in Shadow of the Colossus, but even if you do, the only thing up here is a couple salamanders that give you health and stamina.
If a genie offered me the chance to sacrifice a small country for a version of this game with all the cut content fully realized, I'd take it in a heartbeat.
Yeah. "L is real" fags can suck a dick.
I was furious
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>Thought I was clever and shifted water to molten gold to circumvent the god's shenanigans
>You need water to convert it back into powder
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The mysterious hole in the castle that only appears on the title screen of Super Mario 64 DS
I forgot to mention that you also need to get water up to where the gold so that would never work. But that part is easy as long as you can infinite cast a rain cloud or something
also I completely made this up right now none of this does anything
Waluigi's in there, anon.
OP said "turned out to be nothing"
You didn't unlock Marty?
The box for Duke Nukem: Zero Hour in the UK showed multiplayer on the back, but I don't think it was ever possible to play multiplayer in the UK for some reason?
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For me, it was this fucking sign. I thought something bad would happen if I didn't listen to it, so I made sure Mario walked very slowly through this whole floor. In fact, it this might have been where I experienced unease playing SM64 for the very first time as a kid.
the actual explanation for this and >>689357539
are that they are artifacts from earlier builds. byrgenwerth used to be substantially larger before pieces of it were split into other areas, such as nightmare frontier; the door near cleric beast is in fact still openable with only a single flag being changed, and you can see the other side of it in the cathedral district
I did the exact opposite. I would jump around, do a bunch of groundpounds, and even turned the volume up trying to get a secret star or something
that's bullshit, but I believe it
They really should make a cut content version using the remake as a base. Just have an option to play the regular game or the cut content version with all the cut collosi back. It would sell really well.
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there was a ledge at the bottom of gerudo valley. Some asshole on some forum my brother saw convinced us that if you get link to "dive" onto that ledge he will break his neck. we tried so many times. We were retarded for trying
They are so weird
>introduce the god-like Pokemon in the series
>have an item with a special cutscene and way to encounter it with special music
>all you need is a special item that can be distributed online or at a local retailer
>never get it for D/P maybe for Platinum?
>nah screw America you guy can go download Arceust instead lol
Also speaking of cut content, did you see those threads where a dev (I think it was a dev) was dumping all this cut content and stuff that wasn't seen elsewhere on /v/? It was really cool. There is an archive of it all somewhere out there.
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Even though I understood that you could see all the levels off in the distance I never saw this as the airstrip from the beginning.. for some reason I thought it was the mushroom kingdom and I'd get to visit peach's castle if I did enough complex bullshit
I can relate. More recently when Odyssey was closer to release, they put Isle Delfino on the map promoting the game. Later they covered that area with clouds which didn't help. Still a bit bummed they didn't let us go to Isle Delfino in Odyssey.
to be fair noita is full of stuff like that
you won't believe the secrets they made until you read it on the wiki
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Don't become his lunch
The rock texture looking like jupiter always bugged mw
This is a soulful thread. bump
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i miss 90's-2000's playground rumors, datamining is cool but you lose the mystique of talking to or listening to someone think something might be important instead of now there being usually someone who knows or looked at somebody else and knowing the exact details.

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