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I'm going to play this retro game for the first time.
Recommend me mods to make it playable in 2024.
vanilla still holds up
Have you tried not being a zoomer? It doesn't need mods.
For single player right?
Perisno if you're normal
Gekokujo if you're a weeb
Savarnabhami if you like jank
Aux Caesar aux nihil if you're a wop/wop larper
Grande Armee if you like shooting things and standing in autistic lines
all the other big ones are pretty bloated and/or shitty, despite what others will say
also under no circumstance play Prophesy of Plendor it fucking sucks
I might try, thanks
Ok. Now go back to playing Morrowind, grandpa.
I was going to say I would try Perisno, but Aux Caesar looks gorgeous. Thanks for the list.
I second this. I dumped a good bit of time into the game vanilla. Capturing dudes and selling them off was fucking fun.
I disagree, Op should at least use some of the QoL mods like the one that makes cattle follow you.
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>this retro game
fuck I miss having boats
Perisno is pure slop.
Prophecy of Pendor is far better if you want a fantasy game.
it's as old now as daggerfall and 1st gen pokemon was when it was released
Pendor suuuuuuuucks
you're better off playing native it adds nothing of value
pretty sure he was being a retard on purpose to bait for (You)s
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Play the OG Mount and Blade with the Berserk mod
Holy jank kino
>first time playthrough
god I hate zoomers so much
is bannerlord worth playing now
>Perisno is pure slop
yeah that's why it's good, although I would call it schlock not slop
fuck that, cattle herding is part of the game
Prophecy of Pendor takes itself way too seriously to be fun, >>689358318 is right Perisno is where it's at
I genuinely believe this
desperately fighting against the game's busted mechanics is one of the best things about warband
>try to play lotr mod
>excited about it still getting updates
>"wait, where is the option to contact NPCs from the town UI?"
>retard fucking modder decided that you NEED to explore every fucking town in the game to discover the merchants and the recruiters
>alternatively you can waste 7 in game hours and invest influence to skip this incredibly important thing

why are ALL modders subhuman?
are there any good Game of Thrones mods ? Preferably ones with fleshed out essos and shit for maxim variety
no, gekokujo 2 isn't out and it's still the same
What if I want to keep vanilla but fix the jank?
just hold shift and you can teleport your guy to anywhere in the map anon....
its a feature in the base game
Gentlemen, may I suggest


Do you want bullshit 12th century Chinese history?
Do you want ballbusting quests that will make you want to kill yourself?
Do you want to conquer ALL of China, city by city, with your merry band of looters and murderers?
Do you want incoherent machine translation?

LOOK NO FURTHER. With upgradable legendary weapons fit for any playstyle (yes that means you throwingfags), you will endure hundreds of hours of playtime struggling to forge your own petty kingdom against historically-based asswipes employing 20 generals each like Lu Zhishen and Fang La. Enjoy all the chinkjank imaginable and more. Despite that, 108 Heroes runs stable despite clearly being assembled with glue and styrofoam.

Did I mention you can recruit EVERY one of those generals featured in the 600-year-old Chinese literature hit, Water Margin? Learn while you play, play while you learn! Grind fame for hours, annihilating hundreds of thousands of bandits to slowly, surely build up your army of unstoppable rapedestruction. Become a truly corrupt manager of cities who only retains grip on the kingdom through bribing his own generals with gifts, just like real Chinese history! Make China submit to your ambition, from the horsefuckers of Liao all the way down to the goatfuckers of Wu, from the camelfuckers of Jin all the way to the fishfuckers of Liangshan itself.

Yes, only the truly autistic can appreciate the 108 heroes mod. Are you ready to join their heavenly ranks, or will you remain a frog in a well?
fuck you
for first playthrough use dickplomacy reloaded or native enhanced. they're just vanilla+ mods you don't want any giant overhauls.
good giant overhauls that you don't want on your first playthrough are gekokujo(sengoku japan) and aut caesar aut nihil(nero's rome).
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>Recommend me mods to make it playable in 2024
Look no further OP.
Gekokujo is the best total conversion mod ever and plays better than the base game because there's no shields
Vanilla is fine.

I played a fun mod that added magic and dwarves and shit, that was fine, but the mod that I really enjoyed was the Star Wars total conversion mod.
what's some good mediveal historic mod
AD 1257
I have seen this image used outside the context of Mount & Blade so many times over the years. It's like the go-to Viking image even though they're not technically Vikings
Is there a good Mongol-focused mod?
I think I've put as much playtime into Gekokujo as I have into the vanilla base game. My only real complaint is that a lot of the quests take you to the other side of the map, and it's a big map. It would be less of an issue if quests weren't the cheapest way to raise town relationship to buy an enterprise there. The only other options are to own the town, spend five nights and 5,000 mon buying drinks at the inns, or hope there's a tournament and you can get five wins in before it ends.
>le epic bear and dino cavalry
No thank you, I'm past the 2006 lol so random humor phase
Pendor has some nice grounded horse mounts though, think I'll check that one out instead.
Dickplomacy. Be a Queen whore.
>fantastic elements in my fantasy game! disgusting!
Pendor sucks. It forces you to be a good guy.
try dickplomacy reloaded

also these but add 1257 ad to the list
Shadows of Twisted Time.
Is this the water margin? I would play it but the mod is in Chinese isn't it
I'm a simpleton and never managed to go far in this game.
I was decent in direct combat, tournaments were my main source of money, but commerce, troop management, politics and all of that stuff never worked.
It's a massive grind. The early game of M&B is always the best part. As soon as the game devolves into trying to corral your dipshit army into doing literally anything useful, it becomes a slog.
honestly just play vanilla then move on to bannerlord then realize it all sucks.
also, video games suck.
the only thing Pendor has going for it is the snake cult
everything else is so bland and tedious
I havent played in years but i remember brytenwalda having the most kino starting menu soundtrack
Asoiaf/awoiaf, forgot the name. The other one is worse.
Also you have to be good at the game and look up the guide beforehand because you're going to have to trade, so you need to learn the trade route. There's two guides, check one that's newer, by Sultan.
It's a genuinely great mod.
Play vanilla for a long time, then check out dickplomacy, floris or whichever mod rebalances vanilla, play it for some time as well, then check out total conversion mods about a period which you like.

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