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turnBASED chads
loser who betrayed RPG fans for the so called "modern audience"
ill never forgive yoshitpiss for killing final fantasy.
Final Fantasy XV killed the Final Fantasy franchise.
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Larian is poor as shit. Even SE's arcade divison makes more than them.
Swen Vincke attending these events in a fucking suit of plate armor will never not be funny to me.
It's such a massive gamble too, because it's pathetic and cringe if he loses but based and a power move on the competition if he wins.
ff13 did stop coping
BG3 didn't sell because it was turn based.
Ironically SE needs to understand this
they're not EO or SMT devs, people probably aren't gonna play their games just for the gameplay since they're just not that good at designing it
If their writing was actually good, which it hasn't for decades at this point, people would buy their shit and like it.
As it is FF is a very "uncool" franchise now
barry you dont care about turn based your favorite game is xv and flopspoken stop larping
>they're not EO or SMT
so games that sell like shit?
Larry gonna flip
Swens just having a great time, from 20 years of eurojank rpgs barely keeping the door open to being on top of the world in the span of 6 years
To be fair, final fantasy turn based gameplay has always being mind numbingly boring. The series are being carried by its aesthetics mostly and the interesting fantasy story, not the gameplay.
For me, the true evolution to FF gameplay formula, would be turn based, but with some action moments in them. Something similar to Southpark: the stick of truth.
The new real time hack n slash is almost as boring as the old turn based gameplay it had as a series
everything is relative to budgets.
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>to being on top of the world
to giving half of the money they made to hasbro and 30% to steam kek
The problem has always been the fact that FF combat has always been shit. There is a reason 4nigs got such a bad rep and it is precisely FF.
People didn't give a shit back then since FF always had cutting edge graphics and beloved stories/writing, but that hasn't been the case for longer than some of the underageb& faggots posting here have been alive. That's why FF is such a has been franchise now.
Imagine FF with a good system like SMT or FE, hell even DQ from all I've played (just DQXI) has way tighter mechanics and is more fun to play
turn-based is the more inclusive type of combat though, since even retards who are slow in the head can handle it.
What's ironic is that Yoshipiss has a proven successful FF formula on his hands (XIV), he just hand to adjust it to single player format, but instead he made some god of war copycat nobody wanted or asked for.
Owned by wukong lmao
Owned by wukong lmao

OP is trans
I just wish 95% of options mattered in final fantasy, random encounters die in 1-2 hits so why bother and bosses are just immune to everything besides maybe one random status effect you would never know about without buying the convenient strategy guide but also its still really easy anyways so who cares. Doesn’t stop the games from handing me 80+ spells and 10 separate abilities
White boy summer.
>I just wish 95% of options mattered in final fantasy
You mean gameplay wise? That would be good. The game needs some challenge anyways. Its piss easiness and its repetitive nature are what makes people to feel bored.
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>slopsona 3 reslop outsold tranny troontasy 16
>zoomers are seething because their low iqs can only handle button mashing slop
What a glorious past few months this had been!
15 wouldn't have sold as ridiculously well as it did if 13 killed the series. 15 is the one that finally made people give up and stop coming back.
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>>slopsona 3 reslop outsold
it sold less than rise of the ronin arcuiedGOD
>posts using le ebin zoom zoom funny cat of unknown origin
Common turnBASED win as always
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>only posting slant numbers
It hit 1 million copies sold in a week worldwide. Cope, seethe, and dilate.
>unknown origin
Hello newfag
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Feels like pure shit
I just want her back
XV shored up interest for the brand with its road trip vibes. Then you sit through the story...
I know what Neco Arc is from retard, way to miss the point.
Asian hag pussy
zoomers love persona thoughever
15 wouldn't be able to 'shore up interest' if 13 killed the series. Do you not understand? If it's dead you can't come back from it.
She helped write 16 and did side quests for yawnfail. Yoshitpiss is salty af everyone hated woke lemutt so don't expect our girl to take lead ever again just to spite us.
>It hit 1 million copies sold in a week worldwide.
While launching on 5 platforms. Pretty pathetic after how many npcs p5 brought in.
Why didn't Rebirth number go up?
The tranny zoomers do. The incel zoomers hate turnBASED because they only want to mindlessly spam buttons.
nobody wanted "road trip vibes" in final fantasy retard
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Without Nintendo, SE will always fail.
>he doesn't know
PS5 "sales" are inflated by PS4 numbers because søyny is afraid to admit the actual numbers and piss off shareholders. The only legitimate console sale numbers released are from Nintendo. >>689362086
>he doesn't know
PS5 "sales" are inflated by PS4 numbers because søyny is afraid to admit the actual numbers and piss off shareholders. The only legitimate console sale numbers released are from Nintendo.
Modern audiences are a meme, they believed that loud minority xitter hate mobs are going to buy their game
>my post doubled
That's a first
Sales too low to report.
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Only when Square comes back to Nintendo on their hands and knees, begging for help, will they stop flopping.
>ff13 did
Yes,the 13 compilation* (Fabula Nova Crystallis)

Which includes 15, as it was originally 13 Versus in development
Rebirth will be goyslopped up after it releases on PC and Switch 2.
Final fantasy XV is the worst FF game ever made
Not going to happen anytime soon. They're fully on board the AAA movie slop game train now. For some reason they think making their version of dad of sòy and the lez of us will make them rich.
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The most recent Final Fantasy was considered a banger by series veterans tho
No it wasn't, we all hated it laughed at you morons that praised it.
Zoomies don't like turn bases rpgs unless there is gay sex in it, japs lack this crucial bit of info.
Turn based combat is shit. I've got nostalgia goggles for the games I grew up on that used it, but it's boring, same thing with tank control games like the old RE's and Dino Crisis. Nostalgia is there, and I love those games, but those aspects of are the worst parts of them. I dunno why people try to pretend like some great thing was lost moving away from them.
I've been playing FF since I was 12, beaten almost every mainline FF, and 16 is in my top five.
You started the series last year?
yoshit PISS killed final faggotry
I do wonder why the fuck people keep arguing about FFXVI and XIV vs XV
in my mind shit hasn't even been worth playing since FFXII, and XII is already markedly worse than most of its predecessors

Yes it did. If it had been RTwP it would have failed.


FF is a failure on every level at this point. It´s not just the ATB but the generic looks, the abysmal open world management full of MMORPG tier busywork and all that too. Ironically the art design of XVI is not bad but the "realistic" execution killed it´s appeal. Even the generic anime look like Tales of Arise/ Visions of Mana would have been better.
Hi jay. Hi Fi Rush won.
>the art design of XVI is not bad
Yes it is. It has some of the dullest most generic character designs in the history of the series. 90% of each character's outfit is just black leather for some reason. That and the environments basically just range from overcast desaturated grassy field to barren desert.
15 had a decade of hype behind it.
People wouldn't get hyped if 13 killed the series.
Action RPG can be good but it's not something Square Enigs can make
So 1/3rd what FFXVI did on a single platform?
zoomers do not care about persona unless it's 5 and personafags didn't buy reshit
mainline FF's artstyle died with 13. everything after that looks like soulless """grownup""" dogshit for normalniggers
It died with crisis core and advent children you mean
Absolutely. Started with 4, eventually went back and played the others, have played every other mainline on release (and several spin offs). 16 has its flaws but is... It might drop out of my top 5 but it's definitely top 7. Might be top 5. Definitely not top 3. Tourists our hate on it don't even know they're embarrassing themselves lol

Like this guy >>689363481
I wouldn't hate a return to the Fantasy Fantasy. The sci Fi elements make the series very unique, but there's something about the raw fantasy entries that just ooze soul.
No that's 12. Hell I even enjoyed it as a game, but it was the point of no return for the franchise.
Hi Barry
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I've given up on ever having a traditional turn based Final Fantasy ever again and I hope Expedition 33 mogs FF16 in sales when it releases. A sad day when I have to depend on the French for a top quality jRPG but I'll do what I must.
I thought this was Babylon's Fall at first
why does the girl on the right be barefoot?
He didn't kill FF.
It's been a dying/dead brand starting with FF13 and progressively each entry afterwards.
Anyone who pretends otherwise just wants to themeselves that THEIR modern FF as "a good one". It was not.
>generic behind the back camera
>no towns
>shitty-looking overly-contrasty lighting and postprocessing.
>everyone wearing basically the same outfit
I think the premise is interesting but the game will likely be pretty mediocre.
That guy swinging his sword around to show off is dangerously close to hitting his party member, looks retarded.
The people behind this claim that FF8 is their favorite Final Fantasy so don't hold out any hope for it being good.
to be fair, larian turn-based mogs the entire catalog of turn based stuff from japan while actually feeling more like an rpg
nah, it looks cool actually
Yeah this game looks amazing. Also has Shart's va, so that's something. I love the active interactions during fights. I hate the battle menu though, they need to clean it up before release.
kek the redhead also almost necks the chick to her right. most jrpgs did this kind of stuff though, so it's kind of cool in a way
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timed exclusivity deals with bravely default 2, triangle strategy and octopath didn't do anything for them, SE needs to stop being fucking retarded funding hundred million dollar budget 10 year planned out games that could never possibly break even.unless everyone that was on fortnite and minecraft suddenly wanted to play a 'remake' of a game that was popular 20+ years ago
lol all they need is day1 pc. It's that shrimple.
FFX's turn-based felt really great, but then they only did it for a single game themselves (the Lord of the Rings rpg copied its mechanics though).

If you took something more like Larian's turn-based, and added abilities/turn-manipulation like FFX instead of the simple one-after-the-other same order every time like they currently do, it'd be fantastic.
They're both my role models
YABT (yet another bazztek thread)
Would you play a turn based top down Final Fantasy in the style of CRPGs?
Like Final Fantasy Tactics, but more structured like a standard JRPG?
I was thinking not grid based
We already have XII for that
Thats not really turn based, and controlling the whole party is kinda hard to directly do.
Everything after X has slowly killed the franchise. XI and XII were both good, but served to strip away the franchise's identity, leading to our current predicament.

You can only reinvent yourself so many times before you just aren't the same game that people cared about anymore. If XVI didn't have Chocobos or moogles, no one would be able to recognize it as Final Fantasy.
I'd be all for it honestly, but I imagine a lot of people would get mad if it was a mainline numbered FF.
A side title could work though
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>top : fag who sold his hairy ass to critical role
>bottom : fag who fucked gazillions of host bar fags
>It's just another episode of fag vs fag
I wouldn't have played it if it wasn't turn based
>She helped write 16
I don't think she helped enough then.
zoomer cope
The FF devs should just shamelessly copy BG3 combat and improve on it
XV won and outsold both redditbirth and woke16
wrong and she was literally on the DT credits the same way Maehiro was on stormblood's. She's busy making something actually worthwhile because they let her write the ending of XIV 8 years early
crpgs aren't meant to be turn based, they're supposed to be rtwp
Final Fantasy needs romanceable waifus, then it'll sell like crack cocaine.
Look at Purseowner and Fire Emblem.
you say zoomer cope but even zoomers bought and loved bg3 when they typically hate turn based games and prefer faster paced ADHD gameplay. the fact that bg3 sold well even to that audience is a feat in itself when all they usually play is shit like apex legends, cod warzone, fortnite, roblox fps, etc.
>Purseowner and Fire Emblem.
what about them?
No you secondary. The golden age of CRPGs didnt have much RTWP
Doesn't matter, all the good ones do
And what games are those? Genuine question. I always think of Infinity Engine games when people say CRPG.
>it's another middle-aged japanese salaryman outta touch with the fans.
...and then XV lost all steam after release, couldn't keep an audience to actually finish the story with the DLC so they cancelled the DLC, and later cancelled the multiplayer Comrades because people didn't like the game.
The sheer hype that caused those intiail sales followed by utter disappointment crushed the FF brand
The gold box games.
Baldurs Gate was considered something of a revival of CRPGs when I came out.
Literally one of the worst ways of doing combat
I like when people tell me what I think of a series I've been playing since the 80s. Fuck off.
13 and 14 did, really 11 did in a way. Online games should not be numbered
I see. Was genuinely befode my time so I need to move those up my backlog.
I used to play the shit out of the Krynn gold box games.
Never actually beat them, because I was a stupid kid, but I loved them.
I thought 14 was a golden goose did the well finally run dry
FF14 stopped being the golden goose when Dawntrail came out
FFXIV wouldnt have lived to see 2.0 if it was merely called Final Fantasy Online 2
>I thought 14 was a golden goose did the well finally run dry
Recent news have shown that the MMO is responsible for 65% of their money, with mobile at something like close to 35%.
The singleplayer games are something really bad like 0;5%
Incel zoomer here, just got done playing chrono cross. even made a thread about it yesterday
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Yoshit PISS abandoned it after he launched Endwalker without telling us

They need to send him back to the XIV mines before the goose croaks
xiv sucks, I'd rather get better versions of xvi
>It's been a dying/dead brand starting with FF13
Incorrect, the exact turning point was allowing Sakaguchi to create Spirits Within.
Obsessed retard
>FF16 flopped twice
>People comparing a CRPG to 4 Niggers in a line slop.
The fact rebirth did WORSE than FF16 just proves no one actually wants "traditional FF" anymore.
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XVI killed the series after XV saved FF

XV has higher average fan reviews than XVI
XV won over 10x the amount of awards as XVI
XV sold over 3x as much as XVI
XV has 500x the amount of fanart and fan content than XVI
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hifislop is officially confirmed to have flopped in sales/financially
if XV saved the franchise it wouldn't have died from a single game
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versus had no hype on par with a mainline ff, it was a ff13 spinoff
XV sold based on its own merits from what tabata showed from 2014 onward and it kept on selling long after release
most people who bought xv have never even heard of versus xiii
Rebirth is not a traditional FF, it's a modern FF raping a traditional FF story
>legendary director Yoshi-P makes main FF title
>said game contributes less than 1% of company profits
>decides to go back to his XIV safe-space

Another prove that some MMO and gacha prints money only because they exploit the mentally-ill.
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xv has the same art director as 7 and 8 and 10

only ff14/16 has dogshit art direction that doesn't look like ff
no ff14/16 killed ff under yoshitpiss
I knew Microsoft was lieing through their teeth, fucking gamepass shills
>I hope Expedition 33 mogs FF16 in sales
Doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to do
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xv literally kept on selling better than any ff did after release what the fuck are you talking about retard

it finished its story at launch
2 years after release they greenlit a non canon alternate timeline "what if" dlc which only got canned because tabata chose to leave SE and SE didn't wanna do it without him and so just the ardyn prequel bonus dlc got made due to fan demand
comrades release in 2017 and got content updates for 2 years which is longer than SE ever planned to add content to it you retard
more people played comrades than fucking shadowbringers
XV won more awards at launch and has higher user reception from base game than ff14 or ff16 have you retard

ff16 stopped selling in week 2
XV objectively has the strong sales legs in the entire fucking franchise and won more awards than ff14 and ff16 combined, and has higher fan reception than ff16 or ff14 too

what the fuck are you talking about
it never was
xivtroons gaslit people into thinking it did well when it did fuck all

it has only sold 1.45m lifetime
Yeah yeah, we get that you are gay and love the homo FF but that doesn't mean it was a good game
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You cannot kill him.
He is Omega.
no it shows that ff16 and 7r2 cost do much that it tanked HD games profitability
on regular FY up until the fy ff16 released in the hd games sector has historically outperformed mmo
FF14 is how square makes its money
you're just using him as a scapegoat for Square being shit
XVI was that bad
Also the most recent FF before XVI released was XIV endwalker so XIV and XVI killed FF
...and then XV lost all steam after release, couldn't keep an audience to actually finish the story with the DLC so they cancelled the DLC, and later cancelled the multiplayer Comrades because people didn't like the game.
The sheer hype that caused those intiail sales followed by utter disappointment crushed the FF brand

You can't completely ignore that it fell off incredibly quickly to where they had to cancel everything associated to XV. XVI being shit doesn't mean XV didn't hurt the brand.
yoshitpiss isn't even a director
on ff14 he has assistant directors who are the actual directors
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Look at all those menu simulators above FF. Oh wait.
how is an mmo expansion a game exactly?
XVI and XIV are the only FFs with canon gays
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why do the bad guys look so cool?
mobile is
ff14 makes fuck all year over year
most of ff14 money just goes back into ff14
nothing is left to be used elsewhere
Mobile was close to 35%.
FF14 was 65%.
xv literally kept on selling better than any ff did after release what the fuck are you talking about retard

it finished its story at launch
2 years after release they greenlit a non canon alternate timeline "what if" dlc which only got canned because tabata chose to leave SE and SE didn't wanna do it without him and so just the ardyn prequel bonus dlc got made due to fan demand
comrades release in 2017 and got content updates for 2 years which is longer than SE ever planned to add content to it you retard
more people played comrades than fucking shadowbringers
XV won more awards at launch and has higher user reception from base game than ff14 or ff16 have you retard

ff16 stopped selling in week 2
XV objectively has the strong sales legs in the entire fucking franchise and won more awards than ff14 and ff16 combined, and has higher fan reception than ff16 or ff14 too

what the fuck are you talking about

XV kept on selling long after release better than any FF in history

XV sold 10m in 5.5 years
FF7 took 12 years to hit 10m
FF10 took 15+ years to hit 10m
No other FF has sold 10m
It seriously baffles me how Square, when seeing how low budget games like Octopath, made a lot of money on the Switch, they didn't keep making more instead of burdening themselves with waste of money AAA games that didn't sell anywhere close to what they needed to break even.
They would be coasting right now had they made a lot of low budget RPGs for the Switch.
ff14 xpacs are equivalent to a ff13-2 or ff13-3 or ff10-2 release, they are essentially sequels with AAA budgets and years of dev time given to each xpac
Lost Odyssey also uses X's combat. But Lost Odysseys encounter design and balance is worse (piss easy game)
Name them
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kek ez as fuck
in the recent fy where ff16 flopped and a bunch of mobile shit recently ended service only

in years prior hd games has always been above mmo and mobile reigned
ff14 still makes fuck all
lmao, thanks chet
>and a bunch of mobile shit recently ended service
that's every fiscal year, SE's mobile department is a complete joke
>If you took something more like Larian's turn-based, and added abilities/turn-manipulation like FFX instead of the simple one-after-the-other same order every time like they currently do, it'd be fantastic.
isn't that just Trails in the Sky's combat system? also i think Grandia is like that too.
takai on arr and hw
A baldur's gate style approach to FF would be fun for four niggas in a row. The tactical nature of WRPGs is great. It's not like JRPGs can't do it since I understand FFtactics did it (Never played). I liked how playing DO2 or BG3 felt like medieval Xcom to an extent.

I dogeza to Japanese fujo superiority when after Ishikawa I picked up guin saga, made by one of the founders of the modern yaoi scene, and found that some charming little japanese nerd created one of the best Conan patisches I've read. Sadly only the first few vols, the rest are untranslated. I need to go see if there's a place where they have been translated.
So 10 years ago he had 1 assistant director who went on to direct 16
>AAA budgets and years of dev time
I don't think you know what game you're talking about, XIV is hardly even AA and gets about as much dev time as trails games do
I didn’t even bother with 15 and I bought 13 on release date like a loyal fanboy retard
Lol what cope is this and where i can get some? Everyone knew versus
xiv doesn't have gay characters
>but that one side quest from arr
was the localizers going behind japan's back.
>but horsefart!
Isn't gay

Now that being said, I fully expect SE to let kate add some bullshit to the game because SE is going broke and when a company like SE goes broke, they get woke in a desperate attempt to get money.
in the last year the shut down more mobile games than in any prior year, especially global stuff for their big mobile releases lile FFOO and FFRK and most recently FFBE
This is some serious denial anon.
A normal functioning person is able to recognize issues with games they like, not make easily seen to be incorrect excuses.
FF7 and FF10 budgets were a fraction of FF15 so they made way more money than FF15
XV sold so well they had to shutdown comrades and cancel the DLC
Okay. So barry is doing his xv cope in this thread it looks like
takai directed 16 when sb started dev and sb onwards had a different assistant director

yoshitpiss is just a producer PR con man who has never directed a real game
calling RK a big release is exactly why I call their mobile division a joke
the sad part is, if a japanese studio made a game anything like Baldur's gate 3, the west would hate it for all the pervy shit in it, and steam would probably try to ban it from being sold.
Latest expansion is kinda bad and the game suffers from chronic content stagnancy and gameplay simplification
>different assistant director
Name them. Takai left in 3.3.
The wizardry games are proof that you can have an interesting combat system in a classic jrpg formula.
Hell dqxi managed to be interesting but only in the endgame. 95% of the rest of the game was just mindless "use strongest attack"
Still made incomparably more money than FF16 and Rebirth that only lost money instead.
XIV has 300+ devs, xpacs are AAA ordeals with years of dev time expensive visual works CG cinematics, a fuckton of advertising and multiple physical events

the fact that they're shit is because cbu3/cs3 are just shit devs

ff13-2 and lr and ff10-2 had the same amount of dev time as any ff14 xpac

they've all taken 2 years minum, some 3, the only reason they're relatively quick compared to single player games is because ff14 looks like dogshit with less effort put in visuals
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ff13 killed it. pink haired women with her nigger afro haired sidekick.

one of the early times where i was just sitting there wondering who the fuck this game was meant for
>XIV has 300+ devs
nta but I don't believe that.
the cg is literally outsourced to gooks you dumb monkey
hey now , the party also had the Australian lesbians, and a middle aged homeless guy who was trying to fuck lightning's underaged sister.
didn't final fantasy vastly outsell BG3
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Spider-Web Software games.
I don't get it. Why won't SE just go multiplat? I mean, look, even if they're still hesitant to go PC, at least put shit on the Xbox. It can only increase their total revenue.
No, they fucking didn't idiot

the only versus 13 trailer SE ever uploaded had only 2 million views over 5 years on youtube when FFXV released compared to multiple FFXV trailers in 2016 alone with 2-3 million views and the TGS XV 2014 trailer with 4 million in 2016

no other versus 13 trailer was officially uploaded by SE until 2011, everything for versus from 2006 to til 2011 was behind closed doors/press only stuff/ released on japan only Cloud fan magazine with a dvd with some trailers on it at a time when youtube was barely even a blip

versus had no more hype than kh bbs did
Fallout and Fallout 2
bg3 "sold 22 million copies"
>according to the dutch embassy in hong kong
>after 3 years of early access
i wouldnt know, i didnt buy it and have never played it
yoshit PISS failed us
Yes it does. You!

The only one in denial here is you.
XV has literally outpaced every FF in history sales wise.
but they said BG3 only sold 5 million, how many did final fantasy sell?
The entire series?
Of course.
Or are you asking about a specific title in FF? Then it depends.
finally on muh youtube views cope huh
>had no more hype than >the KH2 secret movie game
megaretard shit
>No u
Good one.
Facts don't care about your feelings anon. It's a fact that XV fell off, had all its DLC that finished the story cancelled, and had its multiplayer mode removed and cancelled.
What isn't a fact, but is guesswork based on the facts we do have, is that this did severe damage to the brand.
you missed out on a fun train wreck, also i didn't buy it either, but i had a friend who was stupid enough to so i played his copy.
No they weren't.
FF7 cost $140m
XV cost slights less than that
FF10 cost more

XV did so well it got a whole 2nd year of dlc greenlit because the first year did so well, then 5 months AFTER THAT HOT GREENLIT Tabata chose to leave SE and so SE cancelled that non canon bonus DLC, comrades is literally still live you retard and it got all its content released too and bonus year worth of content added
Then episode ardyn got made solely due to fan demand

Do even a modicum of research you faggot
The story in Dawntrail is universally panned. It's bad enough that even places of toxic positivity (Reddit) had to enact policies to stymy criticism. If you give me a game you like I'll try and contextualize how much they shit the bed, but one easy barometer is every single interview with Yoshida during Gamescom was centered on the negative reception of DT and him offering carrots of what the future might be.

Oh, if you liked FF13 then just think of the lightning-poochie favoritism she got and dial it up to 11.

As for final fantasy I continue to ask if Ocotpath did as well on sales as I heard it did. Because if it did then clearly a lower effort turn based 4 niggas in a row game can do fine. They are just getting too ambitious and trying to become some AAA God of war company.
XVI flopped lil bro
XV being a massive success isn't going to suddenly mean XVI being shit didn't harm the brand irreparably
rigged by trannys and bear fuckers. its not over yet
How the fuck isn't it? They also shut down ff7 first soldier
their mobile division has carried SE for over a decade, only recently has it faltered became of more bigger releases ending
if FF 16 flopped then so did BG3
barry is having a melty about xv again

look at the credits
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>$15M in the red >>689360434
oh nonono explains all the shilling for their dumb mod patch
it's more one long, sustained melty that's been going on for years
Name the multiple assistant directors
The CG is done by SEs in house CG department visual works you fucking retard holy fuck how are you faggots breathing
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If only S-E could get Tencent to buy out awards for them too
Not even buy out awards, resurrect disgraced western awards shows and then invite them to china to make them give you awards for your shitty dnd game
So how the fuck else are they gonna know about versus you fuckhead? ign? neogaf? don't make me laugh
barry won
yoshida cultists lost
Forspoken flopped
Real talk I would do some of the npcs in forspoken
Only a few that have almost no plot points though
I will never understand why Square Enix refused to bring back CTB from FFX despite everyone really really liking it. Then again this is Square Enix that I'm talking about.
XV sales have objectively the strongest sales legs in franchise history
you can cope at reality all you want
The canon dlc for xv all released in 2017
it sold so well a 2nd year of dlc was announced being a non canon alternate timeline bonus dlc, and the survey winner was the ardyn prequel, because tabata chose to leave SE in 2018 SE then only canned the non canon alternate timeline bonus stuff while the ardyn prequel got made because of fan demand for it
comrades is literally still live and fully playable single player and always has been entirely doable single player

you coping and making shit up won't change reality
you can literally go download comrades stand alone on ps4/xbox right now and play it in its entirety
stupid faggot
Square Enix could make a competent ARPG if they just decide to spend time to refine it.

BG3 didn't came out of nowhere.
I love square enix threads. It's always two schizos arguing about which shitty game flopped harder.
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ff16 sold less than bg3

xvi flopping mindbroke you
See >>689385035

ff16 flopped harder
well only ff16 flopped

you've been on damage control for over a year since xvi flop was first announced
This is sad barry
>trying to weasel out of a bold faced lie
Brother you know that the Guin Saga books were fan translated on Something Awful until 2004 and then the translators moved to /a/ and continued their work right up until 2009 or 2010 whenever the author died? I have't used /a/ in like 15 years, but the board used to have an entire website dedicated to archiving all the light novels they translated. I don't know if it is still around but it was called something moon.
>BG3 didn't came out of nowhere.
You're aware that they had two other turn-based games that came before BG3, aren't you? Turns worked the same way.
literally still there and is a single player DLC with the capacity to be done with multiplayer, not just multiplayer only

Why even lie?

ff16 sold more than BG3 did in 3 years in early access at release
>ff16 flopped harder
How many copies did Forspoken sell?
as always
What's sad is you have no argument.
Why would anyone make a game bad on purpose though
The argument was made that you completely ignored for delusional schizobabble.
Simply telling yourself "they have no argument" doesn't change the facts. Facts dont' care about your feelings.
>Main Development Staff: Assistant Director Team
>Lead Game Designer Nobuaki Komoto

They literally have an entire section of stormblood called assistant director team you retard

That is my point. SE could have improved their flawed combat system scraping it all together for something new and flashy. BD1 had a cool system but there is so many signs that it needed time in the oven. Then BD2 used an ATB system.
ff16 sold less than every mainline FF

BG3 sold like 15m which is more than ff7 which is the highest selling ff

FF16 is still at 3m

more in relation to its budget than ff16 did in relation to its

All SE said about forspoken was that its sales we're "lacklustre", they didn't say anything about it

SE straight up stated FFXVI did not meet expectations
Did you not play the other bravely game, the one that's a direct sequel to BD1?
BG3 sold 5 million according to tencent, that's probably how much FF16 sold
forspoken was in development for longer than XVI and had a larger budget thoever
More on steam than ff16

What argument did you make? You were BTFO

No other FF sold as much as XV did as quickly as it did
The CEO of BG3 studio stated bg3 sold twice as much as divinity original sin 2 which sold 7.5 million, so BG3 sold 15m

FF16 is still at only 3m

FF16 was in development since 2015 and is the most expensive FF ever
forspoken only started in 2019 and cost nowhere as high as FF16 cost
>You were BTFO
This is some serious self-delusion you're displaying barry.
Tencent said BG3 sold 5 million, Hasbro said >6. Larian said nothing
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Are you fucking delusional?

FF16 started development before FF15 released.
Forspoken started development in 2019.

FF16 cost more than double what Forspoken cost, SE stated FF16 did not meet expectations, if Forspoken cost as much as FF16 then it would be reflected in the market and OI, XVI cost more and flopped harder.
xvi flopping really mindbroke you huh xvi-kun

>The title, as revealed by Swen Vincke, the CEO of Larian Studios, has sold about 15 million copies.
>March 23, 2024
>Speaking to GameSpot in recent times, the CEO of Larian Studios — Baldur’s Gate 3 developer — while focusing on the RPG’s overall success, has confirmed that its sales are nearly double that of Divinity: Original Sin 2, which was earlier clocked to be somewhere around 7.5 million.

>Skip to 1:52 in the following video to catch Swen in action.
Forspoken is Agni's Philosophy, if you count XVI's drafting stage as development then Forspoken was in dev for almost 14 years
No it isn't you fucktard, and Agni's is isn't even a fucking game it was a Luminous engine tech demo
Nobody who even worked on the Agni's Philosophy tech demo even worked on Forspoken either
I don't think "Haizafa Khan" knows what he's talking about and you probably shouldn't use some paki website as a source
>xvi flopping really mindbroke you huh xvi-kun
I just said that XVI being shit doesn't make XV magically not something that damaged the brand.
In case you're confused, that is directly implying that I'm saying that 16 is bad.
Your delusion is causing you to believe that anyone pointing out facts to you must mean they're trying to defend 16.
The source is gamespot interview you dumb poo
I didn't actually. Thanks for the tip, I'll try and ferret it down. I only was able to read the first few...chapters? I dunno. Basically Guin met the little weird tribal hobbit people, they beat the baddies, he humiliated some dame knight and that was about it.
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XVI flopping REALLY mindbroke you holy shit

XVI damaged the brand
XV saved the brand from XIV damaging it
XIV damaged the brand

XV has more awards, higher user reception and better sales than ff16 and ff14
stop coping
can you timestamp where the known liar says that DOS 2 sold 7 million copies?

>He doesn't
>no reading comprehension
>I'm saying that 16 is bad
>XVI flopping REALLY mindbroke you holy shit
you're fucking retarded dude
giving the win to other anon, you're clearly not working from a place of reality
No, but I'm aware of Bravely Second. I'm just saying.
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Swen is retarded. He closed the most idiotic business deal ever and even had to sell 30% of his company to China. He also literally had to pay Hasbro well over 100 million dollars just to put a Baldur's Gate skin on DOS 3. WTF was he thinking?
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Eat shit, turn-troon.
I'll always find it funny how SE threads always devolve into shitflinging about which shitty game of theirs is worse, when it's all shit from the getgo.
Like crabs in a bucket pulling each other down when you're all getting cooked either way
Well that's not true, he didn't "have to sell" anything.
He sought out additional funding because he wanted to expand their personnel to be able to handle an actual AAA game instead of the AA stuff they've done in the past.
Can say this is a good or bad decision, but there was no "forced" to do anything.
Nomura is the Time Jannie hack
Tabata was a literal PSP developer
YoshitPiss is the MMO Guy

Final Fantasy was doomed from the start.
i dont know why squeenix keeps chasing action combat.
It is clearly not working, FF7R is the closest they've gotten to making a decent action combat game but honestly it's just real time with pause. At its core it's the same style of combat that KOTOR 1 and 2 did ages ago, except this one has like 5 bloated systems under the hood.

Squeenix needs to be afraid, they dont have anything but niche IPs and they're doing their best at making the core fans of their biggest IP not give a fuck about it.
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Swen didn't realize that he is retarded until it was too late.
i'm so tired of these thinly veiled FF-hate threads, find a new hobby.
/v/ is fucking cancer and FF games are still good.
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Barry spams at least ten FF hate threads every single day, because he is mentally ill.
Barry, why the fuck do you keep ignoring the movie? The massive marketing? XV may have 'cost' 140M to develop, but that movie probably cost them 20M+ in casting alone. The marketing budget was likely 2-3x development. XV is probably one of the most expensive games Square has ever produced due to the nonstop onslaught of outside materials.
Because of KH2.
>what do you mean?
KH2 has near universal praise for its combat system. The main thing the game is critiqued for is the level design being pretty dogshit outside of the Cavern of Remembrance in KH2FM due to the design of levels being forced to compensate for the possibility a player never leveled a single drive form during their entire playthrough. But KH2's massive success and praise for combat has made Square endlessly chase it, but never even come fucking close to replicating the systems at play.
>expensive visual CG cinematics
That gave me a hearty laugh. What cinematics does 14 have aside from the opening? You mean those epic cutscenes where two npcs flail their arms up and down while having zero expression in their face?
This retard schitzoposting aside, noone has been able to adequately explain why I'm supposed to hate Tencent yet.
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>First anon says nothing bad about Tencent
>Second anon starts crying anyway
Yeah but most of us have been here since long before Dawntrail so we don't spaz out a bad main MSQ (4.0) and pretend it's the end of the world. That's only newfags and chronic detractors who are aching to see XIV fall who will inevitably be disappointed when it doesn't and retreat into their fantasy world pretending it actually did.
Stormblood was not as bad
Yeah it was, and Lyse was just as hated.
You can keep pretending "IT'S OVER IT'S DEAD WE WONNED!!!!" all you want, but the fact is that not many more people left after finishing the MSQ than usual, and it's far from the death blow you're praying for. Worse still, people have inversely been super positive about the content so far and the promise of content to come.
Oh look it's the retard who spends every single night, EVERY NIGHT, for the past 2 and a half months trying to push the revisionism that Stormblood was bad, let alone worse than Dawntrail.
You want me to post the archived threads or will you just admit you suck dick and go back into the shadows?
>Yeah it was, and Lyse was just as hated.
No, it was not, and Lyse was and still is a better character.
Huh? I thought they'd be in the multi-hundreds of millions off the back of BG3, the fuck happened?
Lyse was just as hated and Stormblood was just as bad (worse, actually)
>Yeah it was
No, it was not. Not in any way.
>and Lyse was just as hated.
Lyse was hated, but no not anywhere close to as hated as Wuk Lamat. Every sin Lyse committed, Wuk commits 10 times over.
I don't know why you insist on coming here and lying about this every single fucking night. Do you honestly have nothing better to do but to lie to protect your waifu Kate?
Final fantasy was never turn based, retard.
>Oh look it's the retard who spends every single night, EVERY NIGHT, for the past 2 and a half months
Are you well.
You can keep coping. XIV will die any second now, lmao. Any second.
>Every single night
Holy fuck you are mentally ill. You think everyone who blasts your fat ass across the floor is the same person. If you're this traumatized that you boogeyman this hard, I imagine you've been getting BTFO constantly by whatever person or group of people lives inside of your walls terrorizing you with facts.
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They're already bringing FF14 to the Switch 2, did that news fly over your house and you forgot already?
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What did /v/ say? Why don't we read the topics and see?

July 10th 2017

July 18th, 2017

July 19th 2017

July 1st 2017
>"Remember how WoW hit it's height of popularity at WolK? That was it's 2nd expansion.Guess which expansion number this is for FFXIV? It only goes downhill from here."

One thread in this time span (June to august) saying they want to punch lyse in the face she's awful. Another saying she's perfect.

Complaints are either just bog standard XIV complaints true to every expansion, or people not complaining and talking shop about the game/technical details, or people liking it, or people having measured complaints - "I liked the overall theme of the story, but the rest feels pretty underwhelming honestly. [hating zones, disliking cast but Gosetsu or Hien]", someone saying SB had the best endgame dungeons. It's a highly varied conversation without even 1/10th the amount of shitting on that DT got.

It's misremembering at best and intentional deceit at worst to say SB had a worse reception than DT.

>You can keep coping. XIV will die any second now, lmao. Any second.
Oh, is that what this is about? You think you're protecting the game by pretending that it was always bad therefore it's fine that Dawntrail is trash and people should stop complaining? The mind of a WoWrat is a wonderful and terrifying thing. You can kill yourself now.
Uh huh.
XIV is dying any moment now. End of service in 2 days. Trust the plan!
Kill yourself you psychotic babbling WoWrat nigger. People are angry about Dawntrail because they care and don't want the game to decline as severely as it just did. You're a lying WoWrat brandwhore who needs to die. How do you think the game is going to look 3 years from now if the developers listen to you instead of the actual playerbase who's mad as fuck and want answers?
It's a school night, go back back to bed Timmy.
uh huh
xiv is dead bro
it's so dead
everyone left
>one of the early times where i was just sitting there wondering who the fuck this game was meant for
for the same people who played blonde spiky hair dude and black guy with 80s hair cut I guess
Quickly gave a look to modern nu final fantasy games, how's the reception? That one trying to copy game of throne looked very bland and akward. A malnourished lumpy copy cat amalgam of western tropes made by out of touch japanese boomers. Execs have no fucking ideas what to do with the IP don't they?
From a poll on that same article
>actually ffxiv was always shit so you should be happy that it's shit and stop expecting it to be good
>i'm saving the game btw!
Look at the little golem go just like activision trained him!
>defends shitblood like a raging retard while the other guy just says ffxiv has been in a rough spot before and had a panned expansion so the current one isn't some ebin death sentence like retarded /v/ circlejerkers keep wanking themselves to
>accuses someone else of doing defense for the game and therefore wanting it to get worse when such a thing was never said
You are a mongoloid, you know that? An actual shit for brains spastic who needs medication. No wonder you think everyone who refutes you is the same person. You're actually not right in the head and your reading comprehension is -100
>defends shitblood like a raging retard
How about you address the actual proof from SB launch that it wasn't hated? Or is that too scary for you because you desperately need to pretend that you played the game before your roach prophet led you to my game from the californoid shithole you call Azeroth? The idea that Stormblood is bad comes from WoWnigger refugees. Lyse was the only retarded thing in the story and there was plenty of other shit for people to be excited about, like Gosetsu or the Azim Steppe. Dawntrail is nothing but wuk wuk wuk wuk wuk wuk wuk wuk wuk wuk wuk for 40 hours. Kill yourself.
i'm sorry stormblood was shit and everyone acknowledged that it was shit and yet the game continued to live and flourish, not being ended by one dogshit msq. you will get over it, just don't delude yourself into thinking that xiv will die just because you really want it to because that's unhealthy and i'm also sorry your attempt to project your fetish for bootlicking activision-blizzard failed because you have the subtlety of a sledgehammer
Nobody believes you played this game before 2021 if at all, LARPer-kun.
OH MY GOD and why didn't anyone make fun of that protagonist with the cringe John Snow impression? I'd expect all of /v/ to laugh at this game but it didn't make much noise when it came out, I simply never saw any discussions about it. It came and went. I'm just only checking it out right now and it's unbelievably corny.
>i'm sorry stormblood was shit and everyone acknowledged that it was shit
Your response? >>689398947
>and yet the game continued to live and flourish
Yeah, because it was a good expansion with one annoying retard who showed up from time to time. Dawntrail isn't good. There is no aspect of Dawntrail that people are happy about, and you can see that sentiment anywhere people talk about the game. Sticking your head in the ground and pretending everything is fine is exactly the kind of behavior that kills games. Go back to WoW you fucking disease.
You're incapable of believing it because it would demolish your ego. You think you're Yoshida's bravest little soldier and the idea that you're a true fan is vital to your fragile personality, even though you started playing in EW. I could show you my original 1.0 copy or any of my Legacy rewards or achievements and your brain wouldn't process it.
>The idea that Stormblood is bad comes from WoWnigger refugees.
Holy fuck, actual revisionism. Is this what "xiv is dead" faggots are up to now? Pretending that the part of the story that was roundly considered the low point and second story filter after ARR was actually beloved? Mein gott.
Your response? >>689398947
Why do you keep pretending not to see that post, WoWnigger?
because muh cherrypicked posts mean nothing when stormblood was widely panned and is still panned today, being shit on for its garbage story (even after the patches did much better) and being considered good for its content, just like the way dawntrail is heading
seriously, you gotta stop it with this larp because nobody's buying it, and the fact that you've got this entire boogeyman in your head haunting you because in all likelihood multiple people rightfully told you you're a retard is just further evidence of that
>"dawntrail was shit and it needs to be addressed or the game is going to be in trouble"
The CIA really did a number on these freaks
>because muh cherrypicked posts
You mean whole threads?
>when stormblood was widely panned
Where? Show your proof. I showed mine.
>and is still panned today
It's panned by refugees who just want to hurry to Shadowbringers, yeah.
>seriously, you gotta stop it with this larp because nobody's buying it
Well I brought proof, and you brought lies and delusion.
>a handful of threads are proof that stormblood msq didnt suck
not defending dawntrail but are you genuinely saying stormblood msq was good all along and it was wowfags peddling this idea of it being bad?
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Barry thread.

The success of the PC release of FFXVI has really rattled this shizo.
>Southpark: the stick of truth.
Mfw the southpark rpgs are among the best rpg of the decade.
who are you talking to?
>but are you genuinely saying stormblood msq was good all along
Some of it was good, some of it was retarded. It certainly wasn't bad.
>and it was wowfags peddling this idea of it being bad?
Yes, that line started popping up when they started migrating over for Shadowbringers and found Stormblood in their way.
It came out in 2023, but OK.
He's actually genuinely that retarded and deluded, yes.
He's accusing other people of trying to defend and whiteknight a version of the game and that his sperging is the one thing keeping it from getting worse (which is a LARP people obsessed with hating XIV constantly jump to, pretending they're THE REAL FANS TRYING TO SAVE IT FROM EVIL CULTISTS but actually they're just seen constantly spewing bile and hoping for it to die in areas where their posting can be documented), yet he's the only one actually whiteknighting and doing historical revisionism for a version of the game.
Your response? >>689398947
That's e33???
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Not him, but the Ruby Sea(and 4.0 as a whole) was so bad I unsubbed for 2 years
What saved SB was the patch stories.
look at all these FUCKING WOWFUGEES shitting on stormblood in 2017
blizzard and their fucking time machine planted them there to make sure xiv got sabotaged
NTA. I played Stormblood at launch. Stormblood was generally received pretty well, there were some complaints about the story but these fucking unhinged storyfags who act like its ALL that matters were a literal minority till Shadowbringers, because that game has a genuinely incredible story and converted the primary audience from into extremely casual players.
People were happy about the gameplay getting better after Heavensward and the dungeons and boss fights being a lot more compelling compared to prior.
If that's what you think shitting on an expansion looks like you might want to check out a Dawntrail thread sometime.
it's all a conspiracy to make anon end up in a loonie bin
DT story is worse than SB, but most other parts (boss design, music) are on par if not better. But since story is probably FFXIV’s biggest draw, that still really hurts. FFXIV probably lost some people who were inclined to stop after Endwalker anyway where a better story might have hooked them back in, but it’d probably take another expansion with a dogshit story to actually start a serious
Do you notice all these complaints are isolated to Lyse and in comparison people are celebrating the Doman half of the story? You fucking newnigger WoWrat idiot.
Some of these things are verbatim the type of shit people are saying about Dawntrail now, you mongoloid. I accept your concession.
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And when they're saying them about Stormblood, they're isolated to Lyse.
The problem with Dawntrail is that Wuk did everything Lyse did, but a thousand times worse, and constantly. There was never a moment that the story wasn't focused on Wuk. Lyse meanwhile spent an entire half of her story on the sidelines. Dawntrail's story as a whole is also complete nonsense that actively shits on other longstanding characters.
You are an idiot, and you desperately need to pretend the game was always shit so that your tranny shitheap doesn't stand out.
Then are you ignoring some of the people that liked the Solution 9 and Living Memory stuff?
>inb4 i-its not the same!
What we are seeing with the wuk discourse is literally a retread of Stormblood and you're just a newfag that started playing in EW.
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you're so right, stormblood was actually really beloved and people definitely didn't say some of the exact shit they are saying about dawntrail now
it was so easy to btfo you because the facts are all out there. don't make this mistake again next time. just stick to "dawntrail is bad and they need to do better" rather than being an unhinged retard pretending the reality that stormblood was panned is some mega conspiracy
>Then are you ignoring some of the people that liked the Solution 9 and Living Memory stuff?
Who? Show me. Nobody is fucking happy about Dawntrail. People are seething everywhere. The most conversation you'll get about Living Memory are people arguing over the ethics of killing the endless. Solution 9 is 5% of the story AND IT'S STILL FUCKING ABOUT WUK LAMAT.
>ok stormblood was also panned... BUT DT IS STILL WORSE!
that wasn't the point, though, was it? :^)
your point was that stormblood was actually super loved and that the narrative that it was bad came after because of evil wowrats who joined in 2021, which we now have factually proven not to be the case
try to keep those goalposts intact with all the moving you're doing
>ok stormblood was also panned.
No, it wasn't. One character was panned. Why are you freaks so fucking dishonest all the time? Who raised you?
Okay, so now you're just literally being deluded. Good job exposing yourself as the wowfag LARPer pretending to be an oldfag.
Do you want me to link every Dawntrail thread here since launch? I'm willing to do that if it will make you shut the fuck up.
>No, it wasn't.
So now you're just fighting the facts.
Sorry, but I don't argue with the criminally insane. You can tilt at windmills in your own time. The facts are here and you got BTFO.
NTA, but Yes. Stormblood MSQ wasn't that fucking bad and I ain't afraid to admit it. You had some minor bickering about Lyse and how useless she was in her role, but that was literally it with the complaints. None of the woke, tranny, or VA outrage garbage that you see today from the vocal minority. (Yes, you fuckers are a loud minority.) The most complaint you had coming out of Stormblood was how hard Eureka's content was to grind. That was the biggest scandal out of that expansion.

>You're blaming WoW players.
Now, the people who are saying WoWfags... that's up for grabs. Yet, I'll definitely say they're newer players who didn't mature with the game. They were instantly introduced into Shadowbringers and Endwalker's stories, when the story's arc was its climax.

t. Started in August 2015
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You should go into one of those threads instead of searching Lyse. Most people are talking about... THE GAMEPLAY.
I checked this because this is one of the posts you included that had actual serious critique. More then half of this thread is talking about what went wrong in terms of gameplay and game design.
Even in threads where the topic is, quite literally, "Why is Lyse so shit?" her name is only mentioned fucking 16 times.
>So now you're just fighting the facts.
You might want to look at your screenshots there little WoWnigger because all those complaints are specifically about Lyse being a retard. Unlike Wuk, Lyse was not the entire expansion.
>tilt at windmills
There's the twitterfag exposing himself. You freaks love your little canned phrases that you think make you sound smart. Kill yourself you dishonest freak. You will never be a woman. Sena will never be a woman. Dawntrail will go down in history as the worst Final Fantasy product ever made, and the game will rot and die if you get your way. Die. Kill yourself. Do it now.
>I'm willing to waste my time obsessively looking up threads to post here to fight a battle I've already lost
Sure? It'd give me a laugh. But it wouldn't un-prove that Stormblood was hated and had pretty much the same shit said about it then than Dawntrail did now.
You'd be better off claiming it's a conspiracy and the Tranny Wuk Brigade is actually working together with archives to plant posts with fake dates.
Advent Children killed the FF franchise

ever since then, they've been trying to ape action movies and shove it in their gameplay
>dawntrail flopped because the story was bad
>stormblood was panned for the story but it isn't bad because nobody cared about the story then which is okay
Is that really what you want to go with?
You are unhinged. Stormblood was panned for the story just as Dawntrail is. Some of the exact same language was used. Trying hard to pretend anon's post is some damning blade dropped on that factual evidence and going hyper-neurotic is not doing you any favors.
>i think tuna smells bad
>i think shit smells bad
>people make complaints about lyse
>lyse is not the entire story
>in these same posts anons also talk about parts of the story that were actually good

>people make complaints about wuk
>wuk is the entire story, nonstop, forever
>nobody has anything good to say about dawntrail's story

So when are you going to stop being so fucking dishonest all the time?
Oh but I thought Stormblood wasn't bad or widely critiqued and it was all just a fake narrative peddled by evil wowfags who joined after 2021.. Hmh...
I wonder where that angle went.
Stormblood wasn't bad. It wasn't considered bad, ever. Lyse was considered bad.
They're actually shitting on the story as a whole with Lyse as a lynchpin because she's in it for most of the baseline story.
Same for Wuk.
All I see here is you trying very hard to "IT'S NOT THE SAME IT'S NOT THE SAME IT'S DIFFERENT OK???"
If you wanna pretend those posts are literally only shitting on Lyse when they're shitting on the story as a whole, then you are just not cut out to have this conversation.
>with Lyse as a lynchpin because she's in it for most of the baseline story.
She's actually not, but I understand you skipped because your WoWnigger friends told you to rush to Shadowbringers. Lyse is present for most of it, but she spends half the story on the sidelines in an equivalent capacity to the Scions in Dawntrail.
>All I see here is you trying very hard to "IT'S NOT THE SAME IT'S NOT THE SAME IT'S DIFFERENT OK???"
Yes, they are in fact different. Because Lyse was one aspect of Stormblood and Wuk is all of Dawntrail. There is nothing good said about Dawntrail anywhere, outside the gameplay and some of the music. The whole fucking thing is a disaster and only you small minority of trannies and brand whore freaks are pretending otherwise. Because somehow you think that you're protecting the game by shielding it from being rightfully criticized. The irony is that you wouldn't be playing this game at all if faggots like you had your way during 1.0.
>If you wanna pretend those posts are literally only shitting on Lyse
Unlike you, I'm literate.
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Stormblood's story was considered a step down from HW overall, but people didn't really care because the player base was smaller, and people cared more about how the game played than the story.
Stormblood is overhated almost entirely in hindsight because Shadowbringers was extremely good. Please actually open the threads that I linked, most players are not complaining about Lyse, they are discussing the gameplay and design decisions that they don't like and how they effected the game overall. I'll be extra-charitable here and do a full list of the second thread.
>Lyse: 16 counts
>Ala Mhigo: 24 counts
>Mhiggers: 4 counts
That is 44 total posts, presuming nobody doubled up or was talking about things outside of the story itself, which I'm not going to check, in a 515 post thread. Let's get an accurate comparison, I searched "Wuk" and went back a random number of pages and clicked this thread. https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/688047780/#688049995
>Wuk: 78 counts
Because I see your additional post, I already went a step further and thought it was irrelevant so I removed it. Completely absent of any context, "story" is mentioned respectively 96 versus 130 times in each thread. People just cared less about the plot until Shadowbringers retroactively made FF14 a SUPER SERIOUS STORY-FOCUSED GAME.
>people make complaints about lyse
>lyse is not the entire story
>in these same posts anons also talk about parts of the story that were actually good
>enter Stormblood
>spend the entire MSQ cleaning up after Lyse, who manages to cock up everything she touches
>forced to fight for a bunch of ungrateful Ala Mhiggers because the narrative demands it
>Kugane only exists because we needed a stop-over point in our journey to Doma
>effectively serves no purpose whatsoever in the narrative, but hey "Japan!"
>spend a third of the story building up to Gosetsu's inevitable death (especially in the Azim Steppe, where he ruminates on the nature of sacrifice for a higher cause)
>when the time comes, he goes out much like Haurchefant before him, fulfilling his oath to Hien and giving his life such that the party might escape unharmed
>"lol jk he just fell into the river"
>precisely zero consequences for anything - every hero emerges unscathed, and even villains go unpunished (because if we kill them, we'll be no better or some such shite)
>only the big bad really meets his end, and its by his own fucking hand
>you are literally relegated to standing next to NPCs who do everything
>Doma part is slightly enjoyable
>Garleans are an utter joke, your ragtag band of fistclencher are able to liberate 2 countries from the biggest empire on Haidelyn
>and occasionally resident edgelord popped up (I have Shinryu parked in my backyard btw haHAA). The story barely went into the history of Ala Mhigo, or why it was so important, we didn't even get to VISIT the fucking city, it was just another shitty linear dungeon down a hallway. And Ilberd fucking sucked too, just like literally every single Ala Mhigan characters was an unlikeable asshole that could be summed up with MUH MHIGO every time. If there even WAS a good story to be told about this place, it was wasted in favor of a whole bunch of nothing and babying the resistance.
>What went wrong?
>Literally liberate 2 cities in one MSQ at fucking once
>Konrad was ridiculously shoehorned and they tried to remake the haurchefant feeling, but it was too badly executed because he had no character at all
>paced way too fast, and too ridiculous, no struggle to get something done
>No likeable villain, HW had thordan who was a cunt but smart and Regula van hydrus
>Deltascape fucking sucks, and is shit compared to Alexander
>Trying to fix tanks but instead make palacuck the strongest while edge knights and warriors had a ridiculously bad spot at the beginning
>SB apologists saying this was the 2nd coming of jesus
>Lakshimi being one of the most boring fights i ever had in this game, literally "press item to win"
>The Primal mounts look awful compared to the HW ones
>Zenos literally being shadow the hedgeheg
Looks like a lot more than just Lyse hate to me, but keep being deluded. All the other people here can laugh at you all the same. Just don't pull this retarded revisionist shit about other people being revisionist about Stormblood again. It's embarrassing.
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you guys post too goddamn fast

here are some of the posts talking about living memory in the first week of dawntrail
>all the posts are about the visuals
I also liked Living Memory and Solution 9 and saw a lot of people do the same, but whenever anyone says anything positive, spastics like the faggot you are replying to start screaming about Wuk, and DEI and troons and how everyone who doesn't completely hate Dawntrail and think it killed XIV is actually an evil wowfugee sent to kill his beloved game (that he has nothing positive to say about)
I have positive things to say about XIV. I have none to say about Dawntrail because it was a disaster and if it becomes the accepted standard for this game then the game will die. That's why I will continue to call it out no matter how much you hyperventilate because someone is "attacking" your new favorite brand that you learned about three years ago.
>Stormblood's story was considered a step down from HW overall, but people didn't really care because the player base was smaller, and people cared more about how the game played than the story.
This. I don't get the disingenuous faggots coming in and thinking it's a problem now. Lyse was benched eventually in the story as a political figure in Ala Mhigo and everyone forgot about her. The people who whined about her eventually faded away with Lyse too. The only people that bring her up to this day is only doing it for faux outrage and don't have anything else to do with their lives.
That's great, but you've not really proven anything other than the playerbase was more gameplay oriented in Stormblood, which doesn't make Stormblood better or Dawntrail worse. It just means that there are more people now than then who hyperfixate on the story and therefore will be more loud about it when it doesn't meet their expectations. As well as just more players now in general than during Stormblood.
And even with that fundamental difference, Stormblood's story was still widely and undeniably panned for multiple reasons.
Genuinely, I don't know what type of argument you're pretending to make, because all you're saying is here is "the playerbase wasn't as story-focused as it is now yet stormblood was still disliked for its story and in the meantime a lot of people also had oodles of critique for the actual gameplay elements" which doesn't make the situation better for Stormblood, but worse, because at least I was willing to concede that "Stormblood's story was shit and hated, but the gameplay content was loved." While you're essentially saying "but also the gameplay content wasn't loved, at least not throughout."
they're both shit
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oh now I remember
I argued with a genuine basement-dwelling autist that didnt think you could get catharsis by reading a diary
I wonder what happened to this anon
>no matter how much you hyperventilate
You're projecting. You've literally been going nutty ever since someone said that Dawntrail didn't kill the game and XIV has been in a bad spot story-wise before, pretending everyone who thought Stormblood was bad was just a wowfugee who joined two years ago to sabotage XIV, until you got shown the evidence that people were shitting on Stormblood in 2017, and now you're doing everything in your power to avoid acknowledging the posts that shit on Stormblood's story as a whole (and even parts of the gameplay) and trying to pretend it's only about hating Lyse.
There's someone here who's neurotic and hyperventilating, and it's not me.
BG3 had a torturous development cycle, everyone should know that
The first is right. We genocided a bunch of people, but this insistence on it making us Emet is retarded.
Self-defense is not Emet. Nobody in the cast for Dawntrail tried to destroy Living Memory to bring back people that were gone. Living Memory existed to sustain people that by all rights should've been gone but were being preserved in some warped theme park version of Alexandria. What we did was simply defend the Source and all other reflections from becoming food.
Yes sir, have you not seen the gameplay preview?

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The only argument I'm making is that Stormblood is mainly hated in hindsight by people who were not there when it launched and for some reason try to pretend they were.
FF14 is an MMO with very little content and 90% of the playerbase doesn't do most of the content available to them. Almost all complaints are things you would see in an XIV thread today, such as "there's nothing to do but savage", and "the gear treadmill is boring", or "dungeons aren't interesting after the first few runs". These are all pretty normal complaints not even just for XIV, but for the genre. Fundamental issue with a theme park is eventually you've seen all the rides.
Also please do not pretend that people do not have critique for DT's gameplay elements. That's just a blatant lie; in fact, I've seen just as many gameplay complaints as I have story complaints. The only thing universally praised, ironically, in both expansions was the encounter design. I actually can personally think of like fifteen off the top of my head, ranging from not all that autistic to extremely autistic. People generally liked the class design of Stormblood, which is not something I would ever say is true of Dawntrail.
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Because some of us play the game.
>What we did was simply defend the Source and all other reflections from becoming food.
No, that's what you did when you killed Sphene. That has nothing to do with you also going around and shutting off the machines.
>Stormblood is mainly hated in hindsight by people who were not there when it launched
And this is factually untrue as proven itt.
>Also please do not pretend that people do not have critique for DT's gameplay elements. That's just a blatant lie
Who was pretending that?
>Because some of us play the game.
Yeah, play the game and read the story but apparently do not process it.
>No, that's what you did when you killed Sphene. That has nothing to do with you also going around and shutting off the machines.
Why were the machines shut off and why did Sphene need to harvest the Source and other reflections?
It's insane how Square Enix just keeps pushing out series that are basically Final Fantasy in everything but name (Bravely, Octopath, Saga, Setsura), which everyone likes, but with Final Fantasy they put out one game a DECADE, it gets critically panned, it flops, and it's not even a JRPG
The last turn based FF was FF13 in 2009. That'll be 20 years old soon.
What are they thinking??
Am I just out of touch for thinking FF should just be 4 niggas in a row?
Abandoning turn-based is not the issue, FF7R is great. Abandoning RPG mechanics is the actual problem.
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Fuck all this nonsense
Wuk Lamat is liked by some people others hate her either way its divided the fanbase which isnt good for 14.
Content wise the dungeons, raids, and trials are all pretty good so those people are eating good right now. Which is all fine and dandy but it doesnt keep numbers when most of the fanbase is storyfocused.
If they dont land the post story patches which they failed to do wtih Endwalker then this new saga is fucked.
>read the story but apparently do not process it.
Very ironic post here.
>Why were the machines shut off
Because Cahciua asked you to shut them off. There was no other reason. I already know you're going to say some shit about them protecting Sphene, when it was in fact the opposite. The terminals were uniquely vulnerable because Sphene's processing power was preoccupied. The terminals themselves had nothing to do with getting to Sphene.
>and why did Sphene need to harvest the Source and other reflections?
This is irrelevant to shutting them off, because that problem is solved just by killing Sphene. By removing the source of aether fueling them you just make them 'mortal' again so they'll die out eventually. Going and intentionally pulling the plug on them was needless.
>The only argument I'm making is that Stormblood is mainly hated in hindsight by people who were not there when it launched and for some reason try to pretend they were.
what cope is this? Played stormblood at launch and ended up dropping the game for several months because launch stormblood as ass
>when you killed Sphene.
At that point, that wasn't Sphene. It was an artificial intelligence overriding the safety protocols placed on its systems and going rogue. If you paid attention in the last half of the story, then you would know those safety measures were put into place for a reason.

If anyone killed those residents, it was the AI.
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>Wuk Lamat is liked by some people
>At that point, that wasn't Sphene. It was an artificial intelligence
Yes, the AI we refer to through the story as Sphene. Nobody is talking about the human Sphene you never met.
>If anyone killed those residents, it was the AI.
All we had to do was kill the AI and there would be nothing to fuel the endless and the problem is solved without us having to needlessly go and snuff out all those lives.
>Wuk Lamat is liked by some people others hate her either way
bro i've been saying dawntrail hasn't killed xiv (which has led to the aspie meltdown itt) and even I hate wuk
I would like to see your source for "nobody liked SB on launch" because I checked two threads and most people seemed to like the expansion. It was like 90% gameplay discussion, and the actual complaints were pretty small compared to DT. I was actually there during SB launch too, the general consensus was "step down from HW but holy shit the job updates are really fun except DRK lmao imagine if your job got neutered as hard as DRK did"
The thing that people mainly praised Stormblood for, anon, was the class design. The moment to moment gameplay, which has been slowly stripped out of the game since Stormblood. Shadowbringers and further expansions have ruthlessly murdered any sense of skill expression or ability to push the ceiling of your job to such a point that unless you are physically incapable of pressing buttons on CD, you will almost certainly get a blue in any piece of content even with shit gear. SB was not like that, you had to actually play the game. This includes in casual dungeon content: DRK's APM in SB is higher then pretty much every job in the game currently.
Playing the game was more fun, so people were more forgiving. Right now, playing the game is not particularly fun because it is extremely easy, so people are much less forgiving.
yo this is kinda fire ngl
>I would like to see your source for "nobody liked SB on launch"
Could I borrow 5 dollars? Oh, that's so great of you that you'll lend me 10 dollars. Don't forget to give me that 20 dollars. I really need that 50 dollars you promised me.
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Im sorry I had to say it to control the weirdos.
so your point is that you are asshurt and fixated on us ending the endless there rather than letting them peter out which given that sphene's frantic behavior was fueled specifically by living memory running out of juice and her desperately pushing the doomsday button when we get there as well as the fact that it's outright stated a majority of the memories housed there aren't even present and being offered a physical form when we go through it wasn't far off
still far, far from emet
I'd be ok with betraying rpg/jrpg fans and replacing them with dmc/souls action fags but both ff15 and 16 were extremely mid gameplay wise. just make a good action game next time you fucks, without rpg bloat and padding.
post your m4s clear or fuck off because I don't see you saying any shit that proves you play the game
i don't think you'll find anyone ITT who will defend wuk
just dawntrail, or parts of it, be that specific parts of the story or the gameplay, or just combating the insinuation that dawntrail is meant to be some kind of death blow to the game
>fixated on us ending the endless there rather than letting them peter out
Yes, that's the point of contention and has been for several months. Good job.
>which given that sphene's frantic behavior was fueled specifically by living memory running out of juice and her desperately pushing the doomsday button when we get there
Again, this has nothing to do with going out of your way to turn off the terminals because this problem is solved simply by going straight for Sphene.
>as well as the fact that it's outright stated a majority of the memories housed there aren't even present and being offered a physical form when we go through it
They're in the terminals. If the terminals are shut off, that's it.
>bad game that won because it's gayshit
>bad game
I can skip both
Melty? Melty.
>Yes, that's the point of contention and has been for several months
for (You)
No one likes Wuk.
You just have some different opinions on whether the voice is an issue or not. There are just some very... passionate anons who are so hyperfixated on politics that they can't even conceive of others having a different opinion on the subject, even if they'd otherwise agree on said political thing.
>there would be nothing to fuel the endless and the problem is solved without us having to needlessly go and snuff out all those lives.
The problem still happens regardless, if those nodes were kept up or not. They require some form of Aether to survive and without it, they will eventually die. At the time we showed up, it was clear the nodes were degrading and needed some kind of Aether to survive.

>needlessly go and snuff out all those lives.
That can easily be turned around on Sphene with her attack on the capital city. Why did she collaborate with Zoraal Ja and harvest souls? If she doesn't mind committing several holocausts to keep her people alive and in an endless loop of reincarnation, then she doesn't value a single human life at all.
>They require some form of Aether to survive and without it, they will eventually die.
Yes, but we don't have to be the one to kill them before that time comes. You may as well become Meteion and kill everyone because they're gonna die someday with that logic.
>That can easily be turned around on Sphene with her attack on the capital city.
You say we should kill her civilians in revenge?
Genuinely, most everyone here has critiques for DT and things they'd want to improve. The biggest spazzoids here just can't handle people who aren't as militant about it as they are.
I went through threads, you said "I feel" a bunch.
I'm sure DT has many hidden features I haven't seen yet, and its great fun to play any class in it!
tbf thats 14 players in a nutshell, they can either take the critiques and brush them off or they freak the fuck out on people.
One of the most fascinating things that happened with the late-ShB/Endwalker refugee situation is that a bunch of detractors went very hard on larping as oldfags for a game they despise to tell off people who dare to enjoy it or have hopes for it, even when said enjoyment comes with caveats or critique.
Larian basically just throws caution to the wind when it comes to budgets for their games. Hell, D:OS nearly bankrupted them and if it hadn't been such a success they would have shuttered with its release. Honestly I can't help but feel a bit of respect for their go for broke approach for making games. They've either got so much confidence in the games they develop that they're willing to stake everything on them, or they're just so deadset on putting out their ideal games that they just say "fuck the budget". Whichever way it is, they've got some serious balls.
nta but a lot of people enjoyed arcadion, are looking forward to the ultimate, the foray and the 24m savage
there's also cosmic exploration slated for 7.1 i think but the people who enjoyed the above are typically not into that kinda stuff
>You may as well become Meteion and kill everyone because they're gonna die someday with that logic.
Mate. You can't cheat death. If they're going to end up in an endless cycle of being reincarnated as themselves and live on the same plane, then they will wish for their own death one day. Even the most happiest people at face value, like Robin Williams, ended up taking their own lives.

Also, we were presented with a moral dilemma after pleading for alternatives. Either we get killed or their whole world gets killed. We were literally backed into this corner and forced to pull this trigger for our own people.

>You say we should kill her people.
If you're willing to commit a holocaust of other nations, then don't be surprised when your own country ends up being wiped out.
They spent multi hundreds making it. Their basic business plan seems to be "throw every penny we've got into making this game. If it succeeds, we'll make another game. If it fails, we're fucked and we shutter our studio"
Encounter design this expansion is great. The jobs all suck to play and that makes them a fucking slog to do is the issue.
Definitely looking forward to FRU and the 24M, but content enjoyers like me are not the people who pay the bills for FF14 anymore. It's all casual storyfags.
it's pretty insidious because I'm sure some people got manipulated into falling for it because of the sheer forceful belligerence of it. like scream loud enough and people will think you're right.
It's Swen.
He's actually obsessed with the RPG genre, so he's willing to risk a lot more for it and allow more time for content 90% of the players will never see.
I'd argue from a business standpoint that it isn't a smart place to work from, and they've largely got lucky that it's worked out well for them so far, but from a purely consumer standpoint I'm really glad they're doing so.
They've probably built up enough trust at this point that it would be considered less risky though for future projects.
>on the right
Are you viewing this from the Boss' perspective anon? Also she's flying so she doesn't need shoes.
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Stormbloods MSQ is ok, the main issues are Lyse sucks and its narrative gets made to look much worse by being wedged between HW and ShB
also Ruby Sea is a drag
DT doesn't even feel like the same fucking universe as everything before it with how everything in it is handled narratively and if I never see Wuk Lamat again it will be too soon
>Again, this has nothing to do with going out of your way to turn off the terminals
Fairly sure this was to get Sphene to realize there was no reason to keep fighting because the people she was fighting for were gone already, because that was going to be the outcome regardless of what she did.
>yeah but it didn't work and she still fought so it's dumb and poopie
I don't think every action taken in a story needs to lead to abject success to justify its existence. That would make for a weird story. Not that I'm saying DT is a good story, but it isn't bad just because there are decisions made that don't meet with overwhelming success.
Stormblood is god fucking awful.
Only Azim Steppe, Doma Castle and maybe the Ala Mhigo dungeon and finale (sans gay anthem. Why do both story expansions that dropped the ball have a shitty song at the end?) are worth anything. And that's not a whole lot. One zone, two dungeons and a trial, with everything before and in between being boring or shit or boring shit.
but those are even better RPGs than FF16?
Idk why you're using souls as an example for pure action games when the RPG mechanics in it are deeper than anything FF has released in almost two decades
seeing nice feet makes we dizzy
this is made by the french? the women are too attractive for me to believe that.
>they will get to enjoy ShB
how i envy them, bros...
No that anon, but Swen said in his DOS2 GDC presentation that DOS1 sold 2.5 million. Then he said in eurogamer interview that DOS2 sold 3x as much DOS1. Then half a year ago he said BG3 sold 2x more than DOS2

DOS1 sales (March, 2019)
DOS2 sales (July, 2023)
BG3 sales (March, 2024)

The math is based on old data, so if dos1 had sold additional 500k in four years, then that would put dos2 at 9 million and bg3 estimate at 18 million. Regardless, whether it is 15 or 18 million, by now it's got to be approaching 20 million. Not bad for a crpg that missed out on last gen consoles. On the platforms it is available on it's selling faster than Elden Ring, Hogwarts Legacy and Cyberpunk.
>After seeing everything rag on about more problems than just Lyse in this thread, I'm convinced the next expansion after Stormblood will be even worse because let's face it, that's the natural progression of an MMO.
Time is a flat circle.
>ShB came after a major low point
Are we in for a good time?
I wouldn't say that's a given.
But honestly, given all the flack they've caught for Dawntrail, more so than ever before, if there was ever a time for them to get their shit together, it'd be now.
broooo, majima is so heckin' POGGERS DUDE
as bad as it is its still a good camping trip simulator.
13 is good, you got memed on like ds2 haters.
>still a good camping trip simulator
If you like camping with a bunch of obnoxious anime faggots, sure
>13 is good
It is dogshit and did irreparable damage to the brand, but it didn't kill it like XV. Square still had enough faith in FF to give XV 10 years development time, 350+ million development + marketing budget, and fans were so hungry for a new, modern FF entry that XV sold 5 million in just preorders, which is the only reason why XV didn't become the greatest flop and disaster in history of square enix.
>blah blah blah corpo business nonsense no one asked or cares about go to /biz/-
I actually played the games so i'm just stating my opinion, 13 trilogy is good, 15 is wank. 12 is good but too many versions confused people, X is good AND bad, and you're all too young to have actually played 7-9 or before that. and final fantasy 3 is not 6, its three, fucking americans.
>"the game awards are rigged"
>indie devs shitting on AAA studios and winning GOTY
/v/irgins literally can't justify their rage this time lmao
>calls people too young to have played 7-9
>also accuses them of referring to FF6 as FF3 which is something that hasn't been common for like 20 years
When was the last time you actually someone call it FF3j?
I haven't cared about Final Fantasy since 13.
Hallways and Autobattles aren't fun.
Why does steam take so much, greedy faggots, companies should start selling games in their own websites.
They can...
XV truly destroyed the franchise in the eyes of the public
Neither series had a new game release this year. Persona had a low-budget remake of 3, but that's it.
It did. Who the fuck wants to play an FF game after fucking Noctis and his gay buttbuds lol
At this point Square would rather kill FF for good then going back to turn based and I really don't know why
>The most recent Final Fantasy was considered a banger by series veterans tho
>I've been playing FF since I was 12, beaten almost every mainline FF, and 16 is in my top five.
>Might be top 5. Definitely not top 3. Tourists our hate on it don't even know they're embarrassing themselves lol
Then why it sold like shit in Japan?
Yoshit Piss + action combat = I’m not buying the game
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yoshitpiss will be getting fired soon
XVI killed FF

XV saved FF after XIV killed FF
FFXV started the downfall and FFXVI just continues it. XVI doesn't even feel like an FF game. Take out the chocobo. Take out the Moogle that floats near the hunting board. You have a game that doesn't feel like an FF game at all.

There's just no fucking soul. A complete corportised product
Yeah, not likely.
>sudden back to back posts with the same old images and posting style
I missed you buddy!
you realize those cinematics are dozens of millions alone, right?
I wonder why you don't timestamp anything you post almost as if you're lying about larian sales figures to cope with it being just as much of a flop as FF 16

almost like you're the OP to this thread
And it's funny how YoshiPiss will stand there and complain that no one wants to play slow combat games anymore. And that fast paced action games are the only things taht will sell in 2024. Yet BG3 with it's terribly slow combat, Persona 5 with turn based, both did over 10 million+. While FF16 can't reach 10 mill and FF7Rebirth got outsold by fucking Armored Core 6
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XVI destroyed FF in the public eye
DESU after playing 7-11 at release time, then playing through 1-6 at the time as well, when 12, 13 and 15 released, they did not feel like FF to me either, hell 11 felt more FF to me than anything after it, but that does not mean I didn't enjoy the games either.

Yes, I'm 40 years old.

I'm enjoying 16 a lot for now as well, let's see how the whole ride is.
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XV recovered FF from XIV
XVI killed FF

Everyone loves XV
nobody likes XVI
I like all FF games, schizo.
>Everyone loves XV
I haven't really seen anyone love XV. At least XVI is talked about. The only time XV is brought up is to mock it because you are obsessed with it.
>I'm enjoying 16 a lot for now as well, let's see how the whole ride is.
Fair enough. I thought it was an extremely mid game. I finished it but it was a chore.
7 was maligned for being "not true FF" at the time as well. This is justtradition.
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4 niggas in a row bros ... our bastions are falling one by one
on average market cap is like 5-10 times the revenue

so at best they are like a $700 million company, btw ShiftUp (stellar blade) is a $2.5 billion company
>xvi flopped cause it wasn't le rpg
>meanwhile ff7r, which has the bonus of nostalgia going for it, didn't really do that well either
Remake came out during Covid and was running on hype. People realised it was awful and didn't buy the second game. I'd imagine the 3rd is gonna sell even less.
I really think that not releasing on all platforms at the same time is really hurting the sales, hype dies fast nowdays and if you have already waited years for a game, why not wait a bit more for it to be on sale?
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tencent is normiecore and the enemy of weebcore anime enjoyers
Sucks to hear, not gonna lie. I don't doubt that the changes to the story don't help.
Yeah, I don't disagree. I don't think it's ever worth it for companies to take the exclusivitypill.
Literally nobody talks about xvi other than to say it flopped

everyone talks about xv game and story and character content and have for 8+ years

see >>689420556
People are only talking about XVI cause it's new. I dont think it's going to be looked back at fondly.
You can always tell if a journalist or streamer is in Square-Enix's pocket based on how they respond to criticism of the company mantra. If they get irrationally mad and shut down
>7 should have been one game
>Action isn't working out
discussion, they've been bought out.
because xvi killed ff

7R sold over 2x what ff16 sold
if ff16 killed ff then bg3 killed bg
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>XVI only has 22k players
>Monkey game managed to his TWO million
What the fuck happened? They had nearly the same budget
FF just isn't a big brand name anymore and people have been burnt too many times. Imagine buying XV after believing all the market and hype and seeing the outcome. They've let their customers and fan base down desu
ff16 was made for the modern audience
Game came out over a year ago.
or Rebirth after the monkeys paw that was 7R
>loser who betrayed RPG fans for the so called "modern audience"
actually he was trying to appeal to snoys, so if you think about it from that perspective he was between a rock and a no games machine.
The audience he's after seems to be the God of War one
>everyone talks about xv game and story and character content and have for 8+ years
All I want from him is that bring some decent writer
Not fucking bg3 faggotary pepperino
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>ff rebirth
>2024 goty
Thought remakes can't win goty isn't it???
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incel zoomers love persona because uou can date cute girls. Troons dont like it since they cant date boys.
Turd cringecels are all 40 year old middle aged manchildren shitting adult diapers. They don't have a space in gaming anymore.
>>everyone talks about xv
>all videos are multiple years old
Usually you're better with your disingenuous "evidence" bazzfag. This is just sad.
Rtwp is 6 second turns you fucking retard
You just know they saw the buzz the latest GoW got and decided to ape that.
That's the problem with SE, they're no longer trendsetters and keep blindly grasping at shit without fully understanding; that's why they just keep churning glib facsimile after glib facsimile
never forget, never forgive.
god i love feixiao

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