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Why are vampire games so fucking lame, dude. I want a VtMB but not janky. Is there anything like that?
Nope, you are shit out of luck.
VTMB2 :)
if you werent a fucking newfag and actually lurked for 10 years before posting, you'd know the answer is Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode
>dude just play Skyrim as a vampire with a mod that makes it so people won't want to attack you on sight
>its totally what your asking for
>Is there anything like that?
There probably won't ever be, Anon. VTMB is a perfect storm of conditions that make it what it is.
>2000s grittiness/gothic style
>The Masquerade being a really strong narrative point that pretty much all vampire politics revolves around
>Modern setting with urban environment
>Great sound design and atmosphere, you really do feel like you're wondering around the seedy parts of Los Angeles
>Really fucking good voice acting and writing to back it all up
>Veteran team with games like I have no Mouth and I must Scream, Might and Magic V, Fallout and Arcanum under their belts

I've tried writing down ideas for my own VTMB knockoff, but they either felt flat or just reiterated the original's own themes in a less interesting way.
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since this thread is about to die soon can i just say
>ruins your religious vamp kino
I hate this bitch
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Have you heard of Castlevania SotN
Have you tried the PS2 Castlevania games if you don't like the 2D ones?

That's about it. It's hard to work with vampires unless you just make them generic demons because they're so powerful in lore. Imagine a Hellsing game. You'd just wipe the floor with enemies like Dynasty Warriors but at 100x speed.
Gay faggot
What do you mean? I remember her being nice
for a non shitpost answer btw there's the Legacy of Kain series. It's not like VTMB in the way it plays but it's still vampire kino.
What we need is to stop focusing on Bloodline's game and try doing something like Kenshi or Mount and Blade. Its less work to make a sandbox game than people think but these devs keep trying to catch the magic that RPG's like Skyrim, Witcher, or Bloodlines have and that's how you end up with slop like Cyberpunk 77 or to be more relevant, that's how you end up with Bloodlines 2.

TL;DR make a game that can be played for hours and is sustained by the playerbase.
if only v rising was a third person game it would be a great vampire sim, but they had to make it gay ass isometric.
Never heard of Kenshi before, what's it like?
*kills u*
the 2002 series is so far superior it isn't even funny anymore
Kenshi is an open world single player mmo. But instead of reoccuring quests they let you create a character and put you in a desert world, where everything wants to kill you, and say "go. get strong enough to be the strongest in the land". That's Kenshi to me. Some people will have different experiences.
>and that's how you end up with slop like Cyberpunk 77
This is something I thought about too. I was willing to pick up Unity and see how far I could get with my knockoff, but I realised that even games like Cyberpunk 2077 failed to measure up to Bloodlines. So you're right, we'd be better off not laser focusing on Bloodlines and trying other stuff.
Just want to say I feel your pain, I feel like a sandbox would be pretty good. Lots of options to customize your play style through magic or focusing more on the feral aspects of vampirism
I have only seen the abridged series and she seemed fine to me.
Waifufaggots please please PLEASE do not reply to me ever again.
Imagine being this much of a contrarian faggot.

You're the worst kind of secondary.
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Who are the coolest vampires?
That's not my waifu I just haven't seen hellsing in years so I don't remember her being a bitch
I honestly can't imagine the original being better than the parody, so I never bothered (and never will).
The original 2001 anime is better even though it only tells a fraction of the story in the manga.
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Nope. There are absolutely no good vampire games. VTMB was lightning in a bottle and will probably never, EVER be replicated. VTMB2 will be worthless dogshit that does little more than spit on the great legacy VTMB left behind.

If you want a good vampire experience you have to get very esoteric or VERY autistic by hypermodding morrowind/skyrim or delving into RPGM games.
Whats funny is with enough work Cyberpunk can be reworked into Vampire Masqurade Bloodlines 2 and VtMB can be Cyberpunk. Thats whats cool about Skyrim. The devs give you a barebones ($70) game and overtime people do amazing shit with it. The same can be said for Kenshi and Mount and Blade. Not saying thats what anyone wants but you did say you were playing around with the idea
In vidya? Alucard.
In general? Blade.
The ost alone elevates it above most shows
Whatever happened to that werewolf game that was in the same...vein... as VtMB?
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I think there is still room for a game like that. People will whine and call it soulless as a kneejerk. But to call it lightning in a bottle is jokes. Especially considering how niche the fanbase for that particular game is. The funniest thing about the sequel is seeing all these secondaries come out the woodwork to pretend like the first game was more popular than it was.

That being said a game that's aimed towards early 2000's metalheads or scene kids can still happen. People love Hades. People love Hi Fi Rush. Or Sunset Overdrive. Those are games definitely aimed to certain people.
It has a very unique 60s British mod vibe to it, mixed with a bunch of weird experimentation you don't find in a lot of other animes. Much more memorable than the standard dramatic orchestral soundtrack of Ultimate.

Alucard takes dick in the ass canon now so he's not cool anymore
I loved SotN, I'm just stating sad facts.
I've owned both albums since 2007 when I visited Japan, played them to pieces
Anime is not Canon.
Netflix won't ruin him for me
imagine a DMC like action game in the Hellsing universe?
Why is the mangaka hating money so much?

Funfact: The fat gun nerd in HOTD was inspired by the real life Hellsing mangaka whos also a fat nolive nerd with a thing for guns
hellsing's alucard takes it up the ass too
It's a shame more people haven't explored them, they really are unique. The silver lining of the show coming out before the manga was finished is that they were able to turn it into whatever they wanted after a certain point.
One was raped, the other fulfilled his gay fantasies.
A big difference.
that was before alucard was a vamp.
bought and rapd by his master guts style
I hard that the anine based on the mangakas other series Drifters has a ost by the same guy.
He had quite a few bass groves and acoustic stuff on YouTube years back, I wonder if I can find them
>equating consensual gay sex with anal rape of a child
Well, you said it, not me.
that's because it allegedly happened to the real Vlad Tepes
similar to this?
I didn't watch the anime but I was told it was rape
If you enjoy old Zelda games then Blood Omen if you haven't already played the Legacy of Kain series.
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Not Vlov that's for sure.
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It feels like they told him
>make a soundtrack for our British vampire show
And he was just allowed to go crazy.
This but GunGrave.
u are gay

big titty vampire police girl is kino
I may as well tag you too
Gungrave has a similar sound imo.
>religious vamp kino
Hellsing is an action comedy, you are almost as retarded as the guy who watched the abridged version
skyrim with vampire mods
>why doesn't the infamously lazy mangaka make a video game
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Seras is cute and the reunion scene was great
Also the entire Nazi assault against the Hellsing Manor was kino
It was originally porn what do you expect
vampires being bisexual is an insanely common trope lol what? this post reads like its from a closeted fag
I thought the original draft was shota porn
For there to be a lot more titties, for one thing.
oof. Looks like the asukafags are pissed.
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crazy how they predicted the three types of chuds
Explain your position or fuck off back to gay land.
>fat dude with bad eyesight
>a red stain on the wall
>dead by suicide
Well, I guess that's accurate...
so vampire it just super power bullshit
All three of them are Nazis
Ur mom is a bitch
Nah, bro. Left is obviously cosplay.
Isn't Alucard now literally unkillable since he now has the faggot cat's soul inside him?
Which archetype does Zorin represent?
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Kill yourself.
Well, there is total war: warhammer vampire counts
Nah, they have some of the classic weaknesses, vulnerability to sunlight, inability to cross bodies of water, need to sleep in a coffin filled with the soil of their homeland.
Alucard is mostly exempt because he was experimented on by Van Helsing and turned into an unbeatable plot device.
I think it’s cuz vampires are for girls and girls don’t really play video games
Evil paths are just like non-human races. People like to bitch that they aren't there, but they are a loud minority and most people will never use them, making it a massive waste of time, effort, and money to create something focused on it. So naturally a game where you are the evil doesn't resonate with most people.
Yes, but it comes with drawbacks that allow for roleplay. In VTM in particular, you're vastly superior to the every day human, but if humanity as a whole became aware vampires were real, you and all your kindred would be fucked.
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
I want to make a game with MC being elf/vampire and I'm a dude.
He exists as a quantum waveform that can consciously collapse into any state he wants
The faggot cat literally has one of the most borked powers in fiction. When he appeared in Zorin's mindscape when she was getting assblasted by Seras, he wasn't just communicating telepathically or whatever, he actually just conceptually hopped into her mind's eye since that's just something he can do. It's 'nuh uh' power taken to the nth level.
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Dracula is the story of a man who gets bitches and lives forever and cucks a dude. Dracula is a chad. Therefore Vamires are chad.

Also why is no one suggesting this game? Like yes it's subversive slop by the team that made Life is Strange. So you'll see fags and browns in 1800's London. But its a fine game besides
Sorry OP, 1st person vampire games taking place in the early 2000s or modern times don't really exist I can think of Bloodrayne but that's about it. VTMB like the STALKER series was and is lightning in a bottle that will likely never be recreated because of both a lack of talent in the gaming industry & the oppressive political climate we are living in.

I get my Vampire fix by playing modded skyrim & total war: Warhammer, right now I am enjoying playing through V-Rising despite half of the game being resource hunting & crafting, the art style is pretty and hunting bosses to drink their blood to unlock powers is cool.

If I were a rich man I would fund a Vampire hunter D game
Total War Warhammer has vampires in it? Why did nobody ever mention this? wtf now I'm interested
Anyone remember that InFAMOUS DLC where Cole was a vampire? I will never get to play that. Fuck that sucks
shame, bc it was very fun

Yes, it even has Vampire Pirates as well, they lead armies of soggy zombies with muskets from the bottom of the sea. they are a DLC race for Warhammer 2 while the regular gothic vampire counts are a Warhammer 1 race

> Dracula is the story of a man who gets bitches and lives forever and cucks a dude
Sounds like a woman’s romance novel
Normally I hate women tagalongs because they usually waste time but her getting Pip as her first familiar was honest to God one of the most kino scenes.
>inspired by
They have the exact same name and IRL Hirano was very close friends with the author.
i swear there was a Hellsing ps2 game
yeah fuck me its almost like a new HxH came out and this mangaka has also the working moral of a sloth
Play Soulreaver or Blood Omen 1.
Is any mangaka NOT lazy? I'll get shit but I used to like BnHA. It took a fucking year for the final fight to be drawn and completed. With so many fucking golden week breaks. And then the final two issues were rushed as shit and we got Cucku because the dude just lost the plot.
And keep in mind I grew out of BnHA YEARS ago but when I saw the final epilogue i was furious. Fucking waste of time.
You mean mangakas who aren't forced to keep making a chapter each week because of contracts but still frequently writes chapters out of passion? None that I can think of.
>Seras is cute and the reunion scene was great
That scene where she ascends to a true Vampire is still one of the fucking coldest things I've seen in anime.
Fuck I love this anime. I watch Ultimate Abridged every Halloween.
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How the hell did hellsing beat this motherfucker
Only a man can defeat a monster.
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I wish that Darkwatch sequel didn't get canned
>nasu’s first thinly veiled cope over never being attractive to a white woman
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He drives the plot and he gets shit done. He acts and not reacts. And he wins in the end.
I bought this on sale and haven't played it yet. is it good? even just okay? I beat werewolf apocalypse earthblood so I'm used to enjoying terrible games
Suppose so, unless he thinks himself out of existence. Functionally it might be even more immortal than his previous soul-based regeneration.
I dislike this game's existence in it's current state
Unfortunately no.
I liked it. The combat is a little janky and finding clues is a bit hand holdy. But I had fun being a vampire doctor
what does that have to do with what he's asking for?
Back then he was still just Count Dracula. Powerful, yes, but that was before they experimented on him with occult rituals and made him more bullshit.
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shame he only had one good game and then they just used his IP to sell dogshit
i genuinely don't get why either, even if they wanted to make 3D games, why not keep Kain as the main character? he's an immortal murderhobo with magic, that's like THE character everybody makes in RPGs, did they think people didn't want to play as that?
thanks anon
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atleast for my hero academia is over and you can put your mind at rest while mine cant decide to drop HxH entirely and never look back the current arc they stopped in isnt even interesting. LOOK AT THIS SMUG POS i hate Togashi so much bros
Dude thats wild i was thinking about Vampire's Assistant while reading this thread and that image reminded me of pic rel
It could be worse. Vagabond and Berserk will never have an ending
If I remember correctly. He had to get rid of all the souls he consumed. Except the cat boy. He also can't absorb souls anymore, other wise he'll stop existing again.
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Sardine Man
Make one
There was so many vampire good books when i was a kid. Darren Shan, Vladimir Tod, I've even started appreciating Twilight God help me.

why tho? had plans to read it together with Lone Wolf and Cub but hearing this there is no point. did the mc atleast accomplish his main goal until then and is now on dlc missions?
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>did the mc atleast accomplish his main goal until then and is now on dlc missions?
Wasn't this the guy that got caught with over 10 TB of CP?
I have a soft spot for Jerry from Fright Night (original).
There was a VHD game for PS1.
Me too, but we were probably thinking of Gungrave.
Sadly, no. VTMB was the peak of vampire games. Nothing has come even closer.
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Rourini Kenshin mangaka
>it's real
>he never went to jail for it

kenshin was my first manga i deeply valued
but how did he escape with only a fine
Not only did he never go to jail for it but I believe Netflix rebooted the anime or made a live action adaptation last year thats still on. So he's still making money.
no thats in the future but only 10TB of Gon and Killua shota porn
The original Hellsing series is way better because of the soundtrack
Realistically could somebody remake VtMB? Like keep everything the same but update the graphics and UI?
Nightdive could if you look at their System Shock remake.
Read the Vampire Hunter D books if you haven't already! The actual original books, not the manga.
And I man without the "permission" of the original Devs
It was legal when he bought it but he just never got rid of it afterwards
>vampire hunter dick
what a dumb name
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Integra is best girl
Unironically. The atmosphere and the soundtrack are pure gold. Ultimate is still good tho.
>production and distribution of CP only banned in 1999
>ownership only banned in 2014

all these Japanese boomers must be fucked in the head. would think twice to raise a kid in Japan
you know who
I thought it was because he was really old and vampire powers scale with age.
please explain to me wtf those lil puppet outros at the end of the originals are? they haunt me like 20 years already
You mean
>elevates your kino
Remaking it from scratch would be no easy feat. You'd have better luck modding the original game, but even then, it runs on a prototype version of Source Engine and you'd never escape from the jank.
I fucking wish
nta but it's ok. Yeah you get niggers and whatnot but there's nice atmosphere. I recommend underleveling yourself to make combat somewhat of a challange. I went to sleep only once and it bordered frustratingly difficult at few points but still, i imagine leveling every chance you get would make combat too spam attack to win. I recommend on sale even tho it's don't nod. Also the bridge ost reminded me of old hellsing, always walked through it instead of running. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecEg6xBbr-0
They're supposed to be the gag panels from the manga, but turned into a "next time" segment.
Ultimate's soundtrack is a bit forgettable, the anime's soundtrack is one of the best ever made.
Fuck that, I want an fps where you play as Alucard. Classic doom style so we can get all that glorious hand drawn gore.
they always had that unfitting happy go lucky music.
dunno why murdering ghouls and vampires wasnt scary but the harmless puppets made me lose my shit
Aria and Dawn of Sorrow work too since not only are you the reincarnation of Dracula in those games, but you can get his abilities including ripping into enemies and healing from it. Aria requires it for the true ending iirc.
My brother-in-arms.
A game where you play as Alucard would be a full-on power trip. It could be fun, but I don't now how you'd make it really challenging.
why is the german intro song so much better than the us versions. much more fitting

> could be fun, but I don't now how you'd make it really challenging.
Maybe put it on a time limit or have special objectives that you have to complete. The challenge wouldn't come from killing enemies, but from completing the objectives despite all these blood filled speed bumps in your way. The only exception would be bosses, whom you have to beat with a restricted power level. Alucard was getting his ass kicked by Incognito until Integra let him use his hax.
God hellsing so cool, why all anime never ever had good games
There are good anime games, its just only the mega popular stuff gets them. Like DBZ, JoJo, and Hokuto Ken have good tie in games, but not many other series do.
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>but I don't now how you'd make it really challenging.
that's the neat part
you don't lol
or the difficulty setting would be the restriction level, so you have to do the level with less powers
>happy go lucky
In what world?
Maybe you have the option to play as other characters, and while Alucard is super easy, some like Walter or Pip would be a challenge, and to get the good ending you have to play all the characters' stories.
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Zoom zoom
>assraped by sandnigger
>has to live as femboy faggot for eternal
Is there any worse fate than him? I think no.
You could get your soul eaten by a an eternal femboy faggot and get used as an extra life
i imagine a story from 3 different views.
playble characters: Seras, Anderson and the Captain (werewolf dude)
The D is many things, though I don't think Dick is one of them.
oh damn instead of nostalgia i get greeted with goosebumps. Ishii is a musical genius
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Cute lanky Nazi girl
You fucking faggot
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pretty cool of you coming out of the closet like that
Symphony of the Night
Popular stuff don't get good games
Most of the time it's same shit fighter or gacha slop, the last good dbz games are from gba era
i know. its so unfitting its perfect
wtf is Pippy gonna do when we already have two unkillable machines fuled by the rage of Satan and someone named Angel Of Death who is slicing up entire building with his razorwires (and who is also a vampire at the end)
Yeah, but even if 90% of their games are trash, that still leaves a lot of good games. They made a lot of DBZ games. Personally, I think the PS2 was where they peaked.
>wtf is Pippy gonna do
Summon other mercs, shoot vampires with his guns, blow them up with explosives. Playing him would be intentionally unfair. You'd probably spend more time playing as characters like Seras or Walter.
You're talking to a normalfag who thinks waifu means cute girl.
Now i want a Hellsing musou game.
Pip and his mercs can be a support charcter attack
Dangerously lewd Integra.
>or the difficulty setting would be the restriction level, so you have to do the level with less powers
I could see it being level based, where you're restricted to a certain level for each one. On repeat playthroughs you can choose whatever level you want. Level 0 for every stage would be the ultimate endgame reward. Maybe throw in some other objectives like what >>689385096 said.
>Dangerously lewd Integra.
have my last two and then I'm outta Integras that I made
So every level has a special objective you have to complete, like preventing a VIP from being turned into a ghoul or killing a target vampire before they can escape, then there's release level restrictions to keep you from causing too much collateral (which just so happen to also keep you from roflstomping early levels), then there's a score system which grades you on how well you did in the level based on damage taken, and time.
nice but ze glasses in the second one are not finished imo
Nero was cooler
ORT barely even counts
>your soul eaten by a an eternal femboy faggot and get used as an extra life
But he said 'worst fate', not every modern nu-male's secret fetish
It's not canon you mindbroke /pol/shitskin
Netflix slop isn't anime.
Heh, I already have that first image saved.
The single most homosexual post on this website.
Yes, that is taking into account the literal gay porn.
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>Alucard takes dick in the ass canon now so he's not cool anymore
Netflixslop is not and will never be canon. Konami released a phone game shortly after that season came out just to confirm Alucard was never with anyone but Maria then shut it down.
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Anything to necro bump a dead thread. Sometimes you need to become a monster.
oh that's the guy who made busou renkin
what the fuck man
jesus fucking christ delete this shit
Alucard is a blameless victim of his father's monstrosities. He's an innocent and self-sacrificing Christian boy preserving himself for the sake of mankind, making him a sodomite ruins the character.
Remember that guy from Ninja Scroll who had a bee hive inside his back? That sounds like it could be vampire ability. But I think we'd be crossing over into Candyman territory with that.
Netflixvania is explicitly non-canon. It’s apart of a bootleg multiverse.
You fucking retards, that's based on Vlad Tepes' real story.
It's part of his descent into madness and why he was so feared because he swore revenge and actually did it.
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You posted him
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>no isekai historical battle royale
Hirano you lazy piece of shit continue the damn series what the fuck
I just want a straight forward action game one. I know it's a sacred cow but part of the reason I've never enjoyed VTMB is because of all the fucking dialogue and rpg elements.
i'm right there with you. But the reason you shouldn't just go around killing people is BECAUSE of the masquarade.
I rewatch the anime just for the sound track.
Was Vampyr any good in any way?
I didn't consume and of it
>VTM Redemption
>incredibly kino story/writing/atmosphere
>start off as medieval crusader, eventually end up in modern times
>absolutely atrocious level design, janky ass mechanics, poorly executed combat/RPG elements that try to emulate Diablo and fail spectacularly
When I say poor level design I don't mean the entire game *looks* like ass necessarily, just that the dungeons themselves are mostly caves, basements etc with a shit camera that has you getting lost constantly. Even the map is useless in towns because that goddamn camera never shows you where you're fucking looking. But, if you can endure it, it's worth it for the narrative- just use a guide and mods.
>Pic rel
That's like the safest edgy shit I've seen.
unironically listen to OG Hellsing OST all the time
Kino. Biased because I like jazz/swing etc.
I'd love a historically accurate adaptation of his real world life story, its so fucked and just prime material for an amazing series or movie if someone could convince the studios to leave out the vampire stuff. Nothing against vampires either, its just that the real guy has such an interesting story.
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>Why are vampire games so fucking lame, dude.
Damn you're right. I think...
>I want a VtMB
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Yeah. VTMB is only good the first dozen or so times.
You cannot have any media about the Balkans or Greece and Turkey, because Turks are insane about it.
If you were to tell the story of Vlad Tepes you have to talk about what the Turks did, and they don't like that.
We don't really know if the real Vlad got buttfucked like Alucard. He was said to be stocky and scary looking, not femboy material. His brother Radu did get fucked and Vlad never got over it.
Cute bite is pretty decent, just try and get it on sale.
Wait fuck I'm retarded the base price is already pretty cheap, get it now.
They tried, and it was horridly ass that I doubt anyone will ever try it again. Aside from that, with the current (((state))) of media I doubt wanton slaughter of brown people, poor people, aristocrats in the form of the Boyars etc would be tolerated. He didn't kill enough whites, basically.
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>that time Fate made Constantine XI a servant
What was bad about it? I almost want to check it out just to see
I thought this movie was fun honestly. Cool mix of Vlad and Dracula. Not particularly accurate but a fun movie anyway.
People were filtered by the fact that drinking blood locked you out of the “don’t drink any blood” ending. But besides that it was pure kino
I know that, and in fact I don't like vampire, or monster media in general, with societies, clans and rules like the "masquerade" either. I think the only one I like is Blade 1 and that's only because Frost himself actively hated that shit too.
That wasn't even trying to be historically accurate. It was explicitly made to kickstart their Dark Universe thing so the vampiric element was always going to be there.
>it was horridly ass
I've always thought it was very enjoyable. Even rewatched it last year. Would've made for a cool game too but I guess Lords of Shadow already fills those shoes a bit.
>Nutsax slop
>canon by any stretch of the imagination
I watched it on release, so I can't remember much, but it was trying to be grimdark while also making Vlad a whiny bitch with anime powers. I want him to the historically ruthless cunt he was.
Maybe I'll try to rewatch it eventually, it's been ten years so maybe I'm not being fair but I remember it being pretty mid.
I really -wanted- to like it, but it was hampered by a few things that might not bother some people. First being what >>689397853
he said.
If you suck off even a single person as a fucking VAMPIRE, you get a bad ending. It doesn't matter. Which means, you're relying completely on equipment as opposed to your powers which makes the game a lot more tedious. Not difficult- tedious. As in, shit just takes much longer to kill bashing away at cunts until they fall over instead of being able to rip through mobs with stun and bite 97% of the time.
Secondly, every time you go to pass time for leveling, people will get sick with some seemingly random affliction. So, you need to make all the cures. To do that, you need the recipes. And the ingredients. And this to me was the worst part- you have to track down EVERY. SINGLE. NPC. Individually, hand them their penis pills, xanax or lean on an often obtuse map with locked gates and weird design in a game that's dark as fuck the entire time, it's just... tedious. I WANTED to like it, I played through it twice, but it just missed it. Plus, the guy's supposed to be a 1918 doctor but he looks like a fucking my chemical romance drummer. Minor complaint, but still. (Even before he gets vamp raped.)
Thank you for your service.
>anime powers.
but those were cool. Him soloing the army in the beginning and the huge bat swarm scene are the best parts of the movie.
I want to be Molag Bal and rape her while she was still a cute virgin.
Didn't he make them have an orgy first before he fucked her though? Like, dad got a turn first? Todd was on some SHIT back in 2013, man.
I wouldn’t call any of the endings bad. If you go around killing every civilian you see, you were clearly going for some kind of selfish ending. If you actively avoid killing people, you were clearly going for an abstinence ending.
What's Dracula like in Castlevania?
if i remember right Dracula untold was good. There was another one called Dracula Lord of the Damned that was really really bad
More or less an anti-Christ figure that is resurrected by cultists or other vampires every century or so. He is literally described as the opposite to God in the Sorrow games which take place in the future after his permanent death in 1999. In Bloodlines, Elizabeth Bathory orchestrates WW1 to use the souls of those killed in the war to resurrect him as an example of how inherently destructive his existence is in the setting.
Sounds cool enough. What about personality? Is he a murderhobo or just a natural disaster who doesn't view human life the same way?
Depends on the game. He has a lot of theatrical speeches about his hatred of God and humanity though.
old Castlevania is just a platformer so he doesn't get much personality beyond being a video game baddie. Only Rondo and Symphony flesh him out a bit with the meme speeches where he hates humans and think's they're more to blame for him constantly coming back. LoS gives him more story too but that's a edgy 2000s reboot thing with it's own continuity.
Which Castlevania games are worth picking up on Steam?
There's also Lament of Innocence, where he is fleshed a bit more, namely why he embraced vampirism.
Vampyr, Lords of Shadow 2
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Not related but, has drifters gotten a season 2, or should I just give up hope and pick the manga?
>tfw no hellsing mutliplayer shooter as the Hellsing organization vs the nazis assaulting london
>One of the win conditions of the Hellsing side is waiting for Alucard to return
That or Iscariot
Whichever looks most interesting honestly. The GBA and DS games are metroidvanias like Symphony pf the Night and the classics are NES/SNES/Genesis era linear action games.
>turks well known for taking little boys hostage and raping them as a humiliation ritual (and because they were and are huge fags)
>vlad and his brother were taken hostage by them as children
>his brother became a mindbroken turk slave for life
>vlad spent the rest of his life sticking sharp poles up turk's asses until they died
bcs this game is bad
the mechanics of the suck citizens and the gameplay are directly in conflict with each other
the writing is netflix tier and the protag looks like a gay barista

the game just lacks balls, souls and grit
despite some good ideas
>turks well known for taking little boys hostage and raping them as a humiliation ritual (and because they were and are huge fags
You know for a religion that supposedly abhors homosexuality it's strange how frequently it is indulged in.
Could even be PvP but with some PvE elements as well with Iscariot and Hellsing having a dick waving contest with how many monsters they can slaughter.
Not him, but the original tv show doesn't have this retarded "UwU XD so randumb" moments. It takes the content seriously, Seras are two entirely different characters almost in the show compared to Ultimate.
You can argue if one is better than the other, but the manga has even more silly moments believe it or not. That's not a defense for ultimate nor an attack on the manga, just to point out why that is the case.
Not at all like V:TMB, however Bloodrayne 1 is pretty cool.
Bloodrayne 2 is also alright, but the slight graphical and gameplay upgrades don't make up for the environments, enemies, and story is substantially less interesting.
Bloodrayne 2 is just going from one dingy urban area to another ripping apart the same suited spooks until you get to a boss fight on a skyscraper.
In contrast, bloodrayne has way more going on, so much so that I'm not even going to spoil the basic structure in case it diminishes the experience for new players.
Seriously, go emulate it and try it for yourself.

Oh, one thing.
In the first sequence, after clearing out the church and the surrounding grounds: Look up. You are meant to jump onto the wires and walk along them until you enter the next area. When I first played I spend 20 minutes wandering around being confused before I figured it out.
Because the original tv show is not accurate to the source material in many ways.
The original tv show was basically fan fiction half the time, and 100% of the time past a certain point.
No and manga's nearly dead too.
Damn, why all the good shit gets canned while seasonal Isekai garbage continues to flourish?
I dunno what to think of BR2 after playing 1. Yeah giving her old jumps and ability to feed on downed dues would absolutely break the game with smaller levels, but she feels soo fucking weak and janky and the combat system is closer to tomb raider with gore than something like god of war.
Isekai, just like moe, is PEAK anime culture.
The sooner you guys get that, the quicker you can continue scraping off those bits off the bottom the barrel.
throw a dart at a world map and you'll find that indulgence where it lands
>try it for yourself
I already did and couldn't even stand the 1st level, which is probably one of the most boring and unengaging intro levels I've ever played cause it's some shitty swamp. The overall combat and controls felt like shite too, tried 2 for a bit thinking it'd but somewhat better but it felt like garbage right off the bat too.
I really don't want to play either game ever again.
Vlad was incredibly based.
It's a religion for murder-rapists. It's isn't a much of stretch.
Correction: Radu cel Frumos was sexually assaulted by the sultan and nearly stabbed the sultan because of it
It's not even sure if he got raped either
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Handhold, hug, kiss, marriage, nakadashi, impregnation
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call of duty
They all look kind of neat but I was wondering if there was a particular collection that you are meant to start with.
Why does cannon bitch have large tits
Big sacks of fat tissues are not suited for fighting,no?
Cool lore.
Excellent voice acting for protag.
Terrible everything else.
she can train her back and shoulders very effectively
she can give positive morals to her comrade Brits
she can suffocate the evil Germans
>i have this thirst... for BLOOD
The jank is an essential part of vtmb
If you're open to emulation, Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood are good places to start imo. Rondo is one of the better classic style games and it leads directly into Symphony which is the first one to kick off the metroidvania games, neither one is available on steam which really sucks. You really can't go wrong with any of them though.
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you can go fuck the flat catboy then
It had a good amount of detail and outcome variants for when certain people are killed and others haven't been.
That's also content that no one is ever going to see though.
I want to be german now
All Vampires are terrible, did you all forget?
emergency ammunition storage
He hates God so much for allowing him to suffer the death of his first wife while he was off fighting for the church in the holy land, in fact he hate God so much that when he becomes a demon the chaotic evil of humanity incarnates in his soul and resurrects him every hundred years or so to unleash evil into the world. He's literally an anti-christ. However the constant presence of churches in Castlevania which is supposed to be a manifestation of his soul indicates he has a melacholic desire for redemption which he eventually does get as Soma. Both Christianity and Buddhism are true in Castlevania so he gets to reincarnate AND have his soul saved AND reunite with his 3rd wife Mina Harker(Mina Hakuba). The story in Castlevania has always been pretty simple but I always thought it was elegant and wholesome when you put it all together. It's why the Netflix show really misses the mark by trying to turn it into Game of Thrones with gay vampires.
He has some nerve shitting on draculas when he has the hairline of one
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no. you want to be French
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Same for anime.

Modern anime is shit. Bad writing and artstyle all around.
How come there's never been a straight up adaptation of Hellsing as a video game? I feel like it writes itself, the main story beats lends themselves for a video game format spectacularly well. I guess it would have to be an AA game and that era of gaming has passed unfortunately.
not a warhammerfag but irc vampire coast in totalwarhammer was well received wasn't it?
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I love this goofy vampire
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indescribably shit taste
Vae victis, my nigga.
Ultimate's ost is a bit meh, but it more than compensate with some tracks and especially the symphonic/lyrical tracks
just do DMC but with alucard and seras. he needs souls to live so by killing enemies you absorb their blood and regain health, easy as that.
unless you want ending alucard, in which case I don't know what to tell you
He still had to sleep in a coffin, couldn't cross bodies of water (used carrier to get to london, and plane to reach carrier) the sunlight thing was also factual, he comments on the beauty of the sunrise when he finally gets to see it
>the sunlight thing was also factual, he comments on the beauty of the sunrise when he finally gets to see it
as far as I remember he basically says that he's immune to it. when they land in brazil it's daytime (and I think it's basically day when he fights walter)
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>That was a 52 inch, plasma screen TV...
I'm just glad we even have the 2002 anime. The manga is so much quirkier and different, it's amazing the studio opted to make it dark and serious. I've tried watching Ultimate like 5 times but the clashing in tones make me drop it every time.
shut up fag
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Fuck that. Give me a real Vampire Hunter D game!
Hellsing mod for Max Payne
every now and then i think about this classic cosplay pic
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vampires getting a little uppity
hey the ps1 game is kind of cool, at least
hellsing ultimate abridged is the only comedic fandub i can think of that manages to completely eclipse the thing its based on.
The Yu Gi Oh one is good too
>hating on Police Girl
That track was so good they reused it in Ultimate.
For me it's:
Anyone play the Blade game on PS2? Is it any good?
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>this is what she looks like irl
Hellsing TV had so many problems, but I still prefer that version of Seras to Ultimate.
Dude are you serious? Are anond like this way I keep reading that the fucking original is better than ultimate? If any of you have never finished Ultimate, the OG anime is pretty cool. Ultimate is way cooler, way way cooler. There's a lot of reasons why, his fight with Anderson probably being one of my biggest ones. But the villain in the OG is probably the only thing that I miss from Ultimate.
It's just got a better story.
i never watched yugioh so i cant say much about it but it doesnt seem super edgy or humorous. hellsing ultimate was an edgy action comedy so a well done abridgement that adds more edgy comedy works perfectly.
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based nazi
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Looks like a jobber.
Todd didn't write it lmao
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Nice posts, faggot, Nice posts
what happens next?
she kills the one guy who was nice to her
absolutely based complete and total beta orbiter death
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Seras should have gotten her own Revengeance
so you're saying the baby-eating nazi vampire assassin was evil???
she let herself get gangbanged so yeah
He still lost to Alucard though. Somehow.
>reply count
>absolutely based
Why do people go gaga for her? I only watched Ultimate.
I wish women were real
I will say I never liked the trope of vampires getting blood all over their faces and drooling it everywhere, isn't blood supposed to be like precious why waste it?
Some have a big cum and they get stupid for a bit
sounds like a mashup of the doors with king crimson
>ruins your religious vamp kino
It's hellsing tva and already flopped even before hellsing ova, fucking hack hirano kouta seethe over it of course
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she kills him and eats him because he's Slavic and she's an evil racist german nazi vampire. it makes no sense considering how weak she was and couldn't even break the chains. that doujin was written and drawn by Rei Hiroe AKA the author of Black Lagoon manga. his writing was never known for being realistic
Darkstalkers is great though
For some reason this reminded me that one doujinshi when nazis are running a train on Van Winkle. Schroedinger tries to join but gets his exposed femboy bussy blasted by soldiers while getting sandwiched between them and her.
It was hot.

Only answer.
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Why is Hellsing discussion better here than on /a/?
Too many dbz spics in /a/
It's staggering D only got one game and it was a Resident Evil clone.
I can fix her
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>alucard in call of duty
>it's real
Unspoken board culture rules is that discussions are always better outside of the board they belong in. Likely because said threads are made where most dedicated shitposters won't find them as quickly.
I'm late to the thread, but it's more like are barely any vampire games. Even vampire characters are somewhat rare, but actual "games about vampires" barely exist.
funnily enough, the only topic that escapes this pattern is politics, maybe it works on /lit/
Because /pol/ is already cancer, you can't ruin something people revel in.
I can't think of anyone who would hate Seras outside of jealous bitches who hate hot anime girls in general or insane fujoshi who unironically ship Alucard with Anderson and/or Walter or something, it's kind of infeasible.
Reminder that the sunlight weakness wasn't a thing in vampire folklore and didn't even enter popular culture until cinema circa Nosferatu.
>Reminder that the sunlight weakness wasn't a thing in vampire folklore
technically sun has already set by the time you're "seeing" the sunset. that might explain the origin of the myth and its misconception.
And everyone has forgotten about the compulsion to counting things/can't come in uninvited weaknesses. All Euro peasants thought they could ward vampires off by simply telling them to fuck off and go count grains or seeds.
In the original Dracula book, sunlight wasn’t harmful to vampires, it simply disabled most of their powers while exposed.
wtf, is that why the count from sesame street counts? I thought it was just a play on words
In the original Dracula book and old folklore vampires just turn back in to corpses during the day and have to "sleep" in their grave/tomb and only come alive at night.
Dracula walks around in broad daylight, he just isn't as powerful then. Weirdly he's actually at his most powerful at twilight rather than actual night, IIRC.
I think that's just because Dracula's such an ancient and powerful vampire, his vampire skanks and Lucy and vampires in actual folklore definitely just turn back in to corpses as soon as the sun comes up
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>For Honor style 3-way faction war between Hellsing, Iscariot, and the Nazis in London
I'd play it.
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I always liked how Jojo vamps could suck blood through their fingers.
I really thought he was going to be in Mortal Kombat after the COD reveal.
So this is canon, right?
Yes, Count von Count is both a play on words on the nobility title and the OCD of traditional folklore vampires.
God’s real curse wasn’t set on Cain but on vampire video games.
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Darren Shan mentioned! Currently there's a storytime of its manga on /a/.
2025 will be the year of the vampire.
Have faith.
he can't die, he just leaves if he decides a fight is disappointing and not worth his time.
Least he has big titty police girl to keep him company in eternity.
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I wonder, did Seras have a red uniform made for her after the finale, or did she decide to wear the same blood soaked outfit for 30 years?
Does it have the same retarded ending as the books?
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Most probably but the anon who is dumping it says that it's done better in the manga than in the books. Also a lot of stuff is trimmed.
What if I want to fuck both?
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Integra a best. That is all
Why the fuck would I go to /a/
So, if Hellsing takes place in 1997, then we're still 3 years away from Alucard returning to Integra.
She's very nice.
>Hating a cute girl who manages to stay upbeat and pleasant despite everything
Well fuck you too
prototype was vampire kino
it needs a remake
the time travel shit where the one we read all along ends up as a sex slave for the fat ojisan while making his past selve leave the circus?
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Fair enough. But i think the threads are comfy.
>le comfy
Go back
Hopefully her canto will be good.
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>where to?
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Vampires are only interesting because of their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Yes they get supernatural powers but everything should come with a steep cost. It's a curse and should always reflect that. It's why Astarion was so lame in BG3. Oh I'm a vampire spawn but tadpole no weakness haha. Gay and lame.
if hellsing really does happen in our timeline, how the fuck do i not get scammed on an offer to get turned into a vampire?
Well well well, I leave for one day....
The Catholics are crusading, while the Nazis are invading!
Don't play on hard, it isn't worth it. It just makes the unfun combat even more unfun.
I want to read his LN, sounds like the kind of thing I'd like
>Hate Abrahamic sand religions in real life
>Love fire-and-brimstone Abrahamic characters in fiction
I'm conflicted.
You lack the conviction you admire so much. Instead of finding fault with yourself, you find fault with the scripture. The conflict is from this cognitive dissonance.
Is there anywhere I can read the Vampire Hunter D books?
Look pal I'm never going back to that nonsense. But you're right that I most likely just gravitate towards characters with very strong conviction in what they are doing, even if it leads to negative outcomes. Like Rorschach in Watchmen is willing to doom the world by releasing the truth. Conviction to a fault makes for some cool/interesting characters.
dangerous image
If you're on /v/, anywhere is an upgrade.
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nyaa has 29 volumes from Dark Horse. go knock yourself out and enjoy anon
That amount of tranny seethe in replies proves you right.
NTA but have you read them? I've never read a LN and I'm interested
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i'm right
even when it's for an objectively worse outcome, you cannot help but it admire it
because you lack it
I don't "admire" them, I think they can be cool and interesting in fiction. It can be truly heinous in real life. Look at all the LGBT freaks and religious mongs. Conviction, but it isn't pretty because they make real life worse.
Save the sermon, will you
Yeah, I've read them and they're perfectly fine. First book is quite a bit different from the ones that come after but it's a great intro, and as far as light novels go it's top notch in terms of quality of content. It's not really great for binge reading in the sense that it might get repetitive to read how wet every single person, animal and monster gets for D - and maybe that by now many of the story beats are easily predictable and kinda cliche but I've enjoyed every volume I've read. Some more than others but I wouldn't rate any of them with a particularly low score.
gets wet* for D. My bad.
Is being cool just about pretending? Should I pretend to be a vampire and would that make me cool like the cool kids?

I want to be liked so bad Anons what should I do?
There should be more games with a neutral/good vampire, imagine a game that takes place in medieval era or Victorian era where you play as a vampire who finds a remote village and the vampire makes a deal with the villagers where they let him live there and keep him safe from the sun or any fanatic vampire hunter during the day and in exchange he can freely feed of them (without draining them completely dry of course) and also protects them from bandits and other threats like predators or monsters who try to raid the village at night.
Molag Bal. Dude doesn't pretend to be anything but pure malicious evil and it's amazing.
well yeah
that's just gay
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>neutral/good vampire
Thanks, I've asked about it on /a/ and /jp/ before but no one answered me
From what I saw it seems to be more of an atmospheric adventure/exploration from D's perspective which sounds like my kind of thing
Would you recommend to watch the anime movies before or after the novels?
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not him but I've read several and I can say without hesitation the world is probably one of the last truly original and unique settings ever put into any mass market product. It's a mashup of so many different genres yet somehow combined in such a flawless way it's a shame there's no video game simply based on the setting.
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This any good?
I mean it has a very vampire feel and kinda scratches the itch, but as a game its the most general survivalbuilding crap around. Wasted potential honestly
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You can do either or. Bloodlust is volume 3's adaptation and I'd say you can watch that to get a feel for what the world looks like. It's not spoilery since D's novels are very episodic in nature. If it's easier for you to watch Bloodlust then go for it. Sub or dub is up to you as well, but you should know that D is more in line with the books in the sub.
You think it's gonna be a cool vampire sim but it's just Valheim with goth aesthetic.
Nobody has answered me. Now I am becoming a vampire. I will suck dry the veins of your happiness. Ill slaughter the weak and innocent. I am the terror of the night. I am the one, the only one
Hellsing has the best vampirism as a powersystem
How do I get a seras gf
Thanks, you've convinced me

I'l probably watch it when I finish reading the third volume then, I don't mind waiting because I'm not reading the novels because of the anime, It's just because of genuine interest for the novels really
have fun
You're cool or you aren't. You're the product of your genes and upbringing. If you have to try to be cool, you aren't cool. Just find other weirdos who are like you. Hope you find a friend, anon.
V Rising is pretty good.
nigga they thought the earth was flat. And the sun was a woman in a chariot
It wasn't before Anne Rice.
Either the Tremere or the Gangrel.
Evil vampires have been overdone, I never said the vampire would be a moralfag or anything. He'd just be living a symbiotic relationship with humans.
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definitely not anime characters
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Oh would you look at the time?>>689364732
Blade over Morbius is simply ridiculous. It IS morbin time
>400 posts later
Do you ever get tired of being a faggot?
Don't be a vampire. Be yourself.
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he answered the call
You don't owe anyone any more or any less. And I wish more people realized that
I was here. The thread was literally on page 10 and along came one Anti Skub FAGGOT. Its been 18 hours of crucifixtion
Thank you Anon. You proved to me that the world is good - to me. That it doesnt hate me, but instead loves me. I did not control you, yet you were good to me
>completely eclipse
No. It ruins the entire theming of the original and has too many dated unfunny jokes, especially in the later episodes.
They completely massacre the major's character too.
hope alucard takes a liking to you
the author unironically just decided to stop making it, AFAIK hes perfectly healthy and he even went back to work on the slam dunk movie and some other basketball manga he occasionally updates
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That's it
my favorite evil vampire power trip with 2000s cringekino
Cain is an actual faggot, though.
I unironically bought 3.
Nah she’s a cutie, totally would let her suck me dry
>taking Netflix slop as canon
You are just as bad as them if you think that
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vampires dont live in castles dracula had a castle because he was a count not a vampire
vae victis my niggas
I can hear it in my head so clearly. Followed by Kain's sadistic laugh.
I liked it
Some missed opportunities but probably the best dontnod game
How does one get into Vampire Hunter D? I watched the first movie, is the second one good?
I'm glad to know there's still anons around that appreciate D and Hellsing
>Vampire Hunter D?
Man, it has some cool AMVs
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Vampires are seen as a joke nowdays
Second movie's great. But if you really want to get into Vampire Hunter D, you have to read the light novels. The worldbuilding for the series is great and there are a lot of things the movies couldn't fit in.
Second movie is awesome, but if you want to get into VHD it's LNs all the way.
Why can't Pablo attend his English lessons...
Yeah, japs are pretty gay
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You post like, the worst vampire of Tsukihime.
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Oh dear Oh dear
Yasushi Ishii is a fucking god
what the kino?
Jesus loves you, and want's a relationship with you.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:16-17
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This is why I fucking hate Netflix with a burning passion. People actually think it's canon, so many newfags will never know what the real Castlevania was like anymore because of this fucking cartoon. I'm actually seething, God fucking damn it
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, Trinity Blood is two doors down
Does the Dracula novel exist in Castlevania? If so, how did Bram Stoker find out about Dracula and the events that surround him? The same questions apply to Hellsing.
I thought there was going to be at least one decent vampire game recommendation.
I know the major is completely changed but... the anti-nazi nazi jokes are way too fucking funny.
>The Holocaust museum?
>NO. Leave that be. No one will deny what we did.

>They seem to be massacring our guys.
>Hah, who gives a shit, they're nazis.
Most people who aren't tourist culture warriors won't find Alucard less "cool'; if anything he was basically an autist who was lured into sex with the only two people who seemed to have similar trauma to him and showed him love, only for them to show its only a ruse and they actually hated them and tried to kill him. For their trouble, Alucard punished them by impaling them still alive like dear old dad used to do and leaving them to rot out front of his castle. This is not exactly a queer-friendly narrative either way (they literally used his vampire autism not understanding human sexuality/love to entrap him etc) , but most people who aren't election tourists aren't going to think the majority of his character had to do with gay sex and therefore he's blighted and no longer cool.

If you wanted to blame netflix for more bullshit stuff in Castlevania, then the series where the magical african and the black vampire fface off and put Richter belmont on the side was a bigger issue tan anything doing with Alucard in the show.
I liked Bloodlust Shadowhunter. It reminded me of VtMB and was pretty janky though. I liked it enough to replay it but I haven't played the sequel.
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This actually looks pretty fun, thanks bro.
How the fuck has no one posted the sonata arctica bloodlust amv yet?
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The game literally doesn't exist, anon. If you've played VTMB then you've played every single vampire game worth playing.
To be fair, Carmilla is pretty gay.
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Looks pretty kewl
Alucard already has millions of souls. He doesn't need to do anything to survive.
Oh, I forgot about her. Good book.

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