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Is he really the strongest servant?
Yes. The gate of babylon is such an intensely powerful NP that it takes up most of the Archer container and he's not nearly as impressive an actual warrior as he was in life as a result
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He jobs to rice man, so no.
Why are his arms so long
I respect the Japanese for their blatant insecurities
No, there's been insane power creep since then through FGO, etc.
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Insofar as
>heroic spirits
>that are from Proper Human History
>and can fit in a servant container
You're not going to get much better. I think Siegfried is the most effective one because of how stupid good he is for how little mana he takes, but that's me
>ranked down siegfried was able to tie Mordred
Women, am I Right?
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Nah, JetCHAD is
>A+ STR A+ END A++ AGI B MANA A+ LCK (highest physical stats of any Servant btw, under Kariya btw, was proven even faster under Zouken so A+++ AGI btw)
>A++ NP unbreakable AND damage negating sword that has beams, and doubles the rate of saving throws (miracles)
>can steal NPs from enemies (LITERALLY stole SHITrandal against Giltard as his FIRST sword, threw it away like trash when a stronger weapon came by), and turn non NP weapons into NPs (Tsar Bomba BOOSTED to NP class level, instant world ending threat, Black Barrel Replica would get several times stronger than it's been shown to date when enhanced to NP Class)
>can't prep time against him unless the Master is retarded, thanks to FSG covering up his parameters
>can do falseflag operations if needed, can make an enemy Servant get witch hunted by all the others by doing some really stupid shit in public while posing as the enemy with FSG
>Extella Link also shows FSG copying Active Skills from other Servants so he can easily get Protection from Arrowa or whatever other ability he needs at the moment
>EAM, meaning his skill is UNRIVALED
>has Martial Arts listed as one of his talents, which not even the likes of Li Shuwen and Yan Qing have, meaning he's even better than them at unarmed combat, used to HEEM even KotRT class opponents with a single punch even before his ME (killed Gareth with ONE PUNCH to the face)
Gate of Babylon is the most mana efficient ability in the entire throne of heroes, though
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you called?
Takeuchi has always been a shit artist.
Nah I am
Enjoy your own Servant killing you through mana exhaustion I guess. And God help you if there's an Artoria face anywhere in the war.
>muh Mana
That garbage ass excuse is only ever used to kill someone too strong or nerf them. Or both.
>can only steal 2 noble Phantasms at a time so he dies to a 360 degree gob spam
lol, lmao even
>implying he needs to steal everything that comes his way
He's stated to only swap weapons when a stronger one flew by.
>beat a man up with a stick a single time
>this means you can kick ass even when batshit insane
fucking urobutcher
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If he were born unto the world, he'd be the strongest with infinite mana.
>Implying this started with Butcher
Justify Rule Breaker
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Age of Gods magic fuckery.
ok so he gets stabbed by every np since he doesn't need to grab them I guess
She is cute.
>he forgot the entirety or Richard vs Gilgajobber
Berserker Lancelot is faster and far more skilled than Richard lmao.
So had he been summoned a Saber he would be unstoppable?

Why he raped Caren?
I've seen on /a/ threads that Hercules summoned as an archer would easily mop the floor with everyone.
>Why he raped Caren?
It was funny
damn, them yamato niggas be zesty
Apparently had he been summoned other than a Berserker he would have solved F/SN from the get go and there wouldn't be a story. Or something along those lines.
>(you) are Master of Assassin in (your) local HGW
>(your) servant: https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RandomInCategory/Servants (just keep rerolling until you get an Assassin)
>The catch: this is an Apocrypha HGW. All 6 other servants are Hercules.
How fucked are (you) and what's (your) plan to win against this?
Hide and let them kill each other until there's only one left standing, then let Assassin do their proper job and take out the Master.
Of course, you're still fucked if the last Herc is Archer.
My knowledge in this series is limited but if red hair Boi soloed him wouldn't his ideal archer self whoop him even faster? Or would big G just pull out that demon dildo thing he has and one tap him?
Illya was canonically so scared of him she wouldn't assault the mountain until after he died, I'm set. Autistic hatred of birds > Zeus
Heracles outside of berserker and assassin is a true hero so he would know exactly what to do and he has the means to overcome impossible odds.
FGO Gilgamesh is the exact same way because he lacks the horrid disposition he has in FSN.
FGO and EXTRA Artoria can as well but she would only be there as insurance against the worst case scenario because she's a defender of humanity and planet Earth. She's there just to make sure that there will be a tomorrow.
>Why he raped Caren?
Avenger is hostile to what he loves (humanity). He is actually in love with her because of the same quality Emiya shares with her that he hates: she lives for other people. Unlike Shirou, she is capable of her own happiness though granted it is literal masochism. Her choosing the life of a martyr when capable of her own happiness is one of the most beautiful things to him because it shows true human virtue in spite of how fucked up it may really be.

and can it really be called rape when Caren's been rape baiting him the entire game?
In Fate/strange Fake Gilgamesh fucked up Alcides and Archer Herakles would get fucked up even harder because he has extreme divinity which Gilgamesh directly counters.
Yes. He is genuinely the strongest genuine servant. Everything above him is outside the bounds of heroic spirits.
Archer is literally the strongest version of Shirou possible so yes.
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>Even if you take away Ea, He still has gate of babylon filled with innumerable weapons of all types (which he is trained/able to use) and enkidu, chains of heaven
>Conviction/ego so strong his alternative spirit origins are just himself at different stages of his life
>Even exposed to the corrupted grail, there is still no "Gilgamesh Alter", where the bare minimum for most servants receiving that same treatment would be a quick trip back to the throne

That, coupled with his high divinity as "humanity's oldest/first hero" I believe he's a very strong contender for most powerful servant, yes.
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>he could withstand the grail mud
>he isn't the grail mud
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who wouldn't, really?
would mpreg
fate zero was too good to be apart of the fate franchise
Takeuchi is a hack. But this sprite is from wormslut epilogue where Shirou gets a puppet body since wormpussy wrecked his original one.
>servants having a glorified picnic in a war they're supposed to be killing each other in is le deep and less ridiculous than teenagers with servants trying to legitimately kill each other
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Definitely asked for it.
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Arc is the best.
you will understand when you get older
>says she fucks people who are possessed by demons
>says she'll even fuck Shirou if he wants it (he's possessed by Angra Mainyu who is kind of a demon or something in that singularity)
>gets mildly upset when he denies her, unused to being rejected and insecure about her lack of chastity
>finally gives her what she wanted by the end, where untold amounts of time has passed
ataraxia was hardcore
as someone who liked zero as a teenager and finds it overrated as an adult, i agree with you
The interactions with Caren was all Angra's since Shirou has never met Caren he didn't had to act like Shirou, which you can notice he acts very un-Shirou-like in them. Hell, in the version I played you unlock the same scenes with Angra's VA after you complete the story.
either she looks dumb or im used to the cat
Angra has no personality of his own. He only appears to because his innate evil nature draws out the worst in people. This is explained like five different times. The Avenger we see is basically Shirou at his absolute worst.
I thought Hercules was stronger it's just Berserker and the retard enchantment nerfed him
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This is my current iteration of the 49 most likely servants for Extella 3. I imagine Extella 3 will have
>35-37 servants
>2 of whom are OCs like in Extella and Link
>Lostbelt shenanigans kept out
>only divine spirit is Ishtar because of the special circumstances Narita wrote for sF
>Arc because she was already in EXTRA
>Roland is a Berserker this time but functionally the same
>Douman is a Caster because he was never made an Alterego unlike in FGO
>Diarmuid finally gets his sword and Lance like in the actual myth
>Alcides instead of Herc
So on.
That is if they're staying to actual nasuverse """""""rules"""""" because if not then shit this list is bad.
>Even exposed to the corrupted grail, there is still no "Gilgamesh Alter", where the bare minimum for most servants receiving that same treatment would be a quick trip back to the throne
That's because his ego is big enough to reject the grail mud. As long as you have enough will power, you can reject its influence like FATE Shirou did.
Without Ea we could discuss the topic but with Ea it's pointless.
shirou op
pls nerf
Genuinely who cares?
why this man built like a puppet
gachashit secondaries
He's a puppet in that pic....
Extella is great.
Link has an unusually high 3.4% platinum rate on steam, for instance.
>gacha players
>playing actual vidya
Surely you don't actually believe this
>use FSG to pose as Giljobber
>order Lancelot to kill Kamala on national TV during a rally and scream NIGGGGEEEEEERRR at the top of his lungs
>now the entire planet is after Gilkek and his Master's ass
>including all the other Masters in the War
>as the Servants fight Gilgajobber have Lancelot use Knight of Owner on a nuke or something that humans planned using on Gilgamesh
>nuke Gilgajobber alongside all other Servants in one hit
gg no re
sometimes mindless musou shit is fun
Archer Hercules is probably stronger but we never get to see them fight.
Red Boi won because Gil severely underestimate him. Gil would take Archer more seriously, so that shit wouldn't fly.
There are thousands way to defeat him but that still wouldn't change that he is objectively the strongest.
typical gilfag cope
He doesn't have a counter to chains of heaven so there is literally no way for him to win against Gil.
>implying I am defending that jobber
Fucker is one of the biggest joke in the series for that lost.
Solomon is the best servant for the Grail War.
He can just dismantle the enemy summoning spells and destroy their servants that way.
Genuine cheater
What happened to all the jetfags anyway?
even musoushit outranks gachatrash
The likelihood of anyone pulling Solomon during a Grail War is so astronomically low it doesn't even matter.
until someone brings up Avalon.
Shirou won under very specific circumstances,not to mention that Gil's ego caused him to not take things seriously until too it was too late

Had it been Archer instead,Gilgamesh would had found him worthy enough to use Ea like he did with Iskandar
So if Gilly pulls out Ea straight away in a 1 on 1 could anyone beat him?
its clear as he hesitates to use EA due to pride
>anyone without a true concept of death would require total destruction (Tiamat, ORT)
>anyone with sufficient firepower to oppose it (high ranking divine spirits and DAA)
Probably about it. I'd guess about... 40 characters in the lore can survive a genuine blast from Enuma Elish?
he's an incredible servant, but that's because he's overclocked as fuck.
if you're planning to win the holy grail war, make a plan to win it fast, because he's gonna suck the marrow from your bones.
it was funnier than not doing it.
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There are some defenses that counter Ea.
wrong pic
The thing is Gil's abilities are far better than he is. If someone used GoB to its full potential it would be unbeatable but Gil uses like maye 1% of its potential. Even if he goes all out it's just using Ea to blast once.
In universe answer that specific sprite is from one of the endings where his actual body died and he got plopped into a mannequin body that he puppeteers
real answer the artist was not good at art at that time
>real answer the artist was not good at art at that time
or today
Gil being an arrogant putz is the best thing about him
There was a very brief period in like 2009-2012 where he was actually good at his job
He is not just arrogant, he is genuinely a shit fighter.
Yes because he still ignores his other abilities out of pride like his future cognition.
A girl with a weaker version of his ability was able to defeat a version of Shirou with archer ability and was also hooked with unlimited mana supply
Well yeah he never needed to bother learning when he has an instant win button in his botttomless bag
he has no style
He actually needed to learn and he did but for some reason there are just two versions of Gil instead of Gilgamesh having all memories from his entire life like all servants have.
He's not though. Why does everyone keep thinking
>He's worth at sword techniques than Saber
>He's clearly a trash-tier fighter!

The fuck is wrong with all of you? Are you implying Saber's a shit swordfighter so anyone who loses to her must be shit as well?
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The dragonslayer duo is crazy good all-around. Siegfried is already hard to kill enough as it due to AoF but Balmung then comes inbuilt with a huge battery so nobody will have issue with it.
Sigurd lacks the sturdiness but has a functional dragon core and can double as a Caster to solve most other issues.
It really hurts that both of them had their debuts with faker plotlines (Sieg poorly using Siegfried’s soul and Sigurd getting his sould hijacked by Surtr)
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the sigurd design is so retarded
What makes Gil strong is mostly his arsenal like GoB and Ea, by himself he's not that powerful

Sakura catched him off-guard during HF,Saber tanked Enuma Elish by using Avalon's defensive properties,Tiamat couldn't be blasted by him because she didn't had a concept of death,etc

Practically anyone with enough hax,and being able to take advantage of his pride to set him up can beat him
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Is it the glasses or the general /k/ setup?
fuck off fgo faggot
eat shit gilfag
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I didn’t keep up with later releases but back when I read SF, it’s heavily implied that Alcides was baiting Gil into doing that. So I assume he either has something to deal with it or Reincarnation Pandora
As the other guy said some stuff still should work like conceptual defenses (Lord Camelot) or stuff that take you out of range (Avalon phases you into Avalon so you will skip the attack)
There are also some weird exceptions like David as well (David comes with the Ark Convenant regardless of will, which is a dangerous object to move around but anything that touches or dares to attack it incurs divine retribution. They place it in a way that forces Herk to touch it and it burns through all lives so I assume if he is creative with the terrain it would be suicidal to use Ea or anything anti-army in range)
Because it's literally what Nasu said. Gil can't use any of his weapons on master level and pretty much any heroic spirit can use his main weapon of master level so Gil always loses in a straightforward brawl.
>being able to take advantage of his pride to set him up can beat him
which exclude most of the servant since he will take them somewhat seriously like when he won the fight against Lancer after half a day.
He hasn't mastered any one weapon, but he also doesn't have to. He can easily make up for his deficiencies by pulling out the most effective weapon for the situation as he pleases. He's not a master of a single weapon, but he's a master of versatility. He was able to overwhelm Saber with this strategy by constantly pulling out different weapons for every attack.
Gilgamesh's combat prowess is also limited by the Archer container.
Old Man Gilgamesh (which Casgil supposedly was) was going toe to toe with Kingu using his axe and his staves.
I feel that the beartrap shoulder decorations were meant to be used as knuckledusters but it wasn’t conveyed properly in development.
Sigurd’s fighting style involves a lot of punching, specifically his weaponry. It seems out of place at first but it’s similar to what Bazett does, who is a fellow Rune User
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Thoughts on Edmond?
fuck off fgo fag
Nah, he uses GoB like an absolute retard. I would go as far as saying that GoB looks pretty weak when used by Gil to the point it looks like Unlimited Blade Works can counter it.

If Gil knew how to use GoB he would kill anyone in seconds. My point that his abilities and stats are great but that he himself is a shit fighter stands.
I think it's kinda weird how they turned a man who used wits, capital and planning to take down all the people who wronged him into a Dragonball character who can teleport and shoot beams from his hands.
turning provable fictional characters into heroes was a midtame
I'm just saying, it's kinda weird. So in this universe, did he just DBZ all his enemies?
what the fuck
Gil is the strongest heroic spirit on the throne, but being a servant massively nerfs him. Gil by the time of FSN has incarnated directly by the grail and is outside the realm of the servant system. The strongest servant is Saber King Arthur.
>He was able to overwhelm Saber with this strategy by constantly pulling out different weapons for every attack.
yeah a weakened Saber who was suffering mana issue throughout the route.
I've been putting off playing CCC since the translation finally came out. Should I do Gil first? I know it's easy mode but is it recommended to do someone else first for story reasons?
Her dragon core was active during that fight. She had no mana issues.
do whoever
the "true" route is absolute shit
Ok cool didn't know if I would be missing out or spoiling shit by playing Gil. Dunno why I had that idea in my head.
Does Roa from Tsukihime has a chance of beating Gilgamesh?.

I was wondering, since he has those fake MEoDP,and was able to regenerate from Arcueid's reality marble thing
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lol no
>has to conserve mana and can only excaliblast one time or she would fade away
>most of her strength comes from mana burst
>no mana issue
gilfag cope
It's still canon, so you shut up, secondary.
I want to go back
Shame they fucked up the ending with the batman prop room bullshit
ufotable is so good at shitting the bed at the end
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He truly is
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Probably not. All Roa has to do is swordspam Roa until he runs out of blood. Without blood, he won't be able to regenerate anymore.
Shirou winning against Gil is genuinely bad writing. Fate homos always think just because something technically could make sense that it's automatically god tier writing.

A fat nude autistic nerd with a disfigured face and microdick could randomly walk up to a 10/10 top model looking girl in the streets and cum right into her face and the girl could fall deeply in love with him and they marry and live happily till they die. And you could find reasons for why that makes sense like the girl is autistic or some shit like that. But if that bit was in a story no one would say it was god tier writing just because it could happen and there are reasons that the situation could be rationalized with.
you fgo fags are so delusional
cope gilfag
lol no
not about to turn this shit thread into beasts lair but the only turkeyhandle character that could beat gil is arcueid
>muh shiki can beat servants
anyone remember battle moon wars?
and I mean base tsukihime not outside bullshit like ort who ended up being embarrassing gacha garbage holy fuck I hate type-moon
As an avenger he's an incarnation of vengeance so the whole flames and laser shit is more shit he's getting lent by the throne of heroes and his servant container.

But then again he did canonically kill Roa in the PHH (none-Tsukihime) timeline s I dunno maybe he just got a shitload of magic artefacts or something that he just throws at people. Rule of Gold also includes rare magical shit too. Who the fuck knows, don't take the Nasuverse too seriously bud.
Took years but at last he got a much needed good showing in Traum. Twice as good because with the armies around a fellow armored Saber with a holy sword there as Roland we could see how he really shines in partywide defense; Roland could survive but often struggled to defend anything else or deal with multiple people to the point Astolfo had to send people to bail him out or Roland had to ask for help defending the gates behind him. There is no contesting that Roland is one of the best Sabers you can get (except if someone with Charm is nearby), but the story shows that won’t necessarily help in a group fight.
Siegfried solved most of their issues in the rush against the Revenge Realm and when Tametomo started sniping he was successful in defending the army behind
oh hey dullahan
no idea who that is but I find it funny that someone is as autistic as me
I don't know shit about FGO and such, is Abigail strong enough to stand a chance against Hercules?
considering he translated knk's epilogue because the fantranslation out didn't do it for him, he has you beat
Nope. Everyone in the original VN is insanely weak compared to even average FGO servants.
which really doesn't make any sense at all, summoning powerful weapons should cost a comparable amount of mana.
seems like a cool dude
Physically? No. But Foreigners linked to Outer Gods are empowered by Madness. And Hercules is a Berserker.
We had an event dealing with that, with how this kind of Foreigner has to accumulate madness around to use as power to the point sometimes they would have to sow chaos among people to reap them or backstab each other for the sum of power.
A Berserker like Herk shouldn’t be a good match up.
he was
fgo and fateslop spin offs exploding really embittered him though, not that i can blame him
you really seem to love him, you should marry him
>He's worth at sword techniques than Saber
No, Shirou clearly stated that Gilgamesh was inferior to Saber in term of sword techniques. He was only able to guard against Saber once he starts spamming GoB.
If someone manages to cancel GoB, he would be vulnerable , but he is no slouch either desu.
>He ignores works written directly by Nasu
You secondaries will never learn.
He is just pulling them out of storage. Meanwhile Shirou is literally creating them out of thin air. Nasu is such a shit writer that he just gave Shirou UBW to negate all negatives about his ability.
no way, fag
>Just pulling them out of storage
from somewhere halfway around the world from where they were originally stored. Teleportation magic shouldn't be that cheap, and the more powerful the object being teleported the more it should cost to summon.
>Nasu is such a shit writer that he just gave Shirou UBW to negate all negatives about his ability.
No, it doesn't. He needs a shit ton of magical energy to pull that shit up and sustain it. He also needs to do a long chant for that shit to activate in the first place.
UBW wouldn't work so well on anyone else like Lancer who would just kill him mid-chant.
Unlike what Gil wants you to believe all his weapons are perfect copies created by concept magic and not the originals. So no, he doesn't have to teleport shit. Everything is stored in GoB.
>puts up rho aias in your path
so then he's just doing exactly what Shirou does, which means his shit should also cost a ton of mana.
>lost one of your main defense
>meanwhile Lancer is prepared to strike again
What now?
>i-it's not shit writing because he has to do a long chant for OP ability
Kek, fate fags are so cute and hilarious for thinking their porn VN is well written.
uh the walking plot device walks in and saves me
It's not even in the top ten in term of power.
He is not doing shit. The concept is that GoB has all the treasures in the world. So the concept magic kept adding to the gate even long after Gil's death. He is not creaing anything on the spur, every treasure in the word is in GoB free for him to pull out.
>ufotable never animated sparks liner high
>they butchered heaven's feel final fight and well all of it overall because muh movies
the monkey paw always curls
I guess I should just be glad it exists at all
that's what makes no sense at all you tard. How does GoB continue to function without a caster? Why doesn't Iskander's Army keep magically recruiting soldiers that have existed since he died? why does only GoB get that special treatment and who is paying GoB's mana cost to make copies of all those weapons. Keeping conceptual magic going isn't free... unless its GoB apparently.
Srs question. Wtf are u all talking about.
An anime? Which one? All i know is the fate onenwith the red haired guy.

A game? Which one? Sounds like it has an asston of lore. I want in
on one hand, i love hollow ataraxia and want my favorite scenes animated, especially avenger
on the other hand, you just know they'll fuck up the most important ones
It's a concept, mate. Just like air is a concept. The roots of magic itself are supplying the mana and the laws of the world itself make GoB exist just like air and water exists. That's why GoB is so cheap to use. Gil is just opening the gate to pull something out but Gil neither created the GoB or its contents. It exists just like air exists and is upkept by the very laws of the world and its mechanism are automatic.
They are all canon, so it's everything at the same time.
Play the original VN with Realta Nua voice patch.
Unironically, the story makes more sense with the sex scenes left in.
> the story makes more sense with the sex scenes left in.
only for HF
>Saber getting super self-conscious about herself since Shirou's irrefutably experienced/seen her as a woman
>Everything we know about crests emphasizing someone has to be blood-related and Rin's behavior after is completely unwarranted unless he went jackhammer
Not to mention
>Everything implied in the Unlimited Blade Works good end
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>David comes with the Ark Convenant
Oh shit I forgot debido has a fucking instakill button.
made for rape
>David with the Ark Convenant
lol dup shimati gg
Could anyone beat Baz with Cu?
My arms are longer than this...
Am I a freak?
Did Iskander have any chance of winning the 4th HGW?
>omgg enuma elish stronk
What's so special about it?
It's pretty bad though. David has no way to control where it spawns and he's also incapable of moving it. You have to trick the enemy into touching it, but that's not all that easy. Even if you did manage it, it would pretty much only work once since there's a good chance the other Masters/Servants will learn what happened. To say nothing of the Servants who have shit like Instinct to warn them. David would have a really hard time getting someone like Saber to touch the thing.
lol, no
excalibur would annihilate his army and ea fucking obliterated his reality marble

it was saber or gil who'd win in the end
There are plenty of servants with elish nulification as it is, so not even close by today's standards. Power levels dum
Man I love when things like this happen in fiction
>ok here's this absolutely overpowered and nigh invincible power
>... buuuuut it comes with a massive caveat or has a very hard activation condition
Not even kidding. I absolutely love whenever this trope shows up.
the a bomb irl
>not to mention that Gil's ego caused him to not take things seriously until too it was too late
Can't Gil like see through every fucking timeline nowadays so that shit shouldn't had flied?
nasu wasnt thinking
he's so dead set on gil being the ultimate hero and the first despite humanity's history being beyond ancient
https://youtu.be/nbrfJAAS7Qc?si=Y3xIEZtZOoadUzk- [Embed]

EMIYA route announced
The animation looks like shit, what the fuck?
No one with any sanity cares about nu-fate.
Since we're at it, is it me or is Archer the weakest but strongest?
it really was all downhill after hollow ataraxia
Strange fake is probably the only time we've seen him give somewhat of a shit.
When him and Enkidou are goofing around, and when Alcides shows up.
I wonder if he'd give a shit about Karna from Apocrypha.
Ah I see now.
He's potential man.
HA was the start actually. Shit made no sense.
>Can copy anything physical, not just swords, at an extra cost
>Can even create spiritual shit like Rho Aias
>Created his own sure-fire way to kill any servant no matter how skilled with Triple-Linked Crane Wings
>Can mimic the original wielders of the weapon he copies' physical abilities and skills
That last one is super fucking broken by the way, and he NEVER uses it. Only Shirou in HF does with the Garm.
I mean, your talking about The Worlds chosen and a mage, so no matter the servant, once they are inside his Reality Marble, they are fucked.
I want Nobu
Fuck are you talking about?
>Singularity where all possibilities after the 4th HGW occur
>Scenario is feasible thanks to the Greater Grail's practically infinite mana and its connection with the Root
>The events in HA really do happen in some timeline and as a consequence those involved have a vague memory of them because while they are a possibility they don't actually happen in the original HA timeline
The only thing really iffy is the Epilogue because some people can't have nice things happen and Nasu is too much of a pussy to canonize any particular series of events in SN.
5th, i mean

It's Fate's version of Kagetsu Tohya where Shiki's inside a dream except the dream in Bazett's case is somewhat real thanks to true magic fuckery.
That's why I said it's where the bullshit began
That was still all in line with the bullshit presented in the original VN. Just taken to further extremes.
He's the king of jobbers.
if you think that's as bad as time travel and where the class system of heroes is somehow a universal constant despite supposed to be an archetype made specifically for the HGW ritual, i'm not sure what to tell you
Kreimhildr you lucky bitch
They should've stopped at FSN.
>There's a timeline where Caster, Assassin, Rider, Saber, and Lancer coexist with Caster being an actual friend of the Emiya household
>There's a timeline where Archer and Gilgamesh perpetually dunk on Lancer.
>There's a timeline where Gilgamesh stays in his kid form, tries to fuck highschool girls in it, and is a total bro to Shirou when Archer and Lancer try to crash the water park party where Rider and Saber are
>The timeline we see in epilogue has Shirou living with all the girls, Caren has Kirei's servants, and Bazet decides to live with him alongside her because they have nowhere else to go (Caren just wants to troll them but still)
All three routes are probably among the worst outcomes, if these are anything to go by. In some timelines, the servants manage to put aside their differences to try to figure out what the Holy Grail is and, by Sakura keeping Rider around, something shadow related happened. Caster probably helped with rule breaker. Realizing what would happen if they ever completed the holy grail war, they decided to just fuck around instead because why not? Kirei definitely tried to start shit and got killed for it in each equivalent timeline since he never appears.
Avenger, Bazett, and Caren are too good to be sacrificed. HA is a good story too.
Yeah, she bodied him when she was fully equipped at the end of the Fate route.
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>Works for God, actual God
>The guy you send to kill Satan and Satan analogues
>Powers are just Shiki but better, can kill ANYTHING, even ideas
>Battle Continuation EX, at least several orders of magnitude more powerful than Cu's
>Sumerian Noah
>Killed all the firstborn Egyptians, by hand, in one night
>Sword wasn't special until he started using it
>So qualified at his job that the universe can't fill his seat after he quits and has to cram someone else in there on a technicality
>Makes Nightengale flustered
I can't believe they have the balls to have Siegfried and Sigurd Duel and have Siegfried win. Thought they would have hyped up their Age of God Servants more, but Siegfried actually pulled through
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Siegfried is also nerfed because he doesn't have Tarnkappe in Fate.
In the Babylonia anime, his skull mask squints.
It's not a mask, he's a skeleton
I think you just fucking lied to me
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>defeats Gilgamesh
>stops Archimedes
Is there anything she can't do except be normal?
Let's say I summoned Diarmuid (Lancer) and gave him the real version of Moralltach, not the NP.
How effectively would he be able to use it
Sabers are pretty much always better in the grail wars. the stats they have are busted and its pretty much designed for sabers to win
That's the knight classes in general.
The grail war is stacked for the knight classes because the 3 families were supposed to use them
Otome arms
Gil would have to pull out Ea almost immediately before Archer uses UBW, and he probably doesn't respect Redman enough to do so that quickly. The minute Archer engages in melee combat while inside UBW, the fight goes the same way it did for Shirou but way worse for Gil since Archer is superior on every count. If he tries to pull out Ea in CQC, he'll just get his arm chopped off again.
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Archer gets retroactively buffed whenever GoB does. Also, the new Waver light novel gave post-FSN Shirou a new direct buff that Archer should also have.
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>Archer gets retroactively buffed whenever GoB does.
>A1 Strange Fake
What a fucking god awful mistake
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It's over for me. She's so weak that the assassin class actually makes her stronger. Her personality is garbage, she is not smart and she has nearly no magic skills.
The only plus point is her Noble Phantasm which brainwashes male heroes. I guess I can go about brainwashing lots of different versions of Hercules, get them to fight for me and then kill themselves. But that situation is ripe for dozens of death flags to trigger. All it takes is for one to break the mindcontrol and I'll be turned into jam on the sidewalk. Honestly what is up with female assassins and being weak brainwashers? Mata Hari has the same thing going with her as well.
it already happened and was the premise for FGO
I'm always ready for more CUHRAYZEE but the director's name is very jeet-like
Always humors me that people seem to take umbrage with the fact Gilg is the strongest heroic spirit Servant and don't quite understand the fact is equally what makes him entertaining as the fact also ultimately is his greatest personal adversary and fatal flaw in a universe where raw power, might, and ability can be subverted and bypassed with reality-haxing.

Were his personality any less, he'd just be considered the classic hype jobber.
We don't say that name here.
No, his NP is just simply a huge asspull and cant win without it.
At best, the funny red cyclone that fucks your shit. At worst, a second civilization ending biblical flood.
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Yes it's stated multiple times
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The biggest jobber retard in all of fiction. Nobody comes close.
Wouldn't it drain to him to death due to the massive consumption of mana?
>Case Files
Oh so a fanfic
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Shirou only needs mana to create new weapons in UBW. Every sword he's ever seen is already recorded inside it, and it goes on forever.
it's stupid fucking broken if you think about it so it is best labeled fanfic
>mysterious heroine x

the hell is this?
Kill seiba, behead seiba, roundhouse kick seiba...
presuming he doesn't have his temple limitation have him swallow cut everyone to death
Full Power Ea is one of the strongest weapons in the entire franchise that the Moon Cell (a literal moon sized supercomputer) can't count high enough to give it an actual power ranking (yes really) so it just gives it the highest number possible. This doesn't even go down the rabbit hole of Gate of Babylon. Gilgamesh is a useless jobber though but he has access to broken shit. If he were truly competent or strong himself he would be the strongest but is far from it.
Cool, I'll die off screen and never be mentioned again.
Why are Fate traps so good?
UBW doesn’t actually cost a lot of mana either once it’s actually activated
Began as a TM april fool's joke. FGO decided to port her in as a Star Wars parody Joke character that travels the universe to kill saberfaces. She came from a universe where everyone became a servant and It had some cool Lore implications about the Age of Will that I can't remember, but for most of its existence it was a joke thing that you weren't supposed to think to hard about.

...until the latest story chapter that began releasing like a month ago, where now you actually should think about it because it's inextricably tied with the FGO main story now. This was Nasu's doing btw
Strongest servant within a regular HGW.
Overall, he is merely the strongest Heroic Spirit, but anything above that cannot be summoned under normal circumstances. More powerful tiers would be
>Divine Spirits
>Grand Servants
>Lostbelt Kings
>king Hassan
Ez lmao
>FGO trash
Gil IS a jobber but the King of Jobbers goes to Herc. That nigga has ZERO dubs, his entire bloodline is pathetic as fuck
>Poseidon jobs to humans multiple times
>zeus gets BTFO in one scene by roma
>primordial chaos is BTFO by musashi
too busy having the sex to win
>trace Rule Breaker, Caladbog and Hrunting
>every np now can twist space, homing and remove magical link
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Berserker Lancelot can
>She could not have been wrong; the design of the sword was the same as that of her own, and the fairy letters carved into it was proof that it had not been forged by mortal hands. The flash of the sharp blade under the moonlight was like the water of the lake as it shone with radiance. That was a limitless sword that would not be damaged regardless of the attack it had received. Only he who was exalted as ‘the perfect knight’ was worthy of having that sword; its name was also known as ‘Arondight • The Indestructible Light of the Lake’ — that evidence spoke the bearer’s name even more clearly than if he had said it himself.

>That was a limitless sword that would not be damaged regardless of the attack it had received.
Arondight has the concept of damage negation on it. As long as he blocks Enuma Elish with it, Lancelot can survive any attack.
It is hilarious how obvious the Mushroom favors the Extraverse more than any other part of FATE. I genuinely believe he would go back and erase Stay Night from existence and start over with Extra if he could. Today’s concluding part of Ordeal Call 3 just shows how much more energised Nasu gets when he gets to focus on the Moon Cell and BB and Hakuno etc.

As an Extra apologist this pleases me greatly because seeing the BRIGHT BURNING SHOUT secret NP today gave me the biggest nerd hard-on I’ve felt in years.
That's not true of Broken Phantasms. In order to use a Broken Phantasm, Shirou has to overload it with mana. Noble Phantasms don't start out in an overloaded state. The cost of a Broken Phantasm is always gonna be very high, hence why Archer has to use it as a trump card instead of as a the default. Combining the deployment cost of UBW and the cost of a Broken Phantasm, combining the two would be much too high to be worth it most of the time.
You're being silly. Just because a sword is invulnerable doesn't mean it can deflect any attack. It's not large enough to function as a shield.
Bro did you read prototype? Your dick would fall off the moment it touches her.
it's easily the most barebones side of fate
shit even devolved to typical fgo slop in extella
>Hassan of the Fathomless Rift
Literally fucking who?
FGO slop anon
>he thinks Fate doesn't follow the rules of other anime/manga
>Fuuma Kotarou
Seems cool but also looks like a jobber
Regardless, Lancelot has never successfully managed to ward off AoE attacks with Arondight. There's a reason why he prefers to prevent Saber from firing off an Excaliblast at all.
Plus, Excalibur's a better holy sword than Arondight, but even it wasn't able to block Ea.
Use up all 2 CS to have a lovemaking session with the goal of procreation for a whole night then accept my death either by the hand of Carmilla or Heracles. Use the third CS to make Carmilla give me a quick and painless death if she ends up hating me for it. There's no way to win this shit.
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He did against Excalibur Galatine in the movie lol.
Excalibur doesn't have damage negation, it has higher firepower instead.
Is there any servant whose berserker class is their most powerful form? From the discussions here you guys make it sound like summoning your servant as a berserker is just shooting yourself in the foot.
if a servant's strongest class is berserker, they're already weak as fuck
Lancelot and Cu Chulainn Alter because they don't lose their base abilities for getting put under ME.
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>deletes you on a whim and erases any trace of your existance from within the akashic records
Gilgamesh is just a genderswapped Arc with spiky hair.
knk aged the worst out of all main nasu works
Lubu's best class is Berserker not because he is stronger, but because he is ragetard enough that he wouldn't be forced to betray you due to his legend.
It's ultra retarded anyway since in FZ apparently Berserker will only berserk if you apply Madness Enhancement on them. If you don't then you just get a servant with slightly weaker stats but won't be triggered when someone breathes.
t. adhd zoomie secondary
I feel like Takeuchi read in a manual somewhere that a well-proportioned person's arms should end about mid-thigh without realizing that when people say that they mean from the tips of the fingers rather than from the knuckles. So there's like 4 inches in extra length to his arms because of that.
>Mushroom favors the Extraverse
Except Tamamo.
cope, fag
It's Strange Fake, you tertiary.
Never played the samurai game, is she stronger than Arturia?
i have no patience for secondaries
no, but her master is.
I guess Beowulf since he stays completely sane even as a berserker due to being one of the original berserkers. Plus he is strong and has an ok personality.
Probably Lancelot. He's very compatible with the Berserker class. Although he was the mightiest knight of his time, he's actually extremely susceptible to mental attacks. He has a wealth of personality issues such as his inferiority complex, hesitation and self-doubt. The Berserker class allows him to get rid of all those mental weaknesses and just become a machine for killing. It enhances his reflexes because he no longer has to think about anything. Lancelot's most effective state is as a mindless, feral beast with no thoughts other than killing his enemy.
what a fucking mess of a person
He is the gayest
Take away his Gate and he’s just some golden twink
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Also he is based on Tyler Durden wtf.

>Creation and Conception
>1st RULE: You do not talk about the HOLY GRAIL WAR. 2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about the HOLY GRAIL WAR. - YUUICHIROU HIGASHIDE

>Beowulf was designed by Shimokoshi in Fate/Grand Order.

>Yuuichirou Higashide is the scenario writer for his character, basing the concept of Beowulf on Tyler Durden of the film Fight Club.
This makes me laugh like a madmad every time I see it
>take away his UBW and he's just some yellow twink
>take away her Excalibur and she's just some womanlet
I mean, it's true for everyone.
>take away her Excalibur and she's just some womanlet
For Seiba-case, you take away her dragon-core, and she is a womanlet. She can still hit you hard with a stick otherwise.
Eh. Some Servants still have innate powers outside of their NPs. Siegfried and his invuln for instance.
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>take away her Excalibur
>hit you with muh caliburn
man this fight was good
Doesn't he have a bunch of other abilities that he straight up refuses to use because he sees everyone else in existence as beneath him so flinging treasures out of GoB is the most an opponent deserves?
Doesn't summoning Enkidu as Berserker essentially allow you to cheat-summon a god?
While the foundations of Lancelot's character are taken from Le Morte d'Arthur, Nasu clearly took a lot of inspiration from The Once and Future King. In that version, Lancelot is a barely functional ball of neuroticism, inferiority complex and self-loathing. His face as a Berserker was probably also inspired by Once and Future King, though clearly not quite as ugly and deformed as he's portrayed in the book.

In Fate, the reason Lancelot went mad was mostly a combination of his inferiority complex as well as his guilt. When he A) fucked his king's wife and B) murdered Gareth (who was unarmed) in a blind rage, it confirmed something that he tried to hide from all that time: that his true self is that of a beast, barely in control of his own violent and ignoble compulsions. So when Saber actually ended up forgiving him for his transgressions, it was like tearing his own insecurities wide open. Lancelot was someone who dedicated all his life and efforts to the knightly ideals of honor and chivalry, and yet his actions within the past year or so completely upended all those efforts. Meanwhile, Saber, a small child/woman king, was effortlessly more noble, chivalrous and benevolent than he ever was. Despite the clear turmoil she was going through, despite the tremendous betrayal by both Lancelot and Guinevere, Saber still loved them both and let them go so that they may find happiness. Lancelot was forced to accept two truths: that he actually betrayed a king who had shown him nothing but kindness and affection in all the time he'd known her, and that he no matter how much effort he put in, he could never, ever hope to even begin to measure up to this small and dainty, yet seemingly perfect embodiment of knightly virtues. It's like she callously destroyed all his aspirations. This burgeoning hatred in his heart was also a major source of his madness; he couldn't cope with his own ugliness and resentment towards someone who didn't deserve it.
>Saber was a machine who ruled perfectly
>Saber was a retard who let another man stole her wife then parole their crime
And then nobody wonders why a retard like Mo managed to gather so many people against the king
In fairness, Saber's a heterosexual girl so it's hard to blame her for not realizing that the wife she wasn't even sexually attracted to was cucking her.
He can actually move it around; the Ark has safe bars, though they don’t protect you if you touch the main body by mistake anyway. It wouldn’t allow you to swing it around but at very least it allowed people to carry it city to city.
It’s still a pretty dangerous and inconvenient object, but that gives room for planning. I always picture something like moving it to the sewers right below the intended battlefield or something like that. “Go use your beams if you dare!”
what a bitch
please ignore the top rated fucking yurifaggot retard cuck comment
No, he can't. It's too big and heavy. No one else can touch it or else they'd die instantly, and presumably there are safeguards preventing you from doing it with like a forklift or something so you can't even move it indirectly. David's the only one who can actually touch the thing and he just isn't capable of lifting it up so there's no way for him to move it.

Basically, most people can't move it because it'll kill them. David can't move it because he's a twink.
No? Physicals wise, he's just as strong as Enkidu, Herc, and Saber. He just has no real technique. You'd get a button masher going up against someone who is famous for parries.
Not even the biggest jobber in the game he debuted in
are worse. Arcueid is about as bad
Huh? He is literally one of the final bosses of Extra
he only loses in CCC because BB Is literal hax
>Shirou cucked Rin out of this for their second night
What a terrible lad
It was supposed to be romantic. The first time is meant to be sexual and for ritual purposes.
>Not even the biggest jobber
>lost to TWO humans
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he made kohai grow big and strong
Still, losing to one-tail Tamamo is embarrassing.
tamamo at nine tails becomes an omnipotent god
a single fraction of her is already pretty powerful
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Spartacus and Lu Bu have higher chance to betray you outside the Berserker class
Beowulf is ridiculously good when he isn’t playing around (which is most of his appearances) as he dislikes thinking and stuff like that which takes away the joy of combat. In LB1 when he took things seriously he was good enough to reshape the yaga into a functional society that could work independently of him, he actively refused pointless combat due to how serious the situation was and he had some good feats like killing the Minotaur and fighting Kadoc+Anastasia (after she absorbed the Emperor’s Prerrogative) while we were busy with Atalanta Alter.
He was also shown tanking Anti-Army NPs in one point.
Wheb you check his skillset, he has a bunch of high ranking stats without the ME, he has a version of it that triggers at will, one of his swords guarantee skilled sure hits independently of madness AND his trump card goes beyond all that restoring his power from life
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Pic would be the biggest jobber if she exists.
arcueid saber?
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Nah, Saber still beats him
Gawain is basically the extra jobber.
He lost in CCC. Lost in Extra. Lost in Extra record. Loses all the time in FGO.

I'll grant you this though, he's much better handled than Karna and is allowed to have real wins, but only because Leo is much more important to Nasu's aesthetics.
We don't use the roman name here, this isn't Disney or God of War.
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this guy shows up and beats the shit out of your servant
what do you do?
>Loses all the time in FGO.
there's your problem
Call it quit and get a better servant next time
Hercules, you inferior filthy fucking Greeko*d
Block his wobbly punches instead of trying to evade.
Just dropping by to say playing the true route of Extra CCC with him has an absolutely kino ending and anyone who didn't choose him missed out big time.
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too late
your servant is now his wife's sex slave
Considering a heroic Hercules is not a thing yet, I don't think so.
Hercules should be the strongest, as a Grand Archer or something like that,
why did she do this? is she gay?
Why didn't this happen in Fate route?
It would have been more relevant there.
all women are bisexual
and saber looks and acts like a prince so she gets other women horny, noticeably tohsaka
ntr in my romance?
gil is already there for that
Not enough time. Caster confronted the gang way too late in the Fate route.
If I summoned Stheno I'd have us hunker down as far away from the fighting as possible and fall in love with her.
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>The Last Episode might be seen through Fate Strange Fake anime because of Richard autism
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>fall in love
Yeah, right
Shiki my sexy Jomon goddess
Samurai Remnant was a lot better than I thought it would be, and not just because Saber was cute or that his friendship with Iori was endearing
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this guy really can't stop referencing every other fucking halfway nasu related thing
I'm not Greek I just don't like it when people use the wrong names, it would be like calling Poseidon "Neptune". It just feels wrong, and I was going to try and make a point about Medusa and Medea but apparently after curiously looking it up they actually don't really have any change in theirs between the two cultures versions of the mythos. The more you know!
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Not as bad as pic desu.
I've heard warp spasm Cu and Berserker Enkidu hyped up as autowin-tier.
Yes normal servant wise but he constantly fucking nerfs himself as a joke and he dies as a result as his latest victim was throwing away his key because he was too good for it.
Motherfucker has shown that he was capable of using his tools to mess around in cqc.
they're both bad
fucking retard
Wait it's a dude? I only played the first few hours of that game but everyone called Saber a pretty girl. Which had confused me because she looked like a little boy.
>Wait it's a dude?
it’s never confirmed one way or the other, even when you’ve 100% the game their sex is still listed as “???”. The game intentionally gives contradictory implications for the answer too
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go to bed archer
Watch Strange/fake.
Don't watch Strange/fake
At this point I would just assume that dude is a clone of Shirou or something.
Cuzilla the fanfic version by Medb is on very high tier (strong enough to match Herc, Saber Alter, beating Scathach, taking on Brahmastra and VS).
Warp Spasm Cu will kill the entire city by activating his power like how he killed 1/3 of the Ireland's population, and you better prepare 500 women with big boobs to take him out of it.
iskander ackshully
yes it is stupid
Strange fake doesn't deserve to be watched/read simply because it somehow made every single gilfag 10x more uppity despite him jobbing there too
Does it, he jobs massively there, almost like a joke.

Based churchman tho.
as if gilfags werent already uppity retards who insist gil is le goat because hE's OnLY pReTenDInG To bE rETArdEd
Fate/strange fake doesn't have any great emotional highs. It has cool ideas, but only really in terms of powerlevels and general Servant concepts.
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I clapped
The only retard here is you, stupid faggot
>"no, you"
stay seething and coping
don't forget to dilate
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>tfw all that content that could be used in a decent game is wasted on a motherfucking gacha slop
i hate fgo
but that is a nice feature
Making real games and an actual story within its own premise takes up too much effort from Nasu. The best you can hope for is half of a remake.
How strong is Demon King Nobunaga against divine servants actually?
What content?
Very strong, but not necessarily an assured victory as shown in Yamataikoku 2. Also, because Papiyas is symbolic of Honnouji, using it can potentially burn up Nobbu as well so it's a double-edged sword.

For instance, despite having divinity, Kagetora can still beat Nobbu.
>NP is a DPS check
Sasuga, Nasu
Normally? Literally the same as Artoria with Avalon.
Moralltach is a B-rank NP. Nearly all MPs have broken-sounding descriptions but I wouldn't put it anywhere near Avalon-tier.

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